Personal Report numerology

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  • 7/28/2019 Personal Report numerology


    A Decoz Numerology Chart Analysis


    Vrinceanu Andreeaby

    Hans Decoz

    Birth data:

    Vrinceanu Andreea

    April 7, 1988

    Copyright 1985, 2003, Hans Decoz.

  • 7/28/2019 Personal Report numerology







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    Birth name: Vrinceanu AndreeaShort name: Vrinceanu AndreeaBirth date: April 7, 1988

    Your Life Path is 19/1 7Your Birthday is 7 8Your Expression is 11/2 9Your Minor Expression is 11/2 11Your Heart's Desire is 12/3 12Your Minor Heart's Desire is 12/3 13Your Personality is 17/8 13Your Maturity is 3 14Your Life Path / Expression Bridge number is 1 15Your Heart's Desire / Personality Bridge number is 5 16You have a Karmic Lesson 2 16You have a Karmic Lesson 6 17

    You have a Karmic Lesson 7 17You have a Karmic Lesson 8 17Your Hidden Passion is 5 18Your Plane of Expression Physical is 10/1 19Your Plane of Expression Mental is 9 20Your Plane of Expression Emotional is 18/9 20Your Plane of Expression Intuitive is 10/1 20Your Balance is 5 21Your Rational Thought is 51/6 21Your Cornerstone is V 22Your Subconscious Self is 5 22Your First Challenge is 3 23

    Your Second Challenge is 1 24Your Third Challenge is 2 24Your Fourth Challenge is 4 25Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 35) is 11 26Your Second Pinnacle (from age 36 until age 44) is 6 27Your Third Pinnacle (from age 45 until age 53) is 8 28Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 54) is 3 29Your First Cycle (from birth until age 26) is 4 30Your Second Cycle (from age 27 until age 53) is 7 30Your Third and last Cycle (from age 54) is 8 30Your Physical Transit for age 25 is N 31Your Physical Transit for age 26 is N 31

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    Your Physical Transit for age 27 is C 31Your Spiritual Transit for age 25 is E 32Your Spiritual Transit for age 26 is E 32Your Spiritual Transit for age 27 is E 32Your Essence at the age of 25 is 10/1 32Your Essence at the age of 26 is 10/1 33

    Your Essence at the age of 27 is 8 33Your Personal Year for 2013 is 8 34Your Personal Year for 2014 is 9 35Your Personal Year for 2015 is 1 35Your Personal Month for June 2013 is 5 36Your Personal Month for July 2013 is 6 37Your Personal Month for August 2013 is 7 37Your Personal Month for September 2013 is 8 38Your Personal Month for October 2013 is 9 38Your Personal Month for November 2013 is 1 39Your Personal Month for December 2013 is 2 40Your Personal Month for January 2014 is 1 40

    Your Personal Month for February 2014 is 2 41Your Personal Month for March 2014 is 3 41Your Personal Month for April 2014 is 4 42Your Personal Month for May 2014 is 5 42Your Personal Month for June 2014 is 6 43Your Personal Month for July 2014 is 7 43Your Personal Month for August 2014 is 8 43Your Personal Month for September 2014 is 9 44Your Personal Month for October 2014 is 1 44Your Personal Month for November 2014 is 2 45Your Personal Month for December 2014 is 3 45Your Personal Month for January 2015 is 2 45

    Your Personal Month for February 2015 is 3 46Your Personal Month for March 2015 is 4 46Your Personal Month for April 2015 is 5 47Your Personal Month for May 2015 is 6 48Your Personal Month for June 2015 is 7 48Your Personal Month for July 2015 is 8 48Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for June 2013 49Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for July 2013 52Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for August 2013 55Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for September 2013 59Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for October 2013 62Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for November 2013 65

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    Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for December 2013 69Your Personal Day-by-Day Forecast for January 2014 72

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    About your Personal Reading

    This reading was composed for you personally, Vrinceanu, and is based onyour full name at birth, your date of birth, and the name you now use to introduce

    yourself. Please check your birth data on the title page to make sure the namesand date of birth used are correct.

    If you have two or more middle names or last names, you may find the namesstrung together. This is necessary to make Transit and Essence cycles functioncorrectly. For example, the name John Patrick Henry Hancock would appear onthe title page as John PatrickHenry Hancock.

    Vrinceanu, your Personal Numerology Reading describes all aspects of yourchart as they are understood in numerology, accurately and in-depth.

    Each chapter starts with a short introduction telling you where this particularnumber is found and how it affects you. This is followed by the number itself.Often, you will find a double digit number followed by a single digit.

    The meaning of your number is then explained in easy to read language.Vrinceanu, you don't need to know anything about numerology to be able to enjoyand benefit from this reading.

    I hope you will enjoy your reading.


    If ever there was a moment of total transformation, it was the moment of yourbirth. In that instant, you stepped through a door in time into a new reality -- thereality of human life. The most important number in your numerology chart isbased on the date of your birth, the moment when the curtain goes up in your life.

    Even at that moment, you were a person with your own unique character, asunique as your DNA. Everything that is you existed in potential, much like a playthat is about to begin. Your entire life exists as a potential that has been preparedfor. Vrinceanu, you have ultimate freedom to do with your life as you like: To fulfillits potential completely, or to make some smaller version of yourself. It alldepends upon your effort and commitment. You make the decisions to fulfill, towhatever extent, the potential life that exists within you. That is your choice. In thissense, the possible you is implicit during the moment of your birth.

    The Life Path number gives us a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges,and lessons we will encounter in this lifetime. Your Life path is the road you aretraveling. It reveals the opportunities and challenges you will face in life. Your LifePath number is the single most important information available in your Personality

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    Your Life Path is 19/1

    Vrinceanu, you are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your ownmind; you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and

    determination. You don't let anything or anyone stand in your way once you arecommitted to your goal.

    You assume the responsibility to be the protector and provider for those youlove. You demand respect and attention and become irritated and evendomineering when important things do not go your way.

    You need to feel in command of important undertakings, and resist supportiveroles. You seek the forefront and the limelight.

    Vrinceanu, you are exceptionally creative and original and possess a touch ofthe unusual. Your approach to problems is unique and you have the courage towander from the beaten path. You can be impatient with your shortcomings andthose of others.

    You are very concerned with your status and foster the appearance of successand self-satisfaction. The need to appear well off propels you to strive for growth,success and the finer things of life.

    You should watch out for selfishness, conceit and the over-concern withappearance. You must guard against overzealous behavior, anger andaggressiveness. If these qualities are not brought under control you couldbecome excessively domineering, vindictive and even violent. You perform bestwhen you are left to your own devices. Ideally you should own your own businessand be your own boss. Hold fast to your life's dream and work with thedetermination you possess to realize it. You can become overly stressed by yourdriven nature. Be careful about the food you eat and maintain an exerciseprogram you enjoy. Competition sports are often a healthy outlet for a person with

    your drive, particularly sports involving running and swimming. Don't let pride andoverconfidence be your masters. Remember, your talents and abilities are a giftfrom a higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility, rather thanpride and conceit.

    More often than not a person with a 1 Life Path will achieve much in life as longas the drive, creativity, originality and pioneering spirit are fully employed!

    Vrinceanu, your Life Path number 19, while identical in many ways to the LifePath numbers 1 and 10, also reveals the presence of a Karmic Debt. The personwith the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power.You will be forced to stand up for yourself, and often be left to stand alone.Difficulties will be faced and overcome through personal struggle.

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    One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt is that you

    stubbornly resist help. Much of your independence is self-imposed; you simplydon't want to listen to others, or accept the help or advice of others. Your 19Karmic Debt can become a self imposed prison if you do not open up to thereality of interdependence, and the mutual need for love.

    The most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt is: While you seek to standon your own feet, you are still a human being, deeply connected with others andin need of the support, assistance, and human understanding that all peopleneed. Those with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn the hard way that "no man is anisland," and that we are, indeed, "all bits of the main!"


    The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you areand where your talents lie. The day of birth indicates some special talent youpossess. It is a gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path. Your day of

    birth is one of your four core numbers -- the Life Path, Expression, and HeartsDesire being the other three. It is the least significant of the four core numbers,but perhaps the most finite, in that it reveals a specific ability you possess in amarked degree.

