ASIA THREE CENTURIES AGO. THE TRAVELS OF MENDEZ PINTO WHEN PORTUQAL WAS A IOWER IN THE EAST. riL|£ VOYAGES AND ADVENTTRESI OF, ^EBDINAND MENHE/ HINTO. l>ime Into F.nallsh bv Ilenry Cogan: with nn Introductlon by Armhilus \ aaaberj. An abfMaed and lllu*tratcd edltlon. Pp- EXXU, **>*¦ Macmlllan 1 co. Thls volume ls the aeventh ln the "Adventure Berlea." and by no means the h-art valnable ln view of the explanaUon which lt aftorde of some browblcsome things in the early geography of both Arablans and Europeam. Tbe Indian Oeean and the seas tha* washcd the caatern coa»t of Chlna have been the waters af fable from the earllest Ume. Tlre narratlve of the Portuguese a"lverrture.r became a claaslc ln its oriutnal forrn. and lt loet nothlng ln Colgan's nalve Bngllsh. More vlewa tfian one can be taken of Mendet Plnto. Ono may anppose Um to bave been an exceedtngly resourceful romanccr. A less compllmentary eplthet has been applied to hlm over and over again. lie ccr- talnly doea seem to have fbrmed bla llterary style opon tbe long-wlnded romancea of Ws day. The apeeeJiea which he waa »o fond of putting into the aioutlts mt peopie reafl llke those that formed ao large a part of the romances. So enamored was he Of tliesa oratorlcal embelllshments that he tbnwt them ln without reference to per-on or fltnesa. In luch mat- ters. however, Ma ta-ste was probably that of hla ago. and the peculiartty, nnpleasant as lt ls to modern reodei-s, cannot be sald to vltlate the truthfulness of hl* narretlve as a whole. Apparently he almed to tell the truth, tho whole trnth. aod occaslonally somc- thlng eHe for the sake of good measure. It ls not to be enpaosed that hls travcls have lost by hla fallure to mentlon anything thnt rvaJly oc4-urrcd. One ttonblo is that hls names of persons and placea, bla tltlee for orhclals, and the llke, were spelled as the words sounded to Ws ears. But other travellera, bath before aad after hls tlme, also lndulged thelr ln- dlvidual eccentrlcltlea ln tho same way; lndeed. tha vlcloui pracn>e haa not been glven up e-'em at the present day, aa anyone may dlecover by comparlng a few recorda of .eurucylng. say ln Ejrypt. The name of tbe boats nied oo tlie Nlle has boen spelled so many ways that lt seems almost a polnt of honor to omament a new book with an unespocted twist ln lts othography. Judajed by thls popular standard, Mcndez Plnto's prac- tlce was not bad. " Adem" ls an easy equlvalent for "Aden." When he speafc* of an Arablan Jaller as a «moc4idao ¦ tJiere U no Kreat dlfflcnlty In flndtng that be aims to reprosent tho word which Lane has trans- Bterated as '.mukaddam.*' Hls "xabandar" Is not far from "shah bandar," and "Caire,*' ho wrltes lt aomeUmes, ls nearer the Arablc prontinciatlon than tbe modern "Calro.*' "C-ntan"1 aaa'8 near appronrh to "Canton." The old Engllsh. transJatlon could hardly Imprcve tbe matter. Mendeu Plnto dld not call the Sul- tan of "Achem" by two names. Larodin aad Aaradln. That -tltlB 4int>r has heen reproduoed ln the present re- prlnt ls an lndlrect testimomy to lts llteral falthfulnesa. a matter of importanre la the reproductlon of old boolu. From these examples it will be ieen that those who need to do so can with llttle troublo find the modem equlvalent for the names uied by tbe old traveller. Ab a narratlve of adventure few worba have greater Biterest. To pnt tbe whole velume ln a nntehell, it tells "what atrange fortunes I have seon," says he, "for tbe 6pare of one and twenty years. durlmg the which I was thirteen tlmes a captive, and seventeen tltaps ttmes sold ln the Indlcs, ln AethiopUy in Arabia, tn C#lna. in Tartaria, in Madagascar, ln Sumatra, and ln dlvera other Klngdoms and provlnces of tlie Oriental Archlpelage npon the confines of Asla, whtrh the Chtaoae-s, tslames, Gueoe and Locquios mame, and tlurt wltb reason ln thelr geography, the ey-llds of the world." Professor Vamberry's lntrodnctlen defends Mendez Plnto on the score ot truthfulness and esplarne the difflcultioa that beaet a traveller Ln the Orient three centorles ago ae ntterly dlfTerent from those met in the same reglon at the Becaeel day. The volnme la illnatrated with a nmp and d.uble-page plctnros copted from the aecond Dntch edition of 'The Yoyage of John "Juyghen Von I.insrhoten to the Eaat Indlee." a A Ml'Cn-NEEDET) GUTDE. THE CANADIAN Ol'JDE BOOK Thc Tourlsta' and 6portsman's (Juldc t<> Eastcm t'auada and Newfound- land. B) Charlei <¦. D. BoacrtB. l2mo, pp. _7o. Ij. Appleton A- to. This littlo boolt, ahich ls reollv chamilng as well aa p;-_ctlral, olfers new toMlmony to the fact that a very elmple ond pmualc thln* may acqulre grace and dlstinetion ln the hands of a man <*f talont. One doeo not ordlnarlly cxi>oct to rlnd ln a gnldc book vivld and poeBc de'crlptlon, purlty and beauty of ETiglish style, the svmpnthetle entbuslasm of an ardent sports^ian and lover of nat4ire; yet all these lighten and BCagaaea Mr. ltv.berts^ text. It ls a glorified gnlde-liook and tlior-iughly justlfles the edltorial Jndiment arhleb 6e lectz-d as lts anthor a poet and pr©fe*«or of Engllsh lltcratnre. lt would be hard for the tourlst or sportsman to po ffstray under lt- guldance. Ea-tern Ont-rio, tlio la-abaai dlstrkt, the Lake BB. Jnhn country, tlio Bt. I^iwrenco reelon, the M.irltiiiie Provlnees, l'rlnce Edwaid lslatid ard N'ewfoundland are so cxai-tly aud minut.ly dccrlbed that tho travcll'-r can havo no dlfliculty ln plannlng aud purenlng hi- Jour icys. Full liiforiiiiitlon ;is t., ismtes nnd BaTCa ai.d hotels is glvon | rmich f-pa.e ls devoted to placcs of espectal BBTterke] and fccnlc intercst; thc varkms beauties, ad- vajitages and dlsadvantages of the summer resorts ara lndlcated; and there U a wealtli of instrnctlon and augK<.«tion for sjKji-tsmei}. Here tbe autlior, who an adej t hirn-elf. Is on groniid he loves, 4Mid one cannot read without a quJb-kenlng of ihe bl.wd hls brlef but graphlc sketches of sportlng expedltlons ln tlie bMCBaMttag rc/lfiiis whercof he writes. To these he bas iwlded a valuablc nppendlx glvlng flsh and pmio laws and orticial li~ts of troai arid «yilm(.:i ritera and their 1888808, HLs hlstorleal refercmes have been mado with uT:coninio;i Uut.in short, hls book is not only a e\eellent plcture of the Dominion as-lt oxti»ts to-day. but also an outllno hlstory of the most In- terc-tlns rpliBdca of its m-owth. Bacb a t**a*CBl has long licen needed.ttrgemtly by the tourlst, nmre tlian urpently by thc sporteman; and tiie work has licrein beca done so IbOfWlgblj and a.- 4-urat-ly as to leaae no leeaa for any other book of Ha kind. Admirable Baafa and illustrations accom- pany tlie t \t. . II JStvo pnr-ncations ABPEB'8 lOGAZINE ~ FOR AUGUST. ARTICLES. NEW-ZEALAND. By mOKESSdU OEORGE M. l.KANT. With 19 BJaaB.«.Maa traaa pi..Manpha aud from drawmga by W. X. S.^EDLEY and otlicrs. THE V1G1LANTKS <)F CALIFORNIA. IDAHO, AND MONTANA. By JOfiX W. Ca-UIPITT. ILDaTSM OF WBBTERS ARC'IIITECTl'RE. CHICAGO. I. By MO-VTiiOMllEY BCHUTUBB. WlUi 9 lllustra- ,10,,'' NIIIJLISTS IN PARIS. By J. II BOBXy. IlliistraUd by P. RENOUAKD aad a_ i.!.i'ini:. |/1NIK)X-PI_\ N1AGE.NET. I Et'CLESIASri- (^AL. By WAL.TEK BESANT. With 1!> llluctratlons drawn By BLaJUtT 9X301, H. D. BlCHOlaf. and E. PEX- t-Ba-B. WHAT IS INHEHITANfE? By Dr. AVDBEW \VlI>iOM. BOME AMEHICAN RIDERS. Pourth I-apcr. Bv t.l. TIfBOBOBI AYr.Al'I.T Di'ixii:, V, sA Wl-h 5 fuil-i>fiir.- lllustratlona fro-n aaunUigs by rKEDBBUCB BJBM1BOT0X. LORD UYRONS EARLY SCHOOL-DAYS. By l'rofessor W. u. BEAIK1E. ncnoif. rBlTBB IBBTTBflW A Novcl. Part III. BvOi:.i:.i: Of Mau_______ With 14 Illustrations by tli- anthor.-AN' 1MPEKAJ1VE Bt'TY. A Novcl. I'ar: II. BiVNU.LIAM PEAN HUWELES.-LITK. A ijtory. By MAKK ajajaiBT BBT1 ZOO. A 6tcry. By fiEuROE LEATU. POETRY. « - V TIIE HIGH TOWER. Bv JUL1A C. K. I)ORR. THE WIZARD 1IARP. By KATE PL'TNAM OSiiOOB. ANSWERED. By KAJ-fNIE MAYO FITZHCOH. Eeitorlil Dcpartmenta, aa uaual, conducMd by OEOROP. milliam ovarria, william dean howelm. u.d EEaa\EBAE§ dedley \vai;xeii. isLBseiurxion i-hice, tioo a teak. 4IABPEIH & WtOTHER-S. PUBLISHERS. NEW- AULb. Ui V IN'rin JJnbiirntiona. MARY J. HOLMES'S ____ bPLEXDlD XEW NOVEL .llABGUtiUTB' IS NOW EEAPY. The admlrer. of '!^^nVHi'EM-,_l,S_SS,_?11,a SUNijUIXE," 4c, &c, will bc plad to procure lt. FOR 8AL1 EVEBYWHEKE. G. W. DILLINf'HAM, Ptihiitilicr. New-York. Elghto«nth I-aliii.li. .pj'-t l«««4.?_" 2<*; %_._¦¦«_¦ . Tllh HUMAN AlK; Waj It Falls Oft: Turna (irey and BM Remedy. By Prof. UARLF.V l'ARKEP A M LOXU . 0 . 1.013 Arch.gt.. 1'hlla.. Pa. -Kycry one shot.ltI ifad thl- llttle book "-Atbeimum. LillD Grtiooia. UNIVEMI"f^L-1%C1»I88V88- . fflHI ABBOTT. lC E, gf, . plMdUlf . mmm IBAAC P. RUSSELL, J. C. ^^Se-aatar, Law. CHR18T0P11EI; O. TIEDEMAN A. M. Reat Property. KENRY W. JESSU1*. LL. B. Torta; Procedure. The thlrtv-tlilrd y-ai t.eglns Oct. 1, 1891. wja w bi- Uj-ii^ I'aci.-.ty aod i courae of Inatrucllon carefulTy revlaed L7 aaeal bW tawaaal «*_» of candldatoa for Va* Oir fnurso of nudv two veara; not more tban one v«arjamwrna for pri'viou. atu.lv elsewhere. Oonftrs LL. B. , also (for new tiraduat* Coiraesi, Ll_. M. DAILY LECTl KE nOT'RS 8r4B P. M., 4 30 P. M., * A Umlted nun-ber of 'fcho'larship* of 8100 each ara awBrded Bt the ^&tf_/B&_-T^ WILLIAM ALLEX BFTLER. LL. D_. Marlttae LaW. CEl'HAS BRAIXER"*. E:_i-. lntsmational Uw. CHARLE8 F. MacLRAR. f. V.D.. Crlmtnal Liw. AMASA A. REDFIELD. l>n-, Inheritance IID\ MYER S. I8AACA Exarnlnatlon ef Tltlei. WILLIAM a. DAVII.S Eaq., Mfo Inaurance. For SaaMBaea. bc. bp^o x _ HITflmfc _Kg_nlt*J>l^_J}__ndt_n4^_ ni~NEW-YORK LAW BCBOOL, 120 BROAPWAT, Sew-York Citv.-Apnnal -e*.inn npim* OrtehCT 1 l;so'- Two year-' rourae. leadlnp tv> deeree of LL. B. Teltlon fee, »100 "D"lirht Meoiod" of Inatructlon. For cata- lognes addr»fc%i>E'>Hi4r, CHA8B, TV'tn Jnatrnftion. Fnr Bowa and Young Men.Clty. A-CLass FOR BOYS.-Intermedlate and advanced t rrad's, ftudcnts prcpared for collece. law, atlentlflo .chools and bualness._W. F. CHASE, 72 waMaaBBVat_ DV1CE ABOUT BCB00L9 aad elreolari n»ee to p»r- ents. Btate locallty. prlce dssircd. pupll's age and MX. P. V. HUY8ROON, Arucrican School Bnreau, 2 W. llthat. Kkrkei.ey BCBOOL. Autumn half, t^elfth ytar, lvlll heiln MoneaY. Sep». 28, 1P91, ln tbe new f!r«proof bufldlng. IS, 20, 22, 24 Went Btth-st. Accommoditlons for a Umlted number of boardlng atudents. For latest reglater and deacrlptlvo pamphlet addreaa J. CLARK REED, A. M., IWl«t*«- IKSTRl'CTlOX ln coiiiniererafbraiu'iTeB, eTocutlon, mlll- Urv aclence and ttctlcs and dellcient EnirUah g.vtn on re.-isohable terms; lonf txp. rlenc\ Call "TueadayB ana ThursilayB between 0 and 8, gfljfE'.j, Mtt_.,n..Va. JKYIKO .CHOOL. rOVI^fT^. M. A, Cor. 48»h-Bt._Preparatlon for^cotJegB.*-"! b^aMBBB. PKKFAKATORY eoilepe achool M 1?9 Waa_*Z__f_l cond,ict/d bv H. E. Well*; thc lear^er tao«ht how to at.idy; thought cxerciaerl and apeedy ___%»______! Bblll'tlM bv Qie nuthoda of inatructlon eroployed; personal attention to each; Umlted to twclve BCholara.__ VI N1VEBBITT URAMMAR SCIIOOL. 1,478 Broadway, art-rg*^^ For Young Ladles-City. AK0DIFLE1> cOLLErtlATE COURSE.-Tliera ara twa vacanc-les ln bji eat-bUBhed prlvate claas offerUiK; nn- uaual advantages TO MBWi d:-alrfnc auch a courae..,"**{.. ¦ataat Maehara: ca.efnl attontion to phyatel'^e^T.A** eauiiiptd echoo-roomi and laboratory. f-urnmer BdOress, ^ COLLF^IATE LOVR.SE, Box 15, Kenalco, K_Y.__ ACADKMic CLASSES FOR GIKLsj. ^*_j^__*____ ooro for collcge i-xan.ina'.lons, bul iu!ted to UM needi tl lireaniest stiitftuM: sneoial attentlin glx-Jn «_,En«1'* ilccutlon and pnjileal fnlture. MARY B. WHIXON, A. B.._and LOIS A_BA-sM,j4.j_Z_^_*_i__t:ava.. W. Y. TTa ra-lUSY. DXZ AND MRS. OAlUlNKaVB _, A. ' BOllOOL Fillt IHKI.8. H07' Btri-ave. ,_-d Jear. Advanced Claaaes with Col'imbia Coiieae t*rofosaors. \RLEM.-Th" Lenoa T.av Bebeai for llttle childrenanB . trlrla will open October 1 on or near¦ WaM _-»th^»i For flreulars pr nereonal intciviewa. LENOA, Box lld, Mllton-oii-lludaon. yew.1*erb. II M ISS PBEBLE8 AXD __88 THOMPSON'S BOARDLNlf A.VP DAY SCHOdL FOR GIRLS, 82 and 84 Eaat &7th-at, New-YorB. Reopena Thursday^ Oct. 1._ M 5PS M INI T a,.M_Wt?L^Bf'*ntiarCB and OERMAN BOARDINO i,,iu DAY BCBOOL foi YOUNG LaDIES and CIIIL- DRF.N »2 MADISON-AYE.. NEW-YORK. will reopen Thur-dBT Oct. 1-t, 1891. Freneh Is the languaec of the famllv and Behoal. si-.olal elaasea ln hlstory, llt-raturs, art and Fr-neh ouv,-rsit!on. Sp<e|ai attention to F.nrllsh, Fre-ie'.i and lierman prlmary department._ BlatTear._ mmE^a.c. MEAB8. fi-Mtaal. _ MAOKMOlBELLbj RUEL. ___ Behool for airli. Reopena Octobar 7. 189L (Number Umlted.) 1!8 Eaat Seib-at. near MadHonavo. MUI A-lVlB BROWR, T18.T18 "Tllie Avenue. Prlmary and academlc work, lncludiiii? preiaTBtlon for tolloge ai.d for tha ColumMa and Harvaid txarolnatlona for womni._Keopena Octoberl, 1801. MADEM'OISELLE VELTIN.-S'ho..i for Otrls. Prin.arv, acod-mlc and icll-ge prcpBratloii. Klnder- gartcn cond'ucW entlrelv In French by Madame TKns, punll of th« late Madame'l-ape.caipenter. Slxth year openl October 1, 18'H. 17S Weat 78d-sl._ >S_LTZAl4ETTT L. KOI-K..S, i(TEas' 75lh-BV B,.:irdlnR ai,d Pay Sehool. 8i>ecial co'irses of study. \iTm. niSlH l.l' H. 20" EAs-T _:.OTII-ST.-r.nBllih> l»l French and irerman Bf.ardliij.' and l>av behool for BlrlB. rwenty.fltth } ai bogbis S.-pt mber 28._ IS8 M. BLA( KWELL'8 School and KlnderRarten for Childien reop.-ns OetoBer 1. at^lSO East 83d-tt_ RS. LEOPOLD WEIL'S BCBOOL I0R OIIOB.-. 711 Madlson-avc,. prcpares for collegei. M"7M)A.ME DA slfA'A.-School forThrla. ^ ~" Frencb tli-- lajijruage of thl a. hool and tha family. 24 Weat 8Sth-it. U8d year bfglna O'tober lj_ i_I i'.t-RBAN BEMINARY for Y,.':iii, Ladlcs and Chll. O dron, WaahiiiKtion-avn. and 17i4d-at.. N'ew-York City. will oi^-ii Baatember 16th, lr>ui. Aiwa.tiv, attuattoa, i,<-w li'illdliis. 'rhorouyti Instruettoa ln ull a>pBrur.ents. Ad- droM the PHiK'lpal. Mr-. EDW1B .IoiinmiN. __^ HE-R_EI> SCHOOL, 0. 3ai:d 10 Eaat 63d-at. lu charee of M -s Julla ... McAlliater. Frlncipal. Mrs. bylvanua Raed, Vlsltor. 28th yeir bejrlni Oct. 1. 1C91. xhe thlrd bulldlna, No. 10 Just add, d to ttK> school. aiTords impiaved acconimoda- tlo'rj* to both roaldeut nnd day puplls. _ rp'l'ii COMSTOClt ii iit»"i.. J I'ainllT and I>.v S hool for Olrli; 29th vear herlna Oeto- ber 1. 1*91 MI.-h DAY. Prlnclual._32 Wea-, lOta-at. THE R1VERSIDE BCHOOL. Ulaa Eir.llv A. Wr.rl 1'nnrlpal. l"r-paratio'i for Va»«ar Barnard and Ottief eoilegea for women. A.-adeu.lc, lutenneliate, Prlmary, Kiiificrirarten B'id Special C'Jiai foi lloya. LirRe. air.y rooniB for r.-aldent puplla. 60 W. I0ith-st, Central Park. TrTE MfsAl 3 KIOSES, 047 Maolaoo .v Bi/ardlnK and Day frchooi for Youn? Ladle* and Chll- tlren PrepBKi for Barnarl and other colleiua Elghth »,-ar beelna September :B. 1891. THE M1SSES WrEaKS' Boardliic ai, t Day Sehool fo- \oune ladlM aBd tlilldren, with K ind'-rparteii Rcopcns nctob'T ±._37 Eaat u.Hih-at ITaN NORMAN INRTITl'TE rFooodeB 1887). llanta and TDiiv School. OOt.D AND BROXZE MEDALS. PAR1S E_I-0SiTION. 18&9 JSO and '1S2 71-t.»t. a.id WBM bW-ave. Mm<. YaN BOBIIAB. Prlnclpal. \Irr.ST VTD AVKNUT ScrTool for fTTrla..Prlman P »» paratnrr, CollCRiat.' and Art Deryirtm^nts; tlioro'iRh atudio work. Mlas MARTHA TMOMI'SOV. I'rtnclpoJ. Reopena Oct. 1. 281 Wf«M F.ndavc., cor. 78th-Bt For Both ScNps-Clty. LLLEN SCHOOL, 310 WEST WTIIST. Home and Day Mhool for Olrll and Boyi. Beapana sept. 21, i-'.n Preparatlon for OaBage. .VbtMZB BCHOOL OF THE ? METR0P0L1TA.V COLLEOE OF MUSia (Fornerlv Metro)rf.'.i:au Conseryatorr.) A pleaaant min." Dl imrtmeut U open for the aeeomma- datlon of ladlef from a a:*tance. Tlifa achool haa no equal for thorouahneaa of Inrtructlon and the alaolute a^f^ty of IU lnethods. DEDLEY llfCK, Preaiient; H. W. OREENE. Sorr»B»rv and Treaaurer. Scrid for circular. 