Presentation Etnolinguistik

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Understanding of Ethnolinguistic

Ethnographic study of can be viewed from different angles, one of the languages. Language is closely related to culture. Study that combines science with a language called ethnolinguistic cultures. The word is formed from the word ethno or ethnic and linguistic. Linguistics according to Lauder and Lauder is the science of language. So, ethnolinguistic or linguistic anthropology means the science that examines the relationship between language and culture, especially to observe the use of language as a tool in social action.

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Ethnolinguistic study includes a review of structure and family

relationships through kinship terms, color concepts, patterns of

child care, or communication of a member of the society in

certain situations, such as traditional ceremonies. Ethnolinguistic

trying to assess the language used by people with the concept of

community culture.

Every tribe and nation has its own culture. The variety cultures

in Indonesia also means the language is too diverse. This, is

because Aceh is the first region in the process of spreading

religion of Islam in Indonesia. For example, in Javanese culture

known concept or a hierarchy of social strata which stand out.

The concept of culture is reflected in the support of the language

used. Java language to introduce the tree levels.

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Etnolinguistic Understanding of the

Various Parties

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Opinion From The First

Chairman of Graduated Studies Program Linguistics University Andalas (Unand), Prof.Dr. Nadra m Hum said linguistic science is not just about language, but also the knowledge to provide solutions to various problem in society. So linguistic becomes an integral part in the life of the community building in various sectors, linguistics can be used for aspects economic, social, cultural, political, and community life others.

Therefore, the science of linguistic include cross-field, where studies can be viewed from different points of view exist.

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Opinion From the Second

Dr. Sawirman mention linguistic analysis tends to decrease, but this knowledge can be benefit society, many people have argued that it was not a field of engineering, physics, biology, and others. If the science of linguistic is placed in the proportions in the field, you can contribute to the solution of problem society.

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Functionality Ethnolinguistic Language is an important element in the culture system. According

Nababan, the language involved in all aspects of culture. Almost all human activities carried out by language. It is impossible to develop because the elements of culture such as clothing, houses, government agencies, and so forth. without language, the fact it is an ethnolinguistic study because it is there and important.

Nababan Furthermore said that the language as a system of public communication system that has meaning only in a culture that to place. That means, to understand a culture, we need to understand the language. Conversely, to understand a language, a little more we need to understand its culture.

With cultural relationship between language and culture, the study of ethnolinguistic become important. The function or purpose of this study is to understand the patterns and cultural values of a society with greater depth.

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The Spread Languages in Indonesia

Like as humans can be raised, the language was believed to have originated

from one language, then the spread or bear offspring linguist seek relation

historical anthropology-relationship between language in the world.

Based on the research that has been carried out, languages are grouped in

clumps an subrumpun, and spare the human race.

Indonesia has many tribes with cultural and language respectively. On the

islan java, we know javanese, Sundanese, and betawi. At the top there is

language support west madura and bali.

The more east, there is an increasingly diverse language. So too in kalimantan,

Sulawesi, Maluku, and Sumatra. Until recently, there has been no definitive

answer to find out the number of languages in Indonesia. Based on general

estimates, the language in indonesia is reached 300 local languages. There is

also researcher, namely Lucy Monolalu who said that in indonesia there are

726 language support in section.

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In the section, will be explained about classification language in Indonesia

Before that, let us look at the family language in the world. Research on the grouping of the languages supported by the various sciences, including linguistics, history of anthropology, and science of population migration. In addition, the grouping of languages based on equations that there are similiarities such as the structure and culture.

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From this research, obtained by grouping of languages in the world according to Mees as Follows :

a. Language of Austria:

1) Austronian languages;

2) Austro-Asian languages;

3) Tibetan-Chinese languages;

b. Language Nostrat-language support:

1) Language-Indo-european language support;

2) Semito-Semitic languages;

3) Uralo-Altaic languages;

c. Group Isolated in Australia and Asia:

1) Languages Hyporborea or paleo-Asia;

2) Languages Drawida;

3) Languages of the Andaman Island;

4) Languages of Australia;

5) Languages Halmahera-Tidore;

6) Language of papuan;

d. Languages in central and Southern:

1) Khoisan language;

2) Bantu Languages;

3) Sudan languages;

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Based on grouping languages in the world, we see that the languages of estern Indonesia (Halmahera-Tidore, Papua) belonging to the family of languages of Australia and Asia. According to experts, the majority of languages in Indonesia introduced Austronesian language family.

