January Monthly Numerology Report 2020 Welcome! Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d like to explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need to read up on it a bit again). Numerology, as the name suggests, is the study of numbers. Each number was assigned a Cosmic/Karmic vibration or energy. Legend has it that this was done by the ancient Egyptians and Pythagoras, the father of modern mathematics. They translated their knowledge into a format that could be understood by the Western World. What people like myself then do is take this ancient knowledge and use it to ascertain the energies prevalent in certain things. This could be anything from the energy of a name, to the energy of a birth date, to the energy of the amount of flour you use to bake your favorite cake (although this last one will take a bit more creative intuition, but I’ll get to that in a bit). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is made up of energy. What numerology does is translate that energy into psychic understanding (as in understood by your psyche, not some hocus pocus act, as the word has been misconstrued to mean). Unexplained things, like the threads that hold the Universe together, are brought to light through numerology. Take the number 4 for example. On the positive side it represents structure and following rules. On the negative side it represents confusion and chaos. But that doesn’t tell you much about how it relates to your life in the month ahead. That’s where this report comes in handy. In this report I will relay the divine secrets you need to understand in order to be in tune with the world around you at any given time. You won’t find exactly what to do to have the perfect life in this report. That is not the aim. I am going to give you guidelines to apply to your own life, yes. I am also giving you a description of what energies the numbers in the month represent. But how you apply this knowledge to your particular situation is up to you. I don’t even expect that everything I write will resonate with you. But the chances are that, in this report, you will find the greatest insight into how you can achieve the future you desire.

January Monthly Numerology Report 2020authenticnumerology.com/aic/dlfolder/monthreading/january2020_reading.pdfFeb 01, 2020  · January Monthly Numerology Report 2020 Welcome! Like

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January Monthly Numerology Report 2020


Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d like

to explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need to

read up on it a bit again).

Numerology, as the name suggests, is the study of numbers. Each number was assigned a

Cosmic/Karmic vibration or energy. Legend has it that this was done by the ancient Egyptians

and Pythagoras, the father of modern mathematics. They translated their knowledge into a

format that could be understood by the Western World. What people like myself then do is

take this ancient knowledge and use it to ascertain the energies prevalent in certain things. This

could be anything from the energy of a name, to the energy of a birth date, to the energy of the

amount of flour you use to bake your favorite cake (although this last one will take a bit more

creative intuition, but I’ll get to that in a bit). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is made up

of energy. What numerology does is translate that energy into psychic understanding (as in

understood by your psyche, not some hocus pocus act, as the word has been misconstrued to


Unexplained things, like the threads that hold the Universe together, are brought to light

through numerology. Take the number 4 for example. On the positive side it represents

structure and following rules. On the negative side it represents confusion and chaos. But that

doesn’t tell you much about how it relates to your life in the month ahead. That’s where this

report comes in handy. In this report I will relay the divine secrets you need to understand in

order to be in tune with the world around you at any given time. You won’t find exactly what to

do to have the perfect life in this report. That is not the aim. I am going to give you guidelines to

apply to your own life, yes. I am also giving you a description of what energies the numbers in

the month represent. But how you apply this knowledge to your particular situation is up to

you. I don’t even expect that everything I write will resonate with you. But the chances are that,

in this report, you will find the greatest insight into how you can achieve the future you desire.

The format of the report is quite simple. The first thing you’ll find is the Year forecast. It is

essential to keep this forecast in mind throughout the report as the energy of the year sets the

tone for the entire year. Therefore, each month is dependent on this energy. Next I have done a

forecast on the month itself. As you may have guessed this energy is applicable to all the

weekly forecasts of that month. You will also find weekly challenges, affirmations and an action

plan for each week, as well as what the challenge and lucky days are for that week.

So there you have it. If you’d like to test your psychic understanding you’re welcome to use the

table below to work out the number a name represents. However, please remember that a

sense of detachment works best when interpreting someone else’s name. It really does help to

be objective about others when it comes to being intuitive, otherwise you’ll just find exactly

what you’re looking for. When using your psychic abilities (everyone who has a psyche has

psychic abilities that they can develop with practice) it is common that your ego will super

impose your desires on your reading, albeit consciously or unconsciously. The key is to look at

the information you receive first. Then apply it to the situation as objectively as possible. This

may sound weird, and it will take practice to perfect, but I’m sure you’ll understand what I

mean after a couple of times. A healthy balance between interpretation, intuition and intent

needs to be maintained at all times, lest you unknowingly create more trouble than good out of


Anyway, here’s the table you can use to interpret names, or any words in general:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





DAVID = 4 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 4 = 22 (MASTER NUMER, no need to go to single digit)

EMMA = 5 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 14 = (reduce to single digit) 1 + 4 = 5

2020 (2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4) is a 4 year,

That means this year is all about material wellness...