    Your Bir thday is 7

    Vrinceanu, you possess a highly-developed mind. It is your instrument forinvestigating the world and all its subjects. You are philosophically and spirituallyoriented. You can and should specialize in one given field in order to make fulluse of your abilities and your natural intellectual gifts.

    You tend to be analytical and rational in your approach to relationships.

    Emotions are a cloudy and uncertain realm for you, which, very often, you do nottrust. Emotional people are sometimes viewed by you as a bit immature orunpredictable.

    You have excellent intuition. You should meditate and do some type of spiritualexercise in order to develop your intuitive talents. Once you have begun to trustyour intuition, you will develop a sound faith.

    You should avoid taking anything at face value. Nor should you take excessivechances or gamble. You are not the type that should be given to reckless living.It tends to backfire quickly for you.

    You prefer to work alone and set your own pace. You tend to finish projectsonce started. Your interest leans to the scientific, technical, and metaphysical.

    You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily

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    and do not communicate them well. You like to spend time alone but have to becareful not to become too withdrawn.

    You can be opinionated and stubborn. You must guard against becoming tooanalytical, cold-hearted, and cynical. You can be highly critical and self-centered-- traits that can lead to much unhappiness, especially in marriage, if you are notcareful. Once married, you tend to be loyal and faithful.

    Make the most of your gifts of mind without losing your heart in the process.Share your emotions with those you trust, and maintain long-lasting closerelationships. This will balance your mental life and will be a source of greatcomfort.


    Your Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution, theorientation or goal of your life. Some numerologists refer to this number as theDestiny, because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming. Youwork at fulfilling this potential every day of your life. Thus, the Expression numberreveals your inner goal, the person you aim to be.

    The Expression number reveals the talents, abilities, and shortcomings thatwere with you when you entered your human body. Your name, and the numbersderived from it, reveals your development, as well as the talents and issues youwill be working with during this life.

    For those for whom reincarnation is an accepted philosophy, the vibration ofyour full name can be seen as the totality of your personal evolution, theexperiences, talents, and wisdom accumulated over many life times. Everyexperience, no matter how great or small, along this evolutionary path hasinfluenced your development, and brought you to your current state of being.

    The Expression is your being; the Life Path is the major lesson you areattempting to learn this time around. Time allows the gradual emergence of yourpersonality. By reading the Expression number below, you will come to

    understand your basic nature and the abilities and issues inherent in your being.

    Your Exp ression is 11/2

    Vrinceanu, yours is the most highly charged Expression number of all. You arelike a lightning rod, attracting powerful ideas, intuitions, and even psychicinformation like unpredictable bolts.

    You are a powerful presence without any awareness on your part of havingpersonal power. You are a channel for higher vibrations. But in order to beemotionally and psychologically at peace, you must learn to control that flow ofenergy. You possess a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious. Thetrouble is that the unconscious is an infinite resource, while consciousness by

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    definition is a limited arena. The two are therefore at odds until they can learn tolive in harmony with each other. This is where control comes in. Until you areable to control the flow of energy from this infinite source, you may feel like avictim of its whimsy, thrown about by emotional turmoil and nervous tensions.

    Vrinceanu, you have always sensed that you are different, but it was anindefinable feeling. You are enormously sensitive and aware, especially as a

    child. This made you vulnerable to all conflicts and painful situations. For most ofyour upbringing, however, you did not realize that other people did not possessthe same sensitivity, nor did they see the same things you were seeing. Thiscaused a great reservoir of emotion that was dammed up behind an inability toexpress your feelings, even to yourself. For this reason, most 11 Expressionshave a difficult childhood. Your extreme sensitivity made you very shy as a child.This usually manifests in adulthood as hesitation and acute vulnerability. You arevery careful about sharing your feelings with others and choosing your friends.

    You compensated for your sense of separation in childhood by creating anelaborate fantasy world. You daydreamed more than other children. You have alively imagination and even in adulthood have a hard time separating reality fromfantasy.

    Vrinceanu, your challenge is to bring forth your primitive, earthy strength. Youneed to be grounded in order to deal with your lightning bolts. The more you areable to call upon your inherent human strength, the greater your capacity to takeadvantage of your extremely sensitive awareness. Once this is accomplished,your antagonist becomes your benefactor.

    You are highly emotional and dependent upon relationships. Emotionally, yougo up and down with the fortunes of your love life.

    You are idealistic, impractical, and at times disorderly. You are oftenunrealistic in your expectations.

    Your reasons for doing things are usually born of a mixture of logic, emotion,and intuition, which can rarely be explained satisfactorily to your more rationalassociates.

    The 11 Expression is the number most dependent upon other core numbers inyour chart for insight into your vocation. The 11 charges every area it enters, butit needs a grounding vocation and discipline to be effective.

    A balanced 11 is one of the most unique and impressive of all people. It isgifted with insight and illumination, which it can transmit to others. This makesyou a natural teacher in whatever area you enter.


    The Minor Expression number is based on the current (or short) name; thename you now use to introduce yourself including your last name.

    The influence of the short name is minor in comparison to your full name.

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    Interestingly, the short name often compensates in some way for numbers (andtheir related characteristics) that are missing or out of balance in the full name.

    For instance, a number missing in the full name may show up prominently inthe short name; or a number (or numbers) that appears in excess in the full namecan be compensated for in the short name. If a name change takes place later inlife through marriage or for professional reasons, it adds or subtracts certain

    qualities. It can also focus and intensify existing characteristics or talents thatmay be latent.

    Your Minor Expression is 11/2

    Vrinceanu, your short name increases your sensitivity, intuition, andperceptiveness. It leads you toward deeper investigation of the mysteries of life.You are attracted to religion, philosophy, and spiritual understanding. It mayawaken your intuitive and even psychic abilities.

    At the same time, your Minor Expression number makes you more sensitive toyour own shortcomings. It encourages you to work on yourself. You cannotavoid personal transformation under this influence.

    Your increased sensitivity will encourage you to seek out harmonious andpeaceful environments. This will balance the nervous tension that the 11 canstimulate.

    Your capacity to work with others is also improved. Vrinceanu, you are nowmore humble and modest, and seek ways to avoid conflict and maintainharmonious relationships.

    Your heightened intuitive powers bring highly creative ideas, sudden insights,and realizations.


    Your Heart's Desire is the inner you. It shows your underlying urge, your true

    motivation. It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions.Consequently, it dramatically influences the choices you make in life. The Heart'sdesire is seen as part of the larger picture, called the core numbers, whichincludes the Life Path, Expression, Day you were born, and Personality. Buteach points to a different aspect of you.

    The Expression number reveals your talents and abilities, and your generaldirection in life. The Life Path is the central lesson you came into the world tolearn. The Day you were born is very closely connected to your Life Path. Itreveals specific talents you possess, which will be helpful to you in dealing withyour Life Path. The Personality reveals how people tend to see you. It alsodemonstrates what characteristics you are projecting to the world. The Heart'sDesire demonstrates the identity of the soul that joined the earth -- you, the

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    spiritual being.

    Your Heart's Desire is 12/3

    Vrinceanu, you love a good time. You are generally happy, friendly, andoutgoing. You have a gift for gab. You are very witty, creative, and playful. You

    inspire and entertain people. You are considered by many a great companion.Many outstanding comedians have this Heart's Desire. You have a good

    mental and emotional balance and there is little that gets you down.You have a gift for self expression and are drawn to the verbal arts -- writing,

    acting, singing, and poetry. You may have a great talent in one of these areas. Ifyour creativity is blocked or suppressed, you tend to daydream and fantasize.Your imagination needs a constructive outlet; otherwise, it may run away withyou.

    At the same time, you may have great difficulty expressing your deeper feelingsand important personal thoughts. You prefer to stay on the surface, entertainingpeople with your wit.

    If you fail to deal honestly with your inner nature, you may succumb to

    compulsive talking. Such behavior may be merely a way of siphoning offemotional energy that is building beneath your surface. Your deeply felt emotionallife cannot be avoided or suppressed. But you possess the talent to channelthese feelings into highly creative and artistic form. Art and self-expression areyour outlets.

    Vrinceanu, you need discipline to make full use of your abilities. Too often, youmay scatter your energies in many directions, beginning projects that are neverfinished and never really succeeding in anything.

