PRAYER | diary April–June 2021 | medair.org The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. he will exult over you with loud singing. ZEPHANIAH 3.17

PRAYER diary - Medair

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PRAYER | diaryApril–June 2021 | medair.org

The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.he will exult over you with loud singing.ZEPHANIAH 3.17

Four out of every five people in Yemen need humanitarian assistance, making it the world’s largest humanitarian crisis of our time. Civil war, economic collapse, and the mass displacement of people have generated a situation that continues to deteriorate and push already exhausted communities to the brink. 20 million people in Yemen cannot access adequate health care, nor do they have enough food to eat, and nearly 18 million people do not have access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. Medair is providing emergency relief to vulnerable people affected by conflict, as well as for host communities that are suffering from the massive displacement of the population.

PRAISE POINTSWe praise God for rest for our international staff during the past holiday, allowing them to return to their families and loved ones.

A new staff member will be joining us as the Programme Funding Manager in the coming weeks. We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm she will bring to the team. Please continue to pray for her preparations to leave the UK. Thank you!

PRAYER REQUESTSWe pray for continued safety of our teams as they travel and interact with communities and authorities.

We have a series of agreements which give us official permission to work, but that are still unsigned. We pray for favour in the eyes of the authorities and for a successful completion of the process.

We are still missing key staff members in country. Please pray that we will soon find the right people to fill the vacancies.

YEMEN 1–4 April




01.04–04.04 Yemen

05.04–11.04 World Health Day

12.04–18.04 Jordan

19.04–25.04 Syria

26.04–30.04 Sudan


01.05–07.05 Madagascar

08.05–14.05 South Sudan

15.05–21.05 Bangladesh

22.05–28.05 Lebanon

29.05–04.06 DR Congo

05.06–11.06 Afghanistan

12.06–18.06 World Refugee Day

19.06–25.06 Somalia

26.06–30.06 Global Emergency Response Team – Honduras

The Lord is a refuge for The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never for you, Lord, have never forsaken those forsaken those who seek you.who seek you. PSALM 9:9–10

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We have submitted a proposal to an institutional donor which will enable us to provide emergency assistance to many people. Please pray that this will go ahead.

Answered prayer!

Bold praise points indicate answered prayers from

previous editions!Thank you.


April 7th is World Health Day, which highlights the importance of universal health coverage and ensures that everyone has access to care, wherever they are. This day recognises that long-term health and well-being are based on the needs and preferences of individuals in families and communities. Millions of people around the world still lack access to essential health services and are driven deeper into poverty by the need to pay for health care. Skilled health workers play a critical role in providing quality care and building community capacity by educating patients on good hygiene practices. Medair works in places where health is under severe threat. In times of crisis, we provide immediate care and long-term responses to address critical health needs.

PRAISE POINTSWe thank God for protecting our teams, and for providing for our needs as individuals, and as an organisation throughout the beginning of 2021. Thank you!

We are grateful that we were able to continue our work throughout the past months and we praise God for our amazing staff that did not give up despite all the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you!

PRAYER REQUESTSWe pray for the health, strength and well-being of our donors, our teams, and the people we serve.

We commit to God all the people who are feeling stressed and fatigued by the impact of the pandemic on themselves, their work, and their families.

We pray, for the full recovery of staff who have been infected by the coronavirus lately.

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WORLD HEALTH DAYWednesday, 7th April

Do not be wise in your own Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring shun evil. This will bring health to your body and health to your body and nourishment to your bones.nourishment to your bones.PROVERBS 3:7–8

JORDAN 12–18 April

Jordan currently hosts over half a million Syrian refugees and more than 85,000 refugees of other nationalities. Many of these refugees live outside of formal refugee camp settings, often in makeshift tents or rented accommodation. The cost of living in Jordan is very high, and Syrian refugees—who are not allowed to work without a work permit—struggle to find the means to feed their families and cover their basic needs. Medair is providing cash assistance and holistic support through a case management approach, and financial assistance for urgent medical procedures to both refugees and vulnerable Jordanians. Medair is also providing psychosocial care to refugees who live with the traumatic memories of the crisis in their home country, and who face enormous challenges as a refugee in Jordan.

