Pre Primary Science

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Nome: _

C loss: _

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r----~~-C6ntents'( I

M y body ..00 3 Anim als and their uses 4q

Parts of m y head 5

M y friend 's face 6

M y five senses 7

S ense of sight 8

S ense of hearing II

S ense of sm ell 1 3

Sen se of taste.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1 5

S ense of touch 1 7

M y brain Iq

M y heart 20

M y lungs 2 1

M y stom ach 22

G row ing up 23

Shapes and co lours 24

H ealthy food 26

M ealtim es 28

G ood habits 30

Living and non-liv ing th ings 32

Anim als 34

Anim als have y oung 37

Anim als and their young 38

Anim al sounds 3q

How anim als m ove .. " 41

Parts of anim als 43

W here anim als live 45

W hat anim als eat 47

Insects >0 5!

L ife cycle 00 ., 53

P lants .

Fru its and seeds .

F ru its a nd v eg eta ble s 58

Parts of p lants .

W hat p lants need to grow 6 i

W here plants grow 62

H ow plants grow 63

P lants and their uses 64

Energy ., 66

Push and pull " ..

F loat and sink " ".

Light oo ••

Shadow s 72

M irror and im age .

M agnet .

E lectric ity .

C louds and rain 78

Rainbow 80

The Sun and the M oon 81

The Earth 82

Pollu tion .

Recycling and reusing 85



Answers .

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Colour the boxes with the correct answers.

I 2 head

2 4 hands

2 6 I legs

5 I 0 I f ingers

2 5 feet

5 10 toes

We have. . .

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W hich items are re la ted to the body parts shown? C ircle .

-~~ .. -_. -.••.....•-..•.-~.

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Match the words to the correct parts .



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Skill: Identifying the parts of our head.

My friend 's face

Tooty is my friend.

Read the sentences and draw the m issing parts on his face .

looty has ...

• 2 big eyes• I small nose • I big mou th• 2 small ears

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My five senses-::ry~ __3

Match to complete the sentences.

We use our

n o s e t ohear

We use our

e y e s t o

We use our •ongue to

We use our

h a n d s t o

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Look at the p ictu re be low . W hat numbers can you see? W rite them

in the boxes.

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W hat do they see? Match .

W rite the correct w ord to com ple te the sentence .

Th en tick th e correct p ictu re .

Iuse m y to see.------------------

Skills: Identifying our facial expressions when we react to seeing certain things.

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W ho is not doing the righ t th ing? Put a cross



\ /\

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Draw "(',~" for the sound that is nice to hear.

Draw " ~ D " for the sound that is not n ice to hear.

- DW hich sound is loud? Pu t "I". W hich sound is soft? Pu t "5".


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Skill :Learning about different types of sounds.

How are these instruments p layed? Match and write . T race the

words and read.

W hich of these informs us of danger? Pu t "j".


DSkills: Learning about musical instruments and ways that sounds are made.

~ ,_"-:»;

i ; 1/, ,'" _ -/ 1

" \ A ;

', ' {\ ;

", t

, "

\ '~ \ #~~\~r ~

: " " -


I :: : / p <

.:' : 1\ _ l ... ,'" . e

"~ \, <


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Skills: Learning about musical instruments and ways that sounds are made.

F W e smell w ith ou r nose . D raw the boy 's nose .

Do you know which smells can warn us of danger? C ircle .

Skills: Identifying the part of our body related to our sense of smell.

Identifying different types of smells.

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Wh ich th in gs smell nice? Draw ~ .

W hich th ings sm ell bad? Draw Q.

e... · :; Q?


Dkil l: Learning about different types of smells.





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..Sense of taste

tongue tell us d iff eren t tas tes.

taste of each food item? Colour the correct word and

part of the tongue.



I "

I " '"I

/ ' . ' ' ' ~ - I - ' ' ' ' ' ' \" _ ,0 " "-

" '....... til ,-_,

". "" ' I

salty - I •. I

~--"I/ ,/

Skills: the paris of our tongue related to different tastes,

sour 'salty

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Look at the th ings in each row . C irc le the one that has a different

taste . Trace the word tha t describes its taste .

c c

C G c C






c C

c;.Q CoG c_C

1)0 /"I 0

C '

Skill: Identifying and comparing the tastes of common food items.

. ,", 1 J

/ ' ," 0. ,s ! '.

• e, ..y ~ \. , ,, 'j<> ' '" _ t

~) t ' > ; /

~ 1 !


