Personalizing Context in Teaching Mathematical Concepts: Teacher-Managed and Computer-Assisted Models Steven M. Ross Deborah McCormick Nancy Krisak Padma Anand Steven M. Ross is Professorof Educational Psychol- ogy, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN38152; Deborah McCormick and Nancy Krisak are doctoral students in Educational Psychology, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN 38152; and Padma Anand is Psychology Instructor, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore University, Vasanthnager, Bangalore, 56 OOO3, India. The present paper examines a strategy intended to facilitate mathematics learning by adapting the context of instructional material to students' backgrounds and interests. In four validation studies, the strategy was implemented through teacher management, using college students learning statistical probability rules as subjects. Achievement and attitude outcomes consistently favored treatment groups who received the adaptive contexts over control groups. The culmination of this research is the development of a computer-assisted model to increase the strategy's practicality and sensitivity to learner differences. The computer model uses stored information about each student to personalize explanations and story examples on a fractions unit. ECTJ, VOL. 33, NO. 3, PAGES 169-178 ISSN 0148-5806 Compared to conventional teaching methods such as lecture and discussion, computer-assisted instruction (CAI) offers the important advantage of being able to adapt materials to the needs of each stu- dent. Further, such adaptations can be made and refined "on line" as learner needs change over the course of a lesson. Al- though considerable work has been done in developing CAI models that vary the amount or difficulty of instruction based on achievement outcomes (e.g., Carrier, Davidson, Higson, & Williams, 1984; Ross, 1984; Tennyson & Rothen, 1979), little atten- tion has been given to adaptations directly oriented to individual differences in back- ground and interests. This article describes the development and evaluation of such a model as it is applied to the teaching of mathematical concepts expressed in story problems. Solving verbally stated problems is one of the major weaknesses in childrens' mathe- matics achievement (National Assessment of Education Progress, 1979). The difficulty for many students appears to stem less from a lack of computational skills than from the inability to translate and comprehend what the problems are asking (Mayer, 1982; Muth, 1984; Zweng, 1979). Reading skill can thus become an influential factor (Marshall, 1984), as can experience with the specific problem structures (Mayer, 1982; Rosen, 1984). Another important variable may be the individual's familiarity with the types of verbal contexts presented. The story con- texts that appear in conventional algebra

Personalizing context in teaching mathematical concepts: Teacher-managed and computer-assisted models

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Personalizing Context in Teaching Mathematical Concepts: Teacher-Managed and Computer-Assisted Models Steven M. Ross Deborah McCormick Nancy Krisak Padma Anand

Steven M. Ross is Professor of Educational Psychol- ogy, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN38152; Deborah McCormick and Nancy Krisak are doctoral students in Educational Psychology, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN 38152; and Padma Anand is Psychology Instructor, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore University, Vasanthnager, Bangalore, 56 OOO3, India.

The present paper examines a strategy intended to facilitate mathematics learning by adapting the context of instructional material to students' backgrounds and interests. In four validation studies, the strategy was implemented through teacher management, using college students learning statistical probability rules as subjects. Achievement and attitude outcomes consistently favored treatment groups who received the adaptive contexts over control groups. The culmination of this research is the development of a computer-assisted model to increase the strategy's practicality and sensitivity to learner differences. The computer model uses stored information about each student to personalize explanations and story examples on a fractions unit.

ECTJ, VOL. 33, NO. 3, PAGES 169-178 ISSN 0148-5806

Compared to conventional teaching methods such as lecture and discussion, computer-assisted instruction (CAI) offers the important advantage of being able to adapt materials to the needs of each stu- dent. Further, such adaptations can be made and refined "on line" as learner needs change over the course of a lesson. Al- though considerable work has been done in developing CAI models that vary the amount or difficulty of instruction based on achievement outcomes (e.g., Carrier, Davidson, Higson, & Williams, 1984; Ross, 1984; Tennyson & Rothen, 1979), little atten- tion has been given to adaptations directly oriented to individual differences in back- ground and interests. This article describes the development and evaluation of such a model as it is applied to the teaching of mathematical concepts expressed in story problems.

