WE FIT YOU M ID $4 93 *> THE FOOTOÇ GEÏSBERG BJ Our J »bsrsts'nt thSSSMlVM m «t the s «lit air of e the j*tT elalmlsg c^s* goo* the mi r quality refinemtht m. i ..pi - - - I.,.., Aiiueraôîi uas iio. t ffoglè haro began '.Uara that tbe>y caa get their eye« That they can gpt glaises fitted better. Teat theyf get tnore service, a re, honest deal'every' come to ay offlice , ' HOT keep comple^»ir ^U|, whs all the time, ilo net * your eyes too long wbea you strain them when1 reading or sing. Oet glasses, aïtéfr. St once. äSS get teetn from nie ff. you want Wh» satisfied. DR. L M. CRArtcfAir* fSlea ever Evans* Phavuaey. Va. t, * * ASSESSOR, ft» <î, fILE THE BUYING IS GOOD »wrTwicÄYeeijy Sale will save you. The BestJWakes of Shoot offered a£^ price 3 no low it |j£ES COMPETITION VVON- DÉR' §&ft$ [M YejrV 8*oe* »US .00 Men's Shoes $4JÜ0 .00 MeVs Shoe* $3.25 .50 Mèn'â Shpes $2.75 .00 Ito^rgeoea $2.65 «AP« WAY. ROS. Shoe Co. 3NIC TEMPLE. ' _ f SATISFY. =33- ittt Is to be the"'finest unless the goods An Inspection of ours will convince Ip^tShip,; .combined with that Infiefii (nark them tee &* highest prodnci D & COMPANY ""HAN Pfii E. jgigg r 111 emoval Notice. I am now at One Hundred and [ trame eo^sîe^^or* anytl t^^^ I}TOnibÜfa*_ better Tisiol ;; The most modern optical it where in the country. You nt tie other towns and whack" eoncenipabs all the busine«« loyal attitude ice one" kr * worsTand stick to the Jo for tbe-nnassee ot the Mood tb flare been loyal tq home tribe" plâcë^n^ West «Il ner street, on the square. #\c Dr. MR. CaihpMl ätsSSä?-?: * - etl4saaV nriygpad*ffsnrii jrtaraewQi^ <»TTie*aja*i tll^aifsfa stepirif Fawn Indian Runuer Ducks (winner* BronsS Torkey*.Pure or with Virginia wild turr Ycuug Cockerels Cepron 11 iladly^^ Anderson, *. - - SA TBE A BALDffLH « : : Bleekley öfe,A^rsoa, C. « Otiten* NtUonniBank Bid*. <> " . . . ^rWe V. * .-_-* aULiÄN t.r«UNKSeM.ES be*** M*«etfitss« ea Ottee: Wkts***V*s*im<Se4'*»'"* * a »'*««- a CA8ST? &' t?AV9. , é Hi ESTEB8 BC8LVBSS FOB SELF. Hurry Flelfthnsé Resigns PnMtfoe as Floresee Mapager Florence, Ja». ' ït*.11*. Barry Fl^laWgr, for m long tin* employed by the firm «r B. Flefirfnaan 4% of tWt ctry, ft ie'anho^ea. serv- ed bis connection with, and. wtlj open up business fn Florence tor himself. TSè -Fleltokman Brothers run a large department store herb and in An- derson ana in sunon, ». v.. rayewe-1 ville and Dunn, ft. "C., and Mr. Harry Ftettebmen who baa been the Florence manager for some years,' hah won for himself a Wide circJd of friends, es- pecially in the business world. HiLt OHD-HUlliTtT A marriage of considerable interest occurred at the residence of Hi*'. '3. B. Herron of the Ixmg Branch sec- ' in on Sunday 'Wet alias £11* Silt- jrd became the bride of B. F. Shir- ley, Ma*. Herron oltlclating. Thel groom is a young map of sterling) cbalrfications and enrineee Ability,j while the bride aas many virtues. aU end Tale up Papers. Newly lûrtlàted toemberi of Wil- low Camp, No. 9S, W. O. W«, ate call- ed upon to ses the elerfc, Mr. J. T. KJhg, before Tuesday night and take up thrlr papers, This Is hscesory, as Che' time bâ^.ncVW feboUt ekplred. No-j tlco have been sent out, bnt those who have bot received them are here- by notified. AT THE OOUJiSFT BOMB. .... .... agi ,. is inmates of Hie county Home to thank the Robert B. Lee - $tâxfâ# hJmt. tbe N»vv '-eat given them On New Wmfcr wery.en* wae. rs- for day. Among the delightful guests who! wiU. b* it Au'dsreon^fpi' this w^9'.;l mt^wTsnd will. Vi the gujbu of their brother, Eer. , 'J. H. QJhJionet, rectpr of qracâ J&ltKtpkl xhcy. wiii b«3 i«5uü«i*3 ä reiwofjen TAttÄ^biMc». N^rdin. ....Will cause headaches. ^ fit i ßi u* &\y c rmhim r<>r i<tu. ft, H; Har#ri7*r P. T. Wash- ugh ... ..litten,- fonàwîÛi ^^ie'naws &b^$Ä$.iWoTmatn« add ! Conneetior s Sèsihers. t*- '3S trains furthtr Inf- agents or J% Bk5*ber * & t:,âhî Greetrilie, .'w\ E. McOée, A P. â., Columbia, 11.. F. Cawv O. P A.. WÉësinsteh. cause sas givts it ta kim. PRACTICAL TALKS BY GOVERNMENT FARM EXPERTS No.II..Use of Foreign Plante, Selecting Good Breed of Chickens. (Officiât New* 8urnm»ry of Up to Date Matters Ccrwptled by tbo United States Department of Agriculture.) SB- UMtcd s tat«-« department of. agriculture In distributing Suiuog.sgrk-ultur.il institutions Wtt!