ppt f4 2015(1).docx

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  • 8/19/2019 ppt f4 2015(1).docx




    Rajah 1 menunjukkan keratin rentas sel tumbuhan.

     Diagram 1 shows a cross section of a plant cell.

      Rajah 1 / Diagram 1

    Apakah organel P?

    What is organelle P?

     A Vakuol / Vacuole

     B Kloroplas / Chloroplast 

    C Jasad Golgi / Golgi apparatus D Jalinan endoplasma kasar / Rough endoplasmic reticulum

    !rganel " dapat dijumpai dengan ban#ak di dalam sei$sel liur.

    rganelle ! can "e found in large num"ers in the sali#ar$ cells.

    Apakah organel "?

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    What is organel !?

    A Reti%ulum endoplasma li%in / %mooth endoplasmic reticulum

     B &itokondria / &itochondrion

    C  'entriol / %entriole D Jasad Golgi / Golgi apparatus


      Rajah / Diagram '

    Antara proses berikut) #ang manakah berlaku dalam organel ini?

    Which of the following processes occurs in this organelle?

    A Pembentukan kanji / (ormation of starch

    * 'intesis protein / %$nhtesis of protein

    C  'intesis en+im / %$nthesis of en)$me

     D Penjanaan tenaga / Generation of energ$


    Rajah ( menunjukkan tiga tisu manusia #ang berbe+a.

     Diagrams * shows three different t$pe of human tissues.

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      Rajah ( / Diagram *

    Q R S

    A ,isu otot

     &uscle tissue

    ,isu penghubung

    Connecti#e tissue

    ,isu epitelium

     +pithelial tissue

    * ,isu penghubung

    Connecti#e tissue

    ,isu epitelium

     +pithelial tissue

    ,isu otot

     &uscle tissue

    C ,isu penghubung

    Connecti#e tissue

    ,isu otot

     &uscle tissue

    ,isu epitelium

     +pithelial tissue

    - ,isu epitelium

     +pithelial tissue

    ,isu penghubung

    Connecti#e tissue

    ,isu otot

     &uscle tissue

    Rajah menunjukkan struktur dalaman sehelai daun.

     Diagram , shows the internal structure of a leaf.

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      Rajah / Diagram

    Apakah bahagian #ang berlabel ?

    What is the part la"elled /?

     A Vakuol menge%ut / contractile #acuole

     B Vakuol makanan / food #acuole

    C  'itosom / C$tosome

     D &akronukleus / &acronucleus


    Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah merupakan sel bagi tisu penghubung manusia?

    Which of the following is a cell of human connecti#e tissue?

     A  3euron / A neuron

     B 'el otot kardiak / A cardiac muscle cell 

    C  'el darah putih / A white "lood cell  D 'el epitelium / An epithelial cell 


    Antara sistem manusia berikut) #ang manakah terlibat dalam menga0al atur suhu


    Which of the following human s$stems are in#ol#ed in regulating the "od$


    5 'istem peredaran / Circulator$ s$stem

     00  'istem pen%ernaan / Digesti#e s$stem

    555 'istem integumen / 0ntegumentar$ s$stem

     0V  'istem respirasi / Respirator$ s$stem

     A 5 dan 55 / 0 and 00 

    * 5 dan 555 / 0 and 000 

    C  55 dan 555 / 00 and 000 

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    - 555 dan 5V / 000 and 0V 


    Antara jenis$jenis sel berikut) #ang manakah menunjukkan sel tumbuhan?

    Which of the following t$pes of cell is a plant cell?


    Rajah 2 menunjukkan sejenis organisma.

     Diagram shows a t$pe of organism.

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      Rajah 2 / Diagram  

    Apakah proses #ang terlibat bagi pergerakan air pada organisma itu?

    What process in#ol#ed for the mo#ement of water in the organism?

     A Resapan ringkas / %imple diffusion

     B !smosis / smosis

    C Pengangkutan akti8 / Acti#e transport 

     D Resapan berbantu / (acilitated diffusion


    Rajah 4 menunjukkan organisma unisel #ang terdapat dalam kolam air ta0ar.

     Diagram 2 shows the unicellular organisms found in freshwater ponds.

      Rajah 4 / Diagram 2 

    Antara bahagjan A) *) C atau -) #ang manakah menga0al atur kandungan air?

    Which of the part- A- B- C or D- regulates the water content?


