Portfolio Rhet 101 Section 02 Summer2012 The American University in Cairo Instructor: Gibson


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all the work i did in Rhet 101

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Rhet 101

Section 02


The American University in Cairo

Instructor: Gibson

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Content Table

3 cover letter

4-25 free writing

25-27 draft (1) analysis 1

28-29 main point in the article for analysis (1)

29-31 draft (2) analysis 1

32-37 final draft analysis 1

38-39 draft (1) analysis 2

40-41 draft (2) analysis 2

41-43 draft (3) analysis 2

44-46 final draft analysis 2

47-50 editing for analysis 2

51-52 draft (1) analysis 3

53-55 draft (2) analysis 3

56-58 draft (3) analysis 3

59-62 final draft analysis 3

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19 July 2012

The following portfolio contains all the contents of my Rhet 101 class in the summer

session 2012 at the American university in Cairo, Egypt.

In the portfolio, I decided to put the free writings first then the draft of the analysis. I

think it is better to do so because it will be easier to figure out the progress during the

whole semester and the progress from one draft to another.

I have learned a lot in this class, and I learned how to make good and effective

analysis. I also learned how to write effectively and in a good way. The course was

very interesting. Honestly, it was one of the best courses.

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Hey, my name is alia and I am 18 years old. I went to '' sphinx language school’’, and

I spent in it for 14 years. After I graduated, I decide to join the AUC. At my first year,

it was really hard for me to cope with the system of education, but after that I get used

to the system, and I began to enjoy my university so much. Now am taking summer

course, and it seems that I will have so much fun. I know that I will learn a lot during

this class.

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Dear Mr. Gibson,

My name is alia. I am 18 years old. Moreover, I went want to '' sphinx language

school’’. At this school I spent 14 years. After I graduated, I decided to join '' AUC’’.

At the first couple of month, it was hard to me to cope with the system. However,

after that I get used to it, and now am really having so much fun at AUC.

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Dear Mr. Gibson,

I am Alia Hazem, 18 years old. I was born in Egypt in 2-3-1994. I spent 14 years at

the same school '' sphinx language school''. My high school degree was '' sanwaya

amma ''. After I finished school, I decided to join one of the elite universities in Egypt

which is '' AUC''. At first, I was so confused because of the system of the university.

However, after a couple of month I began to get use to it, and I found it to be so

interesting. Now I am having so much fun at my university, and I made many

amazing new friends. I am a freshman undeclared student, and I want to declare ''

mass com'' as major but in the marketing field .In addition, I want psychology as my

minor because it seems interesting to me, and I have some background from high

school. I am really enjoying my time in the AUC .I hope one day I will graduate from

this amazing university.

Best regards

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Dear Mr. Gibson,

I really thought a lot about what to write, but I decided to write about something

related to psychology. Such as the definition of happiness some people find happiness

in money. For example, some people believe that money can solve a lot of

problems .However, I don't believe in that because there are a lot of things that money

can't buy it; one of them is happiness. Some people see that they are happy when they

are in a good health. While others see that if they have a good family and friends

around them, this is the definition of happiness for them. There are some quotes that I

believe in such as ''God never shuts one door without opening another ''. This means

that if God took something, he will give the one something even better; as we all

know everything happen for a reason.

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I decided to write today a free writing even I know that we don't have assignment for

doing so. Honestly, I like writing so much, and I always write stuff like what in my

mind or what I really feel. But, sometimes I stop writing because I feel afraid to stick

in the grammar mistakes and this stuff. So, actually I was doing a free writings but I

didn't know that what I was doing was a free writing... oh...I feel that this part is so

confusing but never mind it's a free writing … I don't know really what to write now,

but I feel like I want to write because I am not in a good mood. Now I feel so anxious,

tired and confused... I will stop now because I really feel tired

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I want to write about what I really feel nowadays. I feel now that I am so

disappointed, frustrated and sad from many things. I feel that I meet a lot of wrong

people in very short time. Because I was afraid of losing them, I didn't give myself the

enough time to know them well. As a result, I figure out that they were so bad and not

the one that really deserves me. Although it was a mistake, I learned a lot from it. It

was so short period, but it helps me to gain more and more experience that’s why

everything happen it our life we should say thanks god for everything. Sometimes god

put people in our life just to teach us a good and new lesson that we will never learn

without these people. It seems too hard, and we will not be able to move on. However,

life goes on and we should look and the bright side of everything. Okay we are now

facing a problem! So we should do something which is try to solve it and deal with it

maybe we should try to cope to it. There are many things and solutions that we should

do to overcome this problem. But if we spend the whole life watching this problem

without doing anything to solve it, we will never recover. Remember that we should

face many problems to gain more experience.