*rA lüs.hno roréig» piket* of mis- «ttutteôn* tytii*. 'sincnu.wht'cb are the |com*»*wfKwi olf <r*W t£w Chinese Ju- Jnbi- and thf> pnpnyn. Tire O^Pu-tV wund <»|l trw produces tnruf tilt* Im'M .îr.vlit»: wIIs Sciikuu. It is--pta»*1-tli.il tîiv.UjMJ of tJus oil bus atrVady tùnl u revolutionär* effect on ttrv taridsli industry- «f the Culled ïQKtVk? Itjlin* lahrèty tfiben tbe place of -knurl ciiiii »nd hVia made possible tin.- ninmirYictmc or a quicker drying varnish .which, is less II- Me to cràck than tbat^ibaUe, frpm t. ...il gum. ut<d ft baa beeil foiiud of »pcilnl value to rraterproof priming fee cement. Er- pWnienta hay* shown fbat tbo trees e*n. jjep^n^wssfpny In the Ucdt- , They, are bclpg cultivated »ear Tellnbassee, Via. The Chinese' Jujube produces one of Che five principal fruits of China and tons been cultivated /or at least 4.000 yfrnL it «i highly esteemed In the CelèstiaI Kingdom and has hundreds The,.tree Is telhg §& r ^J?ifef^vy^'^w^^tn^ 'heBn**ciiudle<i'ta sirup and of tjn varieties presejvr- shape, color ööiTio dates and grown hundreds; of f\m as^Jt^ney .temrwmnre» iwnTT Mixx Bgitiltfi ; itm Rppcar very late In the season. «1st- « drought resisting Plant ^ItfrjgJilLuiuaj »wiia sytLiti mil watch It can grnfbjd and which vtjll grew in se'miaHd terruory or on alkali lend. ,1» doubtful Whether there Is any tree In thivWorld that grows as Wtâfs&M* .fjpÄf»;er that ngw^n > abort a time TJbare I* probably, no &**?;fer«w«*rrtt!sfee In tb*>tf4<&r «R^^pej* -»»d«'b »» now will distributed, throughout t!^ frostlese re- gious of th? globe. The tree beara s déilcete. whirtèsenie abd dettctoue-fruit specially valuable for Invalids and mothers with weak digestion. There U ebnatant demand for good Varieties of twiruit in'' thé fcontb. It prow* t6 I per?ec tlon la. sun litern Florida, n nd. aince It has, been successfully grafted, varieties of standard sicstfsate can be Lwlisjaied, The juice oi tfjt. fruit fur- .MUpthe papalu oi^commjareo. which mM*uz taustvely ss a digestive. ' Lesson* In Horn* Canning. Tfi eUmln*te; waste and aava surplus, té, ^^j^^^f^^l' to jifebea, endvtime #*>ing tn borne rJte arouse greater Interest.in escient and ecepdmk home tannage- fakt^b/^mtlon :o-f/:hd»e:-.taf4: to fkrntf'and bualncws mhn- nblisba more direct -from soil to stom- l»ove ere reasahs set forth by jtirtmoiit of agriculture In i$f| interest cf Imme canning, and here Srt]| seme oi the résilia as advanced .by tbe department: <1 renter human eificiency tbrongb g properly f»-rt hudy*. fruit. vegut|Me£{ anil ureens us mi imitates for patent tr>B|rl«*.; gT*.iteT Jny tu living, and n iongif life: fruit and CMgètableft' for hwHHu diet èferi dny. «oâ the .bee of fruit .and vegetable to keep out bfs t^voe and p^vbOeèee. ; Solactioa Good Breod? ' -Be sure that tbe male at tbe bead of ^ihW*$4**tre.bv. nawe^>.*«tdt?y)rb*ffy of prtfiji f*trnttty of lirndacts .means-4; WHa-if: producta ar> prosier Mgaff." sdrisoa tho United; pertmr-ot of n^citltnlMN poultryraen In,order Ib/^.-'IÄ SW'lMftt. prow|b& r^mltir. try rslaiaa- are I^h>ru^ ,MirW»cs«» gpoaJehs Biait Aa^tntta«» and Aneow»: the Ameri- cnn. nf .cenrrti pon^ bejtaei-ae» Cl>mftHth Ibiokia ^Vyr«dirtt»e.