, ,

I =,,- ~~~~ - -~-

. .: '- ~ : :

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Fill in the blank.

Iuse m y to touch and feel.Match each pictu re to the two words that describe it.

Colou r the th ings that are hot.

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kills: Identifying the parts of our body related to our sense of touch.

Who is not doing the righ t th ing? Put a cross [ g J .

Skills: Knowing what we should not touch.

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Trace the dotted lines and words.

I... "" ! ~ . ' " ~ - . . , \1



M y brain controls how I . . .j,, ,

, , ._ i-~ !

j ;- ~ .. : :


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kill: Learning the location, shape, and function of our brain.

My heart pumps blood around my body.

Trace the word and the p ic tu re o f the heart.

~ ¢~~.~\(-~ ~ ~

"" " ". ' >~ ~ ,

Colou r the instrum ent tha t we can use to lis ten to ou r heartbea t.

earphones stethoscope

Skill: Learning the location, shape, and function of our heart.

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W hen we brea the , a ir goes inside these organs.

Trace the dotted lines to com ple te the p ictu re .

Do you know the nam e of the above organs? W rite the first

le tte r o f each object to find ou t.

Skills: Learning the location, shape, and function of our lungs,

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The food tha t we eat goes in to ou r stom ach and is d igested .

Trace the word and m atch the food items to the stom ach .

, j ., ,,

,,~ I

Read and trace the answer.

M y stomach rumbles when I am ...

, ,: ': ,I

: '

Skill: Learning the location, shape, and function of our stomach,

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Can you guess how old they are?

W rite the numbers in the correct circles.

@@@@@$@@$@@~~~,~~~ •••• e$.e •• e.e*~.e •• ~.@.<II.

<II @


< II


< II


~< II


1 1 1


1 1 1



1 1 1


@ •

e1@@@W@@@@<iI@<iI@1I!@<II1I!.@@@@@@@ •• @@.<II<II@1I!<II<IIee<ll

e @

<I I






11 !



11 !

11 !

11 !







<I I


•<I I


ill. .. .<I I

41 &

!i ll

<I I

<I I


' ".' "II41 &

. . . . . 1 1 1 • • • • • • @@

C) 1 4 years old

C) 60 years old

,kill: Learning about physical growth and age.

o years old

omonths old

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Colou r the shapes. W hat colou r do you see in spaces A , Band C

C olou r th e correct answ er.


red(green I orange]

blue (purPle I Pink]

(green I grey]

W hat is the colou r o f each item below?

W rite the correct words in the blanks.!III!I



--------------/-------------- --------------

Skills: Learning about primary colours and how they are combined to produce other colours.

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Trace th e shapes and m atch to the correct nam es.




> ' > '


I I\ \

\ \

" ""






What is the shape of each item below?

W rite the correct le tte r in each of the shapes above .

A B c DSkill:Identifying different shapes.


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Colou r the food tha t is good for you .

Cross ou t the food that is not good for you .

Skill: Identifying food that is good for our health.

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W e need different kinds of food to stay healthy. He lp Ann decide

what to ea t! Choose and colou r one th ing from each group.

Fruits protect us

from diseases

V egetables protect us

from diseases.

Food that helps

us grow

Food that gives

us energy;kill: Learning the importance of eating a balanced meal and the different food groups.

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;kill: Learning the importance of eating a balanced meal and the different food groups.

W e have diffe rent m eals at d iffe rent tim es.

Trace the words and colou r the correct clocks.

{oi'J~'\ (~~I ( , 1 2 I ' 0 " JI

L '3 f 2 2

I 3

" ) q/< _ 48 4


8 4


_ I- w, , y: .~ \ : ', "

Skill: Learning the different rnealtirnes.

, ' 0 " r ; ' 34


'" \ "- "" \ ~.# - ....

, ! !

, ,j ,. ,

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Colour the food items that people usually take for each of the

fo llow ing meals .


milk cereal

vegetable chocolatence chicken

Skill: Identifying the types of food taken for different meals.


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Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

( breakfait __.!e~!~. hair bath ~

Ic omb m y _

every day.

Itake m y _

every day.

Ibrush m y _

every day.

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Tick [ 2 J the pictu res that show good habits .

~ Before having a meal, what shou ld you do? Colour the pictu re .

,kill: Learning good habits to keep clean and healthy.





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are liv ing th ings? Colou r.

W hich are non-liv ing th ings? Circle .

