Perceptive Animated Interfaces: First Steps Toward a New Paradigm for Human–Computer Interaction RONALD COLE, SAREL VAN VUUREN, BRYAN PELLOM, MEMBER, IEEE, KADRI HACIOGLU, JIYONG MA, MEMBER, IEEE, JAVIER MOVELLAN, SCOTT SCHWARTZ, DAVID WADE-STEIN, WAYNE WARD, AND JIE YAN, MEMBER, IEEE Invited Paper This paper presents a vision of the near future in which com- puter interaction is characterized by natural face-to-face conversa- tions with lifelike characters that speak, emote, and gesture. These animated agents will converse with people much like people con- verse effectively with assistants in a variety of focused applica- tions. Despite the research advances required to realize this vi- sion, and the lack of strong experimental evidence that animated agents improve human–computer interaction, we argue that ini- tial prototypes of perceptive animated interfaces can be developed today, and that the resulting systems will provide more effective and engaging communication experiences than existing systems. In support of this hypothesis, we first describe initial experiments using an animated character to teach speech and language skills to children with hearing problems, and classroom subjects and so- cial skills to children with autistic spectrum disorder. We then show how existing dialogue system architectures can be transformed into perceptive animated interfaces by integrating computer vision and animation capabilities. We conclude by describing the Colorado Literacy Tutor, a computer-based literacy program that provides an ideal testbed for research and development of perceptive animated interfaces, and consider next steps required to realize the vision. Manuscript received November 12, 2002; revised March 31, 2003. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation’s Informa- tion Technology Research Program under Grants REC-0115419 and IIS- 0086107; in part by the NSF’s Interagency Educational Research Initiative under Grants EIA-0121201 and 1R01HD-44276.01; in part by California Digital Media Innovation under Grant 01-10130; and in part by the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities. R. Cole, S. van Vuuren, B. Pellom, K. Hacioglu, J. Ma, S. Schwartz, D. Wade-Stein, W. Ward, and J. Yan are with the Center for Spoken Language Research, Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] orado.edu; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). J. Movellan is with the Machine Perception Laboratory, Institute for Neural Computation, University of San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2003.817143 Keywords—Animation, conversational agents, dialogue system, electronic books, human–computer interaction, interactive books, literacy teaching, machine perception, spoken language, tools for cognitive disabilities, virtual humans, vocabulary tutors. I. THE VISION We envision a new generation of human–computer inter- faces that interact with people like people interact with each other. These interfaces will use intelligent and embodied an- imated agents to engage users in natural face-to-face con- versational interaction to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. An intelligent agent is one that mimics the behaviors of real persons and behaves intelligently in the context of a specific application or task domain. An embodied agent is one that resembles a real person. We call these interfaces of the fu- ture perceptive animated interfaces. The systems we envi- sion extend the scope of conversational interfaces beyond audio processing of spoken language to include face-to-face conversational interaction with animated computer charac- ters. The thesis of this paper is that we can begin to develop perceptive animated interfaces today that will produce more effective and desirable communication experiences than ex- isting systems. Perceptive animated interfaces will be populated with one or more lifelike three-dimensional (3-D) computer charac- ters, also known as animated conversational agents or avatars, which combine human language, computer vision, and character animation technologies to engage users in natural face-to-face conversations. Animated agents will interact with people like two people interact with each other when conversing—through speech, head nods, eye contact, facial expressions, and hand and body gestures. These lifelike com- puter characters will orient to the user, interpret the speaker’s auditory and visual behaviors to infer his or her intentions and 0018-9219/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 91, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2003 1391

Perceptive animated interfaces: first steps toward a new ...cs.uwindsor.ca/~xyuan/references/PerceptiveInterfaces03.pdf · tions with lifelike characters that speak, emote, and gesture

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Page 1: Perceptive animated interfaces: first steps toward a new ...cs.uwindsor.ca/~xyuan/references/PerceptiveInterfaces03.pdf · tions with lifelike characters that speak, emote, and gesture

Perceptive Animated Interfaces: First StepsToward a New Paradigm for Human–ComputerInteraction


Invited Paper

This paper presents a vision of the near future in which com-puter interaction is characterized by natural face-to-face conversa-tions with lifelike characters that speak, emote, and gesture. Theseanimated agents will converse with people much like people con-verse effectively with assistants in a variety of focused applica-tions. Despite the research advances required to realize this vi-sion, and the lack of strong experimental evidence that animatedagents improve human–computer interaction, we argue that ini-tial prototypes of perceptive animated interfaces can be developedtoday, and that the resulting systems will provide more effectiveand engaging communication experiences than existing systems.In support of this hypothesis, we first describe initial experimentsusing an animated character to teach speech and language skillsto children with hearing problems, and classroom subjects and so-cial skills to children with autistic spectrum disorder. We then showhow existing dialogue system architectures can be transformed intoperceptive animated interfaces by integrating computer vision andanimation capabilities. We conclude by describing the ColoradoLiteracy Tutor, a computer-based literacy program that provides anideal testbed for research and development of perceptive animatedinterfaces, and consider next steps required to realize the vision.

Manuscript received November 12, 2002; revised March 31, 2003. Thiswork was supported in part by the National Science Foundation’s Informa-tion Technology Research Program under Grants REC-0115419 and IIS-0086107; in part by the NSF’s Interagency Educational Research Initiativeunder Grants EIA-0121201 and 1R01HD-44276.01; in part by CaliforniaDigital Media Innovation under Grant 01-10130; and in part by the ColemanInstitute for Cognitive Disabilities.

R. Cole, S. van Vuuren, B. Pellom, K. Hacioglu, J. Ma, S. Schwartz, D.Wade-Stein, W. Ward, and J. Yan are with the Center for Spoken LanguageResearch, Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder,CO 80309 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]).

J. Movellan is with the Machine Perception Laboratory, Institute forNeural Computation, University of San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA(e-mail: [email protected]).

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2003.817143

Keywords—Animation, conversational agents, dialogue system,electronic books, human–computer interaction, interactive books,literacy teaching, machine perception, spoken language, tools forcognitive disabilities, virtual humans, vocabulary tutors.


We envision a new generation of human–computer inter-faces that interact with people like people interact with eachother. These interfaces will use intelligent and embodied an-imated agents to engage users in natural face-to-face con-versational interaction to accomplish a wide variety of tasks.An intelligent agent is one that mimics the behaviors of realpersons and behaves intelligently in the context of a specificapplication or task domain. An embodied agent is one thatresembles a real person. We call these interfaces of the fu-ture perceptive animated interfaces. The systems we envi-sion extend the scope of conversational interfaces beyondaudio processing of spoken language to include face-to-faceconversational interaction with animated computer charac-ters. The thesis of this paper is that we can begin to developperceptive animated interfaces today that will produce moreeffective and desirable communication experiences than ex-isting systems.