PRAISE POINTSWe are thankful for the period of rest and recuperation for the staff who were able to go to their homes and be with family over the holidays.

Thank God for the relative success in being able to stay operational and deliver full services in an environment where the COVID situation has led to greater limitations for all people in Jordan. Thank you!

Praise God for the gradual downward trend of COVID cases in Jordan and the increased freedoms that have gradually returned as a result.

PRAYER REQUESTSFurther funding for psychosocial support is needed so that we can continue this valuable work. We particularly want to offer groups to adolescents as this continues to be a request by the people in our current programme.

Pray that we find good and creative ways to plan meetings and interactions in a time where many of our staff are working from home due to mobility restrictions.


The thief comes only The thief comes only to steal and kill and to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that destroy; I have come that they may have life, and they may have life, and have it to the full.have it to the full.JOHN 10:10

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Let’s pray for wisdom on how to reopen the office in a safe and sustainable way when time and restrictions allow us to do so.

SYRIA 19–25 April

While this year marks the tenth year of conflict in Syria, the scale, severity, and complexity of needs across the country remain deep and far-reaching. The resilience and capacity of the people in the most affected communities has been severely eroded. An estimated 11.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, with an estimated 6.2 million remaining internally displaced. Certain population groups, including families in overcrowded IDP (internally displaced people) sites and collective shelters, are facing particularly high levels of vulnerability and need as food and essential basic services are widely lacking. The effects of new and protracted displacement also expose civilians to multiple protection risks related to the ongoing hostilities. The situation in northern and northeast Syria remains fragile and the spread of COVID-19 infection in Syria is adding pressure to an already weakened health system.

PRAISE POINTSPraise God for the continued progress in our current programming.

We had a fruitful conversation with an excited donor about a new health area that Medair Syria is branching into. We thank God for putting this project on his heart. Thank you!

We are thankful that our Project Coordinator has finally been able to make it into Damascus from the Netherlands.

PRAYER REQUESTSMedair Syria is looking for additional funding. Please pray that the right opportunities will come to apply for funding, and that donors will see the value of the work that Medair is doing in Syria.

Our Country Director’s visa renewal has been delayed for unknown reasons. She is currently working remotely from overseas with a time difference of nine hours to the team in

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Damascus. Please pray for swift renewal so that she can join the team.

We pray for renewed strength and a great cohesion and spirit within the team.

May the God of endurance May the God of endurance and encouragement and encouragement grant you to live in such grant you to live in such harmony with one another, harmony with one another, in accord with Christ in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify may with one voice glorify the God and Father of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. our Lord Jesus Christ. ROMANS 15:5–6

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SUDAN 26–30 April

PRAISE POINTSWe give thanks for the financial support provided by many individuals and organisations to our programme in Sudan over the past months. This leverages support from institutional parties and the Sudanese government. Thank you!

We are thankful for the committed national and international team members coming together in one spirit and encouraging each other to take to the tasks at hand.

Praise God for full recovery of several staff who have had COVID-19. We keep praying for good health within our teams in the weeks to come.

PRAYER REQUESTSWe pray for successful construction of latrines in the refugee camps before the rain and floods begin. If we are unable to do so, sewage will overflow and additional expensive and dangerous emergency activities will be needed.

We pray that authorities will process visa and travel permits for our staff so that we are able to be on the ground when needed.


Conflict, political instability, slow and sudden onset disasters, and poor economic conditions contribute to Sudan’s complex crisis. This has left twenty percent of the Sudanese population in need of humanitarian assistance and led to the internal displacement of more than 2 million Sudanese since 2010. Additionally, since November 2020, tens of thousands of refugees have fled the conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia to seek refuge in neighbouring Sudan, often walking for days, with little else than the clothes on their back. We are providing for their needs upon arrival through distributing hygiene kits or water containers, as well as implementing measures to prevent water contamination by building latrines, shelter drainage or waste management.

