NOVEMBER Monthly Numerology Report 2018 Welcome! Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d like to explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need to read up on it a bit again). Numerology, as the name suggests, is the study of numbers. Each number was assigned a Cosmic/Karmic vibration or energy. Legend has it that this was done by the ancient Egyptians and Pythagoras, the father of modern mathematics. They translated their knowledge into a format that could be understood by the Western World. What people like myself then do is take this ancient knowledge and use it to ascertain the energies prevalent in certain things. This could be anything from the energy of a name, to the energy of a birth date, to the energy of the amount of flour you use to bake your favorite cake (although this last one will take a bit more creative intuition, but I’ll get to that in a bit). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is made up of energy. What numerology does is translate that energy into psychic understanding (as in understood by your psyche, not some hocus pocus act, as the word has been misconstrued to mean). Unexplainable things, like the threads that hold the Universe together, are brought to light through numerology. Take the number 4 for example. On the positive side it represents structure and following rules. On the negative side it represents confusion and chaos. But that doesn’t tell you much about how it relates to your life in the month ahead. That’s where this report comes in handy. In this report I will relay the divine secrets you need to understand in order to be in tune with the world around you at any given time. You won’t find exactly what to do to have the perfect life in this report. That is not the aim. I am going to give you guidelines to apply to your own life, yes. I am also giving you a description of what energies the numbers in the month represent.

NOVEMBER Monthly Numerology Report 2018authenticnumerology.com/aic/dlfolder/monthreading/... · 7/11/2018  · NOVEMBER Monthly Numerology Report 2018 Welcome! Like every month, this

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NOVEMBER Monthly Numerology Report 2018


Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d like

to explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need to

read up on it a bit again).

Numerology, as the name suggests, is the study of numbers. Each number was assigned a

Cosmic/Karmic vibration or energy. Legend has it that this was done by the ancient Egyptians

and Pythagoras, the father of modern mathematics. They translated their knowledge into a

format that could be understood by the Western World. What people like myself then do is

take this ancient knowledge and use it to ascertain the energies prevalent in certain things.

This could be anything from the energy of a name, to the energy of a birth date, to the energy

of the amount of flour you use to bake your favorite cake (although this last one will take a bit

more creative intuition, but I’ll get to that in a bit). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is

made up of energy. What numerology does is translate that energy into psychic understanding

(as in understood by your psyche, not some hocus pocus act, as the word has been

misconstrued to mean).

Unexplainable things, like the threads that hold the Universe together, are brought to light

through numerology. Take the number 4 for example. On the positive side it represents

structure and following rules. On the negative side it represents confusion and chaos. But that

doesn’t tell you much about how it relates to your life in the month ahead. That’s where this

report comes in handy.

In this report I will relay the divine secrets you need to understand in order to be in tune with

the world around you at any given time. You won’t find exactly what to do to have the perfect

life in this report. That is not the aim. I am going to give you guidelines to apply to your own life,

yes. I am also giving you a description of what energies the numbers in the month represent.

But how you apply this knowledge to your particular situation is up to you. I don’t even expect

that everything I write will resonate with you. But the chances are that, in this report, you will

find the greatest insight into how you can achieve the future you desire.

The format of the report is quite simple. The first thing you’ll find is the Year forecast. It is

essential to keep this forecast in mind throughout the report as the energy of the year sets the

tone for the entire year. Therefore, each month is dependent on this energy. Next I have done a

forecast on the month itself. As you may have guessed this energy is applicable to all the

weekly forecasts of that month. You will also find weekly challenges, affirmations and an action

plan for each week, as well as what the challenge and lucky days are for that week.

So there you have it. If you’d like to test your psychic understanding you’re welcome to use the

table below to work out the number a name represents. However, please remember that a

sense of detachment works best when interpreting someone else’s name. It really does help to

be objective about others when it comes to being intuitive, otherwise you’ll just find exactly

what you’re looking for.