What does 4 mean for the coming year?

This year’s four energy is bound to make material gain your priority. Four is considered a very

intelligent number. It represents the physical world, but more than that it represents bringing

the ethereal into the physical. To do this a fair amount of brain power is required - Brain power

and hard work that is.

Luckily the number four is filed with just this energy. It is a determined number, one that is

focused on manifesting the things of dreams. If something doesn’t exist in the world, four has

the power to make it a reality. After the more auspicious energy of three last year, this year is

going to be a lot more grounded and practical. While dreamy three was all about going with the

flow, four is about forging lasting, concrete foundations. The Divine nature of three is going to

be replaced with a down-to-earth knowing. This can work very well in your favor, especially if

you have some good ideas in the making.

As you move into the more practical and physical energy of 2020 things will start to make sense

on a completely different level. Until now you have been wondering how you’re going to reach

your goals and manifest abundance… Well, this year is the year to buckle down and manifest

abundance through action and physical means. By now you have a very clear idea of what you

want and the energy of four is going to give you just the inspiration and determination you

need to make it a reality.

The Year 2020

But be warned, there will be some rough times ahead. While four is very determined and

practical, it also carries the energy of restructuring. And in order to rebuild, things must first be

broken down. So be prepared! Make sure you have a backup plan and some savings stored

away. As you’re changing the way you do things, the way you manifest abundance, there may

be times that you’re faced with a curve-ball. You’re going to have to take some risks and

knowing that you have something to fall back on while you work at making your ideas real will

give you the peace of mind to keep moving forward.

Staying in constant motion is the best way to make the most of four energy. Whether this

means actively improving the skills you already have or learning something new, working to

improve what you’ve already started or starting something new and exciting… Stagnation is

your worst enemy this year. Creating waves is a great way to stay on top of things, instead of

waiting for the waves to come to you. Because, when they do, they may not be the waves

you’re expecting.

It’s also very important to stay on top of your thoughts this year. Because of the

transformational energy of four, with the ability to turn thoughts into reality, there’s a big

emphasis on real-time manifestation. This can work in your favor, or it can bring your worst

nightmares to life! So be very vigilant about what you put out into the Universe, because it will

come back to you this year. Keep focused on what you want and steer clear of negative

thinking. Actively practicing gratitude will work in your favor, while getting caught up in

everything that could go wrong will bring those disasters about.

That being said, you do still need to be prepared. Strike a good balance between being

prepared for if things go wrong, but not dwelling on all the possible things that can go wrong.

All in all this year is going to give you exactly what you put in. Hard work will bring amazing

results and doing the work won’t feel like effort. Unlike last year, where you were often swept

up by the ebbs and flows of the Universe, this year you have the paddles to make sure you get

to the destination you desire.

Using your mind to make intelligent and often inspired decisions and then creating practical

ways to make these ideas a reality will be easier than ever before. If you stick with your plan

and put in the work you will end the year off a lot better than you started it. This is the year to

make that big break, the year to become independent, the year to become an entrepreneur.

It’s the year to take the steps to get to where you want to be. You can use the determined

energy of four to become financially free and soar higher than ever before.

On top of everything else that’s going on this year, it’s also the start of a brand new decade.

This gives a renewed spark to your energy, giving you the opportunity to start anew. This is a

big year in all aspects and you can really make it work for you. If you play your cards right this is

the year that everything can change for the better, but one thing is for sure, everything is going

to change this year!

January Week One 01/01/2020 – 07/01/2020

Numerology Equation

01/01/2020 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 6

02/01/2020 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 7

03/01/2020 0 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 8

04/01/2020 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 9

05/01/2020 0 + 5 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10 (1+0) = 1

06/01/2020 0 + 6 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 11 – Master Number

07/01/2020 0 + 7 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 12 (1+3) = 3

Days Numerology Total= 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 11 + 3 = 45 (4+5) = 9

That means this week is all about heightened awareness…

What does 9 mean this week?