Please pray for the conflicting parties in Ethiopia to stop their violence and atrocities against civilians. Pray for the communities affected by the violence and for God be with them amidst their uncertainty.

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No weapon that is formed against thee shall No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their

righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.ISAIAH 54:17


This unique island is known for its beauty as well as its poverty. With 24 million inhabitants, it is one of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. Cyclones, flash floods, droughts, epidemics, and insect infestations hit the island every year, making it hard for families to break the cycle of poverty. Working in Madagascar requires a dedication to go the ‘extra mile’, as communities are incredibly remote. Since May 2019, Medair started to cooperate closely with the Government, various other partners and the local population in order to set-up a national digital early warning system for better preparedness for cyclones, flooding or bush-fires. With the recent pandemic, Medair started several projects to sensitize and support local communities on COVID-19 prevention—combined with supporting the population with drinking water and promoting better hygiene in regard to nutrition.

PRAISE POINTSWe were able to submit a proposal on time for a project in the District of Amboasary. We give glory to God for the perseverance, intelligence and motivation of the team who worked on that proposal.

The Swiss Government has allocated 1 million CHF to respond to the drought crisis in Southern Madagascar. 50% of the funds are dedicated to continuing Medair’s drinking-water project in Marolinta, South-Madagascar. Thank you!

After weeks of waiting, water trucking finally started as part of the project in the South. We are so thankful for God’s guidance during the whole process, negotiation and coordination with local actors (WASH directory, health centres) and suppliers. Thank you!

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Let the morning bring Let the morning bring word of your unfailing word of your unfailing love, for I have put my love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. you I entrust my life. PSALM 143:8


PRAYER REQUESTSOur teams are currently in Morondava providing training to scouts’ volunteers. May God give them strength and knowledge for this and especially for cyclone season preparedness.

We pray for God’s helping hands to lead the whole team through emergency flooding preparation and to give us sufficient funding to be able to deploy the Emergency Response Team.

We pray for smooth acceptance of submitted reports to UNICEF and guidance in upcoming reporting to many foundations. May God give the Finance department and those who dedicate time to narrative reporting the skills needed to provide high quality reports.

We place Medairs’ water trucking activity in the South under God’s wisdom and guidance and pray that this will help improve lives of vulnerable women and children, and alleviate the suffering that drought has caused.

Answered prayer!

Bold praise points indicate answered prayers from

previous editions!Thank you.


South Sudan is embroiled in one of the most devastating humanitarian crises in recent history. More than two-thirds of the population need humanitarian assistance and protection. South Sudan’s peace process continues to be fragile, and there remains a lack of stability in the health system. Areas of the country are vulnerable to severe flooding which destroys crops and livelihoods.

Medair continues its efforts to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus in South Sudan through community awareness, social distancing, and hand sanitation. Our teams are excited to be working with other NGOs and the Ministry of Health to improve COVID-19 preparedness at local health facilities and to implement innovative programming that can supplement existing systems and support them to cope with increased patient flow.

PRAISE POINTSWe recently handed over our project in Aweil and are towards the end of wrapping things up. We need continued prayer for the teams as they look for next steps. Pray that the Aweil community continues to prosper. Thank you!

We are thankful for approval to return to Renk. It’s a huge praise point and we need continued prayer as teams assess needs and resume much needed programming; pray for good relationships with the communities, safety and security, wisdom for management teams, and peace of mind for staff. Thank you!

We give thanks for some fruitful discussions with other partners and Clusters as we prepare our long-term programme design within our new base in Pibor.

PRAYER REQUESTSWe ask for successful construction of our base in Leer and that our work in the region may reflect God’s love.

My flesh and my heart may fail, My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. and my portion forever. PSALM 73:26

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Pray for wisdom in preparing our programme strategy in our new location, and for favour for positive and collaborative relationships with partners and actors.

