WHATAPASTOR SEES AND HEARS PERSONAL ITKMS OF 1NTKRKST TO MANY DKNOMINATK'NS. a If there is one Ihlnir la this world that nee ls plenty of alr and lipht, lt k ibealoatBal gleeaaalonV aaid a promtnent -taeayletlBB pa-tor to th«> wrtter aa .londay aftor the nioctlng of thc Hew-Tort B-oaby- ttry. This uoaaeivatlve body ha i jn^t ReeldO-l by a vote of twonty tbrae t<> twpaty taro to dlaeaaa wtth rlo-cl (kaiiv the ono snbjevt whlch all admit ta nl the utnms! |nt-ts'-t lo all tho Proslivtorlan ehaiebee ln th" rmted Btate*. Rol »nly i. every meaiber of th^ tifty four ebarebee la tba Preabyteiy anxtoua lo hnow wbal tiu¦:... paatoia aad aaa Beralaary profeeaoia .ay In iv-'arl to the R'iibIibIbiIiii C-jnfeaaloB ol Faltb, hnt there are BBorea ol l_eabyterlea a_ twe* ti.">'' ur vboae membera ara araltlag to aee arbat aetloa thc Koa Torb Preabyt-ry arlll take oa tho Oeneral Aaaeaabt] - overture. Tbare Beeaaa to be aome doubt whetber ayeeebea are betatg prepared wbhsb may eaaae an e-peaetoa, ec whether tbe Pteabytaay latonda ... s.ni a eealed vordlol to Ihe Aaaembr. aaxt priag. The arrnweai advaae-d tor -»ladlag tha rei is apoaalble toar ol mlarepreeentatlea, bul ' rrmi As-emt.ly la . BBfftag ¦*«__«. -'"»"""""^' »J_J nf thanks "'o Th. N-» Y,,h Trhnne. WTorJ M.'l and F.xpress' BBd 'K8W VorK BvjMBtoff POBt, and _r t-la oltv for tbelr Mll and aociiraie other paper. ***«*:. ,Mln,it.s, p^ l8gJ raport of our procec<u"K»- It la a gratifrlng slen of tho t'mes that so maav roung Uiahnhal atadealB a- toaratng praettoal werl bv heMag ebarek and mlaaMb paatara while in tbe semlnary. lt WB8 a dream of Dr Ulteheoek, al tho Vnion .somtnary. to have eadetBhtpa toaaded ao tbal amrtby etaaante aalgbl paeana abear Btadlea fi-eo fiana the tboagbl ol flnaneial ald and In return for tbelr edaeattoa, rather as a pari <>f it. they iboald he as-:a_pisi to hfii> rlinrebea that needad them. srar aly more tha. tbedreaaii araa raat_aed. batatadanti h«re been eaaployed Ib tbbi way tor a Btnaaer ol yeara. ti i- year, althougr, Ihe .emtnarj haa ihe targeai jnnior class la it* kletery. alxty-__ BBMaben feirt en BadUtoM io the Other tWO ela* es bc-l BM tbiae gradaate atadanta, In all elghty-tbree aiaw men, Preal ;,.. | Raatlnga haa been obllgad ta retoae agveral applicants beeaaae Ibey aeeded flnanciai ald tbal he rould not praarlae them. The were BBbal men, who wouM aadoobtedly have beea a credit lothe hMtRntlon Bad a creat hetp te many a hard wmlted poator. Th« total ls l»i», as a_n;!.st l.'M laal year. It R Mk to eai tbal -01110 atudaati earrjr late thclr poatorabM nore preetteal knowledga of what they learn ln eoniaet with llvrnu men than they do from llieir stii.ly nf dca-l lan.uases: both aie iiei'e-ay. dne is essentlal in tl.ls age. Dr. T. -T. Chambors, of the Colleglate Rero-med -bareh la tiii< eRp, begaa bla Btlalarry la Boaieivlna, v .1.. ob October 13, 18-B, and tbe CJooaiatory of thnt abnreh ha- Invtted him to preach there to-mor- -ow. and to civc anoh romlnleceaoea nf his paatorate Bl be may thinli pioier. "The )).s rvor" aaya that .The Chureh ol Chrlat, wtthoat regard lo d-_om1aa gonal t.aine, regarda Dr. Cbaaabara wltb hlgh aateeea, bath fnr his laandag and his lalnir." '.ni!.. of Hn B-Oal dnRed-l probicms in reHgloan vorh in Now.Yorh." said a laymaa WBO has glve_ port of his ufa to Bnnday-eehool work, "ls tn Bad a nii.iNtcr adapted te mlaatoa work who wlll atay in bi- ii..:.i." Thla remark waa enclted by the ktlon nf the Rev. B, B. Rogara. ol the Covonanl Chapel, connocted with tbe Chnreb ol the Covenaat. He ha- .im,.- niei tl work In the »horl ti: .,. haa been there. bul ll is not verj long -'-d Mr. McRwen. who left a chapol to bocomo I,,. .,, rch. Romeyn ( hapel m Ka_i R.urteenth-st. ln ihe laal als yeara haai had ihr .. iioators aad a -pl»!>." and Ihe preseni Ihe Rev. H. M. Afi'l;.-.. it 1- 'ald- N eon- l.p ,, ;,-i-i. work ln India. Thla la one ol ],r j,,l n.t l' chaprtB. and lt recdvoa iii.eral auoport from i te honi hurcb. Mr. Rogera g.«- io a chureh iu EaneevlUe, Ohlo, The }?ev W. .1. McKlttrlek. for a number of years ih" uastor ni PJope bapoi. In Raal Kourth^t, marrle« a memb-r ol h - prweait chureh ln Florida, N. J., la-t a. b. Thc ..nl. .- a aU.ei of tbe Rov. B. 8. Beword, ,f ¦,.. v..w ,i.-i .itlcm hureh in this ctty. «b le Mr. .c«:i.i !- a leorter In Ihe gwedenuonrUn4£nomlnal!on, !,.-. and aii his relai vea ware d~ P-aabytortana Uiey ai>' relatod to Bocretary Beward. Tbe on" deaomRiailoB thal t'\rc'* in aanlvoraary eecaalo-a fnr Its churcbes and Siinday^chooliila tba M,.,.,.ii.t nd rhla may e__laln ln part he u..-..,:nps. _ \ torewell meeting tor mlaalonarlea going to Indla iiaii to Flfth-ave. oaTuo»d_y afier- BOOB. _ Tr, Rev Dr W. C PahTOOer. of Sprln-floM. Ohlo ha- aroep.ed a call to Ihe TrinltJ *^**<}**T*£* it Iirooklyn. He leavoa one large chureh lu oruc: .*, __ii_ iip another large "¦.(.¦ m- -¦.. TIU. COVBT8. DID nF. OET THF. LEGACT DI'F. HIM? Judge Patteraoa, in Pari I ol thc Bupt-aie Court. ieaia*v-d bla devlaloa yeet«day In tho cas- of John R, P\.,-eny agaansi 'ho exeeutora ol I ol bla lin.'le, Dan-.ei Bweeay, to recovoi 830,000. Doalel gareeay waa U*e |«-prtetor ol Bweeny. Uotel, and Ibe plamtlfl allegea tbal aboul a year m... and after bla uaohVa death be toarned f"r the Brsl time tiiat _,,,,(!,.] uoele, Eybralm, aho dJed la 1848, iia.1 made a wlll in wblch i'.v.H. who waa made ezeeul ar, waa d!;.<¦¦ ied to paj .-.' "' a year tor tbe educatton and atntifl ubiiI Iie beeame ol age aud ll.cn to p i h" we (.:..:. '-.'- and i- -" that John leceive. all Ib' c mi lo whlch ha waa entitkd. Ko reeelpta wera produci n co n. A MIMSTFT. CO"l ITO-B- HIS TRPTIMONY. In supplementary prooe-dlngi oa a jtiilmiicnt for g»:u obtataed by i:. ,i. Deaatai 8 Oo. agaloat Brad- tonal -ehlaaTeMn, brother of WllUaa B. SchleffellB, the waaltby druc .. '.i irar, n. the ( py Oouii yesteitiav, ihe Rev. .¦.! HeCartby, wbo laatlfled ae ;o a real eatato U.Mactloa at the lasi bearlag, beiweon the BchleffeUna and tiie aplrituaUat, Mrs. RURama, aml wa- Bceaeed by e.\-Judit" UeKeoa, -.ho eoaaaal lor the .lofen.-, with be_i(t untruthful, pro- riur.-i lettara from Mre, WlUiami lo -ubatantlate hla .tatementa. Mr. Mct'aHhy -anl that Mra. Wtl_ama'a itaie.-n,' tha the own.-'l a hottae in lhls city WBB lal>e. 'ihe c»-C wlll go OB OB October i-t. .irDr.MKVT AGA15-T A DKAD MAN'- The CRIaans1 Baak ..f Rtohmoad, Va.. wcur-d a pi'l-tuont by default apalnst Maunce B. Flynn. before Judgc Incraliam, ln tbe Buprecae Court, yeateiday for f'J.OOl 71. liefon) Flynn- death ho wa- toter ested m halMlBg a eable roa ln Rtebmoad, and drow a noto for the amount Baated, whieh w_, n .t paid up at the time ,,» hla dewh. When tha r_s w,. ealled Judpe Jngraham remarh.d tha' Uaurioe H Flyna wa- -ead, but 1.5 grair.ed tbe Judgmenl Beve-tb-Iesa. UITS OF LEOAL RXWR, jBljre nea<h, in tbe Bafesaaa Oeait, yaateWhay riiamiss.- B_ anit of Hoary T. Waada a?atn«t Bauj GladbUl, f<>r HO.BOO, for aliciiallon af h.s wif»> after-tlons. ui.der s..,-. «oo Bli nf th« (oie, arbleh arrhaaaa th.- avldaaee "f j taabani Bsdef eertala eti naman,aa, Jurije Andrei*--, in Baprcaai aarrt, OhBataara, y.-st. rday granted an injunrtlon to Jebaaaah M. Reaaaty raatra "Jo»a" Rori fri.ii. p'-rmit-iik.' Bay eaaaaaay tmt u,.- piala< tiffa from appe.ir r._ at Iba Tbeatra Caaataaa, in Barlen I'att.ar.i... Caaway, »»..¦ aoreaty, «;.- adaaad n. Aprll, 18M. t,jr a eabai rar at Tentb*ve. aad Oaohaad-sa^aad .ixUaUi-»t. she broagbl aaR agalaa tba aiaagaaj and Htahad an award nf J.'.'*' BaaaBgea fr,m a juiy ln tln.- hupr.-na to.-- beBate Jaage lagraaaaB. v'-U'iiiay. -_-_<> Au.r.H- in Bag oa.ut, Chaabeta, Teater- .ay Frauted an |o]a Bieace ( 1 lyaa, aa n. .x-<-_tr:-, of ihf aatata al Maartee u Ptyaa, r«'atrainini, 11 Plald aad Jaaaea Martla, 4 tba trnn of liuy c. ¦otehldaa, Fi.ld Co., fr.,ni dUpoatag « th- peigpn of a iii tn. THr COUBT OF APPKALS. Alhany, Oet. 11-ln tbe Court of Ap;«'a!a to-day th» hllowUig ti'. ^ ln N ;ua ,,, t|,e K-cOUIltS of .lu'lua P. kmiaao_a "****. '¦. "' J"llu" Jl- >'''.v". J'?''".? N>ah. alnilnlstiaior, etc reepon ¦. aanj. 'aV-a-'i Cv"l,ai an_ iiijUnn I'.lvr Rallroad Coni- Harr__^«_; 4,<M* a-hlene,., ,tc., reapondent, aat. the ruapondenta MI li-ii-t «. -i"'.h"i. . i.'-|H'im.'ii -, ,.l_*et. laipl'-ad-d, ai_ella.it. ¦.I '.I V i"' *ll(i ''-j l aaaaag BtiU_1 t_,. taUawtag .au^-a weaa BaBaa»C°CrRT 04U">»A1R POR TO DAV. y* 0>*-» <Raaaaia B f... Aad mra fa-Me ,i_-at*^*ieC_J'*a-Btlw< ,U"»' :r)' B.WUI of Ma_- aagy.!^' .rm-R,f.re Du.ro. J.-Cour. *nu' ¦.-<»*e e-tafta ealled at 10:80 a. a. BURNETT'S PERFUME OF VVOOD VlOLETS. This exqnisite perfume is made from tho SJaVtrue rioleta. In thc pasl the high p-iee oi violet }>crfnxoe has pi*_v_oted tmany -ZSgfroni indulging in this luxory, btit the price of 5jfc'4$this nrtirlf makes it a nect-sity to those who Hlore the rlower. Tlie wmemb-mnee of the [jclieap iniitations of violet Whter and extTBCtS 'Vibl-ETS jsll(,u''1 no* rrov,'"t ¦*.. h.vns of rioleti boni MAv»Ac;ijn-o fltryii-g this deliciooj perfume. t Jxs PH Bl'RN_t TfiCcJj - For Sale in Four Sizes. By all First-Class Drupgists and Dealers in Perfumery. rnomiKTOHs _m> tt_x~ra< rtraaas, JQSEPH BURNETT & CO, BOSTOXb 2*__V _¦*>-..»- A. H. KING & CO., 627 AND629BROADWAY. HERE VOU ARE. A PKNNY IMKIHA-!.- \ nt« HVMSTITOIF.O «*k\t-»ma\»w.i:!m ii ii i. om.yonkfbnt rt« n lTi ai i iiiaiB-aiii ihri --- aaam a_all par-haaa their farniBliiaa nooda Irom hbiiikI oflei- ll.'"" himlUcrchlera worili Hic. lorapenny. Offsr nunil.rriwoi.ru.lt" Mfl *Blne. OurBlioe.lrpBrini.nt nilJolnB lhe 1m nl-hlng BoodB. vVafh in nncl ¦Bichaae « I-nlr afonr S t-M aiin.-- lorst.-io. ThMM 10 eaaapal attaaatoa afiaa-Bhaaaas llir i.fl.r ii;no(l tortn-ilny oiiIt. .I..BI one ,tep tnaro nn.l r. cl.olre n.Bortm.'nt .ifflne I,,,,.. "Mlllfr" VoMiiiMii" and *Diinln|." BaaaBB ran !.«¦ loun.l niarkrd lo arll lor lo-duv ci.lv nl SI. > ¦ The* are onr rrgulnr taVB- bal* Jo-l for lun a. S.I.Utl has far ._.... MEN'S TROUSEB8. Imaoitr.l Fnhrira. H|-llahCol, fii flaaiaaaaai MTN'S rilF.VIOT TROUBERS. __2 HARRIH . -R8IM1 RE TBOI BEBS. f" WORSTED TROUBERS . ' MEN'S CUBTOM-MADE TROCSERS. ¦.. MEN'S TA1LOR-MADE TROUSERfl. |" BfJ-N'B DKE-S T80UB_tltf . *" IJOVS' Cl-OTHINO. Onr apecUl.T for to-rin- BB ele«n..t ***'.£% Mrlpe-amlplal_o.all-ool, fW-S-l-B- re_-tB- S-I..00 itcivs KNICKERBOCKER BUITB. B*« lt..vs IMPORTED BUITB.J' ' ,-civsfancv woKwr-isrin..--..--- *J0 BOTS. long PANTS KEVI01 AND < A8BI- Mi.RV. BUITB . MEN'S SI ITS AM> OVERCOATB. Bwafl produrla. Hrrfcllon lu Bt. Mutl-tHCllon i;unranieed. MEN'S DOafESTlC 0VERC0AT8. JJJJ MEN'S IMPORTED OVERCOATB .....-._ .r00 MEN'B IMPORTED M I.K-I.IM-.O OV-BB, ^^ ro \t«<. MEN'S IMPORTED TWEED OVERCOATB, Ml.KMM.».SAT.N.S..I.I.Vr.l.lMN(... IMB >n.N*s I'IM. AI.I.AV.K.I. BUITB. . ( MEN'S BUSINK8S BACB SU-TB. '«. MBN'S IRSIMEIIE BUITS . '*''° Si .._ IMPORTED CU-VIOT AND WOBJ* ^__ mi'n-'s IMFORXJ-d' -rKEBS BUITB, CUTA. WAYSI AND PBIWCa AI.HKKTS. 