Planning Statement (including Heritage Statement) Outline planning application (all matters reserved) for the erection of a building for B1(a) and A2 uses (maximum floorspace of 1,600sq m) at Mile End Road, South Shields, NE33 1TA October 2016

Planning Statement (including Heritage Statement)planning.southtyneside.info/MVM.DMS/Planning Application... · 2016-10-10 · Planning Statement (including Heritage Statement) Outline

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Page 1: Planning Statement (including Heritage Statement)planning.southtyneside.info/MVM.DMS/Planning Application... · 2016-10-10 · Planning Statement (including Heritage Statement) Outline

Planning Statement

(including Heritage Statement)

Outline planning application (all matters reserved) for the erection of a building for B1(a) and A2 uses (maximum floorspace of 1,600sq m) at Mile End Road, South Shields, NE33 1TA October 2016

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1. Introduction 1

2. The Site 3

3. Description of Development 5

4. Planning Policy Framework 6

5. Planning Appraisal 10

6. Conclusion 15


Michael Powell

[email protected]

October 2016

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1. Introduction

1.1 This Planning Statement is submitted by Turley on behalf of Muse Developments Ltd

and South Tyneside Council and supports an outline planning application (with all

matters reserved) for the erection of a building for B1(a) and A2 uses (maximum

floorspace of approximately 1,600sq m) at Mile End Road, South Shields.

1.2 The planning application is supported by the following information and documents:

Document Author

Application Forms (including certificates) Turley

Planning Statement Turley

Flood Risk Assessment* Arup

Ground Conditions Report* Arup

Transport Statement JMP

Travel Plan JMP

Heritage Statement** Turley

Noise Impact Statement Apex Acoustics

Archaeology DBA* Prospect Archaeology

Site location plan 12569H-001 B Harris Partnership

Existing site plan 12569H-002 A Harris Partnership

Parameter Plan 1 12569H-003 A Harris Partnership

Parameter Plan 2 12569H-004 A Harris Partnership

Parameter Plan 3 12569H-005 A Harris Partnership

Parameter Plan 4 12569H-006 A Harris Partnership

* To be submitted following submission of the application

** Contained within this Planning Statement

This Statement

1.3 This Planning Statement assesses the impact of the development proposed. It will be

demonstrated, in conjunction with the documents listed above, that the proposals for a

new building to accommodate B1(a) and A2 uses at Mile End Road are acceptable in

terms of current planning policy and other material considerations.

1.4 The remainder of this document is structured as follows:

• Section 2 describes the site location, site context and a brief overview of relevant

planning history

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• Section 3 provides a description of the proposed development

• Section 4 sets out the relevant local and national planning policy

• Section 5 provides a planning appraisal of the proposals, and

• Section 6 provides a conclusion.

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2. The Site

Site Location

2.1 As shown on the site location plan below, the application site relates to 0.2 hectares of

land at Mile End Road, South Shields.

2.2 The site currently comprises an area of hardstanding used as a public car park with

approximately 60 unmarked spaces. It is currently accessed from Mile End Road to the


2.3 South Shields Metro station is to the west of the site, separated by a wide footpath.

Buildings of various heights exist to the south of the site on the opposite side of Queen

Street, to the east along Mile End Road and to the north of the site. The site levels are

such that the site slopes down from north to south.

Site location plan (Harris Partnership)

Site context

2.4 The proposals subject to this outline application are associated with – but not included

within - the wider ‘South Shields 365’ regeneration proposals. These have, so far,

comprised the construction of a new Central Library and Digital Media Hub (now known

as ‘The Word’); the remodelling of the existing Market Place; a new Transport

Interchange and retail/office provision; and a wider town centre masterplan for the

redevelopment of South Shields town centre.

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Relevant Planning History

2.5 The only planning application listed on South Tyneside Council’s online Public Access

database relating to the site (described as ‘site of former multi-storey car park’) is for the

erection of a four-storey office building (ref: ST/1655/04/LA). The application was

approved on 29 November 2004. Given that the site is currently vacant, it is clear that

that application was not implemented.

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3. Description of Development

3.1 The proposed development is for the for the erection of a building for B1(a) and A2 uses

at Mile End Road, South Shields. The planning application is made in outline, with all

matters reserved.

