Sales and Marketing Toolkit www.digitalpostalmail.com Powered by Postal Mail Delivered and Filed Online in One Secure Place

Postal Mail Delivered and Filed Online in One Secure Place · Postal Mail Delivered and Filed Online in One Secure Place. 2 Why Market Digital Postal Mail ... Why is DPM different

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Sales and Marketing Toolkit


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Postal Mail Delivered and Filed Online in One Secure Place


Why Market Digital Postal MailHow to Use This ToolkitBrand Style GuideMarketing Back to the BrandEmail, DedicatedEmail, InsertSocial Networks: FacebookFacebook AdsInterstitial PlacementWebpage PlacementBannersLanding PagesRetargetingFlash/VideoDirect Mail Painpoint For DPM Usage For Mobile Hybrid: Access and Painpoint Connect Contest Green Recycle Bank PainpointEnvelopes


Table of Contents

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Why is DPM different than paperlessCompanies have been trying to get consumers to go paperless for years with little success – only 15% of us have chosen to go paperless*. Why? Most paper-less solutions make it harder for consumers to keep track of their records.

Most companies are vying to have an online relation-ship with consumers but consumers aren’t motivated in most cases by the offer of paperless

Enabling consumers to get connected to your brand, by connecting to all their other brands is key.

Consumers would prefer to have one place, one password to access all their mail and account infor-mation. Thus, the key to having an online relationship with a consumer, is to enable all the companies they work with to have that relationship

Digital Postal Mail from Zumbox does exactly this.

How do consumers benefit?Consumers want above all else to save time and money and have peace of mind that their records are going to be there and secure.

Why Market Digital Postal Mail

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Why DPM makes dollars and senseCompanies are spending $30 billion/year commu-nicating with users via paper statements and bills*. These 50 billion statements and communications, if delivered as DPM, could reduce costs, increase con-sumer interaction and save the planet in the process.

The value proposition to companies is simple. Com-panies could cut back their mailing costs, which are on the rise, and improve their relationship with their consumer at the same time.

Why the time is nowInfoTrends estimates that digital mailbox services will deliver 2 billion paperless transactional documents to U.S. consumers in 2015. Furthermore, they expect that the advent of digital mailbox services...will begin to accelerate the transition from paper delivery...and change who controls the hub for customer communi-cations, payments, and promotions.”

If DPM is free, how does Zumbox monetize?DPM is free, forever for consumers, but since the companies will save billions as an industry with the shift, they are charged digital postage which is prices at up to 70% less of what they pay for postage and printing today.

Annual Communications Per CustomerTotal Annual CommunicationsAverage direct cost per piece (paper and Postage)Average Annual mailing CostDPM cost per pieceAverage Annual DPM Mailing CostAnnual DPM Savings Over Paper% SavingsPaperless Adoption Rate of DPM customersAnnual FREE communicationsAnnual FREE communications valuePreviously Paperless Customers (additional FREE communication)Value of Previously Paperless Customer FREE CommunicationsAnnual Saving + Free Delivery Value

Annual Cost Per Customer for Paper MailAnnual Cost per DPM customerAnnual Savings Per DPM CustomerAnnual FREE communications value per customerAnnual Value Per Customer (saving + communications)

ROI CALCULATORPaper Suppression Savings per 100,000 Zumbox Paperless Customers









Save Time

Peace of Mind

Save Money

• Mail delivered automatically to consumers• Mail is aggregated in one place, no need to remember multiple names and passwords• Instantly searchable

• Storage is forever, controlled by the consumer.• Consumer will always know their mail is there when they need it• Bank level security ensures consumer piece of mind. Zumbox is a closed system of senders and receivers, offering consumers an environment that is free of SPAM, malicious links and worrisome attachments. Every item sent to your Digital Postal Mail is certified and safe.

• Automated reminders means consumers never forget to pay a bill• Digital Postal Mail is forever, for FREE


For more information, see the whitepaper on Digital Postal Mail.

