Илустровала Ива Ћирић Енглески за све! Amelia Earhart "me m#$t tr% t & thi'$ a$ me ha(e trie&) he the% *ail+ their *ail#re m#$t ,e ,#t a -halle'e t ther$)" .Amelia Earhart/ Amelia Earhart 0a$ ,r i 1234+ i 5a$a$+ 67A) E(e a$ a -hil& $he &i&8t ,eha(e i a -(etiall% 8*emiie8 0a%) 7he -lim,e& tree$ a& h#te& rat$ 0ith her ri*le 9 ,#t $he 0a$8t :arti-#larl% itere$te& i *l%i') 7he $a0 her *ir$t :lae 0he $he 0a$ 1;+ a& 0a$8t im:re$$e& at all) <#t $he 0a$ (er% itere$te& i e0$:a:er re:rt$ a,#t 0me 0h 0ere $#--e$$*#l i male &miate& :r*e$$i$+ $#-h a$ e'ieeri'+ la0 a& maa'emet) 7he -#t them #t a& =e:t them) >#ri' the ?ir$t rl& ar $he 0r=e& a$ a #r$i' a$$i$tat i a militar% h$:ital+ a& later $tarte& t $t#&% me&i-ie at #i(er$it%) @he+ i 13;+ Amelia8$ li*e -ha'e&) 7he 0et t a a(iati *air 0i th her *ather a& ha& a 1;9mi#te *li'ht i a :lae) @hat 0a $ it) A$ $ a$ the :lae le*t the 'r#&+ Amelia =e0 that $he ha& t *l%) 7 Amelia *#& her$el* a *emale *l%i' tea-her a& $tarte& t lear t *l%) 7he t= all $rt$ * && B,$ t :a% *r the le$$$+ a& al$ $a(e& a& ,rr0e& e#'h me% t ,#% a $e-& ha& :lae) Ct 0a$ ,ri'ht %ell0 a& $he -alle& it 8Daar%8) C 13 $he t= 8Daar%8 #: t a hei'ht * 1+;;; *eet+ ,rea=i' the 0me8$ altit#&e re-r&) C 132+ Amelia 0a$ 0r=i' a$ a $-ial 0r=er i <$t 0he $he re-ei(e& a amaFi' :he -all i(iti' her t Bi :il t ilmer 7t#ltF a *li'ht a-r$$ the Atlati-) @he ma 0h r'ai$e& the *li'ht 0a$ the Ameri-a :#,li$her+ Ger'e H#tam) Amelia8$ **i-ial title 0a$ 8-mma&er8 ,#t $he her$el* $ai& that $he 0a$ B#$t a :a$$e'er) <#t $he 0a$ $till the *ir$t 0ma :a$$e'er t *l% a-r$$ the Atlati-) 7he ,e-ame *am#$+ 0rte a ,= a,#t the -r$$i' .-alle& 8; I#r$+ ; mi#te$8/ a& tra(elle& ar#& the -#tr% 'i(i' le-t#re$) Ger'e H#tam 0a$ li=e a maa'er t her+ a& $he e(et#all% marrie& him i 13J1)  @he+ i 13J+ Ame lia *le0 $l a-r$$ the Atlati-+ $methi' that l% e :er$+ Ki&,er'h + ha& e(er &e ,e*re) <e-a#$e * ,a& 0eather+ $he 0a$ *r-e& t la& i the mi&&le * a *iel& i Crela&+ *ri'htei' the -0$) 7he ,r=e $e(eral re-r&$ 0ith thi$ *li'htL the *ir$t 0ma t ma=e the $l -r$$i'+ the l% :er$ t ma=e the -r$$i ' t0i-e+ the l'e$t 9$t: &i$ta-e *r a 0ma a& the $hrte$t time *r the *li'ht) M0 $he 0a$ reall% *am #$) 7he 0a$ 'i(e the >i$ti'#i$he& ?l%i' Dr$$ .ather *ir$t *r a 0ma/+ 0rte ather ,=+ a& -ti#e& t le-t#re) 7he al$ &e$i'e& a *l%i' $#it *r 0me+ a& 0et t &e$i' ther -lthe$ *r 0me 0h le& a-ti(e li(e$) Amelia -ti#e& t ,rea= all $rt$ * a (iati re-r&$ (er the eNt *e0 %ear$) <#t t e(er%e 0a$ -m*rta,le 0ith the i&ea * a 0ma li(i' the =i& * li*e that Amelia le&) Oe e0$:a:er arti-le a,#t her *ii$he& 0ith the P#e$ti "<#t -a $he ,a=e a -a=eQ" he $he 0a$ earl% ;+ Amelia &e-i&e& that $he 0a$ rea&% *r a * ial -halle'e 9 t ,e the *ir$t 0ma t *l% ar#& the 0rl&) Ier *ir$t attem:t 0a$ #$#--e$$*#l .the :lae 0a$ &ama'e&/ ,#t $he trie& a'ai i R#e 13J4+ 0ith her a(i'atr+ ?re& Ma) 7he ha& &e-i&e& that thi$ 0a$ 'i ' t ,e her la$t l' &i$ ta-e 8re-r& ,rea=i'8 *li'ht) E(er%thi' 0et $mthl% a& the% la&e& i Me0 G#iea i R#l%) @he eNt $ta'e 0a$ *rm Me0 G#iea t I0la& C$la&+ a ti% $:t * la& i the Ha-i*i- O-ea) <#t i mi& *li'ht the :lae+ a(i'atr a& :ilt $im:l% &i$a::eare& i the ,a& 0eather) A re$-#e $ear-h 0a$ $ta rte& imme&iatel% ,#t thi' 0a$ *#&) @he 6ite& 7tate$ '(ermet $:et S milli l=i' *r Amelia+ 0hi-h ma=e$ it the m$t eN:e$i(e air a& $ea $ear-h i hi$tr%) A li'hth#$e 0a$ ,#ilt I0la& C$l a& i her memr%) Amelia al0a%$ =e0 that 0hat $he &i& 0a $ &a'er#$ a& that e(er% *li'ht -#l& ,e her la$t) 7he le*t a letter *r her h#$,a& $a%i' that $he =e0 the &a'er$+ ,#t $he 0ate& t & 0hat $he &i&) He:le t&a% are $till $:e-#lati' a,#t 0hat mi'ht ha(e ha::ee& t Amelia a& ?re& Ma)  @here are e(e therie$ th at the% mi'ht ha(e la&e& a #= 0 i$la& a& li(e& *r ma% mre %ear$) hate(er ha::ee&+ Amelia Earhart i$ remem,ere & a$ a ,ra(e :ieer *r ,th a (iati a& *r 0me)  1 * J


