Member of the Member of the Member of the Member of the Month Month Month Month Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch Port Stephens Ulysses Branch President: President: President: Kerrie Skinner Ph 02 4965 1560, Mob 0418 284 752 Secretary: Secretary: Secretary: Anne Crowley Mob 0417 688 569 Treasurer: Treasurer: Treasurer: Jackie McCallum Ph 02 4984 4867, Mob 0408 297 976 Committee: Committee: Committee: Brian McCallum (Webmaster), Brett Davis, Bob Lucas Ride Liaison Officer: Ride Liaison Officer: Ride Liaison Officer: Brett Davis Ph 02 4981 0036, Mob 0419 997 156 All All All sensible sensible sensible correspondence to: correspondence to: correspondence to: PO Box 356, Salamander Bay 2317 Newsletter correspondence to: Newsletter correspondence to: Newsletter correspondence to: Bob 02 4984 9843, [email protected] President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report Hi Everyone Well, if you have been on the bike in the last couple of days you would have been on a permanent lean with this wind. Friday night’s meeting is our AGM. Please remember to bring your current Ulysses member- ship card so that you can vote for the new committee. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on the current committee for their work, and also members for your constant support and participation over the past twelve months. This chilly weather should be getting everyone in the mood for our Christmas in July weekend, and it's shaping up to be one of our best. On behalf of the Branch I would like to extend our condolences to Marilyn on the loss of her sister Janice recently. Your President, Kerrie … and thanks to Simmo for this one June 2016 June 2016 June 2016 June 2016

Port Stephens Ulysses Branchportstephens.ulyssesclub.org/Portals/nswport/documents...My brother was an epileptic and he died in the bath during one of his fits.” I said “Sorry

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Member of the Member of the Member of the Member of the MonthMonthMonthMonth

Port Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses BranchPort Stephens Ulysses Branch President: President: President: Kerrie Skinner Ph 02 4965 1560, Mob 0418 284 752 Secretary: Secretary: Secretary: Anne Crowley Mob 0417 688 569 Treasurer: Treasurer: Treasurer: Jackie McCallum Ph 02 4984 4867, Mob 0408 297 976 Committee: Committee: Committee: Brian McCallum (Webmaster), Brett Davis, Bob Lucas

Ride Liaison Officer: Ride Liaison Officer: Ride Liaison Officer: Brett Davis Ph 02 4981 0036, Mob 0419 997 156

All All All sensiblesensiblesensible correspondence to: correspondence to: correspondence to: PO Box 356, Salamander Bay 2317

Newsletter correspondence to: Newsletter correspondence to: Newsletter correspondence to: Bob 02 4984 9843, [email protected]

President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report President’s Report

Hi Everyone Well, if you have been on the bike in the last couple of days you would have been on a permanent lean with this wind.

Friday night’s meeting is our AGM. Please remember to bring your current Ulysses member-ship card so that you can vote for the new committee. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on the current committee for their work, and also members for your constant support and participation over the past twelve months. This chilly weather should be getting everyone in the mood for our Christmas in July weekend, and it's shaping up to be one of our best. On behalf of the Branch I would like to extend our condolences to Marilyn on the loss of her sister Janice recently. Your President, Kerrie

… and thanks to Simmo for this one

June 2016June 2016June 2016June 2016


(at Soldier’s Pt Bowling Club)(at Soldier’s Pt Bowling Club)

Meeting Opened: 7.30pm Apologies: Bob & Marilyn, Doreen & Malu, Yvonne Johnstone, Peter Cragg, Trevor McGarry Visitors: Paul Nicolson, Terri Irish, Judy Carter, Peter & Debbie Hill – NLH branch Attendance: 28

President’s Report – Anne as Acting President:

� Anne welcomed all present

� Apology from Bob & Marilyn – Marilyn’s sister Janice passed away

� Welcome to Paul Nicolson – rides a Yamaha - retired

� Welcome to our visitors from Newcastle Lower Hunter Branch

Secretary’s Report - Anne: Correspondence In:

� Email regarding Moree Muster on 10, 11 & 12 June

☺ Email from Lower Hunter Branch for Ten Pin Bowling night at Raymond Terrace on Saturday 18

June 2016.