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I am a flower with amazing color and smell. I know that many people love me, and I

am one of the signs to show love for others. However, although am so pretty,

sometimes people hurt me. They cut me to give me as a gift, and sometimes I feel like

I can't breathe because of the polluted air. But I know that wherever I am; this place

will be beautiful because of me. I hope one day I will return back like in the past and

can breathe easily and people respect me more and don't cut me for not reason .people

should know that I can breathe and live as they can breathe and live. Sometimes they

cut my beautiful petals to play games such as he loves me or he loves me not. Of

course they will not be happy if someone cut their hair to play such a stupid game.

However, after all of that I know that I am the most beautiful flower in the garden and

people will always love me because of my beautiful smell and shape.

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Oh! Today was so painful day. However, I decided to write a free writing while I am

drinking my hot tea. Today I feel that I am in a really good feeling and mood, and I

am so happy for that. You know what people feel that they are in a good mood when

they found care and love from others. Caring and loving someone is so nice and pure

feeling. Sometimes you don’t have to say that you love this or that, but you find

yourself showing them that you care about them and you love them. As a result, they

begin to feel the same feeling and care about you as well. For me if someone spends

his whole life telling me that he or she cares about me but without showing it, I feel

that what he or she saying is pointless. If you miss someone, pick up the phone and

call him. Or you can go and meet him anywhere even for hour. What I mean is that

don’t talk too much if you don’t really mean what you are saying. Actions are more

effective than words. That’s it for now hope that this topic is interesting.

Dear alia,

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It seems that you like our new car so much and this really makes me glad and happy.

About taking the car to show it to your friends and to go to the beach, you can invite

all your friends in our home, and they can see the car anytime they want. You also can

take a ride with the car near our home. Look! I trust you so much, but I am afraid

about you more than being afraid about the car because I know that you are not

professional in driving and you still need to practice more. So, I decided to put

another solution for you. But if you really want to go to the beach with the car, you

can take your brother because he drives better.

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It is the first time to make a collage. It seems fun and nice activity. What I will do that I will collect words and statements from my old free writings, and I will put them together. I wish it will give a rational meaning.

1. I am Alia Hazem, 18 years. I was born in Egypt in 2-3-1994. My high school degree was ‘’ sanwaya amma ‘’. After I finished school, I decided to join AUC. At first I was so confused, anxious and tired because of the system of the university. However, after a couple of month I began to get use to it, and I found it so interesting, and I made many amazing new friends. I am a freshman undeclared student. I want to declare ‘’ mass com’’ as major but in the marketing field. I really like psychology it seems interesting to me .Something related to psychology such as the definition of happiness. So I decided to take psychology as my minor. I hope one day I will graduate from this amazing university.


2- I really thought a lot about some weird stuff that I am doing .Such as , drinking coffee from MAC everyday in the morning , and if I didn’t do so , I feel like I have a headache . Another thing is that I concentrate on my weight. However, Sometimes I love eating junk food. Then I began to regret myself for doing so. So why I ate junk food from the beginning if I am going to blame myself. One more thing is like get angry and mad. Sometimes people also do some weird stuff such as hurt a flower with amazing color and smell .Some people cut the petals of the beautiful flowers to play a game such as he loves me or not . People should know that flower also breathe and live as they can breathe and live.


3- I really like to write about politics and psychology. I have some background from high school about psychology .However, I will write in the political issue in Egypt nowadays. The presidential race between Shafik and Morsy, and it is really confusing to choose. I don’t trust both of them. Egypt is a great and huge country .However, she is passing by critical and harsh time. There are some quotes that I believe in such as '' Gods never shuts one door without opening another’’ .This means that God will give the one something even better. Egypt is going to pass this situation sooner or later; it just matter of time.