When using your psychic abilities (everyone who has a psyche has psychic abilities that they can

develop with practice) it is common that your ego will super impose your desires on your

reading, albeit consciously or unconsciously. The key is to look at the information you receive

first. Then apply it to the situation as objectively as possible. This may sound weird, and it will

take practice to perfect, but I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean after a couple of times. A

healthy balance between interpretation, intuition and intent needs to be maintained at all

times, lest you unknowingly create more trouble than good out of selfishness.

Anyway, here’s the table you can use to interpret names, or any words in general:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





DAVID = 4 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 4 = 22 (MASTER NUMER, no need to go to single digit)

EMMA = 5 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 14 = (reduce to single digit) 1 + 4 = 5

2018 (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11) is a 11 Master number year,

That means this year is all about the mastery of the spiritual Self in

order to relate better with others.

What does 11 mean for the coming year?

The number eleven is the most spiritual of all the numbers. It holds the power of spiritual

enlightenment. It also possesses double one energy, which was the Universal energy of 2017.

So anything you went through on a personal level, especially towards the end of 2017, is likely

to be the focus during the first half of this year as the months make their way through a cycle.

But I’ll discuss the monthly cycles in a bit. Let’s first focus on this very unique year.

On the surface the energy of eleven will be at play, while on a deeper level there will also be a

two energy working its magic. The energy of two is all about relating to others, being

compassionate and loving and reaching balance. This works very well with the eleven energy

this year. Last year was all about you. From September onwards you would have noticed a

slight change within yourself, if you were paying attention. I know I sure did. Whether this

change is positive or negative is yet to be decided.

During 2018 the eleven energy will force you to take a look at yourself in the mirror and assess

your spiritual progress. The one energy is amplified double fold, so it will be difficult to ignore

what the universe wants you to work on. This increase in energy will lead to intensified

The Year 2018

emotions, which could lead you to act rashly in difficult circumstances. That is where the

mastery of your spiritual Self comes in. Because the underlying energy of the year carries a two

vibration it will be easier for you to see yourself the way others see you. While you may have

some uncharacteristic emotional outbursts you will be able to learn a lot about yourself from


Something to bear in mind as we progress from a Universal one year to a Universal two year is

that a lot of new aspects of yourself and your life came to light last year. 2017 was all about

new beginnings and fresh ideas. As the months progressed the energy that changes on a

monthly basis fell into a new cycle in September. The double one energy was activated then.

Now, in 2018 the side of you that came to light in September last year is progressing through an

even more intense spiritual awakening.

During this year you will have to focus on your relationships with those around you if you want

to reap positive rewards from the available energies. Look at the way you interact with people.

What emotions do they bring to the surface for you? Are there certain people that just push

your buttons for no reason? Or are you just hiding the reason from yourself? This is the time to

be open and honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it.

If you can master this skill you will see a dramatic change in your personal relationships. You

really need to take the time to step back and take that good look at yourself in the mirror. If

you neglect to do some introspection this year will be filled with seemingly haphazard issues,

especially in your relationships.

Acting out is something you’ll find yourself doing regardless of whether you take the time to

look at your reasons for doing so or not. This is all thanks to the amplified spiritual and

emotional energies floating about. You will really need to focus on finding balance within

yourself in order to keep your actions in check.

The only way to do this is to make peace with your inner Self. Your subconscious will be

throwing spiritual lessons your way throughout the year, so take note of what it’s trying to

teach you. There may be one big lesson for you to learn, or a couple of smaller ones that add up

to something bigger. My guess is that it will definitely have something to do with relationships.

Over all this year is destined to be a spiritual leap more than a step closer to you understanding

and fulfilling your destiny during this lifetime. Big things will happen for you this year. By the

end of the year you won’t necessarily have anything to show your progress on a material level,

but on a spiritual level you will have gained more than you can imagine.

The key is to keep looking inward at what emotional walls you have built during your lifetime. If

the walls still serve a purpose learn to work with them. If they have served their purpose it’s

time to break them down and let the stagnant energy flow.

Life is all about change. This year will teach you how you can change in ways that allow you to

connect to others on a deeper emotional level. It might be scary at first, but as I’ve said before,

take the time to learn from your newly discovered Self. Express the emotions you’ve kept

hidden for so long.