    ,isu #ang melapisi organ dalaman ialah

    3he tissue that lines the internal organs is the

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     A  tisu sara8 / ner#e cell 

     B  tisu epithelium / epithelial tissue

    C   tisu pen#ambung / connecti#e tissue

     D  tisu otot / muscle tissue


    Rajah 6 menunjukkan struktur utama membrane plasma.

    -iagram 6 sho0s the main stru%ture o8 plasma membrane.

    Rajah 6 / Diagram 4

    Apakah P) dan R?

    What are P- / and R?

    P Q R 

    A Protein pemba0a /

    carrier Protein

    :iang protein / pore



    8os8olipid /

     phospholipid "ila$er 

    * :iang protein / pore


    Protein pemba0a /

    carrier Protein


    8os8olipid /

     phospholipid "ila$er 

    C -0ilapisan

    8os8olipid /

     phospholipid "ila$er 

    :iang protein / pore


    Protein pemba0a /

    carrier Protein

    - -0ilapisan Protein pemba0a / :iang protein / pore

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    8os8olipid /

     phospholipid "ila$er 

    carrier Protein protein


    Rajah 7 menunjukkan pergerakanmolekul$molekul merentas satu membran plasma

    se%ara proses ;.

     Diagram 5 shows the mo#ement of molecules across a plasma mem"rane "$ process



    Rajah 7 / Diagram 5

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    Antara berikut) #ang manakah proses ;?

    Which of the following is process W?

    A Resapan berbantu / (acilitated diffusion* Resapan ringkas / %imple diffusion

    C  Pengangkutan akti8 / Acti#e transport 

     D !smosis / smosis


    Rajah 19 menunjukkan keadaan empat jalur ba#am

    selepas direndam di dalam larutan #ang berbe+a


     Diagram 16 shows the condition of four stripes of

     spinach after "eing immersed in the solution with

    different concentration.

      Rajah 19 / Diagram 16

    Antara berikut) #ang manakah benar mengenai jenis larutan R) ' dan

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    R S U

    A 5sotonik






    * =ipotonik





     8$pertonicC =ipotonik






    - =ipertonik







    Antara proses berikut) #ang manakah terlibat dalam pergerakan molekul air dan ion

    mineral ke dalam akar rerambut?

    Which of the following processes are in#ol#ed in the mo#ement of water and mineralions into root hairs?

    Air / Water Ion mineral / Mineral ion

    A Resapan ringkas

    %imple diffusion

    Pengangkutan akti8 

     Acti#e transport 

    * Pengangkutan akti8  

     Acti#e transport 

    Resapan berbantu

     (acilitated diffusion

    C !smosis


    Pengangkutan akti8 

     Acti#e transport 

    - Resapan berbantu

     (acilitated diffusion




    Rajah 11 menunjukkan resapan melalui membran separa telap.

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     Diagram 11 shows diffusion through a semipermea"le


      Rajah 11 / Diagram 11

    Apakah > dan "?

    What are 9 and !?

    X Y

    A :arutan sukrosa 9

    '6: sucrose solution

    Air suling

     Distilled water 

    * Air suling

     Distilled water 

    Air suling

     Distilled water 

    C :arutan sukrosa 9

    '6: sucrose solution

    :arutan sukrosa 9

    '6: sucrose solution- Air suling

     Distilled water 

    :arutan sukrosa 9

    '6: sucrose solution

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    Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu eksperimen.

     Diagram 1' shows an e;periment .

      Rajah 1 / Diagram 1'

    Antara berikut) #ang manakah benar mengenai keadaan sel tumbuhan di dalam

    larutan sukrosa #ang berbe+a kepekatan?

    Which of the followings is true regarding the condition of plant cell in different

    concentration of sucrose solution?

    P Q R 

    A 'egah / 3urgid  @lasid / (laccid  'egah / 3urgid 

    * -eplasmolisis /


    @lasid / (laccid  'egah / 3urgid 

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    C 'egah / 3urgid  -eplasmolisis /


    'egah / 3urgid 

    - 'egah / 3urgid  @lasid / (laccid  -eplasmolisis /



    &aklumat berikut merujuk kepada keadaan sel tumbuhan selepas direndam di dalam

    sejenis larutan.

    3he following information refer to a condition of plant cells after "eing immersed in a


    Apakah proses #ang dialami oleh sel tumbuhan tersebut?

    What process does the plant cell undergo?

     A Krenasi / Crenation

    * =emolisis / 8aemol$sis

    C  Plasmol#sis / Plasmol$sis

     D -eplasmolisis / -eplasmol$sis


    Rajah 1( menunjukkan aleolus peparu manusia.