> Jai*a Jbaasfeokiues. Btesde' i ' tinckeyes; «Wr n^ifi are tie fit* edcaps. Per use the American breeds are probably the best" "Hare everything ready beforehand and start your hutching operations ear- ly In the year," Is the advice of the de- purement of agriculture in eonuectiua with the raising of chickens both nat- urally «od artificially, **A well venti-1 laced cellar is the best placé to operate the Incubator. .See that thé incubator is running steadily at the desired tern- perature before filling it with eggs. vo not huu eggs to a macmop. uurniK Incubation. Turn the eggs twice dn,ily after the second and through the eight- eenth day/. Cool the eggs once dally, according to the wç'atbejr, troni %hp sev- enth through the eighteenth tjjty. Turn the eggs before caring for the lanjp. iveep tbe Iniop and wick clean. Test the eggs on the seventh-And fourteenth days- Do sot open the, wscld.no after the eigbtBepth^if unt)l th* cb|cji»na ere hatched- Äpim^soxed, torrbatoplw purposes ahorjjtf net be aubjoctett to high or low lempstutnresr The hen I* tbe most valuable Incu- bator for tbe farmer if- ah'e Is Blveri proper care and attention." In;fold weather, place .fröre' ten to thirteen egg* under the hen; In warm weather from thirteen to fifteen. "Always te?t the hen on china or nest okk* before setting. Use Insect powder freely to exterminate llco wbe.n neeewary. February. March and April are the beut months fur bntcjiiug. if several hens are KOt-in one roopi It is desirable to contint» them In good posts. Straw and bay make good nesting me- terihl. ..... ^ .,, 'liroodv hens should be moved to tbe pewlMtöBBteltting nest at night. le Is n. good feed for. sitting- h r.iS. grit and dqst bathsshould also t»e|tovjdpd. Ail eggs sbbuld.bo testril b^^sjjbfeiitb dfty, which often makes TnVto rpset Börne of the hens. ,..('msrk'Ttbè'cbtcßeiis ni' 086ïi es I are rmtetteeV THte will ehhble ypu their ages hiter. Powder tiie occasionally flnring the first weeks. Chicks should not receive uaülthey aro tbb^ty-fIt old. '^^teen^k.: ttt l."LH',*TJSf"»gr.' pa|h)K»Pftepa tttrtwfotjh pan s V:4WUt**9M< ages. i: CoaüuMbe hen ..until the cbfck*. are ceop for. hen nnd.cWekaebiOuHJ *Mp> ventilated, .Ajasy to clean aud *of attCB- cferft proportions to insure comfort" ifisL. Cemmew Disseise e^TrWffient. . -4U diseased birds suquki^ispVit- edjgj stales thy t^iCisji^lQ^j^^^^ tore in discussing t bu differed a^seo;*«* **> common a^ba*.sUh*eh* Sad tbeh remedies. Tfiau several dlsesse* and ^ cures ai mki ftätb by thu-Sèpati. aie: ènd lioop..Disinfect the drink- -a,, follows: To each giilliiu '^ÏM3bé amount or p 'flRgjBa.lq or We. Scaly Leas.Apply yosellue cootftln* tng 2 per cant of creoiln to the affect- ^Mfa-'-iitd After twefity-fottr^MTO it :a warm soapy- Water. , Repast\ t:ntil cured. .-cfj^Âçi ili< .1 In flena..Lcrdr gradé fr heat FÙC-y[wdàiingfi is good foi-iiiir mJ/ alao give>'^l^»oonrnf;o^'jtfiAor oil uing live, drops of oil of turpen- > each fowl.' rel Tronblè,-Wéîl boiled rice mix- ed with a. little charcoal will often check tnb» complaint Dissolve fifteen grains of crude catsebo In eaeb gallon of drluklng water. m.. Domenstration Work In South. As ta^fsault of gmna demonstration' wore\çonducftMl bylhe department.or rlct'iltnrc during the pn*t few years, .^or.tiie.m. fnriuyp»' ore beginning to grow crimson snd bttr dovyr ursd oth- er fegu roes- vers, estew!vely. and the demand for Med fre*t; M»e aoatb eyesore has nhan nepatiu+satyd-^ Fwm «OftW* received from n^hts of the dWéiHtnsbt. W woe ben>v«*3 tbstt tnore tbh'tl' iüO.C«» »cren wvarfd be ,crlna*on and hur clover and vc A»%fÜtbffit »tatos In thp tôli of ten on f-irm*i where none of tfe>o crn)^ ixntit grâwu.urfî>rml ^)1b\Mnlitie^ o?er south Mi--.