Skill : Identifying living and non-l iving things.

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Can you group the fo llow ing liv ing th ings into two groups? W rite

the correct numbers in the tab le below .

plants animals

kil l: Classifying living things as plants or animals.

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· ifferent animals.ki ll : IdentifYing dit


6. { { ~ _ !7.



10 .

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2 Circle the animals that are active at night

3 Colour the biggest animal on

<ills: Learning about wild end tame animals.


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Guess what they are . M atch .

C irc le the ta llest an im a l on land. Am ong the th ree an im als be low ,

w hich is th e ligh test? C olou r.

Skill: Identifying and comparing animals that live on land.

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..ook at the animals in each row .

Do you know how they have young? W rite r n : J if they give birth to

the ir young and IT] if they lay eggs.

Colour the odd one.




ikill: Learning about animals and how they have young.





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Animals and their young

Motch ani r . Trace the words.

Skill: Learning about cnirncls and their young.

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Animal sounds

)ifferent animals make different sounds. Fill in the blanks with the

:orrect letters.


I 0.

Iq c_"

Ih . .

Itr •


moo trumpet hiss bark quack buzz

;kill: Learning about the sounds that animals make.

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C ircle th e fo llow ing words in th e pu zzle .

Then m atch the words to the pictu res.





b de u z Z II




k d t bC r 0 aI



f I


a m I a 0 wI



I I bP c 0 e eI




f h d ke 9 e ai




t t- y - - 9

Skill : Learning about the sounds that animals make.

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How does each animal move? Colour the correct answer. Then

circle the parts of the body they use to move.

glide f l y

run crawl



crawl run

f l y


Skill: Learning about how animals move.

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Fill in the blanks with the correct words.



Skills: Identifying different animals.


This is a .------

It can .------

These are .------

They can .

These are .------

They can "

This is a .------

It can .------

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Parts of animals

Label the parts of each animal's body.

mouth w ing eye ta il leg beak,~~. __ '"__ ~"_" ~~_'",c~,' _C"






Skill: Learning the different parts of an animal's body.

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Draw the m issing parts of the an im als.

C irc le the body parts that they use to move .

Skill: Identifying the different parts of an animal's body.

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W hich animals live on land? W rite the letter "L" in the boxes.

W hich animals live in water? W rite the lette r "W " in the boxes.

Then match the animals to their homes.





e C f : - i ? _ - - s. . . . . . . -.:: - _ - -- - - - - -- -_---

Skills: Learning about the habitats of different animals.

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Colou r the anim als that can live on land as well as in water.

Then write the ir names in the boxes.



Skill: Learning about animals that can live on land and in water.

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Wh at an im als eat

Herbivores are anim als that ea t p lants.

Carnivores are anim als that eat m eat.

W hich are herbivores? W rite "H" in the boxes.

W hich are carnivores? W rite "C" in the boxes.




D DSkill: l earning about types of animals and what they feed on.

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Match these anim als w ith their food. F ill in the correct num bers.



Skill: Learning about what different animals eat.

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M atch the an im als w ith the ir uses .

•dll; Identifying the different ways that animals are useful to us.

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Does each pair of pictu res show the anim al and its use?

W rite 'Yes' or 'No '.


( J®



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® ®



c : : J®


® ®




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® ®

( J® ®



® ®


®®®®®®®®®®® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®




( J®




(. .___J


Skill: Identifying the different ways that animals are useful to us.

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Trace the dotted lines and fill in the blank.

Insects have legs and a pairof fee lers .

Which are insects? Circle .

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dll: Learning about the characteristics of insects.

W hich insects are not usefu l to us? Colour.

W here do they live? Match .

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How does a butterfly grow? W rite the correct words in the boxes.

Then, colour the pictures.

[ . _ _ _ _ _ J


,kill: Learning about life cycles and stages of growth.

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W rite the le tters in the correct boxes to show how a frog and

a fly grow .

Life Cycle of a Frog

Skill: Learning about life cycles and stages of growth.

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Nam e a ll the p lants . Then colou r the pic tu res.

hibiscus cactus

orchid corn


Skill: Learning the names of different plants.

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Have you seen these fru it trees? Match them to the ir fru its .

Colou r and w rite the name of each fru it.

Skill: Learning about trees and their fruits.

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W rite the names of the fru its in the correct columns.






mango papaya

pomegranate honey melon

Skill: Differentiating fruits with a single seed from those with many seeds.


kiw i fru it


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Fru its and vegetables

...Skill: Differentiating fruits from vegetables.