81M.OO A §20.00 Above are only a B»w of BOB.cthlnf over a thousand dlfferent llnes af goodB we offer for aale. trataava mr«'. a-M -n.l o.rrc.nt. from BS-M lo n «3.% «0 and S 10.00 -armrnt. Boya* and chlldren I Mrtia nnd OTerconiB from B*S BSBM- to «*....U0. K.-iiieni- ber ara are lUc hriidqiiart.-ra for haraalnB. , OPBX IXTIL 10 Ol EO( K TO-NIOHT. A. H. King & Co., THE l.EAUIMJ ...MKKICAN <'IiOTIIIKItS, 627 and 629 Broadway, >EAIt Rl.llt KEH-ST. tAAIL ORDKKS I.IVIN l'ROllPT ATTENTION WIIKX Ari-O.Ml'AXIED lt V I A-ll 0~ DltAFT. Cnmmon PlfB BpartBl T-rm-ncfor© Allen. J.-Coun aaaai at, 11 a- m.--Motlona .... r. t 1 < ip. muri speclal Irra Before MeAaaaa, C. J.- Bpert-l c_l«_dar._, _ TVBBVDta A TilOAMisT rSO. AV8TEALLA. Chkafo, Oct. ll..A piioii-iniiiiiiiR raaai w-Basa froni Aa-traUs arrJ-ed ln Chleago laal Dlfhl ta B_r suit of a married man aho .-. waddi d bt .- thal '. waa itn_l ¦- rbe felb w nn- ln lafl. He pravai to bc a BOtad Afflerlcan crlmlnal, .iiiilns Malltiou-e, allaa Jullui M. Houao. Tbb Aua trallan pA u Mlaa EUaabeth llacaeU, -angbter ol a weU-tc-do caiTiane ¦aaufaetnrer In MellMmrne, Nol long after Barriag a tenn In JoMet prlaon Mallhouae areot to AuRtralla aa a -I-BlBWr for a blcag ft,i., leavlng a wlia ln tala ettj. Hi> meetlna wltb Mlaa Baekett, a sh-.n bal ardant eourtablp, ma a weak*a -eaayatooa, tbeu a audden baalwei call to Bydney, aiaeaied sjf tha draauaer borrowtng B7B0 from l.ls new fatber-Jn-law, t<-u tha Auatra tlie atery at-llhoaaB waa nexl beard of ln Pan i'.m.- ,-isci, ii, a lettor talttag allai Haetartd to expaet blm by the Bexl .waiiier. Bha dM nol wait. bal looh the tir-t veaeel for the Daltad Btataa, InTaaMsaUBg eo nmte bla re-ord, of whleh ihe had Bomaboa gol an Inkling Mauhou-e was at bome wltb hia Bral wlfe laal nlghl whafl arraat-d. Be bad no nottee of waa oomlag anldl eonfroatad at Polka Beajlquarten ,,v the -.man ba aopp-a-d ... be al tho a-.-.hi.ics ti.. M-eoovtofi ncrve dtd nol daaetl blm and be laugblngty attarnpted ba esnbraee Bto franaen Bha I.IUJ. .'¦'»->> *:..,' .,, ,,,,i|ft/vi chalr, antl d«'l_rrd tiiat .be would remaln ln Chleago aud '' J tiii ho waa a^.ain laadad ls t-a B-Mteatau. a Julict. _^_ liF.NF.RAI. MARKET BBPORT-PBOVlB-ONa ____»____va___1^^ M I1DLE {,.ARD,;,a:-.l,',:-'i ri,v't,;v.. .., were ln .,.-.,,.s hhOWiilg 1.- ol .' M . ' i,. ."''--. 0 7». ,. ,,:,... -,i-. r_ti tca **<'£.*° ooo t..- .. 3t»_<l iry :¦'-' d '" tl ,. nt iiuotod iBierlta ._ * l K SI ln buyi .' '.." V,|U', .. pa l, '.rn. v, J.""/--.- '' ',!' ," , n BJ ¦ii. is, ,-. i, ., tancr, r," P_*« v h iiiim thuici r.i, _.:¦ falr to n io !.-. \S. ii MI ¦¦' ICfflBc orlBW, 1.-I5e; W -tnil.rv.lnii'- |0_14r:do Wc n BrklnB, 10*1 t iv Il,i-<1-. lll s| Q., .,. mndera 10 «i,,|'lV" lisil.i In lat, II. IOi .,''., »nd ,-. ruiaylvanla. 20_« !1i atoek, freab, ln.- lea aoaaa, I8«17e; lini'd. prlBM, \Hr. .loh.inii llofl"*j Hall f^lrarl h«B w.md.iful Timlc and .Nimnn,. .(ii.li'l's B-M l>-\ nridi It im. i-i.iilur. Qalla iiaunaJ!) lini'iii'MB Iibv- ii,u> Bba niaikit ii,va'ii»: wiii.t, ¦)..¦ awAatt .wSal k *urn<-i s<j that "J..1.11111 Hc.rris" _gaatan H on Un- Hwh of -¦' battl* Maaai A Mcwtwr-iii c».. aolc a_t_i». a ii-rdiiy-Bt. MaaTeaa. A8S0LUTELY SAFE ARC UGHT8. i1 . H_M FOR HAI.B jf\ OR RRNTAL. Klnamnn I nmp. _-,-.tii« DE«K;vr.'» por i>K on i.'»WTr^si«m |M lN,t|>' NT l IIU l 1T>. The Eleotiie < onstru.fiori & Supply f o., TF.I.KI'ilONK lll II.Mi- IR <«Vr,'V^',>a"*r' ¦. Wlrll . a" Transparent Toilet Frthout Rival. Ornamented China and Solid Silver I OK WEBDIFfO I.IIT*. B--eutif.il and oaefal eewbliwlona ff Chtaa and BBvei raaea, ra t" '2,2,Xn Un.aik: Paitici.l.iily a choC-latO BBt, flOO. Ovington Brothers, PULTON AM) OLAEK STS., BBOOJ-L-K; N'-ar BridfB Tcrminus. The ataaoot BtteaOea beatowed opoo Brdera hv maii. Calaloguea farnlahad. His Finger Nails Came Off. "I'.ir a ve«r I *Bl " "aao of blei.d inwarda ..f hre month* nl thal time ¦¦ lu won ol any klnd. M II.i nalla came off, ind bi) I, iii dmpped oal li .-¦ ' inj h ia rp*an ini ha been ahavod. 1 ronaulte tl." Ix pM .in. .. ai, I -i-i.i huu 'ii"- "' klnda, bul irllhoul recelvlnB ih" allgh.eai ben«flt [waa '- c.1 iiually to vialt ll«i S|iring». Thla i,nt bei imlnn dla.uate. trllh Ihe treatnvni araa re i S|r'i IBr S. S. H i, 'I i" ,,.. K. H. H. bad MI. ' ,.,...,,,,..!,... .¦, .. ,.,.¦. ¦¦ Ihe i.n." I ha l laken twelve botlloa [ ._a enlrely eurert cured b; Bwlft'a Speeillc S. S, > arbeo the world-rfc- Rol Sprlnga l.a.l f »WM. 8. LOOMIS Shrev |..iri I.." Four Years Cn Crutchcs. I wa imatl wl four roort .' ¦¦...' ..,\ :..¦:. (5. S. i' hich from the bty 1 -'.. en S. |a ": la t hlmvt pi .1 1)1 A Y I."!'. c.il.a. M". Trea :- -.i, Blnod and Kkln li .-. malled ' -,\\ IFT -l'i ii !¦' .. \ inta <:a. THE FETEOLEl M MARKE1. vrr-p f~oim TifF. riF.i.ii artj ravof of rnir:-* win tha .. "'¦' boond "f apesulatfon tbe rud" tiia '.. yeaterday prwnted few or ao toettirea \i i-it ,\ Brm bx llni wa ooted. Ai the 'ooBOlldated Rxehange Kovemhcr optiona perfo :hcir i'i tomary ael ol opening ttroog a' B-_Q- i - eeata, bul rarled tbe monoionj ol receai Biovementa bj ramalBlag praetteally BBatloBary. .\t tbe Bl. .. j beaa ti.- lately, a tbade under Ibe Bgurea tor Rovenibei opttooa, but there v.a. an lneie_*e in aettvity at Ba_d-aln| taatead ol lofiealng Dguree. Tbe actlona -i- oflli all] !.<.. .. «1 were in oxooaa <>[ the offlcial rocord al tbe ('oaaolhUiad Raebang., aml tb. ,..i prtoe wai the be ol thc day. II .s bardly ti eoBceh d In Iba ex-tting dulneee ol apoculailou ,, : ahoulU l.l" ai, Ihe DJ0U ia atarilng a buylng Impuia-. Wl receul Indlcall ms ,,.i,l aoem to p >1nl lo the poaaibilltj t ia on the noxi Btlr in ie atagnani pool ol "II apecutollun. t ¦" «i. rh Excbange mlghl load Ihe optlon li-l ra al tl r,n nlldated, whether n waa ln « " '"' ¦' i.wnward dM-egku.. Tbe rnide maraai etoaad * The'range of piic** and tbe total d-allaga w.-re a Si.., k Raebaaaa. ( un-ilirtafl fll "ii tir_r . II I, t . I. (eai . li.al . -a i- I>11r< - '¦- , ir. Bu MSI.uOO I [ 1,000 barreli ..f Octobei aaatoai Bta, i: une- oil 'l ii li and .ihaaged al 1 enta per gallnu ai all porta, .-_«.» ,|... .i, Uuotatlona. Antwerp, i l-Bi ' franca; Bremen, 8.80 marka, and London, .> .-i"" ti io penee. _ Olt, MARRI TR. (.11 ( itv. P'lm Oet. 11 - 'I f>r''"';''''i uu< hi.h .¦. In Iii "V, i. h-s. kI liiici ii ¦-. 1*6 W 7 f'M-* ..;,...',..,,!,.... ii .'.......-I, duii. _i rrei 8»'ae; elcari , .,. ,, ,.,,,,,,..- ., rttiiavllle P nn. ort. 11. Natlonal Ti-njlt Certitlra .... .!.'-. I- i.i.. ii -.1 'IIII'. TRADE IN PHICACO. Chlrago, Oet n iBpoclaU. Tbe Uovernmanl erop -I tor ih" beara ln wbeal all tha' had ll woald. Mr.. ;,..¦........ enl fnr M.-v from r ('~ prlcea. Tbe brrak would have been . e tha ra .-¦ n had nol lim hlnaon uimm. -i.-liv eome to the ald ... ¦'¦¦ '¦" " Ih< o Thura <U\ _. i 3-H ,,-n -. ,,.,... ol irwl 'ta who were «.f the behwaria 1- Bnor -' aaalp 0 I.. ..at-p" for r-inllh ln the Xu belng -Ort.000 bu ': '."', I'.lman ,.;... Bi-adtor than expoc_d ronablei r. ' hal Ihe forelgne were al-o li-adlni.' on our liowarnmenl rroo report. OB jaa ,":;,,,.,. .|,| ai rtC 8-8 ie..- r !).«. niber. PlO vi-|..t,- nr^e duU bul Bteadl Q bai ixuh aaBBBBl at aiul'. aod ln_tl at 810 BO*i BPECIAL KAIDS ON 8TOCK8. BUYERS FRIGHTENED OFF. THK t.KNKRAI. MARKET, HHWKVF.I!, CLOS-SS DULL ANI) STKADY. hAl.t-.S AT TIIK BTOt K l.\( IIANt.K-IHTOHER 11. PONDB AMV EAEE STOCKS. Vlrriiila 0. Ii.f. r'd n Ba» W A 8t P Tr.iBt Keccipta Icccnio l.inNl. B 1 000. 1(1 Tiim H-ttlrraeal m< Io«a Fea l»t I..IHIII TI', 6.II0U."7 "t Kan i'i' l-t con lii.iiin. .74. ..ooo .liO .: Ami r .i I.onis laotad 18. ..lss ".. aa / Buai on - l.ooo.HO1* r..i.mi.i*_9*b !..". *" N ".'' iltatTmat 5b 2.000. IS3 Atlai.tir A Pacitlc rinai u I .t W .'-I i.ii'i.i ...'i ooo .'..'.. Cain la -_nt>.-iii i»t t.araatea. l.OOU ....108*4 I - mtli -'I XI 1.ll...'.1114*4 Lo .'¦ A*''I.IC IM '.',00(1.ns oua :... on .tni'B l.ooo.10_«, 3 ooo 108 '.- ,v N'aah N M.i Mol»2d 7.000.183 a.ooo.io». st j.t ii lat 1'itUlinrg A Wrat lat 1.000.84 2.000.B«S 2,000 ..-4S Ru li a i .inrllie 8a I ooo.80% 11.000 .Bl l''ll.Il '.'.OOO.101 Ilo. W ,* <>g OB l.ooo.i..;)'4 Ri. li A All'-'.M OrMcM Morgaa flta 10.000 .,0>4 BlchA W 1'i.iiit i ..! in Trnai''' 17.000 :>s\ Sjrra Blna a tt Y Cblih.i M j h m 8a 1..l 18 Rrglatered 112 Cca Pi :¦.<. 0 aa 97 8.000 .: i_<4 Cantrai N>» Ji>rBey Cl/IIV 13.006 Cbaa Ac oata toa '.» l.ooo.103.4 '.. co .ic.! 5.01'O.103 Chic linr ,% <4 10.000 130 v ..> .... 130 Chic I'.nr A gulu 3.OOO .105% cs i- ,i _ ii .-,, r..ooo.l.."-j CI... B ^ ln 8a 8.000.108 _108 ¦;'-. l ii SI I. «t i.'i im l.ii i.i 10 '!« 5.000."o .|StLAr» * Tax lat 10."HO.Im' cinpunaoT 10.00".70". I OtMl .7»r4 8.000.so 8t I. Ara A Tex '.d 5.000..K Bt I, A Ir..n Mt C'.ilm Ark A T lal I.i n'» S nitli'n 1 at 11."(in .. ..97*a 10000.«7% '.'.OOO.077, _aht«ii .t W.a Coa \«..-iitcii 1.000.IM** Lo N 11 A TciBB lJt 6.000..«0>4 llot.il-A'i'ilo uen Mort .10 17.00O....59 MIAol V.t lat 12.000.116 M.I A St I'.inl UI C PaeA Wa :>» t ..'M.s.'lll- 1 >~B l.OOO..10H'4 Miitiml Fn Tel 8a I.i. .1113 N 1 lavated lat 1.000.104 Bt I, A inin Moiint Ba 1H.000.sr.s, 6.. Pac ..t Cal |at (.'viiac.iKtatdl Ba 3.000.10O<- '.'.000. 10o\ 8.080.loo^ Tenn 0*1 A l R Ba Tcnn UIt 8a 1.000.'."'. 6.0U0.86 s, ¦..OOO.'.nl Illrnur rn IMv 1 Bt ".ooo.B' :t.n .0 .1 Hls, Tc»n« aad r lat 6* Dan A ilo (ir.niilo NYChlcABtL 7.ooo. HO1-., la u Tcii ,v ii cea ut 80.000.7','s- SO.OOti b3...83*4 l.ooo Iill"n Dea * 8 'i Wa lat N y i.hu.- B * wu t«.i bi i. * k (; AbBCI .' N'.v 2d III1B..I ltt TTI.sl . I.IUM1.101 ti.000 ....10.1 ...i' 18 NYCent r.x.'.» 4,"00. I03«i -.t.Ms.MI..- .'.oo..l(lf-4 B.00O .103. .18 .' Ko» l'ac 1st conp 000 .... 16 ¦. 'j.i.llli| I lt, - 91 \..i Pac lat Uea 1.000 103 '. 'HMI.114 Fn t>i s a Atl it Norl'ic llii roup<.n I'i OOO .111 N Wu Exti tt ib 8.000 «3'« XortliweBtett- Con m<.K uoid ccii'is ;. ono .138 i.i"i ...;'4 BTenn V A ;,| Bl 1.000 '"7''4 10.000 107 .(IU .".a 13.000 "i D.V.'.B l.iioo 113 Ft Wortli A DO ltt :i ooo.100% Ohio Ind A W-bPii lal 30 ooo.7!>sj '.'.ooo.so .-'.! 10,000. 48 V v i.m it C«.| lat 11.000.101 .'..ooo..1..: ij 5.000.10:1 ."'..>oo 108 Dnion I'aeiflo lal .as l.O(M).1171. Ptah Houth Bi i-.t 7.000 .113. UUIiS..ntli-rn li'-n.r '..ooo.U8 Weat Un OolTT 8a .1.000 .103 i.o. 10 _1001- 1.0"'. I00> omf -.,1 un lal 8.000 ...101 6.0IB1 .101 1.000 88 .lal Har .* s au W.tern Dlv lal 1.000. '"I '. .',.000 ll . 100*4 Or»(ton Bhort I.inB Wauaah hiiIm 1.000.103*4 lO.iioo ... 1U**| ilOO in % Oranon K A N»t 3'.'.OOO.lo.ts, Watt >li Ci't'd 4- :..i.oo.io:>». PhllB<_ k»b<1iiib; Iat i.rit lac .,."'o -:.. '.'.I jiref inoma .'. OOO_B4*i ci.