3.2 As shown on the accompanying drawings, the proposed building will be positioned

within the eastern part of the site, alongside Mile End Road. The area in the west of the

site is shown to be for car parking for 23 cars and associated vehicular access.

3.3 The proposed building will be two-storey in height, with a footprint of 771sq m. This will

be over two levels, resulting in a maximum floorspace of approximately 1,600sq m.

3.4 The accompanying parameter plans show that the building will have an approximate

height of 10-12 metres above the finished floor level, commensurate with its two-storey


3.5 Detailed elevations and floor plans will be submitted at the subsequent reserved matters


3.6 A new access to serve the proposed development will be created from Queen Street, to

the south. This will enable servicing and vehicular access to be taken from the existing

junction to the south of the site from Mile End Road.

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4. Planning Policy Framework

4.1 This section considers the local and national planning policies that are relevant to the

determination of this application.

National Planning Policy Framework

4.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) sets out the Government’s

planning policies for England, with the presumption in favour of sustainable

development (paragraph 14).

4.3 Paragraph 7 and 9 of the Framework seeks to achieve sustainable development.

4.4 Paragraph 17 sets out 12 core planning principles which should underpin both plan-

making and decision-taking. Of relevance to this application, these include proactively

driving and supporting sustainable economic development, securing high-quality design

and amenity, encouraging the effective use of land by reusing land that has been

previously developed (brownfield land), promoting mixed use developments and making

the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling.

4.5 Section 2 of the Framework seeks to ensure the viability of town centres. Of relevance,

paragraph 23 states that LPAs should recognise town centres as the heart of their

communities and pursue policies to support their viability and vitality, promote

competitive town centres that provide customer choice and a diverse retail offer and

which reflect the individuality of town centres, and, where town centres are in decline,

plan positively for their future to encourage economic activity.

4.6 Paragraph 56 of the Framework states the importance the Government attaches to the

design of the built environment, stating that “good design is a key aspect of sustainable

development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to

making places better for people.”

4.7 Paragraph 60 of the Framework states that “planning policies and decisions should not

attempt to impose architectural styles or particular tastes and they should not stifle

innovation, originality or initiative through unsubstantiated requirements to conform to

certain development forms or styles. It is, however, proper to seek to promote or

reinforce local distinctiveness.” Paragraph 61 goes on to say that “planning policies and

decisions should address the connections between people and places and the

integration of new development into the natural, built and historic environment.”

4.8 Paragraph 64 advises that permission should be refused for development of poor design

that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an

area and the way it functions.

4.9 Paragraph 65 states that “local planning authorities should not refuse planning

permission for buildings or infrastructure which promote high levels of sustainability

because of concerns about incompatibility with an existing townscape, if those concerns

have been mitigated by good design (unless the concern relates to a designated

heritage asset and the impact would cause material harm to the asset or its setting

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which is not outweighed by the proposal’s economic, social and environmental


4.10 Paragraphs 126 to 141 of the Framework deal with heritage. In respect of planning

applications, paragraph 128 requires the description of the significance of any heritage

assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting, and states that the

level of detail should be proportionate to the assets’ importance and no more than is

sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on their significance.

4.11 Paragraphs 186 and 187 of the Framework encourage local authorities to approach

decision-taking in a positive way to foster the delivery of sustainable development and to

look for solutions rather than problems, to seek to approve applications for sustainable

development where possible, and to work proactively with applicants to secure

developments that improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the


The Development Plan

4.12 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) states that regard is

to be had to the Development Plan for the purpose of any determination [of planning

applications] to be made under the Planning Acts, the determination must be made in

accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate


4.13 The South Tyneside Local Development Framework (LDF) is the current development

plan for the District. It comprises the following Development Plan Documents:

• Core Strategy (adopted in 2007)

• South Shields Town Centre & Waterfront Area Action Plan (adopted in 2008)

• Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (adopted in


• Site-Specific Allocations (adopted in 2012)

4.14 The NPPF post-dates the Core Strategy and Development Policies documents and is a

material planning consideration in the determination of this planning application.