The nine energy this week is very intuitive. It will heighten you awareness of your current path

and way of being. In general nine energy is associated with the end of an energetic cycle. At this

time you are more intuitive and understanding of things that have happened to bring you to

where you are.

You are aware of all the aspects that have made you who you are and brought you to where

you are, but you are also more aware of how things could have been better. A sense of finality

ad completion also accompanies the energy of nine. Which means that you will also be able to

bring an end to certain behaviors, thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you.

Life is in constant motion and that’s something you need to not only accept but embrace this

year, and there’s no better time to start doing this than right now. It’s no coincidence that the

four energy of the year and the five energy of the month add up to nine…

You need to say your final goodbyes to the old, ditsy you and welcome the productive and

determined energy of four. The five energy of the month will make this easier. And the nine

energy of the week will be there to help you though the transition.

Letting go of things that no longer serve you will be a recurring theme throughout the year. If

you get into the habit of keeping a flow in your life this early in the year you’ll be prepared to

face any changes, challenges and chances that will come your way this year.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenges are the nostalgic and apprehensive nature of four. As much as four

enjoys building ideas into reality, four also likes stability and structure. But this can hold you

back from letting go of old, comfortable ideas and behaviors.

While the energy of five is there to lend a helping hand this month and the energy of nine is

going o help you see a more enlightened picture, the steady and stable nature of four might

make it a bit more difficult to really let go than you’d like.

When you find yourself clinging onto certain beliefs or behaviors, even though you KNOW they

aren’t in your best interest, turn to your intuition and let go of the urge to cling onto the

familiar. Now is the time to start using the four energy of the year to start something new.

Building on old ideas, but doing so in a new and improved way.

By letting go of the beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you, you will be able to start

manifesting the things you’ve always wanted, but could never quite find a way to achieve.

That’s the beauty of this year’s four energy. It gives you a chance to bring about material

abundance. This will take some work, but the sooner you let go of old habits, the quicker you’ll

reach your goals.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I let go of the old to make room for the new.

- I step outside my comfort zone.

- I am confident and able.

- I am ready to work at making my dreams come true.

- I can achieve anything I set my mind to this year.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week is all about using your heightened awareness to make room for the new things in

your life. That’s why it’s important to have a look at what has been holding you back.

When you look back over the last few years, you will notice that you have changed a lot. But,

what are the things you’re still desperately clinging onto? What are the beliefs and behaviors

that are keeping you from reaching success?

Is it a belief that you have to put in maximum effort for average results like your grandparents

had to? Is it a routine that you picked up during a different phase in your life, one that used to

work really well for you, but that’s not having the same impact it used to?

Whatever the things are that are holding you back, make sure you take note of them and

actively work on changing them. Whether this means repeating a new train of thought until it

sticks and becomes an engrained belief, or starting a new routine… The first week of this year is

all about figuring out what the changes are that you need to make this month.

The lucky day of the week:

Sunday – The one energy today is going to give you a chance to come up with some inspired

new ways of getting down to business in a new way.

The challenge day of the week:

Tuesday – The three energy today may be a bit nostalgic. If you’re feeling yourself slip back into

old patterns make a point of changing them on a deeper level. The more determined you are to

move on and leave old, outdated things behind the better your year is going to be.

January Week Two 08/01/2020 – 14/01/2020

Numerology Equation

08/01/2020 0 + 8 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13 (1+3) = 4

09/01/2020 0 + 9 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 14 (1+4) = 5

10/01/2020 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 6

11/01/2020 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 7

12/01/2020 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 8

13/01/2020 1 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 9

14/01/2020 1 + 4 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10 (1+0) = 1

Days Numerology Total = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 = 40 (4+0) = 4

That means this week is all about solid work ethic…

What does 4 mean this week?

As you know by now the energy of four is about determination and putting plans into action to

make a solid physical difference. Well, the only way you are going to achieve your goals this

year and make those ideas a reality is by having a solid work ethic.

This is another big part of four energy you’ll get used to as the year progresses. The

determination of four is expressed in an unwavering will to work. That doesn’t mean putting in

more effort than necessary for less than average results. Oh no… It means working smarter, not


If you’re used to working long hours, but not getting ahead, this is all about to change. But, first

you need to let go of the “go with the flow” attitude of the three year that has just passed. This

year you need a solid work ethic to get you where you want to be… But first you need to know

where you’re heading. That’s right, you need a plan. You need actionable steps to take. You

need to have something to throw all your determined energy into.