18 AND ?1 EAST 14THST.. NEW-YORK. _ Pai KAKIVS BUSIBEBS COLLEOE wiU reopen for th^ sea'on on ru'sday, Sept 1. Scnd lor atw lliuitwted pro»|.e,t.is. S. 6. PACEARD. Prealdent 101 Eaat '.3J-Bt. Mnsieal TnBtrucfJon. MR. A. L. BCRULTZ, Orcun.st Baada Street MeBMrMI Church, Br.olilyi., WlU rt-S'iin.- lciaona (piauo and orgauj tjeptcmtjer l, Addr-as 217 Duilieid-st. Bruoklyu. Brooklyn. .pHE MISSES KLT*a SCHOOL VOR OIRLS. 140-142 Columbli Helfhta, Brooklyn. X. T.. WIU rc-open Beptember 30th. ¦,IHF. BROOBLTB HEIOHT.S SEMIXAltY.-Ho.rdlnB 1 and Day S>-hnol for Olrl». 41«t v^ar oi»'n« S»pt. 24. Ad¬ dreaa. for clrculjrs, 13S-140 Montacut-at.. Brooklyn. N. Y. For Young Ladies.Country. BBTHLEHI M, l'l.X.s.-HIMMi'i )1<IKI'E.-A Boaid- li.-' aaC Day ,s. nool toi Utria. i-repa:atory and full Academlc (Jourse. Puplla pn-par.<i tor <.-(.i!.g.j. I'wenty-foi.rth yeur. I-. 1 WAI.SII, I'lincipai. "Trj OXWOOIT Huae A.11) EaI aCHOOL l"R I>i.11;LS. Hcaitliful loration. dellghtful lorroundlnia. TiiorouKh work. 1 r.-paiatl..n for BOUBga. |loy> under t«eUu adn.iiud. l'.,r clrcttlan und tenna, addre. Mr- r. s ORISWOL0, Lyme. Obbb. Ci ATIII DK\I, st'H.M.I. OP s.MNI I'AI 1. il ¦' y iitv. L. I..Addreaa for July anl Aagnal < BARLEfl BTURTEVAXT MOOUE, Bearboro1 Baaeh, Me. Ci.AsM' Al. ANIi HOME lNSTriTTE PougbJMt-pala N. Y. Kor Yoing l.adi<a and i.n.ldr n. <;r,,duatinK eourae. or pr.paration for -«»11¦ ¦._-. BAKAH V. II IIUTLER, Prln nl-.KW LADIE-.' sr.MixAi-.v Carmel X Y 28th raar, Sejit. lis. .ileattrit'il. b'.iiiel'ke. thiiroiiirh. nroL^-aalva. llluafated elrcular. Rev. OEO, i BOBBY BMlTB, a.M. DWKiHT srHOOL FOR OtRLS. Englewoodi' Ncw-J.r- anr (n.-ar l'ailsad.'- of tlit Rodson). I il I'HAME S IU MIITO.V I I.I.I .X W. FARRAR. Pl.MIKA C<'I.I.I r.V. FOK 'VOME**. Looraea ol »Ui4j' U.oae of BMbMIbbM oolleaea. Electrle Uahta .-toan. heal and oiovator. Aktroi.oiui'jal obaervBtorj. Art S-Iiooi, aliuic Bulldins, iic. 21f rfudenU. CHARLES VAN NOEJH X. D. D., Preat.. Elmlra, X. T. FORT7 ETJWARD COLLK.41ATE IXNTITITE" FOR 100 young BMBMB. BaaaaBM b-'tldl.ir* and adyan- IgajajL T.velve MaabBfa, -s * Kradiatu.? coura'n and Beaaaratary. Pm Behool y.tr. iMrlttnlna "Mpt li, *.<o ln |wa InatalniMiU. hoe lll.i»>traw>u MMlafbe. JQ44. E. B1BQ. D 1) r_H BBtwaai) x. Y. /VoLDEB'hILLSEMINaBV for \ovut Ladlea, Brla-iro". tl part, CeanT- Mins F.MILY nELbox. Priatipal. Mua A_iiE b. UlBbON, Aaaoclate PrUauakL jneiracuou. ___^ For~Young La.lica-Country. ras&^%^f%ff Iw-irnAw i'i il I.-l-'i iR YlWBO I.ADfliS. .^atreai. ColTet e preparaUoa. ir, ulars by mafl. KAMCF.f. NVF.I.I.S liri'ft. A. M.. Fnurhkeepxle, B.,TT^ svTm ."vaiiii i ROARDIRO AXD DAY BflBOOL Phlladrtphla. 43d year begtai Bepb mber 88, 1891.-. aTaTfoa mfT.wr.EY'fl Rnardlng and Bai Bebeej for Olr's, >I r.-r Vn.Vn on'llad'on Frlnclpll-. Miss H. L. BulK- liy JSZK. C. Fli.i.i-y A.!(lr-.s ,,,- IrtterjIBtO M.-,,t. I »»ii.w xi m i.i-vrs Bnardlnr and Dxt f-'rhool removed MuTbummitAVwl.trJey: term.. 6826 b.cludln, aBB, gaagei Addrexs by letter untll Beptember._ raooxTZ iOBOOL FOR YOl'NO LADIES. Removed In 13S3 from Cuestnufcxt. Phlladelphla, to Oaenti tlfesna. iousToui.try aeat of Jay Cookc. arfBbeajfi ?u rortV-aeroi d year Wodnesday. Septerober 80. For c!r- cHars. a£plv V Prlnclpals. Ogonti School. Montgomery County, Pcnn._,-. txT a.»XI"> SCHony,. A.tanr. X. Y.-Vnd»r th" dlree- 8 tion ol Blahon U"»na 2fat year. FuU couraea of lt.idTlrt.il IV uargxrten through llarvard Couree for VoaVi.84 In.lrurTi.r. Tultloft 6400 a rear For eBtav laa»ffaaWla»iaT7A4iNM & )iopL__ WT. GADIUl-XS S( HOfclL. PEEKSKILL, X. Y.-A © l*aroUi,K SAkMl for irl>Ta. ui.der tl..'*»**».of ¦" Mstcrs of bt. aMary (Kplacopal). Ta-rjUcth J¦.* '"m wencea Sept.mU-r 23. Addrcs The Slster In C hargc.__ w! T. CATHEKIXF.6 IIALL.16th year. Long Ialand dl> © eesan aeawl for glrto '>l\«f*fV'J,~xt;,?d texchm' u»* lireo and f-flii b-i.t .taff of profea.orx ana tex<*ner». Sajaaatioa a?k»aTc*B^ ?E*»EZ2? iVVd.na fcaf.i-a (,f t.i* In.tltut on. Terme for board-rn. In^l .amg Enillxb rr '.ch. O'T-xsn arfd Lattn. from 8880 periiiinuia lor day' P'ipil* trom 880. Next W'»4^TR0,-A,foPiVB.' All laVrtl'-iilara on appllratlou to SIS.1ER CAUOLI.Mu, 2S6-292 Wa-h.ngton-ave., Brooklyn._., rTTwE MORAV'IaX H-'.MIXARY. Bethlehem, Pa.. for I .nnrr h in iiVeutiiry favorably known aa a coosM-iitlous .nd "ueWSl edmaVZ ol youaa wotaea, bvRee an ex- aminatlon of Ita meth.ds and currlculura fV KMi-i.ir..K"Vr. LAMBhP iWtlxA»r, .aaraaaaa Taprta.* x. r-wfo-r&itf pffl.'fta? TiTTT'YTTiJxTrLAi.ivi -TmixarY. F>.."T^IaT"^-,.J^ A nleaaaiu hotno. wlth exre. irut oiii-ortuiiltie* for an eduAtfon. Ml-a EOBIOB D. SV.vfkl.U PTin*^^ %MJ ALXCT 1,4 VI. S( M> OI. fo.m-rl Ma.lam.-iP^fK*! >V Jirmantown. Phlla.-Boardlr.c and Day <cSgl_,tot young ladlea: 850) rcar opena Sepi.triW 28d- AeadendeM and "ollcg' premratorr couraes. Pupi.a onter Wdiesiej ou our examW'nn For clrrulara addrexs Mra. THF.ODORA B. RICHARDS Prinr pal. Mlaa 8ARA LOl'ISA TRACY. A. M.. Asuoclate Prlaclpal. ItfFST WALNITT STREET Bf'ARDIXG BCHOOL for V> ulrls.-HomellKe, thorough and nroeress ye AadWM Miss J. VRACTMAXX, 4.:t01 Walnut-st., Phlladelphla, 1 a. For Boj'B and Youna Men.Country. ABTRICTLY EXGLISH KDUCATIOX at modera** expense: Uiorough. pracUeal.. eaaaplete.. . ^ v T A n«e: MiorniiKii. jir^.i,u«i. .....,...¦. BKYAXT bCUOOL, ltoalyu, l»ng laland, «¦ X. LETaXDER iXSTITtTE. >U.itary bVardln« *cb*ol. _, Whlte l'lalna. N. Y. I'rinclpal, O. R. NV1LL1B, A.M., Ph. D. _._ B" OBDBXTOWM (X. J-) MIMTARY iXSTrrt'TB, REV. T. II. LAXIU'N. PRIM.H'AL. _LIEt'T. T. D LABDOB. ( t'MM A VDANT. ETTS A. ADEMY, BTAMFORD. CON.N. -,M< Vl-All. Preoar's for CoIKire, Srloiitlfb- Rchool pr B^slnea*. v \vm. .r. ni:ir.i, m. a^ (jaleij nlnclpal. CHF.LTF.NIIAM MILITART ACADEMY, Ogonti. Montgom ry Co.. Pcnn. t ne-scelled lanbaa«ty and healthf'ubieas of locaUoo and surro-iiyllngs ar.d ln bulld- Inc.x. eiiuipn.cnt ai.d aU otiaer reonlaitea pf a flrat-. aaa actool. Kumher llinlted to 60. for Ul'".tragd c reuUr. address._ JXO. CALVIS KI' R, A M.. Prlnflaal._ BOYS' BOARDINO St UOOL. Tl.rogg'a Xeck, West- chester, x. Y.-'ihoiou,-h prepaMtton for collcgo, aci- eiitiflc arhools or biiiiness. Forty-thlrd ycar wiu oiien bept. 15. Warmid I.v ft..am gyn,nis.um. I-or olmilar* apply to B. T. BARRINOTON, a. M, l'rin.-lpai^ V tSTMAN BUSIXES.S COLXEOE, Pnughko.p*ls.N Y.- Hioueii all the year Tbonuigl. lnstructiou b. n.-ikk. .-plrig, Banking. CormnereUl Law, Peamanshlp, Correapandene^ Arlthmcttc, *-. Telegnphv, sonoeiaphv, Typen-rUing.to. Bu.liif»-s me.a sui.p!l«I wlth competenljaxalatants on abort notlce. Xo obarae for sltuaUona f.irnl^i.ed. Bend for cat l gO; ELMWOOD'SCIIOOL FOR B6T8.-At Mllford, Conn. ParenU who are nnfortunal.- ln th. nianag:rr,enli ol the:r t-ona will do weil t,, proflt by th* ad.ai.tage offered by thia schoob_ Add,.»s FRAXK M. HOWE. 8QP1._ FRKEHOLD IX8T1TUTB, Freebold, X. J. 46th year: colleg* nr. pnrai ion a epecialty; baatoaja, hlgb achool and clB.-iBieiu courae- OME AXD BCnOOL for twelve young boya. Thor- jx .ii.ch tralBlna. flrm dljelalinai safe, healthfjil ."*. *'». Clrcalara. addrexa FBANCia u. BREWER. Falrfleld. 06. I AKEWOOD I1E1GHT8 SOHOolT Lakewoaa, Xew. JL< Jer«ey. .Among the plii'.-s. A thorough and attractlva achool fur boys. Cp ns Oct. 1. _ J JAMES W. MOREY, Prtnclpal. i>l ITCHF.LL'S BOYS' r-CHOOL. Billoriia, Ma»s.-l8 a mlli-e fro.c Boston. on Uie 0- and L. R. it. A atrlct- ly aelect Famlly ficbool for Boya¦trom 7 to 15 incluslve. Bend for clrcular to M. C. MUCHE1L. A. M.. Prlnclp*U MOf.M jlOLLY (N. J.) AtlADI-.JdVPuIl" RTf Between Phlladelphla and .\ew. \orlt. Hcalthfui. heipful, hoin-llke. F.duoatlon wlth forinution of charact.-r. Collcce I'reoaratlon. Engltah and Busln-s- Couraea. *400 per ycar IIEM'.V M WALRAOT (Yale), Prln._ M R KVAI'P'S lif.ME BCHOOL. Plvmo.ith. Masa.-12 _ bois. ii. h. Learaed (llarvardi. BtadHaaasaari Mr*. Knapp, 'Prln.-lpal. .. ._ KlWDER la.IXT SCnOOL. Duxbiirr. Maa-«.-22 boys: labotatorlea. F. B. Knapp. B. B. (M. I. T.l Prlnelpal. Both achoola piepare tor btlentlflc fcchool, Colleae or BualiiR.a. Aniple grounds on Plvmouth Bar. Indlvldnal t.^ching. > EWTON X. .I.i. IXiTITt TI"..-ll.gh.-st 'MH1 ft. eLj. , healthieat, mo-t hnmcllke nov»' achool wlthln TO miloa of X. Y. Bng., *el, elaa, ee*B., modern languages. musle: strlctejt atteiition to mannera, moral* and phywcal enltare; 89th year. I wil.s.'X. \. M., Prlnelpal._ PK.XXSYI.V\MA MII.II WIY A( Vl.l.MY (.h.-t^.-, I'i. 80th vciir opena b ].U 10, 91. A MILITXRV ('I.l.i.'-E. Civil Englneerlng, ChemlatiY, Archltecture, Arta. A Preparatorj ourae ol on* re* Clrculara of Mr. OEO. 11. BTERLING. 52 Dey-b*., elty. ( ,1. i HA--. HVATT, I'M-.ld.nt. R OCKEAXD COLLBOE, XYACK-nx.TIIE llT'P^CX. A sehnol cf tlie hla*be*t rrad. on the WeX baak of th^ Hniion, vr> mile* abovi New-Yort PRl PAKAJORY work for yorxa men. cot<leoe for youno LADIES. 12 Taaehera. Rnalneaa, laminiagea, biirvey. I. and Engmcering, Urawlng, PalBtlag, Mualc aud I-.l >- cution. Amub- .Riilldlriga. Steaa. heafe ilymnaslnm. Pleaaant home aad abaolute h- altii. An endoarmeat ta'o-s .,- B200. Sej .rate B ichlng nnd tpeelal can- to l... kw.nd pui ii .1 .logue free. \V. If, l.AXXl.i'i I.I'.. A. X., Prtnclpal. RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, _ Poughkeepale, x. Y. oCth year. Preperes tlKrn.ii.-hlv for Colleae. tha Got- erumi-n: Acodemlea. and Bualneaa. Mllltary Orfinlzatlon. BISBEK t AMI..V. Prli.elpalft._ Rl TORY ^i HOOL, iiaMI'EX, CONB., I... Boy*. 6885-6375. Home Influencea: thorough fci-liool lyatem. Exteoalve sro'ind-: cymnaalun.. boat- Baaaa. Oe. Addiaaa iu-v. n. L. E\ ERE&T, M. a., Rcctor. ROCKLAND COLLME. XYACK v.N-I III -llf liso.V.- Hotl. aexca. An endowmeot take-, ladlea it *:oO. w. II. BANXISTER, Prj »>3T JdllX'S S' II' i. »T> B1NO SIXii, X. Y. Rev. I. B. GIBSON. I>. D., Rer-tor. Fdward l:. llc-twick. M. A., Warren S. Adnms, M. A., As-.. la: Prlnclpala. s Pr-.pareis for collrf. ictenUflc uid Oovemmear achoola, or bualneai life; mflitary ayatem. extenalve playgrouuds, grmnaxi'im, laboratory and boya" workahop. Bnecia] iirovi.i.ui fnr the ear- of Mniiik-'-r liove. THI. -3l> VEAR WILL BEOIX 8EPT. 15. 1891._ ST LUKE'S BCHOOL, Bl STLETOM, PA N. ar I'hlla- d-!pliia. A hlgb- laaa achool. ExcepUonally health. lul locatlon. Deiightful lurroundlngs. rr.-j,;ir.i f,.r any college nr tiu-iii'-}. I'.avx i-nt'-r-d Yale, Prlaceten and I.i'hlgh suereaafnlly laat year. ^.^-,-ial u-c of young.-r boy*. Number_llmlted. has. 11. 8TROUT, PrinelpaJ, W T. JOHX'S MILITARY SCHOOL. 1^ MAXLIUR X. V. I'nder the VhdtaUon if tne War D-p*rtment. Mllltary ""^^ AdurV^VM VFRBECK. K'.p-rlptendeat. KDOWK :; ini n ri:. i.r.-at, Barrinoaoa, Maaa. It-rlixhire Co. . aelect and liii.it.- «JT achool for roung men and boya. I'r.|>ar'-i for college or lin-!i.e--. Pvplli .re n,,-:i,li"rx of tbe Prlnclpal'a famllt and receive nersonal .-ur, ;md ot- te:.tlon. Addres. I". I. van LENNEP. PrtacljaU._ SIOLAR'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL Th. mwuke ln hrliigliig ui. bov« besiii« at eleht. A ..amphb-t (flOO a ycar.i HENRY W. 5IGLAR, Xewburgh, X^JY_ laloLAR'S PREPARATOhY BCHOOL.- Reunlofl in 1802 »r^ -30ti, annlreraary. '-to.r 'Ud Boya" ererywhera are reaueated to aend thelr preaent uddre.-a to HENRY W. S1GLAR, Kewburfh, X. Y. SCMMF.R Bi HOOL .t tha PeekOdll Mllltary Aiadrmy. Locatlon beiithful: «r-- and lnstrurtioi. ex. Ueot .I01IX X TILDEN. a. XV, M. 1. Pru.eipai. Send fnr circulir._ SI.Nir SIXO. N V. i II,. MT. PLEABANT MILITARY ACADEMY will ....)..... iii ..'-th reai m Ben* 16th, I cill coniee of atady. p.uildinga refltied and everj rarlllty for n.-- somJort and ad- vanceim-nt of steileiits. Addr<«a j HOWE ai.i.i.v. Prtoelpal Si MMER Bi HOOL KnK BOVfe, AT THE BRYAX1 SCHOOL. Rn.lyn. L. I., X. Y. Overloohlna L i. s Bend foi 'V.ix.rxr.d catalorrue. SWITBIN C. BHORTT.IDOE'a MEOIA ACADEMY - will Live a aummer iea>ion at Atiant.c Clty. Ad- dre-s Medla, P». (14 mllei from Brnad btreet' Station, Phlladelphla). __ ._ Tlie. COLLEOIATE IXSTITUTE "The CasUe," New- Rochell. X. V. Boya prepared for i-.,i!.ee nr buMresa; roomi elecantlT fnn,:-:,-d II. P, FCLLER ?i. \ rrln. rflHE HIOHLAND-MILITARY ACADEMY Worceater. 1 Maaa.. taeHna 86th y*a. BepV 10. Cla «ical, BelanUBe. i. Preparatorj n >:-. CHrefnl T a!i .,-¦ Home Corn- forU. i I BHAJV A m., Read MaaUar. rHBJHTTT BCHOOTa Tivcr.t.'>x-hfds"x. n T. 1 LeeaUon and .urroundlnv. unaarpaaaed, F.qulpment romplete. Uymnaalum. drlll hall. ho«'ini afleya, 11- Thoiough pr.-|iaiatl.-n f .r rollege aelenUfle -,-hoo!. or bnal- neaa. JA8. PTARR CLARg, D. D., Itector. rn m (ilNM.RY. I A famlly m l.i.i.! fr.r a Un It.d n«mh r ol b«va. Addreas JOHN URIXHMAIlE, WaahtBgtaa, Mt hflel 1 Cr.nntrv. Conn._ \»'l SLEYAN ACAD1 MY, WILBRAHAM, MASS.-Ono »' <.f the hi-xt arfl.L-Tiil.- j.-d claaalcal irhoola in rtew. :' j of *20O one-half in advaneo and U,.» r.-u. i.'.'ii r Jan. I'.- «|i| Cover or'lin.in tnltlon wlth lioa-B. for the .- ir '¦¦ Innlng s»T,t. -Jd. S'lid lor Catav lif le to «;. M. si'i i.i.v. Prln. ija/ORCESTERTcADEMT ---.-'I, year. Thi ar.il'on foi eell idmlrablr new r.nlldlni-.. romplete lat.o i\tcr:c«, auperb ampUf eampna; «-n.r.i .thleUe raounda tlndei trsek. D. \V. ABRBCBOMniE, 4 M.. Prto., Woreectar, M»sa. For ltotli S"\es-('ountry. EAST OREEXW1CH ACADEMY. Fou.id'd 180B Batk .cx.-s. On Narragansett B»T. btcam .. kat, !.¦. til.' Ilt-lit; ti.do.wd, twelve couraea; 6200 a ycar; b.-ptembci- 1. lor Ulunrat.d cataloguo arrtto Rov. F. D. BLAKESLEE, I). 1)., Eact Orceawleh, R- L HACK1.TISI' W.\ (X. ,| INVITini .,.,,,, higbe-l ..i\;u.:,.-.- tn la Meai rour.c-a in muale art, (.loi-utlon. -i i-ii. bes| i.i.ilding of lt- ii.arly 200 bimrders .«-n hoara fron Xca-York- eatalogue aaa rev oeo. h. wiui.m.v. i> i.. _ Ir. .iie.it. PrEfiDnriNsTiTUTE, IH..H-I iosvn \-1- 15 In Facilty. l'r.j.ur.s fot Callege. T.*chlng. Biialiieia. Thorough ln '..-rri.an, French, Mus'e Art Oiiena Kept. 'Jth. Both axa _J_l '. BLAUOBT, A M. i'rinclpal. ra»HE CLAVERAfK .11 ill . III DSOJ4 RIVER 1 Imtlt'it- f,-r Boyi aad (ilr1- will open Ita »Mtli vear Beat, l., 1891. ini atalo ,-- ...]<' -- ' Br* a il it.ai K a M Pre t Cbveraek, x. Y. P"ENNIXG'1X>X (X. J., sIMINaKV am, mf7Bj> t;olletf«. 52nd ).»r. (id'-ri rare .d national lacil- ltlea. Te.ims niideiat/-. Illirh and h.-a',rhiuj bt-awu htating; jr**: flre .«cauca. Lai\- of aecxa J XAmL JiAMaO.X. 1). D.. PMaaat lor a yeara. jn6iTB:»0R. For Both Sc\es-('ountry- _.,F1,AQl!A MOUXTAIN IRST1TUTE, Chappaqua, C v Y -Order projrramnie for 18lU-'02 and pToture. Zuoug thnHlla. thlrf.two mlles feo.n New-York. Mbseellanen'i:*. CiitLCLARb aclioo.a. ootn aex *, eliy andM^°,ufJ*T/ auTiPlled with «*''ul "Mc* «° Vreata. M1R1AM COYKli KE! Iloom 14. 100 O'have,__ __. amtED.-To purcbaar day achool for glrla ln ne!Kh- \V whood of New-York of Fhllad'-Iplila. M i r 1 M 0Y R1F.BE. Baaai lt, 1B0 ntii-ava. oor. 20th-at. T"wTrRIi~AT~AND FOREION TEACRERS' AOENCY A Lu'KlVe* Pro'aUiiB. Teachera, Tutora. Ooveraeaaea i^ . lK:uim'/ schools _,d Kajnllia*. Apply lo '-.. *%b^^Tj. YO^v^VLTOBraB 60* awaaaaj__ 1 -.TUTOHa. PllMiMraj Teachera, '#v«fn""*V,0.' *'i A hnm-hm kUDiilled to unlveraltlc», collegca, achooU ana 7Z\ uT cVu?Jr" "-bool" to PBropti. Modern lanKUBgtB n*M-?' MIRIAM COYIUI-UIE, Soo^lJ05_0_8thJav___ tYTsT t'eaTdEKs supplled for" all branohe.. in any Bloe_ltT.NO FF.E for realatrBilon. _^J»_B2| V V?_H__Jfe_SO^.S-_JAmerleBn Hrj^l____ai___au_^W_ _^th-s». "jillFltMKRlJOHN'S TEACHKRS' *________ iS oideA aiid beat known ln V.5. EstablUhod 1865. A Eaat 14th-Bt.. B. Y. ma., ii BB."A^^TOJ^Ladloa.Orad'tiate ol Katon T *^^oruo^Sr«MB ^-t^:;"^"s;r and Vo. al-Normal wudoBte a th 'r«,**'R*'__^_^^_i_ rrenln w<l Art-Fren.