With time you will learn how to do it in a constructive way. Being open and honest will allow

you to find an inner peace and calm that will surpass anything you have yet experienced. From

this place of serenity you will then be able to act with compassion and understanding in any

circumstance you encounter.

November Week One 01/11/2018 – 07/11/2018

Numerology Equation

01/11/2018 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 14 (1+4) = 5

02/11/2018 0 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 15 (1+5) = 6

03/11/2018 0 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 16 (1+6) = 7

04/11/2018 0 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 17 (1+7) = 8

05/11/2018 0 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 18 (1+8) = 9

06/11/2018 0 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 19 (1+9) = 10 (1+0) = 1

07/11/2018 0 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 20 (2+0) = 2

Days Numerology Total= 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 38 (3+8) = 11 - Master Number

That means this week is all about Spiritual expansion…

What does 11 mean this week?

The month starts off with a Spiritual bang! The double eleven energy this week will mean that

there is no hiding from the power of the Universe. You will be guided through the Spiritual gate

into the realm of possibilities and alternate realities.

The four energy of the month means that you’ll be able to keep your wits about you and bring

what you have learned in the Spiritual realm into the physical world to help you manifest your

goals on a whole new level.

Double eleven energy means you have twice as much of a connection with the Universe as you

would with a single eleven energy, so this could be an intense week for you. But luckily the four

energy of the month will help you to stay grounded and focused on your goals. That means that

when you step through the Spiritual gate that will be wide open this week you can come back

and use what you have learned in the Spiritual realm to further your progress in the Physical


Focus on being methodical in your approach this week and you’ll be able to move mountains. If

you get too flustered all the valuable four energy will be wasted on inconsequential and trivial

knit picking. Keep the bigger picture in mind as you navigate the Spiritual plane this week.

If you manage to keep yourself balanced you’ll be able to grow both Spiritually and Physically.

People tend to forget that Spiritual expansion is directly linked to Physical expansion. It is

almost impossible to expand Spiritually and not feel the effects in your everyday life. So as

you’re growing your Spiritual tree this week see how you can apply some of the same principles

to your Physical endeavors too.

Remember that this month is all about building and growing a different reality. One that

matches the new outlook you have gained since the start of the energy cycle. It’s time to put

plans into motion and grow your Tree of Life. The eleven energy this week will best serve you if

you use it to increase your understanding of things you’re already focusing on.

As I said before, if you let the eleven energy overwhelm you with too many new ideas you’ll be

wasting the valuable four energy that will help you create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

So tread lightly this week, but don’t hold back when t comes to the things you know you want

to achieve!

What are the challenges for the week?

The challenge this week will be to remain focused on a single goal. With the Spiritual gate wide

open you’ll be tempted to jump from one topic to the next. Sticking things out will seem

difficult, especially with so many new and exciting areas to expand. But don’t get side tracked.

If you remain focused on your goal this week you’ll be able to make huge leaps instead of taking

small steps.

Funnel your energy to a single goal and you’ll see results in a very short period of time. But if

you let the Spiritual energy this week overpower you you’ll find yourself wasting valuable time

and energy that could have been used to help you create the life of your dreams.

This week is about Spiritual expansion, but try to use the four energy of the month to help you

expand the area that you need to expand now. This month is the time to grow and build on

what you have already decided on, not to start leaping around from topic to topic again.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am growing my Tree of Life.

- Everything I do has consequences in this world.

- I am goal orientated.

- I can build the life of my dreams, starting right now.

- My Spiritual aspect is in tune with my Physical being.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


Set yourself a list of goals. Don’t make them too big, but don’t underestimate the four energy of

the month either. It’ll give you everything you need to schedule your time and energy

constructively. By doing this you’ll be helping yourself stay focused during the times that your

mind starts to wander into the great Spiritual abyss.

It’s not a bad thing, but this month you need to start working on the tangible rather than

floating around in the myriad of what if scenarios that have been carrying you through last

month. Now is the time to work. Work on yourself. Work on your life.