*Forrester research, 2010


How to use this toolkit.We’ve designed this toolkit to ensure the best practices to engage your consumers in Digital Postal Mail and ultimately with your brand. This toolkit is intended to help companies start marketing Digital Postal Mail without the heavy lifting of coming up with new creative or messaging. Some companies will simply want to take these assets as is, and start their campaigns. Other companies will use these creatives to craft their own campaigns or themes. The toolkit is divided into various sections:This kit includes creatives for multiple channels, both online and offline.

For instance, the Direct Mail section allows companies to select from several creative elements and choose a particular message to include in their offer. For example, some companies will like the use of a contest offer, while others will prefer a green message to a particular consumer segment. How to use these sectionsCompanies are free to mix and match creative or use one of a few campaigns. In addition, Zumbox will release new campaign creative on a quarterly basis to keep the messaging fresh.

How to Use This Toolkit

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For those companies looking for a theme or campaign, here are a couple of examples.

Jumpstart Campaign #1 – $1MM Contest – Month 1 • Insert Facebook creative on facebook page – week 1 • Add envelope message, schedule drop – week 2 • Dedicated Email – week 2 • Banner ads – week 2 • Email insert – week 4-8 • Retargeting – week 4 - ongoing Campaign #2 – Get Your Mail on Your iPad – Month 3 • Change facebook page – week 1 • Email drop – week 1 • Email insert – week 1 • Webpage insert – week 1-4 • Direct Mail – week 2 - Back cover – contest

Campaign #3 – GoGreen – Earth Day – April 22, 2012 • Change facebook page – March 30 • Email drop – April 2 • Webpage insert – April 2

Again, you are free to adjust the campaigns as needed. Each company has a particular audience and need.

Getting Started. Simply contact your representive or email [email protected] to get started. Each of these assets is available in vector file format for delivery to your creative/marketing team.


The purpose of this style guide is to establish a standard for clear and consistent writing in the publications, websites and other communication vehicles of partners using Digital Postal Mail. While individual styles naturally vary, using certain elements will help convey consistent message.

Consumer Value PropositionDigital Postal Mail is a service which consolidates your essential postal mail and accounts, stores them in one place and creates notification / reminders. You can access your Digital Postal Mail from anywhere at anytime.

VisionAnytime, anywhere and organized access to all your postal mail for free, forever.

Rules on Messaging• Digital Postal Mail is a service not a product

• Zumbox is a company brand, not a product brand

• Voice is trustworthy

• Voice is more female than male

• Mobile imagery required to back up promise of

anywhere access

• Colors should be warm

but not fun

DPM Style Guide

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Voice “Set it and forget it”

“Don’t worry, we have your back” or “Peace of Mind”

“We do it for you.”

“There’s a better way” Key Language/Words“One place, digital proof, anywhere-anytime access, instantly searchable, secure”“Paperless is a downgrade, DPM is an upgrade” “Opt over, instead of opting out”

No/Little Focus• “Go Paperless” – Digital postal mail is an upgrade, “paperless” is a downgrade because consumers think they are giving something up. • “Go Green” - most consumers choose “convenience” over “doing-good” • “Digital Filing” – most consumers see filing as work they need to do.

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The Digital Postal Mail Footer promotes traffic to the company’s website to increase consumer engagement with your brand. As the footer resides within the Zumbox ecosystem, users can be exposed to other non-competitive brands to help promote the adoption of DPM.

Marketing Back to the Brand

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Powered byiPad App

Most consumers want to read their bills and statements while doing something else [on a flight, waiting in a doctor’s office, or while watching TV]. Use these iPad images to convey usage of Digital Postal Mail in any creative execution.