     Diagram 1* shows human

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      Rajah 1( / Diagram 1*

    Apakah proses #ang terlibat dalam pertukaran gas antara aleolus dengan kapilari

    darah di sekelilingn#a?

    What is the process in#ol#ed in the gaseous e;change "etween the al#eolus and the

     surrounding "lood capillaries?

    A Resapan ringkas / %imple diffusion

     B !smosis / smosis

    C Resapan berbantu / (acilitated diffusion

    - Pengangkutan akti8 / Acti#e transport 


    Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas suatu eksperimen untuk mengkaji osmosis.

     Diagram 1, shows an e;periment set up to stud$ osmosis.

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      Rajah 1 / Diagram 1,

    Aras larutan sukrosa 19 berkurang selepas beberapa minit. Antara #ang berikut)

    #ang manakah kemungkinan larutan >?

    3he le#el of the 16: sucrose solution decreases after a few minutes. Which of the

     following would solution 9 "e?

     A Air suling / Distilled water 

    * :arutan sukrosa 1 / 1: sucrose solution

    C :arutan sukrosa / : sucrose solution

    - :arutan sukrosa 9 / '6: sucrose solution


    Apakah proses #ang terlibat dalam pen#erapan semula air di ginjal dan pen#erapan

    asid amino di dalam ilus usus ke%il?

    What are the processes in#ol#ed in the rea"sorption of water in the =idne$s and the

    a"sorption of amino acids in the #illi of the small intestine?

    Pen#erapan semula air

    Reabsorption o8 0ater 

    Pen#erapan asid amino

    Absorption o8 amino a%ids

    A Pengangkutan akti8  

     Acti#e transport 

    Pengangkutan pasi8 

    Passie transport

    * !smosis


    Resapan berbantu

     (acilitated diffusionC Pengangkutan akti8  

     Acti#e transport 

    Resapan berbantu

     (acilitated diffusion

    - !smosis


    Pengangkutan akti8 

     Acti#e transport 

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    Apakah nama larutan #ang mempun#ai kepekatan +at terlarut #ang tinggi?

    What is a solution with a higher concentration solute called?

     A :arutan hipotonik / 8$potonic solution B :arutan hipertonik / 8$pertonic solution

    C :arutan isotonik / 0sotonic solution

    - :arutan garam / %alt solution


    'atu sel direndam di dalam larutan garam 9 selama 19 minit dan kemudiann#a di

    dalam air suling. Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah menunjukkan keadaan sel #ang


     A cell is immersed in '6: salt solution for 16 minutes and then in distilled water.

    Which of the following shows the e;pected condition of the cell?

    Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah menunjukkan struktur sel darah merah selepas di

    letakkan di dalam air suling?

    Which of the following shows the structure of a red "lood cell after it is placed in

    distilled water?

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    Rajah 1 menunjukkan jalur batang ba#am selepas direndam di dalam larutan >?

     Diagram 1 shows a strip of spinach stem after "eing immersed in solution 9.

      Rajah 1 / Diagram 1

    Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah mungkin larutan >?

    Which of the following solution 9 "e?

     A Air suling / Distilled water 

     B :arutan sukrosa 14 / %ucrose solution 12:

    C  :arutan sukrosa (9 / %ucrose solution *6:

     D :arutan sukrosa 9 / %ucrose solution ,6:


    Apakah #ang akan berlaku pada sel darah merah #ang direndam dalam larutan

    natrium klorida ?

    What will happen to red "lood cells which are immersed in a : sodium chloride


    A 'el darah merah akan mengalami hemolisis

      3he$ will "e haemol$sed 

    * 'el darah merah akan mengalami krenasi

    3he$ will "e crenated 

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    C 'el darah merah akan mengalami plasmol#sis

    3he$ will "e plasmol$sed 

    - 'el darah merah akan kekal bentuk asaln#a

    3he$ will maintain their shape


    Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah mengakibatkan sel tumbuhan tersebut mengalami


    Which of the following will cause the plant cell to undergo deplasmol$sis?

    A Air suling / Distilled water 

    * :arutan garam / %alt solution

    C :arutan sukrosa / %ucrose solution

    - Cuka / #inegar  


    Rajah 16 menunjukkan graf kesan kepekatan larutan sukrosa yang

    berbeza ke atas jsm tsu ub kentang!

    Diagram 16 is a graph showing the efect o diferent

    concentrations o sucrose solution on the mass o potato tissue.