-ii M'.rt 4a 1..HIII Wu*, 000.106), 7.000.lort lo.ooo.loo .4 5.000.l(|i| lt. ^'istcriHi fi.oun.10H 2 000 ,103*4 '..000.106*a THK GEXE.UAh IAST. ACTIfALB4Lla tixiitxo. No. Op'fi Uii,'tl.'>w't Kinal. Bid. Aak'cl auht, Altiauv* B-8. At< ,."-»¦¦ AllaiitieA .'*>. H a Nl Al. jri _ull H A ,'iliB., Unir K<*sH ^rt- BnrlfHA Nor i'aiia.la .i,iii tn... Cana.U 1 _clt)c eutrai >J. t fiitr-l Hacirlc. ti.'-. <'. d.. .tlurl. no'..l i.:i. ChteA Kaai U" ^ 11. 'ir. L'liic AlUin...1 «.i;.ret. ClueA Sorwaal < inc _ Moi on. ( blc M a Bl t. CI BA BP '.rt CI. sU-.tiH ti t-tc-t l* at*U Cbtl'MAO url C'tn. «ur A u. kj ... l'.cinc. 0a \s v n CW »U" aafa f , V- *HIlt4.. ,^,1 II V lol CCCI. i-lL.. do «r«t. Ui !..» *¦*.. Il-l .t. llllclB"!!.. 1.,-uv a bo.-. licn ,?. !'.'. ire: lieii.t H>. A. I,, ,v rw ct.'a 1. I.i.:. VAto. _ i. DDlalori. .:i ..ri.. K Lrx >v ll> KT.* H. c.ir.ii tUV. li, u-n.'ii.- ' ai lllWI '.!. dopi IlllUdM "lll.... 11H (III lllll.i'B K-"A I.M. I, B 1 M ufl- KlllL'B.t i'CUl... Ll. A * L-A W i,rt..-. U.<. BBora. Uubb laland..-. L..U.B* NubIv.. 1. ,sa,vi me... .11. M.ililn.l Ucncli- M.i; 11 .* <l .... M..r II .M (J ?tl. Mc an». Micli -ill. M 1,14 <¦. VV art. s.tl. ii a si.. ?--:.. Mi. kN'i -V ... Mo I'B' jBIo.... .\ .i. in. N Y i-iitr*. M .' k~! U- N \i A s-[, .r.. -, 11. : i.r BTTL1 »w.._ .S N ,v \\ 1.11. NV .t N Y. NY NM .*H.- N ^ <IA Bf. K i s j w. MVf«_ * urf.-. NorfolkA Wea N,,| .* W ITct.. N. rUi i'..._ .N..1 l'». i>r<-(__. '.,,.,* M ....... - Bllll. (ir.-.'uii Iui¦>.... or Iiui" ii"i- N. «...n... nr rtluirt iim.. I' V I.T.... I't.l.t llm-liii. V W A bic 1 ,1. |'.' U. I'.ll- .<. W 1 - v W urel. su. Klchd ItllllA W-Bli't I... a wi't urr ¦'. a ... m i. irk- r.... BU, A 4 ni mi. a a rn pi .11 .'!.. BU. .1 si ,,,,.[.. I 1 ,st ;., -t lllll. BU" v l. i.il.... BtPM / Mm ¦¦.. iii.-... T< uaPac ni.... T'.IA Oluac .ii. Tol a .i ort.. Tol Aa A ', M li. >fi I'.c ,1|, .. Va M,,i ¦A - ,,,, au... _ v- il c ipn :.... \S I, ,i u, .'.¦!.mm ii.r r r.\\>\_ .'..s, iWVj '.'Osj :..) 68 63 To 6U*a .;:< I'.JH l-'-l-j 13»> B -"4 41. '.10 1,4 sj -4>l «ls, Bis, 4. '4 1BH '.,. HM-ii 1'46 i4s, '.«., 04 W7"-.. D7s, W 40 78 **l li.'i 51 r..i a.i 24*4 1,4 '4 4---J 97 i-7 16o u i - r. l 130 ill 112 111*1 Ui*« 14: "I 141 V 141 sj 141 si U1S 141 .. 71. 7 1'b 7oJ. 7 m 71-« 7l'» U«*l IH'b IU"-, 1.4t 114 . IU'. . Ui I'i .ru, 1(74 87. 17V »7 »» it.s, aa'-> »a. .ut y-i*i :i4 .KlU 107'. lU.i . 107sj 107 "4 107J4 i077» uu-s. ioov as. »».*.: Ol* 76. 00 H .44 3 * 16a 17 1 1*4 75^4 74- 74s, yM*a 01* > m»*B ;41'. 143'4 Ui'a 14:i»4 141 .160 151 .J . i'4 . 1H 74«4 1.000 -,;,'i.i .,311 (30 1UU 23,14 200 io'. 100 s.iiyi lo,.,.;,! 3,o:.4 108 6.31.1 ;<'.> I" M Vi«4 7'.' .J.. 6 s, ll" iy_ ¦j.t 32 *b 100 I 47 138 i 100 117 36 ¦» 33 04 4 117 30*. I Welial ara.i . l.lc... <** l.... Mi.i_ 11 .-. a;.*. >7 2H-. ..1 .. 150*4 i 671 II6«j ll.'1' _&s» 3CS 33 Bl'. - ;.iis, 1". 2B. io 71 »'» tlBsj i T 36 lj b:,', l_.ii 71 \ 16" s i... n-i-4 k.' I'All 01 .i.ll. M D i'.ii... .. .1 .. on t Ili.i i. Biaka. M iiiua U'lli s- gui tiiii.f uri. An.' 'attla it... ottoa ..i - '! raat.... v....i I'liu- ll, 1 mj-b j'Ji 6»\ 87 57 S4 82 U l;*'4 17 sj 5tt ,c: . c, i\. ,u .JilS 1_. :n s, ',0 s, 38 - " 117 |8B sr. .'. '4 83 . SS-. '. 17 31 .- 13 80 |BI| I '¦- 13 i .,l . I. '.'X54 17 .(. . 71 Bi*. 36 . I. ¦» 8'.'4 20 31* S..i-*9 lftn 770 l.WMI mo 8.820 2.0 .0 800 U--8 l.r.'. '.'OO .868 16 (00 3"0 30.445 82 4i«» o 41.(1 1.100 346.1.*0 ¦»..¦« f.ir Iho.lay. __._ IU Al mi: 0OE8OUDATEL BtOOB AS1> 1* tEOLEX U l \( BAEQB. ... K*| *i- rletn ottoa o I. t s. (.- Ualn. \. !'. (' (' i St i. r h blll I 81 P ri.ic 1 Ni. ihw. «. l.-i i...y i l_k. _Uor« . i aa a Raaa. Mi aaa PneiBa N Y 1 N-w-l'ii-lanl. N TO t R N"r l'..|i|.' N l'i. ,;l.- pre'. N'at l.al T.uat. 11 _on Trai Ph i Ib "Uo-. iie 'i I Weat 1'.. nt. S'lTir li f .,. Te ... ( v. I. tlii.li Pa llie W m i. l P ptaf. Whcej ?. i. i. ,,r"f.... T..'a' sh,re- s_ll 80«, 71 BOBD8. nth _i. 2d eon. w V li I-i (Jeo [.< ii '¦"¦ Pae _i .i «' 1 .> F lat. Moh t -. 4- K V c t Bl l. i- Keadlne: l-t pref inc .' r"f ln" Te-aa Pa Ifle i-t Bt L K C lal Tntal aniomi! n.i-1 !W5-| liMM 10.*. ln,',' l<H>r,i lo.'tV 104 S 100*1 114 -I tom > ., B-Pa Sl 84 HO 10_a> :m »s-,o<o I04S looo lon*B 12,1 114 6,000 ;.,i 00 1,000 10,000 7.000 81 iom .lt 81 n . 80 108*1 2.000 (0,000 1.000 075.000 MISIXC, 8T0GK.3. A-t r'a . .a P.u Ilon . lc:i ¦' k V.i Rxi h QU'-r Ii..n siher Mutoal B * M North B I*e Navato ".¦ lental r .., A M'lkr Piymnuth I'l.I\ g Arliona Rappa' aaaoek 8c iilnii. S'lf.. Tunn-'l 81 \-r Kl". ln .-I Op er ... To'al aale* . ._0 .80 .00 .oa .-,.7-> .70 2.40 C. il". ..'!.-. 1 tl .' .'. .'i.oi .81 .(¦« ,itn 7 .H7 1 10 500 ioo ._. 8 400 '.!> 7.M) IOO 7 0 80.) 3.H00 180 800 .11,350 CLOSINO PRICES OF IIOSTON STOCKS. U<.st..u, Oet. 11, 1889. Yes? A 1 Tnp lat 7s v ITLti 7s Al I I'.'ii It R ]l"-t v AHanv Mlllie.. <iii" it.ii g.. Raatern II K\. I I- M |.f I. II I I" B 7s Me, ..| oom. Me« c l-*, m it N v t N i: N V £ N E 7 s IV.'d t I, C ""I .'111 ol'iny. Pi tl- I c mi... Rutland pref_ ¦i .. nn... v. i- .ii nfd.... Cal lie.ia... .rBay.To-day Kls 10- loo- IQO". 17.-. 4 4"> 29*. .vi 21--, 5 17S 4 '-'i1* 217 Allouei Mln Co Bea' Frat.klin . Huron l)s.,|_ Is H ;..iii.: BOB I. OulncT Itn Telephone. li.,-;,in Land.. Mr'aur Powei... Tam Mln Co.... M.-.s. trnl San Dletro I. 0. W Damaon St Ser KtlMt! r. -. t Mmi'. Kearaai S.lll _"B .'..[. I'.i \ .V Y'-sterday.To-day. .60 B B*J .27. .C". ln, 10 __ s_ 10 .V) 191 1_1 H, >;. il'.i .1. li 108 ioo 11. ll. _i»4 2- 2-1 24 88- .W 4 ,48 3_>- 4', .52- I.a ,d Co. O'i- 60 CLO8IN0 PRICES OF CA-IFOR-flA BTOC Ban FraiieU.¦.>. Oet 11 Veaterday Alta Iliilner ._.;, ir-. < B'lchr 8.10 Bodle Coo.7'i Ch'.l ar 1.00 < -i. .1 ', \ » 5.02 ':.,¦.' ii 1'i.lnt 2.45 (i'.'lil ( uriv 1.80 Hale v Norc. 2.7'. Mealean ..no Moae .7-'. ty.To-day 2 25 2 20 a.oo ,63 1 70 :, n, 2.1-. 1 85 il no 8.03 N'avajo ophl? ....» Poioal. 1.15 >u\ i'_'.- .1 .">.'> Ii.l,.u Conajol. 3.00 I'tah .' .00 Yellnw Jackel oaVon-ealth 3.15 .V'vala Quren No. i- ¦. KK. 1 s.^9^_ To lay, 30 4,80 1 10 1.70 2.10 2 05 ,88 3.10 .7.-. .75 CLOSINO P1UCE8 OF IMtll.ADKI.l'IIIA STOCKS. 1'- ii- -¦- ".\:n ^-kerl 51s, MH ,r> t. It at.ii- .22 11-10 _._" V tlev. ..'¦ \ ;. Roi Pac coib .-', 32r^ Noi l_c pfd. 7iS 74 l.e' l.h Nbv .68 .'..i'l 10 ' .33., Bt. Iaul.71 - .'.' I'.. ii,. l-i pM .81 "I " .'.' '. 31 pfd. 58 A-V"1 84 'a 7m '< 51- WIIA'l WAS DONE IN STOCKS. Fri.lii.v. Oet 1' .p. m. The Im.-' list of rallroad eantinga whlch nvi' printed below furniatt a ourioua comment on the ronditlon of to-day'a atoch market. Out of tl.e twenty-four compaoiea wliioli have ropnrted for the lirst week iu Octoher, tweniy-one eompaiiiea l'.ne retnrned not only _uins bnt Large _nin> on tho -orreapondiBg wcoh of 1888. llut, as before haa been resutrked, the e_rninga are reported only onoe a week or onee n month. wlnlo tlio burean of miainfomiation aenda out its bnlletina of what is t., h.i|i|n'ii every live minutes, day an.J nlgha. The wreckers of vnliios, Ineluding a f'liioago op- erator, who, with teea oaaae for i)ein_; so than now existB, two wechs ggO was a loud-moutlu'd " hull," to-day continued their oia-rarions with a eonfldenoe horn rither of a knowledge denied to smallor Ughta. or of the desperation of reduoed ln:ik ai.'oonnts. Mi-souri Pacilio, was the priu- ipal point of attack. From its openmg at 71 1-2 it rapidly was sold down to (in 't-4. Simal- taiipously .. rnmor that has no lutlier ohtainod clrculatlon, thnt tho oo.pany was going to issuo 18,000,000 of lionds. of eourae it was aocepted iis ;i roregone conidusion. il tho ruinor had any fonndation In faet, thal the bondB to he ataued were for no ralne to be recelved by thc eorapany. The aame ael ol Bpeeolatora fiunped on Cottoo Oil down to 41 1-2 nn.l on Sugar down 5 per icnt in 81. Boek J-lnnd oamo. in for a furtlior attack and sold off to M .-8. 11*8 whole geaeral Biarket w:.s more or lesa affeeted by these par- ticuliir nnd snecial raids, to tho extent that buy- ors were deterred frmn giving their ordera and waited to aee tho result.s. Yet in a limited gtoeh market, as the pfeaent one is, and with all tho apeculative foreo cnlisted on tho " boar"' »i*le, as it n.iw is, the B-Oerai market afforded httle com- fort to the " rai.lcrs.'' l*rio,es deolined on neglecl nn.l qulckly rulliod in PB8P0I188 to auy bRying ord-IS. Th»t ihe " hoar»" nnd tlio late pro- (esaional " bulto,- who _b~8 attminted io stab ihoir frioinls in the baok and joined arith ti,.- great New-York " bear" and with the eeoentrio r.'.-inii operator, who fonciea be makea and nn- makea Uie price of New-York and New-England HH i, i and reaiiae their deaperate aituation tlo-ir roreed ouerutiona in to-day'a niarltet fully reveal to il,,- |i.i-sei-iiy. That they are brigfat nnd alert goea will,.-.! aaying. They nt-Bt have had early infoimation that the ireek_y report ol Atchlson nouid ahow lnr";e gBine, beeause that Btock ¦v;is left out of the day'a manipnlation. They deal iu myateriee nnd nol In [act, exaeily tbe aame aa aboul a year Bgo they dealt m the re. poated atory thal the Erie waa about to laaue gi.),ooo of new bonds, rili we gol fmm tho Lrie nutnngo-nent a poaldve and ButhoritnUve de- Sl'noe that time ROtnJnj moro has boert he.tr.l of a bond laaue by the Erie Company, although orevloualy it had been printed all over'the ( mt-d Stutcs oo the authority ol ortf ol VVall StreetH no ,s bureau*. Vel deaplte ili thia hnrd work nnd the BpueaLfl to feara, little or no real itock is j,,,,! the appealt. to feara, little or no atock \n dislodged rrom real boklera, beeauae thei certiflcatea .,. |..1(, nwa, rrom the Influeaoea of Wall Street ;;....,. reimrti nnd beyond the reaeh oi inoney manipukit-M Sj.ulatora in a bdbII markel buy Hnd sol. cach other'a contractai nl proflta or louae* Itui the day is nol far diaUtnt, Bnleaa all ootn ..,,,;,! aigns tail. when the origiBatorB ol the .,,,;,, :s will have to look to rea hokkra ol lower tl.aii Fnsi. night. THE 1) VV IN TIIE BOND MAKK-KT. The TreBBurr to-day r*a-tjhaa_- -Mi.""" boa¥ta: . ",.:: r^Mi-emsa. l-7.Rnd $88..i 4 !-'. ;,.,,..,. ;. ',..¦, ii-l. 'n.oro was ,,,. lin.H.ss do - ., ,,\ inmcits Bl 1 >«' M<»cl« __-0_U-l»ge. IM !!..:,;;;,.,"" .'..I i--* w,.re low aad .ihcrw._- uiichuniRHl, .1- followa: Bid Abk I Bid. Aafc. i-s.r 1.1801 re«. 105-108 U.S.cur.8a,189a.. IM .... . .,.,,,,.. i$w^:s;z&&: IS:::: !.-_'_.,i__i,._"" 137 127 t:>.cur.0a.le*J».. l-*8 .... [^cui'osl^ IJS lll.-C: 3-05.10.4 121 ___ Im S'atC i-u.-s .lctiii.'ss.v lettlSB-CBl 3s aold ut Ti i.-in,i and Virdnla 8s, deferred recelpt«,a1 -. oi ciiy bank Bfxwks, North Auutkm boM 115) Bt The sraeral boad taarkel was irn*-;ilar. aad in Bome inatonce* there were fractlonal deelines fjom the extmne sdvances ol the laal few daya. i,,,- inotancr Forl Wortli aad Deaver flrsts rell i,,,,c ,. loo l--'. sad Chewpeake rind OI4I0 flrat .,s vrere easier Bl 103. roledo, Bt. Louis aad Kansjia City flrsta aoH up to 103 1-4, aml l nion 1 Hcitic, Lincoln aad Colorado tirsts rose to 108 1-2. 