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Label the parts of the plants. Write the correct nurnbers in the boxes.ii/N0 oooo"o~ooo"oO OOO~<><>O"oooo<><>o~~o~_~,_p ~

t 3 I f lower),·~"<".. ."".M"...,,_•. ",o"·'··:""·_k.W_'''"'··%''''~""~~"~"_,,,,",.-=~,,,,", ,,_,,",,,<7#~O >wn__ /#-0

Parts of plants

leaf 25


sunflow er plant

coconut treeSkill : Learning the parts of plants.



tomato plant

lim e plant

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Join the dots from I to 26 and trace the words.


It is the r ' ~ : \s "" ,,~ ~~»'

the world .

Skill: Learning the shape and name of the biggest flower in the world.

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What do plants need to live and grow well?

F ill in the blanks to complete the words.


w t r

W ill the plants grow well? C ircle the correct pictu res.

' ...~ . _ _ 1 _ ... . _ _ .. _

Skill: Learning what plants need to live and grow: sunlight. air. and water.

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W here plants grow

Where do these plants grow? On land or in water? Write their

names in the correct columns. Colour the ones that grow in water.

orchid hibiscus

w ater le ttuce water lily

on land

Skill : Learning where plants grow.

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Skill : Learning where plants grow.

How plants grow

Show how the plants grow by numbering the pictu res in the

correct o rder.



Skills: Learning how plants grow.

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Some plants give us food.

Match the food w ith the plant it comes from .

Skill: Learning the use of plants for food.

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Are the th ings be low made of wood or rubber?

W rite the names of the th ings in the correct columns.




rocking horse


boots stool

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<ills: Learning that plants give us rnaterials to make things.


Read and trace the word.

W e need to do things.

Does each activity below need lots of energy? Write 'Yes' or 'No'.


Skill: Learning that we need energy to do things.

) )


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Push and pull

W hich trolley is easier to push? Colour.


2 Who is pu lling? W rite 'p',

3 W ho is push ing? W rite 's'.


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kills: Learning that the energy needed to push something also depends on its weight and the slope of the surface.

Som e th ings floa t on water. O thers sink in water.

C ross ou t (x) th ree th ings tha t a re w rong w ith th is p ictu re .


' "Draw one th ing that

sinks in water.

Draw one th ing that

floats on water.

Skill: To differentiate things that float from those that sink.

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Do these th ings floa t or s ink?

D raw them in the tank to show your answers.


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Read the questions and trace the answers.

a W hat gives us light during the day?~\I//::0::/11\'"

". ' l

b W hat can we use to give us light at night?

Can you draw two other things that give out light?

Skil l: Learning about different sources of l ight.

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Which th ings a llow ligh t to pass through them ?

Trace the words and colour the pictures.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~


[]~L'-_-_:-__- _ - _ - _ L . . l ~ _ - _ - . . : : _ - _ - _ . . . . . ._ ' : r _ _ . : : _ l , . .

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I Complete the sentence. Write the first letter of each thing

to find the answer.

Things that b lock light m ake

Look at each object and its shadow.

Do they match? Write 'Yes' or 'No'.

Skill: Learning about objects that block light and the shadows they make.

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Skill: Learning about objects that block light and the shadows they make.

Look at shadow A. W hich torch is sh in ing at the ball?

W rite the answer in the box.




.: " /A




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Tick ( j ) the picture that shows the correct shadow.


o o

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Skill: Learning about the position of a source of light and where an object's shadow falls.

M irror and im age

Answer the questions. Tick the correct answer.

W e can see our im age in the , _

a mirror D b sunlight D2 P lace a m irror on the dotted line.

W hat is the com plete shape you see? Put a tick.

a b



c c u p D

D Da

W hose im age is in the m irror?

b~ C


D D DW hose im age is in the m irror?

a~~ b~o c~o•• ) (.. r. ( • I

<,') r:../ • C' .1


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Colou r the ob jec ts tha t a re a ttrac ted to the m agne t.

Skil l: Identi fying objects that are attracted to the magnet.

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Which th ings need e lectricity to work?

Colo ur th em .


washing machine

hair dryer



What electrica l appliances do these girls need?

W rite the answers in the boxes.

( . . _ _ _ _ J

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Clouds and rain

Put the pictures in the correct order to show how rain is formed.

Number the pictu res from I to 4.