      Rajah 12 / Diagram 1 "ntara ttk A, B, C dan D# yang manakah sel kentang berkea$aan

    %as$ $an mengalam palmolss&

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     At which point A, B, C and D, does the potato cells become accid

    and plasmolysed?


    Rajah 14 menunjukkan kandungan %e%air di dalam badan manusia.

     Diagram 12 shows the fluid compositions of human "od$.

      Rajah 14 / Diagram 12 

    Antara bahagian A) * C dan -) dimanakah penga0alaturan 8aktor kimia dan

    8i+ikal berlaku ?

    Which of the parts A- B- C and D does regulation of chemical and ph$sical

     factors occur ?


    'ebatian organik adalah sebatian #ang mengandungiB

    rganic compounds that contain>

     A =#drogen / 8$drogen

     B  3itrogen / itrogen

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    C  Karbon / Car"on

     D 'ul8ur / %ulphur 


    Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah bertindak sebagai medium bagi tindak balas

     biokimia di dalam sel?

    Which of the following su"stances acts as a medium for "iochemical reactions in a


    A Air / Water 

    * Glukosa / GlucoseC :ipid / @ipid 

    - Asid amino / Amino acid 



    Apakah #ang di0akili oleh P dan ?

    What are represented "$ P and /?

    P Q

    A =#drol#sis / 8idrolisis :a%tose / @a=tosa

    * Condensation / ondensasi &altose / &altosa

    C Condensation / ondensasi :a%tose / @a=tosa

    - =#drol#sis / 8idrolisis &altose / &altosa

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    Antara karbohidrat berikut) #ang manakah mempun#ai struktur seperti #angditunjukkan dalam Rajah 16?

    Which of the following car"oh$drates has a structure as shown in Diagram 14?

    Rajah 16 / Diagram 14

     A Kanji / %tarch

     B Glikogen / Gl$cogen

    C  Galaktosa / Galactose

     D 'elulosa / Cellulose


    Antara pern#ataan berikut) #ang manakah tidak benar tentang protein?

    Which of the following statements a"out protein in not true?

    A &onomer bagi protein adalah asid amino

     &onomer of protein is amino acid 

    * Asid amino tidak perlu tidak boleh disintesis dalam manusia

     onessential amino acids cannot "e s$nthesised in humans.


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    Rajah 17  Diagram 15

    *ahagian #ang berlabel me0akiliB..

    3he part la"elled / represents>..

     A @os8at / Phosphate

     B Gliserol / Gl$cerol 

    C  Asid lemak / (att$ acid 

     D Asid amino / Amino acid 


    Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah bukan padanan #ang benar bagi en+im dan


    Which of the following is not a correct match "etween an en)$me and its su"strate?

    Enzim /  Enzyme Substrat /  Substrate

    A 'ukrasa / %ucrase 'ukrosa / %ucrose

    * Amilase / Am$lase Glikogen / Gl$cogenC :ipase / @ipase :ipid  @ipid 

    - Protease / Protease Protein / Protein


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    Antara #ang berikut) #ang manakah menunjukkan kesan suhu ke atas kadar tindak

     balas bermangkinkan en+im?

    Which of the following graphs shows the effect of temperature on the rate of an

    en)$mecatal$sed reaction?

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    n+im #ang manakah memerlukan medium berasid Dp= 1$E untuk bertindak balas?

    Which en)$me needs ia acidic medium Ep81,F for its reaction?

    A Pepsin / Pepsin

    * ,ripsin / 3r$psin

    C Amilase / Am$lase

    - &altase / &altase


    Rajah 9 menunjukkan bagaimana en+im ber8ungsi.

     Diagram '6 shows how an en)$me wor=s.

      Rajah 9 / Diagram '6

    Apakah #ang me0akili P dan ?

    What are represented P and /?

    P QA n+im =asil

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    en)$me Products

    * n+im




    C 'ubstrat



     Products- 'ubstrat


    Kompleks n+im$substrat

     +n)$mesu"strate comple;


    &engapakah kadar tindak balas pada > adalah malar?

    Wh$ is the rate of reaction at 9 constant?

    A Kekurangan oksigen

     @ac= of o;$gen

    * ,iada lagi substrat untuk untuk en+im bertindak balas

     o more su"strate for the en)$me to act on

    C n+im tern#ahasli pada kepekatan substrat#ang tinggi

     +n)$me are denatured at high concentration of su"strate- Kepekatan substrat adalah malar dan tidak meningkat

    3he concentration of the su"strateis constant and does not increase


    Antara bahagian gra8 #ang berlabel A) *) C dan -) #ang manakah me0akili kesan p=

    ke atas kadar tindak balas amilase air liur?