Perceptive animated interfaces will be populated with oneor more lifelike three-dimensional (3-D) computer charac-ters, also known as animated conversational agents or avatars,which combine human language, computer vision, andcharacter animation technologies to engage users in naturalface-to-face conversations. Animated agents will interactwith people like two people interact with each other whenconversing—through speech, head nods, eye contact, facialexpressions, and hand and body gestures. These lifelike com-puter characters will orient to the user, interpret the speaker’sauditory and visual behaviors to infer his or her intentions and

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cognitive state, provide real-time feedback while the user isspeaking (e.g., to indicate agreement, puzzlement, desire tospeak, etc.), engage in interactive turn-taking behaviors, andcommunicate both linguistic and emotional content usingspeech, facial expressions, and gestures.

The advent of perceptive animated interfaces will revo-lutionize human–computer interaction by enabling users tocommunicate with machines using their natural communi-cation skills, and by enabling system developers to designinteractive experiences that are more personal, emotional,meaningful, enjoyable, and effective. Natural communica-tion with intelligent animated agents will present new andunprecedented opportunities to individuals, including thosewho cannot read or type, to learn new skills, communicatemore effectively, and increase their participation in theemerging information society.

Animated characters can enhance the user experiencein several important ways. They bring a remarkablecommunication instrument—the human face—to thehuman–computer interface. During speech production, facesare informative linguistically. When producing speech, thelips, tongue, and jaw provide visual cues that complementauditory cues; for example, the difference between /ba/ vs./da/ and /ma/ vs. /na/ can be distinguished by watchingthe speaker’s lips. Animated faces today can synthesizevisible speech with sufficient accuracy to improve speechrecognition in noisy environments (relative to sound-aloneconditions) and to improve speech recognition accuracyfor individuals with hearing problems [1]–[3]. Whereashuman faces are informative linguistically during everydayinteraction, in language training tasks, animated characterscan become “superinformative” through special effects, suchas becoming semitransparent to show the movements of thetongue within the mouth from different visual perspectives.

Although enhancing the acoustic signal is an importantbenefit of animated characters, their greatest impact is likelyto be their potential to change fundamentally theexperienceof communicating with machines by fully engaging theuser’s senses and emotions. An animated agent that behavesas if it perceives the user, understands the user’s speech,accurately interprets the user’s emotions, and responds inan appropriate and sensitive manner has the capability toproduce intense, immersive, and emotional interpersonalexperiences.

Artists at Disney Entertainment understand well theimportance of communicating emotions through animatedcharacters. They have developed detailed procedures andlanguages incorporating characters’ facial expressions andgestures, colors, lighting effects, and other features fordesigning storyboards for animated productions to achieveemotional milestones [4]. Spoken dialogue is added to theproduction only after emotional milestones are achieved.As emotion is virtually ignored in current conversationalsystems, language technology researchers can learn muchfrom Disney’s philosophy—that emotion is a fundamentaldimension of human communication, and that good com-munication experiences speak to the heart as well as tothe mind. The development of perceptive animated agentsprovides a new and powerful opportunity for researchers to

investigate the visual synthesis of emotions and gestures andtheir effects in human–computer interaction.

Both everyday observation (young people transfixedby cartoons and immersed in video games) and scientificresearch shows the propensity of people to become im-mersed in media, including their computer systems. InThe Media Equation, Reeves and Nass [5] summarize aset of experiments demonstrating that people interact withcomputer programs like they interact with other people;their experiments replicate many of the major findings insocial psychology by replacing the traditional “stooge” in asocial psychology experiment with a software applicationthat behaves in a like manner. For example, it has beenshown that we like people who compliment our performancein collaborative tasks more than we like people who donot compliment our performance; we also like softwaremore that gives us compliments. When an animated agentis involved, this effect of personalizing the interactionbetween the user and computer system can be intensifiedgreatly. We observed this phenomenon in classrooms at theTucker-Maxon Oral School (TMOS), Portland, OR, whereeducators and profoundly deaf students have interacted dailywith the animated agent Baldi for the past five school years.Teachers and students alike personalized Baldi and perceiveit as an entity with speech perception and production abili-ties, rather than a computer program of integrated languagetechnologies. When the recognition system makes errors,teachers and students say, “Baldi did not understand” or “Idid not speak well enough to make Baldi understand.”

While perceptive animated interfaces are still science fic-tion, we argue here that human communication technologieshave matured to the point where it is now possible to con-ceptualize, develop, and test initial system prototypes. Thisclaim is made with full knowledge of present realities—thatthere are few (if any) solved problems in human languagetechnology; that conversational interfaces work well onlyin specific task domains, and even in these domains donot approach human performance; that underlying speechand language recognition and generation technologiesare fragile and inaccurate relative to human performance;and that research breakthroughs are needed in nearly allareas of language technology before human–computerinteraction can mimic conversational interaction amongpeople. Despite these limitations, we believe that perceptiveanimated interfaces can be developed today that will providegreat benefits to individuals in specific task domains bycombining existing technologies in novel and creative ways.We also believe it is critically important to undertake devel-opment of these futuristic systems today to determine theirfeasibility, to provide testbeds for research and developmentof research architectures and technology components, toidentify missing knowledge, and to assess the benefits thatperceptive animated interfaces may have to help individualsacquire new knowledge and skills.


What is the current state of research and developmentof perceptive animated agents, and how effective are these


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agents in improving human–computer interaction? A vitaland growing multidisciplinary community of scientistsworldwide is addressing these questions, and significantefforts are underway to develop and evaluate virtual humansin various application scenarios. To date, researchers havegenerated powerful conceptual frameworks, architectures,and systems for representing and controlling behaviors ofanimated characters to make them believable, personable,and emotional [6]–[11]. Gratchet al. [12] and Johnsonetal. [13] present excellent overviews of the scope of enquiryand the theoretical, cognitive, and computational modelsunderlying current research aimed at developing believablevirtual humans capable of natural face-to-face conversationswith people.

Animated conversational agents have been deployed in avariety of application domains. Some researchers have em-bedded animated conversational agents in information kiosksin public places (e.g., [14], [15]). In pioneering work con-ducted over the past ten years at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden,Gustafson [15] and his colleagues developed a series of mul-timodal dialogue systems of increasing complexity incorpo-rating animated conversational agents: 1)Waxholm, a travel-planning system for ferryboats in the Stockholm archipelago[16], [17]; 2) August, an information system deployed forseveral months at the Culture Center in Stockholm [18], [19],in which the animated character moved its head and eyes totrack the movements of persons walking by the exhibit andproduced facial expressions such as listening gestures andthinking gestures during conversational interaction; and 3)AdApt, a mixed-initiative spoken dialogue system incorpo-rating multimodal inputs and outputs, in which users con-versed with a virtual real estate agent to locate apartmentsin Stockholm [20]. AdApt produced accurate visible speech,used several facial expressions to signal different cognitivestates and turn-taking behaviors, and used direction of gaze toindicate turn taking and to direct the user to a map indicatingapartment locations satisfying expressed constraints. Thesesystems produced important insights into the challenges ofdeveloping and deploying multimodal spoken dialogue sys-tems incorporating talking heads in public places.