Keraf split accumulation into several languages Austronesian subrumpun:

a. Western Austronesian languages, language Indonesia or malay

1) Hesperonesia (western Indonesia)

2) In support language eastern Indonesia (maluku)

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b. Eastern Austronesian languages or Polynesia. The language consist of two subrumpun:

1) Languages support Melanesia (Melanesia and East Coast of Irian)

2) Heonesia of languages (language of Polynesia and Micronesia) That belong to a group of Indonesian Irian is :

a. Language Minahasa-language support: Tombula, Totemboan, Tondano, and others.

b. Languges Sangir Talaud: Sangir Talaud, Bantik, etc

c. Bahasa Aceh Barus, Tunong

d. Gayo Language: Sea, Gayo-Luos,

e. Batak Languages: Dairi, Simelungan, Toba, and others;

f. Minangkabau Language: Agam, Flat Land, Kerinci;

g. Bahasa Melayu: Riau, Linga, Betawi, Kalimantan, Maluku, Malay, Kubu, People Darta, Sea, Niap etc;

h. Malay middle: Pasemah, Serawai, Musi, and other;

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j. Lampung language: Fire, Nyo;

k. Language Nias;

l. Mentawai Language: Simalegi, Sakalangan;

m. Java language;

n. Sundanese language;

o. Maadurese language;

p. Dayak languages: Borneo, Sea Dayak, and others;

q. Bali Sasak language;

r. Gorontalo language: Gorontalo west and East;

s. Language Toraja;

t. Bugis-Makassar language: Makassar, Bugis, and others;

u. Bima language;

v. Manggarai Language;

w. Sumba language

x. Sawu language

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Language Savu included in the Indonesian language to the East are:

a. Timor-Ambon Language: Lamalohot, Stretched, Eastern, Kupang, attacing western, eastern Cream, and othes;

b. Sula-bacan languages: Sanana, Bacan Obi, and others;

c. South Halmahera languages-west Irian: Patani,Gane, Biak, Windesi, and others;

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The formulation of the problem National Language and culture

Moment-called oath of youth has passed, Indonesian as a language of unity that as

this unifying language.

but recently became a problem with the phenomenon of language Alay among the

internet generation, as well as a jumble of languages that use a variety of

languages within a sentence (often insert the English language in Indonesian-

language dialogue) as well as classical issues such as reduced use of local

languages and extinction of some local languages because native speakers are no

longer there.

From the above phenomena, one of the most prominent is the discourse of

Indonesian Versus the local language. one party claims that the use of Indonesian

EYD either fit or did not indicate a high sense of nationalism, the other person

there who said that Indonesia is not genuine but almost all of Indonesia in the

form of absorption of foreign language support and some are promoting the

campaign on the use of local languages of the form cultural preservation.

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Ethnolinguistic mean for Indonesia

Etnho-Linguistic: Indonesia through various means,

for example, that I mentione above will be enough to

open our eyes to the importance of Etnholunguistic

studies for us in Indonesia. As we have informed, a

slogan tht still remain important still is the slogan “

Maintaning a culture of”. This slogan is very

interesting and deserve praise. But few people really

think about how you can do this. This is where

Etnholinguistic can play a very important role.

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If we agree that the language is very important symbol of the life and the development of human culture thet language stores repertoire knowledge community or tribe that the arroud language real people view of the environment;

We certainly agree that the preservation of culture in the form most specific nothing but preserve local languages in all regions of Indonesia.

This view might be correct makes many people say it is impossible to thing is thus a need to explain further, making the preservation of the local language.

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Preservation of local languages here are not always iterpreted as an effort to maintain the existence of this language, it means people are forced to use local languages in everyday life because things like that would not be possible.

For example, people may just not want to learn Indonesian language or english, but he will feel himself that the inability to use those languages will make it unable to compete in the search for teachers who work with those languages. Therefore, The preservation of local language does not necessarily mean that language should be used in everyday life.

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Conservation in this context can be defined as any attempt to

describe a variety of local languages in Indonesia with all the strings,

ranging from the grammar, morphology, semanticks, and fonology.

This language documentation does not seem important, but would

really benefit much if we are aware of its benefits, as well as to reap

the benefits. This benefit will e not only collected by experts in

languages that you will be able to use it enrich Indonesia, nut you

can also learn by scientist to another.

For example, based on the analysis of the different areas of

knowledge society through their language has, we can learn from

their lives that implicity underlies language cannot be transferred to

the owner of the language itself. Knowing this implicit outlook on

life, at least, we can understand their perspectives and different

behaviour based on look at life. Thus, in addition we can assess and

put up with them.

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Furthermore, by knowing the culture of a society of their own language, and mastery over their language, we will be able to engage in dialogue with the proponents of this culture. From this dialogue will create a framework for thinking together. Which will be shared frame of reference in everyday life, and this will reduce the possibility of miss uderstanding, which will be able to bring us into conflicts that endanger our own lives.

Unfortunately, that sort of thing is still not fully realized by many citizens of our community. Many people still think that the language issue can be resolved by itself as long as existing national language; conflict and unrest will be reduced if economic problems can be resolved, miss understanding and conflicts generated can be prevented if individuals are more aware of his religion, higher education, etc.