� Email regarding Sydney Branch Odyssey at Kempsey on 23 September 2016

� Email regarding Glen Innes Branch Meet and Greet on 4 to 6 November 2016

� All correspondence will be forwarded to Brian McCallum to email to all members.

Correspondence Out: Nil

Treasurers Report - Anne:

� General Account $779.19

� Meet & Greet Account $1,356.21

General Business:

� Anne asked for members to nominate tonight for branch AGM which will be held at next

meeting at the end of June. Anne happy to continue as Secretary/Treasurer.

� Anne confirmed that the branch donated $200.00 to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

� Reminder from Anne for X-Mas in July (22nd & 23rd) – members to get their bookings done for

accommodation and to pay monies for dinner $35.00 each tonight. Have approximately 40 people attending.

� Al Ford mentioned that the Tanilba Bay Motorama was on this weekend.

Ride Reports:

� Dave spoke about his recent ride to Nundle with the NSW Norton Club – 2 night trip – he was

wearing his new T-shirt.

� Warren Hofman recently rode to Bathurst – stayed at the old Knicker Bocker –

all rooms have ensuites – they had 4 in one room and 2 in the other room – great accommodation. Warren rode his new bike Aprilla Caponard – fell off during the trip.

� John McGrath got new tyres

Fun Things:

· Fines – $5.70 – Al Ford, Jack, Warren, Judy, Ross

· Raffles – $95.00 - Big John – red wine, Francine – chocolates, Jennifer - white wine

Next Meeting – Friday 24 June 2016 - Soldiers Point Bowling Club Meeting Closed – 8.05pm


Bill Shorten was asleep in his house and awoke to see Menzies' ghost. He asked, "Bob, how can I make this country better?"

Sir Robert said, "Love the Japanese steel producers, like I did."

Shorten went back to sleep. This time he woke to an image of John Howard at the end of his bed. He asked, “John, how can I make this country better?”

Howard said, "Be honest with the people, like I was."

Again Shorten fell asleep and awoke this time to see Harold Holt, and asked, "Harold, how can I make this country better?”

Harold replied, "Go for a swim, like I did!"


In the pub the other day I was telling that old joke about what you do if you see an epileptic having a fit in the bath.

Answer; throw in your washing.

We were all having a good laugh about this, when this big bastard tapped me on the shoulder and said “I don’t find that very funny. My brother was an epileptic and he died in the bath during one of his fits.”

I said “Sorry mate, did he drown?”

“No,” he said, “he choked on a sock.”




Well folks, Dors

has been wanting

to go for 25 years,

plus kayak down

the Colorado River!

Been there, done that, and got the T-Shirt and ticked the box!

I just tagged along to carry the bags and pay for every-

thing, hee, hee ...

The Jazz Fest has to be seen to be believed, all the best

bands in the USA one after another, fantastic!

Party City 24/7, bourbon flowing in the streets of the

French Quarter!!

Had a big feed of Jambalaya and Gumbo while cruising

the Mississippi on the paddle steamer.

On Anzac Day we visited the WW 11 museum, a real eye opener,

with the narrative for Beyond All Boundaries by Tom Hanks.

Then in the car driving on the wrong side of the road, ha! ha!

Down the west coast of Florida to Key West, only 90 miles across

the ditch to Cuba, then back up to Miami to board our cruise Liner

for the Bahamas.

Visited the Dezer collection of automobiles and motor-bikes, the

largest in the world, which also included all the vehicles and props

used to make the James Bond movies, 007. 15 mill USD, amazing.

5 days cruising the Islands, where the

smorgasbord didn't end and the bars

with free drinks never closed?

It was tough but we handled it, he, he.

The onboard entertainment even in-

cluded our very own Kiwi Elvis!!!

Then off to Viva Las

Vegas to dry out and

lose a lot of money ...

well, a little bit!