-h Profc-nnnt aoveroaaa wfa Wano- I:otl. lierman _nd FWBBll froi-erT.eai.es with »»«l ,. u (.willameri- \,,rn-I eYudna'e. eltv BCboot-i ommer^iaj Branch*d lltor Tiirtk?-Prmrl.ial for Church ««Beol- ^noVraphy V.MuWs sy-t, mi «* Vr*-vrltlr,?- ojIb-JJ rraduate. iiit-'in^liBte b-ndlab. clty *tooi-\P**<V" Sewyman for SouUH-OoBaa* araduate. fond cfi">*^'tl;»; houtii' Hai.o. Volce Ctlture, Ylotln. for Weat-derman for .oiicffM ln rxchaniro for lioard and tultlon. [,Xi"l M ,...r.-h.i.e. Toung ladir- achoo ln or nea Bew-Yarft or 1-lillado'phla. MIHIaM COYRIEiU- Room 14, l.'id Flffii-avo., conier 2014". at._______.... 1 I N i6N-rEA4,HEi^i'"AOT*;xCY aupplloa achool offlcera U -iti, teach-r- tcieharsj~lth pnaltlona. H- M. BARBIROTOB, Proi... M Lafaye«_B_Pb...r*-_Y. WVXTI.I. IMMrDIATIXY-Trichei. Lnde-«:Tcach. n plw.0. ainging: Jeut-Ber uMnaaa, r-^aaeh^ !_if_*! plano and pl*T ortran In flrat-claia aem nary, BbMBl aalarv, French Maeaer, LoardliiB-sohool. tearli-r for vocal muale ,lo.-utl!.n:.tea.-h.-r paintlng. drawlng. pUno- alw 80 teaehera for other vaeancle*. Apply to Mlaa DONO- VAN'S TEACHE1W BI'REAP. 80 JDBM 14fh-*t. <Dctan ateamer8\_^__ THE AMEK1UAN LXPRESS CO. conducta a gineal oxprcss buBlaeaa, by all faat ataam. era, to and from Eureae. ANU11UK L_NE Tj. 8. Mail Swamsnipa. FOR OLASUOW Tla LONDONDERRY. Froni Pl.r 04. N. P-. foot ofWeat 2lth.Bt. AaiibMla faiT -25. « a. m. I.Eii.lopla.. ....Aup. 8. 8 a. m. ijev..la.Aug. 1. 3 p. in. l-urnesala.-Aug. IA. 1 P- m. Lit/of Boma, >"-it. %. , a. m. Oct. 10. 10:30 a. bl. Ratea for Saloon Paaaaea By S. 5. CITY 01" Ro.ME B60 and unward. Baaardlna to accommodatlon aad locatlon of Rooaa. Othyr tjt.-B4i.eis, of tlie line BflO and upwiud. Second Cabin, 830. bieerage. 819. Fir book of tours and further informat'.on. apniy M BEKDKRSOX BROTHERS. 7 Bowllna Oraea. R. T. nUrURl) LINrJ. VEW-YORK XO L1VERPOOL, vla QUEEWSTOW**. From l'ior 40, North Rivor. FAbi. EXl-ia._tJ MAIL BERVICE Auraoia.Auf L'mbrla_Aug. rmbrta.July 24. a a m. | AuraafiJ.Aug. 18, 1 p- m. Sarvia.Aue. 1. I v- iu- C Etrurla...Au8. 8. 7 JO a. m. \ r-«rvla..Au«. i9, 1:30 p. m. javrur. ¦ Ej_XKA STEAMERJj. Lrallia, Aug. 19. 6 a. in. __, __.. Cabin paaaaKC, t*0 and upward. IntermetllBM. B^a Bteeragc tlck^ta to and from ail parU of Europe al yery ;ow I'tai. Fur fr._jht andpassage apply af tha eom- vany'a omee, No. 4 BowUna Oraen, Ntw-York. ¦^ VEI'.n6x lf. BROWN » CO.. oeneral Aienta. llAliLrTsVfTiK, .^."u.Tthe rlouth & Soutbweat, JACKS0NV1LLE AND ALL FLORIDA P01NTB. THE CLYDE SlEAMfcHIP COMPANY, Froni Plei r.i, E. B ifoot Itooaevdt-st.) at 8 p. m. ALOONQVIN, Cnirleaton and .!acHao'iville..Wed., July 22 ClIEl'.OKI.l. Cl*rl"«trn and Jarkkonviile... ..Frl-, July 24 TEMAHSEt", Cli.rlf.aton and JackaonMllo...Mou., Julv B7. All ateamera hBveffflr^^cl.^. paaaenger BCCommodattonA Inaurance under open poliey effected at one-flfth of ouo per eeoA. WM. P. CLYDE 4 CO.. Oeneral Aaer.U. 8 Howling orceo. X. Y. T. O. EOFR. Gen_-l_Agt^0. 8- Fr't lAnt. i*1 Broadway. CA.N.AD1AN FACIF1C RAILVVAY SteamAhlpa, CBINA AND IAPAN LINE ;r,m VANCOUVEB, B. 0., to _,_,,_. TOKOHAMA, SHANQHAl and HOXO KOlCa. NEW-YORK TO JAl'AX IN 15 DAYB 000 ml>a tbe ahartest ronte. Lowfr ratea. 8end for InfonuaUon. Xntended aulllngi from Vancouver of tha aew Btec Exprcaa Bteamahlps EMPRESS .il IXDIA.Iuly28 FvinillA inot new).Aug. 19 EMl'RI SS OF JAPAN....____...Sebt. 9 V. 8K1XXER, EVERETT FRA}_aR. Gen'l i-i-fji A?t..__ Chlna and_ Jap_an Frt. A«t», E 8:.3 Broallway, N. Y._«______ C""fi.MI'ANMfJ ttENEKALE Tiansatlantique, KUKXCH LINE TO HAVRE EVERY 8ATLRDAY. C.,n,panv's l'ler (new) No. 48 North BJvar, ft. Morton-at. LA I'liir... >..M:. I.el oevf.Pat., July 2*>, 8 a. in. LA NORMANDIE. Laurent.Sat., Aue. 1, 3 a. m. LA (1 \si "..vi. -.. itelll.>rit., Aii;'. 8, 7 ». m. A. FOP.t.ET. Ocaatal Aaent. No. a Bowllng Oreea._ rjAMUUKG-AMKRlCAN PACKF.T CO. J 1 EXPRE59S SERVICE to l.ondon and HBinbiirg. AagasM Vlctorla.Julv .a Columl.Ii.Aug. 8 Kormannla.Julv 3<);F'iorat Blaniarck....Aug. 18 Al.e R! (,1'I.vn SERVICE dlject to Hambnra. ....nd July 25, 8 :SO a. n,. (ifllert....Ati<.'. 1 3 Flrsf eahlu. a''0 fuid iipwarl. «i-eo-rtliig to l.M-atloii. HAMB1IRO-AMERICAX lOEN'L PAS«.AOB OFFICE, l'\. ,-i;i COMPANY, C. B. RIl'HARD * CO., 87 Broadway, Bc-w-Yoea. I 81 Broadway, Waw-Tai-. I" XMAN LFXR 17. S. nnd Royal Mail StoaaaeYB, POR QUEEKBTOWB AXD MVERPfiOL. 1TY OP I'HI. A.,.. ..Wed_f«l:iV, Julv 13>. 12 :.!'» p. ra. (liv "I" XEW-YORK.\Vodue«.d_v.tAuRUBt 5, 0 a. m. i ITY OP IIERLIN\...WedaeaOay, Atiguat 12, 10:30a.m. ti'iY OF i-AKi.-s.Wednoaday. Auguat 19. *. a. m. rom Pler t;> V. R,, a<Mjoinlny ChWttopher-K. Kerry. BIBKT M'.IN 880 an I upward, ac-ording to B^.am^!» and lo .iii'.ii ni r. MX'uN'H CABIN, 889 and «40. M r.i K\(,l. -" PETER WKIOHT t BOK8, «.eneml Ai.nts, t) |io«lln« (.r.-en. ?.*. Y._ VTA.N-t lll.N \. .) OCCIDEXTAL AND ORIENTAL St'omera leive San Franel-co as followit BSLQTC.Krldiy, July 80, 8 p. m. Oi l.'.Nic.Baturday. Aii^ust 22, 3 p. m. OAEL1C.Taeaday. Sppt.'tnber lo, 8 p. ra. BELOIC .Tliur-day, Oetoher 8, 3 p. m. ri'il-xrhlr apjKi: t-l-Supiilor Ai-comu.odatlona. RcaarvaUona can be made bv l.-tur or teie^nph t<> and citiln plani - 'ti at 287 and 848 llroidway, New-Yor_,or Room 7i, Railn.^d llnll'lir.e. Sau Franeieco. LELAND 8TANFORD. PrcaMent. T. H. OOODMAN, Qeneral Pa>aengtr Apcnt. t>hl> .. l> UM- OF STEAMSHIPS, Ii lOR LAUUAYRA, PUF.RTO CABELLO, CURACOA. MARACAlilO AXD CORO. 1'ier :di, l.a.4t Rlver. SS. VEM'.Zt'EI A.Wadneeday, July 32, 1 p. m. ss 1'lfII.Ai>i i.l-IIIA.Baturday, August 1, 1 p. n,. SS. CARACAS..WeOnc-sduy Aui'iist 12. 2:80 p. m. rhe An rlean stonm-liiii-. aueerHly l.ullr. for the trada, havo very auperior accoinmiKlatluns for pa«aeng»ra BOULTOK, BLIBS ft DALLfiTT, Tourlnts Acenta. Oen-ral Man^Kera, 71 Walf-aa. THOS. COOK * 80N. 2ei Broadway._ G'"'ri().\ LINE. I Ni il.il STATEfl MAIL STF.tMRRS. FOR QUEENSTOWS AND LIYP.RPnOL. a L. a\i- I'l-T 3s, N. R.. fo,.r. of Klniat. AI-ANICA.Satonlav, July -.8 7:30 a m. NEVADA. BaWrday, Ausjuat 1, 3 p m- AKIZ.'NA.Mt'inl'iy. AU|f'J*t 8, 7 B. 10. wyominu.Baturday, August 18, - p. m. ALABKA.Saturday, Xucuai 29, 0 :.'io a. m. I'abln paasat,'.-, $.">i». BUO. WIO nnd aioo (BC.ordli.g to ateameri. Koiond cabin, ran aod *:i.V Steeraga at low r,t9,,_A^ M. ENDERUILL A CO, 35 Broadway. NOitDDrZuTSClihll LLOiD 8. 8-. OO. 3I1..U1 KUC»'_ lO I.O.MWN. NKW-YOUK. h'.L IMAMl'lU.N AND liRE.ME.1. Bteaii.Br* ull from pler foot of za-ti., HoboBaa. I'ASl EAi'l-.L-Sj.-i Sti.AMERJS. Fuldi Sat., July .-'.".. w a. m. i Lahn Tuea., Ane. 4. 8 a. ra. W.-rraTuo-., J'i'y 28, 11 B.m Kma. Sat., Auk. 8, 8 a. in. Aii.r .Sat., aii--. l. l p. in.I ii.ivei Tuo-..Aui?. ii, lo a.m. lir-t cabin, 8.8 >u 1 up«ard :. b^rth. S.-cnnd rabln. $50 and *H'i B bcrtb, iccoidlut! to locatlon. Btearuge Bt lowaal num. iil.l.KI' II- I .''I.. Xo- 2 Bowllna Urean. VEW-YORK .V CUBA Mail Steaaathip Co. i> I-ior- 18 au.1 17, J'.aat Rlyer. Baturday iMaroi r- at l p. m. ai.d other* at 3 p. m. (or Havana, Progieao, Carpecbe, Kr-ntera, raaiplco. ': ..spaui aad vera Ctm, M:it.-iii/is, Cardrnoa, Saaua ralbtrlan, Xa«aa'i NUitlago de Cuba, OnanaBnamo and t'len^leB:oa. BaRaTOOA, Havana and Caidenaa.wed., July 22. IM'IV OV VV ASII1 Ni.Ti >X, llayiimi su"l M> X'can Porta, l-1* sat.. Julv 26. C 01-' VI.EXAXIH'.R, Hjv. and Mutni/na .WeJ., July 20. vVi \TAN Havana aml Mexlean I'ort-.sat., Aug. 1. kax'I'I vno. Naaaau, suntiauo de Cnba, aad Clenfuegoa.Tlnirs.. Julv 30. I- I..'.'- haa rllreei roonfclloo with and issu^s throiiRh nnis ,f laliiiL' to all liolut* on Mexlean R. W, i o. Me»l aa .;.-,; ;;. \v. . ,.., I.t.l., aml Um Mont.r.y and Mexlean Oull llallroad ror full partleiilara, frelrhl ot paaaige, apply to .l.\M!,s. E. VVAJ__D«J CO 11> Wall|t._ PAC1F1C MAIL SIKAMSUII' COMPANY'8 UBKB "TO CAI.HOKNIA. JAPAN. cmina. UEBlj"' AND Mll'lll A.MERII.;. AND VlEXICO. ^ iron Bew*Yark, pler foot cf Cir>-.l-at N. R.. for twi Pranelaea, vla the fathmni ',f Panama CITY OK PaRA aalli Baturday, Auini.it 1. noon. I'roin Baii Pranejaep. l-t ind lirinnan ata., FOR JAPAN AND CHINA. CITY OF I'KKIN'. BBlla Tu, dav. Ansuat 11. 3 p. m. Kor fr-ik-Ms pi»s»«e and aaneral, Informatlon apply U .Mnnanv'K ofti -'¦ on Mn iiinr, foot of CmiJiisr .s. B, eompan) oni^ j. UL.^Li_y lAaoaral BoperMt^naWa DED -I aH LINE J_ FOR AWTWERP AXD PARIS, sai: na for ifaw-Yorh and aatwerp weitiy. KOORDLAND Wedneadajr, July 29, l-':30 p. m. Kitll SLAND.Wadneeday, Au»u.st 5, n a. m. 1 nh'ii raMa: Klr-t ablii. *.W aud 'i_.«anl. Exciirsion .ns and upward. Seeond rabln 4.1>. E_eaaaloa, *'i5 ,''a-. m,-. r.'i."- at ran lou ratea FFTER « RIOflT i BOrtS, flen'l kgta., r, Bowttag Green. VV H1TE STAB LINE. K'.r. QfElNsrOWN AXD UVBB____BOL. From Whlte Star DiCk, foot of WMt 10th-it. . K.<:oiirt rablB on the»e »teamer>. Saicon rat-a. ano .. iiriward. arrordlna to ateim»r and locatlon of b?rta. Kr ,-.1 eal-'ii. "'" »"' 845. Eviiralon ticlieta on fivor- ii ia tirn . tU-erafe from or to Oic Old Countrv, B20. Corn- 7. »« Mfl'."- Xo. 20 Broadwar. New-York. Plllalelphla (SEaa. *»" Walnul at. i I.RUCE ISMAY. A«aoi tliiilron^o. New-Yort & Lqdh Branch Railroat Bt M.Mi.li 8l Ili.Dt LE Tralrm lc.iv Nt* Vorfc for ll«l UinK, Ix-nf Branch, r>r._ii Orow, Aabviry 1-ark and Pelnt l'iri-iiiit. l'_oin foot of Llbor»y-»t.-4 :30 8:18, 11 :18 a. m., 1:80. n.iY _.o laauraai), 4.00. 4.80 (e«nr<«ai, 8:80, 8:00 n m Bundaya, 0 lS, H -30 a. m.. « 00 p. m. p Vroni f...i'..f CiwUandl ,.r Beabroaaei .t.-8 :80. 7:10. o in a m. IJ i.onn. 2:80, 8:10 (expraae) 8:40, l«p- -, ., Kd I'.inK) 4 » (eaBnas), I (6, 7,00 p. bundav*. « l& -,.',B .; "'.¦. " )\i\ 'suiiday traiaa do aot »tup at Aabury Park and Ocean f'rovo i'JI S ULODGETT. Bupt. N. Y. and L. II H It. lt. P BALDWIV Oen'l Paaa. Af«nl c' R. IL CoV R. JT. J. K. WOOD. Oan'l Paaa. Agattt Pauo. U. M~ fioiiroaoa "rnkmrntMataiXm orkatbot baii.boao." NH Y°-BK CENTRAL aa Hudflon River Railroad. THE FOUK-TKACK TBUNK LINE. All trains irrlv.- at and depart from GRAND CENTRAL 8TATION. Kour.li A»e. and Forlvaecoud Ht., New-Kork. Centre of Baaa] end Residenco SecUon. TnE ONLY RAILROAD STATION IX TIIE OITY. Tmlna lertra. aa followa. PA«»T MAIL AND 1,000 ISf.AND SPFXIAL. 9,10 A. M.-For Albany, UUea Clayton (except Sunday), Syracnse, Eochceter, Batavla, due at Buffalo 8:10 p. m. HAHAT.M.A, I.AIih GIOIttiK ANli MONTHEAL gPBCIAl* Pi'iO A. !H..Wagner drawlng-room e»rs throuah. Du* Saritoga 2 :26 p. m., Caldwell (L. George. 4:06 p. m.. Montreal 8:15 p. m. NEW-YORK AND OflTCAOO I.WITKD. 18.00 A. M.-< omposed exduvlvely of Waarner v>atbule 1 buget bmoklng and Llbrary, Dlnlnj. M«t» loav parttuent and Standard SK-eplng BM Draw.nf-Kooia Tj»»a. D'ie Chleatt-o'fl :4S a. m. next day. (HillbO ihv BXPBfaXaa. lOi.'IO A. .11. -Dally «\C"pt Sundaya. Conneeta wlJj aU lraportsnt Ntrw-York SUte Jjues diverghig.Saturday trala doea not run weat of GXveXad and Detrolt. ¦OOTHPIBaTBBM MJIITED. ltSO P. BL.Wagner Veatlb'ie Draalnp-Room, Sleeplng. Buffet, Smoklai. and Llbrarv, Dtnlni. ana' C»te cara. Dtte Clnelnnall 10 50 a. ir... Iudian»polls 11 :j6 f. m.. ot. Lo'ils 7 :15 p. m., next dav. Xo extra ferc WORI.D'S FAIR HPKCIAL. Ii30 P. M.-Wagner Veatlbuls S'.ocplng. Buffet, fmoklng and Llbrary and Dlnlng cara. Duu Chlcago, 3:60 p. m. aext day. Xo cxtra farc. -ti; \ n>i. \ MMITED. 1.40 P. JI.-Flret XO Frlday, July 8, aecond trip ur- day, July 11, Baereafter baturdays only dnrlng July and Auguab Due biratogx d.10 p. m. BABUTOOA iPECIAL. 13.30 P. Itf.^-Wagner Drawlng-Kootu Cara. Due Albaae 7:25, Trov 7:36. Saretoga 8:40 p. in. Rana titrough to Laka George baturdaye. NORTH BHOBB LIM1TED. 4i80 P M -Wagner Vcotibule Buffet. DrawtoB-Raom, Sleeplng and Dlnlng Car*. Due Detrolt 8:15 a. m.. Chlcago 4 :60 p. m. FA*T WESTERN E.YPREM BiOO P. irl..Wagner Vcstlbule Diawing-Room, Bleeplag aad binlng Cara. Duo Buffalo 6:15 a. m. Nlaiera Falla 7:12 a. m., Cloveland 10 35 a. m.. Detrolt 1.10 p. m.. ChlcaBO 9 00 n. m.. St. Louia 7 :4Ji a. m. AlllltO.MIAt K AXD MONTRKAL EBPBBBB. T.OO P. M.-Wagi.er Sleeplng Cara to Plattsburgu dua 6 40 a. m.j to Burllagtou. due 6:00 a. m.. and to Moo- treal, due 7 1.0 a. m. ' BIFFALO, MU.UU FALL*. 1000 IMLAND AND ADIBONDAI li -PKCIAL. ».3B P. JI.-Wagner Sleeplng Cars. Xew-York to BtuXto nuo 7:30 a. m. Niagata Fall*, 9:00 a. m. Clavton, 6.30 a. m. Alexandra Bay, 7:00 a. m. Iraul bnilthfa and Tuppor Lake buition. il.< INStTI ARO *T. I.OCW EXPBBM-h WiOO P. BL -Wagner Ve-tlbulo bic-ping Cara. Due Cla- ciaiiau V :80 v- m., Iudiauapclla 10:80 p. m., Bt. Louia T :80 a. aa. MMITED FAHT MAIaV. O.oo P. att-aiaaptag-Car Panaua*** anhy aaaaxa aa BBB train for Roehiater. Due 7 :48 a. m. CHfCAGO NIGHT EXPRE«t8. 8.18 P. M.-Wagner Sieeplng etirs. New-York to Cape VIncent, BuITalo, Detrolt and Chlcago. fi.ibllh.lLL, :Xl-.waUJ'.uil), POCGilKiuEPSlE. BHXBB- CL1FF (KINGbToX), AXD UlDbOX-17 .30, :10 :30. Ill 30 A. M.. !3:3l>. 3 :55. 0:20 P. M.. also for Ponan- kecpiie, |8:X) A. ML, 1 30, 12:15, 14:55 6:00, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 'J:16 P. U.l for Garrlson, (We*t (Pointj, I7;gp. !9.:J0. 9:25. 111 :30 A. M.. :2 15. !8 ;30. 8 :5a. AX.BAXY AXD TROY-17:80. 0:10, 10:00. 110:80 A. M-. 1 :30t 13 80, 3 :5-V 4 :60, 0 .00. 7 :80, 8 :00. 9 :15. lllTM P. M,; also lor Troy, 7 :00 P. M. _. . . _ BARATOOX-17 :80 !<J:10. 110.30, :il:30A. M.. 18 80, UTIi^a' AND RYRACUSE-!7 :80, 0:10, 10:00, 110:80, 111:30 A. M., 1:80, 4:60, 0:00, 7:30, 8:60. 9:18, ROCHEBTER AXD BtTFFAl>0_» :10. 10 00, 110:80, 111:80 A. M., 1:80. 4:50, 0:00. 7:30. 8:00. 9:18. 111:69 P. M.; also for Rocheater, 9:00 P. M. __ BIAGARA FAI.l!iR-9:lO, 10:00, 110:30 A. M.. 4:60. ADIR^AOKVorj^TATxS AXD MONTREAL-18 :20 cape 'vIxVkxt' claytViv,' at^so for ADIROX. DACK Mf.UXTAINS 7:80 P. M., OGDEXSRCRG AND 0SWEGO-9:15. !11 :59 P. M- also for Claytoa 19:10 A. M.. 7:30 P. M.; for Osweuo 9:10, 10:00, '10 'W\ A M P '00 P M AUBCRN, GEXT.VA AND CANANDAIGVUA-8:10, 10-00 !10 80 A. M.. 7dS 3:00. 0j18 ll'XP M. PTTTBPIBLD, I.EXOX. NORTH ADA.lIe) AND THE BBBKOHIBI lHLl.8 (vla Ilnrlcin DWIhIob) Two trains wlth throuih Dra«ing-Room Can. 19 01 a. m., due IMttsded 1 :3V North Adams 2:80 a. m. 13:50 p-.m.. due Plttofleld 8:10, Xorth Adams 8:10 p. ra. KOrrPOLK AND THK LITCHFIELD HlUaB, 18:50 p. m., through car due Xorfolk, Conn.. 7 32 d. m. For Uck-U and ana.:.' ln bleeping Cars apply at Grand Central btttloa, or at 413, 788. 942: Broadwiy 12 I'M* Pla.-. 63 West 125th-st., aad l.tSth-t sta'ion. Xew- York; 333 Wushlngton-st., 728 Fulton^t.. aud 398 B«d- lordave. E. D.. ifrooKlrn; 109 Hudson-at., Jeraey City. WescoWa F.xpMaa calls for and check* baggage from hotels and res.den'-es through to destlnatlon. iDaliy except bur.day. OthT trafna run dailx. Above trains. «centW ^vtogBg 9 :lo, 9J*B a. m 1-40 2:15, 3.30. 3:60, 8 :->6, 4:50, 4 :5j, and 11.50 d ni stop at 138th-«t. atatloa. -.«-r^». P' JOHNM. TOCCEY, GF.OROE H. DANTET/I. (Jcneral Manager. Oeneral Paaaenger Agen*. (IMIUI. R. R. OF r¥EW-JERSET. I-UOA ut- Uiui.iuV-31., XUivi.ll tavJiU. Tlme Table ol Juafl 21 1891. a -nn a m for Ea-ston. Mauch chunk, Wlllteabarra, fi^nanton. Readlnc. Harrlanurg, Tama-ma, P6tt«v!lle. Sham- okm > inlairy. EMle* M' re. WtllXnWiart On Sunday* br Eaaton. Mauch Chuak. Wllk«barre aud Bcrauton. " tf-00aTmVfor Eaaton and Allentown. f7 00 a' m for F.a,ton and Maurh Chunk. On Sundaya, BMton. Mauch Chunk and .Shai.,okbi. wllk.K... fi-45 a ro. for Einton. Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Kcrvnton Rndlng. HarrLsburg. PnttsvlMe. Tamaqua, Bbaav okln. bunbury. EagU-s Mere, Wllliamsport. Through C°'l 00°n m for*Ea*ton. Mauch Chunk. R*>adln». Harrla. bura- Pottsvllle, ftliaraokln, Bunbury and W'tlllam'port. On Bindavs for Eaaton, Mauch Chunk, Tamaeua. Potta. vdlle R.aidlng and Harrlsburg. 4 :00 v iu. for Eaaton. Mauch Chunlt, R.adtng, Harrla. burg', Wllkasbarre. bc.anton, Tamaqua, Pottsvllle, fcham*. klu 4 :80 n. m. for Eaaton and Allentown. 