Work on any one thing that you feel needs the most attention during this energy cycle. Start to

make things happen for yourself and as you start seeing progress reward yourself for your

efforts with a nice treat. Hard work deserves a reward.

The lucky day of the week:

Sunday – The eight energy will give you the ability to focus on the tiny details that need to be

altered for you to make a real success of this energy cycle, so look out for the small things


The challenge day of the week:

Thursday – The five energy today will cause you to stray from the path a bit today. Your

heightened sense of adventure is best used exploring the possibilities of obtaining your goal,

rather than wondering if you’re heading toward the right destination.

November Week Two 08/11/2018 – 14/11/2018

Numerology Equation

08/11/2018 0 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 21 (2+1) = 3

09/11/2018 0 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 22 – Master Number

10/11/2018 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 14 (1+4) = 5

11/11/2018 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 15 (1+5) = 6

12/11/2018 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 16 (1+6) = 7

13/11/2018 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 17 (1+7) = 8

14/11/2018 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 18 (1+8) = 9

Days Numerology Total = 3 + 22 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 60 (6+0) = 6

That means this week is all about teamwork…

What does 6 mean this week?

You can’t do anything in complete isolation and this weeks six energy is here to give you a

chance to get help from others. The energy of six will open the door between you and those

around you so that communication and teamwork flow naturally and easily. So if you need

some outside help with your goals this is the week to ask for it.

The natural sympathetic side of people will be active this week and anyone you speak to will be

willing to help as much as they can. Similarly you will be offering others help as well. It is a week

of symbiosis and teamwork. Together you and your community will be able to help each other

get a solid foundation of growth started for the four energy this month to work its magic.

Remember that this month is all about growth. And whether your endeavor for this energy

cycle is physical, mental or spiritual, you need to use the energy you now have at your disposal

to ensure that you make the most of your potential to grow. Expansion of any kind needs

outside influence and this week you will be met with helpful and concerned encounters.

Watch out for being used or using people though. Ideally this is a week of symbiosis, working

together, but in some respects the chances are there that one of you could be swept up in the

other’s plans and lose focus on what you are striving for. So keep an eye out for parasites and

don’t become one yourself.

Other than that this is a very favorable week for you to start growing your tree. Think of it as

breaking down some more of the concrete that you broke through last month, by stretching

your roots and indulging in the ways of others. Ask them for help if you’re stuck. You don’t have

to go through this journey alone.

And while the energy of eleven suggests that this energy cycle has everything to do with your

inner Spiritual journey, there is no reason to believe that you cannot share this intensely

fulfilling experience with the people in your life. In fact me of the people in your life may be in

your life for this exact reason.

The Universe sends us certain people at certain times to show us along our Spiritual path. Right

now there will be a lot of these people that you can turn to for guidance and support. So take

the opportunity to engage in some teamwork and create a sense of camaraderie between

yourself and the people in your life that share your ideals and values.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenge is to discern between those that will be able to work together with you

and those that will just be holding you back on this new journey. Sometimes it’s difficult to

admit that the people that are closest to you aren’t really helping you. They may not believe in

you as much as you’d like, they may be using you for everything you can for them, or they may

even just not understand what you’re busy with.

The point is that you shouldn’t waste your energy on them. It sounds harsh, but you need to

focus on achieving success for yourself in order to feel fulfilled in your life and if you’re

constantly running after other people it’s going to be very difficult to utilize this month’s four

energy to its maximum potential. So take a step back and reassess how people are affecting you

during this current energy cycle while you still can.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I help others as much as they help me.

- I am focused on my own path, but I am not obsessed with it.

- There is room in my life for other people’s point of view.

- Some people are in my life to guide me.

- I accept and value the wisdom of others.

What is action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week it would be a good idea to find some like-minded people and start interacting with

them. Where you find these people will entirely depend on what you’re focusing on during this

energy cycle. It would also be a good idea to seek the advice of an older or person that is more

experienced in the area you’re looking to improve or expand into.