Learning is an excellent task domain for investigatingperceptive animated agents, and much work has beenconducted in this area [13], [21]–[28]. First, face-to-facetutoring is known to be the most effective method of in-struction [29], [30], and much is known about the strategiesthat effective tutors use [31]; thus, research can inform thedesign of animated agents intended to model good, effectivetutoring behaviors. Second, development of intelligenttutoring systems is an active field of research, with severalhighly successful systems; thus, interaction with animatedcharacters can be incorporated into these systems and poten-tial benefits evaluated. Third, there are published nationalstandards and standardized tests for assessing learning inmany domains (e.g., reading, language proficiency, science,and math), so performance of conversational interfaces withand without animated agents can be evaluated on establishedand well-accepted measures. Finally, there is great needfor computer-based learning systems that improve studentachievement while reducing teachers’ workloads.

Are animated agents effective? Does incorporating an an-imated agent into human–computer interfaces make theseinterfaces more effective? Research to date does not pro-duce a clear answer to this question. Dehn and van Mulken’s[32] review of experiments investigating the effectivenessof animated agents in a variety of tasks showed that moststudies failed to reveal improvement in user performance.They note, however, that most studies to date have com-pared animated agent versus no animated agent conditionsin a single short session, and that benefits of animated in-terfaces might emerge if longer studies with multiple ses-sions were used. Experiments by Graesser and colleaguesare illustrative. Graesseret al. [33] examined the effective-ness of an animated conversational agent in AutoTutor, anintelligent tutoring system that “helps students construct an-swers to deep-reasoning questions by holding a conversationin natural language.” During dialogue interaction with Au-toTutor, students typed in their responses, and the systempresented information via different media conditions—printonly, speech only, talking head, or talking head and print. Al-though significant learning gains were observed using Auto-Tutor relative to other learning conditions (e.g., presentationof relevant text rather than dialogue interaction), there wereno differences among the four media conditions. They con-clude: “Something about the dialog capabilities of AutoTutorfacilitates learning, particularly at deeper levels of compre-hension. In contrast, the effects of the media are nonexistent.Simply put, it is the message that is the message—the mediais not the message.” Graesseret al.[34] replicated this resultin a study using 155 college students who used a Web facilityusing one of these same four navigational guide conditions.But in this latter study, they also note that animated conver-sational agents have proven to be effective when they deliverlearning material in monologues and tutorial dialogues [35],[36]. Given these and other results, it is clear that evaluatingthe effectiveness of conversational agents in human–com-puter interfaces is extremely complex, and can be influencedby the nature of the task, the user’s personality characteristics[37], and the believability (quality) of the animated agent.

The poor quality of animated conversational agents todayis a major stumbling block to progress. Johnsonet al.[13] argue that it is premature to draw conclusions aboutthe effectiveness of animated agents because they are stillin their infancy, and “…nearly every major facet of theircommunicative abilities needs considerable research. Forthis reason, it is much too early in their development toconduct comprehensive, definitive empirical studies thatdemonstrate their effectiveness in learning environments.Because their communicative abilities are still very limitedcompared to what we expect they will be in the near future,the results of such studies will be skewed by the limitationsof the technology.”

To summarize, development of virtual humans is stillin its infancy. In the past ten years, a small but emergingcommunity of researchers has made great progress to-ward identifying the scope of multidisciplinary researchrequired and the key research challenges that need to beaddressed, and by offering strong theoretical, conceptual,


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and computational frameworks that provide a foundationfor multidisciplinary research among computer scientists,cognitive scientists, psychologists, and researchers in otherdisciplines. Although much innovative research has beenconducted, we conclude that experiments investigating theefficacy of animated agents are limited today by constraintsimposed by the state of the art of human communicationtechnologies, including speech and language technologies,computer vision, and real-time character animation. A grandchallenge is to develop new architectures and technologiesthat will enable experimentation with perceptive animatedagents that are more natural, believable, and graceful thanthose available today.

In the remainder of this paper, we describe our initialexperiences using an animated talking head that producedaccurate visible speech in learning tasks using the CSLUToolkit, a publicly available platform for research anddevelopment of multimodal dialogue systems [38]–[40].We then describe a multilaboratory research effort thataims to produce a new generation of engaging and effectiveperceptive animated agents by combining emerging speechand language, computer vision, and character animationtechnologies, and by evaluating these animated agents inlearning tools in public school classrooms within a literacyprogram called the Colorado Literacy Tutor (CLT). Weconclude with a brief discussion of coordinated efforts bythe research community required to accelerate progress indevelopment of virtual humans.


A. Language Training at the Tucker-Maxon Oral School

Between 1997 and 2000, a team of researchers at theUniversity of Colorado (CU), Boulder; the Oregon GraduateInstitute, Beaverton; and the University of California, SantaCruz, collaborated with educators at TMOS to developcomputer-based learning tools that used an animated 3-Dtalking head, called Baldi, to teach speech and languageskills to profoundly deaf children [23], [24]. Authoringtools were developed within the CSLU Toolkit [40], [41]to enable project staff and interested teachers to buildvocabulary tutors quickly and to integrate these applicationsinto daily classroom learning activities. The most usefulauthoring tool, proposed by the TMOS educators and devel-oped in close collaboration with them, was a step-by-stepVocabulary Wizard [42]. This tool enabled authors to importimages into an application (which were often photos takenby the students), highlight objects or regions within theimages, and type the names of objects. These simple stepswere used to create hundreds of Vocabulary Tutors, each ofwhich followed a four-stage sequence: 1) a pretest to collectbaseline data on vocabulary knowledge (e.g., Baldi says,“Click on the cup” or “Show me the cup”); 2) introductionto the vocabulary items (e.g., “Here is the cup”; “Clickon the cup”); 3) practice identifying and saying the words(e.g., “Show me the cup”; “No, that was the plate, hereis the cup,” “All right!” “Now say cup.”); and 4) a finaltest to assess learning. Results showed that: 1) students

learned vocabulary words quickly and retained over 50%of the words months later; 2) their speech perception andproduction skills improved dramatically; 3) the studentsthought of Baldi as a personal coach that could be relied onto patiently help them learn; and 4) teachers reported that thelearning tools made their job easier and their teaching moreeffective, since half of the students in the class could workindependently on the computers while teachers providedindividualized attention to the others [3].

The outcomes of the TMOS project showed that an an-imated talking head that produces accurate visible speechsynchronized with synthetic speech can be a powerful toolin teaching individuals who are profoundly deaf to recog-nize and produce new words. Not only did learning gainsoccur, but also the students, teachers, and administrators whoworked with Baldi on a daily basis were uniformly posi-tive in their experiences and evaluations. The director of theschool, a distinguished researcher in oral deaf education, of-fered his opinion that learning tools incorporating animatedagents would revolutionize oral deaf education [28].

We also learned that animated learning tools can capturethe public imagination. The project was featured on theNational Science Foundation home page during March andApril 2001, and a national television network produced asegment that showcased the project. Over a period of severalmonths, ABC TV’sPrime Time Thursdaytelevision crewinterviewed TMOS students and staff, filmed students usingthe vocabulary tutors, and conducted independent tests thatrevealed dramatic improvements in vocabulary acquisitionand the students’ speech production that were attributed tothe learning tools [43]. They introduced the segment with avideo of a student using a vocabulary tutor and the words“This is what a small miracle looks like.”