6-45 p. ni. for Eiston. Mauch Chunk, Readlag, Barrla- bura, ic. Sunday* ar. j 30 p m. . :30 p. m. f,.r F.aston at.d A'.loutown. ALI, RAIL KOITE TO THK HF.A MIIORK. For Freehold aml Attaatte ILgalands at 4-80, 8:15, 11 :ir, a. m.. 1:30, 4 :30, 0 00 p. m. Suadars, 0 :15 a. m.. 4 00 P ni. (except Fr eho.d). For Red Ban!i. Long Branch and polnts south to Point PleMaat. at 4 :»), 815. 11:15 a. m.. 1:30. 2:15, 3:30, 4 00, 4 :30, 5 :30, t> 00 p. m. Sundays, except Ocean Grove and Asbnrv Park, 9:15. 11:30 a. m., 4 :00 p. m. Fot Lakewood, Toma River, Barnegat Park and Bar- neBit. 4 :30, 8:15 a- m.. 1 30, 4 :3'J !>. Bl. M M _ For Beach Haven, Atlantlo Clty, Vhieland and Brldge- to\ortMonriioiit'h'Bca'ch and b'eabrlght, at 4 :30, 8:15 a. m., 1 QO l 0.1 c 0.1 n. m. _ FOR PIIII.ADILPI1I4. BAliTIHOBB AND WAaaibOTON. ROYAC m.L i; LIXE For Phll idclphla at 4 :3n. 7 :4o, 9 :00, 10 :00, 11:30 a m., 1:30, 2:00, 3:30, 4 :0o, 5 00. 6:00, 7:30 p. m., 12:15 night. bt XDAY'S, 9:00. 10:30. 11 :30 a. m.. 2:00, 3:30, 8:1)0, 0:00 p. in.. 18:11 lii^'ht. Kor Baltiomra and Wiithlngton daiiy at 9:00, 11:80, wltb Dlnlng Car, a m., 2:00, 8:30 (Dli.bi* Car., 5 00 p. m. 12 I'i night. Tralna leavlnc at 7:45. 11 :30 a. m.. 1 30. 4:00. 6:00, 7.80 p. m., 12:15 ulghi (except baturdjiy night). Bundaya 8.80, 5.00 0:00 p. .1... huve connectlon for Readlng. Har- risburi,'. PotUvllie. Be. For Sunlmrv an! Wllllan -port, i1a Phlladelphla. at 7:45 a. ni. (1:80 UnlTet Piirlor (.ui. 7:30 p. 11... 12:15 ml.lnluho (c-xcept Satvrdav ulfchtj, Sundava. 0:00 P. m. Tb-ket- and Parb.r Car s.-ata (ar. bo procur.-d at .1, 1.2. 261, 415. 911, 1,140. 1.828 Broadway, 737 tfth-ave.. 204 Weat 12.'>tli-el, 134 E*s., |26th *t., Xow-York: 4 Conrt-st.. 800 Fulton-a* 09 Broadway, Biookl.'-n. aew.York Tranafer Company will call for and chei k bag. gagc lro.n hotel or reeldeuce ¦AIVDV IIOOK ROUTE, FOR LOBO U1iAX1.ll. OCEAX OBOVB, *C. FK"M P11-41 8. X. R . 1 OOX UK RECTOR45X. For lllfnlaiid Beach, Xormandle, bcab.-ight, Monmouth Beach. Long Branch, at 4:30, 10 lo a. ra. 12:00 m. (1:00 baturdavs only), 3:45, 4:80. 5:30 p. Ba. Bundava. 9:30 *" For Atlantlc Highlanda, at 4 30, 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 3 :45. 4:30 5:30 n. m. Sundaya. 9:30 a. m., 1 :00 i>. ui. For Elberon. Oceau Oiove. A-buir IMrk aud Polnl Plesaaat, at 10:45 ». iu. (1 :00 Saturdaya ouly). 3:45. 4 :30. Kor Laiewood. Tom. Rlver and Barnegat, at 4 :30 a m., 12 :00 m. (1 :00 Satnrdavx onlvi. a '4o p. m. For B'-ach Have,,, Atiaotb: Clty. V.-»vand and Rridga- ton. 4 :30 a m.. 12 00 in. 11 :00 p m. iw^lrdav¦l. only). DE L A W A K K, L.ACK ATVANN A AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Shortest Line. Ve.stlbuied Puilman Coachea. 0 a in.-Buffalo. Rlchll-ld bi.ilnga and OawegO Kxprexs, vla Pavraon. for Water (iap. biroiidsburg, BCranton. Bing. hainton. 0«eio. ltna'B. WaverlT.-Elnlra. tirnlng. lia.li. Danivllle. bhertoime, Wat-iv.!:-. R.chu-ld Spriiiue, i:ti.-a, Mt Mor.u. Oreeaa Oxfod. xorwb b, Cortland. bYracuae, PiUtou aud Inteimcdiate aiatlona. CoonevU at Scrantou wlth trains for Plttaton. Wlllve-barrc. Da.ni !c and Xorth. umberlaiid: it lluftaio with tratns for Ui.- Weal. 7-°0 a m.-fllnghain'on Mail. Ma licontnn. 1 p* m.-Blnffhaintou and Elmlrt Evpres- fov Watee r>a» aatouaaburs >c ai.ton. Ow»ao. Wajrjrli and Eln.lra. c.a nacta at bcranton ».Oi tralaa for pittato... Klngaton an< Gap, 1- I W'V'.lo'*pr-r in.-Scr»nton, Wllkexbarre and Plymouth Ex- preaa aaa, verly 7^'ao n m (dallvl..Buffalo Llmlted Ex preaa, Tla Pat»N n "for stro'iidxhuig. Bcranton, Bin^hat-iton, Owcgo, Wv .JrlT Vb irJ Coruing. Bath. Wayiaad, Danvlfio. Mk. Morru, Be arrlvlne ln Buffalo at 7 .30 a ra. ui,' ,7, 11l.il .1 -VffBlo Rlehflaid sPfln«a and Oxwego PYnrLa. for Stroud-'.urg. BerantOO. Blagtiamton. Cortland, SraViIae Fii'toa Greene. i.xfonl. Xorwlch. S1.--rhur.ie. WatervUle l't. a, fte.. a"d all polnu on Buffalo Dlvlaloai connocta wlth tralua for tha Waa*. 1 EHIGH VALLLY laiLliUAi). PABaOSBOBB TR.MXS leav* foo* of Cortlaadt ar.d D*a> broaaea stt. *. [Xto«*^ ^^ lll.,.rnle4i3,te polnU. ,.0": '. for Gcneva Lron*. Eln.lra, Rocheater. Buf. #.1.. Ind the' VVeal, I'ottsvi.le and princlpal lo al iiointa. .'wr ct to Lrona and P.illn.an ear to 8iupena,ea Brldge. c « , m lor Mauch Chunk and li.t.-rn diatc Loiuto. ii.'in« in'tur l-.lmira and lnt.-rin>Hliai>' polnU. 1 ,. m lor iui.idiannoelt and Inurajodut.- poluu. ChaU car to Tunkhanooca. ConnocUou to Rradlng aud Harrla- Lua*;40 1. ¦ for ... and B. Junctlon and prliu'Ipal tnt*l^ Jli'.Yl i^,tn.« ( hair car U> L. and lt. .Iniutlou. mi."o r... for 1-,'tuu" wid toaaaaea **. hXX. Chaii nir6t?0V'illWr,V'1t,or Mauch Chunk ai.d Intcrmedlato polnta "orn'ectlon lo lUaduig aud Harn.burg. ' - 30 \i m. lor (Jeiieva, Lyoaa, Eiu.ira, Ilochcatsr. gui. lald and th Weat Puilman aleep#r to Lyona and 8ua> KnTra?n"leavi;,g at 8:10 a. m.. 11 :80 a.m.. 1. p. nv aad 8 -40 P 'a raaaaaS for all polnU la Mahonoy and Haael- aj. co.i legxaa srvnxV TIUINS 9,18 a. tn. for Mauch Chunk. liatdton and lnlermedlaia aolnta. and 11 a. m. for Shenaudoah and lntermedlals ^bTo d. m. for Maurh Chunk and Intermcdlate polntx. 7 80 I). aa- 'of Geneva. Lyona. Elmlra, Rocheaier. Rul. fald aud the W.-at. Puilman alaeper to Lyona and Baa- I «*a*lon Brldge. vaauiw "aJ^trai ajjajajaaj o,,^ aaa B. Eatlroaij-B ennsylvania RAILROAD. THESTANDARDRAILWAYof AMERICA AUD The Scenio Line to the West, TKUW Il.tVi; ajTATIOfS, foot of De«bro«a<>« and Cortlandt Streeta, aa follawst. On and after JULY 19th, 1891, THE PAf»T UaTB BiOO A. "?f.-Pulln.a'i Veotibule Slceplng and Parlaa Cara. Arrlvna C.eveland 5:26 a. rr.., Colucoboa ".88 a. n... Indlaoanolla 11:40 a. rn., Cblcago B 00 p m.. and 8t. Loule 7:00 a m. next day. Conne<:U, alao, far Toledo, ex'-ept SaturaViy. TIIK PENN-.VI.TAMA LIMITP.D. lOiOa A. M.Compoaed exclualvely of puUmaa V*eB- bule Drawing and State Room. Sleeolna, DlnibJ". Smok* Ing, and i.,'l,»'T\ui...ii Cara, pr.-mnuiia; lluanctal report*, aW-uoKrapliera ai.d typewmera, bauiriM.ua for bata acxes, Irtulea' matd, barber-ariop, Ubrary, and al U.e coa- venlenc-* of Sioin*- or omee. Llcht-4 by atatloaarr and movjbl. eb-etrlc Hght-t. Arrfvea Clneinna'J 8-40 a. ni., fndlanapoils 11 .40 a. m., aud Uil-a.o 8 4"i a. aa, next day. *T. b«0|TIbbj A\D CIXCIXBATI BXPRErV*. 3i«0 P. .tL-Pullman Ve»tlbole feleoDlng__. Cara troai N-wYork, aad Dlxilng Cara from Sew-Yor* to 81. Loula aud Clnclnnatl. Paaeeccer eoecb Now-York M toluuibua Arrlv a Clnclnnatl 11:35 a. m., a_d 88. LouU 8:00 p. iu. next dav. TIIK COLI'tlHIAN KXPRKaa. 4:80 P. ni.-i'iiliiLan Veatibule Seeptng, Dtnlmj, 8-_k- !.'.<?, aad I'ennsTlvnola R_l.ro-. d Veatlbule PaeaengBff oaclien from N.w-York to Chlcago. Arrlvaa la Chtcaa* B:15 a m. naxt d t TIIK \V>;a*Tl.R> EXERFMH Bi30 P. M.-puliman Veotibule tsleeplna Car Naw-Tartj to Plttsburg, bt. Loula, Chlcago, clricinuatl. Uevelaab and M-niphle, Dbilng cara New-York to Pnl'adelybia, and Fittaburg V. Rlcbmond aad Chleagp. Arrtvea aj Colun bus 1:3) p. n... lnclnnatl 5 .30 j. m.. Chloaga 9 30 p. m. next day, and St. Loula 7 00 a m. eecc-B mornlng. Connecta for Clevelaiid aod To'.eda dally. except Saturday. PAf IF1C IVI'HKHS. BiOO P. *fL-}>ullman liuffet feleeplng Car Baw-Tork M Culago. a*aw*Tork to M'-mphia vla tbe BhacacdeaB Vallev arrlv a weekdare at C'.l'imbea 7 :16 a m..Ue.» land 8 36 b m. o .: fiy, and dally at Chlcaae 7 <*© a. ra, aecond niornlng. Connecta for Tolfdo dally, and fat Clevcland and Columru«, 'X" p*. Kitniday. Bi30 P. N, Mi-nandoBh Vnlley J_xr,r> aa with Throutl DulTet Sleeper to Ncw-Orleana. BAI. M4IOUK. WAiMIIMiTOX. AFCD THE aOFTH "Waahington Llmit-d Expr-aa" of Pullman Parlor CaM (with Dinlng Car to Raltlmore.) dally. except bundar, 10.10 a. m.. irrlve Waai.ington 8 50 p. m.; and "C«. gi.-4alo.-ial Llmlted" dally. wltii Dinlng Car, at 3:38 C rr,., arrive Waflhlngtoii 8.25 p. m.: regular expreaa. 0:20. 8:00, 8:80 and 11 00 a. m., 2 10. 4 80. 6 00 an_ 8 00 p. m. ind 1- :15 nlght. Kor Baltln.ore only, 1.00 n. m. fiunday. 6:l.r> aiid 8 30 a. m., 4:30. 6:00, a_4 9:00j>. m. and 12.15 nlght. FOR LON'i BRANCH, POINT PLEASANT. and tntaa. medlate atatlorn, week-daya, 8:80, 7:10, 8 10 i. m.. 12 00 noon. 2 80. 8 :10, 8 40. 4 :20. 6 :10 ind ':00 p.m. Bur.day. H i3. 9:46. a. r... 6:16 p. m. (do not atep 84 A«rrorv I'zrk on Sundav). FOR ATLANTK- city. l 60 p. m. week-daya. wlM -Ihromrh nnlTpf, Parlnr Car. POR CAPE MAY, 1:00 p. m. wekdays, with Th BulTet Parlor n«r. FOB Pnil.ADBf.PflfA. ^T?,:n?\20-.":20' 8-°°x 8'jn B fl<> Chlchijo _fmlM(L wth p nlr.if.l at and 1(5:10 Waahington LlmltaL *!* f', A"Kv _?. ."r|«n °° *. m l- :2°* 1 ¦¦<*>. 2 TfX 2 *0. 8C0, J ,iq, 4:o0 4:80, 5:00. 6 00, 0:30. 8 ;00. Bill) 8.00 ;». in . and 12 1.> ntrht. Accomn,odat:on. 11 .-10 toR-n'nJ? *n,d»7.:0° "?¦ m- Sundaya, expreaa, OrtS. 8:.10, 0.00 (10 Llmiteof), and 10 a m., 2 00 2 30 4:00 4:80. 6:00. 0 30.'8.00. an(T 9 00 Tu m.. aa. 12:15 nlsht. Accommodatlon 7:00 p. ro. "?#r..Tfi"*J',*,,,'!.80f tr-"« to iocal polntu on tha Fenoayl. _£*at*__tW._pTi_?-!_I *""- V* Broadway. 1 Aa'or Hoaae. BJid foot of Deabros.ea aod Cortlandt lU. 4 Oatttbab. BU't Mi.ton.it. and Brooklvn Annex Sjtatlon, foot ol lulton-«t.. RrookJyn; 76 Hudaon-at., Hoboken; Statlon, Jeriey City. The New-forfc Transfer Company wiu eali for and ehecf b*Ef&*J'$?> hotels and realdenoea throuifh to deadcitloa CHA8 E. PUOH, J. R. WOOD, (^nenl BfaaatBB _Oneral Paas'r -jaaM. RIE LINET. i>ir>-ct route to I*a«-«lc, Patcr>ou. Tux-do, >'ew- burg, M.ddictown, Port J, rvta, MonUclia. WblBB Laiie Honeslale, Bcranton, Rinirhimron. Elmlra, orninit WatKina Ulen, Bath. Haa_n_aaapor_ Avon bprlngs, Rocheater, HornellsvUliv RuIIalo, Niaaara Jalla, Torr.nto, ChanUuqua I_Jte, cieveUnd. Clnxliinitl, Bt. Loula, Chlcago and all polnta West. 8olM tralaa be- twe^n New-Yorrt and chlcago. No change of cara. Cholca of routes vla Cluutauriiia Lak* or Nla^ari Fal.a. An «a« chantlnc panorama of mountalnB, foreeta and st.-e*rr.a. lh:-0'igh tr»lus l.-ave New-York, fo.it of Cliarr.b*ra.af.. aa follow^, and flve mlnut-a earlb-r, uul.aa oth»rwlso shewa. from W.-at Bbl 48, WESTRBN BAY EXPrtES«». 9 00 A- 8J. Dally-VM Blaajara lalla and ChauMuaaa .t/u i.a'ie. Parlor ;.r Bew«Yerk to Buffaio. 6lcepea HorneUsvllla M Clnclnnatl. ( onn»cts at Port JarvU la unlon Btatlon, except Sunday, for Montl.-ello. VBKTIBU.ED I.IHITEII. 3f\fi P. M. D-iily-SJoiid traln for nilcage, vla Chaotaa. .UU qua I_ke. wtth Vn'.-.j cor to Chlcago. SleepeH to Chlcago, Cloveland and Cinclnnatl. MOfNTAIN KXPKEHS. 3 0f\ P. M.. except Sunday.For Bln_hamtao, Hon»ada'« .*J\J »nd Montlueilo. Xhrough car .sjat'irOava for Mon- tlcello. miCAGO A>'D RRAND TKTNK KXP«H-*4. 6AA P. M. Dally-So'.ld traln to Chteago Tla Nlagara .\J\J Falla aud Omr.d Trunlt Ral'way. 6ieeprri M Bnitalo, Rocheat.-r, Toronto and Chlcago. PACIFIC EVPBl>r<. 8QA P. M. D-ii'-. Vla (hautauqua lake and NtBgari .0\J FaUa, holid tralu to chi.iago. bleepera ta Buffule, Chlcago and Clnclnnatl. FOIt POUT JEKVH. \1*EEK DAYS.l:lj a. m. _23.t-.it. 3:56), 7:62 a. m. ¦T £^4d-»t. 7:40). y a. m., 10:30 a. m., 1 p. m., 8 3a p. ra., 0 p. m., 7 v m., 8:30 p. m. Sundavs. 0 a. m., 3 p. iu., 6 p. n... 0 30 i'. in.. h :30 p. ra. POR MHiiiKi; WEER DAY*S-4;15 a. m. (23d-ot. 3:56). 8 a. m., 8 4* p. jn.. 4 45 p. m., 0 p. m , 7 p. m- Sundaya.8 a. m., 2 p. in.. 0 p. m. SATLRBAY BPECIAL TRAI>S. SATURDAY6 ONLY- 12 50 p. m. (23d-at. 12:40) fM Newburg; 1:40 p. ni. _23d-ai 1:26) for UawUwrna| 8:15 D. m. for Port Jcrvls. BFatCIAL I.NPOR.HATIOS. MAPS AND TIMtrABI.E.S may oo obtalned frara tlcket ontoea. Alao ?opl<-n of "suran.er UoiLea." coa. tainlng aele.t lii»t of hotJ-ls^iid boardlnk-houtaa; ..huburraa llon.es," dea.'rlblnq \ti_iuiti7 of New-York; -.» tU'i'iuqua l.ke s nvenlr" aml na>*B__Ba( ExouraMaa.*' 1-JCKl.TS AND l'CI.LMAN Al ( OMMOPATIONS al 4iu. 317 aud 957 Broadway. Chainii-n aud W.-at 23a rt. larrlea, New-York: :?8l ai.d 333 Pultonat., Hr-,,. lyai 107 Bruadw-jy, Wllilajnsburg earpet N'«ark ^nd H .<L>.A hte., Hoboken, and Jeraey Cttv Sution. l.rl.' T.-aiif^ Company c.ilis for and ch.-cks ba~g-^i;c from hor.ela and real« di.iico.. tnr>,'.:.'h to destlnaUon. _\V. < R1NEAR80N, li.nenl Pasa-ng^r Ag-nt_ BALTO. & OHIO R. R, t' i6'. Exprca* Iralna vla PHII. tDELPRlA to BALTIMORE, WASIIINGTON, CHICaOO, ClNi INNATI. ST. LOl'IS. A>l» ALI. POIMS WEST. ,nvcit EEETKE O.V ALL Th'AlSS. J,i't i i i.Ji.1. lyot °' LlbeHJ ll, a-s louuwai laa W___lMiloN. BALUMORE. 8 00 A. ¦ (U 80 A tf «Ualng-car). 2:00 (3:30 P. M.. dla-ig-car), k ni,i p ii fa vt A. M. Ai. Babu run dai.y. i?o.NUitVoii vtaJay L.nc 2 P. M «s.kHt_yB. York. and w Broaawa}-._Brooalrn. siAiio.s l\)Oi' Ot Lilli-.Kll-br. (Ceiitral R. R- of N. J ) Ukt\\\t\fXmtl i ran-hr con.p.iiiy ai i caU for and chect bag. gage from hotel or walfleaca to dc.tli.BUon. E ¦ BU.YOl-lt, ONTAHIO A^D WESTEBN RA1I WAT Traus leave Weat i::d-st. at ti35 a. m. ,u uuuuMa earUer irom foot Jay^t,), for Mld.ll.-io»n. Bloonjtijgij.irg, Port Jeni.s, MonUcello, PaUaburg, Llberty l.hi.ustai Maaor. llaucock, Curtxnidil.-. bcranton, rtaitou. Uc.al, Sldney, Norwkh, lU:i,-t..u, L tl, a, !4ou,<-, Om-lU*. U»,>ra«. iMt't, ih ca^o, aud polata wea*. Bli.) a ii.. Stony l-'ord. caunbell Hall, Lakea Mo. houk an.i Mlaaewaaaa, WallkUl V^alley, atatloaa, M.ddia. town, Bloomlngbaeg, EllenvlUa, laluburrf, ll',rley. vii e. Llberty. Wi.it.> Lake. ._.«* ., J Canipbrll Lake, Lakea Mehonk and Minna Waiki. Walttlll Vallaj Bt-tlenB. Mlddlrto-an. Bloo.ulna. bur«. Elb-n\l:l.> Ial.bng, Uurleyvilla, Llberty, Wulta *'at»iOil"i K m.. Mlddletowa, K^llabu-jL Llberty. Llyingatoa Manor Bockland. Walton Sldney N'or«!.-h. On.-ida,0a. wego, koeb *Mr. Nianira PBlla, o.-troit chlcago ai.d W ati Pullnau »l.vp, r-i; r.-ciinlJiK WBBll ,_r BCB t" M.«peuai-| Blra_k n in Saturd.iya only, Mlddtetown, Bloomingburg Ell iTiu,I Fallsh-.rc l\b rty, WhlM Lake, RooUand. ^ DaUy; all oth.r tran> daily except 8uoday. PiilniBi drawlnK-rooni ».-at- and aleeptngcar b>rthi ob tal...l a.323 Broada lybew.Jork. J. C. ANUKiusny, u. p a 18 Exehaaga Plaaa, Ne»-\ork. 1>T BHORE lUnJaOAD, (S. T. C. 8a -. al :00, Catokln aad klbaay, "8 :io. '7.15, -l. a ib., aB:4B p " ¦-, Ji*'. ¦. IS a 15 p. nL Crajistona. w Polnt, i oniwall. Bowburgh, '8:80, -7 ,. > ...-. lfi oo. moi.'i, tn :<5 a. bl, -115. :»i oo «:B0, is i i Iwell. Lake Oeorge, tn a:. a. m. ii>ar:or car aaj ta.h'di dmilv eaccut S'.indiy. «3 *5 o- in-. Satualaya ouly. K;,»t rsh.ni. Hiiuirr. Bobart BloeaavlUa i«rand Hotij SUlloii aad Phoealcla. .8:8__). ill 00. tll.3JB.ii.,a3 «_ K m Parlor car» t>. Illoomvillo. Orand Hotel aal 1-l.o.iucla itdB Kaat.rakill>. i 11 :00 a. iu.. 111 :»5 a. m- a 45 p. ti. 'lriuiis aml aleeping ear to B_ooaavUM oa 3 ho k. m. (SundayB oaly). ._._'.*.'':.«_ .L'K'- -M"t."iil aud Minii.-.M-ka. 1:80 a. iu. tll 00. 111:86 a. ¦ a] 4l i Parloi >ai ui N.'wl-:i.u oa ll_8aa. m. traln, llalf Hollday Bpeelal, Saturday ouly, l:ia a. bj. loi Kaaterakill, Hunter, Blaaaavllla n..birt urand HutM btatl t. u,a Phoenlela Parl r .-ar to BlMMvUla Pa- btivlllr. Calro ai.d MounUlu Houae .suiUon. 7 18, 111 .?.. a. ai.. b3 i:. u. aa. Pjrl". caia to CatsklU. Cata- klll Moiiiitaln Nlght Lln* 3 30 i. ra, SU'-daya only. -.l^^ptiiK car-i .,, Pho-nlcla and Bloomvl.la. .Dallj'. tlu.lv, exc.pt Saturday. All other traina dally eicep* Sii'.liv. } t a Leavea Brooklyn, vla llrooklyn Ajinea, I'li.OBi 1111:10 a n. a.i .00 p. rai. Jer>. y i ity. p. R. r. Htatl.m. "10-40. 111 ._<> a. iu aa -8 P ln. For tlok. u. tln..' iBliUa. parlor and Ble*pla|_ear ac, on.modatlona or liiloriiuiUui. appl) oltlc.a: Brooklw.. 333 W-iahlnuton-at.. 728 Kulton-at, Aiin.'X olliee. foot of Kultou-at. Now-York City: N»e. 371. »¦«. 785, 842 Broadway. 148 Bowery. 12 Park Plaee. 53 Weat 18»lh-at.. and Waat Khora KtoUons. f.Kit of W.at 42dat. and tat* af.lfy___ji.BTTl- C. E. I.AMBERT, Gouaral Pa_»eukei Auaot. a VaaaataiBw ara.. Baa>XaJ-u