    You success depends on your ability to commit to your work and to see itthrough to completion. You have so much creativity and inspiring upward energythat you are in desperate need of an anchor. Hard work and discipline serve thispurpose and bring out the best in you.

    Because you are gifted with such a sparkling personality, you are tempted tostay on the surface and play with life. You are confident and love the attentionothers give you, but these characteristics can lead to vanity and self-absorption.

    Vrinceanu, you have the potential to live a very full and successful life thanks toyour talent for artistic self expression. The key to your success is a balancebetween the creative forces and self-disclose.


    The Minor Heart's Desire number is derived from the vowels of your currentname; the name you now use to introduce yourself. The current name is arefinement of the more complex qualities of your longer name (the full name at

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    birth). It sharpens and bundles the energies that are reflected by your full name.It intensifies certain aspects of your being , and de-emphasizes others. For thisreason, the short name often provides insight into what you truly want in life. Italso often reveals the extent of your understanding of what you want from this life.It reveals both your strong desires, and the limits you place upon your potential.

    Your feelings about your current name are different from your full name. Itaffects how you feel about yourself; it changes your identity slightly.

    Your Mi nor Heart's Desire is 12/3

    Vrinceanu, your shortened name adds enthusiasm, creativity, and liveliness toyour personality. You have a greater facility with words and a deeper appreciationfor the arts. Writing, singing, acting, and dancing all come easier, especially ifyou already have talent in any of these areas.

    Your Minor Heart's Desire encourages you to be more social, more flexible,and fun-loving. It makes you less serious.

    You are wittier and much more inspiring. The 3 provides you with uplifting

    energy which can motivate others.


    Your Personality number is derived from the consonants of your full name atbirth. Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is yourtrue nature. It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people atthe outset of a relationship. With time and trust, you invite others into the deeperaspects of your nature; you reveal more of who you really are, in effect, yourHeart's Desire, Expression, and so on.

    Your Personality number often serves as a censoring device, both in terms ofwhat you send out, as well as what you allow to approach. It discriminates in the

    kinds of people and information you let enter your heart and mind. For thisreason, your Personality is usually much more narrow and protective in itsdefinition than the real you. It can screen out some of what you do not want todeal with -- people or situations -- but it also welcomes those things thatimmediately relate to your inner nature.

    Your Personality number also indicates how others perceive you. No one canbe objective about himself or herself. Even our closest friends and relatives havetrouble describing how they see us.

    Your Perso nality is 17/8

    Vrinceanu, you appear strong and powerful. You have an impressive

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    personality and can influence and even intimidate through sheer force. You havenatural authority. Your competence and enthusiasm attract people withresources.

    You radiate confidence. People defer to you because they sense yoursureness and effectiveness.

    You also exude a kind of controlled benevolence. People sense that you are

    generous, once you are convinced of the worthiness of the cause.It is important for you to dress well. You radiate a kind of raw power and able

    ness, which needs to be refined and enhanced by your clothing. You may evendress a bit flashy, but that will not harm you. Quality is among your highestpriorities, and should reflect in your clothing.

    Although most eights have a strong constitution, they can be prone toindigestion, ulcers, and heart disease due to their reckless eating and drinkinghabits and their propensity to be workaholics.

    Vrinceanu, your Achilles heel is your capacity for an egocentric attitude. Thenegative side of your personality can cause you to be ruthless, greedy, andintensely lonely.

    Conversely, you can be spontaneous and excited. You are essentially warm

    and jovial. In your heart of hearts, you want everyone to be as excited and ashappy as you. Those who are around you often sense this. Your coworkers andemployees usually like you.


    Your Maturity number indicates an underlying wish or desire that graduallysurfaces around age thirty to thirty-five. This underlying goal begins to emerge asyou gain a better understanding of yourself. With self-knowledge comes agreater awareness of who you are, what your true goals in life are, and whatdirection you want to set for your life. This, in a nutshell, is the gift of maturity:You no longer waste time and energy on things that are not within your own

    special identity.No matter what your age is at present, your life is being channeled in a specific

    direction, toward a very specific goal. That goal can be seen as a reward or thefulfillment of a promise that is implicit in your current efforts, often without yourknowing it consciously. While the characteristics of this number are usuallyvisible during childhood, we tend to lose sight of these aspects until later in life.But our lives are always being affected by this influence, nonetheless.

    Your Maturity number begins to have a more profound impact on your life afterthe age of 35. The influence of the number increases steadily as you grow older.

    Your Maturi ty is 3

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    As you mature, Vrinceanu, you will find yourself becoming increasinglyextroverted and optimistic about your future. Your self-expression and creativityimprove markedly. You may become inspired to take up some type of artisticendeavor, such as writing, acting, or music, if you are not already involved in oneof these areas.

    Your ability to communicate will substantially improve. You are naturally more

    fluent and may find yourself dressing with a certain flair. Be careful not to fallvictim to superficial appearances, or chasing after glamour and extravagance.

    With a 3 Maturity Number you can look forward to a pleasant and social latterpart of life. Your attitude will be increasingly positive and your popularity will rise.

    If you already have several 3s in your chart, especially in your core numbers,you may have a tendency to scatter your energies and take your responsibilitiesless seriously. If you have few 3s, or are missing 3s entirely, you will experiencea great relief from the tension and seriousness of life. You will be more relaxedand capable of enjoying life.

    The 3 Maturity Number is a blessing in the latter part of life. It promisesenjoyment, close friendships, and much happiness.


    The Bridge numbers in your chart are the numbers that indicate how you canmake the relationship between the individual core numbers in your chart easierand more compatible. Bridge numbers have the potential to "close the gap"between the Life Path and Expression number, or the Heart's Desire andPersonality number.

    In this chapter we will explain what you can do to make your talents, strengths,and specific abilities (Expression number) more easily available and fitting theneeds of your main lesson(s), and expected direction of growth (Life Path).

    Your Life Path / Expression Bridge num ber is 1

    Vrinceanu, you should rely more on your own strengths and abilities. Be moredecisive; don't beat around the bush and be straightforward when expressingyour thoughts and feelings. You need to take charge more often. Get off thebeaten path and find original ways of doing things. Do not try to be conventional,or try so hard to behave according to the expectations of others.


    Several Bridge numbers can be found in your chart. The Bridge numberbetween the Life Path number and the Expression number was described earlierin your reading. The following Bridge number relates to your Heart's Desire

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    number and your Personality number. This Bridge number, the Heart's Desire -Personality bridge, explains how you can make your deeper self -- your needsand desires, your true nature -- more aligned with the part of your personalityothers tend to recognize when they meet you. With a little exaggeration, youcould say that your Personality number is somewhat like your mask. It is themore superficial you; a protective shield and a camouflage of the deeper you.

    You can easily imagine how much more comfortable, and less self-conscious,the experience of life becomes when your deeper and more real you is closer andmore fitting to the personality you reveal on a day to day basis.

    Your Heart 's Desire / Personal i ty Brid ge number is 5

    Vrinceanu, you need to be more flexible and adaptable. Be willing to go out ona limb; be adventurous and unconventional.

    Be tolerant and flexible. Accept changes. Rigid ideas and dogmas may keepyou from reaching out and following your dreams. Make freedom a high priority inyour life.


    Numerology is based on the understanding that we enter life with certainstrengths and weaknesses. Karmic lessons are areas that we are currentlyweak in and must be faced and worked on in this life. There can be more thanone Karmic Lesson. These are indicated by the absence of certain numbers inyour name.

    The letters and numbers of your name point to talents and abilities that youpossess. These characteristics can be compared to a workshop in which certaintools are available to you. Missing numbers, those that are not represented in theletters in your name, imply tools that are unavailable, and must be learned andmastered during this lifetime.

    You may well recognize your Karmic Lessons as weaknesses you havelearned to overcome in the course of your life, however, the challenges implied inyour Karmic Lessons will continue to come up occasionally for the rest of yourlife.

    You have a Karmic L esson 2

    Vrinceanu, you must learn to be more diplomatic and tactful, to stay in thebackground when necessary and sometimes to accomplish something withoutthe need to be praised and rewarded. Learn to be part of a team.

    You must learn to be more sensitive to other peoples' needs and feelings. Youwill regularly find yourself in a situation where the only road to success is through

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    patience and attention, requiring you to work closely cooperatively with others.