1;( 'I'loi'ii r is made to 0 ir fall rcpon <.i boadsales. Monej to-day n.Ic*l ot 6 per eeat; t.ut it l»«in« a Friday, when the Btook __tohaage clusca its doora lo bnnkera' balaaeea aubject t>> eall thc nexl day after .':. i>, the rate was bid up lo iiaii per ci'iit. and no Uttle businraa was done at 8 |m-i- cent, i.ut before tlie ...(>>*. the luapiy ->t ner icii iL-iin w:r. exce*alve. Clenrina tlou*e atatement to-day was aa foliowa l'.\. Ii.iun'v 11-8,515,313; l.alan.vs, -.'.11 The Sttb.Treaaurj to-day waa <l<*i>t<.r to ths |l ,-;, ni_ llouaf 11,053,400, Tbe busJaaaa i,c the Huh-Treasiirj ko ln« ~eefc ended to-nifhl laclades ¦.- 4-ii-t- ..', .:..'.!-'.-i ¦' Bad itaymeata of 12*,. i",i ",i.s l.-;i\:ti- the _enera1 balanoe at 1188,- ,,| 1.523,513 Optober 4. ahow- Ina'nn anparenl I. w of 14.239,227. Hut deduet- InJ ,,.,. ii..* paytaenta K.87i.000 and frosa tha r,c ii.t.N 81 530 1. for itonis wliicli sffec. onJY lts .,,,1 wlth thaG-eoeralTreasary, Ita loaaaaaffaot. n_ "he haaka la _98.327. .od thia rraah .<> .",,,, ,|.. .-ivmenl of 18.028.319 for ,...r.'t...,'<l ... ii- ri'.eit.t oi 13.420,500 fo» exohaas- oToUicr lWb.%a\\Z& Tu-daV. operntiou. The Highest Praise. " I am a Preahv eri-ii rler.vmin and a iMotoil ._ Dlvltiltv. Mit 1 ain nol :ifr:il1 Ui r-o iirni-ii I DnrTy'a l»rjr« Malt Whiafcer aa II,. purc't and nmni erBcletit lirr-|>-r-- tli.n ;ia a ni" ln li" thal I kii'.M "f aii'l mv exprrlenni la a lar-c one.'' Rer. II .MIU.N, I,_. D. ". I hi.hl.v re'-..mni"iiil Dnffy'a I'ur- Miit Whlakey and preacrlbe n extonaiwli in n.v nrartlre." II w. ili T( HINvi.Y M. !».. New-York. " Duff.v'a I'u-e ftfall Whlakej- Is fr ¦.. f-'.m ftiael oil, -diilegiii'.na ..r for larn Impurltlea, and tfceaa nuaUuea -h.iiil 1 ..'..nirn'-iid II to tl. '.k-l, ¦¦" puLllr favor. Prof. ill.NKV A. MOTT., Ph. 1*, P. s New-YoHt. " I eanear ln tho indorae.,'nt nf all that haa baaa aald uf Duiry'a __re Ma.t WhlaBay." l'. M-lNNF.rt. Late Traaaarar af tha i;mie4 statea. (an any hlfrher . ihan Ihe nbovo be pre» 'inr.-ii ta .mv kaowa artlelel !>.' they ii'.i, prora Iba purity and power of tau Great Reawdy Ra -..»¦, howerer. and aeeare only tk" Kenurno, aat t-kc in.iii. tiu- |inrT\ It is teie tiji all rapatable di-ii-eisO- oovorod: Recelpta, 13,078,308; i-vmenta, 84,. 204,370, with balaneea of 8178,135.058 coin and 110,149,233 enrreaey. BKPOBT8 niOII WASHINGTON". Tiie I'nited StRtca Twailllll at Wnshington re. eeivad to-day $i:,7,i4.-, NariofMl l>:,nk notea foi redent ption. The customs reeetpta were 1497,914, the in. ternal reveuue reeeipta ^iii.tit, and the mi*. neuaneoua reeeipta 828,566. To-day'a Waahingtoa Treaauy stittement of casli on liniKi and deponta in boak ooaaparea with tha Bgoiea of the l.-ist pnrtooa Btateafent as rollows: 0 ln Oei ll niffe-neea, Not jold on hand.gI8i-,-l0,388 6187,ul3,321 D»c. $-01 07; reronhaad 16,710.845 16.606,470 Dae. 30,808 N'.-i ;e__.tenil>'ra 011 hand . 18,093,34- 18,188,888 Ino. 40.02t Ac'u.l ra*- ln Treaaury vaulfa ovr otit-t.in_- ln- |s.,ti|J,¦:,..-. .J|__:( 098,88. »2-2,71 7.300 r>er. $311,4... Dapeatta la i,ai.ka 40,448.808 4t.829.S88 ine. 1.483,428 RM e-ah _alaii.ea.$263,472 H'.H $2 i (i:r, SH Inc.81,178,808 Tlio -Oreiga atahaaaa market for to. Btorrow rimil waa not activo, hut the nttee wore woll Buatained at. quo- tationa for bualneaa as followa: Bankei-* bilbt at 84 88 7.8 and «-l 81 7.8 for loug and ahor. aterling reapeetively; Pivneli feanea at. 8.81 1.4 .ind 5.18 :<-4: reiebnuirkH al M 3-8 and M 1-8, and guilden Bl 4o |.16 nnd 4o .VI ii. In London Britiab eonaola eloaed eaaieg al 91MR for moiioy nnd !»7 5-16 for ncoonnt. Tho Itank nf Enghtnd jriino<l 100,000 pounda bnlHon oa balanee. Toi iimnoy ln Ihe open markot no nit«'« won* qnoted, so ii may be aarriiirrl thnt tho\r eithei wore anohanged or eaaicr. Bar aihret wa* Htendy Bl 42 3 Id. per <>i 111,-.-. AmoHmn railwityit, while tirm, won- resixiiisivp to the hntiie mniketa, nnd e-o D-Oaed Bl BOOOl a parlty of New-York'e 11 oeloek quotationa, if anything, a little hitrher. At I'nris ___oeh i per .otits decllO-d to ,17.".7 1-2, and right exchange on London wius wonlc at 25.25 irano- for aterling.. S. V. Wliito X fjo. nf' still offerinz a timited amount or the Clty of Columbna Ohio) CooBOi- Idnted Streel Railwai Company*a tirst meftejMe :, per eenl gold bonaa, dne Jnly 1, 190P. Bef. rrenee 1-- autde to the advertlaemeB-l in another column. The attention of inveatora is dirorte<l lo tha iidvcitisiiiii'iii nl tlio International and Mortsaa. Bank of Mexieo. The American direetora inolmie. N.vornl weH-knoa-n men, who have been ominentlv. aiicceaaful ln tlnir undertakinira. Tho stoek U offered at |80 per ahare to Buoeeribet- hoiweoa October I nnd October 18. P001 ft Greenough, of So. 86 Wall-st., brtng out tho London and Kew-Yorb Inveamaenl Cor. p.irntion and Invlte Bub-eriptiona for .100,000 ponnda oi the capital atock at par. Tha booka will eloee on or before Friday, Oetobef 1 8. For porticnlara Inveatora nr" referred to tbe advertiae. ment io another eotnmn, RAILBOAO KAl.NTNT.S. BVFFA1A). ROCB-STRR ANU IMTTSBCUt;. um i88». Number of mllea. ::.» »4 ___M Flrat week lo Oet 841.730 *.S3K»t »)46.(X17 Jan. 1 to Oet, 7 1 BlB 194 1 47I.e.V4 1,44,,3-4 CANADIAN I'ACIFIC. Numher of mi>- 4.-U7 4.4P1 ,*.*® Klr-t «'.ek ln n.t. e207.Oi0 »_*» 1.000 $3.,'-.OOO Jan. 1 IS Oet. 7 K 171,4.'. 8.-81.488 10,'.».>7.-_- CIIICA-0 AM» ATI.ANTIC. Mimbcr al nll- 988 .__l 9M Klisst we.k ln Ort.... .1-311 #4.,.r.t, f_Z'°_> Jan. 1 ta Oet 7 1.068.875 1,781.088 1.003.480 DU-UTH, BOUTH BHORR AND ATI.ANTIC. Numtier Bl Btflea. BW .888 _^Mf I'mt areek In Oet. 887.877 8_3.»?'J Ja.. i [a Oet. 7 I.m:. m.-. LWfJU KVANSVIIXE AM) INDIAXAFOMS. Vnmber uf in'.l.- IM . 188 Klr-t week in Ocl »4.«.'__ $...(_'.i *'¦:."'- Jau. l la Oat I ih*..:i_7 ls7,7H_ __4.3-0 EVANSVII.I.F. ANU TDIIUF. HAl-'T. Number of BRlaa. HO IM __._H Flrat week ln Oet.. BlP.-ttoi »K,.4l-l }19W7 Jiui. I _ Ocl .' ..,...<-,» 947.7-7 07_.HOa I.OUI6VII.I.F. Ni:W-AMl\NY ANU (HtCAIiO. Number "f mllea. M8 ."'.17 _ffl Hrst week iu Oet.... 44s,,sn,i a48.!'00 $.'jO,«)I Jui.. 1 U> Oet 7 1,707 tsr.t 1.700,070 l.b'J4.9_l KXLWAUR.8 AM) RORTRERH. Number al ilii'-. '--'l M:] _ 3'18 ..^k lu Oet. »21 ,-".»7 *_:l :t $30,150 la_ i ta Oet T-l.oo. M07..W8 yo4.8:i. PITTBBORa and Wi_.Tr.itN. Numl*r of mlla. ;t"7 H'i7 3H7 Klral areek In Oet.. $io."7s |3V.:6 888.1*9 lea. i t" Oet 7.. i..'._7 I.'- i.r.'.;i.o47 l,«-j.0_4 I'l.oltlA, DECATUS AM» I'.VANsVILLF- Number of mlU'-. 8J4 .-^4 854 wrat week in Oet. BM -_iO $14..3. Jai,. 1 l., O.t. 7. -80,-33 64V31- BJ-. 1-OL'It., AKKANSAM ANI» TI.XAS. Numfx'r of mlles. ~A-> 1.18- .J.829 Kirst. week i- o.t. $7*,t".rt BiLMlM $10_,lo7 J.n. 1 to Oet. 7. 1.7--.774 2.-J3.048 2,513._37 raz-g pai ific. Number of mllea. 1.1-7 1-487 1.4B7 1 rat week In Oet.. .. $147,hih *i:_.,7'.;> $145,004 .!_,. l ., Oet 7 4,170.--- 4,-18,-51 4,0-6,-01 TOLEOO ANU OIllo CKtrTRAXa. Number of BRlM. _818 888 _3J Klr-t we^k ln Oet. $22,4 11 $2-.:il- 827.-1X; Jau. 1 tn Oet 7. 77-,n;.;i r-.-1 r,:,n 904,313 ATCIII-ON, TOPF.KA AND -ANTA I_. Number nf bbUOB..... 7.O09 7.11| Fuurth -evk In Kept. $7ao.8__ $80o.,ft72 I.,.. to .-..,.'. 80. 88,410.781 18,448,188 BART TEKNEWJBJ- VIR'ilMA A.M) OEORGIA. « nf BUlea. 1,088 1 »>'.*_ 1,143 ..ourth week ln Sept.... B157..1-7 $136,116 $107,654 Jan. 1 to tfept 80. 8,755,840 8,048,688 4,3,-_,0-3 UO ORAVDR \M.sTl.i_N*. N'uir.t^r of biiuwi. 888 seB »aa Kounii week iu _ept.... 011.77-- a8B,6_8 $.W.-0. Jun 1 to Hegt 88.. __0,_01 _4n,457 1,074,496 UIFORTR 01 DRT-BOODB AT RRW-TOWR. I'..r the wi'._- 1887. 1888- Enteied at the pcrt.. $ $2,'_»e,.'>02 61.'''*>7,7»4 i irjwn .ii markat. 20-10,107 8,263,788 2,000,62a Slneo .l.inuarv 1 Enlered at tba port. 100,221.154 10»,3i'i 073 l(lfi,'_Ofl.221 Ttaruwu un irt-.k.' ...100,301 7_<i 104,2ir -_» 10-,64-,7D« F.Un0PI'\N KINANCI.vr, marketr. Laagaa Oet 11, 11 n, .:,«..!., 07 i-l« for money, srifi 97 ..-1»1 f".' the ii"'-.-'uit. Atimtli- aii'l Creat Wpsto-rn tlr-t m.-rt-at;.' truatea. c rtlBrataa, 35Va: (anaiian PaciBo, 71'a; Krlo. 3n . .M \.. ..ulii.iiv. 49sj M. ymi, < om- mnn. 73: Rew-Yorfc Cenaral, lll; I'ennavhanla -J5>«. I'ails atvii.'- Bjuote B per cent r.-.it-.s at «7 rranca 27- the aceouiit, and \ lu.ijro 011 l.oi.don it .'.'» franea 25 centlmea for checka. Ih.- amount o_ _alllon a n. inin tha Mooti ot £nglan4 on -_i_ii. .. t'-d-y la io<.',000 iiounda. BANKIXG AXD FINANCIAL. United btatcs Govornment and other deaurablai B__coi_rn_s FOB INVKSIOIJS. HARVr-Y FISK A SOSS, llankcr-, 81 Na.ssau.-st., New-YorRJ ' GRAIX AXl) FEODUCM MARKETS. 1-11 feati-p.r.s of m:\vyouk DEALIXO*. There was a aeaaaa- .. -.hahinK oas* af w«»k hoia Oi wh.-at yosierilay. Tl.c U-BsaBUoBS ln aflBB-l i, Bp to al.oiii aJLtJOOfittO liusli.ls. the tnvllnK at tlm__ batag BtaaaBai wita Baaataaraala aaalBBsasai Tbe ipeculattve eaitaal was taiaad aawawBai at the start, brokea by OBljr a r&lly af 1 4 cent after the (iiw>nln_ licniis. riic Bxaerl Igaiaia on th<< montiiiy Qaaaasa in.-iit report bbbos out a arop of 4_.">,ooo.»rx) iiu.r-wa, ur 80,000,000 buaheli nioro t.an tlie auinuot expoctodl by lhe litills un lliuisiUy. Ity a vl_urtiu.s a-kault oa pttASS at lle -tart tha ticars s|hvh.1 roiiBternatioo Ib tho ranUs uf boaaara aji.i loag wbsat «_ tumbied. out iwoblaaalj Thara wata Bteaja _rnv_i_ in tha Niiithwcst, al.so, as a beariih Intluouee, aud the foielgu clciiicni ill.l 808-8 lOfWag near lhe 88888 on w.-aXar Europeaa eablaa. The optlooa cio_oU lowa l 5-a»i - _ ...iu a, iiiiious: Uetobar, nwi; Novaaibar, noia; Dacember, -7 14; Jauuary, 88 1-4; May, ii- i-eui-. s|, ,i ui.ii » nt :ii.«n i«l l-Jl cent on tha "bearlah" erop reporl aid exportare held aloof. i i.rn was i i.i.- ea-ler, ln sheer s>ni|>ala.v wltb aboai, although slilyoer- took uearly lini.ooo bu-halB. There 'fn- a falrl) actlve luovotuaol ln the optioa t.i... bul no laii.ciiiani ivsj-oiis,- to the _.¦¦¦ **¦__*___; October corn emteU op t a cenl ai 88) 1-3. ,aa__a«S_ .| | ,-. :.i «,. slii.wn l.v .\ii\i-nib- »l '-a Deeembcr al 40 7 H and May at 41 7 h oenta. _ O.I. were . abad. ». ffSUrfStl >1*>' . ---.- /,.. r..h luts and lhe (Vtnher '."ll ZH a _____ Sa»»«BT8B. Tbe afaealatlaa OI'""""' r iT i nili'i'" fell -*'-' l*Ol»U lo #.140 for ^^i.V/^!-.'.,.t",*7|traln and Mo-.r lapM yc.ter.laf . *.'-_. \oik Phllaleli'h'a. Baltimore aml Ifc.ston weia **. Y7T- wr___ W'..-».. hnsticN: corn. .fC.OMI EL__? .".at-. i^o«w» .*»».*>*»; .«.. -"*.".. .*_*."? ,.u: lloir ,'.7,70.1 raiBax-s. \t « hb-asa an MH ¦1 kil'tlic anhals were: Wheat. IM.7-B>ah_4ej corn 3sLvtB7 tnishel.; oatt, :.4*>.s baahsis; total gr_u 9U.S1S bn llii: tu.ur *_0.l_0 barrela.