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riL|£ VOYAGES AND ADVENTTRESI OF, ^EBDINANDMENHE/ HINTO. l>ime Into F.nallsh bv IlenryCogan: with nn Introductlon by Armhilus \ aaaberj.An abfMaed and lllu*tratcd edltlon. Pp- EXXU, **>*¦

Macmlllan 1 co.Thls volume ls the aeventh ln the "Adventure

Berlea." and by no means the h-art valnable ln view of

the explanaUon which lt aftorde of some browblcsomethings in the early geography of both Arablans and

Europeam. Tbe Indian Oeean and the seas tha*

washcd the caatern coa»t of Chlna have been the waters

af fable from the earllest Ume. Tlre narratlve of the

Portuguese a"lverrture.r became a claaslc ln its oriutnalforrn. and lt loet nothlng ln Colgan's nalve Bngllsh.More vlewa tfian one can be taken of Mendet Plnto.

Ono may anppose Um to bave been an exceedtnglyresourceful romanccr. A less compllmentary eplthet has

been applied to hlm over and over again. lie ccr-

talnly doea seem to have fbrmed bla llterary styleopon tbe long-wlnded romancea of Ws day. The

apeeeJiea which he waa »o fond of putting into theaioutlts mt peopie reafl llke those that formed ao large

a part of the romances. So enamored was he Of tliesa

oratorlcal embelllshments that he tbnwt them ln

without reference to per-on or fltnesa. In luch mat-

ters. however, Ma ta-ste was probably that of hla

ago. and the peculiartty, nnpleasant as lt ls to modern

reodei-s, cannot be sald to vltlate the truthfulness ofhl* narretlve as a whole. Apparently he almed to

tell the truth, tho whole trnth. aod occaslonally somc-

thlng eHe for the sake of good measure. It ls not

to be enpaosed that hls travcls have lost by hla fallure

to mentlon anything thnt rvaJly oc4-urrcd.One ttonblo is that hls names of persons and placea,

bla tltlee for orhclals, and the llke, were spelled as

the words sounded to Ws ears. But other travellera,bath before aad after hls tlme, also lndulged thelr ln-

dlvidual eccentrlcltlea ln tho same way; lndeed. tha

vlcloui pracn>e haa not been glven up e-'em at the

present day, aa anyone may dlecover by comparlng a

few recorda of .eurucylng. say ln Ejrypt. The name oftbe boats nied oo tlie Nlle has boen spelled so many

ways that lt seems almost a polnt of honor to omamenta new book with an unespocted twist ln lts othography.Judajed by thls popular standard, Mcndez Plnto's prac-tlce was not bad. " Adem" ls an easy equlvalent for

"Aden." When he speafc* of an Arablan Jaller as a

«moc4idao ¦ tJiere U no Kreat dlfflcnlty In flndtng thatbe aims to reprosent tho word which Lane has trans-

Bterated as '.mukaddam.*' Hls "xabandar" Is not

far from "shah bandar," and "Caire,*' a» ho wrltes lt

aomeUmes, ls nearer the Arablc prontinciatlon than tbe

modern "Calro.*' "C-ntan"1 aaa'8 near appronrh to"Canton." The old Engllsh. transJatlon could hardlyImprcve tbe matter. Mendeu Plnto dld not call the Sul-

tan of "Achem" by two names. Larodin aad Aaradln.That -tltlB 4int>r has heen reproduoed ln the present re-

prlnt ls an lndlrect testimomy to lts llteral falthfulnesa.a matter of importanre la the reproductlon of old

boolu. From these examples it will be ieen that thosewho need to do so can with llttle troublo find themodem equlvalent for the names uied by tbe oldtraveller.

Ab a narratlve of adventure few worba have greaterBiterest. To pnt tbe whole velume ln a nntehell, ittells "what atrange fortunes I have seon," says he,"for tbe 6pare of one and twenty years. durlmg thewhich I was thirteen tlmes a captive, and seventeen

tltaps ttmes sold ln the Indlcs, ln AethiopUy in Arabia,tn C#lna. in Tartaria, in Madagascar, ln Sumatra, andln dlvera other Klngdoms and provlnces of tlie Oriental

Archlpelage npon the confines of Asla, whtrh theChtaoae-s, tslames, Gueoe and Locquios mame, and tlurtwltb reason ln thelr geography, the ey-llds of theworld."

Professor Vamberry's lntrodnctlen defends MendezPlnto on the score ot truthfulness and esplarne thedifflcultioa that beaet a traveller Ln the Orient threecentorles ago ae ntterly dlfTerent from those met inthe same reglon at the Becaeel day. The volnme laillnatrated with a nmp and d.uble-page plctnros coptedfrom the aecond Dntch edition of 'The Yoyage of John"Juyghen Von I.insrhoten to the Eaat Indlee."



6portsman's (Juldc t<> Eastcm t'auada and Newfound-land. B) Charlei <¦. D. BoacrtB. l2mo, pp. _7o.Ij. Appleton A- to.This littlo boolt, ahich ls reollv chamilng as well

aa p;-_ctlral, olfers new toMlmony to the fact that a

very elmple ond pmualc thln* may acqulre grace anddlstinetion ln the hands of a man <*f talont. One doeonot ordlnarlly cxi>oct to rlnd ln a gnldc book vivld andpoeBc de'crlptlon, purlty and beauty of ETiglish style,the svmpnthetle entbuslasm of an ardent sports^ian andlover of nat4ire; yet all these lighten and BCagaaea Mr.ltv.berts^ text. It ls a glorified gnlde-liook andtlior-iughly justlfles the edltorial Jndiment arhleb 6electz-d as lts anthor a poet and pr©fe*«or of Engllshlltcratnre.

lt would be hard for the tourlst or sportsmanto po ffstray under lt- guldance. Ea-tern Ont-rio,tlio la-abaai dlstrkt, the Lake BB. Jnhn country, tlioBt. I^iwrenco reelon, the M.irltiiiie Provlnees, l'rlnceEdwaid lslatid ard N'ewfoundland are so cxai-tly audminut.ly dccrlbed that tho travcll'-r can havo no

dlfliculty ln plannlng aud purenlng hi- Jour icys. Fullliiforiiiiitlon ;is t., ismtes nnd BaTCa ai.d hotels isglvon | rmich f-pa.e ls devoted to placcs of espectalBBTterke] and fccnlc intercst; thc varkms beauties, ad-vajitages and dlsadvantages of the summer resorts aralndlcated; and there U a wealtli of instrnctlon andaugK<.«tion for sjKji-tsmei}. Here tbe autlior, who 1»an adej t hirn-elf. Is on groniid he loves, 4Mid one

cannot read without a quJb-kenlng of ihe bl.wd hls brlefbut graphlc sketches of sportlng expedltlons ln tliebMCBaMttag rc/lfiiis whercof he writes. To these hebas iwlded a valuablc nppendlx glvlng flsh and pmiolaws and orticial li~ts of troai arid «yilm(.:i ritera andtheir 1888808, HLs hlstorleal refercmes have beenmado with uT:coninio;i Uut.in short, hls book is notonly a e\eellent plcture of the Dominion as-lt oxti»tsto-day. but also an outllno hlstory of the most In-terc-tlns rpliBdca of its m-owth.

Bacb a t**a*CBl has long licen needed.ttrgemtly by thetourlst, nmre tlian urpently by thc sporteman; andtiie work has licrein beca done so IbOfWlgblj and a.-

4-urat-ly as to leaae no leeaa for any other book ofHa kind. Admirable Baafa and illustrations accom-

pany tlie t \t. .

IIJStvo pnr-ncations





By mOKESSdU OEORGE M. l.KANT. With 19BJaaB.«.Maa traaa pi..Manpha aud from drawmga byW. X. S.^EDLEY and otlicrs.




By MO-VTiiOMllEY BCHUTUBB. WlUi 9 lllustra-


aad a_ i.!.i'ini:.


By WAL.TEK BESANT. With 1!> llluctratlons drawnBy BLaJUtT 9X301, H. D. BlCHOlaf. and E. PEX-t-Ba-B.




Di'ixii:, V, s A Wl-h 5 fuil-i>fiir.- lllustratlona fro-naaunUigs by rKEDBBUCB BJBM1BOT0X.


ncnoif.rBlTBB IBBTTBflW A Novcl. Part III. BvOi:.i:.i:

Of Mau_______ With 14 Illustrations by tli- anthor.-AN'1MPEKAJ1VE Bt'TY. A Novcl. I'ar: II. BiVNU.LIAMPEAN HUWELES.-LITK. A ijtory. By MAKK

ajajaiBT BBT1 ZOO. A 6tcry. By fiEuROE LEATU.POETRY.




Eeitorlil Dcpartmenta, aa uaual, conducMd by OEOROP.milliam ovarria, william dean howelm. u.d

EEaa\EBAE§ dedley \vai;xeii.isLBseiurxion i-hice, tioo a teak.


IN'rin JJnbiirntiona.MARY J. HOLMES'S ____


The admlrer. of '!^^nVHi'EM-,_l,S_SS,_?11,aSUNijUIXE," 4c, &c, will bc plad to procure lt.

FOR 8AL1 EVEBYWHEKE.G. W. DILLINf'HAM, Ptihiitilicr. New-York.

Elghto«nth I-aliii.li. .pj'-t l«««4.?_" 2<*; %_._¦¦«_¦ .

Tllh HUMAN AlK; Waj It Falls Oft:Turna (irey and BM Remedy. By Prof. UARLF.V

l'ARKEP A M LOXU . 0 . 1.013 Arch.gt.. 1'hlla.. Pa.-Kycry one shot.ltI ifad thl- llttle book "-Atbeimum.

LillD Grtiooia.

UNIVEMI"f^L-1%C1»I88V88- .

fflHI ABBOTT. lC E, gf, . plMdUlf . mmmIBAAC P. RUSSELL, J. C. ^^Se-aatar, Law.CHR18T0P11EI; O. TIEDEMAN A. M.

Reat Property.KENRY W. JESSU1*. LL. B.

Torta; Procedure.The thlrtv-tlilrd y-ai t.eglns Oct. 1, 1891. wja w bi-

Uj-ii^ I'aci.-.ty aod i courae of Inatrucllon carefulTy revlaedL7 aaeal bW tawaaal «*_» of candldatoa for Va* Oirfnurso of nudv two veara; not more tban one v«arjamwrnafor pri'viou. atu.lv elsewhere. Oonftrs LL. B. , also (fornew tiraduat* Coiraesi, Ll_. M.DAILY LECTl KE nOT'RS 8r4B P. M., 4 30 P. M.,*

A Umlted nun-ber of 'fcho'larship* of 8100 each ara

awBrded Bt the ^&tf_/B&_-T^WILLIAM ALLEX BFTLER. LL. D_. Marlttae LaW.CEl'HAS BRAIXER"*. E:_i-. lntsmational Uw.CHARLE8 F. MacLRAR. f. V.D.. Crlmtnal Liw.AMASA A. REDFIELD. l>n-, InheritanceIID\ MYER S. I8AACA Exarnlnatlon ef Tltlei.WILLIAM a. DAVII.S Eaq., Mfo Inaurance.

For SaaMBaea. bc. bp^o x _ HITflmfc_Kg_nlt*J>l^_J}__ndt_n4^_

ni~NEW-YORK LAW BCBOOL, 120 BROAPWAT,Sew-York Citv.-Apnnal -e*.inn npim* OrtehCT 1 l;so'-

Two year-' rourae. leadlnp tv> deeree of LL. B. Teltlonfee, »100 "D"lirht Meoiod" of Inatructlon. For cata-lognes addr»fc%i>E'>Hi4r, CHA8B, TV'tn

Jnatrnftion.Fnr Bowa and Young Men.Clty.

A-CLass FOR BOYS.-Intermedlate and advancedt rrad's, ftudcnts prcpared for collece. law, atlentlflo

.chools and bualness._W. F. CHASE, 72 waMaaBBVat_DV1CE ABOUT BCB00L9 aad elreolari n»ee to p»r-ents. Btate locallty. prlce dssircd. pupll's age and MX.

P. V. HUY8ROON, Arucrican School Bnreau, 2 W. llthat.

Kkrkei.ey BCBOOL.Autumn half, t^elfth ytar, lvlll heiln MoneaY. Sep».

28, 1P91, ln tbe new f!r«proof bufldlng. IS, 20, 22, 24Went Btth-st. Accommoditlons for a Umlted number ofboardlng atudents. For latest reglater and deacrlptlvopamphlet addreaa

J. CLARK REED, A. M., IWl«t*«-

IKSTRl'CTlOX ln coiiiniererafbraiu'iTeB, eTocutlon, mlll-Urv aclence and ttctlcs and dellcient EnirUah g.vtn on

re.-isohable terms; lonf txp. rlenc\ Call "TueadayB anaThursilayB between 0 and 8, gfljfE'.j, Mtt_.,n..Va.


Cor. 48»h-Bt._Preparatlon for^cotJegB.*-"! b^aMBBB.

PKKFAKATORY eoilepe achool M 1?9 Waa_*Z__f_lcond,ict/d bv H. E. Well*; thc lear^er tao«ht how to

at.idy; thought cxerciaerl and apeedy ___%»______!Bblll'tlM bv Qie nuthoda of inatructlon eroployed; personalattention to each; Umlted to twclve BCholara.__VI N1VEBBITT URAMMAR SCIIOOL. 1,478 Broadway,

art-rg*^^For Young Ladles-City.

AK0DIFLE1> cOLLErtlATE COURSE.-Tliera ara twavacanc-les ln bji eat-bUBhed prlvate claas offerUiK; nn-

uaual advantages TO MBWi d:-alrfnc auch a courae..,"**{..¦ataat Maehara: ca.efnl attontion to phyatel'^e^T.A**eauiiiptd echoo-roomi and laboratory. f-urnmer BdOress,^ COLLF^IATE LOVR.SE, Box 15, Kenalco, K_Y.__ACADKMic CLASSES FOR GIKLsj. ^*_j^__*____

ooro for collcge i-xan.ina'.lons, bul iu!ted to UM needitl lireaniest stiitftuM: sneoial attentlin glx-Jn «_,En«1'*ilccutlon and pnjileal fnlture. MARY B. WHIXON,A. B.._and LOIS A_BA-sM,j4.j_Z_^_*_i__t:ava.. W. Y.


BOllOOL Fillt IHKI.8. H07' Btri-ave. ,_-d Jear.Advanced Claaaes with Col'imbia Coiieae t*rofosaors.

\RLEM.-Th" Lenoa T.av Bebeai for llttle childrenanB. trlrla will open October 1 on or near¦ WaM _-»th^»iFor flreulars pr nereonal intciviewa. LENOA, Box lld,Mllton-oii-lludaon. yew.1*erb.II


FOR GIRLS,82 and 84 Eaat &7th-at, New-YorB.

Reopena Thursday^ Oct. 1._M




a,.M_Wt?L^Bf'*ntiarCB and OERMAN BOARDINOi,,iu DAY BCBOOL foi YOUNG LaDIES and CIIIL-DRF.N »2 MADISON-AYE.. NEW-YORK. will reopenThur-dBT Oct. 1-t, 1891. Freneh Is the languaec of thefamllv and Behoal. si-.olal elaasea ln hlstory, llt-raturs,art and Fr-neh ouv,-rsit!on. Sp<e|ai attention to F.nrllsh,Fre-ie'.i and lierman prlmary department._BlatTear._ mmE^a.c. MEAB8. fi-Mtaal.



Behool for airli. Reopena Octobar 7. 189L(Number Umlted.) 1!8 Eaat Seib-at. near MadHonavo.

MUI A-lVlB BROWR, T18.T18 "Tllie Avenue.Prlmary and academlc work, lncludiiii? preiaTBtlon for

tolloge ai.d for tha ColumMa and Harvaid txarolnatlonafor womni._Keopena Octoberl, 1801.

MADEM'OISELLE VELTIN.-S'ho..i for Otrls.Prin.arv, acod-mlc and icll-ge prcpBratloii. Klnder-

gartcn cond'ucW entlrelv In French by Madame TKns,punll of th« late Madame'l-ape.caipenter. Slxth year openlOctober 1, 18'H. 17S Weat 78d-sl._

>S_LTZAl4ETTT L. KOI-K..S, i(TEas' 75lh-BVB,.:irdlnR ai,d Pay Sehool.8i>ecial co'irses of study.

\iTm. niSlH l.l' H. 20" EAs-T _:.OTII-ST.-r.nBllih>l»l French and irerman Bf.ardliij.' and l>av behool forBlrlB. rwenty.fltth } ai bogbis S.-pt mber 28._

IS8 M. BLA( KWELL'8 School and KlnderRarten forChildien reop.-ns OetoBer 1. at^lSO East 83d-tt_RS. LEOPOLD WEIL'S BCBOOL I0R OIIOB.-.711 Madlson-avc,. prcpares for collegei.

M"7M)A.ME DA slfA'A.-School forThrla.^


Frencb tli-- lajijruage of thl a. hool and tha family.24 Weat 8Sth-it. U8d year bfglna O'tober lj_i_I i'.t-RBAN BEMINARY for Y,.':iii, Ladlcs and Chll.O dron, WaahiiiKtion-avn. and 17i4d-at.. N'ew-York City.will oi^-ii Baatember 16th, lr>ui. Aiwa.tiv, attuattoa, i,<-wli'illdliis. 'rhorouyti Instruettoa ln ull a>pBrur.ents. Ad-droM the PHiK'lpal. Mr-. EDW1B .IoiinmiN.


HE-R_EI> SCHOOL, 0. 3ai:d 10 Eaat 63d-at.lu charee of M -s Julla ... McAlliater. Frlncipal.

Mrs. bylvanua Raed, Vlsltor.28th yeir bejrlni Oct. 1. 1C91. xhe thlrd bulldlna, No.10 Just add, d to ttK> school. aiTords impiaved acconimoda-tlo'rj* to both roaldeut nnd day puplls.


rp'l'ii COMSTOClt ii iit»"i..J I'ainllT and I>.v S hool for Olrli; 29th vear herlna Oeto-ber 1. 1*91 MI.-h DAY. Prlnclual._32 Wea-, lOta-at.

THE R1VERSIDE BCHOOL. Ulaa Eir.llv A. Wr.rl1'nnrlpal. l"r-paratio'i for Va»«ar Barnard and Ottief

eoilegea for women. A.-adeu.lc, lutenneliate, Prlmary,Kiiificrirarten B'id Special C'Jiai foi lloya. LirRe. air.yrooniB for r.-aldent puplla. 60 W. I0ith-st, Central Park.

TrTE MfsAl 3 KIOSES, 047 Maolaoo .v

Bi/ardlnK and Day frchooi for Youn? Ladle* and Chll-tlren PrepBKi for Barnarl and other colleiua Elghth»,-ar beelna September :B. 1891.

THE M1SSES WrEaKS' Boardliic ai, t Day Sehoolfo- \oune ladlM aBd tlilldren, with K ind'-rparteii

Rcopcns nctob'T±._37 Eaat u.Hih-atITaN NORMAN INRTITl'TE rFooodeB 1887). llanta andTDiiv School. OOt.D AND BROXZE MEDALS. PAR1SE_I-0SiTION. 18&9 JSO and '1S2 71-t.»t. a.id WBMbW-ave. Mm<. YaN BOBIIAB. Prlnclpal.\Irr.ST VTD AVKNUT ScrTool for fTTrla..Prlman P»» paratnrr, CollCRiat.' and Art Deryirtm^nts; tlioro'iRhatudio work. Mlas MARTHA TMOMI'SOV. I'rtnclpoJ.Reopena Oct. 1. 281 Wf«M F.ndavc., cor. 78th-Bt


Home and Day Mhool for Olrll and Boyi.Beapana sept. 21, i-'.n Preparatlon for OaBage..VbtMZB BCHOOL OF THE? METR0P0L1TA.V COLLEOE OF MUSia

(Fornerlv Metro)rf.'.i:au Conseryatorr.)A pleaaant min." Dl imrtmeut U open for the aeeomma-

datlon of ladlef from a a:*tance. Tlifa achool haa no equalfor thorouahneaa of Inrtructlon and the alaolute a^f^ty ofIU lnethods. DEDLEY llfCK, Preaiient; H. W.OREENE. Sorr»B»rv and Treaaurer. Scrid for circular.


Pai KAKIVS BUSIBEBS COLLEOEwiU reopen for th^ sea'on on ru'sday, Sept 1. Scnd

lor atw lliuitwted pro»|.e,t.is.S. 6. PACEARD. Prealdent

101 Eaat '.3J-Bt.

Mnsieal TnBtrucfJon.MR. A. L. BCRULTZ, Orcun.st Baada Street MeBMrMI

Church, Br.olilyi., WlU rt-S'iin.- lciaona (piauo andorgauj tjeptcmtjer l, Addr-as 217 Duilieid-st. Bruoklyu.


140-142 Columbli Helfhta, Brooklyn. X. T..WIU rc-open Beptember 30th.

¦,IHF. BROOBLTB HEIOHT.S SEMIXAltY.-Ho.rdlnB1 and Day S>-hnol for Olrl». 41«t v^ar oi»'n« S»pt. 24. Ad¬dreaa. for clrculjrs, 13S-140 Montacut-at.. Brooklyn. N. Y.

For Young Ladies.Country.BBTHLEHI M, l'l.X.s.-HIMMi'i )1<IKI'E.-A Boaid-

li.-' aaC Day ,s. nool toi Utria. i-repa:atory andfull Academlc (Jourse. Puplla pn-par.<i tor <.-(.i!.g.j.I'wenty-foi.rth yeur. I-. 1 WAI.SII, I'lincipai."Trj OXWOOIT Huae A.11) EaI aCHOOL l"R

I>i.11;LS. Hcaitliful loration. dellghtful lorroundlnia.TiiorouKh work. 1 r.-paiatl..n for BOUBga. |loy> undert«eUu adn.iiud. l'.,r clrcttlan und tenna, addre.

