PJM©2011 From Pilot to Production: Integrating New Storage Products in PJM Scott Baker PJM Interconnection ERCOT ETWG Storage Workshop December 2, 2011

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PJM2011 From Pilot to Production: Integrating New Storage Products in PJM Scott Baker PJM Interconnection ERCOT ETWG Storage Workshop December 2, 2011 PJM NJ: 22.5% by 2021 MD: 20% by 2022 DE: 25% by 2026 DC: 20% by 2020 PA: 18%** by 2020 IL: 25% by 2025 OH: 25%** by 2025 NC: 12.5% by 2021 (IOUs) MI: 10% + 1,100 MW by 2015 VA: 15% by 2025 WV: 25%** by 2025 Minimum solar requirement ** Includes separate tier of alternative energy resources DSIRE:January 2011www.dsireusa.org State RPS Targets: State Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) require suppliers to utilize wind and other renewable resources to serve an increasing percentage of total demand. State Goal State RPS PJM States with RPS PJM PJM PJM PJM July 21, 2011 PJM New All-Time Peak 300 MW on the system at peak. PJM Grid Storage TypesPumped Hydro Stationary Battery Flywheels Compressed Air PJM PJM Advanced Technology Resources ProgramWith diversified technologies participating in the program, it has become an open window to demonstrate PJMs continuous efforts and great achievements in applying new solutions to grid challenges PJM PJM PJM PJM PJM consecutive tests of 75% or better PJM Grid-Scale Energy Storage Pilot 1 MW BatteryOperational Details Lithium-ion nano titanate (Altairnano) Power 1 MW, Energy 250 kWh Full capacity duration, 15 minutes Efficiency, 90% round trip (AC-AC) Usable Charge Range, 5%-99% PJM Regulation: Accuracy Matters A fossil plant following a regulation command signal Energy Storage accurately following a regulation command signal Energy Storage Output Regulation Signal PJM Operational Performance: Source: 2010 The AES Corporation, All rights reserved. PJM Key Learning from Energy Storage Pilot Storage resources can provide faster response and more accurate tracking to AGC signal PJMs Regulation signal bias down Reduces number of hours storage products can participate in the market Batteries get full up Split Regulation signal Traditional tracks ACE Dynamic ACE component, but tightly correlated to frequency deviation PJM Questions