    The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 2among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, orPersonality Number).

    You have a Karmic L esson 6

    Vrinceanu, you have a major issue with commitment and responsibility toothers.

    You have a hard time committing to marriage and other important personalrelationships. You have to learn to show true emotion.

    You may feel isolated and alone, but do not understand why. The reason isthat very often you form relationships yet remain heavily guarded, putting up ashow of emotion without truly communicating affection or care. This can makethe bond between you and others superficial. You must learn to establish sincererelationships.

    Vrinceanu, you will learn the importance of close friends and lasting

    relationships. You will learn to give and, when necessary, sacrifice. This is theone true way to true friendship and lasting love.

    The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 6among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, orPersonality Number).

    You have a Karmic L esson 7

    Vrinceanu, you need to deepen your knowledge and talents in a specificdiscipline. You lack the will or determination to perfect yourself or a specific talentyou possess. You must learn to be your own critic, without self condemnation, in

    order to bring your abilities to their full development.You will learn not to take things at face value. A superficial understanding of

    important matters will prevent you from experiencing the satisfaction of your truepotential.

    The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 7among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, orPersonality Number).

    You have a Karmic L esson 8

    Vrinceanu, you can attract a considerable amount of money and even be a

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    good business person, but you experience major ups and downs in your financialaffairs, due largely to your lack of caution in handling your resources.

    You are highly independent and do not want to be told how to do things. Youhave great problems with authority figures. This stems from a kind of know-it-allattitude and stubborn behavior that prevents you from knowing your limits.

    You will have to work at knowing how to handle money. In all likelihood, you will

    attract enough of it, but it has a tendency to slip through your fingers. ThisKarmic Lesson forces you to learn your limitations, and the limitations of yourresources.

    Learn to be efficient.

    The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 8among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, orPersonality Number).


    Your Hidden Passion reveals one or more special strengths and talents that

    you rely upon and are available to you. The Hidden Passion represents yourspecific field of expertise, or a concentrated talent.

    Metaphorically, this talent can be seen as having a power all its own to shapeyour life. Its existence gives you a strong desire to develop and to express thatparticular ability. Having the talent demands that you express it, that youexperience this part of you, and that you live according to its nature. In this way,the Hidden Passion shapes your personality, and guides your life.

    Your Hidden Passion is 5

    Vrinceanu, you love travel, change, and new challenges. You are highlyadaptable and versatile. You have a talent for languages, and are generally good

    with words. Writing, promotion, and public relations work suit you perfectly.You are sensual and a bit impulsive. You love to satisfy your senses, which

    can get you into trouble. Overindulgence in food, drink, sex, and drugs arecommon among people with too many 5s -- six or more.

    You are resourceful and original. You have a good sense of humor and a quicktongue.

    Your desire for freedom is extremely strong and it will take effort and disciplineto stick with whatever it is you started. There is a tendency to give up a project orsituation prematurely.

    Vrinceanu, you may be interested in too many things, which can make it hardfor you to apply yourself to one area successfully.

    You are very unconventional.

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    Commitment in relationships and your work is fundamental to your happiness.You may have a tendency to wander from person to person, job to job, makingdepth of relationship or deep expertise difficult.


    Each of us experiences life on four different levels: with our physical body; ourmental faculty; our emotional makeup; and our intuition. Each of these areas hasa specific means of perceiving information. The physical body is capable oftouch, taste, pleasure, and pain. It provides us with a sense of the physical world.The mental body, like the emotional and intuitive natures, perceives the invisibleworlds. Our minds deal with the world of thought. The heart, of course, ispreoccupied exclusively with the world of emotion. Our feelings teach us manythings about ourselves and about others. Finally, we have the capacity for directcontact with the higher realms by way of intuition. Intuitive insight comes in aflash. It is not rational -- that is the world of the mental plane -- but comes as if itwere placed at the doorstep of our minds. Intuition, therefore, bypasses all effort.

    These four faculties exist in all of us. But each of us depends more on one or

    two of them for the bulk of our knowledge. Some of us are possessed by oursenses, while others live almost exclusively in our hearts, or minds.

    Numerology indicates how we as individuals function on each plane.The letters of the alphabet are divided in four categories: physical, mental,

    emotional and intuitive.The proportion of each category in your name gives a good indication of which

    Planes of Expression are strongest in you, and which ones are weaker.These Planes of Expression can greatly help you to understand your talents

    and abilities.


    Your Plane of Expr ession Phys ical is 10/1

    Vrinceanu, you are active and inspiring; you are daring in business and otherareas of life.

    You have strong likes and dislikes and live according to your opinions.You are charming and witty but get bored easily. You work hard and

    determined and are very goal-oriented. You thrive on the combination ofenthusiasm and challenges, the lack of which makes you dull and disinterested.You are like a flare, burning brightly for a specific duration, but must move on toother projects in order to sustain your excitement.

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    Your Plane of Expression Mental is 9

    Vrinceanu, your thinking goes naturally to large scale endeavors. You areconcerned about the general well-being of society, and have a long range

    perspective.You are highly compassionate but somewhat impersonal in your relationships

    with others. It takes a long time for people to get to know you intimately. At thesame time, you give your energy unselfishly to worthy causes and earn therespect of people for your commitment.

    You are romantic and possess a touch of the dramatic. You are likely attractedto public service, or the theater, either as a benefactor, actor, or writer.

    You have a broad view of humanity and can deal effectively with people from allwalks of life. You have little if any prejudice.


    Your Plane of Expression Emotion al is 18/9

    Vrinceanu, you love the many and want to dedicate yourself to the service ofthose less fortunate than yourself. You are willing to make great sacrifices for aworthy cause, and in fact draw enormous satisfaction from knowing that your lifehas made a positive difference to others.

    Conversely, you have difficulty in one-to-one relationships, especiallyrelationships with the opposite sex. You are viewed as impersonal andsometimes a bit aloof. You can also be hard to get to know.

    You are a person possessed by your dream and have trouble with relationshipsthat are not an integral part of that dream.

    You appear to others as self-sufficient, which can make close relationships alittle more difficult since people want to be needed.

    You have enormous artistic talent, especially in a variety of arts, such asinterior design, photography, acting, and writing.

    Vrinceanu, you have great compassion and idealism. In fact, you are soidealistic that you can be a bit impractical and lose touch with the ground. Youneed a practical, down-to-earth cause to be most effective.


    Your Plane of Expr ession Intuit ive is 10/1

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    Vrinceanu, you are highly intuitive with flashes of insight. You probably attributemost of your thoughts to your mental capabilities, but in fact your insights comefrom another, higher resource.


    People experience different internal responses to life's challenges. Somewithdraw from difficult situations to think them through; others withdraw from theiremotions, to try and keep themselves from feeling anything. Some explode withemotions, but allow the explosion to pass quickly. Others linger with theirfeelings, holding on to them well past the time they should have let them go.

    Very often, these are conditioned or emotional responses that emerge withoutthought or analysis. Maturity and self-development help us to learn new and moreeffective methods of handling our world and the problems we confront. YourBalance number provides you with the guidance on how best to deal with difficultor threatening situations.

    Your Balance is 5

    Try to focus on your problem, Vrinceanu, rather than avoiding it. You may try toavoid the issue by indulging your senses to keep from feeling the pain of aconflict. Be careful not to escape into food, alcohol, and drugs.

    You are capable of finding a highly-creative solution to any situation the minuteyou put your mind to it. The answer lies well within your grasp.


    Your Rational Thought number reveals what can probably best be described asthe way you think. Are you a practical, methodical thinker, or a dreamer? Do youfrequently allow your imagination to color your perception? Are youunconventional and original in the face of a practical problem, or do you stick toproven methods?

    This is the kind of information revealed through your Rational Thought number.

    Your Rational Thoug ht is 51/6

    Vrinceanu, you are a listener, and you tend to relate everything to the effect ithas on others.

    You notice things that escape others, but when you try to find solutions, youoften focus on details, forgetting the larger picture. Justice is a major factor inyour thinking, many people in the legal field have this number.

    When it comes to approaching a project or a problem that requires insight into

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    the hearts and minds of children, very old people, or anyone who isdisadvantaged in body or spirit, you have few equals. You are a natural defenderof those who can not defend themselves. Depending on the core-numbers ofyour chart, you may want to consider a career in the legal field, or in the areas ofteaching and healing.