The great thing about the double four energy is that you’re going to have more determination

than usual to get things done. It’s like this week (and year), you’re not going to rest until you

reach your goals. Come hell or high water you are determined to make big and lasting changes.

Now, if this is starting to sound like a lot of hard work, don’t stress. This year is also about

starting fresh. And a big part of starting fresh is that you get to choose where you’re heading

and how you plan on getting there. You don’t have to follow the tried and tested methods that

have been getting you mediocre results. No, now is the time to embody the person you want to

be and work the way the ideal you wants to work. And when you can work this way, work isn’t

effort; work actually becomes fun and rewarding.

What are the challenges for the week?

Your challenges this week are pretty simple to overcome. All you need to do is let go of what

you’ve become and start believing in what you could be. Yes, it’s that simple. It can be a bit

difficult though.

If you’re in a job you don’t like working long hours and just managing to get by every month

you may be feeling decidedly stuck at this point. But there is good news. The four energy of the

year and week, combined with the five energy of the month is giving you the opportunity to

change all of that.

Whether that means applying for a new job, asking for a promotion or starting your own

business all depends on you and your personal situation. It all boils down to what you want for

yourself. So your biggest mission this week is to envision the life you want for yourself and

coming up with means to make it a reality.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I’ve GOT THIS.

- I can make my dreams a reality.

- I work smarter, getting more done in less time.

- Doing what I love is entirely possible.

- I am determined to make the most of my year.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week the old that you need to let go of is that outdated work ethic. You need to figure out

where you want to go and what the steps are you’re going to take to get there. Don’t put all

your eggs in one basket just yet, but make sure to start making those plans.

Now is the time that you are going to set the pace for the rest of the year. So make sure you

use your time wisely. Burning out is a very real possibility this year. You’ll be so determined to

get things done that you won’t want to stop. So make sure to add some rewards and down-

time into your steps toward success.

But more importantly, make sure you always have a backup plan. Because you’re starting

something new, you’re going to fail a couple of times. This does not mean you’re a failure! It

just means that you need to rethink your strategies and try again. But what’s important here is

that you have something to fall back on while you’re figuring out your new work ethic.

The lucky day of the week:

Wednesday – The triple four energy today is going to help you focus on what needs to get done

and how you’re going to go about doing those things.

The challenge day of the week:

Thursday – The five energy today is going to make it a bit difficult to stick to something

concrete. You may find yourself floating between ideas, wondering which will be more

productive and lucrative. Keep all the ideas in mind, but don’t pick one just yet.

January Week Three 15/01/2020 – 21/01/2020

Numerology Equation

15/01/2020 1 + 5 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 11 – Master Number

16/01/2020 1 + 6 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 12 (1+2) = 3

17/01/2020 1 + 7 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13 (1+3) = 4

18/01/2020 1 + 8 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 14 (1+4) = 5

19/01/2020 1 + 9 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 15 (1+5) = 6

20/01/2020 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 7

21/01/2020 2 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 8

Days Numerology Total = 11 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 44 – Master Number

That means this week is all about getting out there…

What does 44 mean this week?

Double four energy, combined with the four energy of the year makes this the week to get out

there and start doing things. You’ve been planning for long enough, you’ve been waiting for

long enough. Now is the time to start actively working on letting the old you go and ushering

the new you in.

It’s time to stop playing it so safe and take the plunge. Whether you decided to change careers,

jobs, positions or life paths… This is the week to start taking action. Yes, this may be scary at

first, but there is no better time to start getting these things done.

Start off slow, maybe sending out resumes or looking at alternative sources of income. Getting

started does not mean jumping off a cliff into the abyss. You do still need to make sure you are

properly prepared So hold off on quitting your job and trusting in your stars. This is a year of

trusting in your own abilities, not to throw caution to the wind completely!

Remember, you’re going to have to do what needs to be done. Things aren’t going to come to

you out of nowhere. BUT, what will happen is that once you get the ball rolling things will gain

momentum quickly. Gone are the days of going with the flow and hoping for the best. Now is

the time to put the pedal to the metal and start making progress fast.