South Tyneside Core Strategy (2007)

4.15 The Spatial Vision of the Core Strategy seeks to concentrate development in key

regeneration/ development areas, which includes the centre of South Shields.

4.16 Strategic Policy ST1 sets out the Spatial Strategy for South Tyneside. The policy seeks

to maximise both the re-use of previously developed land and the community benefits of

regeneration, whilst avoiding or minimising environmental impacts and congestion and

safeguarding natural and cultural assets.

4.17 Policy E1 allocates land for economic development, and states that “particular priority

will be given to focusing office development within the Town Centres and South Shields


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4.18 Policy SC1 seeks to deliver sustainable communities, which includes development

proposals to be focused and promoted within the built-up areas.

4.19 Policy SC2 focuses retailing, as well as offices, commercial leisure, indoor sports,

cultural, social and community facilities, within the three town centres of South Shields,

Jarrow and Hebburn.

4.20 Policy EA1 seeks to conserve the best qualities of South Tyneside’s built and natural

environment, which includes improving the distinctive urban characters of South

Shields, Jarrow and Hebburn.

South Shields Town Centre & Waterfront Area Action Plan (2008)

4.21 The Area Action Plan (AAP) is the detailed development plan document for South

Shields and sets out the more detailed strategy and vision, policies and site-specific

land allocations for South Shields town centre, riverside and foreshore.

4.22 The application site lies within the AAP Proposals Map boundary.

4.23 The AAP Proposals Map identifies the site as an Office-Based Economic Site.

4.24 Policy SS1 sets out the strategic vision which includes strengthening, reviving and

promoting the growth of the town centre as the Borough’s principal centre for shopping,

entertainment and leisure, culture and administration, making it a popular and attractive

market town.

4.25 Policy SS3 seeks to improve the accessibility of existing and proposed development

sites within the South Shields centre, riverside and foreshore areas for all modes of

travel, giving priority to sustainable travel.

4.26 Policy SS4 promotes the economic growth and prosperity of South Shields. Of

relevance to this application, it allocates the application site as a ‘Priority Site’ for high-

quality office-based business and commercial development as:

i) multi-storey car park on Mile End Road (approx.0.2ha) (by 2016) (A2, B1)

Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (2011)

4.27 The Development Management Policies Development Plan Document sets out the

development management policies that address locally distinctive issues that are not

covered elsewhere by national policy and the other Local Development Framework


4.28 Policy DM1 is a general criteria-based policy relating to the management of

development. Of relevance to the development proposed in this application, the Council

will ensure that:

• The development is designed to convey sensitive consideration of its

surroundings, and, where possible, enhance its local setting and reinforce local

identity, having particular regard to scale and proportions, alignment, form, use of

materials and architectural detailing;

• The development is acceptable in relation to any impact on residential amenity;

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• The impact of the development is acceptable in relation to highway capacity and

safety or includes proposals to mitigate any adverse impacts;

• New development provides site layouts that facilitate convenient and safe routes

between facilities, and prioritises movement by pedestrians and cyclists;

• The needs of all users for access around sites and into buildings for public use

are considered as an integral part of the development;

• The development is designed to minimise and mitigate localised flood risk, both

on site or elsewhere;

• Any risks of contamination have been fully assessed and, where necessary,

remediation measures are included as part of the development proposals;

• The development takes into consideration the potential legacy of mineral

workings, particularly in areas of known former mine shafts.

4.29 Policy DM6 relates to heritage assets and archaeology, which are discussed in greater

detail in the separate Heritage Statement and Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment

that accompany the submission. However, it is important to note that the policy is

supportive of development proposals that protect, preserve and where possible enhance

the historic, cultural and architectural character and heritage, visual appearance and

contextual importance of the Borough’s heritage assets and their settings.

Site-Specific Allocations Development Plan Document

4.30 This document relates to the areas of the District not covered by Area Action Plans, so

this DPD is not relevant to this application.

Other relevant planning policy documents

4.31 South Tyneside Council has a number of non-statutory supplementary planning

documents to provide advisory guidance to the development plan documents. These

include SPD6: Parking Standards, which covers the maximum levels of provision for

car parking, and minimum levels of provision for parking for people with disabilities,

cycles and motorcycles, for developments. The accompanying Transport Assessment

addresses this matter in more detail.