    The first letter of your first name gives an additional indication to yourcharacter, particularly as to the manner in which you approach opportunities andobstacles. The first letter is called your Cornerstone.

    Your Cornerstone is V

    You are intuitive and insightful. Vrinceanu, you are inspired and may beprophetic, but your imagination is equally strong and can cloud your objectivity.You have big plans and ideas and possess the ability to manifest them. You areefficient and want to see results. You may be eccentric, which does not always

    work in your favor. Vrinceanu, you are sincere, loyal, and dependable; however,you can also be quite unpredictable and overly possessive, especially inrelationships with the opposite sex.


    Your Subconscious Self reveals how you react to demanding situations. Itindicates your ability to get the most out of your talents and opportunities,especially when you face new or challenging circumstances. The SubconsciousSelf also reveals the areas of our character that need to be strengthened.

    Your Subcon scious Self is 5

    Vrinceanu, you tend to scatter your energies far and wide, making it difficult foryou to complete projects and tasks. You need discipline and organization in yourlife. You have a strong urge to escape difficulties by forcing change, instead oftrying to work out the problem. You learn quickly, however, and adapt well tochange. Your success in life depends on your ability to ground yourself andaccept responsibilities. A family and career do much to anchor your life.


    Each of us is born with both strengths and weaknesses. Numerology looks at

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    life as if it were an educational process that is meant to bring out and enhanceour talents, and turn our weaknesses into strengths. This serves to complete ourbeing.

    The job of becoming whole is one in which we must face our weaknesses andconsciously work to improve ourselves. There are four Challenges to be facedduring our lives. For many of us, the same challenge is repeated, while others

    have four distinctly different lessons to learn.The Challenges on your life's path provide specific lessons that you must

    attend to, and, in order to inspire and help you, life will place you in situations thatrequire the specific characteristics of your Challenge numbers.

    The four Challenges you are required to overcome during the course of thislifetime will influence you during different periods of your life, except for the Thirdor Main Challenge, which lasts from birth until death. The Challenges are fluidperiods of your life, not confined to specific years so much as general periods. Allof your Challenges are present at birth, like actors standing in the wings.


    The duration of the First Challenge usually lasts from birth until approximatelythe age of 30 to 35.

    Your First Challenge is 3

    Vrinceanu, you are your own worst critic. You suppress your individuality andcreativity. Each time you want to make an impression, you doubt yourselfbeforehand, and criticize yourself ruthlessly afterward. Your criticism of yourselfis far more severe than anyone else's.

    As a result, you tend to play it safe by staying on the surface, indulging insuperficialities. You rarely express what goes on deep inside of you; instead, youcover up your feelings with humor or perfunctory remarks.

    You often feel alone and lonely.Vrinceanu, your fear of social interaction causes you to strain conversation by

    making too many jokes and forced joviality.It may help you to find a creative outlet for your imagination, possibly through

    writing, painting, singing or dance.At the bottom of the challenge is an effort to bring out your true self. You will

    learn to truly value your own creative talents above anyone else's judgments.This must be viewed as a process of individuation, in which you become a wholehuman being, independent and free of the need to conform to others.


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    The Second Challenge usually lasts until the age of about 35 to 40.

    Your Second Challenge is 1

    You must learn to be independent. Vrinceanu, you will be forced to stand up foryourself and your rights. You will be faced with situations in which you will have to

    choose between standing up for what you think is right versus giving in to anotherperson's demands. You will have to struggle to strengthen and know your ownwill power.

    You will have to learn to be firm and trust your judgment. Don't run with thecrowd, be an individual. This whole lesson represents the frontiers of yourconsciousness. Therefore, you will have to experience much trial and error,sometimes exploding with bursts of aggression, other times being intimidated andletting frustration and anger build within you until you are ready to act on yourdeepest instincts.

    Vrinceanu, you will learn your own set of values; you will develop into anindividual with original and innovative ideas.

    If you have 1s in your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion this challenge

    will not be as difficult to learn, or as strongly felt.


    This Challenge carries much weight and will be felt throughout your life. Forthat reason, it is also called the Main Challenge.

    As you master this challenge, your life will come more and more under yourown control. You will incorporate the positive aspects of the challenge into yourcharacter. This is its purpose in the first place. Therefore, there is implicit in thechallenge a chance for great reward.

    In short, this may be the secret to your success.

    Your Third Challenge is 2

    Vrinceanu, you are overly sensitive and too aware of other peoples'expectations. You suppress yourself to avoid feeling conspicuous. You can beoverwhelmed by self-consciousness. You fear gossip about you. As a result,you become inhibited. All of this results in a suppression of your own individualityand uniqueness. You yearn to blend into the crowd.

    You let your own feelings and emotions play too big a role. Yourhypersensitivity causes fear, timidity and lack of self-confidence. And youexperience unnecessary fear and emotional turmoil.

    Little things seem disproportionately difficult to overcome and sometimes havea paralyzing effect. Jealousy can cause much pain and misunderstanding.

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    These negative aspects of the challenge actually spring in part from positivecharacteristics you possess, especially your acute awareness and intuition. Youare an antenna for other peoples feelings; you know before a word is spoken howthey feel.

    Vrinceanu, you lack the inner strength to maintain your own center, and try toconform to the prevailing emotional atmosphere.

    This challenge makes you understanding and compassionate; you have anenormous empathy for the inner turmoil of others and can do much good forpeople with emotional problems.


    The Fourth Challenge is most strongly felt during the latter part of our lives,beginning at the age of approximately 45.

    Your Fourth Challenge is 4

    You tend to be disorderly and disorganized. Vrinceanu, you are impractical and

    tend to fantasize about projects or possibilities that have little value or future.You must learn to discriminate between iron balloons and those that will fly.You have difficulty finishing projects because your vision becomes chaotic and

    loses tract of the path ahead.You have to learn to be aware of the details. Keep your environment clean and

    orderly. Be efficient.You have the ability to be practical and organized but you must learn their

    value. This will cause you to incorporate them into your daily life and give you thebasis for success.

    This is the challenge of building a lasting foundation for your life. Vrinceanu,you will need perseverance and repeated effort. Get-rich-quick schemes willlikely backfire; persistent effort is the key to your future happiness.


    The Pinnacles are four long-term cycles, or periods, on our Life Path. EachPinnacle represents a particular lesson we are working on. The first Pinnacleusually lasts from birth to between the ages of 30 and 35 (your specific Pinnacleperiods are provided below). The middle two Pinnacles each last nine years.The last Pinnacle will stay with you for the remainder of your life.

    The Pinnacles are very important. The transition from one Pinnacle to the nextis always strongly felt. Your Pinnacles reveal the general conditions and eventsyou will experience during the period. The Pinnacle describes the atmosphere, orthe essential challenge you will be faced with.

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    You can prepare yourself for the times ahead by knowing your approachingPinnacle number.

    The transition from one Pinnacle to the next is usually prepared forapproximately 2 years in advance. The latter part of that two year period isparticularly strong. Vrinceanu, you will likely make some life-altering decisions --marriage, job or career change, or any number of major changes in your

    character.Perhaps the most strongly felt change -- internally as well as externally -- is the

    transition from the first to the second Pinnacle. This change usually takes placein your late 20s or early 30s -- the exact date depends on your Life Path numberand is provided below. You begin to feel the impact of this coming changeapproximately two years prior. This is usually a difficult transition, but oncecrossed usually provides a clear sense of direction in one's life. It also gives youa much firmer sense of your identity. It is a gateway to maturity.

    Your First Pinnacle (from b irth un ti l age 35) is 11

    This is a challenging period in which you are at a high point of sensitivity and

    intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you can suffer muchconfusion over direction and identity. On the other hand, there is a wide openchannel between the personal consciousness and the higher realms of theunconscious. Vrinceanu, you are constantly being inspired and even assaultedby information and insight.

    Because of the intensity of these revelations, you must learn to ground your lifein faith and a practical vocation that keeps your feet on the ground everyday.

    This is a period of enormous spiritual and personal growth. You will come outof it with a highly uncommon clarity and understanding of life. At the same time, itis a period of enormous demands, emotionally and spiritually. Any attachmentyou might have to specific identity traits -- who you think you are and why you arehere, for example -- is constantly challenged.

