{ Jordan Gates American Aid to Third World Countries

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{Jordan Gates

American Aid to Third World


Jordan Gates

American Aid

Why did I Choose?Why?


Invest in agriculture Support civil rights Promote democracy Fight mortality rates Fight for gender equality Develop the countries




Helping support education and health care for children in 190 countries UNDP

Works in 166 countries working to develop their infrastructure and governments

Save 3 million lives each year through immunization

Increase life expectancy of the world by 33%

Along with UN gave 1.3 billion people access to drinking water

What I did

Plan ways to fundraise- in the end it was decided to not raise funds but to rather create a tool for them to support themselves in the long run.

Communicate with the organization leader Rev. Kurui about needs for the ministry and the website

Design a logo for the ministry

Create and design a running website for Jesus Love Ministry



My Product:

What I learned

Learn from mistakes and readjust to make the best of every situation.

Don’t assume things will always happen according to plan

Make the most of your time

Find what type of person you really are

My life

Be grateful for what you have

Look forward to the future

Help those who are in need

Also don’t be afraid to ask for help

Thank you for your time today

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