Perfumery. BvjMBtoff Treaauy BOSTOXb H. KING & CO., …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1889-10-12/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · WHATAPASTORSEESANDHEARS PERSONAL ITKMS OF 1NTKRKST TO

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Page 1: Perfumery. BvjMBtoff Treaauy BOSTOXb H. KING & CO., …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1889-10-12/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · WHATAPASTORSEESANDHEARS PERSONAL ITKMS OF 1NTKRKST TO



DKNOMINATK'NS.a If there is one Ihlnir la this world that nee ls

plenty of alr and lipht, lt k ibealoatBal gleeaaalonVaaid a promtnent -taeayletlBB pa-tor to th«> wrtter aa

.londay aftor the nioctlng of thc Hew-Tort B-oaby-ttry. This uoaaeivatlve body ha i jn^t ReeldO-l by a

vote of twonty tbrae t<> twpaty taro to dlaeaaa wtthrlo-cl (kaiiv the ono snbjevt whlch all admit ta nlthe utnms! |nt-ts'-t lo all tho Proslivtorlan ehaiebeeln th" rmted Btate*. Rol »nly i. every meaiber ofth^ tifty four ebarebee la tba Preabyteiy anxtoua lohnow wbal tiu¦:... paatoia aad aaa Beralaary profeeaoia.ay In iv-'arl to the R'iibIibIbiIiii C-jnfeaaloB ol Faltb,hnt there are BBorea ol l_eabyterlea a_ twe* ti.">''ur vboae membera ara araltlag to aee arbat aetloa

thc Koa Torb Preabyt-ry arlll take oa tho Oeneral

Aaaeaabt] - overture. Tbare Beeaaa to be aome doubt

whetber ayeeebea are betatg prepared wbhsb may eaaae

an e-peaetoa, ec whether tbe Pteabytaay latonda ...

s.ni a eealed vordlol to Ihe Aaaembr. aaxt priag.The arrnweai advaae-d tor -»ladlag tha rei

is apoaalble toar ol mlarepreeentatlea, bul '

rrmi As-emt.ly la . BBfftag ¦*«__«. -'"»"""""^' »J_Jnf thanks "'o Th. N-» Y,,h Trhnne. WTorJM.'l and F.xpress' BBd 'K8W VorK BvjMBtoff POBt, and

_r t-la oltv for tbelr Mll and aociiraieother paper. ***«*:. ,Mln,it.s, p^ l8gJraport of our procec<u"K»-

It la a gratifrlng slen of tho t'mes that so maav

roung Uiahnhal atadealB a- toaratng praettoal werl

bv heMag ebarek and mlaaMb paatara while in tbesemlnary. lt WB8 a dream of Dr Ulteheoek, al tho

Vnion .somtnary. to have eadetBhtpa toaaded ao tbal

amrtby etaaante aalgbl paeana abear Btadleafi-eo fiana the tboagbl ol flnaneial ald and In returnfor tbelr edaeattoa, rather as a pari <>f it. they iboaldhe as-:a_pisi to hfii> rlinrebea that needad them.srar aly more tha. tbedreaaii araa raat_aed. batatadantih«re been eaaployed Ib tbbi way tor a Btnaaer ol yeara.ti i- year, althougr, Ihe .emtnarj haa ihe targeaijnnior class la it* kletery. alxty-__ BBMabenfeirt en BadUtoM io the Other tWO ela* es bc-l BM tbiae

gradaate atadanta, In all elghty-tbree aiaw men, Preal;,.. | Raatlnga haa been obllgad ta retoae agveralapplicants beeaaae Ibey aeeded flnanciai ald tbal herould not praarlae them. The were BBbal men, who

wouM aadoobtedly have beea a credit lothe hMtRntlonBad a creat hetp te many a hard wmlted poator. Th«

total ls l»i», as a_n;!.st l.'M laal year. It

R Mk to eai tbal -01110 atudaati earrjr late thclr

poatorabM nore preetteal knowledga of what theylearn ln eoniaet with llvrnu men than they do from

llieir stii.ly nf dca-l lan.uases: both aie iiei'e-ay.

dne is essentlal in tl.ls age.

Dr. T. -T. Chambors, of the Colleglate Rero-med-bareh la tiii< eRp, begaa bla Btlalarry la Boaieivlna,v .1.. ob October 13, 18-B, and tbe CJooaiatory ofthnt abnreh ha- Invtted him to preach there to-mor--ow. and to civc anoh romlnleceaoea nf his paatorateBl be may thinli pioier. "The )).s rvor" aaya that

.The Chureh ol Chrlat, wtthoat regard lo d-_om1aagonal t.aine, regarda Dr. Cbaaabara wltb hlgh aateeea,bath fnr his laandag and his lalnir."

'.ni!.. of Hn B-Oal dnRed-l probicms in reHgloanvorh in Now.Yorh." said a laymaa WBO has glve_

port of his ufa to Bnnday-eehool work, "lstn Bad a nii.iNtcr adapted te mlaatoa work who wlllatay in bi- ii..:.i." Thla remark waa enclted by the

ktlon nf the Rev. B, B. Rogara. ol the CovonanlChapel, connocted with tbe Chnreb ol the Covenaat.He ha- .im,.- niei tl work In the »horl ti:.,. haa been there. bul ll is not verj long

-'-d Mr. McRwen. who left a chapol to bocomoI,,. .,, rch. Romeyn ( hapel m Ka_iR.urteenth-st. ln ihe laal als yeara haai had ihr ..

iioators aad a -pl»!>." and Ihe preseniIhe Rev. H. M. Afi'l;.-.. it 1- 'ald- N eon-

l.p ,, ;,-i-i. work ln India. Thla la one ol],r j,,l n.t l' chaprtB. and lt recdvoa iii.eral auoportfrom i te honi hurcb. Mr. Rogera g.«- io a churehiu EaneevlUe, Ohlo,

The }?ev W. .1. McKlttrlek. for a number of yearsih" uastor ni PJope bapoi. In Raal Kourth^t, marrle«a memb-r ol h - prweait chureh ln Florida, N. J., la-ta. b. Thc ..nl. .- a aU.ei of tbe Rov. B. 8. Beword,,f ¦,.. v..w ,i.-i .itlcm hureh in this ctty. «b le Mr..c«:i.i !- a leorter In Ihe gwedenuonrUn4£nomlnal!on,

!,.-. and aii his relai vea ware d~ P-aabytortanaUiey ai>' relatod to Bocretary Beward.

Tbe on" deaomRiailoB thal t'\rc'* in aanlvoraaryeecaalo-a fnr Its churcbes and Siinday^chooliila tbaM,.,.,.ii.t nd rhla may e__laln ln part he


\ torewell meeting tor mlaalonarlea going to Indlaiiaii to Flfth-ave. oaTuo»d_y afier-


Tr, Rev Dr W. C PahTOOer. of Sprln-floM. Ohloha- aroep.ed a call to Ihe TrinltJ *^**<}**T*£*it Iirooklyn. He leavoa one large chureh lu oruc:

.*, __ii_ iip another large "¦.(.¦m--¦..



Judge Patteraoa, in Pari I ol thc Bupt-aie Court.

ieaia*v-d bla devlaloa yeet«day In tho cas- of John R,P\.,-eny agaansi 'ho exeeutora ol I ol blalin.'le, Dan-.ei Bweeay, to recovoi 830,000. Doalelgareeay waa U*e |«-prtetor ol Bweeny. Uotel, and

Ibe plamtlfl allegea tbal aboul a year m... and after

bla uaohVa death be toarned f"r the Brsl time tiiat

_,,,,(!,.] uoele, Eybralm, aho dJed la 1848, iia.1 madea wlll in wblch i'.v.H. who waa made ezeeul ar, waa

d!;.<¦¦ ied to paj .-.' "' a year tor tbe educatton andatntifl ubiiI Iie beeame ol age aud

ll.cn to p ih" we(.:..:. '-.'- and

i- -" thatJohn leceive. all Ib' c mi lo whlch ha waa entitkd.Ko reeelpta wera produci n co n.

A MIMSTFT. CO"l ITO-B- HIS TRPTIMONY.In supplementary prooe-dlngi oa a jtiilmiicnt for

g»:u obtataed by i:. ,i. Deaatai 8 Oo. agaloat Brad-tonal -ehlaaTeMn, brother of WllUaa B. SchleffellB,the waaltby druc .. '.i irar, n. the ( py Oouiiyesteitiav, ihe Rev. .¦.! HeCartby, wbo laatlfledae ;o a real eatato U.Mactloa at the lasi bearlag,beiweon the BchleffeUna and tiie aplrituaUat, Mrs.

RURama, aml wa- Bceaeed by e.\-Judit" UeKeoa, -.ho

eoaaaal lor the .lofen.-, with be_i(t untruthful, pro-riur.-i lettara from Mre, WlUiami lo -ubatantlate hla.tatementa. Mr. Mct'aHhy -anl that Mra. Wtl_ama'aitaie.-n,' tha the own.-'l a hottae in lhls city WBBlal>e. 'ihe c»-C wlll go OB OB October i-t.

.irDr.MKVT AGA15-T A DKAD MAN'-The CRIaans1 Baak ..f Rtohmoad, Va.. wcur-d a

pi'l-tuont by default apalnst Maunce B. Flynn. beforeJudgc Incraliam, ln tbe Buprecae Court, yeateidayfor f'J.OOl 71. liefon) Flynn- death ho wa- toterested m halMlBg a eable roa ln Rtebmoad, and drowa noto for the amount Baated, whieh w_, n .t paidup at the time ,,» hla dewh. When tha r_s w,.ealled Judpe Jngraham remarh.d tha' Uaurioe H Flynawa- -ead, but 1.5 grair.ed tbe Judgmenl Beve-tb-Iesa.

UITS OF LEOAL RXWR,jBljre nea<h, in tbe Bafesaaa Oeait, yaateWhay riiamiss.-

B_ anit of Hoary T. Waada a?atn«t Bauj GladbUl, f<>rHO.BOO, for aliciiallon af h.s wif»> after-tlons. ui.der s..,-.«oo Bli nf th« (oie, arbleh arrhaaaa th.- avldaaee "f j

taabani Bsdef eertala eti naman,aa,Jurije Andrei*--, in Baprcaai aarrt, OhBataara, y.-st. rday

granted an injunrtlon to Jebaaaah M. Reaaaty raatra"Jo»a" Rori fri.ii. p'-rmit-iik.' Bay eaaaaaay tmt u,.- piala<tiffa from appe.ir r._ at Iba Tbeatra Caaataaa, in Barlen

I'att.ar.i... Caaway, »»..¦ aoreaty, «;.- adaaad n. Aprll,18M. t,jr a eabai rar at Tentb*ve. aad Oaohaad-sa^aad.ixUaUi-»t. she broagbl aaR agalaa tba aiaagaaj andHtahad an award nf J.'.'*' BaaaBgea fr,m a juiy ln tln.-hupr.-na to.-- beBate Jaage lagraaaaB. v'-U'iiiay.

-_-_<> Au.r.H- in Bag oa.ut, Chaabeta, Teater-.ay Frauted an |o]a Bieace ( 1 lyaa, aa n.

.x-<-_tr:-, of ihf aatata al Maartee u Ptyaa, r«'atrainini,11 Plald aad Jaaaea Martla, 4 tba

trnn of liuy c. ¦otehldaa, Fi.ld Co., fr.,ni dUpoatag« th- peigpn of a iii tn.

THr COUBT OF APPKALS.Alhany, Oet. 11-ln tbe Court of Ap;«'a!a to-day th»

hllowUig ti'. ^ln N ;ua ,,, t|,e K-cOUIltS of .lu'lua P.

kmiaao_a "****. '¦. "' J"llu" Jl- >'''.v".J'?''".? N>ah. a« alnilnlstiaior, etc reepon ¦.

aanj. 'aV-a-'i Cv"l,ai an_ iiijUnn I'.lvr Rallroad Coni-

Harr__^«_; 4,<M* a-hlene,., ,tc., reapondent, aat. the

ruapondentaMI li-ii-t «. -i"'.h"i. . i.'-|H'im.'ii -,

,.l_*et. laipl'-ad-d, ai_ella.it.¦.I '.I V i"' *ll(i ''-j

l aaaaag BtiU_1 t_,. taUawtag .au^-a weaa

BaBaa»C°CrRT 04U">»A1R POR TO DAV.y* 0>*-» <Raaaaia B f... Aad mra fa-Me,i_-at*^*ieC_J'*a-Btlw< ,U"»' :r)' B.WUI of Ma_-

aagy.!^' .rm-R,f.re Du.ro. J.-Cour.*nu' ¦.-<»*e e-tafta ealled at 10:80 a. a.


VVOOD VlOLETS.This exqnisite perfume is made from tho

SJaVtrue rioleta. In thc pasl the high p-iee oiviolet }>crfnxoe has pi*_v_oted tmany

-ZSgfroni indulging in this luxory, btit the price of5jfc'4$this nrtirlf makes it a nect-sity to those whoHlore the rlower. Tlie wmemb-mnee of the

[jclieap iniitations of violet Whter and extTBCtS

'Vibl-ETS jsll(,u''1 no* rrov,'"t ¦*.. h.vns of rioleti boniMAv»Ac;ijn-o fltryii-g this deliciooj perfume.

tJxs PH Bl'RN_t TfiCcJj -

For Sale in Four Sizes.

By all First-Class Drupgists and Dealers in Perfumery.rnomiKTOHs _m> tt_x~ra< rtraaas,




«*k\t-»ma\»w.i:!m ii ii i. om.yonkfbnt rt« n

lTi ai i iiiaiB-aiii ihri --- aaam a_all par-haaa their

farniBliiaa nooda Irom hbiiikI oflei- ll.'"" himlUcrchleraworili Hic. lorapenny. Offsr nunil.rriwoi.ru.lt"Mfl *Blne. OurBlioe.lrpBrini.nt nilJolnB lhe 1m nl-hlng

BoodB. vVafh in nncl ¦Bichaae « I-nlr afonr S t-M aiin.--

lorst.-io. ThMM 10 eaaapal attaaatoa afiaa-Bhaaaasllir i.fl.r ii;no(l tortn-ilny oiiIt.

