PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln Cellar Folk Club “A PLACE WHERE FRIENDS MEET - AND NEW FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!” HAPPY MOTHERS DAY - SUNDAY 13 TH MAY This was a show performed by Ron Higgins and Linda Bick (with harpist Christine Manning) at the Fleurieu Folk Festival last October. As part of a Country Arts SA project we promised to give our local community a chance to see it and have enlisted the help of Kris Verboven and Bec Bach to replace our missing harpist. And very well they do it too!! We have combined with the Cellar Folk Club to present a whole evening of entertainment to benefit our Club. We will be holding the show "18 Years away from Oz" on Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which comprises songs and anecdotes about Linda’s life and travels overseas during that time and is illustrated with powerpoint images of the relevant places. The second part of the evening will highlight other acts from the Folk Club (yet to be finalised). Our friendly ABC presenter, Deane Williams will aid Ross Challinger as co-comperes and we will be having raffles and a lucky spinning wheel to help with the fundraising. Our recently recorded CD will be available for purchase. Please come and support us, it will be a very entertaining evening. I promise!! Cost: $15 adult or $12 concession Poster with full details out soon! 18 Years Away from Oz May 2012 Above: The cover of Linda’s CD especially recorded for this event at Atlantis Studios, here in Port Lincoln, and below, the performers

PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which

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Page 1: PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which


Port Lincoln

Cellar Folk Club

January 2012



This was a show performed by Ron Higgins and Linda Bick (with harpist Christine Manning) at the Fleurieu Folk Festival last October.

As part of a Country Arts SA project we promised to give our local community a chance to see it and have enlisted the help of Kris Verboven and Bec Bach to replace our missing harpist. And very well they do it too!! We have combined with the Cellar Folk Club to present a whole evening of entertainment to benefit our Club. We will be holding the show "18 Years away from Oz" on Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm.

The first part of the evening is the show which comprises songs and anecdotes about Linda’s life and travels overseas during that time and is illustrated with powerpoint images of the relevant places.

The second part of the evening will highlight other acts from the Folk Club (yet to be finalised).

Our friendly ABC presenter, Deane Williams will aid Ross Challinger as co-comperes and we will be having raffles and a lucky spinning wheel to help with the fundraising. Our recently recorded CD will be available for purchase. Please come and support us, it will be a very entertaining evening. I promise!!

Cost: $15 adult or $12 concession

Poster with full details out soon!

18 Years Away from Oz

May 2012

Above: The cover of Linda’s CD especially recorded for this event at Atlantis Studios, here in Port Lincoln, and below, the performers

Page 2: PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which


Useful info…

Events Calendar 2012

Cellar Folk Club Monthly Sessions

Held the 2nd Saturday of each month

at Boston House Lincoln Highway Port Lincoln

Starting 8pm ‘til late

Acoustic music – folk, country, ballads, songs, jokes, verse & stories

BYO drinks, nibbles, instruments & voices

Coffee & tea available for a donation

Raffles & prizes


A great atmosphere and a BIG welcome to all!

Enquiries to:

Linda 0467 604 711

Ron 0428 886 870

Mary 8682 1215

Emu Sessions

(affiliated with the Cellar Folk Club)

Held the last Sunday of each month

at Roseview Gardens Little Swamp Lane Little Swamp Port Lincoln

Starting 2pm – 5pm-ish

Relaxed acoustic music session - all welcome

Tea, coffee, afternoon tea & light lunches available for purchase


Enquiries to:

Bec 0428 971 085

Ron 0428 886 870

Yes – we’re on Facebook!!

If you already have a Facebook account you can find us by typing Cellar Folk Club into the search button.

If not, you can still find an electronic version of us at our website: www.cellarfolkclub.net


Sat 12th

Cellar Folk Club Boston House

Sat 12th Trinity Sessions – 8pm Ralph McTell (UK) Trinity Church, Goodwood Rd., Clarence Park phone 8297 4037

Sun 13th Mothers Day Luncheon Roseview Gardens Little Swamp Lane Ph: Vicki Rice 8684 2031 Fri 18th RSL Quiz Night Fundraiser 7pm enquiries 0447 019 312

Sun 20th Book Launch “Masts on our Horizons” Axel Stenross Museum 2pm

Tues 22nd “Circa” Circus for the 21st Century Nautilus

Sun 27th Emu Sessions Roseview Gardens

Sun 27th 2pm Pt Lincoln Singers fundraiser - Salvation Army Hall. Supported by “The Accidentals”

Sun 27th Port Lincoln Long Lunch


Fri 1st & Sat 2nd Uke Extravaganza at Port Augusta. Concert at the Barracks & ukulele workshops – enquiries: Sharps Music 8642 3361.