Trip of a lifetime, to

treasure and remem-

ber for a while, but

good to be home


Cheers and beers!! Malu and Dors …


The other day I went over to a nearby Pharmacy. When I got there, I went straight to the back of the store to where the Pharmacist’s counter is located.

I took out my little brown bottle along with a teaspoon and laid them both on the counter.

The Pharmacist came over, smiled, and asked if he could help me. I said, "Yes! Could you please taste this for me?"

Seeing I'm a Senior Citizen, I guess the Pharmacist just went along with me. He picked up the spoon

and put a tiny bit of the liquid on his tongue and swilled it around. Then with a stomach-churning look on his face he spat it out on the floor and began coughing.

When he finally was finished, I looked him right in the eye and asked, "Now, does that taste sweet to


The Pharmacist, shaking his head back and forth with a venomous look in his eyes yelled, "HELL NO!!!"

So I said, "Oh thank God! That's such a relief! My Doctor told me to get a Pharmacist to test my

urine for sugar!"

… well, I can never go back to that Pharmacy, but I really don't care though, because they aren't

very friendly there anyway …


Harold watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream on her face.

'Why do you do that, mummy?' he asked.

'To make myself beautiful,' said his mother, who then began removing the cream with a tissue.

'What's the matter’, asked Harold 'Giving up?'


For those who are available for the Friday ride:-

☺ 22 July – 0900 departure from Beresfield! Total ride 335 Kms from Beresfield via Bylong Val-

ley Way. Fuel is available at Denman, Bylong and Rylstone for the small tankers.

- Meet Bob at the Driver Reviver area on the SW corner of the big roundabout at Beresfield

(Pacific Hwy/John Renshaw/Weakleys Drives)

- Other travellers can meet us along the way (please advise beforehand!), but be aware that we

will be riding via the “new” M15 Hunter Expressway

- Morning tea at Denman Hotel (124 Kms, 1½ hrs)

- Lunch at Globe Hotel in Rylstone (123 Kms 1½ hrs)

- Arrive Wallerawang via Pearson’s Lookout (over Capertee Valley), and book in to Black Gold Cab-

ins (88 Kms, 1 hr)

- Wander up to the Royal and Commercial pubs for drinks, then to the Bowling Club for meat raf-

fles & dinner

For those who are not available till Saturday:-

☺ 23 July – 0830 departure! Total ride 365 Kms (from Paul’s Corner)

- Meet at Paul’s Corner and follow the leader (yet to be arranged) via Bylong Valley Way, stopping

at your preferred meal venues

- To Wang Bowling Club for Christmas in July dinner and entertainment

Things to do while at Wallerawang on Saturday:-

- Ride through Rydal to Lake Lyell and Lithgow for visit to Small Arms Factory etc (50-60 Kms,

½ hr + tourism time)

- Ride through Tarana to Bathurst for lap around Mount Panorama (137 Kms, 2½ - 2¾ hrs + tour-

ism time)

- Ride to Katoomba for look at Echo Point/3 Sisters etc (expensive!) via Great Western Highway.

Back via Darling Causeway and Bells Line of Road (114 Kms, 2 hrs + tourism time)

- Just bum around, visit Lake Wallace, the old Railway Station Café, etc ☺.

The ride home:-

☺ 24 July – 0830 departure, and ride via Bells Line of Road to Bilpin for morning tea (65 Kms, 1 hr)

- Lunch at Wiseman’s Ferry pub or Bowling Club via Sackville Ferry (68 Kms, 1½ hrs), or via Pitt

Town (79 Kms, 1¼ hrs). Both routes will incur ferry waiting times.

- Wisemans Ferry to Beresfield via Somersby (147 Kms, 2¼ hours)

Home Monday night from another fu-neral, this time in our old home

town of Wallerawang. Then a few days with the grand-kids there and in Mudgee, so this month the newsletter is actually being scribed from


Not so next month though, when we hope to be getting filthy rich digging opals in

Lightning Ridge.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS ���� June: Steve Perrin, Rod Freeborn, Pam Power, Gail MacGrath, Maryanne Hendriks, Trevor, and Dave. ���� July: Chris McCarthy, Big Phil, Jennifer, Susie Her-bert, and young Ross Marlin.