Often times they have made mistakes and learned lessons that only experience can teach us. If

you can take their wisdom to heart and evolve your growth according to their lessons you’ll be

speeding up the process of your own personal growth immensely.

You may think that you’re going through some completely new change, but there is always

something that you can relate to when you take the time to listen to other people’s

experiences. So do yourself the favor and make your life easier by finding at least one person

that gets where you’re going, or is a pro at it already, and talk to them about your plans.

The lucky day of the week:

Friday – The twenty two master builder energy will supercharge your day and make it

extremely productive!

The challenge day of the week:

Monday – The seven energy today will make you a bit of a loner. You’ll be caught up in your

own dreams and ambitions, so make the most of it by fine tuning what your plan is and where

you’re heading now that you’ve asked others for their advice.

November Week Three 15/11/2018 – 21/11/2018

Numerology Equation

15/11/2018 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 19 (1+9) = 10 (1+0) = 1

16/11/2018 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 20 (2+0) = 2

17/11/2018 1 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 21 (2+1) = 3

18/11/2018 1 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 22 – Master Number

19/11/2018 1 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 23 (2+3) = 5

20/11/2018 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 15 (1+5) = 6

21/11/2018 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 16 (1+6) = 7

Days Numerology Total = 1 + 2 + 3 + 22 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 46 (4+6) = 10 (1+0) = 1

That means this week is all about ME…

What does 1 mean this week?

Last week you had the opportunity to work with others on growing and expanding your

experience of this energy cycle. This week your focus is turning back toward your inner world.

The one energy is very self-centered, yet innovative at the same time. So this week you’ll get a

chance to take what you could gain last week and start applying it to your personal progress

this month.

The four energy of the month is guiding you to building a solid foundation as you expand and

start to work on your endeavors. These ideas all started in August, a one energy month. It was

the start of this new energy cycle and if you think back it was the time that you came up with

your plans that you’re starting to execute now. So this week is the perfect time to reflect on

those plans too!

How far have you come already? How have your plans changed? Where is room for

improvement? What have you learned, not only last week, but since August? How did your

experience of the world change last month? How are your relationships going with those close

to you? How are you relating with yourself? These are all questions worth pondering over this


In order to fully utilize the one energy this week, combined with the four energy of the month

and eleven energy of the year, you need to take a step back and see how you’re fitting into the

bigger picture. This might not be so easy, because the one energy will be making you focus on

yourself rather than how you fit into the world. But now that you’re hyper aware of yourself it’s

a good idea to see where you stand in relation to other external factors.

The eleven energy of the year will help you to take a good look at the you that you’re

becoming. It’s not about what’s right or wrong with you. It’s about what you want to become.

Then the one energy of the week will be able to help you come up with new ideas to achieve

your desired outcome.

Again, there is no right or wrong way, so don’t let the energy of four make you beat yourself up.

Just take what you’ve learned so far and apply it to your own life. That way you’ll be making the

best type of progress for you. This energy cycle is all about self-improvement on a Spiritual level

and that can only happen if you gain more insight into who you are and what direction your life

is taking.

So use the one energy this week to look within, find out what you want and start applying it to

your plan. It’s all about the “but what about ME” voice inside this week, so take a chance to

listen to your own Soul and start taking action to grow according to your own Soul needs.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week your biggest challenge will be not to beat yourself up. With all the Spiritual energy

floating around this year it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that you are only human. You will

make mistakes. You will go down the wrong path every now and again. But that’s the only way

to learn. You can’t know exactly what you want out of life if you don’t get a taste of what you

don’t want.

So think of obstacles and failures as exercises and lessons. Don’t let your past mistakes

completely derail your current mission. Stay focused and never ever give up on what you aspire

to achieve. And, whatever you do, don’t melt into a puddle of self-pity! This month is about


One of the best ways to expand is by learning from our own experience, so chalk any negative

events up to experience and move forward by thinking of new ways to overcome your personal

shortcomings! We learn something new every day and some lessons are harder than others,

especially when it comes to our own faults. So please be kind to yourself this week!

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I accept my flaws.