Solving verbally stated problems is one of the major weaknesses in childrens' mathe- matics achievement (National Assessment of Education Progress, 1979). The difficulty for many students appears to stem less from a lack of computational skills than from the inability to translate and comprehend what the problems are asking (Mayer, 1982; Muth, 1984; Zweng, 1979). Reading skill can thus become an influential factor (Marshall, 1984), as can experience with the specific problem structures (Mayer, 1982; Rosen, 1984). Another important variable may be the individual's familiarity with the types of verbal contexts presented. The story con- texts that appear in conventional algebra

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and arithmetic textbooks frequently tend to be abstract or technically-oriented, involv- ing such topics as velocity, weights and measures, currency transactions, and work efficiency (see Mayer, 1981). To derive the numerical solutions, students may first have to translate unfamiliar vocabulary and determine the meaning of problem situa- tions that have little relation to their real life experiences. A direct contrast is when chil- dren employ numerical concepts naturally and spontaneously to derive solutions to problems of personal interest, such as cal- culating percentages to determine batting averages or free throw accuracy in playing sports.

Effective mathemat ics teachers are usually very much aware of the value of using natural interests of students in teach- ing them basic skills. An exemplary ap- proach integrates homework and class as- signments with interesting articles from the newspaper that contain mathematical in- formation (Daruwalla, 1979). Another strat- egy is to use descriptions about unusual events, such as world records, as contexts for story problems (Jones, 1983). A third example is to use activities that students have collectively experienced (e.g., a field trip) for such contexts (Wright & Stevens, 1983). In each of these procedures, new concepts are related to experiences that are apparently meaningful to a class of stu- dents. A more powerful approach might be one that uses similar techniques to accom- modate the unique needs and interests of individuals.

The specific purpose of the strategies dis- cussed in this paper is to provide such indi- vidualized adaptation by matching the con- text of lessons to student background. This idea was first suggested in association with prior research by the first author on strate- gies for adapting level of instructional sup- port to individuals' predicted performances in learning math rules (Ross & Rakow, 1981, 1982; Ross, Rakow, & Bush, 1980). Al- though achievement significantly improved under the adapt ive t reatments , rote memoriza t ion rather than meaningful learning appeared to be the predominant outcome for many students. Drawing from this research and from investigations of meaningful learning strategies in mathe-

matics instruction (e.g., Mayer, 1977, 1979, 1980), we became interested in the possible importance of individual differences in de- termining the meaningfulness of presenta- tions. The rationale that influenced our sub- sequent research was essentially the same one expressed at the beginning of this arti- cle: If mathematical concepts are presented in familiar contexts, meaningful learning and more favorable attitudes toward the material should be engendered.

The remainder of this article will discuss the contextual adaptation strategy in more detail. An initial section will describe the de- sign and validation of the teacher-managed model, which employed programmed- type learning materials for teaching college-level statistics. The second sec- tion will describe current work in develop- ing and field-testing a computer-assisted model for teaching arithmetic concepts to elementary school children.


The target population for evaluating the teacher-managed model was college stu- dents taking a senior-level statistics course. The course employs a Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) orientation in which students learn the materials from self-study manuals and progress at their own rate by achieving criterion on mastery tests. For ex- perimental purposes, three parallel forms of a self-instructional unit on probability were prepared. In one form, explanations and examples were embedded within an educa- tion context that related probability to test construction, grading, student selection, etc. In a second form, the same explanations and numerical problems were embedded within a medical context that described doc- tors, nurses, and patients concerned with probability in relation to recovery rates, ac- curacy of diagnosis, and so on. In a third form, the materials were presented in an abstract context that used general terms such as events, trials, items, etc. A unit posttest was developed to assess achieve- ment on five types of learning outcomes: education-context problems, medical-con- text problems, abstract-context problems, transfer problems (novel applications), and memory of formulas. Using these basic ma-


terials, the four studies summarized below were performed.

Studies 1 and 2: Laboratory Validation Subjects in Study 1 consisted of education majors (preservice teachers). Study 2 served as a replication of Study 1 using nursing majors as subjects. Learning took place in both experiments in a laboratory setting designed to simulate the self-study orientation of the statistics course. Because this research is discussed in detail in other sources (Ross, 1983, 1984), its description here will be brief.