    There is a desire to settle into some field or way of life to attain stability, but theenergy of this Pinnacle is not allowing it. It is as if there is a destination, ordestiny, to which you are being driven. You do not feel in control of this process.Instead, you are acutely aware of the forces that are shaping your life. You mustsurrender to them.

    Meanwhile, you experience the emotional turmoil that can come with this highlycharged period.

    There is a definite, even compelling, sense of being different. You are aware ofa feeling of receiving special attention from spiritual forces. Your perception of lifeis somehow more acute than others; you see more clearly and more spirituallydue to your high degree of sensitivity. It is as if you have a perfectly accurateperipheral vision, in which everything stands out in sharp relief. At times you may

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    feel that you can see into the souls of things.At the same time, you may feel like a foreigner to the earth. You are completely

    impractical. Sometimes you may feel that you do not understand the workings ofthe physical world. Practical things escape you. You feel awkward and clumsyat times, and are aware perhaps how fluidly other lives are going. This increasesyour sense of being an outsider.

    Vrinceanu, more important than all the awkwardness and feelings of beingdifferent is the overwhelming sense of having a purpose or a message to revealthat will make other people's lives happier, healthier, and more at peace. Youwant desperately to bring this out.

    The challenge of the 11 Pinnacle is to remain grounded and attached to thisdream. You must find practical and useful ways to be of service to others, at thesame time developing yourself so that one day you may be able to bring forth thatwhich is within you.

    The influences of this period make you highly creative, innovative, andinventive. You have a completely unconventional approach to problems. Trustyour intuition, seek harmonious settings to restore your sense of inner peace, andwork hard to keep your feet on the ground. This period will bring great rewards on

    all levels, and with perseverance you will find your rightful place.

    Your Seco nd Pinn acle (from age 36 until age 44) is 6

    Under this Pinnacle you will be very involved with family, friends, and yourcommunity. Vrinceanu, you will face an increase in responsibilities and duties,but you have a greatly enhanced sense of balance and perspective that allowsyou to handle emotional issues well.

    Your family demands much of your attention. Matters involving spouse andchildren require much security, love, and sacrifice. You are the centerpiece ofyour family, the one people come to for solace and understanding. You may feelan increased burden, as you carry the cares of many. You will experience a deep

    sense of being needed.This Pinnacle is full of love, closeness, and warmth, but you must rise to the

    challenges that close relationships bring. Vrinceanu, you must settle and bringharmony to personal conflicts between others. You are often the only one withperspective in a conflict. It is as if you are the keeper of justice, bringingunderstanding and compromise to situations that are polarized.

    Under the influences of this Pinnacle -- especially at its outset -- people areoften married or start families. Children are born, in-laws come into your life. Youare the nucleus of a little world.

    You must maintain your dignity. This is a period that makes it easier tosacrifice, but you can overdo it, becoming a doormat for others to step on simplyto maintain a degree of peace. Know your limits and maintain healthy

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    relationships.This is a fine period for growth in business and financial matters. You attract

    people with resources who can help to further your personal goals. Moreover,you are balanced in your approach to business affairs. This can bring manyrewards.

    Vrinceanu, your heightened sense of harmony and your genuine compassion

    makes you an excellent counselor and healer, especially if you already havenative talent in any of these areas.

    Personal health matters can also surface, causing you to reflect on diet,exercise, and other health habits.

    Your desire to help others is also increased. But this can lead you to pokeyourself into situations where you do not belong, or delve too deeply into otherpeople's personal affairs. Be careful not to meddle or interfere.

    The 6 Pinnacle is a time of progress and growth as a full human being. Youare capable of developing yourself in many different directions -- as a loving mateand parent; a sound businessperson; and as a pillar of your community. Thetime requires the balance you possess, since you can easily stretch yourself in

    too many directions and ultimately feel burned out by the demands in your milieu.

    Your Th ird Pin nacle (from age 45 until age 53) is 8

    Vrinceanu, under the influences of this Pinnacle, you will have greatlyenhanced talent for dealing successfully with business and finances. This is atime of material growth, a time of expansion and reward. It is the cycle of harvest.

    The 8 Pinnacle also increases your personal power. You have soundjudgment and vision. In fact, this is the basis of your financial success.

    People sense your power and effectiveness. They defer to you much moreeasily, and look to you for answers. This makes it easier for you to use powerwithout having to be a bully or force your way through situations. They perceive

    your able ness and want to join you in your vision. Others have faith in you.You will be able to organize large enterprises. Problems do not threaten you

    so much as provide a challenge. You yourself sense your enhanced personalpowers and feel a growing sense of stability and centeredness. You will becapable of influencing matter in an almost magical way. As a result, you areextremely goal oriented, moving toward the realization of your dreams withconfidence and clarity.

    Vrinceanu, your challenge during this period is to maintain a hold on yourhuman and spiritual values. You must remain balanced between heaven andearth. There will be enormous temptations to make money and status your onlypriorities, excluding the more human or immaterial matters entirely. This willundoubtedly lead to losses. You are being tested and instructed in the real value

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    of money -- it's natural place in life. If money is placed on a high altar,overshadowing all other facets of life, you will become its slave.

    If you are balanced in your approach to money, and have proper perspective,this can be a truly rewarding period, both materially and spiritually. That is thetrue promise of the 8.

    The number 8 symbolizes the balance between the finite and infinite, matter

    and spirit. It offers a great opportunity to grow.

    Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 54) is 3

    This is a highly creative period. Vrinceanu, your self-expression is greatlyenhanced. Your creative and artistic talents will peak. You should do everythingpossible to refine these abilities and make the most of them. Many under the 3Pinnacle are drawn to writing, the theater, singing, and dance. Your chances ofsuccess are also heightened. Hard work in any artistic field that one has a talentfor can result in much reward.

    This is also a highly social and emotional time. You attract friends andadmirers with your charm and gregarious nature.

    You have the ability to inspire and motivate people. Your upbeat energy causespeople to want to work with and for you.

    This is a lucky period, as well. You can overcome problems with considerablyless effort than in the past.

    All of this can lead to self-indulgence and lack of productivity. Life is a littleeasier, which can make you less vigilant. You need focus and discipline. Underthe influence of this Pinnacle, hard work is the key and the challenge to makingthe most of your opportunities.

    Be careful of impulsive behavior or doing things on a lark. You must know yourlimits during this period. Be careful of your money; balance your accounts.Guard against disorderly thinking and behavior. Otherwise, you may do thingsyou regret or simply squander away so many opportunities.

    Children born under this Pinnacle must be disciplined and kept from beingspoiled. An early education in the arts will inspire the child to make the most ofhis or her artistic talents.


    Like most stories, there are three great divisions of our lives: the First, oropening period, finds us groping to find our true nature; at the same time, we aretrying to cope with the powerful forces that are present in our environment, ourparents and the socio-economic conditions of our family, for example. TheSecond Cycle, or middle period of our lives, brings about the slow emergence ofour individual and creative talents. The initial part of this cycle -- the early and mid

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    30s -- represents a struggle to find our place in the world, while the late 30s, 40s,and early 50s, sees us with a greater degree of self-mastery and influence overthe environment. The Third, or final Cycle, can represent a flowering of our innerbeing, such that our true nature has finally come to fruition. It is during this periodthat one has the greatest degree of self-expression and power.

    Your First Cycle (from birth u nti l age 26) is 4

    A time of hard work and all the rewards it can bring. This is a period in whichyou are concerned chiefly with the practical things of life: work and career, soundfamily and a solid community. Vrinceanu, you are not given to flights of fancy oridealism, but want to place your life on sound financial footing. You can be overlyconcerned with details and thus can find yourself in ruts that will have to bebroken free of. Find work you love and do it to your heart's content, but do notneglect the rest of your humanity, or that of others close to you. This is a timerequiring discipline, order, and self-motivation. Work is the order of the day. Butthrough these characteristics, you will be seen as the foundation of your family,

    job, and even community.