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4- I like writing so much, and I always write some stuff such as, what in my mind or what I really feel. However am not a professional in writing and still need to practice more, but I feel excited, and I want to write when am not in a good mood. I will stop now best regards.

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What I heard today that morsy won the presidential race, really surprised me at first because for me I don't trust and like Muslims brotherhood. However, this doesn’t mean that I like or I voted for shafik. Ahmad sarhan the spokesman of Ahmad shafik said that the general had won but there is no evidence about what he was saying. However, the spokesman for morsy said the same things, but at least he has evidence which is the result of the elections. In my opinion, anyone of them is not good for me, but I think that the true president is '' el mosher'' or the SCAF because of the new constitution. The new constitution limited all the permission that the president should have, and he should return to the SCAF before taking any decisions. The SCAF wants people to trust them more, and they said that they don't want the power. However, for me, I can't trust the SCAF whatever happened because they deceived people not one time but many times. I believe that they want the power from the very beginning of the revolution, and they still seek for it. I think that there is going to be or there is actually a very hard disagreement between Muslims brotherhood and the SCAF because of the parliament. The SCAF said that no one from the lawmakers is allowed to enter the parliament and if this happened he will detain for military trial .However, Muslims brotherhood believe that no one has the authority to close the parliament and they will go on Tuesday which will be tomorrow . I also believe that the SCAF is playing with the words such as they are going to hand in the authority for the presidential by the end of this month. As a result, people will believe them and they will not opposed them .However, they will not going to hand in the authority because of the new constitution, and they will have all the power but in the back of the new president. I wish that tomorrow nothing will happen between Muslims brotherhood and the SCAF and I hope anyone who will have the power look for the state as their servant not as their master.

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Main points of the article

LINK : http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/19/world/africa/islamist-candidate-is-apparent-victor-in-egypt-as-military-cements-its-powers.html?_r=1&hp

Monday morning , the media announced that Morsy defeated Ahmad Shafik

However, it is still unofficial because the official results will be shown on Thursday

Ahmad sarhan a spokesman for shafik insisted that the true winner was Ahmad shafik and the brotherhood had '' terrorized '' voters. However, he offered no evidence

However, all the results showed that Morsy is the president of Egypt, but he doesn't have any permission to take any decisions because he should return to the SCAF at first.

SCAF foreclose the possibility that islamists could control both the presidency and the legislature because of the new constitution

SCAF believe that people should trust them more , and they don't want the power ,and the president can disagree if he doesn't like any new laws

However , they said that no one of the lawmakers should enter the parliament and if this happened , he will be detain for trial in military courts

But Muslims brotherhood lawmakers said that there is no authority to close the parliament

That’s why there is disagreement between the SCAF and Muslims brotherhood

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Alia El-Mohandes

Rhet 101

Instructor: Michael Gibson

Assignment 2

Date: 25-6-2012

The Critical Time in Egypt

What is happening in the political issue in Egypt nowadays? There was an

article in the ‘’The New York Times ‘’ which includes much new information about

what is happening in Egypt. This article is called ‘’Egypt’s Military softens tone as

vote count favors Islamist ‘'. Moreover, it includes the recent events in Egypt and that

at first the media announced that Morsy had won the presidential race, and he

defeated Ahmad Shafik. It also includes the disagreement between Muslims

brotherhood and the SCAF because of the new constitution and the parliament.

''The ballots were counted in front of television cameras and party observers in polling

places around the country to prevent fraud…''

''… Ahmed Sarhan, a spokesman for Mr. Shafik, insisted on Monday that the general

was the true winner and the Brotherhood had “terrorized” voters. He offered no


From the results, it was predictable that Muslims brotherhood will win the

presidential race. However, the results at this time were still not official because the

official results were scheduled to be announced on Sunday 24-6-2012. Although the

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ballots were shown in the TV and in front of the people to avoid any kind of cheating

or fraud, there were still kind of frauds and cheatings because logically the media will

not be able to show the people all the ballots in all regions and there were too much

voters all over Egypt. So, how the media will be able to get all the voters and the

entire ballot boxes all around Egypt on the TV. Another reason maybe that there are

some police officers who are responsible to protect the election from the frauds and

cheatings, but they are not responsible enough, and they are not so honest to do their

job in a responsible way. Maybe that's why there was a part of frauds and cheatings in

the election. Even though there were many elections before, but this election was very

special because there were many candidates and the people were free enough to

choose who they want to be their president. As a result, they felt the democracy even

if this feeling is not real. About the spokesman of Ahmad Shafik who is Ahmad

sarhan, how he said that Shafik won the elections and that Muslims brotherhood ‘’

terrorized’’ the voters, and he didn’t have any evidence for what he was saying. At

least, when the media and the spokesman of Morsy said that Morsy had won the

presidential race, they had evidence which is the results of the elections. Even if