- There is always room for improvement, it is the human condition.

- Nobody is perfect, but I am the best version of me I can be right now.

- Good things take time.

- I let go of the past and strive to improve my future by accepting my present.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


To avoid falling into a horrible depression this week make of list of things you’ve achieved since

August. Then take the time to congratulate yourself and celebrate your successes. If your

failures keep creeping into your mind go back to your list of successes. If that doesn’t work start

thinking of new ways to overcome the obstacles that you think are causing you to struggle.

If you look really deep within you’ll be able to find out exactly what it is that’s causing you to

doubt your own ability to achieve success and once you’ve figured out what that is you can use

the one energy of the week to come up with an inspired solution!

The lucky day of the week:

Sunday – Anther Master Builder twenty two day will help you to build an even better plan

you’re your future Spiritual growth than the one you came up with in August, so take the time

to jot down a few guidelines for yourself!

The challenge day of the week:

Wednesday – The seven energy will make it difficult for you to let go of your thoughts,

especially if there’s something you seem to be missing in the bigger scheme of things. Maybe

it’ll help to just sit down and think it through, but don’t get too caught up in negative thought


November Week Four 22/11/2018 – 28/11/2018

Numerology Equation

22/11/2018 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 17 (1+7) = 8

23/11/2018 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 18 (1+8) = 9

24/11/2018 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 19 (1+9) = 10 (1+0) = 1

25/11/2018 2 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 20 (2+0) = 2

26/11/2018 2 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 21 (2+1) = 3

27/11/2018 2 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 22 – Master Number

28/11/2018 2 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 23 (2+3) = 5

Days Numerology Total = 8 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 22 + 5 = 50 (5+0) = 5

That means this week is all about branching out…

What does 5 mean this week?

So the four energy of the month is helping your to grow your Tree of Life. Well, the five energy

this week is going to allow you to branch out a bit. This might mean leaving your comfort zone

for a bit, to explore some of the new possibilities you now have as a result of your progress so

far. But all in all this is an exciting time rather than an uncomfortable one.

You’ll be gaining a greater understanding of where you’re headed during this energy cycle as

you explore the unknown this week. Last week you were focused on how things can change

from within, now is the time to start applying those changes and seeing where they take you.

It’s time to branch out your frame of reference.

You broke through some of the concrete ideas of your mind last month and now is another

opportunity to do something similar, but this time you’ll be doing so with a better idea of

where it is you’ll like to end up.

The four energy of the month will make this broadening perspective very constructive. You’ll be

branching into new ways of doing things. In that way you’ll be improving your current rate of

Spiritual development so you can reach the full potential that you currently have stored inside

you. It’s like a tree going through a growth spurt.

You know where you’re heading by now, but now all your new branches are stretching

themselves out and growing at an incredible rate to get as much energy from the sun as

possible. Similarly. This week you’re expanding your Spiritual awareness so you can get as much

energy out of the Universe as possible.

Be careful not to drain all your resource this week. Whether those resources are energy or

money. You’ll want to squeeze every last bit of goodness out of life this week, but if you

squeeze too hard you’ll end up crushing yourself and needing time to rest. On the positive side

the four energy of the month will ensure that your branches all grow in a constructive way.

Usually the energy of five can be quite exciting and fun, but very unproductive. Luckily this

month’s four energy is there to make sure you explore in all the right directions. So go out and

feed your branches with as much as you can. The stronger your Tree is after this month the

better your chances are of making this energy cycle one of the best you’ve ever had!

What are the challenges for the week?

The challenge this week is to make sure your Tree remains balanced. If you look at trees in

nature they tend to grow equally all around the trunk. Those that only grow in one direction

end up leaning over and eventually they fall over. Don’t branch out too much in a single


Keep an open mind about all aspects of your current Spiritual journey. Remember that the sun

moves through the sky during the day and at night t is time for the tree to rest. Similarly you

need to shift your focus throughout the week and make sure you get enough rest in between to

you don’t run out of steam.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I understand the balance between work and rest.

- I keep an open mind in all aspects of life.