Planning Policy Summary

4.32 The documents identified above show that the proposals are supported by current

national and local planning policy. The subsequent section provides a detailed

assessment of the proposals in light of the relevant identified policies and

supplementary planning documents.

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5. Planning Appraisal

5.1 This chapter appraises the planning application against national and local planning

policy: namely, the NPPF and the adopted South Tyneside Local Development

Framework Development Plan Documents, as identified in the previous chapter.

5.2 It is important to note that this planning application is made in outline, with all matters

reserved. As such, the application seeks to demonstrate that the principle of

development is acceptable in this location, taking into account other important material

policy considerations.

Principle of development

5.3 The planning policy context of the application site is that it is within the defined town

centre of South Shields and is allocated in the adopted South Shields Town Centre &

Waterfront Area Action Plan (AAP) as a ‘Priority Site’ for high-quality office-based

business and commercial development. The site allocation contained in policy SS4 of

the AAP relates to ‘multi-storey car park on Mile End Road (approx.0.2ha) (by 2016)

(A2, B1).’

5.4 The site constitutes previously-developed land, having been used as a multi-storey car

park prior to its current surface car park use.

5.5 The adopted Core Strategy seeks to maximise the re-use of previously developed land

and the community benefits of regeneration (policy ST1) and prioritises office

development within the Town Centres and South Shields Riverside (policy E1).

5.6 Policy SC2 of the Core Strategy focuses retailing and offices within the three town

centres of South Shields, Jarrow and Hebburn.

5.7 Office uses are encouraged by the Framework in town centre locations such as South

Shields town centre.

5.8 This outline application proposes the erection of a building of B1(a) and A2 uses upon

the allocated site. In light of the planning policy context above, it is clear that the

principle of such development is acceptable. The proposals will complement and enable

South Tyneside’s Spatial Vision for South Shields continue to be implemented and

attract more people to the town’s retail and commercial core.

5.9 In summary, the principle of development of the proposed building of B1(a) and A2 uses

is supported by the Framework, the South Tyneside LDF Core Strategy and South

Shields Town Centre and Waterfront Area Action Plan. As such, it is considered that the

principle of development is acceptable in this location.

Other material policy considerations

5.10 Following correspondence with South Tyneside Council, it has been agreed that the

matters of highways and transport, flood risk, ground conditions, heritage, noise and

archaeology should be addressed in this outline planning application. Various technical

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reports have been commissioned to deal with each of these issues and are summarised


Highways and transport

5.11 A Transport Assessment (TA) and Travel Plan (TP) have been prepared by JMP and

accompany this outline planning application.

5.12 The TA concludes that the site is in a sustainable location with excellent opportunities

for it to be accessed by sustainable travel modes, particularly walking and public

transport. The site is located less than 400m from South Shields Metro station, the

existing bus station and the proposed new transport interchange.

5.13 It notes that the proposed development is unlikely to be detrimental to highway safety

and that the proposed uses would generate fewer vehicle trips during the peak hours of

the highway network compared to the existing car park.

5.14 In terms of car parking provision, the TA identifies that there is significant reserve

capacity to accommodate the circa 60 spaces lost at Mile End Road to accommodate

the proposed development.

5.15 In conclusion, the TA considers that the proposed development is unlikely to result in

highway or parking impacts. As such, it is recommended that the proposed development

and associated outline planning application is acceptable in traffic and transport terms.

5.16 The TP submitted alongside the TA aims to promote the use of sustainable travel

modes for accessing the site and focuses on promoting sustainable travel behaviours

amongst staff who make the most regular journeys.

5.17 In summary, therefore, it is considered that the proposed development is in accordance

with Policy SS3 of the AAP, Policy DM1 of the Development Management Policies

Development Plan Document and the provisions of the Framework.

Flood risk and drainage

5.18 The site lies within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore at low risk of flooding from rivers or the

sea. Table 1 of the National Planning Practice Guidance states all uses of land are

permitted in this flood zone, subject to other considerations.

5.19 A Flood Risk and Drainage Assessment is being prepared by Arup and will accompany

this planning application. It will take into account the risks of flooding both from and to

the proposed development and consider drainage measures for the site.