Mr- r. s ORISWOL0, Lyme. Obbb.

Ci ATIII DK\I, st'H.M.I. OP s.MNI I'AI 1. il ¦'y iitv. L. I..Addreaa for July anl Aagnal < BARLEfl

BTURTEVAXT MOOUE, Bearboro1 Baaeh, Me.

Ci.AsM' Al. ANIi HOME lNSTriTTEPougbJMt-pala N. Y. Kor Yoing l.adi<a and

i.n.ldr n. <;r,,duatinK eourae. or pr.paration for -«»11¦ ¦._-.BAKAH V. II IIUTLER, Prln

nl-.KW LADIE-.' sr.MixAi-.v Carmel X Y 28th raar,Sejit. lis. .ileattrit'il. b'.iiiel'ke. thiiroiiirh. nroL^-aalva.

llluafated elrcular. Rev. OEO, i BOBBY BMlTB, a.M.

DWKiHT srHOOL FOR OtRLS. Englewoodi' Ncw-J.r-anr (n.-ar l'ailsad.'- of tlit Rodson).


Looraea ol »Ui4j' U.oae of BMbMIbbM oolleaea. ElectrleUahta .-toan. heal and oiovator. Aktroi.oiui'jal obaervBtorj.Art S-Iiooi, aliuic Bulldins, iic. 21f rfudenU.CHARLES VAN NOEJH X. D. D., Preat.. Elmlra, X. T.

FORT7 ETJWARD COLLK.41ATE IXNTITITE" FOR100 young BMBMB. BaaaaBM b-'tldl.ir* and adyan-

IgajajL T.velve MaabBfa, -s * Kradiatu.? coura'n andBeaaaratary. Pm Behool y.tr. iMrlttnlna "Mpt li, *.<oln |wa InatalniMiU. hoe lll.i»>traw>u MMlafbe.

JQ44. E. B1BQ. D 1) r_H BBtwaai) x. Y./VoLDEB'hILLSEMINaBV for \ovut Ladlea, Brla-iro".tl part, CeanT- Mins F.MILY nELbox. Priatipal. MuaA_iiE b. UlBbON, Aaaoclate PrUauakL

jneiracuou. ___^

For~Young La.lica-Country.ras&^%^f%ffIw-irnAw i'i il I.-l-'i iR YlWBO I.ADfliS..^atreai. ColTet e preparaUoa. ir, ulars by mafl.KAMCF.f. NVF.I.I.S liri'ft. A. M.. Fnurhkeepxle, B.,TT^svTm ."vaiiii i ROARDIRO AXD DAY BflBOOL

Phlladrtphla. 43d year begtai Bepb mber 88, 1891.-.aTaTfoa mfT.wr.EY'fl Rnardlng and Bai Bebeej for Olr's,>I r.-r Vn.Vn on'llad'on Frlnclpll-. Miss H. L. BulK-liy JSZK. C. Fli.i.i-y A.!(lr-.s ,,,- IrtterjIBtO M.-,,t. I»»ii.w xi m i.i-vrs Bnardlnr and Dxt f-'rhool removedMuTbummitAVwl.trJey: term.. 6826 b.cludln, aBB,

gaagei Addrexs by letter untll Beptember._raooxTZ iOBOOL FOR YOl'NO LADIES.

Removed In 13S3 from Cuestnufcxt. Phlladelphla, toOaenti tlfesna. iousToui.try aeat of Jay Cookc. arfBbeajfi?u rortV-aeroi d year Wodnesday. Septerober 80. For c!r-cHars. a£plv V Prlnclpals. Ogonti School. MontgomeryCounty, Pcnn._,-.txT a.»XI"> SCHony,. A.tanr. X. Y.-Vnd»r th" dlree-8 tion ol Blahon U"»na 2fat year. FuU couraea oflt.idTlrt.il IV uargxrten through llarvard Couree forVoaVi.84 In.lrurTi.r. Tultloft 6400 a rear For eBtavlaa»ffaaWla»iaT7A4iNM & )iopL__WT. GADIUl-XS S( HOfclL. PEEKSKILL, X. Y.-A© l*aroUi,K SAkMl for irl>Ta. ui.der tl..'*»**».of ¦"Mstcrs of bt. aMary (Kplacopal). Ta-rjUcth J¦.* '"m

wencea Sept.mU-r 23. Addrcs The Slster In C hargc.__w! T. CATHEKIXF.6 IIALL.16th year. Long Ialand dl>© eesan aeawl for glrto '>l\«f*fV'J,~xt;,?d texchm'u»* lireo and f-flii b-i.t .taff of profea.orx ana tex<*ner».Sajaaatioa a?k»aTc*B^ ?E*»EZ2? iVVd.nafcaf.i-a (,f t.i* In.tltut on. Terme for board-rn. In^l .amg

Enillxb rr '.ch. O'T-xsn arfd Lattn. from 8880 periiiinuialor day' P'ipil* trom 880. Next W'»4^TR0,-A,foPiVB.'All laVrtl'-iilara on appllratlou to SIS.1ER CAUOLI.Mu,2S6-292 Wa-h.ngton-ave., Brooklyn._.,rTTwE MORAV'IaX H-'.MIXARY. Bethlehem, Pa.. forI .nnrr h in iiVeutiiry favorably known aa a coosM-iitlous.nd "ueWSl edmaVZ ol youaa wotaea, bvRee an ex-

aminatlon of Ita meth.ds and currlculura

fV KMi-i.ir..K"Vr. LAMBhP iWtlxA»r, .aaraaaaaTaprta.* x. r-wfo-r&itf pffl.'fta?TiTTT'YTTiJxTrLAi.ivi -TmixarY. F>.."T^IaT"^-,.J^

A nleaaaiu hotno. wlth exre. irut oiii-ortuiiltie* for an

eduAtfon. Ml-a EOBIOB D. SV.vfkl.U PTin*^^%MJ ALXCT 1,4 VI. S( M> OI. fo.m-rl Ma.lam.-iP^fK*!>V Jirmantown. Phlla.-Boardlr.c and Day <cSgl_,totyoung ladlea: 850) rcar opena Sepi.triW 28d- AeadendeMand "ollcg' premratorr couraes. Pupi.a onter Wdiesiej

ou our examW'nn For clrrulara addrexsMra. THF.ODORA B. RICHARDS Prinr pal.

Mlaa 8ARA LOl'ISA TRACY. A. M.. Asuoclate Prlaclpal.ItfFST WALNITT STREET Bf'ARDIXG BCHOOL forV> ulrls.-HomellKe, thorough and nroeress ye AadWMMiss J. VRACTMAXX, 4.:t01 Walnut-st., Phlladelphla, 1 a.

For Boj'B and Youna Men.Country.ABTRICTLY EXGLISH KDUCATIOX at modera**

expense: Uiorough. pracUeal.. eaaaplete.. . ^ v T

An«e: MiorniiKii. jir^.i,u«i. .....,...¦.

BKYAXT bCUOOL, ltoalyu, l»ng laland, «¦ X.

LETaXDER iXSTITtTE. >U.itary bVardln« *cb*ol._, Whlte l'lalna. N. Y. I'rinclpal, O. R. NV1LL1B, A.M.,Ph. D. _._



-,M< Vl-All.Preoar's for CoIKire, Srloiitlfb- Rchool pr B^slnea*.v

\vm. .r. ni:ir.i, m. a^ (jaleij nlnclpal.

CHF.LTF.NIIAM MILITART ACADEMY,Ogonti. Montgom ry Co.. Pcnn. t ne-scelled lanbaa«tyand healthf'ubieas of locaUoo and surro-iiyllngs ar.d ln bulld-

Inc.x. eiiuipn.cnt ai.d aU otiaer reonlaitea pf a flrat-. aaa

actool. Kumher llinlted to 60. for Ul'".tragd c reuUr.address._ JXO. CALVIS KI' R, A M.. Prlnflaal._BOYS' BOARDINO St UOOL. Tl.rogg'a Xeck, West-

chester, x. Y.-'ihoiou,-h prepaMtton for collcgo, aci-eiitiflc arhools or biiiiness. Forty-thlrd ycar wiu oiienbept. 15. Warmid I.v ft..am gyn,nis.um. I-or olmilar*apply to B. T. BARRINOTON, a. M, l'rin.-lpai^V tSTMAN BUSIXES.S COLXEOE, Pnughko.p*ls.N Y.-Hioueii all the year Tbonuigl. lnstructiou b. n.-ikk. .-plrig,Banking. CormnereUl Law, Peamanshlp, Correapandene^Arlthmcttc, *-. Telegnphv, sonoeiaphv, Typen-rUing.to.Bu.liif»-s me.a sui.p!l«I wlth competenljaxalatants on abortnotlce. Xo obarae for sltuaUona f.irnl^i.ed. Bend for cat l gO;

ELMWOOD'SCIIOOL FOR B6T8.-At Mllford, Conn.ParenU who are nnfortunal.- ln th. nianag:rr,enli ol

the:r t-ona will do weil t,, proflt by th* ad.ai.tage offeredby thia schoob_ Add,.»s FRAXK M. HOWE. 8QP1._FRKEHOLD IX8T1TUTB, Freebold, X. J. 46th year:

colleg* nr. pnrai ion a epecialty; baatoaja, hlgb achooland clB.-iBieiu courae-

OME AXD BCnOOL for twelve young boya. Thor-jx .ii.ch tralBlna. flrm dljelalinai safe, healthfjil ."*. *'».Clrcalara. addrexa FBANCia u. BREWER. Falrfleld. 06.I AKEWOOD I1E1GHT8 SOHOolT Lakewoaa, Xew.JL< Jer«ey. .Among the plii'.-s. A thorough and attractlvaachool fur boys. Cp ns Oct. 1.

_J JAMES W. MOREY, Prtnclpal.

i>l ITCHF.LL'S BOYS' r-CHOOL. Billoriia, Ma»s.-l8a mlli-e fro.c Boston. on Uie 0- and L. R. it. A atrlct-

ly aelect Famlly ficbool for Boya¦trom 7 to 15 incluslve.Bend for clrcular to M. C. MUCHE1L. A. M..


MOf.M jlOLLY (N. J.) AtlADI-.JdVPuIl" RTfBetween Phlladelphla and .\ew. \orlt. Hcalthfui.

heipful, hoin-llke. F.duoatlon wlth forinution of charact.-r.Collcce I'reoaratlon. Engltah and Busln-s- Couraea. *400per ycar IIEM'.V M WALRAOT (Yale), Prln._

M R KVAI'P'S lif.ME BCHOOL. Plvmo.ith. Masa.-12_ bois. ii. h. Learaed (llarvardi. BtadHaaasaari Mr*.

Knapp, 'Prln.-lpal. .. ._KlWDER la.IXT SCnOOL. Duxbiirr. Maa-«.-22 boys:labotatorlea. F. B. Knapp. B. B. (M. I. T.l Prlnelpal. Bothachoola piepare tor btlentlflc fcchool, Colleae or BualiiR.a.Aniple grounds on Plvmouth Bar. Indlvldnal t.^ching.

> EWTON X. .I.i. IXiTITt TI"..-ll.gh.-st 'MH1 ft. eLj., healthieat, mo-t hnmcllke nov»' achool wlthln TO

miloa of X. Y. Bng., *el, elaa, ee*B., modern languages.musle: strlctejt atteiition to mannera, moral* and phywcalenltare; 89th year. I wil.s.'X. \. M., Prlnelpal._PK.XXSYI.V\MA MII.II WIY A( Vl.l.MY

(.h.-t^.-, I'i. 80th vciir opena b ].U 10, 91.A MILITXRV ('I.l.i.'-E.

Civil Englneerlng, ChemlatiY, Archltecture, Arta.A Preparatorj ourae ol on* re*

Clrculara of Mr. OEO. 11. BTERLING. 52 Dey-b*., elty.( ,1. i HA--. HVATT, I'M-.ld.nt.


A sehnol cf tlie hla*be*t rrad. on the WeX baak of th^Hniion, vr> mile* abovi New-Yort PRl PAKAJORYwork for yorxa men. cot<leoe for younoLADIES. 12 Taaehera. Rnalneaa, laminiagea, biirvey.I. and Engmcering, Urawlng, PalBtlag, Mualc aud I-.l >-

cution. Amub- .Riilldlriga. Steaa. heafe ilymnaslnm.Pleaaant home aad abaolute h- altii. An endoarmeat ta'o-s

.,- B200. Sej .rate B ichlng nnd tpeelal can- tol... kw.nd pui ii .1 .logue free.

\V. If, l.AXXl.i'i I.I'.. A. X., Prtnclpal.

RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, _Poughkeepale, x. Y.oCth year. Preperes tlKrn.ii.-hlv for Colleae. tha Got-

erumi-n: Acodemlea. and Bualneaa. Mllltary Orfinlzatlon.BISBEK t AMI..V. Prli.elpalft._

Rl TORY ^i HOOL, iiaMI'EX, CONB.,I... Boy*. 6885-6375. Home Influencea: thorough

fci-liool lyatem. Exteoalve sro'ind-: cymnaalun.. boat-Baaaa. Oe. Addiaaa iu-v. n. L. E\ ERE&T, M. a., Rcctor.

ROCKLAND COLLME. XYACK v.N-I III -llf liso.V.-Hotl. aexca. An endowmeot take-, ladlea it *:oO.

w. II. BANXISTER, Prj»>3T JdllX'S S' II' i.»T> B1NO SIXii, X. Y.

Rev. I. B. GIBSON. I>. D., Rer-tor.Fdward l:. llc-twick. M. A., Warren S. Adnms, M. A.,

As-.. la: Prlnclpala. sPr-.pareis for collrf. ictenUflc uid Oovemmear achoola,

or bualneai life; mflitary ayatem. extenalve playgrouuds,grmnaxi'im, laboratory and boya" workahop.

Bnecia] iirovi.i.ui fnr the ear- of Mniiik-'-r liove.THI. -3l> VEAR WILL BEOIX 8EPT. 15. 1891._

ST LUKE'S BCHOOL, Bl STLETOM, PA N. ar I'hlla-d-!pliia. A hlgb- laaa achool. ExcepUonally health.

lul locatlon. Deiightful lurroundlngs. rr.-j,;ir.i f,.r anycollege nr tiu-iii'-}. I'.avx i-nt'-r-d Yale, Prlaceten andI.i'hlgh suereaafnlly laat year. ^.^-,-ial u-c of young.-rboy*. Number_llmlted. has. 11. 8TROUT, PrinelpaJ,W T. JOHX'S MILITARY SCHOOL.1^ MAXLIUR X. V.

I'nder the VhdtaUon if tne War D-p*rtment. Mllltary

""^^ AdurV^VM VFRBECK. K'.p-rlptendeat.KDOWK :; ini n ri:.

i.r.-at, Barrinoaoa, Maaa. It-rlixhire Co.. aelect and liii.it.- «JT achool for roung men and boya.I'r.|>ar'-i for college or lin-!i.e--. Pvplli .re n,,-:i,li"rx oftbe Prlnclpal'a famllt and receive nersonal .-ur, ;md ot-te:.tlon. Addres. I". I. van LENNEP. PrtacljaU._SIOLAR'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL Th. mwuke ln

hrliigliig ui. bov« besiii« at eleht. A ..amphb-t (flOOa ycar.i HENRY W. 5IGLAR, Xewburgh, X^JY_laloLAR'S PREPARATOhY BCHOOL.- Reunlofl in 1802»r^ -30ti, annlreraary. '-to.r 'Ud Boya" ererywhera arereaueated to aend thelr preaent uddre.-a to

HENRY W. S1GLAR, Kewburfh, X. Y.

SCMMF.R Bi HOOL .t tha PeekOdll Mllltary Aiadrmy.Locatlon beiithful: «r-- and lnstrurtioi. ex. Ueot

.I01IX X TILDEN. a. XV, M. 1. Pru.eipai.Send fnr circulir._


....)..... iii ..'-th reai m Ben* 16th, I cill coniee of atady.p.uildinga refltied and everj rarlllty for n.-- somJort and ad-vanceim-nt of steileiits. Addr<«a

j HOWE ai.i.i.v. PrtoelpalSi MMER Bi HOOL KnK BOVfe,

AT THE BRYAX1 SCHOOL. Rn.lyn. L. I., X. Y.Overloohlna L i. s Bend foi 'V.ix.rxr.d catalorrue.

SWITBIN C. BHORTT.IDOE'a MEOIA ACADEMY- will Live a aummer iea>ion at Atiant.c Clty. Ad-dre-s Medla, P». (14 mllei from Brnad btreet' Station,Phlladelphla). __ ._

Tlie. COLLEOIATE IXSTITUTE "The CasUe," New-Rochell. X. V. Boya prepared for i-.,i!.ee nr buMresa;

roomi elecantlT fnn,:-:,-d II. P, FCLLER ?i. \ rrln.

rflHE HIOHLAND-MILITARY ACADEMY Worceater.1 Maaa.. taeHna 86th y*a. BepV 10. Cla «ical, BelanUBe.i. Preparatorj n >:-. CHrefnl T a!i .,-¦ Home Corn-

forU. i I BHAJV A m., Read MaaUar.rHBJHTTT BCHOOTa Tivcr.t.'>x-hfds"x. n T.1 LeeaUon and .urroundlnv. unaarpaaaed, F.qulpmentromplete. Uymnaalum. drlll hall. ho«'ini afleya, 11-Thoiough pr.-|iaiatl.-n f .r rollege aelenUfle -,-hoo!. or bnal-neaa. JA8. PTARR CLARg, D. D., Itector.rn m (ilNM.RY.I A famlly m l.i.i.! fr.r a Un It.d n«mh r ol b«va.Addreas JOHN URIXHMAIlE,

WaahtBgtaa, Mt hflel 1 Cr.nntrv. Conn._\»'l SLEYAN ACAD1 MY, WILBRAHAM, MASS.-Ono»' <.f the hi-xt arfl.L-Tiil.- j.-d claaalcal irhoola in rtew.

:' j of *20O one-half in advaneo andU,.» r.-u. i.'.'ii r Jan. I'.- «|i| Cover or'lin.in tnltlon wlthlioa-B. for the .- ir '¦¦ Innlng s»T,t. -Jd. S'lid lor Catavlif le to «;. M. si'i i.i.v. Prln.ija/ORCESTERTcADEMT ---.-'I, year. Thiv» ar.il'on foi eell idmlrablr newr.nlldlni-.. romplete lat.o i\tcr:c«, auperbampUf eampna; «-n.r.i .thleUe raounda tlndei trsek.D. \V. ABRBCBOMniE, 4 M.. Prto., Woreectar, M»sa.

For ltotli S"\es-('ountry.EAST OREEXW1CH ACADEMY.

Fou.id'd 180B Batk .cx.-s. On Narragansett B»T.btcam .. kat, !.¦. til.' Ilt-lit; ti.do.wd, twelve couraea;6200 a ycar; b.-ptembci- 1. lor Ulunrat.d cataloguoarrttoRov. F. D. BLAKESLEE, I). 1)., Eact Orceawleh, R- L

HACK1.TISI' W.\ (X. ,| INVITini .,.,,,,higbe-l ..i\;u.:,.-.- tn la Meai rour.c-a in muale art,(.loi-utlon. -i i-ii. bes| i.i.ilding of lt-

ii.arly 200 bimrders .«-n hoara fron Xca-York- eatalogueaaarev oeo. h. wiui.m.v. i> i..

_Ir. .iie.it.

PrEfiDnriNsTiTUTE, IH..H-I iosvn \-1-15 In Facilty. l'r.j.ur.s fot Callege. T.*chlng.Biialiieia. Thorough ln '..-rri.an, French, Mus'e Art

Oiiena Kept. 'Jth. Both axa

_J_l '. BLAUOBT, A M. i'rinclpal.ra»HE CLAVERAfK .11 ill . III DSOJ4 RIVER1 Imtlt'it- f,-r Boyi aad (ilr1- will open Ita »Mtli vearBeat, l., 1891. ini atalo ,-- ...]<' --


Br* a il it.ai K a M Pre t Cbveraek, x. Y.

P"ENNIXG'1X>X (X. J., sIMINaKV am, mf7Bj>t;olletf«. 52nd ).»r. (id'-ri rare .d national lacil-ltlea. Te.ims niideiat/-. Illirh and h.-a',rhiuj bt-awuhtating; jr**: flre .«cauca. Lai\- of aecxaJ XAmL JiAMaO.X. 1). D.. PMaaat lor a yeara.


For Both Sc\es-('ountry-_.,F1,AQl!A MOUXTAIN IRST1TUTE, Chappaqua,C v Y -Order projrramnie for 18lU-'02 and pToture.Zuoug thnHlla. thlrf.two mlles feo.n New-York.


CiitLCLARb aclioo.a. ootn aex *, eliy andM^°,ufJ*T/auTiPlled with «*''ul "Mc* «° Vreata. M1R1AM

COYKli KE! Iloom 14. 100 O'have,____. amtED.-To purcbaar day achool for glrla ln ne!Kh-\V whood of New-York of Fhllad'-Iplila.M i r 1 M 0Y R1F.BE. Baaai lt, 1B0 ntii-ava. oor. 20th-at.

T"wTrRIi~AT~AND FOREION TEACRERS' AOENCYA Lu'KlVe* Pro'aUiiB. Teachera, Tutora. Ooveraeaaeai^ . lK:uim'/ schools _,d Kajnllia*. Apply lo'-.. *%b^^Tj. YO^v^VLTOBraB 60* awaaaaj__1 -.TUTOHa. PllMiMraj Teachera, '#v«fn""*V,0.' *'iA hnm-hm kUDiilled to unlveraltlc», collegca, achooU ana7Z\ uT cVu?Jr" "-bool" to PBropti. Modern lanKUBgtBn*M-?' MIRIAM COYIUI-UIE, Soo^lJ05_0_8thJav___tYTsT t'eaTdEKs supplled for" all branohe.. in anyBloe_ltT.NO FF.E for realatrBilon. _^J»_B2|V V?_H__Jfe_SO^.S-_JAmerleBn Hrj^l____ai___au_^W_ _^th-s»."jillFltMKRlJOHN'S TEACHKRS' *________iS oideA aiid beat known ln V.5. EstablUhod 1865.

A Eaat 14th-Bt.. B. Y.ma., ii BB."A^^TOJ^Ladloa.Orad'tiate ol KatonT *^^oruo^Sr«MB ^-t^:;"^"s;rand Vo. al-Normal wudoBte a th 'r«,**'R*'__^_^^_i_rrenln w<l Art-Fren.-h Profc-nnnt aoveroaaa wfa Wano-

I:otl. lierman _nd FWBBll froi-erT.eai.es with »»«l ,. u(.willameri- \,,rn-I eYudna'e. eltv BCboot-i ommer^iaj

Branch*d lltor Tiirtk?-Prmrl.ial for Church ««Beol-^noVraphy V.MuWs sy-t, mi «* Vr*-vrltlr,?- ojIb-JJrraduate. iiit-'in^liBte b-ndlab. clty *tooi-\P**<V"Sewyman for SouUH-OoBaa* araduate. fond cfi">*^'tl;»;houtii' Hai.o. Volce Ctlture, Ylotln. for Weat-derman for.oiicffM ln rxchaniro for lioard and tultlon.[,Xi"l M ,...r.-h.i.e. Toung ladir- achoo ln or nea

Bew-Yarft or 1-lillado'phla. MIHIaM COYRIEiU- Room

14, l.'id Flffii-avo., conier 2014". at._______....1 I N i6N-rEA4,HEi^i'"AOT*;xCY aupplloa achool offlcera

U -iti, teach-r- tcieharsj~lth pnaltlona.H- M. BARBIROTOB, Proi... M Lafaye«_B_Pb...r*-_Y.