The time is nigh for this event, and being in W’ang last week I was able to check with the club regarding ar-rangements, and was assured

all is ready to go.

The temperature didn’t go below minus 1 while we were there, but I’m sure we can do much better than that

in July J.

I’ve not been advised of any further customers to last month’s list, so it still stands

at a very pleasing 44 souls.

If you have booked in late, PLEASE notify ME (I’m Bob!) ASAP when you’ve done it, regardless of which

Branch you’re from.

Note that Marilyn is the col-lector of monies for this show. The out-of-towners we will collect from on the Friday of the ride down, or on arrival at Wang if all else


Please have your money ready on the Friday ... better still, at this Friday’s meeting,

if you’re attending.

MATESHIP What a pleasant surprise to have Jack and Eve call in for a night with us at Port Mac-quarie following Marilyn’s loss. Greatly appreciated guys, it was a beaut catch-up, and really did help us wind down �.

BLUE GUM CAFÉ …? Received a serve this week from Kim (the boss) at Grey Gum Café, re last month’s newsletter. Seems someone on our com-mittee referred to it as the Blue Gum Café in our Min-utes … wonder who that was …? On a brighter note, Kim ad-vises that if we do a ride down there on a member’s birthday, she will present a pavlova to the celebrant … for sharing, of course! Very generous, thanks Kim �

And here it is ...

Bob’s Blurb … Bob’s Blurb … Bob’s Blurb … Bob’s Blurb … Bob’s Blurb … Bob’s Blurb … Bob’s Blurb … Bob’s Blurb …

My mate reckons he always cries after sex. Mind you, he is in prison ...


Only 4 of us from Port Stephens – John & Trish Beddoe, and Ian & Robyn Richardson attended the

Moree Muster over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend this year.

There were also riders from Newcastle Lower Hunter, Coalfields, Lake Macquarie and Mid North

Coast, so our part of the world was well represented.

We decided to make it a 5-day ride and left home on Thursday to travel via Merriwa and Coolah to

Coonabarabran. It rained from Branxton to Merriwa – good for the region, not exactly the way we

would have preferred. Our idea of stopping for a coffee at Denman’s Royal Hotel was not such a

good one as the pub was undergoing renovations, so we used their verandah to dry out a little, and

bought our coffee from the takeaway up the street.

The open fire in the pub at Coolah was a welcome sight, as by now the temperature had dropped

considerably. After lunch it was on to Coonabarabran for an overnight stop.

Chinese for dinner.

Friday morning

dawned bright

and clear so we

set off for a ride

through the Warrumbungle National Park. What a beautiful

trip! Not only was the scenery spectacular, but the native

wildlife was in abundance.

We returned to Coonabarabran then travelled through the Pilliga to Narrabri

and on to Moree.

The cabins at Mehi River Van Park at Moree are showing their age, but the

van park was “party central” for the

Muster, so this was the place to be.

Friday night was a camp oven curry

night. The meal started with hot pump-

kin soup and damper, followed by the

curry and homemade slices for dessert.

It was a great meal and our first oppor-

tunity to catch up with old friends.

On Saturday we took part in an observa-

tion ride to Mungindi. It was windy in Moree but very blus-

tery and cold on the open plains between Moree and

Mungindi. Trying to write answers to the observation quiz

questions while riding was an impossible task because of the

wind. As the answers to many of the questions were Aboriginal words we had no chance of com-

mitting them to memory.

We had lunch in Mungindi, walked across the river into Queensland, and then re-crossed the windy

plains to Moree.

For dinner on

Saturday night

our hosts

cooked pota-

toes, pumpkin

and $600 of

meat in beer

kegs sitting on gas rings.

The result was a very delicious meal.

Sunday’s organised ride was to

Bingara. The wind had dropped,

the sun was shining, and the ride

was a scenic run through undulat-

ing hills and farmlands. Bingara is

a very pretty little town with

friendly locals and we enjoyed our


Rather than return to Moree, we decided to travel on to Tamworth via

Barraba and Manilla. The beautiful scenery and good roads continued,

making the day’s ride the best of the whole trip.