5.20 The position in this respect will be considered further and confirmed in the Flood Risk

Assessment to follow submission of this application.

Ground conditions

5.21 A Ground Conditions Assessment is being prepared by Arup and will accompany this

planning application.

5.22 The position in this respect will be considered further and confirmed in the Ground

Conditions Assessment to follow submission of this application.

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5.23 The application site is located approximately 40 metres from the grade II listed Scotia

Public House and is considered to fall within the setting of the building. The site is also

located adjacent to the locally listed 10 Mile End Road (non-designated heritage asset).

5.24 The following details have been prepared by Turley Heritage to address the heritage

issues of the application site.

Legislation and Policy

5.25 The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 places a duty upon

the Local Planning Authority in determining applications for development affecting listed

buildings and to have special regard to the desirability of preserving the special interest

and setting of a listed building. The NPPF requires that great weight is given to the

conservation of designated heritage assets and this reflects the statutory duty of the

1990 Act with respect to listed buildings.

5.26 Paragraph 131 of the NPPF states that in determining planning applications, local

planning authorities should take account of the desirability of sustaining and enhancing

the significance of heritage assets, putting them into viable uses consistent with their

conservation, as well as the desirability of new development making a positive

contribution to local character and distinctiveness. Paragraph 132 requires when

considering the impact of a Proposed Development on the significance of a designated

heritage asset that great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation.

‘Conservation’ is defined by the NPPF as ‘the process of maintaining and managing

change to a heritage asset in a way that sustains and, where appropriate, enhances its

significance’1.Paragraph 137 requires local planning authorities look for opportunities for

new development within the setting of heritage assets to better reveal their significance.

5.27 The South Shields Core Strategy (2007) sets out at Policy EA1 that the Local Planning

Authority will conserve the best qualities of South Tyneside’s built and natural

environment, including South Shields. Policy DM6 of the South Shields Development

Management Policies (2011) states that Council will support development proposals that

protect, preserve and where possible enhance the historic, cultural and architectural

character and heritage, visual appearance and contextual importance of heritage assets

and their setting.

Heritage Assets and Impact

5.28 The grade II listed Scotia Public House dates to the early 20th century (c.1903-04) and is

designed in the Edwardian Baroque architectural style by the architect Henry Grieves.

The building is constructed from red brick under a slate roof with sandstone ashlar

dressings to the doors and windows. It is decorated with a circular turret cap rising

above the curved roof with a fine Art Nouveau iron fleche which is regarded by Pevsner

as nice ‘conceit’ and makes a most successful feature of this corner2. The building is of

historic interest as a public house dating from the early 20th century.

5.29 The listed building is located on the corner of King Street and Mile End Road to its south

and east respectively, in an area known as the Quadrant. It is primarily experienced

1 DCLG (2012) National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – Annex 2: Glossary

2 Pevsner, N (2009) The Buildings of England : Newcastle and Gateshead

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from the Quadrant, allowing for an appreciation of the full extent of the buildings

elevation to Mile End Road. It is from this point the circular turret and square tower are

appreciated together with the stone detailing across the elevation.

5.30 The Scotia Public House is located to the south east of the application site and is

separated by intervening development. Whilst the proposed development will be visible

from the south east, it is not considered that this will affect the way in which the listed

building is experienced due to the corner position and projecting corner feature which

gives it increased prominence. The proposals will improve its setting and the context

within which the building is experienced, reinstating the former tight urban grain of this

part of South Shields whilst also adhering to the consistent building height of 2 to 3


5.31 No.10 Mile End Road dates to the late 19th century (c.1891) and was designed in the

Italian Renaissance Style by the noted local architect J.H. Morton. The building is

constructed from red brick with stone detailing under a gabled slate roof. It includes a

large tower to one corner with a decorative stone cap and balustrading. The building is

of historic interest as a former Assembly Hall constructed in the late 19th century which

was latterly altered and extended in the 20th century to form a cinema.

5.32 No.10 Mile End occupies a prominent corner on Mile End Road with Stanhope Street to

the west and north respectively. It is primarily experienced from the junction of Stanhope

Street and Queen Street, allowing for an understanding of the buildings prominence

within the streetscape. This view allows for an appreciation of both the principal

elevations of the building to Mile End Road and Stanhope Street.