Subjects in each experiment were ran- domly assigned to receive one of the three contextual variations of the probability les- son (i.e., education, medical, or abstract contexts). After studying the materials, they completed an attitude survey and the unit posttest. Performance results in both experiments significantly favored the adap- tive condition. Education majors learned best from the education context, whereas nursing students learned best from the medical context. Importantly, the strongest effects were found on context-related items (education and medical items in the respec- tive experiments) and on transfer items. Treatment outcomes varied least on mem- ory of formulas. Findings on selected at- titude items (e.g., "relevancy") also favored the adaptive context, although results were inconsistent across studies. These out- comes, overall, supported the major as- sumptions of the contextual adaptation strategy. It was inferred that probable bene- fits of the strategy were to increase interest in the task and to facilitate meaningful as- similation of the probability concepts with existing knowledge (Ausubel, 1968; Mayer, 1979).

Study 3: Applied Evaluation

As a test of its external validity, the context strategy was examined next under actual course conditions. In addition to the self- study component, other features of the statistics course included criterion- referenced testing and grading, retesting options, and unit mastery as a criterion for advancement. Relative to these procedures, major restrictive properties of Studies I and 2 were: (a) the unit had to be completed in a

single study session under fairly structured conditions; (b) the unit was significantly shorter in length than the regular course units; (c) although students were encour- aged to strive for a mastery score of 80% correct, they knew that the lesson was part of an experiment and would have no bearing on their actual course grades; and (d) not all subjects were actually enrolled in the course. Obviously, such factors could bias results compared to what would ac- tually occur in a realistic context.

Subjects and Design. As in Studies 1 and 2, three context treatments were compared on five learning outcomes. Subjects were 42 nursing students enrolled in the statistics course to fulfill a baccalaureate degree re- quirement. The medical context was, there- fore, expected to comprise the adaptive les- son for this sample.

Materials and Procedures. The probability les- son used in Studies I and 2 was expanded into a full-sized course unit, identical in or- ganization, style, and requirements to all other course units. Briefly, its content was organized into four major sections, cover- ing: (a) probability statements, (b) addition rule for mutually exclusive events and for (c) nonmutually exclusive events, and (d) multiplication rule for independent and de- pendent trials. In conformity with normal course procedures, students could elect to complete the unit at any time following suc- cessful completion of all preceding units. The unit, in turn, constituted a prerequisite for all subsequent units. Students could study the material at any location and for as long a period as desired. If the posttest mas- tery criterion of 80% or higher was not at- tained, retesting was permitted. For re- search purposes, however, only the score obtained on the initial try was treated in the data analysis.

When students completed the im- mediately preceding course unit, a probabil- ity manual corresponding to one of the three context conditions was randomly selected and administered, thus determin- ing the assigned treatment. When students returned to the laboratory to take the unit mastery test, they were asked to complete an 8-item attitude survey pertaining to the

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unit, followed by one of two randomly selected parallel posttest forms. The tests were the same ones used in the prior two studies and thus contained four abstract- context problems, four education-context problems, four medical-context problems, four transfer problems, and four formula items.

Results and Discussion. Treatment means on the five posttest item types are summarized in Table 1. One-way ANOVAs were con- ducted on each item type and total test score. No significant effects were obtained, although differences directionally favoring the adaptive (medical-context) group over other groups approached significance (p < .10) on education-context items, medical- context items, and total score. To provide a more sensitive test of treatment effects, it was decided to control for prior achieve- ment differences by performing follow-up analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) on each dependent measure. The variable used as the covariate was cumulative points earned on initial course units. As expected, it was significant in all comparisons (all p's < .01). The ANCOVA results indicated significant treatment effects on education-context items, p < .01; medical-context items, p < .05; and total score, p < .05. Comparisons of adjusted means were made via Tukey HSD analyses. On education items, the adaptive (medical-context) group was superior to both the nonadaptive (education-context) group and the abstract group. On medical- context items and on total test score, the adaptive group surpassed the abstract group.

One-way ANOVAs on attitude re- sponses yielded significant (p < .05) effects on two of the items. One effect was that the nonadaptive group evaluated the lesson as "faster" than did adaptive and abstract groups. No immediate explanation of this outcome comes to mind, as the three con- text variations were identical in length and were associated with comparable comple- tion times. A more interpretable finding was the second effect showing higher rat- ings of "lesson relevancy" by the adaptive group compared to the abstract group.