B. Learning Tools for Children With Autism SpectrumDisorders

Following the TMOS project, a two-month pilot projectfunded by the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities,Boulder, CO, was conducted at CU during the summer of2001 to assess the feasibility and applicability of using an-imated characters to teach vocabulary and concepts to chil-dren with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Children withASD have difficulty with social situations and with inter-preting the emotion, intention, and perspective of others, andexhibit a strong need for predictability, consistency, and rou-tines. They also often have auditory processing disorders anda need for auditory information to be repeated or paired withtext. These characteristics of autism make it difficult for thesechildren to learn vocabulary and other information in tradi-tional settings.

On the positive side, many children with ASD have a nat-ural affinity and comfort level with computers. When they areusing computers, there are no social expectations, and thereare consistent routines that are presented in a predictableenvironment. This pilot project with children with ASD at-tempted to create a learning environment that bridged the gapbetween the nonsocial computer and the humanlike, consis-tent interactions of the animated talking head, Baldi.


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Fig. 1. CSLU vocabulary tutor, a computer-based learning tool that uses an animated 3-D talkinghead, called Baldi. (a) Screen shot showing one of the tasks: “Learning about planets.” (b) Useas a learning tool for children with ASD.

The six children with ASD involved in the project rangedin age from 3 to 13 years, with developmental levels thatranged from cognitively disabled to gifted. The researchteam, teachers, and parents built hundreds of vocabularytutors to meet the specific needs of the participating children.Content areas included maps, counting, letter and wordidentification, ancient Egypt, learning about the planets,recognizing emotions, more than/less than relations, insects,telling time, and many others. Fig. 1 shows one of the tutorsin use.

Each student attended two sessions per week for eightweeks. Within one session, five of the six children were ableto work on the vocabulary tutor independently. The one stu-dent who was not independent was still working on mouseskills, which proved to be the minimum requirement for ac-cessing the software.

Parent reports and observations indicated that the chil-dren were engaged by Baldi, talked about him at home, andwere eager to come to the sessions. Some sessions had tobe rescheduled earlier in the day than parents had originallyplanned because the children knew it was their day to seeBaldi and were relentless in their questioning of “Is it timeyet?”

Pre- and post-test scores from the Vocabulary Tutor in-dicated that the children were able to learn basic concepts(maps, capitals, items from ancient Egypt, insect names, etc.)quickly and retained what they learned over the course of thesummer. More abstract concepts such as more than/less thanand wh- question words were more difficult for the childrento learn using this paradigm.

Teacher and parent reports indicated that informationlearned in the summer program generalized to the classroomin the fall; students were raising their hands and offeringinformation that was taught during the summer sessions.

The Vocabulary Tutor using an animated character provedto be an effective, engaging teaching tool for children withASD. The Vocabulary Tutor is currently being used in theschools and homes of children with ASD to teach basic vo-cabulary and concepts.

C. Summary of Initial Experiences

Our initial experiences using a talking head in languagetraining and learning tasks produced positive experienceswith two groups of exceptional children. In fact, the learninggains, positive evaluations, and visibility resulting from theresearch exceeded all reasonable expectations. We were,thus, both encouraged and surprised by these initial results,especially in view of the limited capabilities of the animatedcharacter in these applications. Baldi was not a perceptiveagent; speech perception was disabled for this populationduring the applications because of unacceptable accuracy,so “perception” was limited to knowledge about whetherthe student moved the cursor and clicked the mouse on thecorrect object. Although Baldi was certainly an animatedagent, animation was limited to eye blinks, raised eyebrows,and accurate movements of the lips, tongue tip, and jaws.Viewed objectively, our initial applications incorporated adisembodied head producing synthetic speech unaccompa-nied by natural facial expressions or emotions; a far cry fromthe engaging, emotional, full-bodied, lifelike characters wehope to invent in the future. Still, teachers and students per-ceived Baldi as helpful and effective, and the learning toolsproduced impressive learning gains. We thus conclude thateven primitive animated agents have the potential to engageand help students learn in a supportive learning environment.These results provide excellent motivation to develop thenext generation of perceptive animated interfaces.



In this section, we attempt to show that there currently ex-ists sufficient knowledge, infrastructure and resources to sup-port research and development of perceptive animated inter-faces. We describe a set of research tools that provide a foun-dation for transforming spoken dialogue systems into percep-tive animated interfaces. These tools include the Galaxy ar-chitecture, the CU Conversational Agent Toolkit (CAT), CUAnimate, and computer vision technologies.


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Fig. 2. Galaxy Hub architecture with CU CAT componentmodules. Communication among the component modules happensthrough the Hub.

A. Galaxy

Galaxy is a public domain, plug-and-play architecturedeveloped by the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologySpoken Language Systems Group, Cambridge, to supportresearch and development of advanced dialogue systems[44]. It is well-tested, open source, used by laboratoriesworldwide, and maintained by MITRE under support fromthe Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [45].Galaxy supports distributed systems and multisite collabora-tion—through its plug-and-play architecture, different sitescan develop software-compliant technology servers that cancommunicate through a common architecture. Galaxy sup-ports servers running on different computers with differentoperating systems, enabling widespread, inexpensive Web-based deployment of applications to different platforms.

The architecture (see Fig. 2) has a programmable Hub andapplication program interface that enables flexible control ofinteraction among servers, and a set of libraries for rapid pro-totyping including a graphical user interface (GUI) for con-trolling and monitoring the processes. The following majorfunctions of the Hub, which have been proven to be usefulfor developing spoken dialogue systems, are also useful fordeveloping perceptive animated agents.

1) Routing: The architecture handles message trafficamong the distributed servers.

2) State Maintenance:The architecture provides ameans of storing and accessing state information forall servers.

3) Flow control: The architecture manages the progressof an utterance through its processing stages, server byserver.

In the next section, we describe a conversational agenttoolkit that has been developed based on the Galaxy archi-tecture. This toolkit provides a foundation for research in andthe development of perceptive animated interfaces.

B. Conversational Agent Toolkit (CU Communicator)

CAT, developed at the Center for Spoken LanguageResearch (CSLR), Boulder, CO, provides a general-purposeplatform, a set of technology modules (see Fig. 2), and

tools for researching and developing advanced dialoguesystems—systems that enable completely natural and un-constrained mixed-initiative conversational interaction withusers in specific task domains. The toolkit provides tutorialsto help users develop new systems using existing technologyservers. For example, to illustrate the concepts of spokendialogue system design, CAT includes the complete CUCommunicator travel-planning system [46]. This travel-domain dialogue system enables users to say what theywant, when they want, while conversing with the systemto make travel plans involving planes, hotels, and rentalcars [46]–[48]. The system can be accessed from the CUCommunicator project home page [49].

The component technologies within CAT are described indetail in the following sections.

1) Audio Server:The audio server receives signals fromthe microphone or telephone and sends them to the speechrecognizer. The server also sends synthesized or prerecordedspeech to the PC speakers or telephone. The recordingprocess is pipelined to the speech recognition server, andthe play process is pipelined to the text-to-speech (TTS)server. Our telephony audio server supports barge-in usingthe Dialogic hardware platform [50], [51].