5.33 10 Mile End is located adjacent to the application site, to the south east. The

architectural significance of the building is principally experienced from the junction of

Mile End Road and Stanhope Street to its north west where the principal elevations are

best appreciated. Its former corner position is also appreciated from this point. Due to its

orientation, the proposed development will not be visible within this view and there will

be no impact to the significance of the asset. The proposed development will be partially

visible in wider views of the building from the north-west and north, along Mile End

Road. It is not, however, considered that this will affect the way in which the asset is

experienced due to its role and prominence within the streetscape.


5.34 Overall, it is considered that the significance and special interest of the grade II listed

Scotia Public House will be sustained in accordance with the statutory duty and

paragraphs 131 and 132 of the NPPF in relation to this asset. The scheme will allow for

setting to make a more positive contribution to setting by reinstating the fragmented

townscape within this part of South Shields. The proposed development accords with

paragraphs 131 and 135 of the NPPF by sustaining the significance of the non-

designated 10 Mile End Road.

5.35 In accordance with Policy EA1 of the South Shields Core Strategy, the proposals will

contribute to improving the distinctive urban character of South Shields by the

reinstating built form along Mile End Road. The proposed development also responds to

Policy SS12 of the Town Centre and Waterfront Area Action Plan and Development

Management Policy DM6 by protecting and preserving the significance and setting of

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the listed building and non-designated heritage asset. The application proposals also

comply with the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 21: List of Locally Significant

Heritage Assets, in particular section HA2 regarding the setting of a non-designated

heritage asset by not affecting those elements of setting that contribute to its


Noise and residential amenity

5.36 A Noise Impact Statement has been prepared by Apex Acoustics and accompanies this

outline planning application.

5.37 The report presents the proposed strategy to assess and mitigate potential adverse

noise impact from fixed plant associated with the proposed development on the

identified Nearest Sound Sensitive Locations (NSSL).

5.38 The report identifies the nearby sound sensitive locations which may have the potential

to be affected by noise from fixed plant associated with the proposed building. It

recommends that, once planning permission has been granted, background noise level

measurements will be undertaken at positions considered representative of the nearby

sound sensitive locations. These will provide benchmarks against which the potential

noise impact may be assessed.

5.39 The report recommends that, where the calculated noise impact exceeds the

performance specification at nearby noise sensitive locations, remedial measures may

be proposed. Such remedial measures may include attenuator specifications, acoustic

enclosures or barriers, and attenuated louvre specifications.

5.40 In summary, therefore, it is considered that the proposed development is in accordance

with Policy ST1 of the Core Strategy, Policy DM1 of the Development Management

Policies Development Plan Document and the provisions of the Framework.


5.41 A Desk-Based Assessment (DBA) is being prepared by Prospect Archaeology and will

accompany this application. It will take into account the potential for archaeological

activity on the application site.

5.42 It is not anticipated on the basis of the site walk-over and our detailed review of

available historic records that any insurmountable archaeological issues will be

identified within the specified area of interest.

5.43 The position in this respect will be considered further and confirmed in the DBA to follow

within the next 2 to 3 weeks.

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6. Conclusion

6.1 This Planning Statement is submitted by Turley on behalf of Muse Developments Ltd

and South Tyneside Council and supports an outline planning application (with all

matters reserved) for the erection of a building for B1(a) and A2 uses (maximum

floorspace of approximately 1,600sq m) at Mile End Road, South Shields.

6.2 The details presented in this application have been informed by correspondence with

South Tyneside Council.

6.3 The principle of the proposed development is considered to be acceptable. The outline

application proposes a development in accordance with the site’s allocation in the

adopted AAP (ie an office-based business/commercial development of B1 and A2 uses).

6.4 Other material considerations have also been identified and addressed in the

accompanying technical reports, which demonstrate that the proposals will not result in

harm in terms of highways/transport impact, flood risk, ground conditions, heritage,

noise and archaeology.

6.5 Having regard to the details submitted, the proposed development is considered to

constitute sustainable development which should be considered positively in

accordance with the provisions of the NPPF and the adopted development plan for

South Tyneside.