WVXTI.I. IMMrDIATIXY-Trichei. Lnde-«:Tcach.n plw.0. ainging: Jeut-Ber uMnaaa, r-^aaeh^ !_if_*!

plano and pl*T ortran In flrat-claia aem nary, BbMBl aalarv,French Maeaer, LoardliiB-sohool. tearli-r for vocal muale

,lo.-utl!.n:.tea.-h.-r paintlng. drawlng. pUno- alw 80teaehera for other vaeancle*. Apply to Mlaa DONO-VAN'S TEACHE1W BI'REAP. 80 JDBM 14fh-*t.

<Dctan ateamer8\_^__THE AMEK1UAN LXPRESS CO.

conducta a gineal oxprcss buBlaeaa, by all faat ataam.

era, to and from Eureae.


Froni Pl.r 04. N. P-. foot ofWeat 2lth.Bt.AaiibMla faiT -25. « a. m. I.Eii.lopla.. ....Aup. 8. 8 a. m.

ijev..la.Aug. 1. 3 p. in. l-urnesala.-Aug. IA. 1 P- m.

Lit/of Boma, >"-it. %. , a. m. Oct. 10. 10:30 a. bl.Ratea for Saloon Paaaaea

By S. 5. CITY 01" Ro.ME B60 and unward.Baaardlna to accommodatlon aad locatlon of Rooaa.

Othyr tjt.-B4i.eis, of tlie line BflO and upwiud.Second Cabin, 830. bieerage. 819.

Fir book of tours and further informat'.on. apniy MBEKDKRSOX BROTHERS. 7 Bowllna Oraea. R. T.


From l'ior 40, North Rivor.FAbi. EXl-ia._tJ MAIL BERVICE


rmbrta.July 24. a a m. | AuraafiJ.Aug. 18, 1 p- m.Sarvia.Aue. 1. I v- iu-


Etrurla...Au8. 8. 7 JO a. m. \ r-«rvla..Au«. i9, 1:30 p. m.javrur. ¦ Ej_XKA STEAMERJj.

Lrallia, Aug. 19. 6 a. in. __, __..Cabin paaaaKC, t*0 and upward. IntermetllBM. B^a

Bteeragc tlck^ta to and from ail parU of Europe al yery;ow I'tai. Fur fr._jht andpassage apply af tha eom-vany'a omee, No. 4 BowUna Oraen, Ntw-York.¦^ VEI'.n6x lf. BROWN » CO.. oeneral Aienta.

llAliLrTsVfTiK, .^."u.Tthe rlouth & Soutbweat,JACKS0NV1LLE AND ALL FLORIDA P01NTB.

THE CLYDE SlEAMfcHIP COMPANY,Froni Plei r.i, E. B ifoot Itooaevdt-st.) at 8 p. m.

ALOONQVIN, Cnirleaton and .!acHao'iville..Wed., July 22ClIEl'.OKI.l. Cl*rl"«trn and Jarkkonviile... ..Frl-, July 24TEMAHSEt", Cli.rlf.aton and JackaonMllo...Mou., Julv B7.

All ateamera hBveffflr^^cl.^. paaaenger BCCommodattonAInaurance under open poliey effected at one-flfth of ouo pereeoA. WM. P. CLYDE 4 CO.. Oeneral Aaer.U.

8 Howling orceo. X. Y.T. O. EOFR. Gen_-l_Agt^0. 8- Fr't lAnt. i*1 Broadway.




000 ml>a tbe ahartest ronte.Lowfr ratea. 8end for InfonuaUon.

Xntended aulllngi from Vancouver of tha aewBtec Exprcaa Bteamahlps

EMPRESS .il IXDIA.Iuly28FvinillA inot new).Aug. 19EMl'RI SS OF JAPAN....____...Sebt. 9

V. 8K1XXER, EVERETT FRA}_aR.Gen'l i-i-fji A?t..__ Chlna and_ Jap_an Frt. A«t»,E

8:.3 Broallway, N. Y._«______C""fi.MI'ANMfJ ttENEKALE Tiansatlantique,KUKXCH LINE TO HAVRE EVERY 8ATLRDAY.

C.,n,panv's l'ler (new) No. 48 North BJvar, ft. Morton-at.LA I'liir... >..M:. I.el oevf.Pat., July 2*>, 8 a. in.LA NORMANDIE. Laurent.Sat., Aue. 1, 3 a. m.LA (1 \si "..vi. -.. itelll.>rit., Aii;'. 8, 7 ». m.

A. FOP.t.ET. Ocaatal Aaent. No. a Bowllng Oreea._rjAMUUKG-AMKRlCAN PACKF.T CO.J 1 EXPRE59S SERVICE to l.ondon and HBinbiirg.AagasM Vlctorla.Julv .a Columl.Ii.Aug. 8Kormannla.Julv 3<);F'iorat Blaniarck....Aug. 18

Al.e R! (,1'I.vn SERVICE dlject to Hambnra.....nd July 25, 8 :SO a. n,. (ifllert....Ati<.'. 1 3Flrsf eahlu. a''0 fuid iipwarl. «i-eo-rtliig to l.M-atloii.HAMB1IRO-AMERICAX lOEN'L PAS«.AOB OFFICE,l'\. ,-i;i COMPANY, C. B. RIl'HARD * CO.,

87 Broadway, Bc-w-Yoea. I 81 Broadway, Waw-Tai-.


1TY OP I'HI. A.,.. ..Wed_f«l:iV, Julv 13>. 12 :.!'» p. ra.(liv "I" XEW-YORK.\Vodue«.d_v.tAuRUBt 5, 0 a. m.i ITY OP IIERLIN\...WedaeaOay, Atiguat 12, 10:30a.m.ti'iY OF i-AKi.-s.Wednoaday. Auguat 19. *. a. m.

rom Pler t;> V. R,, a<Mjoinlny ChWttopher-K. Kerry.BIBKT M'.IN 880 an I upward, ac-ording to B^.am^!»

and lo .iii'.ii ni r. MX'uN'H CABIN, 889 and «40.M r.i K\(,l. -" PETER WKIOHT t BOK8, «.enemlAi.nts, t) |io«lln« (.r.-en. ?.*. Y._

VTA.N-t lll.N \..)OCCIDEXTAL AND ORIENTALSt'omera leive San Franel-co as followit

BSLQTC.Krldiy, July 80, 8 p. m.Oi l.'.Nic.Baturday. Aii^ust 22, 3 p. m.

OAEL1C.Taeaday. Sppt.'tnber lo, 8 p. ra.BELOIC .Tliur-day, Oetoher 8, 3 p. m.

ri'il-xrhlr apjKi: t-l-Supiilor Ai-comu.odatlona.RcaarvaUona can be made bv l.-tur or teie^nph t<> and

citiln plani - 'ti at 287 and 848 llroidway, New-Yor_,orRoom 7i, Railn.^d llnll'lir.e. Sau Franeieco.

LELAND 8TANFORD. PrcaMent.T. H. OOODMAN, Qeneral Pa>aengtr Apcnt.


1'ier :di, l.a.4t Rlver.SS. VEM'.Zt'EI A.Wadneeday, July 32, 1 p. m.ss 1'lfII.Ai>i i.l-IIIA.Baturday, August 1, 1 p. n,.SS. CARACAS..WeOnc-sduy Aui'iist 12. 2:80 p. m.

rhe .¦ An rlean stonm-liiii-. aueerHly l.ullr. for the trada,havo very auperior accoinmiKlatluns for pa«aeng»ra

BOULTOK, BLIBS ft DALLfiTT,Tourlnts Acenta. Oen-ral Man^Kera, 71 Walf-aa.

THOS. COOK * 80N. 2ei Broadway._G'"'ri().\ LINE.


a L. a\i- I'l-T 3s, N. R.. fo,.r. of Klniat.AI-ANICA.Satonlav, July -.8 7:30 a m.NEVADA. BaWrday, Ausjuat 1, 3 p m-

AKIZ.'NA.Mt'inl'iy. AU|f'J*t 8, 7 B. 10.wyominu.Baturday, August 18, - p. m.ALABKA.Saturday, Xucuai 29, 0 :.'io a. m.

I'abln paasat,'.-, $.">i». BUO. WIO nnd aioo (BC.ordli.g toateameri. Koiond cabin, ran aod *:i.V Steeraga at lowr,t9,,_A^ M. ENDERUILL A CO, 35 Broadway.

NOitDDrZuTSClihll LLOiD 8. 8-. OO.3I1..U1 KUC»'_ lO I.O.MWN.

NKW-YOUK. h'.L IMAMl'lU.N AND liRE.ME.1.Bteaii.Br* ull from pler foot of za-ti., HoboBaa.

I'ASl EAi'l-.L-Sj.-i Sti.AMERJS.Fuldi Sat., July .-'.".. w a. m. i Lahn Tuea., Ane. 4. 8 a. ra.W.-rraTuo-., J'i'y 28, 11 B.m Kma. Sat., Auk. 8, 8 a. in.Aii.r .Sat., aii--. l. l p. in.I ii.ivei Tuo-..Aui?. ii, lo a.m.

lir-t cabin, 8.8 >u 1 up«ard :. b^rth. S.-cnnd rabln. $50and *H'i B bcrtb, iccoidlut! to locatlon. Btearuge Bt lowaalnum. iil.l.KI' II- I .''I.. Xo- 2 Bowllna Urean.

VEW-YORK .V CUBA Mail Steaaathip Co.i> I-ior- 18 au.1 17, J'.aat Rlyer.

Baturday iMaroi r- at l p. m. ai.d other* at 3 p. m.(or Havana, Progieao, Carpecbe, Kr-ntera,

raaiplco. ': ..spaui aad vera Ctm,M:it.-iii/is, Cardrnoa, Saaua ralbtrlan,

Xa«aa'i NUitlago de Cuba, OnanaBnamo and t'len^leB:oa.BaRaTOOA, Havana and Caidenaa.wed., July 22.IM'IV OV VV ASII1 Ni.Ti >X, llayiimi su"l M> X'can Porta,l-1* sat.. Julv 26.C 01-' VI.EXAXIH'.R, Hjv. and Mutni/na .WeJ., July 20.vVi \TAN Havana aml Mexlean I'ort-.sat., Aug. 1.kax'I'I vno. Naaaau, suntiauo de Cnba, aad

Clenfuegoa.Tlnirs.. Julv 30.T» I- I..'.'- haa rllreei roonfclloo with and issu^s throiiRh

nnis ,f laliiiL' to all liolut* on Mexlean R. W, i o. Me»l aa.;.-,; ;;. \v. . ,.., I.t.l., aml Um Mont.r.y and Mexlean

Oull llallroadror full partleiilara, frelrhl ot paaaige, apply to

.l.\M!,s. E. VVAJ__D«J CO 11> Wall|t._

PAC1F1C MAIL SIKAMSUII' COMPANY'8UBKB "TO CAI.HOKNIA. JAPAN. cmina.UEBlj"' AND Mll'lll A.MERII.;. AND VlEXICO.^ iron Bew*Yark, pler foot cf Cir>-.l-at N. R..for twi Pranelaea, vla the fathmni ',f Panama

CITY OK PaRA aalli Baturday, Auini.it 1. noon.I'roin Baii Pranejaep. l-t ind lirinnan ata.,

FOR JAPAN AND CHINA.CITY OF I'KKIN'. BBlla Tu, dav. Ansuat 11. 3 p. m.Kor fr-ik-Ms pi»s»«e and aaneral, Informatlon apply U

.Mnnanv'K ofti -'¦ on Mn iiinr, foot of CmiJiisr .s. B,eompan) oni^ j. UL.^Li_y lAaoaral BoperMt^naWaDED -I aH LINEJ_ FOR AWTWERP AXD PARIS,

sai: na for ifaw-Yorh and aatwerp weitiy.KOORDLAND Wedneadajr, July 29, l-':30 p. m.Kitll SLAND.Wadneeday, Au»u.st 5, n a. m.

1 nh'ii raMa: Klr-t ablii. *.W aud 'i_.«anl. Exciirsion.ns and upward. Seeond rabln 4.1>. E_eaaaloa, *'i5,''a-. m,-. r.'i."- at ran lou rateaFFTER « RIOflT i BOrtS, flen'l kgta., r, Bowttag Green.


From Whlte Star DiCk, foot of WMt 10th-it.. K.<:oiirt rablB on the»e »teamer>. Saicon rat-a. ano

.. iiriward. arrordlna to ateim»r and locatlon of b?rta.Kr ,-.1 eal-'ii. "'" »"' 845. Eviiralon ticlieta on fivor-ii ia tirn . tU-erafe from or to Oic Old Countrv, B20. Corn-7. »« Mfl'."- Xo. 20 Broadwar. New-York. Plllalelphla(SEaa. *»" Walnul at. i I.RUCE ISMAY. A«aoi


New-Yort & Lqdh Branch RailroatBt M.Mi.li 8l Ili.Dt LE

Tralrm lc.iv Nt* Vorfc for ll«l UinK, Ix-nf Branch,r>r._ii Orow, Aabviry 1-ark and Pelnt l'iri-iiiit.

l'_oin foot of Llbor»y-»t.-4 :30 8:18, 11 :18 a. m., 1:80.n.iY _.o laauraai), 4.00. 4.80 (e«nr<«ai, 8:80, 8:00n m Bundaya, 0 lS, H -30 a. m.. « 00 p. m.p Vroni f...i'..f CiwUandl ,.r Beabroaaei .t.-8 :80. 7:10.o in a m. IJ i.onn. 2:80, 8:10 (expraae) 8:40, l«p--, ., Kd I'.inK) 4 » (eaBnas), I (6, 7,00 p.bundav*. « l& -,.',B .; "'.¦. " )\i\'suiiday traiaa do aot »tup at Aabury Park and Oceanf'rovo i'JI S ULODGETT.

Bupt. N. Y. and L. II H It.lt. P BALDWIV

Oen'l Paaa. Af«nl c' R. IL CoV R. JT.J. K. WOOD.

Oan'l Paaa. Agattt Pauo. U. M~

fioiiroaoa"rnkmrntMataiXm orkatbot baii.boao."


Hudflon River Railroad.THE FOUK-TKACK TBUNK LINE.

All trains irrlv.- at and depart from

GRAND CENTRAL 8TATION.Kour.li A»e. and Forlvaecoud Ht., New-Kork.

Centre of Baaa] end Residenco SecUon.

TnE ONLY RAILROAD STATION IX TIIE OITY.Tmlna lertra. aa followa.

PA«»T MAIL AND 1,000 ISf.AND SPFXIAL.9,10 A. M.-For Albany, UUea Clayton (except Sunday),

Syracnse, Eochceter, Batavla, due at Buffalo 8:10 p. m.


Pi'iO A. !H..Wagner drawlng-room e»rs throuah. Du*Saritoga 2 :26 p. m., Caldwell (L. George. 4:06 p. m..Montreal 8:15 p. m.NEW-YORK AND OflTCAOO I.WITKD.

18.00 A. M.-< omposed exduvlvely of Waarner v>atbule1buget bmoklng and Llbrary, Dlnlnj. M«t» loavparttuent and Standard SK-eplng BM Draw.nf-KooiaTj»»a. D'ie Chleatt-o'fl :4S a. m. next day.

(HillbO ihv BXPBfaXaa.lOi.'IO A. .11. -Dally «\C"pt Sundaya. Conneeta wlJj aU

lraportsnt Ntrw-York SUte Jjues diverghig.Saturday traladoea not run weat of GXveXad and Detrolt.

¦OOTHPIBaTBBM MJIITED.ltSO P. BL.Wagner Veatlb'ie Draalnp-Room, Sleeplng.

Buffet, Smoklai. and Llbrarv, Dtnlni. ana' C»te cara. DtteClnelnnall 10 50 a. ir... Iudian»polls 11 :j6 f. m.. ot.Lo'ils 7 :15 p. m., next dav. Xo extra ferc

WORI.D'S FAIR HPKCIAL.Ii30 P. M.-Wagner Veatlbuls S'.ocplng. Buffet, fmoklng

and Llbrary and Dlnlng cara. Duu Chlcago, 3:60 p. m.

aext day. Xo cxtra farc.-ti; \ n>i. \ MMITED.

1.40 P. JI.-Flret XO Frlday, July 8, aecond trip B» ur-

day, July 11, Baereafter baturdays only dnrlng July andAuguab Due biratogx d.10 p. m.

BABUTOOA iPECIAL.13.30 P. Itf.^-Wagner Drawlng-Kootu Cara. Due Albaae

7:25, Trov 7:36. Saretoga 8:40 p. in. Rana titroughto Laka George baturdaye.

NORTH BHOBB LIM1TED.4i80 P M -Wagner Vcotibule Buffet. DrawtoB-Raom,

Sleeplng and Dlnlng Car*. Due Detrolt 8:15 a. m..Chlcago 4 :60 p. m.

FA*T WESTERN E.YPREMBiOO P. irl..Wagner Vcstlbule Diawing-Room, Bleeplag

aad binlng Cara. Duo Buffalo 6:15 a. m. NlaieraFalla 7:12 a. m., Cloveland 10 35 a. m.. Detrolt 1.10p. m.. ChlcaBO 9 00 n. m.. St. Louia 7 :4Ji a. m.

AlllltO.MIAt K AXD MONTRKAL EBPBBBB.T.OO P. M.-Wagi.er Sleeplng Cara to Plattsburgu dua

6 40 a. m.j to Burllagtou. due 6:00 a. m.. and to Moo-treal, due 7 1.0 a. m. '


».3B P. JI.-Wagner Sleeplng Cars. Xew-York to BtuXtonuo 7:30 a. m. Niagata Fall*, 9:00 a. m. Clavton, 6.30a. m. Alexandra Bay, 7:00 a. m. Iraul bnilthfaand Tuppor Lake buition.

il.< INStTI ARO *T. I.OCW EXPBBM-hWiOO P. BL -Wagner Ve-tlbulo bic-ping Cara. Due Cla-

ciaiiau V :80 v- m., Iudiauapclla 10:80 p. m., Bt. LouiaT :80 a. aa.

MMITED FAHT MAIaV.O.oo P. att-aiaaptag-Car Panaua*** anhy aaaaxa aa BBB

train for Roehiater. Due 7 :48 a. m.

CHfCAGO NIGHT EXPRE«t8.8.18 P. M.-Wagner Sieeplng etirs. New-York to Cape

VIncent, BuITalo, Detrolt and Chlcago.fi.ibllh.lLL, :Xl-.waUJ'.uil), POCGilKiuEPSlE. BHXBB-

CL1FF (KINGbToX), AXD UlDbOX-17 .30, :10 :30.Ill 30 A. M.. !3:3l>. 3 :55. 0:20 P. M.. also for Ponan-kecpiie, |8:X) A. ML, 1 30, 12:15, 14:55 6:00, 7:00,7:30, 8:00, 'J:16 P. U.l for Garrlson, (We*t (Pointj,I7;gp. !9.:J0. 9:25. 111 :30 A. M.. :2 15. !8 ;30. 8 :5a.

AX.BAXY AXD TROY-17:80. 0:10, 10:00. 110:80 A. M-.1 :30t 13 80, 3 :5-V 4 :60, 0 .00. 7 :80, 8 :00. 9 :15. lllTMP. M,; also lor Troy, 7 :00 P. M.

_. . . _BARATOOX-17 :80 !<J:10. 110.30, :il:30A. M.. 18 80,

UTIi^a' AND RYRACUSE-!7 :80, 0:10, 10:00, 110:80,111:30 A. M., 1:80, 4:60, 0:00, 7:30, 8:60. 9:18,

ROCHEBTER AXD BtTFFAl>0_» :10. 10 00, 110:80,111:80 A. M., 1:80. 4:50, 0:00. 7:30. 8:00. 9:18.111:69 P. M.; also for Rocheater, 9:00 P. M.


BIAGARA FAI.l!iR-9:lO, 10:00, 110:30 A. M.. 4:60.


cape 'vIxVkxt' claytViv,' at^so for ADIROX.DACK Mf.UXTAINS 7:80 P. M., OGDEXSRCRGAND 0SWEGO-9:15. !11 :59 P. M- also for Claytoa19:10 A. M.. 7:30 P. M.; for Osweuo 9:10, 10:00,'10 'W\ A M P '00 P M

AUBCRN, GEXT.VA AND CANANDAIGVUA-8:10,10-00 !10 80 A. M.. 7dS 3:00. 0j18 ll'XP M.


(vla Ilnrlcin DWIhIob)Two trains wlth throuih Dra«ing-Room Can.19 01 a. m., due IMttsded 1 :3V North Adams 2:80 a. m.13:50 p-.m.. due Plttofleld 8:10, Xorth Adams 8:10 p. ra.

KOrrPOLK AND THK LITCHFIELD HlUaB,18:50 p. m., through car due Xorfolk, Conn.. 7 32 d. m.For Uck-U and ana.:.' ln bleeping Cars apply at Grand

Central btttloa, or at 413, 788. 942: Broadwiy 12 I'M*Pla.-. 63 West 125th-st., aad l.tSth-t sta'ion. Xew-York; 333 Wushlngton-st., 728 Fulton^t.. aud 398 B«d-lordave. E. D.. ifrooKlrn; 109 Hudson-at., Jeraey City.

WescoWa F.xpMaa calls for and check* baggage fromhotels and res.den'-es through to destlnatlon.

iDaliy except bur.day. OthT trafna run dailx.Above trains. «centW ^vtogBg 9 :lo, 9J*B a. m

1-40 2:15, 3.30. 3:60, 8 :->6, 4:50, 4 :5j, and 11.50d ni stop at 138th-«t. atatloa. -.«-r^».P' JOHNM. TOCCEY, GF.OROE H. DANTET/I.

(Jcneral Manager. Oeneral Paaaenger Agen*.

(IMIUI. R. R. OF r¥EW-JERSET.I-UOA ut- Uiui.iuV-31., XUivi.ll tavJiU.

Tlme Table ol Juafl 21 1891.a -nn a m for Ea-ston. Mauch chunk, Wlllteabarra,

fi^nanton. Readlnc. Harrlanurg, Tama-ma, P6tt«v!lle. Sham-okm > inlairy. EMle* M' re. WtllXnWiart On Sunday*br Eaaton. Mauch Chuak. Wllk«barre aud Bcrauton." tf-00aTmVfor Eaaton and Allentown.

f7 00 a' m for F.a,ton and Maurh Chunk. On Sundaya,BMton. Mauch Chunk and .Shai.,okbi.

wllk.K...fi-45 a ro. for Einton. Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre,Kcrvnton Rndlng. HarrLsburg. PnttsvlMe. Tamaqua, Bbaavokln. bunbury. EagU-s Mere, Wllliamsport. ThroughC°'l 00°n m for*Ea*ton. Mauch Chunk. R*>adln». Harrla.bura- Pottsvllle, ftliaraokln, Bunbury and W'tlllam'port.On Bindavs for Eaaton, Mauch Chunk, Tamaeua. Potta.vdlle R.aidlng and Harrlsburg.

4 :00 v iu. for Eaaton. Mauch Chunlt, R.adtng, Harrla.burg', Wllkasbarre. bc.anton, Tamaqua, Pottsvllle, fcham*.klu

4 :80 n. m. for Eaaton and Allentown.6-45 p. ni. for Eiston. Mauch Chunk, Readlag, Barrla-

bura, ic. Sunday* ar. j 30 p m.. :30 p. m. f,.r F.aston at.d A'.loutown.


For Freehold aml Attaatte ILgalands at 4-80, 8:15,11 :ir, a. m.. 1:30, 4 :30, 0 00 p. m. Suadars, 0 :15 a. m..4 00 P ni. (except Fr eho.d).

For Red Ban!i. Long Branch and polnts south to PointPleMaat. at 4 :»), 815. 11:15 a. m.. 1:30. 2:15, 3:30,4 00, 4 :30, 5 :30, t> 00 p. m. Sundays, except OceanGrove and Asbnrv Park, 9:15. 11:30 a. m., 4 :00 p. m.