2) Speech Recognizer:Speech recognition plays anintegral role in any perceptive animated agent interface. Ourlarge vocabulary continuous speech recognition system,Sonic, was recently developed at CU [52], [53]. In additionto large vocabulary speech recognition, the recognizer hasbeen developed to support both keyword/phrase spotting andconstrained grammar-based speech recognition. The recog-nizer provides an integrated environment that incorporatesvoice activity detection (VAD) and speech enhancement aswell as various feature and model-based speaker adaptationand normalization methods. The recognition architectureprovides support for rapid portability to new languages.Sonic has been ported from English to the French, German,Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Turkish [54] languages. It hasalso been trained on children’s speech for use in interactivebooks, described later.

3) Natural Language Parser:We use the Phoenix parser[55] to map the speech recognizer outputs onto a sequenceof semantic frames. Phoenix is designed for development ofsimple, robust natural language interfaces to applications, es-pecially spoken language applications. Because spontaneousspeech is often ill-formed and because the recognizer willmake recognition errors, it is necessary that the parser berobust to errors in recognition, grammar, and fluency. Thisparser is designed to enable robust partial parsing of thesetypes of input. Phoenix parses each input utterance into a se-quence of one or more semantic frames.

A Phoenix frame is a named set of slots, where the slotsrepresent related pieces of information. Each slot has an as-sociated context-free semantic grammar that specifies wordstring patterns that can fill the slot. The grammars are com-piled into recursive transition networks, which are matchedagainst the recognizer output to fill slots. Each filled slot con-tains a semantic parse tree with the slot name as root. Thedeveloper must define a set of frames and provide grammar


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rules that specify the word strings that can fill each slot in aframe.

In addition to producing a standard bracketed string parse,Phoenix also produces an extracted representation of theparse that maps directly onto the task concept structures. Forexample, the utterance “I want to go from Boston to DenverTuesday morning” would produce the extracted parse

Air: [Origin].[City].Boston

Air: [Destination].[City].Denver

Air: [Date Time].[Date].[DayName].tuesday

[Time Range].[PeriodOf Day].morning

4) Dialogue Manager:The dialogue manager (DM) con-trols the system’s interaction with the user and the appli-cation server. It is responsible for deciding what action thesystem will take at each step in the interaction. The DM is anevent-driven server. It is normally in an idle state waiting foran input event. When it receives input from the Hub, it takes aset of actions, sends some frames to the Hub, and then returnsto an idle state. The DM is responsible for several differentfunctions.

1) Receiving parses from the parse server. This includesverification based on confidence assessment; ellipsisand anaphora resolution; clarification; and context up-date.

2) Sending natural language generation requests. This in-cludes prompting for information; outputting informa-tion to the user; and clarification.

3) Generating database queries.4) Receiving results from the database server.The current context of the system is used to decide what

to do next. The system does not use a dialogue network ora dialogue script, but rather a general engine operates on thesemantic representations and the current context to controlthe interaction flow.

The basic data structures for representing domain informa-tion are frames. A frame has a name and a set of slots. Eachslot is a concept hierarchy with the slot name as the root. In-formation is extracted from parses into frames and is storedin frames directly by the DM. Ideally, the concept structurein these frames is the same as produced in the parser extracts.In this case, the extraction from the parse to the DM frame isdirect. A library of functions for manipulating frames is pro-vided. DM frames are defined in thetaskfile, which is similarto theframesfile for the parser. Thetaskfile contains:

1) the definition of the system ontology (hierarchical con-cept structure of frames);

2) templates for prompting for information;3) templates for confirming information;4) templates for generating SQL queries.This is a type of object-oriented mechanism in which the

ways of prompting for and talking about information is storedin the frame with the information.

The “event driven” architecture functions similar to a pro-duction system. An incoming parse causes a set of actions,which modify the current context. After the parse has beenintegrated into the current context, the DM examines the con-

text to decide what action to take next. The following actionsare considered, in the order listed:

1) clarify if necessary;2) sign off if all done;3) retrieve data and present to user;4) prompt user for required information.The rules for deciding what to prompt for next are straight-

forward. The frame in focus is set to be the frame producedin response to the user, or to the last system prompt.

1) If there are unfilled required slots in the focus frame,then prompt for the highest priority unfilled slot in theframe.

2) If there are no unfilled required slots in the focusframe, then prompt for the missing piece of informa-tion with the highest priority in the given context.

Our mechanism does not have separate “user initiative” and“system initiative” modes. If the system has enough informa-tion to act on, then it does it. If it needs information, then itasks for it. The system does not require that the user respondwith information relative to the system prompt. The user canrespond with anything, and the system will parse the utteranceand set the focus to the resulting frame. This allows the user todrive the dialogue, but does not require it. The system promptsare organized locally, at the frame level. The DM or user putsa frame in focus, and the system tries to fill it. This represen-tation is easy to author; there is no separate dialogue controlspecification required. It is also robust in that it has a simplecontrol that has no state to lose track of.

An additional benefit of the DM mechanism is that it isvery largely declarative. The system developer creates a taskfile that specifies the system ontology and templates for com-municating about nodes in the hierarchy. The templates arefilled in from the values in the frames to generate output inthe desired language.

5) Database/Back-End:During natural language inter-action, the back-end processor receives SQL queries fromthe DM, interfaces to an SQL database, and retrieves datafrom the Web to enable learning tools to access onlineinformation. When a database request is received, the DM’sSQL command is used to select records in local memory.If no records are found to match, the back-end can submitan HTTP-based request for the information via the Internet.Records returned from the Internet are then inserted as rowsinto the local SQL database, and the SQL statement is onceagain applied. Other modules may also be used to querythe database (for example, a GUI may retrieve informationrelated to a mouse click).

6) Natural Language Generator:The language genera-tion module uses templates to generate words to speak backto the user based on dialogue speech acts. For example, inthe CU Communicator travel-planning system, dialogue actsinclude “prompt” for prompting the user for needed informa-tion, “summarize” for summarization of flights, hotels, andrental cars, and “clarify” for clarifying information such asdeparture and arrival cities that share the same name. The nat-ural language generator sends the resulting text to the speechsynthesizer for playback to the user.


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7) Text-to-Speech Synthesizer:The TTS synthesizer re-ceives word strings from the natural language generator andsynthesizes them into audio waveforms that can be playedback to the user. Our current speech synthesizer servers makeuse of general-purpose TTS architectures such as the Festivalspeech synthesis system [56], the AT&T NextGen Synthe-sizer, as well as a domain-specific variable unit concatena-tive synthesizer currently used for the CU Communicatortravel-planning system.

C. Character Animator, Face Tracker, and Emotion Monitor

Under support from National Science Foundation Infor-mation Technology Research and Interagency Education Re-search Grants, additional modalities have been developed toenable conversational interaction with animated agents.

