Predicting the Future Short Final Version

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  • 8/11/2019 Predicting the Future Short Final Version


    Unit 4 Predict ing the Future Introduction

    A -To predict: a verb meaning to declare or tell in advance; prophesy; foretell the future; make a


    1- Predict the schools of the future. Explain in details.


    2- Predict the entertainment of the Future. Explain in details.

    B - In your notebook, please make word webs starting with prediction.

    Considering the reliability of the sources; complete the chart with people that you know. Follow

    the example.

    Person/Job What they base their

    prediction on:

    Strengths/reasons their

    predictions are credible:

    Weakness/reason to

    be skeptical about

    their predictions

    Fortune teller cards Each card has a meaning

    and in combination, it has

    other meanings

    How well they know

    the future or past

    Page 1

  • 8/11/2019 Predicting the Future Short Final Version


    Can th e Future B e Predicted?

    By Ann E. Weiss

    Pages 122~128

    Sources: There are two general questions to ask about every resource:

    1- Is it reliable?

    2- Is it useful for this particular project?

    Vocabulary from pages 122~125

    Word POS Definition

    1 prediction noun The act of predicting

    2 erratic adj. Lacking consistency, regularity or uniformity, doesnt follow regular

    pattern, moves in an irregular way

    3 folklore noun


    The traditional beliefs, practices, legends, and tales of the common

    uneducated people, transmitted orally

    4 superstition noun A belief that some action or circumstance not logically related to a course

    of events influences its outcome

    5 prophecy noun A prediction, a statement in which someone says something that they

    believe will happen with religious or magic powers

    6 mystic noun Someone who believes in the existence of realities beyond human


    7 imminent adj. Certain to happen soon, impending

    8 unpredict adj. Unable to say what will happen

    9 reputation noun The estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the

    community or the public generally; repute

    10 meteorologist


    noun A person who reports and forecasts weather conditions

    11 favourable adj. You agree with it or approve of it

    12 astronomy noun The study of stars, planets and other natural objects in space

    13 infallible adj. Someone or something that is never wrong

    14 inadequate adj. Not enough of, insufficient, not good enough, inept

    Vocabulary from pages 126~128

    Word POS Definition

    1 anchored verb Not be able to move

    2 sloppy adj. Messy, careless or muddled

    3 scrap verb To get rid, to cancel, to discard as useless, worthless

    4 fiasco noun To fail completely

    5 accurate adj. Having no errors, correct, gives a true idea6 greed noun Desire for more of something

    7 tremendous adj. Very large, impressive, very good or pleasing, extraordinarily great in size,

    amount, or intensity

  • 8/11/2019 Predicting the Future Short Final Version


    Write a sentence or a story using all the above 20 words in your notebook.

    Due Date: ________________________________

    Please answer the following questions using complete sentences in your notebooks.

    1- What can make predictions more accurate? Explain?

    2- What kinds of information do scientists use to make their predictions?

    3- Why do you think people are fascinated by the future?

    Before you read:

    What do you think this article will be about? Give information to backup your statement.

    Prediction Likely Unlikely Reasons

    As you read the articlecomplete the chart:

    Scientific Non-scientific

    Answer the questions:

    1- What things in nature help geologists predict earthquakes? Why are they often unsuccessful?

    2- Why do weather forecasters have poor reputations? What factor helps them to predict


    3- Whatstunning

    mistake did market researchers make when Coca-cola decided to change their

    formula for Coke?

    4- What are some of the main reasons that predictions often go wrong? Why do you think that

    some predictions are more correct than others?

    5- How can you decide which predictions are mostly likely to be accurate?

    6- How can you make a prediction come true? What tips would you give to researchers?

    7- What are some modern predictions? What are some of their sources? Will they be right or

    wrong and why?

    8- On page 125, what did the author mean by the word retiredin the sentence: the old formula

    would be `retired`, buried forever in the depth of a bank vault.?