Thus, similar to Studies I and 2, the adap- five treatment yielded positive performance outcomes. Its advantages over other treat- ments, however, were less pronounced than in the former studies. Another varia- tion was the absence of transfer benefits due to adaptation. Interpretations of these ef- fects must take into account that the applied conditions permitted much less control over subjects' learning activities. Second, in ex- panding the lesson into a full-sized course unit, more conceptual explanation and in- terrelationships of topics were provided relative to the fairly schematic presentations used in the laboratory studies. Third, com- pletion of mastery tests on preceding units gave subjects prior exposure to transfer type problems. In view of these limiting factors, the supportive evidence obtained for contextual adaptation seems all the more encouraging.

Study 4: Learner Context Selection The main interest in Study 4 was whether individualized context selection would con- stitute a more powerful adaptive strategy than the group-based procedure used in

TABLE 1 Posttest Means by Treatment and Item Type in Study 3

Item Type

Context Treatment E d u c a t i o n Abstract Medical Formula Transfer

Adaptive 89.3 83.8 82.2 57.0 57.3 (Medical) Nonadaptive 67.8 82.1 78.5 64.3 64.3 (Education) Abstract 62.5 73.2 66.0 50.0 53.5

Note: Scores reflect the percentage correct on each item subset. All treatment n's = 14.


previous studies. A second concern was whether unfamiliar (nonpreferred) thema- tic contexts might be detrimental to learning as a function of having low interest appeal and imposing increased processing de- mands (Marshall, 1984; Muth, 1984).

Subjects and Design. Subjects were 80 nurs- ing students enrolled in the introductory statistics course described earlier. They were randomly assigned to the following four treatment groups (n = 20 each): (a) learner-adaptive, in which individuals re- ceived the context that they personally fa- vored from a list of options; (b) standard- adaptive, in which all subjects received the medical context, regardless of individual preferences; (c) standard-nonadaptive, in which all subjects received the abstract con- text; and (d) learner-nonadaptive, in which individuals received the THEMATIC context that they least preferred from a list of op- tions. These manipulations yielded a 2 x 2 factorial design consisting of two adaptive conditions (adaptive vs. nonadaptive) and two context selection conditions (learner vs. standard).

Materials and Procedure. The learning mate- rials and tests were the same as those used in Studies I and 2. In addition to the existing education, medical, and abstract contexts, a fourth contextual variation, dealing with sports applications, was prepared. On the first day of class, subjects were adminis- tered an "interest inventory" in which they were asked to rate their past performances in and attitudes toward mathematics learn- ing on a five-point scale. Forms adminis- tered to learner-adaptive and learner-non- adaptive subjects included an additional section asking them to rank-order the four different context options according to their

desirability as themes for learning math ap- plications. Approximately one week later, subjects were administered the lessons ap- propriate to their treatment in simulated laboratory sessions. At the conclusion of the lesson they were administered a free recall measure on selected examples, an attitude survey, and the 20-item posttest.

Results At the time of this writing, only preliminary statistical analyses of posttest and attitudi- nal data have been completed. Free recall protocols are still being scored and tabu- lated. Initial examination was made of rank- ings of context preferences by subjects in the learner-adaptive and learner-nonadap- tive treatments. Findings revealed that the medical context was ranked first by 36 out of the 40 subjects. The abstract context was ranked first by two subjects, and the educa- tion and sports contexts by one subject each. Clearly, the medical context com- prised the dominant preferential theme for the sample. The abstract context was the least popular choice, being ranked last by 21 subjects. Education received somewhat higher rankings than did sports. As previ- ously indicated, subjects in the learner- nonadaptive condition were administered their least preferred thematic context dur- ing learning. That selection was education for 7 subjects, medical for 1 subject, and sports for the remaining 12.

Posttest means are summarized by treat- ment and item type in Table 2. Scores on each item type and on the total test were analyzed using a 2 (adaptation) x 2 (selec- tion) ANOVA. Results indicated a signifi- cant adaptation main effect on transfer items, F(1,76) = 5.89, p < .05. As predicted, adapt ive contexts (X = 59% correct) were superior to nonadaptive contexts

TABLE 2 Posttest Means by Treatment and Item Type in Study 4

Context Treatment Education Abstract Medical Formula Transfer

Learner-Adaptive 82.3 85.0 88.8 61.3 60.0 Standard-Adaptive 81.3 77.5 81.3 63.8 58.0 Learner-Nonadaptive 71.3 77.5 68.8 63.8 45.0 Standard-Nonadaptive 75.0 88.8 75.0 73.8 40.0

Note: Scores reflect the percentage correct on each item subset. All treatment n's = 20.