1) Character Animator:The character animationmodule receives a string of symbols (phonemes, animationcontrol commands) with start and end times from the TTSserver, and produces visible speech, facial expressions,and hand and body gestures in synchrony with the speechwaveform. Our facial animation system,CU Animate[57],is a toolkit designed for research, development, control,and real-time rendering of 3-D animated characters. Eightengaging full-bodied characters and Marge, the dragonshown in Fig. 3, are included with the toolkit. Each characterhas a fully articulated skeletal structure, with sufficientpolygon resolution to produce natural animation in regionswhere precise movements are required, such as lips, tongue,and finger joints. Characters produce lifelike visible speech,facial expressions, and gestures. CU Animate provides aGUI for designing arbitrary animation sequences. Thesesequences can be tagged (as icons representing the expres-sion or movement) and inserted into text strings, so thatcharacters will produce the desired speech and gestureswhile narrating text or conversing with the user.

Accurate visible speech is produced in CU Animatecharacters using a novel approach that uses motion capturedata collected from markers attached to a person’s lipsand face while the person is saying words that contain allsequences of phonemes (or the visual configuration of thephonemes, called visemes) in their native language. Themotion capture procedure produces a set of 8 points on thelips, each represented by an, , and coordinate, capturedat 30 frames/sec. These sequences are stored as “diviseme”sequences, representing the transition from the middle ofone visually similar phoneme class to the middle of anothersuch class. To synthesize a new utterance, we identify the de-sired phoneme sequence to be produced (exactly as done inTTS synthesis systems), and then locate the correspondingsequences of viseme motion capture frames. Followingprocedures used to achieve audio diphone TTS synthesis,we concatenate sequences of divisemes—intervals of speechfrom the middle (most steady-state portion) of one phonemeto the middle of the following phoneme. By mapping themotion capture points from these concatenated sequencesto the vertices of the polygons on the lips and face of the3-D model, we can control the movements of the lips of the3-D model to mimic the movements of the original speaker

Fig. 3. Characters currently used in CU animate. Eight of thecharacters were designed by Sherer digital automation.

when producing the divisemes within words. This approachproduces natural-looking visible speech, which we are nowevaluating relative to videos of human talkers.

2) Face Tracker: A face tracking system was developedby Movellan and his colleagues at the Machine PerceptionLab at the University of California, San Diego, to track facesin real time (at 30 frames/sec) under arbitrary illuminationconditions and backgrounds (which may include moving ob-jects). The system combines both color and gray-scale infor-mation. The main advantages of color-based trackers are thatthey are resistant to changes in pose (e.g., in-depth rotations,facial expressions) while requiring minimal computationalresources. Unfortunately, color-based systems have severalmajor problems: they are sensitive to illumination conditionsand to the presence of flesh-colored backgrounds or clothing;the algorithms are local and, thus, tend to lose the face whenlarge movement occurs; and the methods for estimating thescale of the face tend to bead hocand poorly motivated. Inorder to address these problems, a system was developed thatintegrated color-based face tracking and feature-based facedetection within the same theoretical framework [58].

The color-based tracker analyzes on the order of 30 000hypotheses per frame about the location and scale of faces.This is achieved by utilizing a bank of integral images [58].The speed of the algorithm enables it to perform a globalsearch over the entire image plane and to jointly estimatescale and location within a maximum-likelihood framework.The feature-based system was trained on a database of 5000frontal, upright faces provided by Compaq, and a databaseof millions of background image patches taken from theWeb. The system is very robust to changes in illuminationand background conditions. Its main limitation at presentis that it can only detect frontal views of upright faces.The color-based and feature-based systems run in parallelon different threads. The color-based system can run at 30frames/sec, consuming very little computational resources.The frequency of operation of the feature-based system


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depends on computational resources. Its main role is toupdate the statistics of the face and background color model,and to provide additional information about the likely lo-cations of faces. The face detector achieved state-of-the-artperformance on the standard CMU dataset [59].

The face detector communicates the location of the user’sface to the animation server which, by triangulating betweenthe user, camera, and animated agent, allows the animatedagent’s eyes to track the user.

3) Emotion Monitor: The Emotion Monitor, also de-veloped at the Machine Perception Lab, is a prototypesystem that classifies facial expressions into seven emo-tion dimensions: neutral, angry, happy, disgusted, fearful,sad, and surprised. The system will be integrated intoGalaxy/Communicator in the near future. When the fea-ture-based face detector finds a face, the image is sent to abank of 40 Gabor filters at eight orientations and five spatialfrequencies. The filter bank representation is compressedusing a bank of 21 SVM classifiers. The output of theseclassifiers is then converted into a probability distributionover seven emotional dimensions using a multinomialregression model. The system was trained and tested onCohn and Kanade’s DFAT-504 dataset [60]. It achievedintersubject generalization performance of 91.5% correct onthe seven-category classification task. Demonstrations of thesystem can be found at the Machine Perception LaboratoryWeb site [61]. Performance in unconstrained images sent tothe Web server is about 80% correct.

D. Summary

Taken together, the Galaxy architecture, CU CAT, CU An-imate, and computer vision technologies provide a set offoundational tools and technologies that can be used to de-velop perceptive animated interfaces. Most of these tools andtechnologies are either freely available now [62], [63] or willsoon be available to university researchers and educators fornoncommercial use. In the next section, we describe a testbedfor using these tools and technologies to research and de-velop perceptive animated interfaces.




The CLT is a technology-based literacy program, basedon cognitive theory and scientifically based reading research,which aims to improve literacy and student achievement inpublic schools. The goal of the CLT is to provide computer-based learning tools that will improve student achievement inany subject area by helping students learn to read fluently, toacquire new knowledge through deep understanding of whatthey read, to make connections to other knowledge and ex-periences, and to express their ideas concisely and creativelythrough writing. A second goal is to scale up the programto both state and national levels in the United States by pro-viding accessible, inexpensive, and effective computer-basedlearning tools that are easy to use and require little or nolearning curve by teachers or students.

A key feature of the CLT is the use of leading-edgehuman communication technologies in learning tasks, asdescribed later. The program is, thus, an ideal testbed forresearch and development of perceptive animated agents thatintegrate auditory and visual behaviors during face-to-faceconversational interaction with human learners. The pro-gram enables us to evaluate component technologies withreal users—students in classrooms—and to evaluate howthe integration of these technologies into learning toolsincorporating perceptive animated agents affects learningusing standardized assessment tools.

In the remainder of this section, we describe the learningtools used in the CLT, and the ways in which they use spokendialogue system technologies, computer vision technologies,character animation technologies, and natural language un-derstanding technologies.

A. CLT Components

The CLT consists of five tightly integrated components: 1)managed learning environment (MLE); 2) assessment tools;3) foundational reading skills tutors; 4) interactive books;and 5) Summary Street comprehension training. In addition,the project devotes significant effort to research on evaluatinglearning outcomes and designing a scalable and sustainableprogram.

1) Managed Learning Environment:All student activi-ties are organized and displayed within an MLE. The MLElogs all student and system behaviors within the program,and displays progress graphics that shows individual and ag-gregate student performance aligned to district, state, and na-tional learning goals at each grade level.

2) Assessment Tools:These tools provide a rapid assess-ment of a student’s reading level, alphabet knowledge, andphonological awareness. The assessment tools are designedto identify younger students who may have learning prob-lems and, thus, require focused instruction to acquire skillsthat underlie reading.