Morsy really cheated and decisive, there was no evidence for doing so. However, the

results were still unofficial because the official results were supposed to be known

next Thursday, but it was postponed to Sunday. Maybe it was postponed because the

two candidates announced that they are the winners without real evidence and final

results or maybe the SCAF was afraid from the reaction of the people if they

announced that Shafik or Morsy was the winner. Some people believe that there were

many secrets concealing behind postponing the results.

''… attempt to foreclose the possibility that Islamists could control both the

presidency and the legislature.'’

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“Trust the armed forces,” two representatives of the military council… “We don’t

want power,” both also said repeatedly…''

Some people believe that the real president is the SCAF or the ‘’ Mosher ‘’

because of the new constitution. Even if Muslims brotherhood won the

presidential, they had no right to do anything without the permission of the

SCAF. That’s why they closed the chance for the Islamists to control both the

presidency and the legislature. Nowadays, many people think that it is really

so hard to trust the armed force again because they actually deceived the

people. And when they said that ‘’we don’t want power’’ how come they

don’t want power and they are still the one who controls Egypt now but in an-

indirect way. They changed the constitution and this new constitution limited

all the decisions that the president should take. Although the SCAF said that

they don't want power, they are the one who now have the power. The SCAF

is taking advantage of people's emotion. For example, at beginning of the

revolution when one of the military force salute the martyrs, so this affected

the emotions of the Egyptians. Another example when they said that they will

hand in the authority at the end of this month, as a result, people did not

oppose them. However, after that people find out that the SCAF were

deceiving them, and the SCAF were using the nice words to get the sympathy

of the Egyptians .The reality that they still control the country but concealing

behind the new president because they know very well that the people will

oppose them. They also know that if they control Egypt, maybe there will be

another revolution. So, by the new constitution, they have all the power and

the permissions to control Egypt but in indirect way.

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‘’They insisted that the legislative power they had claimed for themselves was


''… they said that the new president — presumably Mr. Morsy — would retain a veto

over any new laws. The president will also name the prime minister and other cabinet


Some people view the intention of SCAF and understand their dirty game. The

SCAF knows that this new constitution gives them all the rights. However, the SCAF

want to deceive the Egyptians one more time, and they also want to calm the people

down .So, the people will not be against them. They give the new president the right

to disagree on any new laws if he is against them. Thus, the people would feel that the

SCAF has no power.

''Moreover, the generals specifically suggested they might use such powers to keep

the Parliament closed. Brotherhood lawmakers have denied that the military or the

court had the authority to close the Parliament…''

''… the generals suggested that if someone sought to enter the building “to commit a

crime” the soldiers could potentially detain them for military trial.'’

After closing the parliament, this caused serious disagreement between the

SCAF and the Muslims brotherhood. There were many Egyptians who were so

pleased because the SCAF closed the parliament even if they were against the SCAF.

The SCAF ordered that no one from the lawmakers is allowed to enter the parliament

and if this happens he will detain for military trial. However, Muslims brotherhood

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believes that no one has the authority to close the parliament. Now the Muslims

brotherhood and the SCAF are against each other. Maybe the SCAF decided to close

the parliament because they want to take all the power from Muslims brotherhood. In

addition, the SCAF knows that Muslims brotherhood didn't do too much while they

were in the parliament. As a result, the SCAF decided to close the parliament.

However, Muslims brotherhood refused this decision because they want the power as

well as the SCAF. That's why each of them is seeking for the power and their own


Some people believe that both of them don’t deserve to be trusted. However,

after Morsy won the presidential race, some people say that they can trust Morsy

because he is not from the old regime, and they want to give him the chance to see

what he will do to make Egypt better. But about Shafik, some people believe that he is

not qualified to be the president because he was part of the old regime, and if he was

the president, his period would become as Mubarak’s time.