    Which of the following parts of the graphs la"elled A- B- C and D represents the

    effect of p8 on the rate of reaction of sali#ar$ am$lase?

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    Apakah sebatian kimia P #ang diterangkan di atas?

    What is the chemical compound P as descri"ed a"o#e?

     A :ipid / @ipids

    * n+im / +n)$me

    C  Asid amino / Amino acids

    - Asid nukleik / ucleic acids


    Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur asas -3A.

    -iagram 1 sho0s the basi% -3A stru%ture.

    'ebatian kimia P menga0al kesemua aktiiti di dalam sel. ,anpa P) sel akan mati.

    Chemical compound P controls all the acti#ities in the cell. Without P- the cell will


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      Rajah 1 / Diagram '1

    Apakah P) R dan '?

    What are P- R and %?

    P R S

    " 'ukleot$aNucleotide



    ) fosfathosphate



    )es berntrogenNitrogenousbase

    * (ula$eoksrbosaDeo!yribosesugar 

    )es berntrogenNitrogenousbase


    + )es berntrogenNitrogenousbase



    'truktur protein #ang manakah adalah struktur bagi hormon dan antibodi?

    ;hi%h stru%ture o8 protein is the stru%ture 8or hormone and antibod#?

    Antara %iri lemak tepu berikut) #ang

    manakah membe+akann#a daripada

    lemak tak tepu?

    Which characteristic of saturated fats that distinguishes them from unsaturated fats?

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    A ,idak mengandungi kolesterol

     Do not contain cholesterol 

    * &engandungi nisbah jisim oksigen #ang tinggi

    Contain high proportion mass of o;$gen

    C =an#a mengandungi asid lemak tidak ber%abangContain onl$ un"ranched fatt$ acids

    - ,idak mempun#ai ikatan ganda dua di antara atom$atom karbon

     8a#e no dou"le "onds "etween their car"on atoms


    Rajah menunjukkan tindak balas en+im ke atas substrat?

     Diagram '' shows the en)$me reaction on a su"strate?

      Rajah / -iagram

    *erdasarkan Rajah 1) #ang manakah benar mengenai en+im?

     Based on Diagram 1,- which of the following statement are true a"out en)$me?

    5 ,indak balas en+im adalah spesi8ik 

    3he reaction of en)$me is specific

    55 n+im tidak dimusnahkan pada akhir tindak balas

     +n)$me is not destro$ed after reaction

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    555 n+im mempun#ai tapak akti8 #ang bergabung dengan substrat membentuk

    kompleks en+im$substrat

     +n)$me has acti#e site which "inds with su"strate to form en)$mesu"strate


    5V n+im memper%epatkan tindak balas biokomia +n)$me speeds up the "iochemical reaction

    A 5 dan 55 sahaja / 0 and 00 onl$

    * 55 dan 555 sahaja / 00 and 000 onl$

    C 5) 55 dan 555 sahaja / 5) 55 and 555 onl#

    - 5) 55 dan 5V / 0- 00 and 0V onl$


    !rganel #ang manakah tidak terlibat dalam penghasilan en+im luar sel?

    Which organelle is not in#ol#ed in the production of e;tracellular en)$me?

    A &itokondria  &itochondrion

     B  3ukleus / ucleus

    C Jasad golgi / Golgi apparatus

    - Jalinan endoplasma li%in  %mooth endoplasmic reticulum


    Antara berikut) #ang manakah adalah gula penurun?

    Which of the following car"oh$drates- is a nonreducing sugar?

     A 'ukrosa / %ucrose

     B @ruktosa / (ructose

    C  &altosa / &altose

     D Galaktosa / Galactose


    lemen #ang manakah terdapat dengan ban#ak dalam sel hidup?

    Which element is found a"undantl$ in a li#ing cell?

     A @os8orus / Phosphorus

     B Karbon  Car"on

    C  Kalsium / Calcium

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     D  3itrogen / itrogen


    Rajah 23 menunjukkan tn$akbalas $ $alam sel!

    Diagram "# below shows biochemical reaction in a cell.

      Rajah ( / Diagram '*

    "pakah bahan ,&

    $hat is substance ?

     A -onoglser$ . %onoglyceride& +glser$ . Diglyceride* /rglser$ . 'riglyceride D (lser$ . (lyceride