- Exploration leads to greater growth.

- Inspiration comes from seeing things with new awareness.

- I am focused yet willing to adapt.

What is an action plan can you follow to make the most of your


Be mindful of how you branch out this week. The four energy of the month will ensure that you

keep busy with your endeavors, but you need to remain focused on more than just one branch

of expansion. So make lists of all the areas you want to explore this week and don’t just become

focused on one area.

You want to branch out as much as possible in every direction while the energy to expand and

grow is at its peak. Of course you also need to keep your end goal in mind at all times and don’t

lose sight of where you want to head during this energy cycle. So take action and remain

focused on more than just a single course of growth.

The lucky day of the week:

Tuesday – There is a lot of intense twenty two Master Builder energy this month and today will

be another chance for you to get your foundation for this energy cycle rock solid.

The challenge day of the week:

Wednesday – The extra boost of five energy will lead you off the path in a certain direction.

Just make sure it’s a direction you’re comfortable with.

November Week Five 29/11/2018 – 30/11/2018

Numerology Equation

29/11/2018 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 24 (2+4) = 6

30/11/2018 3 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 16 (1+6) = 7

Days Numerology Total= 6 + 7 = 13 (1+3) = 4

That means this week is all about assessing the roots…

What does 4 mean this week?

So I’ve spoken a lot about branches and trees this month, but what about the roots of your

Tree? Are they rooted deep in the soil of your life? Are you learning what you can from your

past? The way I see it your roots stretch into your past and get nourishment from your


They allow you to figure out where to grow and how to go about getting what you want.

Without a solid root structure your Tree won’t be able to withstand bad weather. And we all

know how life is filled with ups and downs. So take these couple of days to make sure your

roots are firmly locked in nourishing soil.

That way you’ll be able to grow throughout this energy cycle, no matter how tough some of the

stages might turn out to be. This month is all about growth and expansion, but you can only

expand so far if your root structure isn’t properly manifested. Take the time and assess this

foundation before the new month, you’ll be glad you did.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenge will be to discern between learning and making the same mistakes over.

You might be finding that you are taking similar routes as you have done in the past. This isn’t

necessarily a problem, but the challenge comes in that you now have to act differently in a very

similar situation.

Don’t try the same old method again. That is the definition of insanity after all… Rather try

something new. Again it’s all about balance and not getting yourself down because of past

failures. Life is all about learning.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- My past is where I draw my strength from.

- I let go of patterns that no longer serve me.

- I am balanced and growing.

- My Tree is manifesting in reality.

- I am making the most f this energy cycle.

What is action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week’s action plan is all about reminiscing and drawing strength from the past. See the

past for what it is and learn as much as you can from it. Actively try to let go of any behavioral

patterns that no longer serve you, but don’t forget about your past completely. Trim your roots

like a bonsai master trims the roots of his tiny creations. But don’t let the size of this analogy

fool you. In the Spiritual realm size is all in the eye of the beholder, so your Tree is as big or

small as you make it.

The lucky day of the week:

Thursday– The six energy today will give you a chance to connect with the people that helped

you earlier in the month and show them your progress.

The challenge day of the week:

Friday – The seven energy that’s in the air today will make you think extra deeply, don’t get

down on yourself as you delve into the past.


Dear Beautiful One,

Now that I have delivered This Month’s Numerology Report to you I encourage you to print it

out and read through it daily so you can make sure you are prepared for November 2018 and

all of the marvelous energy it offers you.

It's also important to know what to be alerted to, especially any possible challenges and

obstacles as you will be able to react to them more calmly. By thoroughly reading through your

report often, you will be assured that you will be conscious of what's happening with the

cosmic energies throughout the month, every month.

Remember that my monthly numerology report

Is the ultimate guide to experiencing a fulfilling and happy life!

By committing to this secret report each and every month,

You will always be one step ahead of the game!

You will undoubtedly understand your life so much more than those who do not have access to

this report, and, as always, I am happy assist you in your quest to enhance your life's

experiences this year and beyond!

Much Love & Blessings

Your Private Online Mystic