We have various vacancies across Medair South Sudan. Please pray for recruitment of the right people at the right time.








Since August 2017, over 700,000 Rohingyas have fled unspeakable violence in Myanmar aimed at their communities, and sought refuge in Bangladesh. The majority have settled in Cox’s Bazar, a small swath of land which has become the largest refugee camp in the world. Families face risks from malnutrition, disease, inadequate shelter, and a lack of opportunities for the future. Medair is working in partnership with World Concern to provide health, nutrition, and shelter services to thousands of families who are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Despite declining media attention, the Rohingyas’ needs remain tremendous.

Whatever you do, work at Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as it with all your heart, as

working for the Lord, not working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you for human masters, since you

know that you will receive know that you will receive an inheritance from the an inheritance from the

Lord as a reward. It is the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Lord Christ you are serving.



PRAISE POINTSDespite the pandemic, our team and the people we serve continue to stay healthy, by God’s grace.

Thank God that our nutrition programme has managed to overcome the majority of the bureaucratic hurdles related to working in the camps in this new year.

We give glory to God for our first nutrition campaign of the year (deworming for children aged 2–5 years old) that has been successful!

We are grateful for the successful repairs by our teams to damaged shelters including those of very vulnerable refugees, single mothers, widows, the elderly, or people with disabilities. Thank you!

PRAYER REQUESTSThe government has started relocating refugees to a remote island, in the Bay of Bengal, three hours by boat. There are major safety concerns about this relocation which the UN and NGOs have raised. Pray these concerns would be heard and addressed. In the meantime, please pray for safety and provision of adequate services.

The government has put up a barbed wire fence around most of the camp—pray that this does not negatively impact beneficiaries, especially in reaching essential services.

In light of this, pray for strong, positive, and fruitful relations with the government, and camp authorities.

Pray for tensions to ease between the host communities and refugees in areas where they live in close proximity.







LEBANON 22–28 May

Lebanon is still suffering from economic and political turmoil, the effects of the explosion in Beirut last August, and rapidly multiplying COVID-19 cases. Additionally, Lebanon continues to host one of the highest numbers of refugees per capita. Earlier this year, a complete lockdown prevented teams from being able to go to the field or to the office, except for the emergency response team in the Bekaa Valley, mobilized to respond to flooding in informal settlements. As the government has begun to ease restrictions again, the team and NGO community are working to reach beneficiaries safely with essential activities and to move forward with the next phase of repairs and rehabilitation to homes in Beirut.

PRAISE POINTSPraise God for the confirmations of continued funding for the ongoing response to Beirut shelter needs.

We give glory to God for the great team dynamics and communication despite remote working. Thank you!

Thank God for the great coordination between our Mental Health team and the government ministries to move the project forward despite lock down barriers.

By God’s grace, our shelter distribution team was able to respond to all emergencies brought on by recent large storms as well as navigating lockdown restrictions.

PRAYER REQUESTSWe place the health and safety of our teams in God’s hands. Especially the staff who are sick as well as older family members who are in severe situations.

Please pray for wisdom for leadership about when and how to follow funding opportunities,


Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.labour in the Lord is not in vain.1 CORINTHIANS 15:58

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as well as planning for the remainder of this unpredictable year.

We pray for the funding applications we have already submitted and for more funding opportunities to arise.

We ask for access to the field to become more straightforward. A lack of clarity over permissions has caused issues and been time consuming for many NGOs.

DR CONGO 29 May–4 June

The second-largest country in Africa has suffered from instability for several decades, resulting in a collapsed health care system and high rates of hunger, malnutrition, and outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as Ebola or Malaria. Accessing people in need is particularly challenging in DR Congo, and the lack of roads and bridges makes it difficult to reach people in need of clean water, maternal health services, and life-saving immunisations. Medair continues to assist vulnerable people in Ituri and Nord Kivu provinces through the provision of primary health care, health promotion, water, sanitation and hygiene, and rehabilitation of impassable roads and bridges to improve humanitarian access.

