Planning , assessment and reporting

Planning, assessment and reporting. Reduce paperwork Trust the judgement of the professional Record significant learning No need to evidence everything

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Page 1: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

Planning , assessment and reporting

Page 2: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

Reduce paperwork Trust the judgement of the professional Record significant learning No need to evidence everything Less writing more interaction Focus on the benefits rather than the issues

ADES Conference 2013

Page 3: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

Reduce paperwork Trust the judgement of the professional Record significant learning No need to evidence everything Less writing more interaction Focus on the benefits rather than the issues

ADES Conference 2013

Page 4: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

Reduce paperwork Trust the judgement of the professional Record significant learning No need to evidence everything Less writing more interaction Focus on the benefits rather than the issues

ADES Conference 2013

Page 5: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill sets out a requirement to expand free nursery provision from 475 hours to 600 hours a year in August 2014 for all three and four year olds and for some two year olds.

Page 6: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

Planning, Assessment, Tracking Progress and


Page 7: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

Paperwork for a purpose

What makes good planning? Excellent learning experiences Effective use of assessment information Learning which meets every child’s needs Well judged staff child interaction Children making good progress in their learning Quality evaluation is the most important part

Page 8: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

Each centre should have a calendar plan which highlights key

festival, seasonal and cultural learning opportunities. Centre

specific events should be added eg. health promoting week,

community events as appropriate to your location and context. This will enable you to plan for breath across the

curriculum. You may wish to record experiences and outcomes in the

calendar plan

Page 9: Planning, assessment and reporting.  Reduce paperwork  Trust the judgement of the professional  Record significant learning  No need to evidence everything

This should be used throughout the year to deliver depth and challenge within the experiences and outcomes.

(This plan may last 2 - 4 weeks) 

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BLOCK PLAN/MEDIUM PLAN Date: Source: Calendar plan, Child interest, Assessment information from Assessment and Planning Tracker, Other. Principles: Challenge and Enjoyment. Breadth. Progression. Depth. Personalisation and Choice. Coherence. Relevance.

Experiences and Outcomes Focus for Learning /Assessment (say, write, make, do) “I can…”

Play Experiences and Learning opportunities

Literacy and English Maths and Numeracy Health and Wellbeing Other

Evaluation of learning / next steps to provide breadth, challenge and application

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Responsive planning will continue to give opportunities to respond to children’s interests and needs.

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P/A – Planned action I/A – Immediate action



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Consulting children and engaging them in their learning

Effective systems for assessing and tracking progress for

literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing.

Pre 5 CEC Assessment and planning trackers - literacy and numeracy

e-learning journals.

Health and Wellbeing - Summary of progress and


Say, write, make and do examples of progress and achievement across the curriculum.

Next steps in learning identified and shared with children

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Enjoyment and choice Within a motivating and challenging environment, developing an awareness of the relevance of texts in my life Experiences and 0utcomes


Date Code

Date Code

Date Code

Home language last term

I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language, and can use what I learn

In play and games I can recognise initial sounds and find other words beginning with the same sound.

I can use alliteration and make up silly phrases (smelly socks, big bananas).

I can clap or tap the correct the number of syllables in my own name. (DW)

I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes.

I often choose stories/ texts to look at within the nursery environment (book corner, interest table, home corner).

I can explain why I like or dislike a text. (DW/SGW)

I can talk about real and imaginary experiences.

I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts, sharing my thoughts in different ways.

I can sit and listen to stage appropriate stories.

I can name key characters in a story.

I can talk about what happens in a story/ text and retell it using props. (DW/SGW)

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Experiences and Outcomes


Date Code

Date Code

Date Code

Estimation and Rounding

MNU 0-01a I am developing a sense of size and amount by observing, exploring, using and communicating with others and things in the world around me

I can use maths vocabulary in discussion about size and amount e.g. larger, smaller, about the same

Number and Number Processes

MNU 0-02a I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities and I can use them to count on, create sequences and describe order.

I can recognise numbers in the environment and understand and use them in conversation

I can recognise and identify the number symbols to 5

I can recognise and identify the number symbols to 10

I can recognise and identify the number symbols beyond 10

I can count starting at zero

I can order numbers to 5

I can order numbers to 10

I can order numbers beyond 10

I can tell which number(s) comes before or after a number

I can count on in ones from a given number

I can count back in ones from a given number

I can hold a number in my head and count on

MNU 0-03a I use practical materials and can count on and back to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.

I can count a set of objects using 1:1 correspondence to 5

I can count a set of objects using 1:1 correspondence to 10

I can count a set of objects using 1:1 correspondence beyond 10

I can add two groups (sets) together

I can take some away and count how many are left

1 / red - Has engaged in some experience of the skill 2 / amber - Skill is shown but is not yet consistent 3 / green - Skill is shown regularly and applied spontaneously

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Child’s Name:

Health and Wellbeing Summary of progress and achievement Date: Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing Planning for choices and changes Physical education, physical activity and sport Food and health Substance misuse Relationships Developing: I s beginning to…,I s showing an interest in…, I s developing awareness…, Needs support and encouragement…, Consolidating: Demonstrates an increasing knowledge of…, I s making steady progress, I s showing an understanding of…, Has a real desire to…, Secure: Demonstrates competence…, Can independently…, Play refl ects an understanding of…,

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Effective use of these or similar exemplars should be used at parent consultations and as a summary of progress and achievement at the end of the ante pre-school and pre-school year, consequently reducing paperwork and duplication.

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The transition report for 2014has been amended to take account of the Pre 5 Assessment and Planning Trackers, and Getting it Right.

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Transition Report: Moving to Primary 1

Name of Early Years Centre

Child’s Name:

Date of Birth:

Date of Admission:

Parent / Carers:

Primary School:

Sessions / week:


Getting it Right

I s there a child’s plan in place

Yes No

I f Yes please attach relevant inf ormation

Are there other professionals involved with this child and their f amily

Yes No

Please give details:

I s English the first langauge

Yes No Please specify

I s there any health and medical inf ormation f or this child that staff should be aware of (e.g. allergies,

asthma, wears glasses)

Yes No

Please give details or attach relevant information

Other relevant information

Lef t handed right handed


Describe any factors which may impact on settling into P1


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Literacy and English: Pre 5 Assessment and Planning Tracker attached Yes No

Overall curriculum for excellence level: ______________________

I f Yes - no f urther inf ormation is required in the box below

I f No - please complete the section below

writing, reading, listening and talking

Please provide a brief summary of progress and achievements f or parent / carers

Numeracy and Mathematics: Pre 5 assessment and planning tracker attached Yes No Overall curriculum for excellence level: ___________________ I f Yes - no f urther inf ormation is required in the box below

I f No - please complete the section below

shape, position and movement, inf ormation handling, number, money and measure

Please provide a brief summary of progress and achievements f or parent / carers

Health and Wellbeing (H&WB) (Physical Coordination and Movement) The level developing, consolidating or secure applies only to physical coordination and movement. Curriculum for excellence level:_________________________ Please comment on other aspects of H &WB in the box below

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The profile includes:

An opportunity to reflect on achievements and identify next steps. Provide an example of drawing and writing skills.