.I..BI one ,tep tnaro nn.l r. cl.olre n.Bortm.'nt .ifflne

I,,,,.. "Mlllfr" VoMiiiMii" and *Diinln|." BaaaBB

ran !.«¦ loun.l niarkrd lo arll lor lo-duv ci.lv nl SI. > ¦

The* are onr rrgulnr taVB- bal* Jo-l for lun a. S.I.Utl

has far ._....MEN'S TROUSEB8.Imaoitr.l Fnhrira. H|-llahCol,





IJOVS' Cl-OTHINO.Onr apecUl.T for to-rin- l» BB ele«n..t ***'.£%

Mrlpe-amlplal_o.all-ool, fW-S-l-B- re_-tB- S-I..00



,-civsfancv woKwr-isrin..--..--- *J0


MEN'S SI ITS AM> OVERCOATB.Bwafl produrla. Hrrfcllon lu Bt.

Mutl-tHCllon i;unranieed.





Ml.KMM.».SAT.N.S..I.I.Vr.l.lMN(... IMB>n.N*s I'IM. AI.I.AV.K.I. BUITB. .





Above are only a B»w of BOB.cthlnf over a thousand

dlfferent llnes af goodB we offer for aale.

trataava mr«'. a-M -n.l o.rrc.nt. from BS-M lo n

«3.% «0 and S 10.00 -armrnt. Boya* and chlldren I

Mrtia nnd OTerconiB from B*S BSBM- to «*....U0. K.-iiieni-

ber ara are lUc hriidqiiart.-ra for haraalnB. ,



627 and 629 Broadway,>EAIt Rl.llt KEH-ST.


Cnmmon PlfB BpartBl T-rm-ncfor© Allen. J.-Counaaaai at, 11 a- m.--Motlona .... r. t1

< ip. muri speclal Irra Before MeAaaaa, C. J.-Bpert-l c_l«_dar._, _

TVBBVDta A TilOAMisT rSO. AV8TEALLA.Chkafo, Oct. ll..A piioii-iniiiiiiiR raaai w-Basa

froni Aa-traUs arrJ-ed ln Chleago laal Dlfhl ta B_r

suit of a married man aho .-. waddi d bt.- thal '. waa itn_l ¦- rbe felb w nn- ln

lafl. He pravai to bc a BOtad Afflerlcan crlmlnal,.iiiilns Malltiou-e, allaa Jullui M. Houao. Tbb Auatrallan pA u Mlaa EUaabeth llacaeU, -angbter ol a

weU-tc-do caiTiane ¦aaufaetnrer In MellMmrne, Nol

long after Barriag a tenn In JoMet prlaon Mallhouae

areot to AuRtralla aa a -I-BlBWr for a blcagft,i., leavlng a wlia ln tala ettj. Hi> meetlna wltbMlaa Baekett, a sh-.n bal ardant eourtablp, ma

a weak*a -eaayatooa, tbeu a audden baalwei call to

Bydney, aiaeaied sjf tha draauaer borrowtng B7B0from l.ls new fatber-Jn-law, t<-u tha Auatratlie atery at-llhoaaB waa nexl beard of ln Pan i'.m.-

,-isci, ii, a lettor talttag allai Haetartd to expaet blm bythe Bexl .waiiier. Bha dM nol wait. bal looh thetir-t veaeel for the Daltad Btataa, InTaaMsaUBg eo

nmte bla re-ord, of whleh ihe had Bomaboa gol an

Inkling Mauhou-e was at bome wltb hia Bral wlfe

laal nlghl whafl arraat-d. Be bad no nottee of

waa oomlag anldl eonfroatad at Polka Beajlquarten,,v the -.man ba aopp-a-d ... be al tho a-.-.hi.ics

ti.. M-eoovtofi ncrve dtd nol daaetl blm and be

laugblngty attarnpted ba esnbraee Bto franaen BhaI.IUJ. .'¦'»->> *:..,' .,, ,,,,i|ft/vi chalr, antl d«'l_rrd tiiat

.be would remaln ln Chleago aud '' J '»

tiii ho waa a^.ain laadad ls t-a B-Mteatau. a

Julict. _^_

liF.NF.RAI. MARKET BBPORT-PBOVlB-ONa____»____va___1^^


{,.ARD,;,a:-.l,',:-'i .¦ ri,v't,;v...., were ln

.,.-.,,.s hhOWiilg 1.- ol .' M.' i,. ."''--.

0 7». .¦ ,.

,,:,... -,i-. r_ti tca **<'£.*°ooo t..- .. 3t»_<l iry :¦'-' d '"

tl ,. nt iiuotod iBierlta ._ *

l K SI ln buyi .' '.." V,|U',.. pa l, '.rn. v, J.""/--.- '' ',!' ," ,

n BJ ¦ii.

is, ,-. i, ., tancr, r," P_*«v h iiiim thuici r.i, _.:¦ falr to n

io !.-. \S. ii MI ¦¦'

ICfflBc orlBW, 1.-I5e; W -tnil.rv.lnii'- |0_14r:doWc n

BrklnB, 10*1t iv Il,i-<1-.

lll s| Q., .,.


«i,,|'lV" lisil.iIn lat,

II. IOi .,''.,»nd ,-. ruiaylvanla. 20_« !1i

atoek, freab, ln.- lea aoaaa, I8«17e;lini'd. prlBM, \Hr.

.loh.inii llofl"*j Hall f^lrarlh«B w.md.iful Timlc and .Nimnn,. .(ii.li'l's B-M l>-\nridi It im. i-i.iilur. Qalla iiaunaJ!) lini'iii'MB Iibv-ii,u> Bba niaikit ii,va'ii»: wiii.t, ¦)..¦ awAatt .wSal k*urn<-i s<j that "J..1.11111 Hc.rris" _gaatan H on Un-Hwh of -¦' battl* Maaai A Mcwtwr-iii c».. aolc a_t_i».a ii-rdiiy-Bt. MaaTeaa.




Klnamnn I nmp. _-,-.tii«DE«K;vr.'» por i>K on i.'»WTr^si«m

|M lN,t|>' NT l IIU l 1T>.

The Eleotiie < onstru.fiori & Supply f o.,TF.I.KI'ilONK lll II.Mi- IR <«Vr,'V^',>a"*r'¦. Wlrll . a"


Frthout Rival.

Ornamented Chinaand Solid Silver

I OK WEBDIFfO I.IIT*.B--eutif.il and oaefal eewbliwlona ff Chtaa and BBveiraaea, ra t" '2,2,XnUn.aik: Paitici.l.iily a choC-latO BBt, flOO.

Ovington Brothers,PULTON AM) OLAEK STS.,

BBOOJ-L-K; N'-ar BridfB Tcrminus.

The ataaoot BtteaOea beatowed opoo Brdera hv maii.Calaloguea farnlahad.

His Finger Nails CameOff.

"I'.ir a ve«r I *Bl " "aao of blei.dinwarda ..f hre month* nl thal time ¦¦

lu won ol any klnd. M II.i nalla came off, indbi) I, iii dmpped oal li .-¦ ' inj h ia rp*an ini

ha been ahavod. 1 ronaulte tl." IxpM .in. .. ai, I -i-i.i huu 'ii"- "'

klnda, bul irllhoul recelvlnB ih" allgh.eai ben«flt[waa '- c.1 iiually to vialt ll«i S|iring». Thlai,nt bei imlnn dla.uate. trllh Ihe treatnvni araa re

i S|r'i IBr S. S. H i, 'I i"

,,.. K. H. H. bad MI. ',.,...,,,,..!,... .¦, .. ,.,.¦. ¦¦

Ihe i.n." I ha l laken twelve botlloa [ ._a enlrely eurertcured b; Bwlft'a Speeillc S. S, > arbeo the world-rfc-

Rol Sprlnga l.a.l f»WM. 8. LOOMIS Shrev |..iri I.."

Four Years Cn Crutchcs.I waimatl wl four

roort .' ¦¦...'

..,\ :..¦:. (5. S.i' hich from the bty 1 -'.. en

S. |a ": la t hlmvt pi.1 1)1 A Y I."!'. c.il.a. M".

Trea :- -.i, Blnod and Kkln li .-. malled '

-,\\ IFT -l'i ii !¦' .. '¦ \ inta <:a.


vrr-p f~oim TifF. riF.i.ii artj ravof of rnir:-*win tha .. "'¦' boond "f apesulatfon tbe

rud" tiia '.. yeaterday prwnted few or ao toettirea\i i-it ,\ Brm bx llni wa ooted. Ai the'ooBOlldated Rxehange Kovemhcr optiona perfo:hcir i'i tomary ael ol opening ttroog a' B-_Q- i -

eeata, bul rarled tbe monoionj ol receai Biovementabj ramalBlag praetteally BBatloBary. .\t tbe Bl.

.. .¦ j beaa ti.-

lately, a tbade under Ibe Bgurea tor Rovenibeiopttooa, but there v.a. an lneie_*e in aettvity at

Ba_d-aln| taatead ol lofiealng Dguree. Tbeactlona -i- oflli all] !.<.. .. «1 were in oxooaa <>[ theofflcial rocord al tbe ('oaaolhUiad Raebang., aml tb.,..i prtoe wai the be ol thc day. II .s bardly ti

u« eoBceh d In Iba ex-tting dulneee ol apoculailou,, : ahoulU l.l" ai, Ihe DJ0U

ia atarilng a buylng Impuia-. Wl receul Indlcall ms,,.i,l aoem to p >1nl lo the poaaibilltj t ia on the

noxi Btlr in ie atagnani pool ol "II apecutollun. t ¦"

«i. rh Excbange mlghl load Ihe optlon li-l ra al tlr,n nlldated, whether n waa ln « " '"' ¦'

i.wnward dM-egku.. Tbe rnide maraai etoaad* The'range of piic** and tbe total d-allaga w.-re a

Si.., k Raebaaaa. ( un-ilirtaflfll "ii tir_r .

II I, t .

I. (eai .

li.al .

-a i- I>11r< -

'¦- ,



I [ 1,000 barreli ..f Octobei aaatoaiBta,

i: une- oil 'l ii li and .ihaaged al 1 enta pergallnu ai all porta, .-_«.»

,|... .i, Uuotatlona. Antwerp, i l-Bi '

franca; Bremen, 8.80 marka, and London, .> .-i""

ti io penee. _

Olt, MARRI TR.(.11 ( itv. P'lm Oet. 11 - 'I f>r''"';''''i

uu< hi.h .¦.-¦ In

Iii "V, i. h-s. kI liiici ii ¦-. 1*6 W 7 f'M-*..;,...',..,,!,.... ii .'.......-I, duii. _i


8»'ae; elcari , .,. ,, ,.,,,,,,..- .,rttiiavllle P nn. ort. 11. Natlonal Ti-njlt Certitlra

.... .!.'-. I-i.i.. ii -.1

'IIII'. TRADE IN PHICACO.Chlrago, Oet n iBpoclaU. Tbe Uovernmanl erop

-I tor ih" beara ln wbeal all tha'

had ll woald. Mr..;,..¦........ enl

fnr M.-v from r ('~ prlcea. Tbe brrakwould have been . e tha ra .-¦ n had nollim hlnaon uimm. -i.-liv eome to the ald ... ¦'¦¦

'¦" " Ih< oThura

<U\ _. i 3-H ,,-n -.

,,.,... ol irwl 'ta who were «.f the

behwaria 1- Bnor -' aaalp0 I.. ..at-p" for r-inllhln the Xu

belng -Ort.000 bu ': '."', I'.lman,.;... Bi-adtor than expoc_d

ronablei r. ' hal Ihe forelgne were al-o

li-adlni.' on our liowarnmenl rroo report. OB jaa,":;,,,.,. .|,| ai rtC 8-8 ie..- r !).«. niber. PlOvi-|..t,- nr^e duU bul Bteadl Q bai ixuh aaBBBBl at

aiul'. aod ln_tl at 810 BO*i



hAl.t-.S AT TIIK BTOt K l.\( IIANt.K-IHTOHER 11.

PONDB AMV EAEE STOCKS.Vlrriiila 0. Ii.f. r'd n Ba» W A 8t P

Tr.iBt Keccipta Icccniol.inNl. B 1 000. 1(1

Tiim H-ttlrraeal m< Io«a Fea l»tI..IHIII TI', 6.II0U."7

"t Kan i'i' l-t conlii.iiin. .74. ..ooo .liO

.: Ami r .i I.onis laotad18. ..lss ".. aa

/ Buai on - l.ooo.HO1*r..i.mi.i*_9*b !..". *" N ".''

iltatTmat 5b2.000. IS3

Atlai.tir A Pacitlcrinai u

I .t W .'-Ii.ii'i.i ...'i

ooo .'..'..Cain la -_nt>.-iii

i»t t.araatea.l.OOU ....108*4

I- mtli -'IXI

1.ll...'.1114*4Lo .'¦ A*''I.IC


oua:... on .tni'Bl.ooo.10_«,3 ooo 108

'.- ,v N'aahN M.i Mol»2d 7.000.183a.ooo.io». st j.t ii lat

1'itUlinrg A Wratlat

1.000.842.000.B«S2,000 ..-4SRu li a i .inrllie

8aI ooo.80%11.000 .Bl


Ilo. W ,* <>g OBl.ooo.i..;)'4

Ri. li A All'-'.MOrMcM Morgaa flta10.000 .,0>4

BlchA W 1'i.iiiti ..! in Trnai'''

17.000 :>s\Sjrra Blna a tt Y

Cblih.i M j h m 8a1..l 18Rrglatered

112Cca Pi :¦.<. 0 aa 97

8.000 .: i_<4Cantrai N>» Ji>rBey


Cbaa Ac oata toa '.»l.ooo.103.4'.. co .ic.!5.01'O.103

Chic linr ,% <4 7«10.000 130v ..>

.... 130Chic I'.nr A gulu

3.OOO .105%cs i- ,i _ ii .-,,

r..ooo.l.."-jCI... B ^ ln 8a


¦;'-. l ii SI I. «t i.'i im l.ii i.i 10 '!«5.000."o .|StLAr» * Tax lat10."HO.Im' cinpunaoT

10.00".70".I OtMl .7»r48.000.so

8t I. Ara A Tex '.d5.000..K

Bt I, A Ir..n MtC'.ilm Ark A T lal

I.i n'» S nitli'n 1 at11."(in .. ..97*a10000.«7%'.'.OOO.077,

_aht«ii .t W.a Coa\«..-iitcii

1.000.IM**Lo N 11 A TciBB


llot.il-A'i'ilouen Mort.10

17.00O....59MIAol V.t lat12.000.116

M.I A St I'.inlUI

C PaeA Wa :>»t ..'M.s.'lll- 1 >~Bl.OOO..10H'4

Miitiml Fn Tel 8aI.i. .1113

N 1 lavated lat

1.000.104Bt I, A inin Moiint


6.. Pac ..t Cal |at(.'viiac.iKtatdl Ba3.000.10O<-'.'.000. 10o\8.080.loo^

Tenn 0*1 A l R BaTcnn UIt 8a1.000.'."'.6.0U0.86 s,¦..OOO.'.nl

Illrnur rn IMv 1 Bt".ooo.B'

:t.n .0 .1 Hls, Tc»n« aad r lat 6*Dan A ilo (ir.niilo NYChlcABtL 7.ooo. HO1-.,

lau Tcii ,v ii cea ut80.000.7','s- SO.OOti b3...83*4 l.ooo Iill"nDea * 8 'i Wa lat N y i.hu.- B * wu t«.i bi i. * k (;

AbBCI .' N'.v 2d III1B..I lttTTI.sl . I.IUM1.101 ti.000 ....10.1...i' 18 NYCent r.x.'.» 4,"00. I03«i

-.t.Ms.MI..- .'.oo..l(lf-4 B.00O .103..18 .' Ko» l'ac 1st conp000 .... 16 ¦. 'j.i.llli|

I lt, - 91 \..i Pac lat Uea1.000 103 '. 'HMI.114 >«

Fn t>i s a Atl it Norl'ic llii roup<.nI'i OOO .111

N Wu Exti tt ib8.000 «3'«

XortliweBtett- Conm<.K uoid ccii'is

;. ono .138

i.i"i ...;'4BTenn V A a»

;,| Bl1.000 '"7''4

10.000 107.(IU .".a

13.000 "iD.V.'.B

l.iioo 113Ft Wortli A DO

ltt:i ooo.100%

Ohio Ind A W-bPiilal

30 ooo.7!>sj'.'.ooo.so

.-'.!10,000. 48

V v i.m it C«.| lat11.000.101.'..ooo..1..: ij5.000.10:1."'..>oo 108

Dnion I'aeiflo lal.as

l.O(M).1171.Ptah Houth Bi i-.t

7.000 .113.UUIiS..ntli-rn


Weat Un OolTT8a

.1.000 .103i.o. 10

_1001-1.0"'. I00>

omf -.,1unlal

8.000 ...1016.0IB1 .101 '«

1.000 88.lal Har .* s au

W.tern Dlv lal1.000. '"I '..',.000 ll .

