7/17/2019 Planning COPA SAP http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/planning-copa-sap 1/24 Planning in COPA SAP ECC 6 Planning in COPA can be made at various levels. SAP allows to plan: 1- By manually inputting figures for segments. ou need to create planning layout in !"1#$ t%is can be used t%en in !"P& 'Planning framewor(). *- By manually inputting Sales +uantity only$ and rest of valuation would be done using valuation strategy as configured in ,& '!"#) / 0evenue would be planned using costing s%eets. irst met%od is 2uite straig%tforward3 w%ere t%ere is a lot of manipulation of data$ as re2uired. 4owever in second met%od3 only 2uantity is planned3 rest of valuation is done automatically. or second met%od it is re2uired to configure in different areas in ,& to wor($ below is detailed wor(ing step wise: Manual & Automatic Planning (Point of Valuation 03 & 04) in COPA ,n ,&3 assign valuation strategy to point of valuation '5ransaction code: !"#) ,nput Point of 6aluation 78 'manual planning) / 7# 'automatic planning) against version$ w%ere you want to valuate your planning data. ,n ,&: Select 9Assign costing (eys to &aterial 5ypes9 in order to assign point of valuation '78 / 7#) / to relevant material type '5ransaction Code: !"#):

Planning COPA SAP

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Planning in COPA SAP ECC 6

Planning in COPA can be made at various levels. SAP allows to plan:1- By manually inputting figures for segments. ou need to create planning layout in !"1#$t%is can be used t%en in !"P& 'Planning framewor().*- By manually inputting Sales +uantity only$ and rest of valuation would be done using

valuation strategy as configured in ,& '!"#) / 0evenue would be planned using costings%eets.

irst met%od is 2uite straig%tforward3 w%ere t%ere is a lot of manipulation of data$ as re2uired.

4owever in second met%od3 only 2uantity is planned3 rest of valuation is done automatically.or second met%od it is re2uired to configure in different areas in ,& to wor($ below isdetailed wor(ing step wise:

Manual & Automatic Planning (Point of Valuation 03 & 04) in COPA,n ,&3 assign valuation strategy to point of valuation '5ransaction code: !"#)

,nput Point of 6aluation 78 'manual planning) / 7# 'automatic planning) against version$w%ere you want to valuate your planning data.

,n ,&: Select 9Assign costing (eys to &aterial 5ypes9 in order to assign point of valuation '78

/ 7#) / to relevant material type '5ransaction Code: !"#):

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,nput point of valuation 78 / 7# for record type 9Billing ;ata9 against material types relevantfor costing 'say "05 / 4A<B) for relevant plan version.

 ,n ,&: Select 9Assign value fields9 in order to assign Point of 6aluation '78 / 7#) to cost

component structure '5ransaction Code: !"#0):

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,nput Point of 6aluation 78 / 7# for all cost components$ for w%ic% you want to valuate

planning data.

,n ,&: C%ec( 96aluation Simulation9 to verify t%e configuration made in above steps'5ransaction Code: !"*1S):

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Select any posting date3 0ecord 5ype 99$ point of valuation 78 7r 7# / version for w%ic% youare planning your data.

,nput Parameters in Selection Screen 'e.g Company Code$ Product / Plant etc)

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,nput Sales +uantity wit% unit of measure / clic( on valuation icon above

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ou can see t%e results in level * under =After valuation>3 t%at means valuation is donesuccessfully.

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or automatic valuation$ you need to tic( =automatic valuation> option in planning framewor(

'tcode !"P&). ?%enever you would plan data in t%is framewor(3 it would be automaticallyvaluated.

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&aintain COPA Costing S%eets for =Sales 0evenue> Planningou %ave two options regarding costing s%eets3 eit%er you use costing s%eet created in S; or

you create in COPA.,n order to create Costing S%eet in COPA3 Please follow following steps:

,n ,&: select condition tables3 condition tables are used to identify fields$ for w%ic% you wantto plan data i.e. Sales 0evenue or ;eductions@Surc%arge or ot%er cost segments.'5ransaction Code: !"#A)

"nter Code for table between 71 /

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Select fields 'C%aracteristics) by double clic(ing

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,n ,&: Select Access Se2uence for table created above

Please be aware t%at Creation of Access Se2uence is Cross Client Activity.

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Create Access Se2uence and define accesses for same

"nter table created above.

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4ere you can see fields selected in table

,n ,&: Select Condition 5ypes and Costing S%eets to create condition parameters and

condition records for costing s%eet 'pricing procedure)

Clic( on Create button ' ) under condition types menu 'on left side) / give conditiontype / its description 'on rig%t side).

C%oose Access Se2uence created in previous step.

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Select Prices in =;efinition of Condition 5ype> 

Select =Price> wit% c%ange in +uantity in =Prices> options:

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Clic( on =0ecords for Condition 5ype> to enter planning data

"nter Planned ;ata in form

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Dow clic( on Create Button under Pricing Procedure &enu to create costing s%eet

"nter relevant name for Pricing Procedure / ;escription and input condition type createdabove in table below

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,n ,&: Select =;efine and Assign 6aluation Strategy> in ,& menu to assign costing s%eet tovaluation strategy

,nput Costing S%eet against Application Class 9!"9$ %owever if you want to use costing s%eetfrom S;$ you will assign same against Application Class 969.

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,n ,&: Select 9Assing 6alue ield9.or COPA costing s%eet$ you %ave to assign condition type to value field

,nput 6alue ield against Condition 5ype %ere '5ransaction Code: !"#)

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After all above settings3 simulation can be c%ec(ed to verify results '5ransaction Code: !"*1S)

Select any posting date3 0ecord 5ype 99$ point of valuation 78 7r 7# / version for w%ic% youare developing planned data.

,nput Parameters3 i.e. Company Code / Product@Plant

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,nput +uantity wit% nit of measure / Clic( on valuation

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A new line %as been generated in valuation analysis wit% valuation met%od 9Costing S%eet9$please clic( on analysis icon to c%ec( results

or Amount planned for product$ you can see revenue calculated:

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nder 0esults of 6aluation you can see assignment of condition type against value field.

ou can maintain table fields3 for faster@most granulated input '5ransaction Code: !"#A)

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ou can enter condition records 'say planned price) using transaction code !"#1.

Please use !"#* to c%ange / !"#8 to display planned inputs.

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