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Work Cited

Kirkpatrick, David.D. "Egypt's Military Softens Tone as Vote Count Favors Islamist''

The New York Times. june18, 2012



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Alia El-Mohandes

Rhet 101

Instructor: Michael Gibson

Assignment: 3

Date: 3-7-2012

The Side That I See

Sometimes I feel that I am very worried and stressed even if there is no real

reason behind that. I asked myself many questions, so I can figure out the reason

behind my great worry and stress. One reason could be that I feel so worry about the

people whom I really care. The most important people that I care about are my family

and friends. If I didn't hear any news from them, I feel that I want to ask and to check

if there is anything went wrong with them. However, sometimes this habit can make

me suffer a lot of problems because s (he) feels that I got upset and worried for

nothing and that there is no reason for all of that. Usually I do so because I care too

much about the people I love, and I feel that I am so afraid from losing them. Maybe I

feel stressed because I am afraid to stay alone and live without the most important

people in my life. I think I am always afraid of losing my friends because I spent so

many years while I was young without friends. I don't know why I didn't have so

many friends in the past, but maybe because I didn't know how to make a good

friends or how to be nice with them. But when I got older, I made a lot of friends. I

know that too much in anything even if it is a good feeling can back fire and have

negative results. This feeling is good for the people whom I care about, but it is so

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painful and hard for me because I feel much stressed. I should give them their time

and excuses, and I shouldn't get worried and stressed so quickly. Thus, maybe the

reason behind my excess anxiety and worrying is that I am afraid to lose the people I


Also another reason behind my stress and worry is that I want everything to be

perfect which is something very hard to find everything in a perfect way. There is

nothing perfect even humans are not perfect, so how am I supposed to find everything

in perfect way. All of that are the reasons behind my worry and stress.

Another quality is that sometimes I lose my temper very quickly and imagine

situations without making sure if these situations are right or wrong. This can lead to

many serious problems because I may also lose important people in my life. I usually

lose my temper with the closest people in my life. This habit is the worst habit that I

have and I wish I could change it as fast as I can. When I get angry and mad, I feel

that I am not able to listen to anyone except myself. Sometimes I feel that I can't hear

anything except what is in my mind, and I can't listen to any reasons or solutions. As a

result, I begin to shout very loudly, and sometimes I feel that I want to stay alone and

not to talk to anyone and start crying. The reason behind losing my temper and

imagining situations is that sometimes I expect the bad things before the good ones.

Another reason for losing my temper is that I don't take the amount of caffeine that I

usually take every day in the morning, and this makes me feel that I am in a bad mood

and makes me suffer from a severe headache. I think I am addicted to the caffeine

because I see it as a magic substance that can change my mood so easily. However, I

should be moderate in any action I do, and I shouldn't drink too much caffeine and

stop letting the caffeine control my mood. Moreover, I lose my temper because I am

very sensitive. I think being sensitive is something in my personality. However I tried

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to get rid of my sensitivity, but it was very hard. As a result, anything can hurt my

feelings so easily, and I get angry and lose my temper so quickly. I should control my

reactions and not get mad and angry without knowing the real reason. I should also

think first about the reasons behind imagining situations and losing my temper

because sometimes there is no real reason behind my anger and sadness.

The best solution for all of these bad habits is that I should be moderate, and I

should put controls over my reactions. Another solution is that I should learn from my

mistakes, so I can avoid them. If I worry too much, I should be moderate, and I should

think about the reasons that make me worry because sometimes there is no reason for

all of the anxiety and stress. Even if I am from the type of people who lose their

temper easily, I should wait and understand the reason, and I should give the people

their excuses and stop imagining situations. As a result, I will feel more comfortable,

and I will not lose the people whom I love. Thus, to find solutions for my problems is

the first sign that I am able to get rid of my bad habits easily. I believe that I should

concentrate more on myself to realize my bad habits. As a result, I will be able to

change myself and to be a better person.

