Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity

Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity

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Page 1: Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity

Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri RennerMarch 3, 2011

Advising with Technology through Collaboration and


Page 2: Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity

• Discuss Collaboration of Departments and Resources to Leverage Cost to Advising Programs

• Provide Recommendations on Using Multimedia in Advising

• Provide Recommendations to Reduce Advising Overload

• Using Multimedia as an Avenue to Support Student Retention


Page 3: Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity


• Historical Background: How Did We Get Here?

• Media Sites: How Did We Create Them?

• Project Outcomes: Were We Successful?

• Activity: How Could You Use This Tool?

• Conclusion: Sharing and Q & A Session

Page 4: Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity


• 2005 – Class Level Advising to Discipline-based Advising

• 2006 – Realignment: Primary Advising Team (PAT)

• Process Mapping Student Life and Leadership (SLL)

• Restructuring Advising at Orientation Orientation Planning Team (OPT)

• Growth: 7 - 22 Orientations during Summer

• 2007 – Introduction to Media Sites Catch All Modules Standardizing Power Point Presentations NACADA Conference

• STOMP videos – University of Louisville

Page 5: Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity


• 2008 – • Orientation Advising Subcommittee

• Advising Inventory for FY Orientation• Common Topics for All Majors/Programs• Project Goals for FY Orientations

– Information Overload– Presentations Long and Boring– Time Constraints

• 2009- • Creation of First-Year Media Site Modules • Interdepartmental Collaboration: Student Life & Leadership, Undergraduate Advising

Services, COBA, NURS, ICP, IITS, Orientation Planning Team, O-Team Students

• Introduction: http://prawn.csusm.edu/Mediasite/Viewer?peid=8681cb70-e200-46df-ba85-f2340dc9f807

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• Key Components 7 Modules Power Point Quiz

• Scripting & Casting Script Who to Include Editing

• Filming – Lights, Camera, Action! IITS

• Teleprompters Using Scripts• Background• ADA Compliance Using Electronic Scripts

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• Modalities of Learning

VARK©-Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic– Video – Power Point– ADA compliance – Quiz

• Policies : http://prawn.csusm.edu/Mediasite/Viewer?peid=5c8aa4d0-080a-4a90-a4b4-48bf48146ef3

• ©Fleming, N.D. and Mills, C. (1992), Not Another Inventory, Rather a Catalyst for Reflection, To Improve the Academy, Vol. 11, 1992., page 137

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• OPT Assessment 80% FY Students Watched Modules Prior to FY

Orientation Qualitative Results Quantitative Results

• Supporting FY Retention Positive Reinforcement of Information Orientation Handbook as Written Reference Media Sites as Ongoing Resource for Students Human Connection at Orientation

DPR: http://prawn.csusm.edu/Mediasite/SilverlightPlayer/Default.aspx?peid=38e446fbfd4f488e81dccd678ec08470

• Cautions for Media Sites Avoid Dates Break Down Information Critical Eye for Details

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• Using Multimedia in Advising Resource for Advisors Time Saved in Appointments & Orientations Media Sites for Recruitment Training Tool (DPR) College Intro Course Instrument

• Leveraging Costs Brainstorm Idea Using Current Advising Project Tapped into Available Campus Resources Used Advisors’ Time and Creativity Recruited Campus Departments & Colleagues Two Months to Complete Fun and Engrossing Project

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• What Campus Or Department Projects/Goals Could Be Benefited By The Use Of Multimedia ?

• What’s Worth Your Time?

• What Resources Are Available On Your Campus?

• With Whom Can You Collaborate?

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• Sharing Ideas:

• Resources: Website & Module links: http://www.csusm.edu/liberalstudiesadvising/mainformpres/


– Presentation Power point– Media Site Overview– Media Site Workflow– Advising Inventory– OPT Assessment Results Summary– Quiz Sample

Page 12: Presenters: Gwen Hansen and Teri Renner March 3, 2011 Advising with Technology through Collaboration and Creativity


Gwen Hansen – [email protected]

Teri Renner – [email protected]