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Those who take this view forget that it all ultimately comes down to a matter of communication between groups and individuals. How communication can walk and miss understanding can be guaranteed not to happen if we do not know the language of each well.

“ How communication can walk and miss understandings can be guaranteed not to happen if we do not know their language well?” So that the meaning of ambiguos, and perhaps people who would answer; “ Therefore, to make it easier to communication with one language, unifying language ”

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That phrase certainly can not be directly interpreted as simple as that, because there are Prof. Ahimsa Putra intended to refer to the context of language and way of thinking speakers see life, reality, and the environment.

We take the example that is close enough, in the Indonesian language known to various terms of padi, gabah, nasi, in English known as the rice.

In the java language, the term is more rich again with the addition of sega, upa, and peek.

Only then was born the term paddy. Here we see a difference in Indonesian and English society in the view of rice, wheat, rice, or rice-which are relevant in this case in Indonesia as an agricultural country with agriculture knows field system, which is it was not found in Britain. Due to culture differences ( Livehood system is one element of culture, according to some views), very unlikely to be able to understand each other with only one language.

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Solution Problem Solutions etnholinguistic and language have a great relationship and

influence on the culture because the language is part of the culture, the study of language and culture performed.

Language is the basis for all cultural activities, dissemination of information, and a symbol of community identity. Solution to maintain its existence requires other methods such as:

a. Language is a cultural preservation efforts through the creation of mass media/ book by using local languages in relevantion with the community

b. Lamguage socialization through public media, focusing on the reasons the loss of language means the destruction of cultural.

c. Conservation effors through the motion which contains the sayings like staging a play with the local language is known by locals.

d. Efforts through the early recognition of future generations to know one of their own local knowledge of their culture by learning the local language.

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Opinion During this time,many people assume that linguistics is

closely related to the language, in fact there is nothing

wrong with this. But the language can also be applied in

varios aspects of life. Not many know, but now the

problem to be solved in the first place is to exclude the

assumption people against what science Linguistics,

who only know the language of science, even among its

own linguistic identify persons as science of language

that only study of language in terms of writing as

morfology or fonologi and unun kataya and forget


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We agreed that although the linguistic focus on language as a formal object of science, applied linguistics can be done in the field. Linguistic problem is not only focused on language issues. Indeed it is the language of objects, but when we know and integral part in the life of the community building in various sectors. Because linguistic itself becomes a key element in solving problems in varios aspect.

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We can see in the previous sentence that linguistic

or language is used not only in language classes,

but in other sciences became more sophisticated

today, tehcnology such as computers. We can not

eliminate the fact that linguistics is really useful in

public life, even in everyday lie. Howefer, since no

else in the world of science that does not language

as a linguistic introduction. So we have to give us

has linguistics it is very important that we must

learn for life without problems in all of us.

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About the linguistic analysis is useful to society in a form that is applied. Examples of linguistic theories relating to the search and describe the general description the general description for a particular language and to inter all languages, use the linguistic/ applied to take the invention and use it for other regions. Often, use the language/ refers to the use of applied linguistics in language teaching inquiry, but the findings of linguistic investigation has also been used for other fields, such as explicitly involve the use of computers. His influence has given a big impression on the theory of syntac and semantics, because the teory of the formation of the syntax and semantics by using the computer to force the teory into the arithmetic operations and provide the principles of mathematics are more stringent.

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Linguistic can be used in all fields, for example in culture. There is a science of “ Linguistic Culture”.

Which is the study of language in relation to culture. Focus study of this science is the text the media, sayings and proverbs, folklore, etc. and is a product of the use of language that reflects the language as a resource which has the form, function and meaning. Cultural linguistics treats language as a phenomenon that meaning can only be understood as a whole if it is related to the culture of speakers.

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Cultural linguistics can be provide insight into the nature of language and culture, provide an explanation of the realitionship between language and culture and demonstrate the possibility of linkage to apply a different approach to languistic file. Cultural linguistics usefulness shown by the possibilities offered by scientific discipline for understanding cross-cultural communication that can broaden our cultural horizons of the culture of others who in turn can strengthen the love of his own culture. So it is clear that the science of linguiostics is not only language.

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Conclusion Ethnography has a link (relationship) is a close with the

language as a major communication tool in the community Etnholinguistik in scope and structure of relationships that

is reflected through (descent) who focus pengkajiannya genealogical kinship language and cultural concepts of each different ethnic

Language has a great intervention and support activities and public life as objects of culture

Language there are many families and subrumpun based on ethnic and racial

Studies (observation) language is influenced by factors such as the science of Linguistics, anthropology, history and population migration in language skills.

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Indonesia has a category in the Austronesian language family as the source language and the diffusion of language.

The use of local languages as a communication tool to prevent the extinction of local cultural wisdom itself, especially language.

Preservation of language is very important to maintain presence in the midst of civilization and culture.

Understand the concept and understanding of language with a good influence on national integration in order to prevent misunderstanding and conflict.

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