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Alia El-Mohandes

Rhet 101

Instructor: Michael Gibson

Assignment: 3

Date: 3-7-2012

The Side That I See

Sometimes I feel that I am very worried and stressed even if there is no real

reason behind that. I asked myself many questions, so I can figure out the reason

behind my great worry and stress. One reason could be that I feel so worry about the

people whom I really care. The most important people that I care about are my family

and friends. If I didn't hear any news from them, I feel that I want to ask and to check

if there is anything wrong with them. However, sometimes this habit can make me

suffer a lot of problems because s (he) feels that I got upset and worried for nothing

and that there is no reason for all of that. Usually I do so because I care too much

about the people I love, and I feel that I am so afraid from losing them. Maybe I feel

stressed because I am afraid to stay alone and live without the most important people

in my life. I think I am always afraid of losing my friends because I spent so many

years while I was young without friends. I don't know why I didn't have so many

friends in the past, but maybe because I didn't know how to make a good friends or

how to be nice with them. But when I got older, I made a lot of friends. I know that

too much in anything even if it is a good feeling can back fire and have negative

results. Caring too much is a good feeling for the people whom I care about, but it is

so painful and hard for me because I feel much stressed. Other reason why I am afraid

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of losing the people whom I love can be related to self confidence. Sometimes I feel

that I don't have too much self-esteem. Honestly, sometimes I don't feel that I am

good enough and people soon will leave me which is not true. I believe that the one

who wants to leave you, he will find a way even if you were perfect and vise versa. I

thought a lot about the main reason behind my low self-esteem, and I found out that

maybe self-esteem is a skill that needs to be in the child from the beginning of his life.

Self confidence can be developed maybe by participating in camps, playing sports or

by reading useful books about how to work on your self-confidence. As a result, this

will help to increase our self-esteem. Thus, I should believe in myself and increase my

self-confidence. Maybe the reason behind my excess anxiety and worrying is that I

am afraid of losing the people I love.

Also another reason behind my stress and worry is that I want everything to be

perfect which is something very hard to find everything in a perfect way. Maybe I

want everything perfect because when I find everything in perfect way I will feel

more satisfied and relaxed. I will also feel that I am living peaceful life. There is

nothing perfect even humans are not perfect, so how am I supposed to find everything

in perfect way. All of that are the reasons behind my worry and stress.

Another quality is that sometimes I lose my temper very quickly and imagine

situations without making sure if these situations are right or wrong. This can lead to

many serious problems because I may also lose important people in my life. I usually

lose my temper with the closest people in my life. This habit is the worst habit that I

have and I wish I could change it as fast as I can. When I get angry and mad, I feel

that I am not able to listen to anyone except myself. Sometimes I feel that I can't hear

anything except what is in my mind, and I can't listen to any reasons or solutions. As a

result, I begin to shout very loudly, and sometimes I feel that I want to stay alone and

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not to talk to anyone and start crying. The reason behind losing my temper and

imagining situations is that sometimes I expect the bad things before the good ones.

This maybe because I used to put a lot of expectations on people that's why I was

easily got disappointed Another reason for losing my temper is that I don't take the

amount of caffeine that I usually take every day in the morning, and this makes me

feel that I am in a bad mood and makes me suffer from a severe headache. I think I

am addicted to the caffeine because I see it as a magic substance that can change my

mood so easily. However, I should be moderate in any action I do, and I shouldn't

drink too much caffeine and stop letting the caffeine control my mood. Moreover, I

lose my temper because I am very sensitive. I think being sensitive is something in

my personality. However I tried to get rid of my sensitivity, but it was very hard. As a

result, anything can hurt my feelings so easily, and I get angry and lose my temper so

quickly. I should control my reactions and not get mad and angry without knowing

the real reason. I should also think first about the reasons behind imagining situations

and losing my temper because sometimes there is no real reason behind my anger and


Another quality that I figured it out in my personality is that I don't trust

people. I feel that I am afraid to trust too much. The reason behind that maybe

because I had two bad experiences which was so hard for me to accept them and

move on. Both were with my best friends. The first one I knew her for so long and we

were so close to each other. However, I found out that she wasn't the real friend that I

want. She never asked about me, and she was always ignoring me, and I didn't know

the real reason behind that. It was really hard for me to accept this situation, and I

spent a long time crying. However after that I got used to it, and I forgot her. The

second experience didn't stay for too long and it was just two months, but I trusted her

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so much and got so close to her. However, she didn't trust me the same way I trusted

her. I really don't know why she became so close to me although she never loved me!