PRAISE POINTSThe team has submitted the funding proposal to the European Commission for 2021. This was a big piece of work and the team put in a huge effort to ensure it was done with great quality. Thank God for renewing our strength and for his guidance!

Our teams are continuing to work in zones affected by complex security issues. We are thankful that our teams have been safe in their work during this period.

We give glory to God for the people of Lusenze on the shores of Lake Edward. They demonstrate so much joy and determination in all the activities we do with them, be it learning how to grow cabbages or laying pipes for a new water supply.

PRAYER REQUESTSEffective solutions are needed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic globally. May the COVID-19 restrictions never stop us completely from providing aid and relief where we work.

We will be closing our base of operations in Beni. Please pray that we will be able to close the base


I will instruct you and teach you I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. counsel you with my eye upon you. PSALM 32:8 ©




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safely and effectively and pray for the staff during this period of change and uncertainty.

There have been three new cases of Ebola in the zone of Butembo. Please pray that there will not be a large increase in cases and that those affected will be able to recover.

Let us remember to turn to God in every situation, so that God can enlighten us and allow us to see the big picture in all that we do.

Answered prayer!

Bold praise points indicate answered prayers from

previous editions!Thank you.


Afghanistan is a country with a long and complex history of rulers, invasions, and wars. The impact of conflict over the past 30 years, as well as many underlying factors, has caused Afghanistan to be one of the poorest and most underdeveloped nations in the world. The country is also prone to natural disasters and environmental degradation, meaning an already vulnerable population struggles to cope with earthquakes, flooding, drought, mudslides, avalanches, and other natural hazards. There is no easy solution in Afghanistan, which may explain why the country does not receive more media attention or funding support, despite the magnitude of the crisis. Medair has been working in Afghanistan since 1996. We currently provide support in the areas of nutrition, WASH, and food security through projects based in the Central Highlands and in the southern region of the country.

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The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches. that the birds come and perch in its branches. MATTHEW 13:31–32

PRAISE POINTSThank God for the successful recruitment of a Health and Nutrition Project Manager in the Central Highlands.

We were able to submit a major proposal for a multi-sectorial project to the European Commission, including health and nutrition services, hygiene, and cash for food for vulnerable families. We are grateful for the huge team’s efforts and hard work to get this submitted in time!

PRAYER REQUESTSThe winter has been very dry in Afghanistan, which is not a good sign for the coming year’s water supply, especially in the Central Highlands. We pray for snow or rain and also for people in the area who are relying on agriculture to feed their families.

We put our team’s general mental well-being in God’s hands, as there’s been a lot of intensive work, but also earthquakes and increased


insecurity in the cities, especially in Kabul and Kandahar.

We ask for positive outcomes to the proposals we have submitted to donors.

We pray for new international staff members to settle in quickly and feel at home and part of the broader team.

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PRAISE POINTSWe thank God for the significant support of the international community, but also of individual donors providing towards refugees in the world.

Praise God for equipping men and women with the skills and love to help refugees in the most remote and isolated places in the world.

PRAYER REQUESTSWe pray for a surge of compassion and generosity towards those who have been displaced from their home countries. And we ask God to strengthen and bless all those who have given their time, resources and money to assist the populations displaced.

Please pray for a renewed hope for refugees and for their hearts to be healed from traumas they may have suffered.

Many families have fled their homes because of the conflicts and lost all their belongings. We ask for provision from God, that they receive new homes where they can feel safe and at peace.

June 20th is World Refugee Day. It is a day to raise awareness of the current predicament of displaced people and to commemorate the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of refugees.

When people flee, their lives are in turmoil. By the end of 2019, roughly 80 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide. Four out of five of them are in countries or territories affected by acute food insecurity and malnutrition. 73% of all people fleeing across the border find refuge in a neighbouring country. When they find a place to settle, the ‘host community’ is also in upheaval. Our teams help both those who have lost their homes and livelihoods and those who are affected by an influx of people in crisis.