-is-.ippi and .Ar kse"5«. snd-*he depart mont bs* had aouie very MuccexarnV OeraaoatrsthHM* -^»ITTj ihm cmji in lng-tr»r ^car. Advertisements in thin dVnirt. mentTwill be classified and run at the following rates: 25 words or less, one time, 25c; three times for 50c; eight times tor $1.00» For more than 25 words the earn* rate will apply. WAISTS GII1L8 WANTED to sew, light work.. Win pay board while you ^re learning. Anderson Overall F*Cr tory, Anderson, B. CT 12-12-2ta WANTED TO BUY.Will buy any time, fat cattle, hogs ana calves I have customers for, and contract's to furnish, I buy hides and tallow. Tbd Tanners wsnt my hides. 121 W. Whltner St, Phone OÎMor 085i B. D. HENDERSON At Lilly White Market The wholesale and abattoir man. 1 tf._,_' _j WANTED 60 bead good mules, old and young,] within the next ten days or two weeks. Bring thteni tO-Tho Fretwell Cohlbinrè stables. :' G. W. RA OER. ^t^ne^fri:;-, j fr Î :' < '.' 'jyi-1- FOB SALE.House and lot where I now live and vacant lot adjoining on east House has eight roomed and kitchen', butler's pantry, bath.- tool electric lights and seweram£ !lTt right, terms right L. E. Nosryce. FOR SALE.Farm, Hfe sores.^1*a%tt<j fully located, near city, good dwell-1 ing, four tenant houses, two barns, gin house, land level and easy of cultivation, at a price that la a. bargain. Come to nte us quick or. write. Burrlss Realty Company. 1-9-tf. _ ' iv :we? know "that <he Lcétcç" ', ' 1 j Is as nearly .r.rr- . ao '-aytbH ^anasj>. v. '^ry that r->-*ior'- for its mode... method* cat *r '"-a It. And ItivatU'y iîiî bï*t Of mcterisl tSiat tnoijc? can buy, goc ' -> it. That's the Î rata» guarantee .iiearvi s6tyê« tuing. And if jgcs l b sv*ry Lest?*- from i \: Music House Blècklev Building. Anderson, 3. GJ îWheo in jneed of «a * FINE TAîtOïUÂlÂpE SUTS cut, trimmed and shaped to your figure, cali on S \LLA ItAILOlUKG CO.. 126 W. j Benson St.; Where y o a r credit is good. Largest as- sortment Woolens in the tftjf to select from and low- est prices. or CREDIT... Under MajÄ' Salt VÊ% BÄson'St, FOR S A IiF..T hftVfl ontnA nl«« 1»'^° white Wyandbttcs (or Rale. Write (or prices..W. W. Thompson, Lown- desvUls, S. C. 12-23-lino. p. PUBLIC SALE We v. ill cell at public auction at the Anderson court house on Monday Feb- ruary 2, at the 'muni timo, one house and lot thrown ol Belton, in estate of Mrs. M. J. Gnmbèl). Purchaser to pay extra for papers..R. R. Keaton and R. A. kci ton, KxecutorH. l-13-3tu. -Fprtyrcight aèfes valuable tarm land BitOMUui wltbin one mile of the city lluiiu of Easley, S. C. near Alice cot- ton mills. This property has a uew eight-room dwelling house, ample out- bn^ljllags and a good barn on it. The lend is very strong and is especially ndvipted to truck farming. For pices terms.'. e?fi. call on or write to Jos. E. 1-eacli. Atoruey, Easley, 8. C. FINE FARM FOK SALB. Flue fArmine,lands for-homes. Two farms l«p. acre» fend one of 200 acres. Near Lebanon school and church. Fresh lands and Well improved. Good terms and long-time. You can buy new, taklog Over' rent contracts for 1914, or buy for fall of 1914. See #pb,Kmg.or Ben F, Martin. 12-9-tf. 7/1 tdJR :bave a lot of gpod land In tracts to suit you. Prices varying from ten dollars: to,, thirty-five per acre. All well located. Write to me at McCormtck, S. C. l'1 j'V"C!/ F* mttPt'<1, B. F: Mattin" will be at Anderson on Saturday n. When writing, address care McCullougb, Martlp and Blythe, T^awyers, Greenville. S. C. Two Horse Form to rent. See Buglne Anderson at Bank Office over Wal- ter Keyq Btore._ _1-20-tt 11:. I ,'; \n I We lure a large assortment from which to" choose: Let us show you and help you plan your fire-place for looks and comfort timer Mantel & Tile Co. Bteckley Building ândèSsûn, s. c. iiïiir'i neiTiiin'ii-ii in mm ock in you think of Pal- ' foetto Block Think of Sloan Whe nyou think of Sloan Think of Phone No. 271. ^ ÂtlDTtCîî -sc ...»«.'... Coalmining Accorate Tables Showing the akut of cot* tos at sRf^lsé only 25c. f an r s /. BOCK 3 RE.