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(X = 42.5% correct). No main effects or interactions were significant on the other item types. To provide a more powerful test of treatment effects, parallel analyses were performed using the math attitude and per- formance self-ratings as a covariate. Results showed significant adaptation main effects on transfer items, F(1,75) = 8.88, p < .01; medical items, F(1,75) = 5.50, p < .05; and total test, F(1,75) = 4.57, p < .05. On each of these measures, the adaptive group sur- passed the nonadaptive group. No selec- tion main effects or adaptation by selection interactions were obtained.

Two-way ANOVAs performed on at- titude scores yielded significant adaptation main effects on two items and on attitude total score (all p's < .05). The adaptive g roup , c o m p a r e d to the nonadap t ive group, rated the material as more "interest- ing" (X's = 3.25, and 2.85, respectively) and more "relevant" (X's = 3.40 and 2.25). Total scores again favored the adaptive group (X's = 19.59 and 17.01).

These results provided further substanti- ation for the hypothesized benefits of adapt- ing context to student background. As in Studies 1 and 2, results were most pro- nounced on transfer items and on context- related items (i.e., medical items, in this study). The hypothesis that learner selec- tion would be more advantageous than group adaptation was not supported. It seems important to note, however, that nearly all learner-adaptive subjects selected the medical theme as the preferred context. Consequently, the contexts received were virtually identical in the two adapt ive treatments. More heterogeneous samples would be necessary to make a conclusive test of the learner selection hypothesis. The relatively poor performance of the learner- nonadapt ive group is also noteworthy. Such outcomes could possibly mirror learn- ers' experiences in applied settings when story example themes are perceived as un- familiar or uninteresting.


Although the context strategy consistently enhanced learning in the previous studies, it was also found to contain several limiting properties. From an adaptation standpoint,

the availability of only three context options greatly limits the sensitivity with which learner preferences can be accommodated. In the experiments, it was quite reasonable to assume that subjects would prefer con- texts relating to their academic majors over the other choices. Such contexts may not be preferred, however, relative to ones based on personal hobbies, experiences, and interests that take place outside educational settings. Further, in most teaching situa- tions (such as those found in the lower grades), classes having such homogeneous academic backgrounds (e.g., all students are nursing or education majors) would be exceedingly rare. Many different contexts would be needed to accommodate each in- dividual's prior learning history. From a practical standpoint, preparing the alterna- tive context lessons and matching them to students is a t ime-consuming task that teachers might not be very willing to per- form on their own.

The computer-assisted model to be de- scribed in this section was designed to provide a more powerful and practical means of adapting context to student inter- ests. Its main objectives were to: (a) per- sonalize context so that each student would receive a unique presentation; (b) orient the adaptive contexts to many different types of background and interest variables (e.g., hobbies, interactions with friends, one's birthday) rather than to educational var- iables only; and (c) automate the tasks of lesson preparation and administration. The model is now being field-tested for the first time. A summary of its procedural compo- nents and preliminary outcomes follows.

Learning Materials and Target Population Present application of the model is directed toward mathematics instruction at the fifth- and sixth-grade levels. This age group seemed especially appropriate for the field test, given the instructional focus on word problems and the procedural requirement for students to interact with the computer without the need for close teacher supervi- sion. Following consultation with teachers at the site school, the content area selected for the lesson was division of fractions. There was strong teacher agreement that this part of the math curriculum was rela-


tively difficult, and that the availability of a CAI unit as an additional resource could be especially helpful.

The CAI lesson was adapted from the textbook, workbook, and teacher-made ma- terials currently in use. It begins with a re- view of terminology and special symbols. The next section introduces the rule for di- viding fractions and illustrates its applica- tion to an example problem using the follow- ing four-step solution: (a) identify dividend and divisor, (b) write the divisor as a frac- tion, (c) invert the divisor to obtain its reciprocal, and (d) multiply the dividend by the reciprocal to obtain the answer. This format (example and explanation) is then repeated for four additional division prob- lems. The lesson is written in BASIC for presentation by an Apple IIe or compatible microcomputer (Apple II, II+, etc.). Stu- dents proceed through the lesson at their own pace by pressing the "Return" key to advance frames. Support material consist- ing of special instructions and a hard copy of selected CAI frames is provided in an accompanying handout.