3) Foundational Reading Skills Tutors:These tutorsprovide a sequence of focused exercises in which theanimated agent interacts with students to learn and practicefoundational reading skills in several domains: alphabetknowledge, phonological awareness, letter-to-sound de-coding, recognizing common sight words, understandingsyllable structure, spelling, and vocabulary training. In avariety of engaging exercises in each domain, the tutorpresents instructions, provides hints, and gives feedbackand encouragement to the learner in response to mouseclicks, speech, or typed input. Fig. 4 shows examples offoundational reading skills tutors. Foundational skills tutorsare presented within an automated study plan that adapts toeach student’s performance, and which is closely integratedwith interactive books.

4) Interactive Books:Interactive books are the mainplatform for research and development of perceptive ani-mated agents. Fig. 5 shows a page of an interactive book.Interactive books incorporate all of the spoken dialogue,language processing, computer vision, and computer anima-tion technologies described in the previous section to enable


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Fig. 4. Examples of foundational reading skills tutors withanimated teacher shown in top right-hand corner. (a) Beginningsounds. (b) Rhyme changing.

Fig. 5. An interactive book with animated teacher in top rightcorner.

natural face-to-face conversational interaction with users.Fig. 6 shows this integration within a client-server architec-ture that provides a platform-independent user interface forWeb-based delivery of multimedia learning tools [64].

Interactive book authoring tools are designed for easy useby project staff, teachers, and students to enable authors todesign and format books by combining text, images, videos,and animated characters. Once text and illustrations havebeen imported or input into the authoring environment, au-thors can orchestrate interactions between users, animatedcharacters, and media objects. Developers can populate illus-trations (digital images) with animated characters, and causethem to converse with each other, with the user, or speak orsing their parts in the stories using naturally recorded or syn-thetic speech. A markup language enables authors to controlcharacters’ facial expressions and gestures while speaking.The authoring tools also enable authors to prerecord sen-tences and/or individual words in the text as well as utter-ances to be produced by animated characters when narratingtext or during conversations with users. This gives users theflexibility to let the animated agents speak in their voicewhile maintaining synchronized lip movement.

The authoring tools enable a wide range of user andsystem behaviors within interactive books, including havingthe story narrated by one or more animated characters (whilecontrolling their facial expressions and gestures), havingusers converse with animated characters in structured ormixed-initiative dialogues, having the student read out loudwhile words are highlighted, clicking on words to have themspoken by the agent, interacting with the agent to sound outthe word, having the student respond to questions posed bythe agent either by clicking on objects in images or sayingor typing responses, and having the student produce typedor spoken summaries which are analyzed for content usinglanguage processing techniques.

Read-aloud feedback involves following along as text isread, highlighting the read text, monitoring reading fluencyand verifying pronunciation accuracy. Various feedback op-tions are possible, such as display of just the current para-graph being read, highlighting of the read text, and a pointerthat follows the current reading position. Read-aloud feed-back is obtained by building a language model for the book,getting partial phrases from the speech recognizer as the useris reading, determining the current reading location usingthe partial phrase and an efficient Viterbi search through thebook, and aligning the partial phrase with the book text usinga dynamic programming search. In order to allow for skip-ping, the Viterbi search finds the words that when strung to-gether minimize a weighted cost function of adjacent wordproximity and distance from the reader’s last active readinglocation. The dynamic programming search has constraintsto account for boundary effects at the ends of the partialphrase.

5) Comprehension Training:Comprehension traininguses Summary Street [65], a program developed at CU byW. Kintsch and his associates to train students to achievedeep comprehension of text (e.g., the author’s intent, in-ferences, cause and effect, relation to world knowledge).The program applies latent semantic analysis (LSA), a textprocessing technique, developed by Deerwesteret al. [66]and Landauer and Dumais [67], to grade student essays bycomparing them directly to text, or to graded essays, or to


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Fig. 6. Interactive book architecture as a client/server implementation. The client and server canreside on separate machines or on the same machine. Interactive books reside on the client side withina Java-based user interface (UI). Most of the modules run in a server farm, with the exception of theface tracker, character animator (CU animate), and emotion monitor, which run on the client side,making possible a tight and efficient integration with the UI. The client-side modules communicatedirectly with the Java layer, which in turn communicates with the Hub via a book server. The UIprovides multimodal input and output (text, speech, graphics, video, movement, and animation),platform independence, and an easy-to-use authoring environment.

one or more “golden essays.” After reading an expositionor story, students are instructed to type a summary of thetext. Summary Street grades the essay and provides thestudent with meaningful visual feedback about the presenceor absence of critical information (e.g., subthemes) in thesummary. The program can then help the student acquiremissing information by directing them to relevant sectionsof the text, and interact with students to combine redundantsections of prose and eliminate irrelevant sentences, inorder to make their summaries more concise. Students whoused Summary Street in high school classes doubled thetime they spent on their assignments, and improved theirachievement by a full letter grade [64], [68]. A SummaryStreet tutorial can be found online1 [69]. Interactive booksprovide a digital environment for incorporating SummaryStreet, and for extending comprehension training to childrenwho cannot read well or type. In this scenario, the animatedcharacter narrates a story, and then asks the child to summa-rize the story in her own words. The child will then producea spoken summary, which is transcribed using automaticcontinuous speech recognition and then graded using LSA.The animated character will then interact with the studentto revisit parts of the story containing information missingfrom the summary, and interact with the student to revisethe summary.

B. Summary

Foundational skills reading tutors and interactive bookswere introduced into a dozen kindergarten and first gradeclassrooms in Boulder, CO, during the spring of 2003. Theinitial deployment was limited to interaction with animatedcharacters that speak and emote through mouse clicks bythe students. At the time of this writing, the speech recog-nition, face recognition and emotion classification systems


have been integrated into the interactive books architecture,and our new generation of perceptive animated interfaceswill be introduced into classrooms in the fall of 2003.


Building systems that enable face-to-face communi-cation with intelligent animated agents requires a deepunderstanding of the auditory and visual behaviors that indi-viduals produce and respond to while communicating witheach other. Face-to-face conversation is a virtual ballet ofauditory and visual behaviors—apas de deuxof signals andcues—with the speaker and behavior simultaneously pro-ducing and reacting to each other’s sounds and movements.While talking, the speaker produces speech annotated bysmiles, head nods, and other gestures. At the same time, thelistener provides simultaneous auditory and visual feedbackto the speaker (e.g., “I agree”; “I’m puzzled”; “I want tospeak”). For example, the listener may signal the speakerthat she desires to speak; the speaker continues to talk,but acknowledges the nonverbal communication by raisinghis hand and smiling in a “wait just a moment” gesture.Face-to-face conversation is often characterized by suchsimultaneous auditory and visual exchanges, in which thesounds of our voices, the visible movements of our articula-tors, direction of gaze, facial expressions, and head and bodymovements present linguistic information, paralinguisticinformation (emotions, sarcasm, spatial referents, etc.), andcommunication about the conversation itself (agreement,turn taking, etc.).