Fri 1st “Morning Melodies” – “Puttin’ On the Ritz” Nautilus Theatre

Sat 9th

Cellar Folk Club Boston House

Fri 15th “18 Years Away from Oz” Lincoln South Clubrooms 8pm

Sat 16th Taikoz “Shifting Sand” Taikos drumming ensemble & free workshop at 1:30 Bookings Nautilus Theatre 8683 5088

Fri 22nd FAME Awards – Pt Lincoln City Band Fundraiser – Nautilus Theatre 7pm

Sun 24th

Emu Sessions Roseview Gardens


Sat 14th

Cellar Folk Club Boston House - Cellar Folk Club’s 18



Sat 21st “Let the Sunshine” David Williamson Nautilus Theatre

Sat 28th Annual Mayor’s Charity CVoncery – Nautilus Theatre

Sun 29th

Emu Sessions Roseview Gardens


Sat 11th

Cellar Folk Club Boston House

Sun 26th

Lincoln Show Day

Sun 26th

Emu Sessions Roseview Gardens

The Cellar Folk Club committee would like to acknowledge the financial support it receives from the Port Lincoln Lions Club towards the publication of our newsletter…

…and we would like to extend a warm welcome to the new

Managers of the Lion’s Hostel at North Shields

Kevin & Thelma Parker.

Cellar Folk Club – Port Lincoln Club Objectives To encourage, support and promote the traditional and contemporary folk arts of Australia and other cultures

including acoustic music and song, poetry and prose among locals and visitors in/ to Port Lincoln and surrounding communities.

To offer members of all ages and abilities, opportunities to perform and participate, in an encouraging and supportive environment.

Page 3: PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which



Above : Lynne & Ken made a welcome return to the Cellar in April


Odd Beat


The Bamboo Saxophone was first developed in 1985, by Angel Sampedro Del Rio.

Carefully electronically tuned, Bamboo Saxophones consist of segments of bamboo, consecutively larger in diameter.

This succession of diameters, has been demonstrated by acoustical studies, to be the most harmonically effective.

Keys are provided to cover tone holes, that are unable to be reached by fingers.

The Bamboo Saxophone has been developed with equal attention, to both acoustic design, and aesthetics.

The interior of the instrument is protected against changes of humidity.

Experimentation has led to the use of a variety of bamboo types, used as mouthpieces. Each different type, gives each instrument, a unique character, and sound.


Can you help? (


We are always looking for volunteers to host a Saturday night CFC session with support from committee members. If you would like to have a go please approach a committee member.


May – Kris V

June – Ron H

July – Mary, Bec, Ashley

April’s CFC saw a swell of attendance and the very welcome return of Lyn and Ken after their long absence. It was introduced by Roger Inglis who gave his usual witty readings and we were treated to a great duo when Lisa’s daughter accompanied her with her new song. John Watson made a special early arrival (before the jam session!!!) to play a few celtic pieces, accompanied by flute & whistle. We finished the concert part of the evening in good time to allow for a great jam session in the latter part of the evening. One act that has been missed lately is The Plukers and I hope they will soon come out of hiding to entertain us with their unique performances again.

The day after the club night I went with the Caledonian society to the Lake Hamilton eating house (which is on the highway on the way to Elliston) where they did their usual maintenance of this historic building and we had a Scottish sing song. This would be a great place for the club to have a rural get-together, hopefully

with some of the local Sheringa musos. Perhaps we can plan a winter weekend there.

Just prior to the CFC the Chillies held a bush dance at the Lion’s Club hostel for the St Joseph’s school camp. Despite the horrendous acoustics in the large tin shed, where we couldn’t hear ourselves think, never mind play, the kids picked up the dances very well, joined in with the Aussie songs and had a great time. We hope to do some more of this kind of thing.