Fot Lakewood, Toma River, Barnegat Park and Bar-neBit. 4 :30, 8:15 a- m.. 1 30, 4 :3'J !>. Bl.

M M _

For Beach Haven, Atlantlo Clty, Vhieland and Brldge-

to\ortMonriioiit'h'Bca'ch and b'eabrlght, at 4 :30, 8:15 a. m.,1 QO l 0.1 c 0.1 n. m.



ROYAC m.L i; LIXEFor Phll idclphla at 4 :3n. 7 :4o, 9 :00, 10 :00, 11:30 a m.,

1:30, 2:00, 3:30, 4 :0o, 5 00. 6:00, 7:30 p. m., 12:15night. bt XDAY'S, 9:00. 10:30. 11 :30 a. m.. 2:00, 3:30,8:1)0, 0:00 p. in.. 18:11 lii^'ht.

Kor Baltiomra and Wiithlngton daiiy at 9:00, 11:80, wltbDlnlng Car, a m., 2:00, 8:30 (Dli.bi* Car., 5 00 p. m.12 I'i night.

Tralna leavlnc at 7:45. 11 :30 a. m.. 1 30. 4:00. 6:00,7.80 p. m., 12:15 ulghi (except baturdjiy night). Bundaya8.80, 5.00 0:00 p. .1... huve connectlon for Readlng. Har-risburi,'. PotUvllie. Be.

For Sunlmrv an! Wllllan -port, i1a Phlladelphla. at 7:45a. ni. (1:80 UnlTet Piirlor (.ui. 7:30 p. 11... 12:15 ml.lnluho(c-xcept Satvrdav ulfchtj, Sundava. 0:00 P. m.

Tb-ket- and Parb.r Car s.-ata (ar. bo procur.-d at .1, 1.2.261, 415. 911, 1,140. 1.828 Broadway, 737 tfth-ave.. 204Weat 12.'>tli-el, 134 E*s., |26th *t., Xow-York: 4 Conrt-st..800 Fulton-a* 09 Broadway, Biookl.'-n.

aew.York Tranafer Company will call for and chei k bag.gagc lro.n hotel or reeldeuce


For lllfnlaiid Beach, Xormandle, bcab.-ight, MonmouthBeach. Long Branch, at 4:30, 10 lo a. ra. 12:00 m. (1:00baturdavs only), 3:45, 4:80. 5:30 p. Ba. Bundava. 9:30*"

For Atlantlc Highlanda, at 4 30, 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 3 :45.4:30 5:30 n. m. Sundaya. 9:30 a. m., 1 :00 i>. ui.

For Elberon. Oceau Oiove. A-buir IMrk aud PolnlPlesaaat, at 10:45 ». iu. (1 :00 Saturdaya ouly). 3:45. 4 :30.

Kor Laiewood. Tom. Rlver and Barnegat, at 4 :30 a m.,12 :00 m. (1 :00 Satnrdavx onlvi. a '4o p. m.

For B'-ach Have,,, Atiaotb: Clty. V.-»vand and Rridga-ton. 4 :30 a m.. 12 00 in. 11 :00 p m. iw^lrdav¦l. only).


Shortest Line. Ve.stlbuied Puilman Coachea.0 a in.-Buffalo. Rlchll-ld bi.ilnga and OawegO Kxprexs,

vla Pavraon. for Water (iap. biroiidsburg, BCranton. Bing.hainton. 0«eio. ltna'B. WaverlT.-Elnlra. tirnlng. lia.li.Danivllle. bhertoime, Wat-iv.!:-. R.chu-ld Spriiiue, i:ti.-a,Mt Mor.u. Oreeaa Oxfod. xorwb b, Cortland. bYracuae,PiUtou aud Inteimcdiate aiatlona. CoonevU at Scrantouwlth trains for Plttaton. Wlllve-barrc. Da.ni !c and Xorth.umberlaiid: it lluftaio with tratns for Ui.- Weal.

7-°0 a m.-fllnghain'on Mail. Ma licontnn.1 p* m.-Blnffhaintou and Elmlrt Evpres- fov Watee r>a»

aatouaaburs >c ai.ton. Ow»ao. Wajrjrli and Eln.lra. c.anacta at bcranton ».Oi tralaa for pittato... Klngaton an<


W'V'.lo'*pr-r in.-Scr»nton, Wllkexbarre and Plymouth Ex-preaaaaa,verly

7^'ao n m (dallvl..Buffalo Llmlted Ex preaa, Tla Pat»Nn "for stro'iidxhuig. Bcranton, Bin^hat-iton, Owcgo, Wv.JrlT Vb irJ Coruing. Bath. Wayiaad, Danvlfio. Mk.

Morru, Be arrlvlne ln Buffalo at 7 .30 a ra.ui,' ,7, 11l.il .1 -VffBlo Rlehflaid sPfln«a and Oxwego

PYnrLa. for Stroud-'.urg. BerantOO. Blagtiamton. Cortland,SraViIae Fii'toa Greene. i.xfonl. Xorwlch. S1.--rhur.ie.WatervUle l't. a, fte.. a"d all polnu on Buffalo Dlvlaloaiconnocta wlth tralua for tha Waa*.

1 EHIGH VALLLY laiLliUAi).PABaOSBOBB TR.MXS leav* foo* of Cortlaadt ar.d D*a>

broaaea stt. *. [Xto«*^ ^^ lll.,.rnle4i3,te polnU.,.0": '. for Gcneva Lron*. Eln.lra, Rocheater. Buf.

#.1.. Ind the' VVeal, I'ottsvi.le and princlpal lo al iiointa..'wr ct to Lrona and P.illn.an ear to 8iupena,ea Brldge.c

« , m lor Mauch Chunk and li.t.-rn diatc Loiuto.ii.'in« in'tur l-.lmira and lnt.-rin>Hliai>' polnU.1 ,. m lor iui.idiannoelt and Inurajodut.- poluu. ChaU

car to Tunkhanooca. ConnocUou to Rradlng aud Harrla-

Lua*;40 1. ¦ for ... and B. Junctlon and prliu'Ipal tnt*l^Jli'.Yl i^,tn.« ( hair car U> L. and lt. .Iniutlou.mi."o r... for 1-,'tuu" wid toaaaaea **. hXX. Chaii

nir6t?0V'illWr,V'1t,or Mauch Chunk ai.d Intcrmedlato polnta"orn'ectlon lo lUaduig aud Harn.burg.'

- 30 \i m. lor (Jeiieva, Lyoaa, Eiu.ira, Ilochcatsr. gui.lald and th Weat Puilman aleep#r to Lyona and 8ua>

KnTra?n"leavi;,g at 8:10 a. m.. 11 :80 a.m.. 1. p. nv aad8 -40 P 'a raaaaaS for all polnU la Mahonoy and Haael-aj. co.i legxaa srvnxV TIUINS

9,18 a. tn. for Mauch Chunk. liatdton and lnlermedlaiaaolnta. and 11 a. m. for Shenaudoah and lntermedlals

^bTo d. m. for Maurh Chunk and Intermcdlate polntx.7 80 I). aa- 'of Geneva. Lyona. Elmlra, Rocheaier. Rul.

fald aud the W.-at. Puilman alaeper to Lyona and Baa-I «*a*lon Brldge.vaauiw "aJ^trai ajjajajaaj o,,^ aaa B.




The Scenio Line to the West,

TKUW Il.tVi; ajTATIOfS, foot ofDe«bro«a<>« and Cortlandt Streeta,

aa follawst.

On and after JULY 19th, 1891,THE PAf»T UaTB

BiOO A. "?f.-Pulln.a'i Veotibule Slceplng and ParlaaCara. Arrlvna C.eveland 5:26 a. rr.., Colucoboa ".88a. n... Indlaoanolla 11:40 a. rn., Cblcago B 00 p m..and 8t. Loule 7:00 a m. next day. Conne<:U, alao, farToledo, ex'-ept SaturaViy.

TIIK PENN-.VI.TAMA LIMITP.D.lOiOa A. M.Compoaed exclualvely of puUmaa V*eB-

bule Drawing and State Room. Sleeolna, DlnibJ". Smok*Ing, and i.,'l,»'T\ui...ii Cara, pr.-mnuiia; lluanctal report*,aW-uoKrapliera ai.d typewmera, bauiriM.ua for bataacxes, Irtulea' matd, barber-ariop, Ubrary, and al U.e coa-venlenc-* of Sioin*- or omee. Llcht-4 by atatloaarrand movjbl. eb-etrlc Hght-t. Arrfvea Clneinna'J 8-40a. ni., fndlanapoils 11 .40 a. m., aud Uil-a.o 8 4"i a. aa,next day.*T. b«0|TIbbj A\D CIXCIXBATI BXPRErV*.

3i«0 P. .tL-Pullman Ve»tlbole feleoDlng__. Cara troaiN-wYork, aad Dlxilng Cara from Sew-Yor* to 81.Loula aud Clnclnnatl. Paaeeccer eoecb Now-York Mtoluuibua Arrlv a Clnclnnatl 11:35 a. m., a_d 88.LouU 8:00 p. iu. next dav.

TIIK COLI'tlHIAN KXPRKaa.4:80 P. ni.-i'iiliiLan Veatibule Seeptng, Dtnlmj, 8-_k-

!.'.<?, aad I'ennsTlvnola R_l.ro-.d Veatlbule PaeaengBffoaclien from N.w-York to Chlcago. Arrlvaa la Chtcaa*

B:15 a m. naxt d tTIIK \V>;a*Tl.R> EXERFMH

Bi30 P. M.-puliman Veotibule tsleeplna Car Naw-Tartjto Plttsburg, bt. Loula, Chlcago, clricinuatl. Uevelaaband M-niphle, Dbilng cara New-York to Pnl'adelybia,and Fittaburg V. Rlcbmond aad Chleagp. Arrtvea ajColun bus 1:3) p. n... lnclnnatl 5 .30 j. m.. Chloaga9 30 p. m. next day, and St. Loula 7 00 a m. eecc-Bmornlng. Connecta for Clevelaiid aod To'.eda dally.except Saturday.

PAf IF1C IVI'HKHS.BiOO P. *fL-}>ullman liuffet feleeplng Car Baw-Tork M

Culago. a*aw*Tork to M'-mphia vla tbe BhacacdeaBVallev arrlv a weekdare at C'.l'imbea 7 :16 a m..Ue.»land 8 36 b m. o .: fiy, and dally at Chlcaae 7 <*© a. ra,aecond niornlng. Connecta for Tolfdo dally, and fatClevcland and Columru«, 'X" p*. Kitniday.

Bi30 P. N, Mi-nandoBh Vnlley J_xr,r> aa with ThroutlDulTet Sleeper to Ncw-Orleana.

BAI. M4IOUK. WAiMIIMiTOX. AFCD THE aOFTH"Waahington Llmit-d Expr-aa" of Pullman Parlor CaM

(with Dinlng Car to Raltlmore.) dally. except bundar,10.10 a. m.. irrlve Waai.ington 8 50 p. m.; and "C«.gi.-4alo.-ial Llmlted" dally. wltii Dinlng Car, at 3:38C rr,., arrive Waflhlngtoii 8.25 p. m.: regular expreaa.0:20. 8:00, 8:80 and 11 00 a. m., 2 10. 4 80. 6 00 an_8 00 p. m. ind 1- :15 nlght. Kor Baltln.ore only, 1.00n. m. fiunday. 6:l.r> aiid 8 30 a. m., 4:30. 6:00, a_49:00j>. m. and 12.15 nlght.FOR LON'i BRANCH, POINT PLEASANT. and tntaa.medlate atatlorn, week-daya, 8:80, 7:10, 8 10 i. m..12 00 noon. 2 80. 8 :10, 8 40. 4 :20. 6 :10 ind ':00 p.m.Bur.day. H i3. 9:46. a. r... 6:16 p. m. (do not atep 84A«rrorv I'zrk on Sundav).FOR ATLANTK- city. l 60 p. m. week-daya. wlM-Ihromrh nnlTpf, Parlnr Car.POR CAPE MAY, 1:00 p. m. wekdays, with ThBulTet Parlor n«r.

FOB Pnil.ADBf.PflfA.^T?,:n?\20-.":20' 8-°°x 8'jn B fl<> Chlchijo _fmlM(Lwth p nlr.if.l at and 1(5:10 Waahington LlmltaL *!*f', A"Kv _?. ."r|«n °° *. m l- :2°* 1 ¦¦<*>. 2 TfX 2 *0.8C0, J ,iq, 4:o0 4:80, 5:00. 6 00, 0:30. 8 ;00. Bill)8.00 ;». in . and 12 1.> ntrht. Accomn,odat:on. 11 .-10toR-n'nJ? *n,d»7.:0° "?¦ m- Sundaya, expreaa, OrtS.8:.10, 0.00 (10 Llmiteof), and 10 a m., 2 00 2 304:00 4:80. 6:00. 0 30.'8.00. an(T 9 00 Tu m.. aa.12:15 nlsht. Accommodatlon 7:00 p. ro.

"?#r..Tfi"*J',*,,,'!.80f tr-"« to iocal polntu on tha Fenoayl._£*at*__tW._pTi_?-!_I *""- V* Broadway. 1 Aa'or Hoaae.BJid foot of Deabros.ea aod Cortlandt lU. 4 Oatttbab.BU't Mi.ton.it. and Brooklvn Annex Sjtatlon, foot ollulton-«t.. RrookJyn; 76 Hudaon-at., Hoboken; Statlon,Jeriey City.The New-forfc Transfer Company wiu eali for and ehecfb*Ef&*J'$?> hotels and realdenoea throuifh to deadcitloaCHA8 E. PUOH, J. R. WOOD,(^nenl BfaaatBB _Oneral Paas'r -jaaM.

RIE LINET.i>ir>-ct route to I*a«-«lc, Patcr>ou. Tux-do, >'ew-burg, M.ddictown, Port J, rvta, MonUclia. WblBBLaiie Honeslale, Bcranton, Rinirhimron. Elmlra,orninit WatKina Ulen, Bath. Haa_n_aaapor_Avon bprlngs, Rocheater, HornellsvUliv RuIIalo, NiaaaraJalla, Torr.nto, ChanUuqua I_Jte, cieveUnd. Clnxliinitl,Bt. Loula, Chlcago and all polnta West. 8olM tralaa be-twe^n New-Yorrt and chlcago. No change of cara. Cholcaof routes vla Cluutauriiia Lak* or Nla^ari Fal.a. An «a«chantlnc panorama of mountalnB, foreeta and st.-e*rr.a.lh:-0'igh tr»lus l.-ave New-York, fo.it of Cliarr.b*ra.af.. aafollow^, and flve mlnut-a earlb-r, uul.aa oth»rwlso shewa.from W.-at Bbl 48,WESTRBN BAY EXPrtES«».

9 00 A- 8J. Dally-VM Blaajara lalla and ChauMuaaa.t/u i.a'ie. Parlor ;.r Bew«Yerk to Buffaio. 6lcepeaHorneUsvllla M Clnclnnatl. ( onn»cts at Port JarvU launlon Btatlon, except Sunday, for Montl.-ello.


3f\fi P. M. D-iily-SJoiid traln for nilcage, vla Chaotaa..UU qua I_ke. wtth Vn'.-.j cor to Chlcago. SleepeHto Chlcago, Cloveland and Cinclnnatl.

MOfNTAIN KXPKEHS.3 0f\ P. M.. except Sunday.For Bln_hamtao, Hon»ada'«.*J\J »nd Montlueilo. Xhrough car .sjat'irOava for Mon-tlcello.


6AA P. M. Dally-So'.ld traln to Chteago Tla Nlagara.\J\J Falla aud Omr.d Trunlt Ral'way. 6ieeprri MBnitalo, Rocheat.-r, Toronto and Chlcago.


8QA P. M. D-ii'-. Vla (hautauqua lake and NtBgari.0\J FaUa, holid tralu to chi.iago. bleepera ta Buffule,Chlcago and Clnclnnatl.FOIt POUT JEKVH.

\1*EEK DAYS.l:lj a. m. _23.t-.it. 3:56), 7:62 a. m.¦T £^4d-»t. 7:40). y a. m., 10:30 a. m., 1 p. m., 8 3ap. ra., 0 p. m., 7 v m., 8:30 p. m. Sundavs.0 a. m.,3 p. iu., 6 p. n... 0 30 i'. in.. h :30 p. ra.

POR MHiiiKi;

WEER DAY*S-4;15 a. m. (23d-ot. 3:56). 8 a. m., 8 4*p. jn.. 4 45 p. m., 0 p. m , 7 p. m- Sundaya.8 a. m.,2 p. in.. 0 p. m.

SATLRBAY BPECIAL TRAI>S.SATURDAY6 ONLY- 12 50 p. m. (23d-at. 12:40) fM

Newburg; 1:40 p. ni. _23d-ai 1:26) for UawUwrna|8:15 D. m. for Port Jcrvls.BFatCIAL I.NPOR.HATIOS.

MAPS AND TIMtrABI.E.S may oo obtalned fraratlcket ontoea. Alao ?opl<-n of "suran.er UoiLea." coa.

tainlng aele.t lii»t of hotJ-ls^iid boardlnk-houtaa; ..huburraallon.es," dea.'rlblnq \ti_iuiti7 of New-York; -.» tU'i'iuqual.ke s nvenlr" aml na>*B__Ba( ExouraMaa.*'1-JCKl.TS AND l'CI.LMAN Al ( OMMOPATIONS al

4iu. 317 aud 957 Broadway. Chainii-n aud W.-at 23art. larrlea, New-York: :?8l ai.d 333 Pultonat., Hr-,,. lyai107 Bruadw-jy, Wllilajnsburg earpet N'«ark ^nd H .<L>.Ahte., Hoboken, and Jeraey Cttv Sution. l.rl.' T.-aiif^Company c.ilis for and ch.-cks ba~g-^i;c from hor.ela and real«di.iico.. tnr>,'.:.'h to destlnaUon._\V. < R1NEAR80N, li.nenl Pasa-ng^r Ag-nt_

BALTO. & OHIO R. R,t' i6'. Exprca* Iralna vlaPHII. tDELPRlA to




,nvcit EEETKE O.V ALL Th'AlSS.J,i't i i i.Ji.1. lyot °' LlbeHJ ll, a-s louuwai

laa W___lMiloN. BALUMORE. 8 00 A. ¦(U 80 A tf «Ualng-car). 2:00 (3:30 P. M.. dla-ig-car),k ni,i p ii fa vt A. M. Ai. Babu run dai.y.i?o.NUitVoii vtaJay L.nc 2 P. M «s.kHt_yB.

York. and w Broaawa}-._Brooalrn. siAiio.s l\)Oi' OtLilli-.Kll-br. (Ceiitral R. R- of N. J )Ukt\\\t\fXmtl i ran-hr con.p.iiiy ai i caU for and chect bag.gage from hotel or walfleaca to dc.tli.BUon.


¦ BU.YOl-lt, ONTAHIO A^D WESTEBN RA1I WATTraus leave Weat i::d-st. at ti35 a. m. ,u uuuuMa

earUer irom foot Jay^t,), for Mld.ll.-io»n. Bloonjtijgij.irg,Port Jeni.s, MonUcello, PaUaburg, Llberty l.hi.ustaiMaaor. llaucock, Curtxnidil.-. bcranton, rtaitou. Uc.al,Sldney, Norwkh, lU:i,-t..u, L tl, a, !4ou,<-, Om-lU*. U»,>ra«.iMt't, ih ca^o, aud polata wea*.

Bli.) a ii.. Stony l-'ord. caunbell Hall, Lakea Mo.houk an.i Mlaaewaaaa, WallkUl V^alley, atatloaa, M.ddia.town, Bloomlngbaeg, EllenvlUa, laluburrf, ll',rley.vii e. Llberty. Wi.it.> Lake.._.«* ., J Canipbrll Lake, Lakea Mehonk and MinnaWaiki. Walttlll Vallaj Bt-tlenB. Mlddlrto-an. Bloo.ulna.bur«. Elb-n\l:l.> Ial.bng, Uurleyvilla, Llberty, Wulta

*'at»iOil"i Km.. Mlddletowa, K^llabu-jL Llberty. Llyingatoa

Manor Bockland. Walton Sldney N'or«!.-h. On.-ida,0a.wego, koeb *Mr. Nianira PBlla, o.-troit chlcago ai.d W atiPullnau »l.vp, r-i; r.-ciinlJiK WBBll ,_r BCB t" M.«peuai-|

Blra_k n in Saturd.iya only, Mlddtetown, BloomingburgEll iTiu,I Fallsh-.rc l\b rty, WhlM Lake, RooUand. ^

DaUy; all oth.r tran> daily except 8uoday.PiilniBi drawlnK-rooni ».-at- and aleeptngcar b>rthi ob

tal...l a.323 Broada lybew.Jork. J. C. ANUKiusny,u. p a 18 Exehaaga Plaaa, Ne»-\ork.

1>T BHORE lUnJaOAD, (S. T. C. 8a

-. al :00,Catokln aad klbaay, "8 :io. '7.15, -l.

a ib., aB:4B p " ¦-, Ji*'. ¦. IS a 15 p. nL Crajistona.w Polnt, i oniwall. Bowburgh, '8:80, -7 ,. > ...-.lfi oo. moi.'i, tn :<5 a. bl, -115. :»i oo «:B0, .» is

i i Iwell. Lake Oeorge, tn a:. a. m. ii>ar:or car aajta.h'di dmilv eaccut S'.indiy. «3 *5 o- in-. Satualaya ouly.K;,»t rsh.ni. Hiiuirr. Bobart BloeaavlUa i«rand HotijSUlloii aad Phoealcla. .8:8__). ill 00. tll.3JB.ii.,a3 «_K m Parlor car» t>. Illoomvillo. Orand Hotel aal1-l.o.iucla itdB Kaat.rakill>. i 11 :00 a. iu.. 111 :»5 a. m-a 45 p. ti. 'lriuiis aml aleeping ear to B_ooaavUM oa3 ho k. m. (SundayB oaly). ._._'.*.'':.«_ .L'K'- -M"t."iilaud Minii.-.M-ka. 1:80 a. iu. tll 00. 111:86 a. ¦ a] 4li Parloi >ai ui N.'wl-:i.u oa ll_8aa. m. traln,llalf Hollday Bpeelal, Saturday ouly, l:ia a. bj. loiKaaterakill, Hunter, Blaaaavllla n..birt urand HutMbtatl t. u,a Phoenlela Parl r .-ar to BlMMvUla Pa-btivlllr. Calro ai.d MounUlu Houae .suiUon. 7 18,111 .?.. a. ai.. b3 i:. u. aa. Pjrl". caia to CatsklU. Cata-

klll Moiiiitaln Nlght Lln* 3 30 i. ra, SU'-daya only.-.l^^ptiiK car-i .,, Pho-nlcla and Bloomvl.la. .Dallj'.tlu.lv, exc.pt Saturday. All other traina dally eicep*Sii'.liv. } t a Leavea Brooklyn, vla llrooklyn Ajinea,I'li.OBi 1111:10 a n. a.i .00 p. rai. Jer>. y i ity. p. R. r.Htatl.m. "10-40. 111 ._<> a. iu aa -8 P ln. For tlok. u.tln..' iBliUa. parlor and Ble*pla|_ear ac, on.modatlona orliiloriiuiUui. appl) oltlc.a: Brooklw.. 333 W-iahlnuton-at..728 Kulton-at, Aiin.'X olliee. foot of Kultou-at. Now-YorkCity: N»e. 371. »¦«. 785, 842 Broadway. 148 Bowery.12 Park Plaee. 53 Weat 18»lh-at.. and Waat KhoraKtoUons. f.Kit of W.at 42dat. and tat* af.lfy___ji.BTTl-C. E. I.AMBERT, Gouaral Pa_»eukei Auaot. a VaaaataiBwara.. Baa>XaJ-u