PRACTICALTALKS BY GOVERNMENT FARM - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067669/1914-01-20/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · WEFIT YOU M ID $4 93 *> THE FOOTOÇ GEÏSBERGBJ OurJ

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Our J»bsrsts'ntthSSSMlVMm «t the s

«lit air ofe the j*tT

elalmlsg c^s* goo*the mi

r qualityrefinemtht

m. i ..pi

- - - I.,..,

Aiiueraôîi uas iio.

t ffoglè haro began'.Uara that tbe>y caa get their eye«That they can gptglaises fitted better. Teat theyfget tnore service, a

re, honest deal'every'come to ay offlice ,' HOT keep comple^»ir^U|,whs all the time, ilo net

* your eyes too long wbea youstrain them when1 reading orsing. Oet glasses, aïtéfr. St once.äSS get teetn from nie ff. you wantWh» satisfied.

DR. L M.CRArtcfAir*

fSlea ever Evans* Phavuaey. Va. t,* * ASSESSOR, ft» <î,


»wrTwicÄYeeijy Sale will saveyou. The BestJWakes of Shootoffered a£^ price3 no low it

|j£ES COMPETITION VVON-DÉR'§&ft$[M YejrV 8*oe* »US

.00 Men's Shoes $4JÜ0

.00 MeVs Shoe* $3.25

.50 Mèn'â Shpes $2.75

.00 Ito^rgeoea $2.65



f SATISFY.=33-

itttIs to be the"'finest unless the goodsAn Inspection of ours will convince

Ip^tShip,; .combined with that Infiefii(nark them tee &* highest prodnci


jgigg r 111emoval Notice.

I am now at One Hundred and

[trame eo^sîe^^or* anytlt^^^ I}TOnibÜfa*_ better Tisiol;; The most modern optical it

where in the country. You nttie other towns and whack"

eoncenipabs all the busine««loyal attitudeice one" kr *

worsTand stick to the Jofor tbe-nnassee ot the Mood tb

flare been loyal tq home

tribe" plâcë^n^ West «Ilner street, on the square. #\cDr. MR. CaihpMlätsSSä?-?: * - etl4saaVnriygpad*ffsnrii jrtaraewQi^ <»TTie*aja*i


Fawn Indian Runuer Ducks (winner*

BronsS Torkey*.Pure orwith Virginia wild turr

Ycuug Cockerels Cepron11 iladly^^

Anderson, *. - -


: :Bleekley öfe,A^rsoa, .Ä C. «

Otiten* NtUonniBank Bid*. <>"

. . .^rWe V. *


aULiÄN t.r«UNKSeM.ESbe*** M*«etfitss« eaOttee: Wkts***V*s*im<Se4'*»'"*

* a »'*««- I» a

CA8ST? &' t?AV9.

, é


ESTEB8 BC8LVBSS FOB SELF.Hurry Flelfthnsé Resigns PnMtfoe as

Floresee MapagerFlorence, Ja». ' ït*.11*. BarryFl^laWgr, for m long tin* employedby the firm «r B. Flefirfnaan 4%of tWt ctry, ft ie'anho^ea. serv-ed bis connection with, and. wtlj openup business fn Florence tor himself.TSè -Fleltokman Brothers run a

large department store herb and in An-derson ana in sunon, ». v.. rayewe-1ville and Dunn, ft. "C., and Mr. HarryFtettebmen who baa been the Florencemanager for some years,' hah won forhimself a Wide circJd of friends, es-pecially in the business world.

HiLt OHD-HUlliTtTA marriage of considerable interest

occurred at the residence of Hi*'. '3.B. Herron of the Ixmg Branch sec-' in on Sunday 'Wet alias £11* Silt-jrd became the bride of B. F. Shir-

ley, Ma*. Herron oltlclating. Thelgroom is a young map of sterling)cbalrfications and enrineee Ability,jwhile the bride aas many virtues.

aU end Tale up Papers.Newly lûrtlàted toemberi of Wil-

low Camp, No. 9S, W. O. W«, ate call-ed upon to ses the elerfc, Mr. J. T.KJhg, before Tuesday night and takeup thrlr papers, This Is hscesory, asChe' time bâ^.ncVW feboUt ekplred. No-jtlco have been sent out, bnt thosewho have bot received them are here-by notified.

AT THE OOUJiSFT BOMB..... .... agi ,.

is inmates of Hie county Hometo thank the Robert B. Lee- $tâxfâ#hJmt. tbe N»vv

'-eat given them On NewWmfcr wery.en* wae. rs-


Among the delightful guests who!wiU. b* it Au'dsreon^fpi' this w^9'.;l

mt^wTsnd will. Vi the gujbu oftheir brother, Eer. , 'J. H. QJhJionet,rectpr of qracâ J&ltKtpklxhcy. wiii b«3 i«5uü«i*3 ä reiwofjenTAttÄ^biMc». N^rdin.