100*4 Or»(ton Bhort I.inB Wauaah hiiIm1.000.103*4

lO.iioo ... 1U**| ilOO in %Oranon K A N»t 3'.'.OOO.lo.ts,

Watt >li Ci't'd 4-:..i.oo.io:>».

PhllB<_ k»b<1iiib;Iat i.rit lac.,."'o -:..

'.'.I jiref inoma.'. OOO_B4*ici.-ii M'.rt 4a1..HIII Wu*,

000.106),7.000.lortlo.ooo.loo .45.000.l(|i|

lt. ^'istcriHifi.oun.10H2 000 ,103*4'..000.106*a


ACTIfALB4Lla tixiitxo. No.

Op'fi Uii,'tl.'>w't Kinal. Bid. Aak'cl auht,Altiauv* B-8.At< ,."-»¦¦AllaiitieA .'*>.H a Nl Al. jri_ull H A ,'iliB.,Unir K<*sH ^rt-BnrlfHA Nori'aiia.la .i,iii tn...Cana.U 1 _clt)ceutrai >J.

t fiitr-l Hacirlc.ti.'-. .» <'.

d.. .tlurl.no'..l i.:i.

ChteA Kaai U"^ 11. 'ir.

L'liic .» AlUin...1«.i;.ret.

ClueA Sorwaal< inc _ Moi on.( blc M a Bl t.CI BA BP '.rt

CI. sU-.tiH tit-tc-t l* at*UCbtl'MAO urlC'tn. «ur A u.

kj ... l'.cinc.0a \s v n .«CW »U" aafaf , V- *HIlt4..,^,1 II V .« lolCCCI. i-lL..do «r«t.

Ui !..» *¦*..Il-l .t. llllclB"!!..1.,-uv a bo.-.licn ,?. !'.'. ire:lieii.t H>. A.I,, ,v rw ct.'a1. I.i.:. VAto._ i. DDlalori.

.:i ..ri..K Lrx >v ll>KT.* H.c.ir.ii tUV.li, u-n.'ii.- ' ailllWI '.!.

dopiIlllUdM "lll....11H (III lllll.i'BK-"A I.M.I, B 1 M ufl-KlllL'B.t i'CUl...Ll. A *L-A W i,rt..-.U.<. BBora.Uubb laland..-.L..U.B* NubIv..1. ,sa,vi me...


M.ililn.l Ucncli-M.i; 11 .* <l ....

M..r II .M (J ?tl.Mc an».Micli -ill.M 1,14 <¦.

VV art.s.tl.

ii a si.. ?--:..Mi. kN'i -V ...

Mo I'B'jBIo....

.\ .i. in.N Y i-iitr*.M .' k~! U-N \i A s-[, .r..-, 11. : i.rBTTL1 »w.._.S N ,v \\ 1.11.NV .t NY.NY NM .*H.-N ^ <IA Bf.K i s j w.MVf«_ * urf.-.NorfolkA WeaN,,| .* W ITct..N. rUi i'..._.N..1 l'». i>r<-(__.'.,,.,* M .......

- Bllll.(ir.-.'uii Iui¦>....or Iiui" ii"i-


nr rtluirt iim..I' V I.T....I't.l.t llm-liii.V W A bic1 ,1. |'.' U.

I'.ll- .<. W1 - v W urel.

su.KlchdItllllA W-Bli'tI... a wi't urr

¦'. a ...m i. irk- r....BU, A 4 nimi. a a rn pi

.11 .'!..BU. .1 si ,,,,.[..

I 1 ,st ;.,-t lllll.BU" v l. i.il....BtPM / Mm

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li. >fi I'.c ,1|, ..

Va M,,i¦A - ,,,, au..._

v- il c ipn :....\S I, ,iu,.'.¦!.mm ii.r

r r.\\>\_

.'..s, iWVj '.'Osj

:..) 68 63To 6U*a .;:<I'.JH l-'-l-j 13»>

B -"4 41. '.10

1,4 sj-4>l«ls, Bis,

4. '4



W7"-.. D7s, W40

78 **lli.'i51r..i ~»

a.i24*41,4 '44---J

97i-716ou i - r. l


ill 112 111*1 Ui*«14: "I 141 V 141 sj 141 si U1S 141 ..71. 7 1'b 7oJ. 7m 71-« 7l'»U«*l IH'b IU"-, 1.4t 114 . IU'.

.Ui I'i.ru, 1(74 87. 17V »7 »»it.s, aa'-> »a. .ut y-i*i :i4

.KlU107'. lU.i . 107sj 107 "4 107J4 i077»uu-s. ioov as. »».*.: Ol*

76.00 H



16a171 1*475^4 74- 74s,

yM*a 01* > m»*B;41'. 143'4 Ui'a 14:i»4 141

.160 151

.J .










;<'.>I"MVi«47'.'.J..6 s,







11736 ¦»

3304 4


IWelial ara.i b»

. l.lc...<** l....Mi.i_

11 .-.




..1 ..



II6«j ll.'1'_&s» 3CS



;.iis,1".2B. io71 »'»

tlBsj i T36 lj



16" s

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MD i'.ii...


.1 .. on tIli.i i. Biaka.

M iiiuaU'lli s-

gui tiiii.f uri.

An.' 'attla it...ottoa ..i-

'! raat....v....i

I'liu- ll, 1


8757 S482 U

l;*'417 sj

5tt,c: .

c, i\.,u.JilS1_.:n s,',0 s,

38 -



|8Bsr..'. '483 .





13 i.,l .

I.'.'X5417.(. .


36 .

I. ¦»8'.'4






2.0 .0800






82 4i«»o


346.1.*0¦»..¦« f.ir Iho.lay.

__._IU Al mi: 0OE8OUDATEL BtOOB AS1> 1*

tEOLEX U l \( BAEQB.... K*|

*i- rletn ottoa oI. t s. (.-

Ualn. \.!'.

(' (' i St i.r

h blll I 81 Pri.ic 1 Ni. ihw. «.

l.-i i...y il_k. _Uor« .

i aa a Raaa.Mi aaa PneiBaN Y 1 N-w-l'ii-lanl.N TO t RN"r l'..|i|.'N l'i. ,;l.- pre'.N'at l.al T.uat.11 _on TraiPh i Ib "Uo-.iie 'i I Weat 1'.. nt.S'lTir li f .,.Te ... ( v. I.tlii.li Pa llieW m i. l P ptaf.Whcej ?. i. i. ,,r"f....

T..'a' sh,re- s_ll


BOBD8.nth _i.

2d eon.w V li I-i

(Jeo [.< ii'¦"¦ Pae _i.i «' 1 .> F lat.Moh t -. 4-K V c t Bl l. i-Keadlne: l-t pref inc

.' r"f ln"Te-aa Pa Ifle i-t

Bt L K C lalTntal aniomi!

n.i-1 !W5-|liMM 10.*.ln,',' l<H>r,i


104S100*1114-Itom> .,B-PaSl84HO


:m »s-,o<oI04S looolon*B 12,1114 6,000

;.,i 001,000


81iom.lt81n .




MISIXC, 8T0GK.3.A-t r'a .

.aP.u Ilon .

lc:i¦' k V.i

Rxi h QU'-rIi..n siherMutoal B * MNorth B I*eNavato".¦ lental

r .., a¦ A M'lkrPiymnuthI'l.I\ g ArlionaRappa' aaaoek8c iilnii.S'lf.. Tunn-'l81 \-r Kl".ln .-I Op er ...

To'al aale* .






..'!.-.1 tl

.' .'..'i.oi.81.(¦«,itn


1 10

500ioo._. 8400'.!>7.M)IOO7 080.)



U<.st..u, Oet. 11, 1889.

Yes?A 1 Tnp lat 7sv ITLti 7sAl I I'.'ii It R]l"-t v AHanv

Mlllie..<iii" it.ii g..Raatern II K\.

I I- M |.fI. II I I" B 7sMe, ..| oom.Me« c l-*, m itN v t N i:N V £ N E 7 s

IV.'d t I, C ""I.'111 ol'iny.Pi tl- I c mi...Rutland pref_

¦i .. nn...v. i- .ii nfd....Cal lie.ia...

.rBay.To-dayKls 10-loo- IQO".






Allouei Mln CoBea'

Frat.klin .

Huronl)s.,|_Is H ;..iii.: BOB I.OulncTItn Telephone.li.,-;,in Land..Mr'aur Powei...Tam Mln Co....M.-.s. trnlSan Dletro I. 0.WDamaon St SerKtlMt!r. -. t Mmi'.KearaaiS.lll _"B .'..[. I'.i\ .V


B B*J.27. .C".ln, 10__ s_

10 .V)191 1_1 H,

>;. il'.i.1. li

108 ioo11. ll._i»4 2-2-1 2488- .W




I.a ,d Co. O'i- 60

CLO8IN0 PRICES OF CA-IFOR-flA BTOCBan FraiieU.¦.>. Oet 11

VeaterdayAltaIliilner ._.;,ir-. < B'lchr 8.10Bodle Coo.7'iCh'.l ar 1.00< -i. .1 ', \ » 5.02':.,¦.' ii 1'i.lnt 2.45(i'.'lil ( uriv 1.80Hale v Norc. 2.7'.Mealean ..noMoae .7-'.

ty.To-day2 25 2 20


1 70:, n,2.1-.1 85il no8.03

N'avajoophl? ....»Poioal. 1.15>u\ i'_'.- .1 .">.'>

Ii.l,.u Conajol. 3.00I'tah .' .00Yellnw JackeloaVon-ealth 3.15

.V'vala QurenNo. i« .¦ i- ¦.

KK.1 s.^9^_To lay,

304,801 101.702.102 05,88





1'- ii- -¦- ".\:n^-kerl

51s, MH ,r> t.It at.ii- .22 11-10 _._"

V tlev. ..'¦ \ ;. .¦

Roi Pac coib .-', 32r^Noi l_c pfd. 7iS 74l.e' l.h Nbv .68 .'..i'l

10 '

.33.,Bt. Iaul.71

- .'.'I'.. ii,. l-i pM .81

"I " .'.''. 31 pfd. 58

A-V"184 'a7m


WIIA'l WAS DONE IN STOCKS.Fri.lii.v. Oet 1' .p. m.

The Im.-' list of rallroad eantinga whlch nvi'

printed below furniatt a ourioua comment on theronditlon of to-day'a atoch market. Out of tl.etwenty-four compaoiea wliioli have ropnrted forthe lirst week iu Octoher, tweniy-one eompaiiieal'.ne retnrned not only _uins bnt Large _nin> ontho -orreapondiBg wcoh of 1888. llut, as beforehaa been resutrked, the e_rninga are reported onlyonoe a week or onee n month. wlnlo tlio bureanof miainfomiation aenda out its bnlletina of what ist., h.i|i|n'ii every live minutes, day an.J nlgha.The wreckers of vnliios, Ineluding a f'liioago op-erator, who, with teea oaaae for i)ein_; so thannow existB, two wechs ggO was a loud-moutlu'd" hull," to-day continued their oia-rarions with a

eonfldenoe horn rither of a knowledge denied tosmallor Ughta. or of the desperation of reduoedln:ik ai.'oonnts. Mi-souri Pacilio, was the priu-ipal point of attack. From its openmg at 71 1-2

it rapidly was sold down to (in 't-4. Simal-taiipously .. rnmor that has no lutlier ohtainodclrculatlon, thnt tho oo.pany was going to issuo18,000,000 of lionds. of eourae it was aoceptediis ;i roregone conidusion. il tho ruinor had anyfonndation In faet, thal the bondB to he atauedwere for no ralne to be recelved by thc eorapany.The aame ael ol Bpeeolatora fiunped on Cottoo

Oil down to 41 1-2 nn.l on Sugar down 5 pericnt in 81. Boek J-lnnd oamo. in for a furtliorattack and sold off to M .-8. 11*8 whole geaeralBiarket w:.s more or lesa affeeted by these par-ticuliir nnd snecial raids, to tho extent that buy-ors were deterred frmn giving their ordera andwaited to aee tho result.s. Yet in a limited gtoehmarket, as the pfeaent one is, and with all tho

apeculative foreo cnlisted on tho " boar"' »i*le, as

it n.iw is, the B-Oerai market afforded httle com-

fort to the " rai.lcrs.'' l*rio,es deolined on negleclnn.l qulckly rulliod in PB8P0I188 to auy bRyingord-IS. Th»t ihe " hoar»" nnd tlio late pro-(esaional " bulto,- who _b~8 attminted io stabihoir frioinls in the baok and joined arith ti,.-great New-York " bear" and with the eeoentrior.'.-inii operator, who fonciea be makea and nn-

makea Uie price of New-York and New-EnglandHH i, i and reaiiae their deaperate aituation tlo-irroreed ouerutiona in to-day'a niarltet fully reveal toil,,- |i.i-sei-iiy. That they are brigfat nnd alert goeawill,.-.! aaying. They nt-Bt have had earlyinfoimation that the ireek_y report ol Atchlsonnouid ahow lnr";e gBine, beeause that Btock¦v;is left out of the day'a manipnlation. Theydeal iu myateriee nnd nol In [act, exaeily tbeaame aa aboul a year Bgo they dealt m the re.

poated atory thal the Erie waa about to laauegi.),ooo of new bonds, rili we gol fmm thoLrie nutnngo-nent a poaldve and ButhoritnUve de-

Sl'noe that time ROtnJnj moro has boert he.tr.lof a bond laaue by the Erie Company, althoughorevloualy it had been printed all over'the ( mt-dStutcs oo the authority ol ortf ol VVall StreetHno ,s bureau*. Vel deaplte ili thia hnrd worknnd the BpueaLfl to feara, little or no real itock isj,,,,! the appealt. to feara, little or no atock \ndislodged rrom real boklera, beeauae thei certiflcatea

.,. |..1(, nwa, rrom the Influeaoea of Wall Street;;....,. reimrti nnd beyond the reaeh oi inoneymanipukit-M Sj.ulatora in a bdbII markel buyHnd sol. cach other'a contractai nl proflta or louae*Itui the day is nol far diaUtnt, Bnleaa all ootn

..,,,;,! aigns tail. when the origiBatorB ol the.,,,;,, :s will have to look to rea hokkra ol

lower tl.aii Fnsi. night.THE 1) VV IN TIIE BOND MAKK-KT.

The TreBBurr to-day r*a-tjhaa_- -Mi.""" boa¥ta:. ",.:: r^Mi-emsa. l-7.Rnd $88..i 4 !-'.

;,.,,..,. ;. ',..¦, ii-l. 'n.oro was ,,,. lin.H.ss do -

., ,,\ inmcits Bl 1 >«' M<»cl« __-0_U-l»ge. IM!!..:,;;;,.,"" .'..I i--* w,.re low aad .ihcrw._-

uiichuniRHl, .1- followa:Bid Abk I Bid. Aafc.

i-s.r 1.1801 re«. 105-108 U.S.cur.8a,189a.. IM ....

. .,.,,,,.. i$w^:s;z&&: IS::::!.-_'_.,i__i,._"" 137 127 t:>.cur.0a.le*J».. l-*8 ....