We spent

Sunday night

in Tamworth,

enjoying din-

ner at the

Longyard Ho-


On Monday morning it was time to head home. It was 10

degrees and sunny when we left Tamworth at 9.00am, but

by the time we reached the top of Port Stephens Cutting

the temperature had dropped to 5 degrees and we were

in fog. The fog continued as we rode on to Nowendoc for

a hot coffee. I have never seen so many people at Nowen-

doc, no doubt because of travellers taking a break from

the fog.

Carson’s Lookout was a whiteout, but one intrepid biker was seen taking a photo of his mates with

a flash camera. By the time we arrived in Gloucester for lunch, the fog had cleared and it was


Being the last day of the long weekend, the road from Gloucester to the Pacific Highway was very

busy. Of course, there were the usual suicidal maniacs in cars who were a hazard to everyone, but

no police in sight.

The Moree Ulysses group, the Cotton Country Cruisers, did their usual excellent job of organising

the Muster and are to be congratulated. We thank them for their hospitality.

Words by Trish, photos by John


An Indian, a Maori, a Muslim and an Australian were walking along an Australian beach when the Maori stumbled over a bottle in the sand. He picked up the bottle, rubbed the sand off it, and ... a Genie appeared!

"I can only grant four wishes !" the Genie said.

"Since there are four of you, you may have a wish apiece.”

Pointing to the Maori, he said, "Since you found the bottle, you may have the first wish.”

The Maori thought for a moment, then said, "I wish for a fleet of ships so that I can gather all my people and

take them back to our homeland of Aotearoa."

Poof! It was done! Thousands of ships appeared on the skyline.

The Indian said, "I wish for enough aircraft to take all fellow Indians back to our homeland!” Poof! It was done! Row after row of aircraft filled the sky.

The Muslim said, "I wish for a hundred thousand camels to take all of my people away from this horrible country

infested with infidels so we can live in peace in Muslim countries and serve the Prophet Allah."

Poof! It was done! A hundred thousand camels suddenly appeared on the beach.

Turning to the Australian, the Genie asked, "And what is your wish ?"

The Aussie watched as the loaded aircraft began moving toward the runway, then looked out to sea and watched the loaded ships sailing out into the sunset, then he looked at all of the Muslims getting on top of the

camels and riding off.

He said, "Look mate, just give me a cold beer.

It really doesn't get any better than this!"

… you can thank Brian/Jackie for this one

From: Michael Preece [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, 2 June 2016 4:11 PM Subject: Ulysses AGM Tasmania 2016- Professional Photo Webpage

Would you kindly advise your Branch members that the AGM 2016 photos are now available to view on line.

Attached to this email is a document explaining the process to view and order the photos. Please forward the attachment to your

members. In addition to the 7,600+ photos available for purchase we can also supply a Commemorative Photo Book. This book has

over 300 images, a selection of photos taken over the event.

Please let us know if there is any further information or assistance required.

Regards and many thanks for your assistance.

Anne and Mike

ULYSSES AGM TASMANIA 2016 – Professional Photo Webpage

We are thrilled to advise that the photos taken at the Ulysses 2016 AGM in Launceston are now available for online viewing. After many hours of editing and 36 hours of uploading to the site the 7,600+ shots are now easy for all to see. The images can be viewed by typing http://www.dpitasmania.com.au/ulyssesagm2016 into your browser. The Password that you need to use is tas2016 Zenfolio is simply a tool for you to easily view the photos and to notify us of your order requirements. Simply click on the heart at the top left of the photo to add it to your favourites. You will then be directed to register with Zenfolio. This is a quick and easy process and naturally is free. You will NOT be asked to enter any bank card details, either during the registration process or when you view and order any photos. Once you are happy with your selection please proceed to checkout. Remember, you will not have to com-plete any payment details on the Zenfolio site. We will contact you by phone to finalise the order. To do this you can supply us your card details. Alter-natively, we can supply our bank account details for a direct credit payment. Please ensure that you advise your preferred phone contact number during the Zenfolio registration process so we can easily contact you. You will notice that the photos appear in day order and the time they were taken. Please be aware that we had multiple photographers out in the field, capturing as many memories as possible. This will mean that you need to scroll through the files, one photographer may have missed you, and one of our other team members hopefully got the photo! Note some of the files are still proof quality and will go thru a final edit prior to printing. Again, the address to view the photos is http://www.dpitasmania.com.au/ulyssesagm2016 If you prefer, please email us at [email protected] and we will contact you if you require any assis-tance at all. We are happy to help! Kind regards