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Dedicated emails highlight the importance of Digital Postal Mail to the user base and are often considered to be the best form of user acquisition. Zumbox will work with your team to develop an email calendar to ensure the highest interaction and efficacy. Use at the launch of DPM partnership and plan out periodic messaging to engage consumers

Email, Dedicated

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Email Inserts

Small copy and imagery placed on the email communication pages that your company currently engages members is a great way to create awareness and trial for Digital Postal Mail. Use DPM message inserts on “statement is ready” notifications and other email updates

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Social Networks: Facebook

As many consumers have already traded in their numerous usernames and passwords to live in Facebook, companies will want to find their users who crave this single access point. As Digital Postal Mail aligns with this single access point approach, companies should promote DPM on their Facebook page to increase their social footprint. Creatives will vary from contests to core benefits to date-based (such as Earth Day).

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Facebook ads are known as great for building awareness to a new product or service. We provide ad copy to include in your rotation of Facebook ads.

Facebook Ads

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Interstitial Placement

In-between screens are a successful method for introducing Digital Postal Mail. These placements are typically used between sign on page and the account landing page.

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Webpage promotion can increase awareness for us-ers who aren’t aware of other channels. Some users may be more open to the idea of switching to Digital Postal Mail, when they are managing their account, real time. Use these placements in high traffic pages including home pages, category pages and sign off pages

Webpage Placement

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Banners are tried and true when it comes to acquisition and awareness building. These assets are provided for companies that have such placements on their sites. Zumbox can provide creative in any size needed.


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All initial messaging should drive to a landing page. This design is ready, but the Zumbox team can work with your team to develop and test alternative landing pages. Landing pages should be developed for each creative outbound message.

Landing Pages

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Retargeting is a relatively new, but highly effective way of attracting users by displaying banner and keyword ads to consumers after they have visited your brand’s website. Use to supplement current retargeting or to retarget users who have seen past offers for paperless or DPM.


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Digital Postal Mail is a new concept for many users, and video is a great for users to understand the sign up and usage experience. Video/flash assets for demo purposes will be provided in the coming weeks. Place on the DPM information or partner page about DPM on your site.

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Direct mail is a fantastic trial mechanism and takes advantage of the opportunity for postage maximization – i.e. one insert may not increase outgoing postage costs. Zumbox has designed its direct mail campaign, so your team can mix and match front and back sides to fit your corporate goals. Side A options are value proposition focused and Side B options are incentive based.

Painpoint “There’s a better way” shows users that they don’t have to be buried in mail, and that they can get all their mail in one

secure place. Use for general awareness

Direct Mail

For DPM UsageThe message of one secure place for your postal mail with imagery around usage from an iPad and a desktop conveys the access benefit. Use for general awareness.

For MobileThe value proposition of being able to access your mail anywhere, anytime is fully supported with this iPad focused creative. Use in targeting mobile users.

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Direct Mail

Hybrid: Access and PainpointCombines the benefits of access and organization in one creative execution. Use as a testing option to measure impact, and where the audience may prefer options for value propostion.

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Direct Mail

ConnectCall to action creative focused on the switch from physical to digital. Use for audiences who align with making this switch. For example, an email list of Netflix™ users

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Direct Mail

GreenAttracts the user who wants to go paperless to contribute to making a greener planet. Use towards users who’ve expressed interest in green initiatives.

ContestMillion dollar giveaway will be a strong inventive to try Digital Postal Mail.

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Direct Mail

Recycle BankIncentive offer to get recycle bank reward points for signing up for Digital Postal Mail. Use towards consumers who’ve are already members of your rewards program.

Painpoint “There’s a better way” shows users that they don’t have to be buried in mail, and that they can get all their mail in one secure place. Use for general awareness

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Envelope and in-statement messaging are cost effective ways to introduce Digital Postal Mail. While the space is limited, Zumbox offers the creative above and will work with your team to design alternative messaging.


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Postal Mail Delivered and Filed Online in One Secure Place

Digital Postal Mail5200 West Century Blvd, Suite 410

Los Angeles CA, 90045

[email protected]