/ I

'1//o / / . ,

/ ~ d

a / / d &

o r J / 1 /

[J D




, I

/,\ I,






,, ,-



I {


I ,I I

I I I \ I

\ I I \ I

\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ I \\ ,




\ i





,\ , I


, I,

____"'''-~~~--._ ~, . . . .-~..__ __-''' --- o D

Skill: Learning about how clouds and rain are forrned.

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Match the douds to the appropriate pictures.





Skills: Learning about clouds and the weather.


/0 /

. //.I


~\\ \ ~ \.

o tl

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A rainbow has 7 colours.

Colour the rainbow below correctly and fill in the names of the

colours in the blanks.

Skill: Learning about the seven colours of a rainbow.

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Look at each activ ity_ Is it done during the day or a t n igh t?

D raw ~ in the box if it is done during the day and [ill if it is

done at n igh t.

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Skill:Learning about the different activities we do during the day and at night.

Name the th ings you can see on E arth .

W rite the correct words next to the num bers.

Then, colou r the pictu re be low .

Skil l: Learning about the Earth's surface and inhabitants.

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Skil l: Learning about the Earth's surface and inhabitants.

Look at the pictures and write the correct answers in the blanks.

D uring the day, we can see the in the sky.(sun m oon stars)

The sun gives us and heat.

(m ounta in hills light)

The sun rises in the and sets in----

the ----

(north ... south w est ... e ast)

A t n ight, we usually see the and

____ in the sky.

e ast ... w es t

(m o on ... sta rs p eople ... p la nts ra in ... river)

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Skill: Learning about the sun and moon.

Read the questions. T ick [ L J th e co rrect answ ers.

I. Who is doing the right thing?

a b c

2. W hich activity pollutes the air?

3. W ho is polluting the river?

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Skill: Learning how we can care for our environment and differentiating such activities from those that pollute it.

Recycling and reusing

How can these th ings be reused? Match .

Skill: Learning about how old things are reused.

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Are items B recycled from items A? Draw () if yes and Q if no .

A B ~-,I



Skill: Learning about recyclable materials and things made of recycled materials.

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The th ings below can be recycled .

D raw lines to pu t them into the correct b ins.

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Skill: Learning to collect and separate different things for recycling.

Colour the correct pictures and write the answers in the blanks.

I . Ihave two f ? f 1 ~ l1to walk.

2.1 have two ~ 9iito hear.


U~ f ? f 1

---_-../ ---_.

• •____ IS In m y

4. I brush m y

with a if~~__

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Nhich is the odd one? Cross (x) it out.

, . , - - . . . . . - - - . . - .,•-=


~ 9I

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Answer the questions.

I. W hich anim al glides? C olour it brown.

2. W hich anim al is the heaviest? C o lour it grey.

3 . W hich anim al croaks? C olour it green.

4. N am e the anim als. The firs t letter of each anim al. .IS given.

e _ t -----

m _ s _

f _

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Match the pictures to the words.



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Underline the correct words. Then colour the correct pictures.

I. D olphins live in the ( forest / sea ).

O i

2. Eagles eat ( snakes / roses ).

b \ '

3. (B uffa loes / T igers) can help farm ers in the fie ld.

4. A spider ( is / is not) an insect.


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Read the clues and complete the puzzle.



e r

4 83

h d



t e



7. Ice is ...

Down2. A ... w ill grow into

a plant.

4. The ... gives us light.

6. The sound of

thunder is ...

8. Sunlight, air and ... help

plants to grow well.


I. ... help us hear.

3. A ... is form ed when

lig ht is blo cke d.

5.... does not float

on w ater.

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Pg 3 I head. 2 hands. 2 legs.

1 0 fingers. 2 feet. 1 0 toes

Pg 4

Pg 5

Pg 7

Pg 8

Pg q

22. 5. q. 16.38

2 . eyes


Pg 1 0 1,2,4,6

Pg II If.:\ (.;'\.\c:), \0

2. a. L b. L e. 5 d. 5

Pg 12 2.a

Pg 13

e " ~


( ~I \


r:Pg 14 a.g b.G) e.G)

d.g e.g f.g

g'G) h.g LG)