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Илустровала Ива Ћирић

Енглески за све!

Amelia Earhart"me m#$t tr% t & thi'$ a$ me ha(e trie&) he the% *ail+ their *ail#re m#$t ,e ,#t a

-halle'e t ther$)" .Amelia Earhart/

Amelia Earhart 0a$ ,r i 1234+ i 5a$a$+ 67A) E(e a$ a

-hil& $he &i&8t ,eha(e i a -(etiall% 8*emiie8 0a%) 7he-lim,e& tree$ a& h#te& rat$ 0ith her ri*le 9 ,#t $he 0a$8t

:arti-#larl% itere$te& i *l%i') 7he $a0 her *ir$t :lae 0he

$he 0a$ 1;+ a& 0a$8t im:re$$e& at all) <#t $he 0a$ (er%itere$te& i e0$:a:er re:rt$ a,#t 0me 0h 0ere

$#--e$$*#l i male &miate& :r*e$$i$+ $#-h a$

e'ieeri'+ la0 a& maa'emet) 7he -#t them #t a&

=e:t them)>#ri' the ?ir$t rl& ar $he 0r=e& a$ a #r$i'

a$$i$tat i a militar% h$:ital+ a& later $tarte& t $t#&%

me&i-ie at #i(er$it%) @he+ i 13;+ Amelia8$ li*e -ha'e&) 7he 0et t a a(iati *air 0ith her

*ather a& ha& a 1;9mi#te *li'ht i a :lae) @hat 0a$ it) A$ $ a$ the :lae le*t the 'r#&+Amelia =e0 that $he ha& t *l%)

7 Amelia *#& her$el* a *emale *l%i' tea-her a& $tarte& t lear t *l%) 7he t= all $rt$ * 

&& B,$ t :a% *r the le$$$+ a& al$ $a(e& a& ,rr0e& e#'h me% t ,#% a $e-& ha&

:lae) Ct 0a$ ,ri'ht %ell0 a& $he -alle& it 8Daar%8) C 13 $he t= 8Daar%8 #: t a hei'ht * 1+;;; *eet+ ,rea=i' the 0me8$ altit#&e re-r&)