The Chalkie, the Chippie& the Chaser entertained us at the RSL Club after the ANZAC Dawn Service, which added to the convivial atmosphere over tea and Anzac bickies.

The City Band are busy organising the FAME awards, which sound very exciting and we hope to have some of our local song-writers enter with original videos. Get those movie cameras out!

Continued on page 5…

“Cellar Snippets” by Linda Bick - President

Above :The Port Lincoln City Band always plays at the ANZAC Day service in Port Lincoln.

Page 4: PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which


Joy Chilman and her brother, Bill Leech grew up in Port Lincoln in the 1930’s, the busiest time of the sailing ship era and, in the summers of their childhood, they spent a lot of time on their father’s fishing boat or on the beach between the Kirton Point and Brennan jetties – always, it seemed, there were masts on their horizons.

Their father, Sid Leech, sometimes worked at loading the ships with their cargoes of bagged wheat. He told Bill that he bought limestone ballast from one of the ships and that it had come from the Tower of London. On a different occasion he told Joy he had bought ballast containing bricks from the Dublin GPO which had been bombarded in an uprising by the Sinn Fein. He used the stone and bricks to build his house (still extant) in Dublin Street, Port Lincoln.

It was about sixty years later when Joy and Bill put these two scraps of information together that took Joy on a journey of research and by the time she had finished she had enough information to write a history of the sailing ship era in Port Lincoln.

You are invited to the launching of this book which is being held at Axel Stenross Maritime Museum on Sunday 20th May at 2pm.

Light refreshments and entertainment provided.

Reproduced in part

Masts on our Horizons

Our very own…

“Nelson’s Blood”

will be performing at the book launching.

Please head along to support them.

Check out the photo left, of their first performance!!


A History of


South Australia, 1909 – 1943

By Joy Chilman

To order contact:

Joy Chilman PH: 08 8532 1109

Bill Leech PH: 08 8682 2638

Cost: $25.00

Other coming events…

Page 5: PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which


Last Sunday the Emu sessions at Roseview Gardens was well attended with a few new faces joining in. Vicki is having a Mother’s Day lunch there on Sunday 13th May, at which some of us from the club hope to play.

The highlight for me this month was our St George’s Day do at Meredith’s house. Following our successful St David’s Day dinner in March we scaled even greater heights with Sherry and cucumber sandwiches for entrée, Lancashire Hot Pot, Toad in the Hole, Old English Sheepdog crispy strips (!) and bread and butter pudding, all gobbled down to strains of George Formby, Tommy Steele, Dragonet and others. We had English readings, poems, stories and traditional songs performed by those attending. A very interesting evening and we look forward to even more splendiferous offerings for St Andrew’s Day in November. Who will catch the haggis?

Meanwhile, see you at the Cellar!


Snippets cont…

From Facebook…

Vicki Rice 30 April 15:48

Hi Ron, I am advertising a $25 Mother’s Day luncheon on Sunday 13th May from 12 noon till 2 pm. at Roseview Gardens on Little Swamp Lane.

Linda Bick 1:38pm May 4

Can people please gather some prizes for our lucky spinning wheel at the show on the 15th June at the Lincoln South FC, like you did for the Louth Bay night. We are trying to make it a fundraiser for the Club. I find some amazing things at garage sales!! You can pass them on to me for storage.

18 Years Away from Oz cont…

When we have held similar fundraising evenings (such as at Louth Bay), club members have donated a small gift for inclusion as a raffle or lucky number prize. It would be greatly appreciated if members could do the same for the “18 Years” show. Some wonderful things are to be found at garage sales around town – found a new music stand for just $2.00 last week!!