If anyone thirsts, let him come to me If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. heart will flow rivers of living water. JOHN 7:37–38

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We pray that all refugees will receive the humanitarian aid and mental support they need to rebuild their lives.

WORLD REFUGEE DAYSunday, 20th June

Beyond the conflict that envelops Somalia, the country is faced with high rates of mental illness. The country is unable to provide basic care to those in need, and health professionals find it challenging to provide assistance due to the cultural stigmas around mental health and psychosocial well-being. We are providing mental health and psychosocial assistance including basic services such as: health care, access to clean water to reduce stressors, training staff and volunteers on effective communication, as well as strengthening communities and raising awareness on the importance of mental health care.

19–25 JuneWhoever pursues righteousness Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor. righteousness, and honor. PROVERBS 21:21

PRAISE POINTSWe give glory to God for His protection over all staff working in very hostile conditions, insecure environments and for the dedication displayed during their work. We thank God particularly for keeping everyone safe despite a recent spike in COVID-19 infections in the country. Thank you!

Thank God for good progress so far in the implementation of all projects in all the locations. We are thankful for the great collaboration with our partners and for the funding already received. Thank you!

PRAYER REQUESTSWe ask for peace in the country, especially during this period of elections. With the delay in the Federal elections, it is anticipated that there will be increased attacks by armed groups, campaign riots and inter-group clashes. We pray for safety of our staff and partner staff during the period, as well as for a good way forward past the political impasse.

We put in God’s hands a sustainable water project which we started working on this year.


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This project requires a specific approach and we need a lot of wisdom to build the right relationships, engage the key stakeholders and work together on a solution that will provide the population with safe water for many years to come.

In November 2020, Central America was pummelled by two major hurricanes which travelled a similar initial path bringing catastrophic high winds, storm surge and a deluge of rain. A week after the double-disaster struck, Medair’s Global Emergency Response Team (GERT) landed in Honduras to begin assessing and responding to urgent needs. The team travelled over four hours by boat to reach some of the most remote communities in Gracias a Dios to provide critical supplies like soap, chlorine drops to purify drinking water, containers to store water and personal hygiene items to families.

“Access will be particularly challenging in this response, but we will do everything we can to reach the worst-hit remote communities that require urgent assistance” said James McDowell, Head of the Emergency Response Team.

26–30 June

The Lord himself goes before you The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. be afraid; do not be discouraged.


PRAISE POINTSWe praise God because despite the immense challenges facing us in Honduras, He gave us the capacity to reach and assist the isolated communities immediately and by all means, traveling by boat and with long walks across still-flooded lands.

We are grateful for all the people who encouraged us with their many messages of support and mobilization in prayer regarding our intervention in Honduras! This is priceless.

Thank God because of the incredibly dedicated emergency response team we have at Medair. In plus of the great team spirit, they are always on the alert and ready to go the extra mile for human lives.

PRAYER REQUESTSAlthough in high demand, our emergency response team never let us down. Please pray for a renewal of their physical and mental strength during this response.


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The team is still awaiting shipment confirmations from WFP (World Food Programme) for over a month now, which is delaying the program. Please pray for a breakthrough in this situation.

We are very committed to providing clean water to communities. Despite the quick assessment that was done, we are having difficulty procuring the necessary materials to begin this part of the programme. We put this whole situation in God’s hands.

We pray for the Honduras people, devastated by the impact of the hurricanes, that they receive the necessary support over time to rebuild their homes and regain hope in the future.

Front cover: © Medair/Amy Van Drunen

Get involved.You can help families who are suffering in remote parts of the world know they are not forgotten, and that their lives are valued.

You can help communities recover from crisis with dignity and new-found strength, that leaves a lasting legacy.

Join us today.


Thank you for your prayers.

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Charity registered in England and Wales no. 1056731. Limited Company registered in England and Wales no. 3213889

MEDAIR UK333 Canterbury Court1–3 Brixton Rd, LONDON, SW9 6DE Tel: 020 8772 [email protected]