Slow and steady may be a good work ethic, but so is working smart and simple. That’s what this

week is about. It’s about starting to get things done in the simplest and smartest way possible.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenge is to take the plunge, bit not to free-fall into the abyss. The five energy of

the month can make you extremely excitable and ready for action. After all, starting something

new should be exciting. Then again, doing things slow and steady isn’t exactly the way to reach

your goals either.

The best way to jump in and get things started is to take a methodical yet risky approach.

Luckily for you, if you use the energy of four and five just right, that’s what you’re going to get.

The more reserved energy of four will tame the extravagant and hasty decision making of five,

while the excited and ready for action energy of five will spur the “slow and steady” energy of

four on to help you reach a happy medium.

This week is about building the foundation for the rest of the year. So, deciding what you want

to do for the rest of the year and getting started on putting your plans into action are exactly

what you need to be doing. But what you also need to d is make sure that you’ll be okay until

the plans you’re putting into motion start bearing fruit.

So, while you should let go of old ideas surrounding success, don’t let go f what you already

have just yet.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am successful and happy.

- I have the power to manifest my desires.

- I work smart and efficiently.

- I am productive and ready.

- I know my limits.


What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week’s action plan is all about taking action. And by this I mean taking small but necessary

steps to creating the changes you want for yourself. It means starting to live the life you

envision fr yourself and doing everything in your power to make that life a reality. No more

planning. Now it’s time for doing.

This week, and the weeks to come, is going to be a transition period. You’re moving out of your

old life and into your new life. As this happens you may have to live two lives for a while.

Remember, you need to stay prepared for the unexpected this year. So, that may mean you

need to start off slower than you’d like. You may need to work and study. You may need to

work two jobs. You may even need to work two jobs and study…

The thing to keep in mind as you’re doing all this work to create the future that you want is that

at least you are safe in this moment and nothing worth having is easy. The more time you put

into this now the more accomplished you’ll feel, and BE by the time you reach you goals.

How long will that take?

Well that all depends on how much you’re willing to put in!

The lucky day of the week:

Friday – The four energy today makes this a rare four squared day. That means your

determination and work ethic will reach new heights, making this the perfect day to really get

into a new groove and set the pace for the next few months.

The challenge day of the week:

Wednesday – The whimsical three energy today is going to make you wonder if this new life is

even worth it. Why should you even work for a living…? Well unless you can survive on air,

you’re going to need to do something to put food on the table. But be smart about it. You don’t

have to work yourself to the bone to get the rewards you seek.

January Week Four 22/01/2020 – 28/01/2020

Numerology Equation

22/01/2020 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 9

23/01/2020 2 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10 (1+0) = 1

24/01/2020 2 + 4 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 11 – Master Number

25/01/2020 2 + 5 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 12 (1+2) = 3

26/01/2020 2 + 6 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13 (1+3) = 4

27/01/2020 2 + 7 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 14 (1+4) = 5

28/01/2020 2 + 8 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 15 (1+5) = 6

Days Numerology Total = 9 + 1 + 11 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 39 (3+9) = 12 (1+2) = 3

That means this week is all about finding the smarter way…

What does 3 mean this week?

The three energy this week is focused on finding creative ways to get things done. While three

is generally a whimsical, go with the flow energy that lives on hopes and dreams, this week it

can prove to be a real asset.

Combined with the four energy of the year, which is well-established by now, you will find that

this week’s three energy is more practical than usual.

What does this mean for you? It means you’re going to be able to come up with ways to make

your workload easier.

Last week you were determined and ready. You were piling on the plans, making sure that you

know everything that needs to get done and doing that and more every day. While this is a very

rewarding way to do things in the short run, with accomplishments daily, this is not a very

sustainable way to live.

Sure you need to get all those things done if you want to reach your goals, but, three and five

are here this week to remind you to work smarter, not harder. It’s not about what needs to get

done; it’s about how it gets done. And the three and five energy is going to help you come up

with creative ways to get more done with less effort.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenge is not to scale down too much. Three and five are both very

unpredictable, and they both enjoy having fun more than anything else. While this week is

about finding more time to have fun by doing things in a smarter more productive way, there is

a very real chance that you’ll skip on being productive and just end up relaxing all week.

This is not helpful and if you do this you’ll be kicking yourself for doing nothing by the end of

the week.

