Please find a seat. Keep in mind this will not be your assigned seat!

Please find a seat. Keep in mind this will not be your assigned seat!

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Please find a seat. Keep in mind this will not be your assigned seat!

Entering the Classroom◦ Come in quietly◦ Take out homework, pencils◦ Do not walk around the room; stay seated

Tardies◦ You have plenty of time to get to class so you

should not be late!◦ If tardies become an issue you will receive silent

lunch Attendance

◦ Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class

◦ If you are not in your assigned seat you will be marked absent!

Homework◦ Yes, you will have homework!◦ I believe in quality of work, not quantity◦ Homework will be GRADED so do your best!

Late Work◦ If you do not have your homework on the day it is

due an automatic 10 points will be deducted regardless of amount of correct answers.

◦ Homework not turned in within 3 days of the due date will not be accepted.

Absent Students◦ It is YOUR responsibility to see me about make-up

work◦ You have 3 days to complete the work that you

missed Student Planners

◦ You have them, use them!◦ If incomplete assignments become an issue I will

begin requiring a signature from a parent

Supplies and Materials◦ Have all needed materials EVERY DAY!◦ This includes:

Pencils/pens Paper Textbook Any assignments that are due

Student Work Station◦ I have provided SOME materials for you if needed

in emergency situations.

Talking◦ Do not interrupt the teacher or a classmate who is

talking◦ If you have something to contribute to a class

discussion or have a question, raise your hand Respect

◦ Respect your teacher and classmates Do not talk while others are talking Use your manners (No Ma’ma, Yes Ma'ma, Please, Thank

You, etc.)

Independent Work◦ This means you and only you complete the

assignment◦ You may ask the teacher only for assistance

Group Work◦ No more than 3 per group◦ Noise level must be kept to a minimum◦ All members must participate

Bathroom◦ You may use the bathroom without penalty 3

times per 9 weeks◦ Any time after that will result in silent lunch

Getting Out of Your Seat◦ You may sharpen your pencil without permission◦ To throw trash away wait to get up when you

leave the room; used tissues are the only exception.

C- come prepared M- manage your behavior S- strive for success

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