....Will cause headaches.^

fit i ßi u* &\yc rmhim r<>r i<tu.

ft, H; Har#ri7*r P. T. Wash-

ugh... ..litten,-

fonàwîÛi ^^ie'naws&b^$Ä$.iWoTmatn« add

! Conneetior sSèsihers. t*- '3Strains töfurthtr Inf-agents orJ% Bk5*ber * & t:,âhî Greetrilie,.'w\ E. McOée, A P. â., Columbia,11.. F. Cawv O. P A.. WÉësinsteh.

cause sas givts it ta kim.


No.II..Use of Foreign Plante,Selecting Good Breed

of Chickens.

(Officiât New* 8urnm»ry of Up to DateMatters Ccrwptled by tbo UnitedStates Department of Agriculture.)

SB- UMtcd s tat«-« departmentof. agriculture In distributingSuiuog.sgrk-ultur.il institutions

Wtt!*rA lüs.hno roréig» piket* of mis-«ttutteôn* tytii*. 'sincnu.wht'cb are the|com*»*wfKwi olf<r*W t£w Chinese Ju-Jnbi- and thf> pnpnyn.Tire O^Pu-tV wund <»|l trw producestnruf tilt* Im'M .îr.vlit»: wIIs Sciikuu. Itis--pta»*1-tli.il tîiv.UjMJ of tJus oil busatrVady tùnl u revolutionär* effect onttrv taridsli industry- «f the CulledïQKtVk? Itjlin* lahrèty tfiben tbe placeof -knurl ciiiii »nd hVia made possibletin.- ninmirYictmc or a quicker dryingvarnish .which, is less II- Me to cràckthan tbat^ibaUe, frpm t. ...il gum. ut<dft baa beeil foiiud of »pcilnl value torraterproof priming fee cement. Er-pWnienta hay* shown fbat tbo treese*n. jjep^n^wssfpny In the Ucdt-

, They, are bclpg cultivated»ear Tellnbassee, Via.The Chinese' Jujube produces one of

Che five principal fruits of China andtons been cultivated /or at least 4.000yfrnL it «i highly esteemed In theCelèstiaI Kingdom and has hundreds

The,.tree Is telhg §&r^J?ifef^vy^'^w^^tn^'heBn**ciiudle<i'ta sirup and

of tjn varieties presejvr-shape, color

ööiTio dates andgrown hundreds; of

f\m as^Jt^ney .temrwmnre»iwnTT Mixx Bgitiltfi ; itm

Rppcar very late In the season.«1st- « drought resisting Plant

^ItfrjgJilLuiuaj »wiia sytLiti mil watchIt can grnfbjd and which vtjllgrew in se'miaHd terruory or on alkalilend.

,1» doubtful Whether there Is anytree In thivWorld that grows as

Wtâfs&M*.fjpÄf»;er that ngw^n> abort a time TJbare I* probably, no&**?;fer«w«*rrtt!sfee In tb*>tf4<&r«R^^pej* -»»d«'b »» now will

distributed, throughout t!^ frostlese re-gious of th? globe. The tree beara sdéilcete. whirtèsenie abd dettctoue-fruitspecially valuable for Invalids andmothers with weak digestion. There Uebnatant demand for good Varieties oftwiruit in'' thé fcontb. It prow* t6

I per?ectlon la. sun litern Florida, n nd.aince It has, been successfully grafted,varieties of standard sicstfsate can be

Lwlisjaied, The juice oi tfjt. fruit fur-.MUpthe papalu oi^commjareo. whichmM*uztaustvely ss a digestive.


Lesson* In Horn* Canning.Tfi eUmln*te; waste and aava surplus,

té, ^^j^^^f^^l' tojifebea, endvtime #*>ing tn borne

rJte arouse greater Interest.inescient and ecepdmk home tannage-

fakt^b/^mtlon :o-f/:hd»e:-.taf4:to fkrntf'and bualncws mhn-

nblisba more direct-from soil to stom-

l»ove ere reasahs set forth byjtirtmoiit of agriculture In i$f|interest cf Imme canning, and here Srt]|

seme oi the résilia as advanced .bytbe department:

<1renter human eificiency tbrongb gproperly f»-rt hudy*. fruit. vegut|Me£{anil ureens us miimitates for patenttr>B|rl«*.; gT*.iteT Jny tu living, and niongif life: fruit and CMgètableft' forhwHHu diet èferi dny. «oâ the .bee offruit .and vegetable to keep out bfst^voe and p^vbOeèee. ;

Solactioa Good Breod? '