So, I find that I expect and trust too much. As a result, I get very disappointed and

frustrated. I think I should be more cautious and don't put a lot of trust and

expectations in anyone because no one deserves that. I figured out that too much in

anything can hurt me so much.

The best solution for all of these habits is that I should be moderate, and I

should control my reactions. Another solution is that I should learn from my mistakes,

so I can avoid them. If I worry too much, I should think about the reasons that make

me worry because sometimes there is no reason for all of the anxiety and stress. Even

if I am from the type of person who loses her temper easily, I should wait and

understand the reason, and I should give the people their excuses and stop imagining

situations. As a result, I will feel more comfortable, and I will not lose the people

whom I love. I should also work on my self-confidence and put slogan in my life that

the one who loves you will never leave you whatever happens. Last but not least, I

shouldn't put too much expectations and trust, so I will not be disappointed and suffer

a lot. Thus, to find solutions for my problems is the first sign that I am able to get rid

of my bad habits easily. I believe that I should concentrate more on myself to realize

my bad habits. As a result, I will be able to change myself and to be a better person.

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Alia Hazem El-mohandes

Rhet 101

Instructor: Michael Gibson

Assignment 4

Date: 10 July, 2012

When Food Becomes a Habit

Why are some people overeating? Maybe it is because they suffer from bad

emotional feelings. There are many emotional feelings that lead to overeat such as

depression, hopelessness, anger and boredom, and they are all not related to hunger.

One example of emotional eating is losing someone you love. Sometimes when one

breaks up with the one she loves, she feels depressed and frustrated. The reason why

she feels so is because she was very close to her lover, and they had a lot of memories

with each other. Another reason for feeling depressed is that maybe he was the first

real love in her life. So after they break up, she loses her self confidence. As a result

of losing her self confidence, she begins to forget about her appearance. Thus, she

uses food as coping strategies to stop unwanted feelings or use it as a tool to

overcome negative feelings. There are some foods that can change the mood from

positive to negative such as chocolate. Chocolate has the ability to change the

adrenaline of the person, and it can make him more active. So she begins to overeat.

As a result, she begins to gain more and more weight which makes her more

depressed and in a bad mood. Now, she is not only suffering from a broken heart but

from a bad appearance and overweight as well which makes her not to care about

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anything and thrives to eat more. So now she got herself involved in a cycle, and it is

too hard to get out of it. When she is overeating, this can lead to obesity which can

lead to many other serious diseases. Obesity has many serious risks such as diabetes,

high blood pressure and even cancer. So the emotional feeling can be one reason to

cause overeating.

Another reason for overeating is external influences. Sometimes one plonks

himself in front of the television with a bowl of wafers or can of coca cola. As a

result, one begins to eat too much so as to waste his time. But the question here is why

people choose to eat unhealthy food rather than healthy one? The unhealthy food and

junk food is more delicious and testy than the healthy one, and one feels too lazy to

cook healthy food. Another external influence is that sometimes media has role in

making people want to eat more. When one spends time watching TV, he is

bombarded by many Ads about junk food that attract people to eat more. The media

has the ability to present the picture of the meals with very attractive way to make the

people attracted to the product and buy it. However, the corporations of these junk

foods don't care about people's health, but all they care about is how to get much more

money. So when people see these attractive Ads, they feel that they want to eat even if

they are not hungry. As a result, people begin to eat and order more junk food.

Therefore, they overeat and begin to gain extra weight.

What are the best solutions to avoid overeating? I believe that one should

know the reason behind her excess in eating whether it is because she is bored,

frustrated, disappointed or broken heart. Once one knows the reason, it will be so easy

to deal with it and get over it. People who suffer from overeating should go to a

doctor, so he will be able to give them healthy and useful diet. Furthermore, the

person should be more aware about what she eats, and she should have more

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knowledge about how to live a healthy life. One should stop eating in front of the TV,

computer or while driving because she will not be able to concentrate on the amount

of food she eats. Exercising is one of the important methods to overcome being

overweight because it helps in relaxing and overcoming this bad emotional feeling.

Last but not least, one should try to avoid eating junk food. However, it is acceptable

when it is not done consistently, and it shouldn't be considered as a habit. Everyone

should care about his nutrition and health to avoid excess in weight and any havoc
