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Natural Disaster Response Session, II Conferencia Regional de Datos Abiertos en América Latina y el Caribe (CONDATOS)

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  • 1. sOpenStreetMap Response to Humanitarian CrisisPierre Bland, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap TeamNatural Disaster Response, Condatos, Mxico, 2014-10-02View on http://fr.slideshare.net/pierzen

2. West Africa Ebola outbreak Crowdsource map of Monroviahttp://pierzen.dev.openstreetmap.org/hot/leaflet/OSM-Compare-before-after.html#14/6.3334/-10.7868 3. OSM Crowdsourcing contribution - Task Manager JobsHaiyan Typhoon West Africa Ebola, first 6 months1,600 contributors / 4.5 million objects 1,333 contributors, 7.4 million objects40,000 square km200 km x 200 kmuMap Data : OpenStreetMap ContributorsNov-Dec 2013 March Sept 2014 4. The OpenStreetMap response to DisastersOrganizationThe Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team acts as a bridge between theOpenStreetMap community and the humanitarian actors Assures a quick response, interacting and establishing the priorities with thehumanitarian actors : UN agencies, International organizations, nationalgovernments, Imagery providers Imagery acquisition and processing Crowdsource Remote mapping Opensource Tools development Assure Data Exports in various formats Respond to humanitarians specific needs 5. The OpenStreetMap response to DisastersThe OpenData,Various Data inputs into OpenStreetMap Aerial imagery provided free by various Imagery providers (pre and post-event) OpenData Data Imports compatible with OSM OdbL License Administrative limits, Locality names, Infrastructures Contributors inputs Locality / Street names, infrastructuresMap services and Data Exports Various Map Services and Data Exports free and OpenData Daily updates for GIS analysis, Mobile devices maps and road navigation(Android, IOS, GPS) Online Maps & Road navigation, Paper Maps with street index FieldPapers for field team data collection 6. Data Imports For each new crisis, the problem of importing Settlement placenames, administrative boundaries and vital infrastructures emerge Given the limited technical capacities of the administration of manyDevelopment countries, there is often no georeferenced data readilyavailable about important infrastructures such as hospitals, schools,features that can be used as shelters. When the data is available, there are often Data access limitationsor Licensing problems to use rapidly such data in context of rapidresponse to humanitarian needs A plan should be developped to support governments in thedevelopment of OpenData that can be shared with humanitarianorganizations in the context of humanitarian crisis To assure that such data be imported in OpenStreetMap, the datashould be accessible with standard formats of exchange and thereshould be no license restriction for commercial use 7. Infrastructures data collection A lot of efforts are made by various organizations, coordinating with OCHAand other actors to provide geolocated data. The process is complex andthere are licensing issues Collecting the data in emergency context, licenses issues are notconsidered. ODK Data collection Forms could be used to feed OSM OSM offers the possibility to develop an ecosystem very flexible wherevarious organizations can collaborate, add edit sharable data Plan forother activations We should look for long term solutions, assure that the Data collection isbetter systematized and sharable Data collection methods should assure to license as OpenData (avoidusing commercial geolocation tools) New mobile devices offer new possibilities. The humanitarianorganizations should plan to collect and share as OpenData The possibility to share data stored on OpenStreetMap should beexamined OSM edit tools and Data Collection Forms for Mobile devices shouldbe adapted to facilitate collection of humanitarian sharable data 8. OpenData as a Common AssetWe need to share Data OpenData licences restriction often do not let bring vitalinformations into OSM Humanitarians organizations and national governmentshave valuable data in various forms We need to think of a way for the various organizations toshare data more effectively Let's take the Mobile device revolution, use it to sharedata Let's react more rapidly to disasters It is important that Civil Society organizations likeOpenStreetMap have a voice in International events toprogress with such challenges 9. OpenStreetMap : An ecosystem for rapidand efficient interventionWith the OpenStreetMap rapid intervention for Haiyan, Philippines and West AfricaEbola, this was the defacto Reference map for these international interventions. Thecapacity to mobilize international volunteers through Internet assures access toessential products and servicesThe Black and white map- OSM database and Mapsupdated to the minute- Humanitarian style- Paper Maps + FieldPapersMaps for field survey- Offline Android / IOS- GIS DownloadLet's color the map with thematicsWe need a change of culture andadapt to small mobile technology.What data and how the governmentand humanitarians could share withother organizations ?Government OpenData to shareadministrative limits and otherpublic dataHumanitarian OrganizationsField Teams Collecting- infrastructure data- Locality names- etcCoordination with UN andhumanitariansHumanitarian OpenStreetMapTeam makes the bridge withthe humanitarians 10. Layers that do not talkone to the otherLet's develop ways to communicateand share data 11. The grants from Hewlett will support organizationsworking on a variety of high-priority public healthinitiatives for Ebola Response, including theHumanitarian OpenStreetMap 12. A detailed presentation of the Ebola Response isavailabe from http://fr.slideshare.net/pierzenOpenStreetMap Response to Humanitarian CrisisWest Africa Ebola Outbreak, 2014 CasePierre Bland, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap TeamGeOnG, Chambry, 2014-09-23