    Your Seco nd Cyc le (from age 27 unt il age 53) is 7

    A time to specialize, a time to think deeply and contemplate the deeperquestions of life. Study a subject you enjoy in depth. Vrinceanu, you are attractedto the fields of science, technology, philosophy, and metaphysics. Become anexpert in a specific area. You have excellent intuition and a mind that canpenetrate beneath the surface of any subject you commit to. Focus yourenergies and thoughts. This is a period of inner development. Meditation,contemplation, and self-reflection are means of inner enrichment. Developwisdom. Relationship may seem burdensome at times because of the desire tospend time alone. There is some resistance to sharing your deeper feelings with

    others. The inner life is so compelling that you will want to immerse yourself in it.Share the knowledge you accumulate by teaching, counseling, or simply talking toothers.

    Your Third and last Cycle (from age 54) is 8

    You are under an extremely benevolent period for work, career, and financialreward. The key is hard work and the willingness to again dedicate yourself aftersetbacks or difficulties. Vrinceanu, you will have greatly enhanced abilities as amanager, organizer, and financial planner. You have a gift for seeing the broadpicture and carrying out bold plans. You can gain financial freedom during thisperiod. Business and career activities go well, but require much attention and

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    commitment. You are being pushed to take control of your career or enterpriseand bring it to new heights. It is a time when power falls to you, but must be usedwisely and with purpose.


    The Transits are the individual letters of your name that combine to form theEssence, which is the number that reveals a great deal about your year ahead.Your name can be seen as a piece of music that vibrates in time. Each note, orletter, has a specific duration and influence over the course of your life.Vrinceanu, your life, therefore, can be seen as a musical score, with the individualletters making specific contributions at given points, just as notes in a musicalpiece are played at specific points to give a piece of music its rhythm, character,and nuance.

    The Transits appear as part of your Progressive Chart and will tell you muchabout specific influences taking place in your life during given years.


    Your Phys ical Transit for age 25 is N

    Vrinceanu, you will have opportunities to expand your horizons. There will beadventurous experiences and travel. A change of residence is very possible.This is a dynamic time with many new activities. You will make some importantsocial contacts. You search for love and fulfillment. Sacrifice, adaptability andflexibility are called for. You will also be concerned with finances and may worrytoo much about these matters. You tend to be forgetful during this time. You willalso feel more sensual than usual. Physical exercise is important during thisperiod.

    Your Phys ical Transit for age 26 is N

    (The Physical Transit for age 26 is the same as that for age 25, as describedabove.)

    Your Phys ical Transit for age 27 is C

    Vrinceanu, you will be better able to express yourself. You are more creativeand original. You will be intuitive and may experience premonitions or otherpsychic experiences. You feel more adventurous and make several new friends.There will be an increase in social events. You are capable of self-promotion.This is a good time for business, especially sales.

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    Your Spir i tual Transit for age 25 is E

    Vrinceanu, you will feel inspired and helpful. There can be change in career,

    travel, and possibly another residence. You are attracted to new and adventurousexperiences, including love affairs. There can also be marriage. Although this isa good letter for finances there may be a lack of focus and a more frivolousattitude, which will adversely affect your chances of real material progress. Youfeel attracted to new religions and philosophical ideas.

    Your Spir i tual Transit for age 26 is E

    (The Spritual Transit for age 26 is the same as that for age 25, as describedabove.)

    Your Spir i tual Transit for age 27 is E

    (The Spritual Transit for age 27 is the same as that for age 25, as describedabove.)


    The Essence Number and the Personal Year Number are the two essentialindicators of the forces that will influence your life during the course of any year.While the Personal Year runs from January to January, the Essence is moststrongly felt from birthday to birthday. For example, if your essence number is 8for the year 1988, you would begin to feel the influence of that 8 most powerfullyafter your 1988 birthday. The influence would begin to wane during 1989 andwould finally end at your birthday of 1989.

    The Essence number indicates the lessons you will be dealing with during thatyear. It says a great deal about how you will perceive your environment. It alsogives clear advice on how you can be most successful during the year, that is,which types of behavior will be supported by your milieu, and which ones will beless effective.

    Your Essenc e at the age of 25 is 10/1

    Vrinceanu, you will now begin an entirely new phase of your life. You are on thethreshold of a new beginning. Not only will fresh ideas come into your life, but youwill accept and even embrace them. It is a time of radical change, and in all

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    likelihood you are ready for it. Now is the time to advance the new, and let go ofthe old. All inefficient methods will have to be eliminated from your life. In thesame way, you must let go of relationships that no longer serve your future.Discard habits and liabilities that you have been holding on to. A new identity isemerging, one that is efficient, innovative, highly creative, and courageous.

    Your leadership qualities will rush to the surface. Your environment will

    demand that you stand up to challenges, and face difficulties head on. You canno longer hide from the truths of your life. The facts are now blatantly clear.Vrinceanu, you must make a stand. Change is a given. But you possess thepower to make those changes. All you need is the will and the energy to enactyour plan.

    This is a period of struggle and great reward. You have the chance to achieveindependence. But it will not be handed to you. You must wrest from old habitsand inertia of the past.

    As with all beginnings, this one will be marked by false starts and blind alleys.You will be forced to start again and again. You are like a baby learning to walk.There will be falls. You will have to persevere. This is a period in which yourwillpower will be tested. Vrinceanu, you are, in fact, forging your own

    determination. You must not give up. But the rewards are great. The generalinfluences are raising you to new heights of independence, courage, andself-esteem. At the conclusion of this 1 Essence, your self- knowledge andself-respect will be greatly increased, as will your capacity to stand on your owntwo feet.

    Your Essenc e at the age of 26 is 10/1

    (The Essence for age 26 is the same as that for age 25, as described above.)

    Your Es sence at the age of 27 is 8

    This is a period when business and career affairs dominate your agenda. Amajor new opportunity will unfold to you and you will have to give yourself to itentirely to make it work. It is a time of progress and much personal power, butthe demands of the time are equally large, thus requiring careful planning andattention to detail.

    All business matters -- including personal economies -- will come under sharpscrutiny. Vrinceanu, you will likely have more money than during previous years,but, conversely, you must be more careful with it.

    A new start can be made. You sense the need to grasp it. But you also areaware that it must be treated with great care. Therefore, be astute in all yourbusiness dealings. Major mistakes can be made if you are not careful, and theycan affect you for some years to come. It a time of cautious use of power. You

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    are being asked to develop wisdom in all your dealings.Balance -- in areas from your mundane affairs to your eminently important

    relationships -- is the key to your success. Keep a tight control on yourbookkeeping, while providing strong leadership and gentle guidance to your familyor close associates.

    It is also a time when old issues -- especially debts from the past -- surface

    with a vengeance, making it necessary to pay the piper before further progresscan be made. The irony is that while you have greater resources, there are oftenequally large demands made of you.

    This is a time, too, when you will realize that you are a survivor. No matterwhat difficulties you have experienced in the past, this is a period when you canregain a sense of progress in career matters. You will feel that you are doingimportant work, and will be richly rewarded for it.


    Your Personal Year number is a strong indication of the trends andcircumstances you will experience during the year ahead. Your Personal Year

    cycles are based on the Universal Year cycles and therefore run concurrent withthe calendar year. Transit and Essence cycles are based on the letters of yourname and run from birth date to birth date.

    There are nine personal year numbers, which makes up a complete Epicycle.Each Epicycle reveals the progression or evolution of a specific part of yourgrowth. Vrinceanu, your progress along this Epicycle can be seen very logically,from the infancy or beginning of a growth period in your life, to the conclusion orculmination of that process. The 1 personal year indicates your first steps in anew direction. The years that follow indicate your progress along this path,concluding with your 9 Personal Year, which completes the cycle. Below is adescription of your current Personal Year. It indicates where you are on the 9year Epicycle.

    The Personal Years form the building steps that mark your progress throughlife.

