+ Portfolio Presentation & Defense of Competencies Sharece Michelle Bunn 23 April 2015

Portfolio Presentation & Defense of Competencies · International Education Courses Credits AHE 599 Globalization of Higher Education 2 SOC 560 Sociology of Globalization 4 MPP 507

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Page 1: Portfolio Presentation & Defense of Competencies · International Education Courses Credits AHE 599 Globalization of Higher Education 2 SOC 560 Sociology of Globalization 4 MPP 507


Portfolio Presentation & Defense of CompetenciesSharece Michelle Bunn 23 April 2015

Page 2: Portfolio Presentation & Defense of Competencies · International Education Courses Credits AHE 599 Globalization of Higher Education 2 SOC 560 Sociology of Globalization 4 MPP 507

+About Me

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+Assistantship: Academic Success Center

!  Programming

!  Outreach & Presentations

!  Teaching ALS 116 Academic Success !  Growth Mindset

!  Locus of Control

!  Metacognition

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+ Area of Specialization: International Education Courses Credits

AHE 599 Globalization of Higher Education 2

SOC 560 Sociology of Globalization 4

MPP 507 Transatlantic Student Symposium 3

Global Perspectives in Higher Education: India (Transfer Course from NYU Steinhardt Global)


Internship: INTO OSU’s American Survival International Student Advising & Services Educational and Social Reform in South Africa (Summer Internship Credits with NYU Steinhardt Global)

7 (+4)

ENG 597 International Women’s Voices 4

I also tried to carry this specialization into my research projects for CSSA Classes including AHE 552 Theories of Student Development I & II, AHE 599 Academic Advising,

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+Three Greatest Takeaways

! How has my understanding of social justice changed in the past two years?

! How have my courses while in the CSSA program contributed to my understanding of globalization?

! How do different institutional types affect the student experience?

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How has my understanding of social justice changed in the past two years?

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+Equality vs. Equity

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!  “It isn’t our fault, but now that it’s ours, it’s up to us to decide how we’re going to deal with it before we pass it along for generations to come” (Johnson, 2006, p. 12).

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+Model of Multiple Dimensions of Identity (Jones & McEwen, 2000)

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+Types of Oppression (Adams & Blumenfeld, 2000)

!  Individual – A woman of color attends an intergroup dialogue with all male administrators where the men share their experiences and speak over her, not giving her a chance to speak or share her opinion.

!  Institutional – Student leaders at the University of Pretoria created a “White Business Society” to further advance and protect the Afrikaner culture, identity, and language.

!  Structural – Rather than studying “languages,” we study “foreign languages.” We study “American literature” and “African American literature.” White culture dominates and is the norm.

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+Resistance Literature

!  “The oppressors of the peasants make them regard paper as God. Arrest orders are paper. By means of paper they crush the Indian in the courts…” (Harlow, 1987).

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+How have my courses while in the CSSA program contributed to my understanding of globalization?

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+Sociology of Globalization

!  Complexity of Globalization

!  Four Primary Theories of Globalization

!  Added context to immigration reform and work with undocumented students in higher education

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+Globalization of Higher Education

World Systems Theory: Recruitment Process –

Economically Advantaged

World Polity Theory: Fulbright, Global

Opportunities, Model United Nations

World Culture Theory: English is the primary

language of instruction. Other languages are considered foreign


Neo-Liberal Theory: OSU + INTO – Also, the idea that OSU may one day drop the land grant

mission for better industry relationships

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How do different institutional types affect the student experience?

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+Mission, Vision, Values, Goals for Graduates

Chemeketa Community College values access and diversity which is affirmed by how we care, collaborate, and innovate with each other and the community. We promise to actively support student learning from precollege to transfer or to the workplace and lifelong learning by focusing on student success, quality, and sustainability in all of our practices and by being responsible stewards of our resources.

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+Oregon State University

As a land grant institution committed to teaching, research and outreach and engagement, Oregon State University promotes economic, social, cultural and environmental progress for the people of Oregon, the nation and the world.

This mission is achieved by producing graduates competitive in the global economy, supporting a continuous search for new knowledge and solutions and maintaining a rigorous focus on academic excellence, particularly in the three Signature Areas: Advancing the Science of Sustainable Earth Ecosystems, Improving Human Health and Wellness, and Promoting Economic Growth and Social Progress.

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+Northwest Nazarene University

The mission of Northwest Nazarene University is the transformation of the whole person. Centered in Jesus Christ, the NNU education instills habits of heart, soul, mind and strength to enable each student to become God's creative and redemptive agent in the world.

Northwest Nazarene University is a Christian university of the liberal arts, professional and graduate studies. The University is grounded in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition and is an educational expression of the Northwest region of the Church of the Nazarene.

Northwest Nazarene University is founded upon belief in and relationship with the One Triune God—��Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Therefore, we seek to build our lives and the practices of the University upon the Kingdom of God as revealed in Jesus.

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!  Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., et al, Eds. (2000). Readings for diversity and social justice: An anthology on racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and classism. New York: Routledge

!  Harlow, B. (1987). Resistance literature. New York: Routledge.

!  Johnson, A. G. (2006). Privilege, Power, and Difference. New York: McGraw Hill.

!  Jones, S. R. & McEwen, M. K. (2000). A conceptual model of multiple dimensions of identity. Journal of College Student Development, 41 (4), 405-414.

!  Maringe, F. (2012). The meanings of globalization and internationalization in HE: Findings from a world survey. In Globalization and internationalization in higher education. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

!  Rosenberg, T. (2003, March 3). Why Mexico’s Small Corn Farmers Go Hungry. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/03/opinion/editorial-observer-why-mexico-s-small-corn-farmers-go-hungry.html

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!  Advisor Jessica White

!  Committee Members: Nana Osei-Kofi & Daniel Newhart

!  Colleagues at the ASC, especially Clare Creighton & Sarah Norek

!  Colleagues at ISAS

!  CSSA Faculty

!  Teboho Moja at NYU

!  My cohorties, especially Lauren Adkins Corwin

!  The Bunn Family

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