Rather use this urge to have some free time to focus your attention on streamlining your daily

activities. There are always ways to do things differently and this is the week to work on finding

those productive AND fun ways of getting things done.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I work and play equally hard.

- I can reach my goals by working smarter, not harder.

- I am streamlined.

- I live a healthy and balanced life.

- I am excited about everything this year has in store for me.

What is an action plan can you follow to make the most of your


You know what you want, you know what needs to be done to get it, you know that you aren’t

super-human and burning yourself out defeats the purpose of living an abundant life.

Use the three energy this week to your full advantage. You will have access to Divine Grace to

help guide you towards finding a sustainable way to get everything that needs doing done.

The out with the old relates to your ideas around how much effort it takes to get something

done. Ever notice that it takes forever to do something you don’t want to do?

Find creative ways to get things done quickly and easily by inspiring yourself through your

thoughts and internal dialogue. Throwing in a reward at the end of the day isn’t a bad idea


The lucky day of the week:

Wednesday – The nine energy is going to give you a chance to look at the bigger picture and

help you make sure you aren’t getting lost in the nitty-gritty details. Remember, you want a

more abundant life right? Well abundance needs to be celebrated and if you’re just working all

day every day you’re never going to feel truly fulfilled.

The challenge day of the week:

Saturday and Sunday – Skipping between the three and four energies on these two days may

make it difficult to find that balance. Instead of letting each day dictate your decisions take

what you learn during these two days as a whole to ensure you find a happy balance between

work and play.

January Week Five 29/01/2020 – 30/01/2020

Numerology Equation

29/01/2020 2 + 9 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 16 (1+6) = 7

30/01/2020 3 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 8

31/01/2020 3 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 9

Days Numerology Total= 7 + 8 + 9 = 24 (2+4) = 6

That means this week is all about coming back down to earth…

What does 6 mean this week?

This week’s six energy is here to remind you that life is about more than just work and play. It’s

about having a happy home filled with friend and family, laughter and love. While getting the

job done and making life your own is what this year is about, remember to make space for the

people you love too.

They are the ones you are going to share your success with, so make sure to factor them in.

Abundance is about more than material success. Agreed, material success forms a big part of

abundance, but if last year has taught you anything, it’s to appreciate the small moments,

because in the end those are the moments that make the work and effort worth it!

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenge is a bit of a three-way juggling act you have going. You need to maintain

your personal achievement and journey to success, you need to make time to take care of

yourself and you need to maintain and build your relationships. Luckily, when these three

aspect of your life are in balance, they tend to feed each other an things become more

meaningful as a result.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am balanced and happy.

- Every challenge I face makes me stronger.

- I love and appreciate the people in my life

- I am grateful for my home and my job.

- I embrace all aspects of an abundant life.

What is action plan can you follow to make the most of your


By now you should have realized that a truly abundant life is about more than wealth. It is

about material comfort, about the feel of a hug, about the taste of lovingly prepared food…

Material abundance is not just about money. So this week’s action plan is to write down

material goals that are not directly related to money. These could relate to health goals,

exercise goals, relationship goals, home goals… Any goals you can experience with one of your

five sense, but that don’t have anything to do with how much money you have.

The lucky day of the week:

Friday – The nine energy today will give you another chance to look at things from a more

intuitive perspective. You will find this heightened awareness will show you what’s really

important in life. Take notes.

The challenge day of the week:

Thursday – The eight energy today may make it difficult to let go of the minor details and

accept the bigger picture of what your goals should encompass. Everything may see to revolve

around money today, but remind yourself that it really doesn’t have to.


Dear Beautiful One,

Now that I have delivered This Month’s Numerology Report to you I encourage you to print it

out and read through it daily so you can make sure you are prepared for January 2020 and all of

the marvelous energy it offers you.

It's also important to know what to be alerted to, especially any possible challenges and

obstacles as you will be able to react to them more calmly. By thoroughly reading through your

report often, you will be assured that you will be conscious of what's happening with the

cosmic energies throughout the month, every month.

Remember that my monthly numerology report

Is the ultimate guide to experiencing a fulfilling and happy life!

By committing to this secret report each and every month,

You will always be one step ahead of the game!

You will undoubtedly understand your life so much more than those who do not have access to

this report, and, as always, I am happy assist you in your quest to enhance your life's

experiences this year and beyond!

Much Love & Blessings

Your Private Online Mystic