    Your Person al Year for 2013 is 8

    After last year's constant involvement with yourself and very possibleoccasional doubts about the state of your business or career you will find thisyear to be a relief, Vrinceanu. Things finally work out. Long postponed checksand promotions come through. You see the light at the end of your financialtunnel and an inner strength and confidence is breaking through. This is youryear of harvest and, depending on the effort you put out in the past seven years,your reward will be equally large. There is a beauty in these cycles we can

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    recognize and understand and in doing so we find ourselves "in the flow" andthere is no more need to try and struggle upstream. So this year you will have anopportunity to involve yourself fully in work and material growth and bring homethe rewards, at the same time a certain detachment is also necessary, for youand for the experience you have because it is not the reward that brings youhappiness but your experience of life, which is why before the rewarding eight

    year you have had such opportunity for growth during the soul-searching of aseven year. Give in to your ambitions, you will find yourself more clear andfocused and able to pursue and reach your goals. Vrinceanu, your power isvisible and strong, mental creativity is high, vision and intuition will guide you, andat the same time you are more efficient and focused. There can be loss, seriousloss, bankruptcy and failure, because always the rewards are directlyproportionate to your effort and motivation, however you know the effort you putout and you know your motivations, so there must be no room for fear and doubt,only for success and winning and this year will undoubtedly turn out to be a verysatisfying year.

    Your Person al Year for 2014 is 9

    This is your year to finish up all unfinished business, Vrinceanu, to clean houseand make room for new things. On a material level this is a good time to get ridof unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore and topay off old debts. On a spiritual level you will experience a different modealtogether. Your attention should turn to others and their needs, find ways to be ofhelp and give time and energy to worthwhile causes. You must lighten yourburden of questions and doubts and the best way to do so is by directing yourattention to another direction, away from yourself and you will find yourselfbecoming lighter and more in touch with your self. This is a time of completion,problems can be solved and over with, strained relationships relax or disappear,the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt

    with. Be social and communicative, enjoy music and other arts. Vrinceanu, yourcreativity is higher than usual. There can be some difficulties this year due toyour desire to face obstacles and overcome them, decisions have to be takenand courage and strength may be severely tested several times, this is not goingto be an easy year all the time but you will feel relieved and on the brink of apositive breakthrough by the end of this year. This is the end of a nine yearepicycle and will you will feel many times the excitement of a new and promisingera when optimism is your friend but you will also experience the fear of letting go,however the more you let go the more room there is to be filled during the nextepicycle.

    Your Person al Year for 2015 is 1

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    Be ready for major changes. Vrinceanu, you will be inspired to start new

    projects or enterprises. You will feel a strong forward push toward new goals.This is a time for vision and planning. Share your dream with others; make

    plans, get the necessary support, but, above all, rely on yourself as the drivingforce. Be decisive!

    You are starting a new nine year Epicycle. Everything you do now will affectyour future. Do not hold back the inner force of creation. Be direct, daring, andbold.

    You will have more confidence and determination this year, particularly incomparison with last year, which was a time of letting go. This year represents atime of birth. It's a time to take charge and to apply yourself to your dream.

    This is also a good time to make the personal changes you have long wantedto make: Start a diet and/or an exercise program, or begin a new course of study.

    There may be some emotional turmoil, especially in the first two or threemonths. It takes a while to get the ball rolling. There are many changes you mustmake and much work to be done.

    Be open-minded, organized, and focused. Avoid distractions and

    procrastination.Vrinceanu, you are at a crossroads. You will need courage and a clear head to

    stay on the right track.This is a year of opportunities.The key months in your year ahead are March, in which you are able to lay the

    foundation to your plans; April, in which changes take place such as a change ofresidence or career; July and August mark a time in which you will see the fruitsof your labors begin to take place; October represents a major turn in events,often fraught with emotional turmoil; the fall marks a coalescing of your plans intomore concrete form.


    Your Personal Month for Ju ne 2013 is 5

    Vrinceanu, June is a 5 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Years. It bringschanges and unexpected events. There isn't much use in planning too much thismonth, because much will happen unexpectedly. This is a hectic and dynamicmonth. Go with the flow; be flexible; and trust your instinct.

    If you are able to adapt to the unpredictable events of this month, yourexperience will be exciting and adventurous, and quite possibly profitable.However, if you insist stubbornly to stick to your plans and expectations, you willbe disappointed.

    You are in a position to show your special talents and abilities to people who

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    can be influential in your career.You are able to think on your feet and your reflexes are sharp. This time is

    particularly good for those who are in retail, real estate, or some other businessthat's based on sales and closing deals. Financial gains are often considerable.

    Travel is possible and favorable. This is also a good time to move, or change

    your environment in some way.Romance is very exciting and, if you are single, you will have to hide out to

    keep from meeting someone. People gravitate to you and the opposite sex ismore than usually attracted to you.

    Your Personal Month fo r July 2013 is 6

    Vrinceanu, July is a 6 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Year. It is an excellenttime for business and financial affairs. Respect and recognition for past efforts isfollowed by financial gain or promotion. You are in a position to ask and receivewhat you believe to be your due. However, you may find that you are not asdiplomatic as you might be. This is your most challenging weakness during this

    month. Guard against arrogance. Your responsibilities increase possibly as aresult of a promotion.

    Family affairs, friendships, and romance also move to the foreground and arerewarding and healing. You will be asked to sacrifice some of your time andenergy to a younger person or someone who is old or sick. You feel closer to thepeople around you and you want to be there for them.

    Somewhat contradicting to this show of warmth and affection is the lack of tactand sensitivity you may display a number of times during this month. Vrinceanu,you may be too intent on forcing people to see life as you do, rather than allowingthem their own perspectives and their own rates of growth.

    The later part of this month brings changes that arise from a chance meetingat a social event. This change may be based on a romantic encounter, and may

    affect your living situation.An unexpected travel is also a possibility.

    Your Personal Month fo r Aug ust 2013 is 7

    Vrinceanu, August is a 7 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Year. The emphasischanges from outgoing to inward seeking. You are more serious now andself-reflective. You question the wisdom of some of your decisions and choicesmade during the past ten to twelve months. You keep to yourself, and aregenerally less social.

    You are engrossed in your work and feel a need to do a better job. Your desirefor perfectionism is strongly enhanced, which results in self-criticism and

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    impatience with others. At the root of this change in attitude is a spiritual need forclarity and understanding. You want more security, both internally, as well as inyour more worldly roles. Vrinceanu, you would do well spending some time alonefor contemplation and meditation. In this respect, August stands out during thisotherwise "material" year.

    Family and friends take a backseat during this period. There are strong

    feelings connected to your relationships with your loved ones, but these areexperienced and expressed more subtly.

    Romance becomes more serious. You share mental, spiritual, and emotionalexperiences on the deepest level. There is no room for superficial exchanges.Your relationship with the person you are attracted to intensifies and becomesstronger as a result.

    Your Personal Month for September 2013 is 8

    Vrinceanu, September is an 8 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Year for you.This is a month with great potential for your career and finances, especially to

    increase your finances for the long-term.

    It is a time to be aggressive and outspoken. Your authority is needed and youwill have to apply yourself one hundred percent. However, there is another side tothis month. You may feel that you have reached the pinnacle of your career, orthat work and other areas of your life have become dull and monotonous. Youmay feel you need a break.

    You are approaching a time of deep inner change. Several times during yourlife you have reached a point at which you need to break out of a cocoon. Allevolution is gradual, but periodically interrupted by sudden bursts of growth, orchange.

    Vrinceanu, you are at a stage in your life when you feel ready for such a

    change. However, you are not clear about the true nature of this change and,while you may feel inspired to force some practical changes now, you shouldapproach this with care. Avoid impulsive decisions as well as any contractualarrangement that would tie you down for a long time.

    You need to rely on your own strength and feel confident that you have acertain amount of control over your own future. You should relax and let thingsdevelop at their own pace.

    Social events are highly favorable and there will be ample opportunity for that.

    Your Personal Month for Octo ber 2013 is 9

    Vrinceanu, October is a 9 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Year. It marks the

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    beginning of the end of a certain era in your life.Now you begin to let go of certain expectations you have long held. There is a

    feeling of emptiness and of "what now?" The time has not yet come to respond tothese feelings in a practical way. Now is the time to begin to become comfortablewith the need to change. The changes contemplated involve both personal andprofessional life.

    For these reasons, October could become an emotional time. Somemelodrama and role playing is actually a subconscious way for you to test thepeople around you, and the depth of their commitment. You are also testing yourown position towards people, career, environment, spiritual beliefs, and otheraspects of your life. You have, even if you are not aware of it, already begun theprocess of selecting what you want to remain in your life and what you want todiscard.

    This process, which continues through different stages over the next 2 years,is natural and nothing to be afraid of. You are entering a period of reawakening.This means a lett