Personalized Model The above section described the CAI lesson in general. In the personalized version, the individual student is "made part" of the material by incorporating aspects of his or her background and interests into examples and explanations. The appropriate informa- tion is obtained by having students com- plete a biographical questionnaire a week or so prior to beginning the fractions unit. The types of responses requested include the individual 's birthdate, friends' names, hobbies, vacation trips, and "favorites" in categories such as TV stars, candy, super- markets, books, magazines, and school subjects.

Once the information is collected, it is entered on DATA statements in the BASIC program. The program is then saved on disk for use with that particular student. DATA items are always entered in a pre- scribed order, so that, for example, Item #1 will always be birthdate, Item #2 best friend's name, etc. Since the questionnaire re- sponses are similarly sequenced, data entry can be completed fairly rapidly, requiring only about 10 minutes per student. The

program operates by assigning the data to particular variables. The variables, along with supporting text, form a "template" from which the personalized context is con- structed. A simplified example is repre- sented in the following BASIC statements:


BD$;"," 30 PRINT "YOUR FRIEND, ";F15;


2000 DATA "JULY 10, 1974", "BILLY", "A PIZZA"

Thus, by changing the three data values, a unique context can be created in which the focus is the student's favorite food brought by a friend on the student's birthday. In the actual lesson, such personalized examples are structurally and thematically similar to conventional word problems that would normally be presented via textbooks and classwork. The only difference is the sub- stitution of personalized information as concrete referents. One of the lesson exam- ples is presented for illustrative purposes in Table 3. The top section of the table shows the template into which the personalized data are inserted, while the lower half shows the completed example. In a few in- stances, due to incomplete or inappropriate questionnaire responses, it is not possible to identify a personalized referent in a particu- lar category. When this occurs, either a standard referent is substi tuted (e.g., "cake" for food) or no specific referent is given (e.g., birthdate is left out), whichever seems more appropriate for expression con- cerned.

Try-Out and Evaluation

Field-testing of the model is being con- ducted using a three-treatment design con- sisting of personalized contexts, concrete contexts, and abstract contexts. In all treatments, students initially complete the biographical questionnaire and a lesson pretest. Approximately one week later they are scheduled individually, or in small groups, to receive the lesson. Each student is seated at a separate microcomputer and completes the lesson independently. Fol- lowing the lesson, a posttest and follow-up attitude survey are administered. The post-

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TABLE 3 Sample Materials From the Personalized Context


Student name's teacher, teacher name, surprised him~her on birthday when he~she presented student name with 3 favorite candy. Student name cut each one of them in one-half so that he~she could share the birthday gift with his~her friends. In all, how many pieces of favorite candy did student name have for his~her friends?

Completed Prototype: b

Joseph's teacher, Mrs. Williams, surprised him on December 15 when she presented Joseph with 3 Hershey Bars. Joseph cut each one of them in one-half so that he could share the birthday gift with his friends. In all, how many pieces of Hershey Bars did Joseph have for his friends?


Joseph, Mrs. Williams, him, she, Hershey Bars, his

altalicized items represent categories that acquire specific referents in the completed prototype. bltalicized items represent specific information acquired from the student that replace general category (vari-

able) names. (The present data are fictitious.)

test consists of: (a) word problems present- ed in abstract, concrete, and personalized contexts; (b) number problems; and (c) transfer problems.

For the personalized treatment, the les- sons are prepared in the manner previously described. For the concrete treatment, however, referents used in the problems consist of thematically appropriate but tic- titious names and events (e.g., teacher = "Mrs. Jones"; food = "ice cream"; etc.) and are the same for all students. For the abstract context, referents consist of abstract terms unrelated to any meaningful theme, such as quantity, unit, arid item.

Although the number of subjects tested thus far is too limited to permit a valid as- sessment of treatments, some initial results have been obtained. The available data, which represent approximately half (about 10 subjects per treatment) of the total to be collected, were subjected to preliminary de- scriptive and inferential analyses. The latter mainly consisted of one-way ANOVAs comparing means from the personalized, concrete, and abstract treatments. Results reflected the following: (a) higher scores for the personalized context than the abstract context on conventional word problems (p < .05) and (b) higher scores for the per- sonalized context than both abstract and concrete contexts on number problems (p < .01), attitude scores (p < .05), and memory of rule procedures (p < .01).