-Be sure that tbe male at tbe bead of^ihW*$4**tre.bv.nawe^>.*«tdt?y)rb*ffy of prtfijif*trnttty of lirndacts .means-4;WHa-if: producta ar> prosierMgaff." sdrisoa tho United;pertmr-ot of n^citltnlMNpoultryraen In,order Ib/^.-'IÄSW'lMftt. prow|b& r^mltir.try rslaiaa-

are I^h>ru^ ,MirW»cs«» gpoaJehs BiaitAa^tntta«» and Aneow»: the Ameri-cnn. nf .cenrrti pon^ bejtaei-ae»Cl>mftHth Ibiokia ^Vyr«dirtt»e.> Jai*aJbaasfeokiues. Btesde' i


tinckeyes; «Wr n^ifiare

tie fit*edcaps. Per

use the American breeds are probablythe best""Hare everything ready beforehand

and start your hutching operations ear-ly In the year," Is the advice of the de-purement of agriculture in eonuectiuawith the raising of chickens both nat-urally «od artificially, **A well venti-1laced cellar is the best placé to operatethe Incubator. .See that thé incubatoris running steadily at the desired tern-perature before filling it with eggs.vo not huu eggs to a macmop. uurniKIncubation. Turn the eggs twice dn,ilyafter the second and through the eight-eenth day/. Cool the eggs once dally,according to the wç'atbejr, troni %hp sev-enth through the eighteenth tjjty. Turnthe eggs before caring for the lanjp.iveep tbe Iniop and wick clean. Testthe eggs on the seventh-And fourteenthdays- Do sot open the, wscld.no afterthe eigbtBepth^if unt)l th* cb|cji»naere hatched- Äpim^soxed, torrbatoplwpurposes ahorjjtf net be aubjoctett tohigh or low lempstutnresrThe hen I* tbe most valuable Incu-

bator for tbe farmer if- ah'e Is Blveriproper care and attention." In;foldweather, place .fröre' ten to thirteenegg* under the hen; In warm weatherfrom thirteen to fifteen."Always te?t the hen on china or

nest okk* before setting. Use Insectpowder freely to exterminate llco wbe.nneeewary. February. March and Aprilare the beut months fur bntcjiiug. ifseveral hens are KOt-in one roopi It isdesirable to contint» them In good posts.Straw and bay make good nesting me-terihl. ..... ^ .,,

'liroodv hens should be moved to tbepewlMtöBBteltting nest atnight. le

Is n. good feed for. sitting- h r.iS.grit and dqst bathsshould alsot»e|tovjdpd. Ail eggs sbbuld.bo testrilb^^sjjbfeiitb dfty, which often makes

TnVto rpset Börne of the hens.,..('msrk'Ttbè'cbtcßeiis ni' 086ïi es

I are rmtetteeV THte will ehhble yputheir ages hiter. Powder tiieoccasionally flnring the first

weeks. Chicks should not receiveuaülthey aro tbb^ty-fIt old.

'^^teen^k.:ttt l."LH',*TJSf"»gr.'

pa|h)K»Pftepa tttrtwfotjh pan s

V:4WUt**9M< ages. i: CoaüuMbehen ..until the cbfck*. areceop for. hen nnd.cWekaebiOuHJ*Mp>ventilated, .Ajasy to clean aud *of attCB-cferft proportions to insure comfort"

ifisL.Cemmew Disseise e^TrWffient. .

-4U diseased birds suquki^ispVit-edjgj stales thy t^iCisji^lQ^j^^^^tore in discussing tbu differed a^seo;*«***> common a^ba*.sUh*eh* Sad tbehremedies. Tfiau several dlsesse* and^ cures ai mki ftätb by thu-Sèpati.aie:

ènd lioop..Disinfect the drink--a,, follows: To each giilliiu'^ÏM3bé amount or p

'flRgjBa.lq or

We.Scaly Leas.Apply yosellue cootftln*

tng 2 per cant of creoiln to the affect-^Mfa-'-iitd After twefity-fottr^MTOit :a warm soapy- Water. , Repast\

t:ntil cured. .-cfj^Âçiili< .1 In flena..Lcrdr gradé fr heatFÙC-y[wdàiingfi is good foi-iiiir

mJ/ alao give>'^l^»oonrnf;o^'jtfiAor oiluing live, drops of oil of turpen-> each fowl.'rel Tronblè,-Wéîl boiled rice mix-

ed with a. little charcoal will oftencheck tnb» complaint Dissolve fifteengrains of crude catsebo In eaeb gallonof drluklng water.

m..Domenstration Work In South.

As ta^fsault of gmna demonstration'wore\çonducftMl bylhe department.or

rlct'iltnrc during the pn*t few years,.^or.tiie.m. fnriuyp»' ore beginning togrow crimson snd bttr dovyr ursd oth-er fegu roes- vers, estew!vely. and thedemand for Med fre*t; M»e aoatbeyesore has nhan nepatiu+satyd-^ Fwm«OftW* received from n^hts of thedWéiHtnsbt. W woe ben>v«*3 tbstt tnoretbh'tl' iüO.C«» »cren wvarfd be,crlna*on and hur clover and vc

A»%fÜtbffit »tatos In thp tôli of tenon f-irm*i where none of tfe>o crn)^

ixntit grâwu.urfî>rml^)1b\Mnlitie^ o?ersouth Mi--.-is-.ippi and .Ar

kse"5«. snd-*he departmont bs* hadaouie very MuccexarnV OeraaoatrsthHM*-^»ITTj ihm cmji inlng-tr»r ^car.