Mike and Anne

Invitation to Glen Innes 2016 Meet N Greet Hi All,

In past years our Meet N Greet event has been held as part of the Beardies Festival, however, the Beardies

no longer operates and as such no info on our Meet N Greet can be sourced from their old website.

As a result a group of local motoring enthusiast clubs together with Glen Innes Tourism have developed a new event called "Glen on Wheels". The Celtic Cruisers are a co-host of this festival and have now incorpo-rated our annual Meet N Greet activities as part of this new event. This year the festival will be held 4 -6 November 2016 and will focus on all things motoring. The main festi-val activities to be held Saturday afternoon include Monster Show N Shine, Vintage bikes and cars, hot rods, market stalls, entertainment and catering. Our annual Meet N Greet activities continue throughout the weekend and include Welcome Dinner Friday night, Saturday morning Mystery ride, Main Street ride, Show n Shine and Saturday night dinner dance. Dinner Dance this year is a Groovy Hippie theme. All in all a great weekend for entertainment and socialis-ing. Attached is information on Glen On Wheels, our Meet N Greet activities and registration form. It would be appreciated if you could provide this information to your branch members and we look forward to hosting you and your members in glorious New England in November. As further promotional info on the "Glen on Wheels" event becomes available we will send this to your branch. Information on accommodation can be accessed through the Tourist Information Centre website at: www.gleninnestourism.com If you require any additional info or registration forms please contact either: Jack Parry, (Branch President) on 0414 534 153 or David "Shorty" Short (Treasurer) on 0407 522 911. For info on Glen On Wheels please contact Jeff McKinlay on 0458 659 555 or the email address below. Information and rego forms are also posted on the Social and Rides page of our webpage on http://gleninnes.ulyssesclub.org/. These sites will be updated regularly leading up to the event as new information and activities are confirmed. Hope to see you in Glen in November. Regards Jeff McKinlay Celtic Cruisers Committee Member

M: 0458 659 555 E: [email protected]


Once again I missed the last MotoGP due to other commitments, but checking Once again I missed the last MotoGP due to other commitments, but checking Once again I missed the last MotoGP due to other commitments, but checking Once again I missed the last MotoGP due to other commitments, but checking out the ladder below, it appears my out the ladder below, it appears my out the ladder below, it appears my out the ladder below, it appears my Honda hero Marc must have shone again … and old man Rossi Honda hero Marc must have shone again … and old man Rossi Honda hero Marc must have shone again … and old man Rossi Honda hero Marc must have shone again … and old man Rossi is still hangin in there is still hangin in there is still hangin in there is still hangin in there ���� . . . . I notice also that Aussie Jack Miller has I notice also that Aussie Jack Miller has I notice also that Aussie Jack Miller has I notice also that Aussie Jack Miller has moved up a coupla places moved up a coupla places moved up a coupla places moved up a coupla places ☺☺☺☺ Won’t miss the next one, I hope ...Won’t miss the next one, I hope ...Won’t miss the next one, I hope ...Won’t miss the next one, I hope ...