C 132+ Amelia 0a$ 0r=i' a$ a $-ial 0r=er i <$t 0he $he re-ei(e& a amaFi' :he

-all i(iti' her t Bi :ilt ilmer 7t#ltF a *li'ht a-r$$ the Atlati-) @he ma 0h r'ai$e& the

*li'ht 0a$ the Ameri-a :#,li$her+ Ger'e H#tam) Amelia8$ **i-ial title 0a$ 8-mma&er8 ,#t $heher$el* $ai& that $he 0a$ B#$t a :a$$e'er) <#t $he 0a$ $till the *ir$t 0ma :a$$e'er t *l% a-r$$

the Atlati-) 7he ,e-ame *am#$+ 0rte a ,= a,#t the -r$$i' .-alle& 8; I#r$+ ; mi#te$8/a& tra(elle& ar#& the -#tr% 'i(i' le-t#re$) Ger'e H#tam 0a$ li=e a maa'er t her+ a&

$he e(et#all% marrie& him i 13J1) @he+ i 13J+ Amelia *le0 $l a-r$$ the Atlati-+ $methi' that l% e :er$+ Ki&,er'h+

ha& e(er &e ,e*re) <e-a#$e * ,a& 0eather+ $he 0a$ *r-e& t la& i the mi&&le * a *iel& i

Crela&+ *ri'htei' the -0$) 7he ,r=e $e(eral re-r&$ 0ith thi$ *li'htL the *ir$t 0ma t ma=ethe $l -r$$i'+ the l% :er$ t ma=e the -r$$i' t0i-e+ the l'e$t 9$t: &i$ta-e *r a

0ma a& the $hrte$t time *r the *li'ht)

M0 $he 0a$ reall% *am#$) 7he 0a$ 'i(e the >i$ti'#i$he& ?l%i' Dr$$ .ather *ir$t *r a

0ma/+ 0rte ather ,=+ a& -ti#e& t le-t#re) 7he al$ &e$i'e& a *l%i' $#it *r 0me+a& 0et t &e$i' ther -lthe$ *r 0me 0h le& a-ti(e li(e$)

Amelia -ti#e& t ,rea= all $rt$ * a(iati re-r&$ (er the eNt *e0 %ear$) <#t t e(er%e

0a$ -m*rta,le 0ith the i&ea * a 0ma li(i' the =i& * li*e that Amelia le&) Oe e0$:a:er

arti-le a,#t her *ii$he& 0ith the P#e$ti "<#t -a $he ,a=e a -a=eQ"

he $he 0a$ earl% ;+ Amelia &e-i&e& that $he 0a$ rea&% *r a *ial -halle'e 9 t ,e the *ir$t0ma t *l% ar#& the 0rl&) Ier *ir$t attem:t 0a$ #$#--e$$*#l .the :lae 0a$ &ama'e&/ ,#t $he

trie& a'ai i R#e 13J4+ 0ith her a(i'atr+ ?re& Ma) 7he ha& &e-i&e& that thi$ 0a$ 'i' t ,eher la$t l' &i$ta-e 8re-r& ,rea=i'8 *li'ht)

E(er%thi' 0et $mthl% a& the% la&e& i Me0 G#iea i R#l%) @he eNt $ta'e 0a$ *rm Me0

G#iea t I0la& C$la&+ a ti% $:t * la& i the Ha-i*i- O-ea) <#t i mi& *li'ht the :lae+a(i'atr a& :ilt $im:l% &i$a::eare& i the ,a& 0eather)

A re$-#e $ear-h 0a$ $tarte& imme&iatel% ,#t thi' 0a$ *#&) @he 6ite& 7tate$ '(ermet

$:et S milli l=i' *r Amelia+ 0hi-h ma=e$ it the m$t eN:e$i(e air a& $ea $ear-h i hi$tr%)A li'hth#$e 0a$ ,#ilt I0la& C$la& i her memr%)

Amelia al0a%$ =e0 that 0hat $he &i& 0a$ &a'er#$ a& that e(er% *li'ht -#l& ,e her la$t) 7he

le*t a letter *r her h#$,a& $a%i' that $he =e0 the &a'er$+ ,#t $he 0ate& t & 0hat $he &i&)He:le t&a% are $till $:e-#lati' a,#t 0hat mi'ht ha(e ha::ee& t Amelia a& ?re& Ma)

 @here are e(e therie$ that the% mi'ht ha(e la&e& a #=0 i$la& a& li(e& *r ma% mre

%ear$) hate(er ha::ee&+ Amelia Earhart i$ remem,ere& a$ a ,ra(e :ieer *r ,th a(iati a&*r 0me)


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