Advertisements in thin dVnirt.mentTwill be classified and run atthe following rates: 25 words orless, one time, 25c; three timesfor 50c; eight times tor $1.00»For more than 25 words the earn*rate will apply.

WAISTSGII1L8 WANTED to sew, light work..Win pay board while you ^relearning. Anderson Overall F*Cr

tory, Anderson, B. CT 12-12-2taWANTED TO BUY.Will buy anytime, fat cattle, hogs ana calves

I have customers for, and contract'sto furnish, I buy hides and tallow.Tbd Tanners wsnt my hides.

121 W. Whltner St, Phone OÎMor 085iB. D. HENDERSON

At Lilly White MarketThe wholesale and abattoir man. 1tf._,_' _j

WANTED60 bead good mules, old and young,]within the next ten days or two weeks.

Bring thteni tO-Tho Fretwell Cohlbinrèstables. :' G. W. RAOER.^t^ne^fri:;-, j fr Î :' <

'.' 'jyi-1-FOB SALE.House and lot where Inow live and vacant lot adjoining oneast House has eight roomed andkitchen', butler's pantry, bath.- toolelectric lights and seweram£ !lTtright, terms right L. E. Nosryce.FOR SALE.Farm, Hfe sores.^1*a%tt<jfully located, near city, good dwell-1ing, four tenant houses, two barns,

gin house, land level and easy ofcultivation, at a price that la a.bargain. Come to nte us quick or.write. Burrlss Realty Company.1-9-tf.



iv :we? know "that <he Lcétcç" ', ' 1j Is as nearly .r.rr- . ao'-aytbH ^anasj>. v. '^rythat r->-*ior'- for itsmode... method* cat *r '"-aIt. And ItivatU'y iîiî bï*tOf mcterisl tSiat tnoijc? canbuy, goc

'-> it.

That's the Î rata»guarantee .iiearvi s6tyê«tuing. And if jgcs l bsv*ry Lest?*- from i

\: Music HouseBlècklev Building.

Anderson, 3. GJ

îWheo in jneed of«a *

FINE TAîtOïUÂlÂpE SUTScut, trimmed and shaped toyour figure, cali on S\LLAItAILOlUKG CO.. 126 W.

j Benson St.; Where y o a r

credit is good. Largest as-sortment Woolens in thetftjf to select from and low-est prices.

or CREDIT...

Under MajÄ' SaltVÊ% BÄson'St,

FOR SA IiF..T hftVfl ontnA nl«« 1»'^°white Wyandbttcs (or Rale. Write(or prices..W. W. Thompson, Lown-desvUls, S. C. 12-23-lino. p.

PUBLIC SALEWe v. ill cell at public auction at theAnderson court house on Monday Feb-

ruary 2, at the 'muni timo, one houseand lot thrown ol Belton, in estate ofMrs. M. J. Gnmbèl). Purchaser to payextra for papers..R. R. Keaton andR. A. kci ton, KxecutorH. l-13-3tu.

-Fprtyrcight aèfes valuable tarm landBitOMUui wltbin one mile of the citylluiiu of Easley, S. C. near Alice cot-ton mills. This property has a ueweight-room dwelling house, ample out-bn^ljllags and a good barn on it. Thelend is very strong and is especiallyndvipted to truck farming. For picesterms.'. e?fi. call on or write to Jos. E.1-eacli. Atoruey, Easley, 8. C.

FINE FARM FOK SALB.Flue fArmine,lands for-homes. Twofarms l«p. acre» fend one of 200 acres.

Near Lebanon school and church.Fresh lands and Well improved. Goodterms and long-time. You can buynew, taklog Over' rent contracts for1914, or buy for fall of 1914. See#pb,Kmg.or Ben F, Martin. 12-9-tf.

7/1 tdJR :bave a lot of gpod land Intracts to suit you. Prices varyingfrom ten dollars: to,, thirty-five peracre. All well located. Write to meat McCormtck, S. C.

l'1 j'V"C!/ F* mttPt'<1,

B. F: Mattin" will be at Anderson onSaturday n. When writing, addresscare McCullougb, Martlp and Blythe,T^awyers, Greenville. S. C.

Two Horse Form to rent. See BuglneAnderson at Bank Office over Wal-ter Keyq Btore._ _1-20-tt



,'; \n


We lure a large assortment fromwhich to" choose: Let us show youand help you plan your fire-placefor looks and comfort

timer Mantel &Tile Co.

Bteckley BuildingândèSsûn, s. c.

iiïiir'i neiTiiin'ii-ii in


in you think of Pal-' foetto Block

Think of Sloan

Whe nyou think of Sloan

Think of PhoneNo. 271.

^ ÂtlDTtCîî -sc...»«.'...

Coalmining Accorate TablesShowing the akut of cot*tos at sRf^lsé only 25c.

f an r s/. BOCK 3 RE.