[^cui'osl^ IJS lll.-C: 3-05.10.4 121___

Im S'atC i-u.-s .lctiii.'ss.v lettlSB-CBl 3s aold ut

Ti i.-in,i and Virdnla 8s, deferred recelpt«,a1 -.

oi ciiy bank Bfxwks, North Auutkm boM 115) Bt

The sraeral boad taarkel was irn*-;ilar. aadin Bome inatonce* there were fractlonal deelinesfjom the extmne sdvances ol the laal few daya.i,,,- inotancr Forl Wortli aad Deaver flrsts relli,,,,c ,. loo l--'. sad Chewpeake rind OI4I0 flrat.,s vrere easier Bl 103. roledo, Bt. Louis aadKansjia City flrsta aoH up to 103 1-4, aml l nion1 Hcitic, Lincoln aad Colorado tirsts rose to 108 1-2.1;( 'I'loi'ii r is made to 0 ir fall rcpon <.i boadsales.Monej to-day n.Ic*l ot 6 per eeat; t.ut it l»«in«

a Friday, when the Btook __tohaage clusca its

doora lo bnnkera' balaaeea aubject t>> eall thcnexl day after .':. i>, .» the rate was bid uplo iiaii per ci'iit. and no Uttle businraa was doneat 8 |m-i- cent, i.ut before tlie ...(>>*. the luapiy ->t

ner icii iL-iin w:r. exce*alve.Clenrina tlou*e atatement to-day was aa

foliowa l'.\. Ii.iun'v 11-8,515,313; l.alan.vs,-.'.11The Sttb.Treaaurj to-day waa <l<*i>t<.r to ths

|l ,-;, ni_ llouaf 11,053,400, Tbe busJaaaa i,c theHuh-Treasiirj ko ln« ~eefc ended to-nifhl laclades¦.- 4-ii-t- ..', .:..'.!-'.-i ¦' Bad itaymeata of 12*,.i",i ",i.s l.-;i\:ti- the _enera1 balanoe at 1188,-

,,| 1.523,513 Optober 4. ahow-Ina'nn anparenl I. w of 14.239,227. Hut deduet-InJ ,,.,. ii..* paytaenta K.87i.000 and frosa thar,c ii.t.N 81 530 1. for itonis wliicli sffec. onJY lts

.,,,1 wlth thaG-eoeralTreasary, Ita loaaaaaffaot.n_ "he haaka la _98.327. .od thia rraah .<>

.",,,, ,|.. .-ivmenl of 18.028.319 for ,...r.'t...,'<l... ii- ri'.eit.t oi 13.420,500 fo» exohaas-

oToUicr lWb.%a\\Z& Tu-daV. operntiou.

The Highest Praise." I am a Preahv eri-ii rler.vmin and a iMotoil ._

Dlvltiltv. Mit 1 ain nol :ifr:il1 Ui r-o iirni-ii I DnrTy'a l»rjr«Malt Whiafcer aa II,. purc't and nmni erBcletit lirr-|>-r--tli.n ;ia a ni" ln li" thal I kii'.M "f aii'l mv exprrlenni laa lar-c one.'' Rer. II .MIU.N, I,_. D.

". I hi.hl.v re'-..mni"iiil Dnffy'a I'ur- Miit Whlakey andpreacrlbe n extonaiwli in n.v nrartlre."

II w. ili T( HINvi.Y M. !».. New-York." Duff.v'a I'u-e ftfall Whlakej- Is fr ¦.. f-'.m ftiael oil,

-diilegiii'.na ..r for larn Impurltlea, and tfceaa nuaUuea-h.iiil 1 ..'..nirn'-iid II to tl. '.k-l, ¦¦" puLllr favor.

Prof. ill.NKV A. MOTT., Ph. 1*, P. s

New-YoHt." I eanear ln tho indorae.,'nt nf all that haa baaa

aald uf Duiry'a __re Ma.t WhlaBay."l'. M-lNNF.rt.

Late Traaaarar af tha i;mie4 statea.(an any hlfrher . ihan Ihe nbovo be pre»'inr.-ii ta .mv kaowa artlelel!>.' they ii'.i, prora Iba purity and power of tau Great

ReawdyRa -..»¦, howerer. and aeeare only tk" Kenurno, aatt-kc in.iii. tiu- |inrT\

It is teie tiji all rapatable di-ii-eisO-

oovorod: Recelpta, 13,078,308; i-vmenta, 84,.204,370, with balaneea of 8178,135.058 coin and110,149,233 enrreaey.

BKPOBT8 niOII WASHINGTON".Tiie I'nited StRtca Twailllll at Wnshington re.

eeivad to-day $i:,7,i4.-, NariofMl l>:,nk notea foiredentption.The customs reeetpta were 1497,914, the in.

ternal reveuue reeeipta ^iii.tit, and the mi*.neuaneoua reeeipta 828,566.

To-day'a Waahingtoa Treaauy stittement of caslion liniKi and deponta in boak ooaaparea with thaBgoiea of the l.-ist pnrtooa Btateafent as rollows:

0 ln Oei ll niffe-neea,Not jold on hand.gI8i-,-l0,388 6187,ul3,321 D»c. $-01 07;

reronhaad 16,710.845 16.606,470 Dae. 30,808N'.-i ;e__.tenil>'ra

011 hand . 18,093,34- 18,188,888 Ino. 40.02tAc'u.l ra*- lnTreaaury vaulfaovr otit-t.in_-ln- |s.,ti|J,¦:,..-. .J|__:( 098,88. »2-2,71 7.300 r>er. $311,4...

Dapeatta la i,ai.ka 40,448.808 4t.829.S88 ine. 1.483,428RM e-ah _alaii.ea.$263,472 H'.H $2 i (i:r, SH Inc.81,178,808

Tlio -Oreiga atahaaaa market for to.Btorrow rimil waa not activo, hutthe nttee wore woll Buatained at. quo-tationa for bualneaa as followa: Bankei-* bilbtat 84 88 7.8 and «-l 81 7.8 for loug and ahor.aterling reapeetively; Pivneli feanea at. 8.81 1.4.ind 5.18 :<-4: reiebnuirkH al M 3-8 and M 1-8,and guilden Bl 4o |.16 nnd 4o .VI ii.

In London Britiab eonaola eloaed eaaieg al 91MRfor moiioy nnd !»7 5-16 for ncoonnt. Tho Itanknf Enghtnd jriino<l 100,000 pounda bnlHon oabalanee. Toi iimnoy ln Ihe open markot no nit«'«won* qnoted, so ii may be aarriiirrl thnt tho\reithei wore anohanged or eaaicr. Bar aihret wa*Htendy Bl 42 3 Id. per <>i 111,-.-. AmoHmn railwityit,while tirm, won- resixiiisivp to the hntiie mniketa,nnd e-o D-Oaed Bl BOOOl a parlty of New-York'e11 oeloek quotationa, if anything, a little hitrher.At I'nris ___oeh i per .otits decllO-d to ,17.".7 1-2,and right exchange on London wius wonlc at25.25 irano- for aterling..

S. V. Wliito X fjo. nf' still offerinz a timitedamount or the Clty of Columbna Ohio) CooBOi-Idnted Streel Railwai Company*a tirst meftejMe:, per eenl gold bonaa, dne Jnly 1, 190P. Bef.rrenee 1-- autde to the advertlaemeB-l in anothercolumn.The attention of inveatora is dirorte<l lo tha

iidvcitisiiiii'iii nl tlio International and Mortsaa.Bank of Mexieo. The American direetora inolmie.N.vornl weH-knoa-n men, who have been ominentlv.aiicceaaful ln tlnir undertakinira. Tho stoek Uoffered at |80 per ahare to Buoeeribet- hoiweoaOctober I nnd October 18.

P001 ft Greenough, of So. 86 Wall-st., brtngout tho London and Kew-Yorb Inveamaenl Cor.p.irntion and Invlte Bub-eriptiona for .100,000ponnda oi the capital atock at par. Tha bookawill eloee on or before Friday, Oetobef 1 8. Forporticnlara Inveatora nr" referred to tbe advertiae.ment io another eotnmn,


um i88».Number of mllea. ::.» »4 ___MFlrat week lo Oet 841.730 *.S3K»t »)46.(X17Jan. 1 to Oet, 7 1 BlB 194 1 47I.e.V4 1,44,,3-4

CANADIAN I'ACIFIC.Numher of mi>- 4.-U7 4.4P1 ,*.*®Klr-t «'.ek ln n.t. e207.Oi0 »_*» 1.000 $3.,'-.OOOJan. 1 IS Oet. 7 K 171,4.'. 8.-81.488 10,'.».>7.-_-

CIIICA-0 AM» ATI.ANTIC.Mimbcr al nll- 988 .__l 9MKlisst we.k ln Ort.... .1-311 #4.,.r.t, f_Z'°_>Jan. 1 ta Oet 7 1.068.875 1,781.088 1.003.480

DU-UTH, BOUTH BHORR AND ATI.ANTIC.Numtier Bl Btflea. BW .888 _^MfI'mt areek In Oet. 887.877 8_3.»?'JJa.. i [a Oet. 7 I.m:. m.-. LWfJU


. _¦188Klr-t week in Ocl »4.«.'__ $...(_'.i *'¦:."'-Jau. l la Oat I ih*..:i_7 ls7,7H_ __4.3-0

EVANSVII.I.F. ANU TDIIUF. HAl-'T.Number of BRlaa. HO IM __._HFlrat week ln Oet.. BlP.-ttoi »K,.4l-l }19W7Jiui. I _ Ocl .' ..,...<-,» 947.7-7 07_.HOa

I.OUI6VII.I.F. Ni:W-AMl\NY ANU (HtCAIiO.Number "f mllea. M8 ."'.17 _fflHrst week iu Oet.... 44s,,sn,i a48.!'00 $.'jO,«)IJui.. 1 U> Oet 7 1,707 tsr.t 1.700,070 l.b'J4.9_l

KXLWAUR.8 AM) RORTRERH.Number al ilii'-. '--'l M:]


..^k lu Oet. »21 ,-".»7 *_:l :t $30,150la_ i ta Oet T-l.oo. M07..W8 yo4.8:i.

PITTBBORa and Wi_.Tr.itN.Numl*r of mlla. ;t"7 H'i7 3H7Klral areek In Oet.. $io."7s |3V.:6 888.1*9lea. i t" Oet 7.. i..'._7 I.'- i.r.'.;i.o47 l,«-j.0_4

I'l.oltlA, DECATUS AM» I'.VANsVILLF-Number of mlU'-. 8J4 .-^4 854wrat week in Oet. BM -_iO $14..3.Jai,. 1 l., O.t. 7. -80,-33 64V31-

BJ-. 1-OL'It., AKKANSAM ANI» TI.XAS.Numfx'r of mlles. ~A-> 1.18- .J.829Kirst. week i- o.t. $7*,t".rt BiLMlM $10_,lo7J.n. 1 to Oet. 7. 1.7--.774 2.-J3.048 2,513._37

raz-g pai ific.Number of mllea. 1.1-7 1-487 1.4B71 rat week In Oet.. .. $147,hih *i:_.,7'.;> $145,004.!_,. l ., Oet 7 4,170.--- 4,-18,-51 4,0-6,-01

TOLEOO ANU OIllo CKtrTRAXa.Number of BRlM. _818 888 _3JKlr-t we^k ln Oet. $22,4 11 $2-.:il- 827.-1X;Jau. 1 tn Oet 7. 77-,n;.;i r-.-1 r,:,n 904,313

ATCIII-ON, TOPF.KA AND -ANTA I_.Number nf bbUOB..... 7.O09 7.11|Fuurth -evk In Kept. $7ao.8__ $80o.,ft72I.,.. to .-..,.'. 80. 88,410.781 18,448,188

BART TEKNEWJBJ- VIR'ilMA A.M) OEORGIA.« nf BUlea. 1,088 1 »>'.*_ 1,143

..ourth week ln Sept.... B157..1-7 $136,116 $107,654Jan. 1 to tfept 80. 8,755,840 8,048,688 4,3,-_,0-3

UO ORAVDR \M.sTl.i_N*.N'uir.t^r of biiuwi. 888 seB »aaKounii week iu _ept.... 011.77-- a8B,6_8 $.W.-0.Jun 1 to Hegt 88.. __0,_01 _4n,457 1,074,496

UIFORTR 01 DRT-BOODB AT RRW-TOWR.I'..r the wi'._- 1887. 1888-

Enteied at the pcrt.. $ $2,'_»e,.'>02 61.'''*>7,7»4i irjwn .ii markat. 20-10,107 8,263,788 2,000,62a

Slneo .l.inuarv 1Enlered at tba port. 100,221.154 10»,3i'i 073 l(lfi,'_Ofl.221Ttaruwu un irt-.k.' ...100,301 7_<i 104,2ir -_» 10-,64-,7D«

F.Un0PI'\N KINANCI.vr, marketr.Laagaa Oet 11, 11 n, .:,«..!., 07 i-l« for money,

srifi 97 ..-1»1 f".' the ii"'-.-'uit. Atimtli- aii'l Creat Wpsto-rntlr-t m.-rt-at;.' truatea. c rtlBrataa, 35Va: (anaiian PaciBo,71'a; Krlo. 3n . .M \.. ..ulii.iiv. 49sj M. ymi, < om-mnn. 73: Rew-Yorfc Cenaral, lll; I'ennavhanla -J5>«.

I'ails atvii.'- Bjuote B per cent r.-.it-.s at «7 rranca 27-the aceouiit, and \ lu.ijro 011 l.oi.don it

.'.'» franea 25 centlmea for checka.Ih.- amount o_ _alllon a n. inin tha Mooti ot £nglan4

on -_i_ii. .. t'-d-y la io<.',000 iiounda.


United btatcs Govornment and other deaurablaiB__coi_rn_s


HARVr-Y FISK A SOSS,llankcr-, 81 Na.ssau.-st., New-YorRJ '



feati-p.r.s of m:\vyouk DEALIXO*.There was a aeaaaa- .. -.hahinK oas* af w«»k hoia

Oi wh.-at yosierilay. Tl.c U-BsaBUoBS ln aflBB-l i,

Bp to al.oiii aJLtJOOfittO liusli.ls. the tnvllnK at tlm__batag BtaaaBai wita Baaataaraala aaalBBsasai Tbeipeculattve eaitaal was taiaad aawawBai at the start,brokea by OBljr a r&lly af 1 4 cent after the (iiw>nln_licniis. riic Bxaerl Igaiaia on th<< montiiiy Qaaaasain.-iit report bbbos out a arop of 4_.">,ooo.»rx) iiu.r-wa,ur 80,000,000 buaheli nioro t.an tlie auinuot expoctodlby lhe litills un lliuisiUy. Ity a vl_urtiu.s a-kault oa

pttASS at lle -tart tha ticars s|hvh.1 roiiBternatioo Ibtho ranUs uf boaaara aji.i loag wbsat «_ tumbied.out iwoblaaalj Thara wata Bteaja _rnv_i_ in thaNiiithwcst, al.so, as a beariih Intluouee, aud the foielguclciiicni ill.l 808-8 lOfWag near lhe 88888 on w.-aXarEuropeaa eablaa. The optlooa cio_oU lowa l 5-a»i - _

...iu a, iiiiious: Uetobar, nwi; Novaaibar, noia;Dacember, -7 14; Jauuary, 88 1-4; May, ii- i-eui-.

s|, ,i ui.ii » nt :ii.«n i«l l-Jl cent on tha"bearlah" erop reporl aid exportare held aloof.

i i.rn was i i.i.- ea-ler, ln sheer s>ni|>ala.v wltbaboai, although slilyoer- took uearly lini.ooo bu-halB.There 'fn- a falrl) actlve luovotuaol ln the optioat.i... bul no laii.ciiiani ivsj-oiis,- to the _.¦¦¦ **¦__*___;October corn emteU op t a cenl ai 88) 1-3. ,aa__a«S_

.| | ,-. :.i «,. slii.wn l.v .\ii\i-nib- »l J» '-a

Deeembcr al 40 7 H and May at 41 7 h oenta._

O.I. were . abad. ». .« ffSUrfStl>1*>'

.---.- /,.. r..h luts and lhe (Vtnher

'."ll ZH a _____ Sa»»«BT8B. Tbe afaealatlaaOI'""""' r iT i nili'i'" fell -*'-' l*Ol»U lo #.140 for

^^i.V/^!-.'.,.t",*7|traln and Mo-.r lapM yc.ter.laf. *.'-_. \oik Phllaleli'h'a. Baltimore aml Ifc.ston weia

**. Y7T- wr___ W'..-».. hnsticN: corn. .fC.OMIEL__? .".at-. i^o«w» .*»».*>*»; .«.. -"*.".. .*_*."?,.u: lloir ,'.7,70.1 raiBax-s. \t « hb-asa an MH¦1 kil'tlic anhals were: Wheat. IM.7-B>ah_4ej

corn 3sLvtB7 tnishel.; oatt, :.4*>.s baahsis; totalgr_u 9U.S1S bn llii: tu.ur *_0.l_0 barrela.