You may have been lucky enough to watch local dirt bike You may have been lucky enough to watch local dirt bike You may have been lucky enough to watch local dirt bike You may have been lucky enough to watch local dirt bike World Champion Toby Price in Kings of the Desert on 60 World Champion Toby Price in Kings of the Desert on 60 World Champion Toby Price in Kings of the Desert on 60 World Champion Toby Price in Kings of the Desert on 60 Minutes on Monday night ...? Minutes on Monday night ...? Minutes on Monday night ...? Minutes on Monday night ...? The Hattah, AORC, Abu Dhabi and Dakar Rally Champion The Hattah, AORC, Abu Dhabi and Dakar Rally Champion The Hattah, AORC, Abu Dhabi and Dakar Rally Champion The Hattah, AORC, Abu Dhabi and Dakar Rally Champion wasn’t content to do the Finke Desert race on the bike alone, wasn’t content to do the Finke Desert race on the bike alone, wasn’t content to do the Finke Desert race on the bike alone, wasn’t content to do the Finke Desert race on the bike alone, but raced both the KTM and a mean looking desert quadracy-but raced both the KTM and a mean looking desert quadracy-but raced both the KTM and a mean looking desert quadracy-but raced both the KTM and a mean looking desert quadracy-cle in the same race, running and flying from the bike to the cle in the same race, running and flying from the bike to the cle in the same race, running and flying from the bike to the cle in the same race, running and flying from the bike to the car and vicecar and vicecar and vicecar and vice----versa!versa!versa!versa! An incredibly hectic pace, but he kept it up and took line hon-An incredibly hectic pace, but he kept it up and took line hon-An incredibly hectic pace, but he kept it up and took line hon-An incredibly hectic pace, but he kept it up and took line hon-ours ours ours ours for the 5th timefor the 5th timefor the 5th timefor the 5th time on the bike, and managed a credible 2nd on the bike, and managed a credible 2nd on the bike, and managed a credible 2nd on the bike, and managed a credible 2nd place for his first time racing the car.place for his first time racing the car.place for his first time racing the car.place for his first time racing the car. Reminded me somewhat of myself, son Adam, Jack, Dave and Reminded me somewhat of myself, son Adam, Jack, Dave and Reminded me somewhat of myself, son Adam, Jack, Dave and Reminded me somewhat of myself, son Adam, Jack, Dave and Billy in the Strzelecki a coupla years back Billy in the Strzelecki a coupla years back Billy in the Strzelecki a coupla years back Billy in the Strzelecki a coupla years back ☺☺☺☺.... Toby didn’t seem to encounter our trouble with the blasted Toby didn’t seem to encounter our trouble with the blasted Toby didn’t seem to encounter our trouble with the blasted Toby didn’t seem to encounter our trouble with the blasted Dog Fences on his rides though ...Dog Fences on his rides though ...Dog Fences on his rides though ...Dog Fences on his rides though ...

Pos’n Rider Bike Nation Points

2 Jorge LORENZO Yamaha SPA 115

3 Valentino ROSSI Yamaha ITA 103

4 Dani PEDROSA Honda SPA 82

5 Maverick VIÑALES Suzuki SPA 72






7 Aleix ESPARGARO Suzuki SPA 49

8 Hector BARBERA Ducati SPA 48



Ducati ITA 43

10 Andrea IANNONE Ducati



11 Eugene LAVERTY Ducati IRL 39

12 Bradley SMITH Yamaha GBR 29

13 Stefan BRADL Aprilia GER 29

14 Alvaro BAUTISTA Aprilia SPA 29



Ducati ITA 24





17 Michele PIRRO Ducati ITA 19






19 Tito RABAT Honda SPA 13






21 Loris BAZ Ducati FRA 8

22 Yonny HERNANDEZ Ducati COL 3



Honda SPA



Port Stephens Branch Rides:Port Stephens Branch Rides:Port Stephens Branch Rides:Port Stephens Branch Rides:----

� ???????????? - Ride to Gunnedah

� ???????????? - Breakfast ride to Medowie Macadamia Farm (Kerrie)

� ???????????? - Wollombi Pub

� ???????????? - Chichester Dam. BBQ lunch, or on to East Gresford Pub?