Mike Rayson in concert

Mike Rayson was born and bred on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia, but today is the Senior Pastor of Bethalto United Methodist Church in the suburban area of St Louis in the USA. Each year he has the opportunity to travel around the world singing and sharing the good news of Jesus. He has shared his story in Westminster Abbey in London, Torsby Kyrka in Sweden, Union Church in Guatemala, Wesley Mission in Sydney, and churches across the United States of America. Mike’s new album ‘The Middle’ (released March 2012) is a collection of stories and songs, and includes a cover of Cliff Richard’s hit song, “The Only Way Out”. He has also garnered international acclaim with the song “Just Grace”, which is featured across the globe on Christian Radio Stations, including Hope 1032 in Sydney, Life FM in Adelaide, Premier Radio in London and UCB Europe. Mike is performing at Port Lincoln Uniting Church 63 New West Road Port Lincoln Wednesday 23

rd May 7pm

Admission is free. (an opportunity to contribute to Mike’s Ministry will be given) Enquiries: Sue and Paul Hodgson 86831118

Above (from top): April Emus Session; The CCC at the RSL; Gary; Lisa with daughter accompaniment at the April CFC.

Below: Lake Hamilton Eating House

Page 6: PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which


St George’s Day

On the 23rd of April a hearty group of some twenty followers celebrated a successful St George's night (England’s National Day). Guests were greeted with a glass of sherry, accompanied by crust less cucumber sandwiches, roast beef and horseradish cream crudities, pasties, pies, sausage rolls and crumbed 'English Sheepdog' pieces. This was followed by lashings of hot mulled wine, Lancashire Hotpot, Toad in the Hole, Mushy Peas and chips, Bread ‘n’ butter pudding, stewed quinces with homemade custard and cream, doughnuts, little cakes and scones. No room for the Stilton. For entertainment, we listened to English harpsichord music, and George Formby . We sang along with Tom Jones 's What's New Pussy Cat, and Tommy Steele’s Ooh Snap Bang What a Picture.. Other songs included My Ol’ Man’s a Dustman . There was the Stan Freberg recording of St George and the Dragon, brought by Ross Challinger. Paul Hodgson, gave us some wonderful Geordie renditions. Linda Bick had us singing All Around My Hat and Ron Higgins and Mike Gorvel sang ditties. Rose recited some very interesting early stories from immigrants and Deane recited a piece about St George’s Day in the early 1900’s. Many thanks everyone for their contributions.

It was a very good evening indeed! Meredith Jones

Below: Meredith Jones (the “English Rose”) hosted St George’s Day at her home

Quiz Question

In what year did Countdown start?

A: 1974

Did you know...

Sales of Elvis Presley's recordings are estimated at over 2.5 billion worldwide.

On the Web

Check out the link for one of those surprising artists that appear on talent shows. Meet Charlotte 16 and Jonathan 17....you won't forget this in a hurry.


or go to youtube and search for Charlotte & Jonathan - Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition


My neighbour called at 2.45 am this morning. Can you believe that, 2.45am!

Just as well I was still up playing my bagpipes

Page 7: PORT LINCOLN CELLAR FOLK CLUB Issue 35 May 2012 Port Lincoln · Friday 15th June at the Lincoln South Football Club, starting at 8pm. The first part of the evening is the show which


Port Lincoln

Cellar Folk Club

PO BOX 2368 Port Lincoln

SA 5606


If you haven’t got around to joining or re-joining the Cellar Folk Club, this year – we would welcome your Financial Support !

Our membership years go from July 1st

to June 30th

and our current membership cards are BLUE ! You can get your very own card for ONLY $15 – or $30 for a whole family – to get that ‘warm-fuzzy I belong’ feeling !

Please fill in the membership form opposite and send it along with your subs to:-

The Membership Secretary

Cellar Folk Club

PO Box 2368 Port Lincoln, SA 5606

(Cheques made out to “The Cellar Folk Club Inc.”)

Any membership enquiries to Ron Higgins on

0428 886 870

CFC Membership Form


Postal address:

Residential address:

Home phone:


Email address (if you have one):

Membership type (please tick):

Individual $15.00

Family $30.00

Return this form and your subs to:

The Membership Secretary

Cellar Folk Club

PO Box 2368 Port Lincoln, SA 5606

(Cheques made out to

“The Cellar Folk Club Inc.”)

If you have any photos of a CFC night, Emu session – or anything loosely related to our club - please send by email to Bec for possible inclusion in a future CFC newsletter at

[email protected]

Welcome to the new Lion’s Hostel Managers

Kevin & Thelma Parker

PH: 8684 3632