Preliminary impressions of the per- sonalized model's effectiveness have also

been formed through our experiences and observations. First, the procedural re- quirements for preparing and administer- ing the personalized materials appear both feasible and practical. The personalized in- formation can be extracted from the ques- tionnaire answer sheets and entered in the computer quite easily and rapidly. When the student is ready to receive the lesson, all that is required is to locate and boot the disk containing his or her name. From that point on, the lesson is completely self-adminis- trable. Second, consistent with the above attitude findings, observations suggest that students react very favorably to the per- sonalized materials. They seem both amazed and genuinely pleased by the ap- pearance of familiar names and events in the math examples. In contrast to the usual difficulties the authors experience in solicit- ing volunteers to serve as research subjects, the present task actually seems a popular activity in which students are very willing to participate. That the subject is mathematics makes this observation all the more mean- ingful. It should be noted that generally fa- vorable reactions also seem to prevail in the control treatments. Based on student and teacher comments, the critical factor is un- questionably the computer-assisted pre- sentation. Although most students have had previous exposure to CAI from commercial software, the present task represents their first experience with materials made by teachers and specifically adapted to their curriculum. These impressions, of course,


are subjective and must be viewed cau= tiously for that reason. More valid judg- ments regarding both attitudes and perfor- mance can be made when the complete evaluation data become available later this year.


Historically, arithmetic story problems have presented special difficulties for students at all grade levels. One reason, it would seem, is lack of familiarity with the language used and applications described in typical prob- lem prototypes. The main assumption of the present research is that meaningfulness of materials can be increased and learning improved by adapting the context of expla- nations and examples to student back- ground and interests.

This idea was explored in preliminary studies by administering statistical mate- rials embedded in different contexts to col- lege undergraduates. In the adaptive treat- ments, context was related to subjects' academic backgrounds in either nursing (health and medical treatment) or education (teaching, testing, etc.). Preparation and administration of contexts were controlled via management by the teacher. Findings from four independent studies showed the adaptive treatment to be superior to control treatments on achievement and attitude measures. Achievement advantages in three studies tended to be strongest on transfer items and context-related items. These outcomes imply the ability to apply what was learned to new problem-solving situations as well as to problems relating specifically to the student's present career specialization. Despite the apparent educa- tional importance of such results, the re- liance on management by the teacher ap- peared limited from a practical standpoint. In most applied contexts, student back- ground will be much more heterogeneous than was the case for the present subjects. Also, few teachers will be willing to spend the time needed to prepare, administer, and evaluate performance on adaptive mate- rials.

These considerations stimulated efforts to develop a computer-assisted model to automate the adaptat ion process. The

model operates by incorporating back- ground information about the student into a CAI lesson on fractions. The result is that students read explanations and solve prob- lems that relate the math concepts to actual events and people in their lives. This per- sonalized strategy is now being field-tested with fifth- and sixth-grade students. Pre- liminary statistical results and subjective impressions are that the model is effective for learning, practical to use, and very fa- vorably regarded by students and teachers alike. More valid judgments will be made on the basis of evaluation data to be col- lected in the coming school year.

If found to be effective, the context strat- egy could provide a valuable means for helping students out of the math story problem bind. During acquisition learning, personalized examples could be employed to introduce new concepts. As the individ- ual gains proficiency and confidence, abstract or general contexts (e.g., con- ventional problems dealing with motion, time, currency, etc.) could be gradually substituted. From a meaningful learning standpoint (Ausubel, 1968; Mayer, 1984), such a sequence appears much more logical than the often used opposite pattern in which abstract problems become the focus of acquisition learning and subsequent foundation for transfer.


Ausubel, D. P. (1968). Educational Psychology: A cognitive approach. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Carrier, C., Davidson, G., Higson, V., & Williams, M. (1984). Selection of options by field independent and dependent children in a computer-based concept lesson. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 11, 49-54.

Daruwalla, A. (1979). A study of the effectiveness of the use of the newspaper in the classroom on student achievement in 7th grade mathematics classes. Un- published doctoral dissertation, Memphis State University.

Jones, B. M. (1983). Put your students in the pic- ture for better problem solving. Arithmetic Teacher, 30, 30-32.

Marshall, S. P. (1984). Sex differences in chil- dren's mathematics achievement: Solving computations and story problems. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 194-204.

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