� Oct ???Oct ???Oct ???Oct ??? - Long weekend ride to The Apple Orchard near Scone (Kerrie)

For further information about rides, refer to website:For further information about rides, refer to website:For further information about rides, refer to website:For further information about rides, refer to website:----


Upcoming Events:Upcoming Events:Upcoming Events:Upcoming Events:----

� ??? ??? ??? ??? Twilight barefoot bowls (Kerrie)

� ???????????? Tahlee Bible College morning tea (Merilyn)

� ???????????? Hunter/Raymond Terrace cruise (Merilyn)

� ??? Lunch at Greenhouse, Pacific Dunes (Trish)

� 22222222----24 July24 July24 July24 July Christmas in July at Wallerawang (Bob). See Page 6 for ride details.

NOTE Brett is always open to ride suggestions:-

If you’ve not made a contribution recently, please give him your ideas for a ride, and

a preferred date. Lotsa suggestions with no dates ...


2006 Kawasaki KLE 500 Adventure bike

24,868 Kms Rego’d till 24th Jan


Touring screen, Renthal alloy bars, enclosed hand-guards, heated grips,

12 Volt outlet

Racetech fork springs, comfort seat, centre stand, chain roller guide,

disc lock

helmet, Ventura bag

It’s got the whole kit and kaboodle, and has been reduced to just $3,900.00

Phone Peter Kime on 0447 511 693 (Newcastle)


An Indian, a Maori, a Muslim and an Australian were walking along an Australian beach when the Maori stumbled over a bottle in the sand. He picked up the bottle, rubbed the sand off it, and ... a Genie ap-

peared! "I can only grant four wishes !" the Genie said.

"Since there are four of you, you may have a wish apiece.”

Pointing to the Maori, he said, "Since you found the bottle, you may have the first wish.”

The Maori thought for a moment, then said, "I wish for a fleet of ships so that I can gather all my peo-

ple and take them back to our homeland of Aotearoa."

Poof! It was done! Thousands of ships appeared on the skyline.

The Indian said, "I wish for enough aircraft to take all fellow Indians back to our homeland!”

Poof! It was done! Row after row of aircraft filled the sky.

The Muslim said, "I wish for a hundred thousand camels to take all of my people away from this horrible

country infested with infidels, so we can live in peace in Muslim countries and serve the Prophet Allah." Poof! It was done! A hundred thousand camels suddenly appeared on the beach.

Turning to the Australian, the Genie asked, "And what is your wish?" The Aussie watched as the loaded aircraft began moving toward the runway, then looked out to sea and watched the loaded ships sailing out into the sunset, then he looked at all of the Muslims getting on top of the camels and riding off.

He said, "Look mate, just give me a cold beer. It really doesn't get any better than this!"

���� These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support These people support usususususususususususus. Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support . Do the right thing and support themthemthemthemthemthemthemthemthemthemthemthem! ! ! ����

John Beddoe financial services & advice Ph 0418 651 547

Jack Johnstone security system installation & service Ph 02 4982 4921, mobile 0410 424 921

Dennis Mahoney leatherwork Ph 02 4981 0553

Doreen Easthope seamstress Ph 02 4982 1876

Jacqueline Scocco Champagne Colours Shop 12, Austral Street Shopping Centre NELSON BAY

Ph 02 4984 3332 10% off all hair services to Ulysses members and their guests. Always service with a smile.

Richo’s Honda ST1300 is still up for sale.

About an ‘05 model, I think.

Asked him for photos last year (or so) but nothing

yet, so had to scrape up an old one of mine ����

Bloody good tourer (can’t kill ‘em!) in great condition, and

deep blue in colour.

Seeing he won’t talk to me, call the man at home on 02 4997 2117, or his mobile on 0448 303 559,

or at the Golf Club on 02 4997 0145 (the most likely place) ☺☺☺☺.


John BeddoeJohn BeddoeJohn BeddoeJohn Beddoe

Anne CrowleyAnne CrowleyAnne CrowleyAnne Crowley

Laraine HowesLaraine HowesLaraine HowesLaraine Howes

John McGrathJohn McGrathJohn McGrathJohn McGrath

Paul MulvayPaul MulvayPaul MulvayPaul Mulvay

Yep, Scottie & Karl

150a Salamander Way

Salamander Bay

02 4919 1488

0419 618 397

[email protected]



10% off for all Ulyssians!


and Kim’s the best!