Presentatie Clinical Visit Wcpt 2011

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Presentation to be given for the delagetes of the WPT2011 in Amsterdam

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…welcome to


Delegates of the WPT2011….

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What to expect? Introduction:

Short introduction about our company and Physical Therapy in NL

Tour (2 - 3 groups): Experience the look and feel of Nieuw GROENENDAAL Talk and discuss with our staff.

Presentation: A member of our staff will share some of the daily work

at NG.

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Nieuw GROENENDAAL Founded in 1992 by 2 physical therapists Started with 0 patients and 0 contracts with health

insurers (market was closed) As one of the 2 PT’s lived his whole life in

Heemstede; we had connections with some physicians (family and

specialists) we also knew most of the sporting clubs in the area and we knew many villagers.

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Nieuw GROENDAAL In the 90’s Physical Therapy was primarily “hands

on” From the onset we introduced fitness, functional

training and ‘hydro’ into physical therapy Anno 2011 there is a good balance between “hands

on” and “hands off” therapy Often conducted by specialised en not-specialised

PT’s (co-production)

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Nieuw GROENENDAAL Anno 2011 we are one of the largest mono-site

privatly owned praticises in NL We serve the community of Heemstede and its

surroundings (20 – 30 kilometer radius) In total we have 45 co-workers, 9 of them are self

employed We’re in business 90 hours / week Our company contains 3 different ‘business units’;

1. Private practise for Physical Therapy2. Regular gym with approx. 1500 members3. Occupational health company

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Nieuw GROENENDAAL Has created a nice workingplace Has created a wonderful team of co-workers Empowers all employees in personal and

proffesional growth Envisions being the best place/employer to

work for Looks for new oppurtunities on a daily basis

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Nieuw GROENENDAAL Actively participates in several networks Several employees also work parttime in nearby

hospitals We have added specific patients catogories to our

body of knowledge. i.e. cardiac rehabilitation, rehabilitation after / during cancer, echo diagnostics, combined consult PT & orthopeadic sugeons

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Nieuw GROENENDAAL We care about our patients We care even more about patients who actively

contributes to their rehabilitation including self-management

We have implemented the use of guidelines but only when these guidelines are in favor of the care for our patients

We try to cross-sell around our business-units (i.c. patients become a member after they’ve ended rehabilitation)

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16 – 17 million citizens 5 Large health insurers Every citizen has “Basic” health insurrance Almost every citizen has an “Extra” insurance Wide range of variety in coverage in the

“Extra” insurance

Physical Therapy in Private Practise in NL

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“Basic” healthinsurance covers only the ‘chronic’ diseases (1/3 total volume) excluding the first 12 consults

“Extra” healthinsurance covers this 12 consults

“Extra” healthinsurance covers up to a maximum

Physical Therapy in Private Practise in NL

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Every consult has to be effective and efficient The physical therapist has to proof this by his

‘Electronic Patient Dossier’ Goals must be formulated according to the

SMART rule and must be supported bij proven “klinimetrie” (‘klinimetrie’ is the use of questionairs, painscales, etc.)

Physical Therapy in the Private Practise in NL

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PT’s are not allowed to collectively negotiate about prices with insures

Insurers do not negotiate with individual practises or PT’s about prices

Near to 100 % ff the PT’s accept the contract a healthinsurer offers

Just a few PT’s works without a contract but this # is growing

This means: less market regulations in the years ahead, more entrepeneurship!

Physical Therapy in the Private Practise in NL

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Prices of a consult vary from € 28 – € 42 This difference is partly explained by the

contract with the healthcare insurer and partly explained by the specialisation of the PT

Health insurers rates every Private Practise; Silver, gold, platina Basic, standard, plus Etc.

Physical Therapy in the Private Practise in NL

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Nieuw GROENENDAAL is part of the highest rated practises (Plus, Platina, etc.)

Its a tricky balance between entrepeneurship and the prices healthinsurers offer

For 2012 we’ll try to make price-deals with healthinsurers about “DBC’s” (DBC stands for diagnostic treatment combination). One price for the whole package.


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Thats all! – Thanks for visiting us You can follow us on;

Twitter: @ngdaal Facebook: NieuwGroenendaal Heemstede

You van also download this presentation from http://nl.linkedin.com/in/roypjansen