Pg24 I. A-orange, B-purple, C-green

2. red, orange. yellow

Pg25 E







AnswersPg 15

Pg 16

Pg 1 7

Pg 1 8 1,4,5,6

Pg 2q breakfast- bread, milk, cereal

lunch- rice. vegetable, chicken

tea- muffin, biscuits

Pg 20 2.stethoscope Pg 30


hair, breakfast, bath, teeth


2 . g

I. a, c, e, g, h,j

2. b. d , f. i

Pg 33 plants 2, 3, 4, 7

animals I, 5 , 6, 8

Pg 21 2. lungs

Pg 22 Pg32


Pg 23 3 14years old

6 years old

60 years old

q months old

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Pg 35 I. a, c, d, e, h, i,j Pg 43 I. tail 2. eye 3. leg Pg 57

2. d, i 4. mouth 5. wing 6. eye

3.j 7. tail 8. beak q.leg

Pg3610.fin II. eye 12.tail


Pg 44Drowtho "">Singpon, ~I11.0cnlm~"nol. 'he !>o<i~ P O ' " , n o , " '. Y ~ ,~ ' 0 move_


Pg37 I. E,E,B

2.B, E,B

3.B, B, E

4.E, B, EPg45 Pg 5qW ><

g 38


foal L



ducklingPg46 turtle, crocodile, frog


Pg 47 a.C b.H c.H

Pg 3q bark, moo, quack, hiss,d.C e.C f. H

trumpet, buzzg.H h.C

Pg40Pg48 5,4,6

2, 1,3 Pg60'''''~''d"',f,.." t o' .o nO no <e . . _ '

Pg 4q


Pg 50 a. no b. yes c. no d. yes e. yes f. no T h i s is a rafHesia.


Pg 51 I. 6 2. b, c, d, e

Pg41 Pg 61 I. s _!L nl_i_ gh _t_

Pg 52 I. b, c 2.• • _Q__i_r


2 . a ' l J ! b;. a

Pg 53 a.egg b. caterpillar •. pupa d. butterfly

Pg 54 I. B,A,C Pg 62

2.C, B,A

Pg 42 I. kangaroo, hop Pg 55 a. rose b. cactus

2. giraffes, run c. sunflower d. orchid

3. eagles, fly e. hibiscus f. corn

4. snake, glidePg 56

:><: rambutanPg 63 a.2, 1,3

papayab. 1,2,3

>< bananac. 2,3, I

coconutd. 3, 1,2

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P g 64


Pg74 b.1 c.1 Pg 84 I. b , C 2 . a ,c

d.1 f. I 3. a, b

P g 75 I. a 2. a Pg 85

:><:><: 3. c 4. a

:><:g 65P g 76 a, c, d , e , g , i

Pg 86 (;) Q (.~ Q)

table P g 77 I. w as hin g m achine, hair dryer,

g la ss : c ,ds too l tyre te lev is ion , re fr ige rator Pg 87

2 . a . h air d ry er paper: a, f, h, i

cupboard eraserb . w as hin g m ac hin e plastics and cans : b , e, 9

ro ck in g h or se boots

Pg 78 Pg 88 1.~~legs

P g 66 a. No b. Y es c. No2. c s _ ~ears

d . Y es e . Y es f. N o

3. Qongue , ~ m ou th

P g 674. ~teeth, ~oothbrush

Pg 8qWhd,,, ,e . ""~"""'C.""':"'ou '

~ I'

P g 7q

P g 68

Pg qO I. snake

2 . e le p ha n t

3. frog

4 . e le ph an t, t ig er, m o nk ey ,

s na ke , fr og

P g 6qP g 80 a. red b . o ra ng e c. yellow P g ql

d . g re en e . b lu e f. indigo

g . v io le t

P g 81Pg s n

P g 70 I. a. s un

b . t or ch

Pg71 g la s s, w in do w

P g 72 I. shadows

2.a. N o b.Yes

c. Yes d. Y es

Pg73 I.E 2. L

3. T 4. X

Pg q3

P g 82 se a


5 , a n im a l s

2 , mountain

4 . r iv er


2 . l ig ht

4 . m oo n ... s ta rs

Pg 83 I. su n

3 . e as t .. . w es t

I. sea, b

2. snakes , a

3. buffa lo es , a

4. is not, a


2,A __willg,owinl(>

,eo'4 ,The ."g i ve s lI '> IOghl


I . iy G p u ,h <! Or


lighlI. blo(lwd

5 ; ; \ ~ : ~ e 7 0 I I 1 0 0 '6.T~e""mdQj

!huMor is

8 .S un l gh t< >< or 1d . .. I I~ P

plon$1 0 g,ow_1

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These BRIGHT KIDS B OO KS- are specially planned to help

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