Inventing systems that engage users in accurate andgraceful face-to-face conversational interaction is a chal-lenging task. The system must simultaneously interpretand produce auditory and visual signals in real time whilepreserving the timing relationships between perception andproduction appropriate to conversational interaction. The


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system must interpret the user’s auditory and visible speech,eye movements, facial expressions, and gestures, sincethese cues combine to signal the speaker’s intent—e.g.,a head nod can clarify reference, whereas a shift of gazecan indicate that a response is expected. Paralinguisticinformation is also critical, since the prosodic contour ofthe auditory signal or a visual cue such as rolling the eyesmay signal that the user is being sarcastic. The animatedagent must also produce accurate, natural, and expressiveauditory and visible speech with facial expressions andgestures appropriate to the physical nature of languageproduction, the context of the dialogue, and the goals of thetask. Most important, the animated interface must combineperception and production to interact conversationally inreal time—while the animated agent is speaking, the systemmust interpret the user’s auditory and visual behaviors todetect agreement, confusion, desire to interrupt, etc., andwhile the user is speaking, the system must both interpret theuser’s speech and simultaneously provide auditory and/orvisual feedback via the animated character.

To develop lifelike computer characters imbued withunique and credible personalities and capable of natural andgraceful face-to-face dialogues with users, new research isneeded to gain a deeper understanding of the signals andcues exchanged during face-to-face communication, andresearch is needed to use this knowledge to develop humancommunication systems that model these behaviors. Byapplying this knowledge to improved machine perceptionand generation technologies, research will lead to a newgeneration of perceptive animated interfaces.


We have argued that perceptive animated interfacescan be realized in the near future by leveraging existinginfrastructure and expertise in areas of human languagetechnologies and by extending spoken dialogue systems toincorporate computer vision (face tracking, eye tracking,expression recognition, gesture recognition, etc.) andcomputer animation systems. But developing perceptiveanimated interfaces requires far more than advancing andintegrating technologies within systems in these areas. De-veloping perceptive animated interfaces requires a diversecommunity of researchers working together, motivated bystrong competing theories of cognition, communication,and learning, sharing common infrastructure and measuringprogress on well-defined tasks.

The importance of a coherent and focused research com-munity, with shared research goals and infrastructure, is illus-trated by progress in spoken language systems. In the past 25years, spoken language systems have progressed from recog-nition of discrete utterances produced by specific individualsto commercial deployment of graceful, speaker-independentconversational interfaces. Progress in spoken language sys-tems can be attributed to sustained funding from federal re-search agencies and industrial labs, and to the efforts of adedicated community of researchers who have worked to-gether to establish common research goals, to define task do-

mains and performance objectives, to develop and share crit-ical infrastructure, and to define and apply rigorous evalua-tion methodologies to a set of increasingly challenging taskdomains.

Inventing perceptive animated interfaces also requires thecombined efforts of a community of dedicated researcherswith shared research objectives, accessible research toolsand corpora, common task domains, benchmark systems,and evaluation metrics for measuring progress. At present,no such community exists. Fortunately, there are manysignificant efforts at laboratories worldwide focused onunderstanding, classifying, and recognizing emotions whenpeople listen and speak; on understanding hand and bodygestures during speech communication; and on improvingspeech recognition and speech production by integratingauditory and visual modalities. Unfortunately, researchersin each of these areas tend to move in their own circlesand often meet at small workshops run in collaborationwith larger, more established conferences. By bringingtheorists, researchers, and technologists from these commu-nities together, new ideas, experiments, and theories willemerge from considering fundamental issues that cut acrosstraditional disciplines and that are not currently addressedby computer science and engineering, linguists, cognitivescience, or psychology.


The CSLR at CU is developing the interactive reading tu-tors described here; the speech and language technologiesin the CU Communicator spoken dialogue system; and theCU Animate system, a research and authoring environmentfor real-time animation of full bodied characters that speak,gesture and emote. Computer vision technologies, includingface tracking, gaze tracking and emotion classification arebeing developed by J. Movellan, M. S. Bartlett, and J. Her-shey at the Machine Perception Laboratory at the Universityof California, San Diego. Research on improving animationand integrating animation and computer vision is conductedthrough close collaboration between the University of Cali-fornia, San Diego, and CU. The Institute for Cognitive Sci-ence at CU is developing language processing technologies(e.g., improvements to LSA) in the context of interactivelearning system for comprehension training and essay gen-eration. The Boulder Valley School District Department ofSpecial Education, headed by Dr. J. Riordan, works closelywith the project team to conduct participatory design activi-ties, integrate reading tutors into classrooms, and enable eval-uation of the tools. Prof. W. Kintsch, Director of the Institutefor Cognitive Science, is Principal Investigator of the CLT.


The authors would like to thank the following peoplefor their invaluable contributions to the reading tutorproject: D. Caccamise, L. Corson, T. Durham, W. Kintsch,E. Kintsch, N. Ngampatipatpong, L. Snyder, T. Streumph,J. Tuantranont, and B. Wise.


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Ronald Cole received the B.A. degree inpsychology from the University of Rochester,Rochester, NY, in 1967 and the Ph.D. inpsychology from the University of California,Riverside, in 1971.

From 1970 to 1975, he was an Assistant Pro-fessor at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo,ON, Canada. In 1973, he was Visiting Professorat the University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel.From 1975 to 1988, he was Associate Professorand Senior Project Scientist at Carnegie Mellon

University, Pittsburgh, PA. From 1988 to 1998, he was a Professor atthe Oregon Graduate Institute, Beaverton, where he founded the Centerfor Spoken Language Understanding. Since 1998, he has been with theUniversity of Colorado, Boulder, where he cofounded the Center forSpoken Language Research. He was Editor-in-Chief ofSurvey of the Stateof the Art of Human Technology(Cambridge, MA: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1997,” and Coauthor of "The challenge of spoken language sys-tems: Research directions for the nineties" (IEEE Trans. Speech AudioProcessing, vol. 1, pp. 1-21, Jan. 1995).

Sarel van Vuuren received the Ph.D. degreein electrical and computer engineering fromthe Oregon Graduate Institute of Science andTechnology, Beaverton, in 1999, where he was aFulbright Scholar (1994–1998).

In 1996, he was with Digital EquipmentCorporation. From 1999 to 2001, he was withSpeechWorks International. He is currently Headof Research and Development for the InteractiveBook and Literacy Tutor project at the Centerfor Spoken Language Research, University

of Colorado, Boulder. He regularly acts as consultant to academia andindustry. His current research interest is multimodal human-computerinterfaces, involving studies in machine learning, signal processing, speakerand pronunciation verification, semantic analysis, computing architectures,and real-time animation.

Bryan Pellom (Member, IEEE) received theB.Sc. degree in computer and electrical engi-neering from Purdue University, West Lafayette,IN, in 1994 and the M.Sc and Ph.D. degreesin electrical engineering from Duke University,Durham, NC, in 1996 and 1998, respectively.

From 1999 to 2002, he was a ResearchAssociate with the Center for Spoken LanguageResearch (CSLR), University of Colorado,Boulder. His research activities were focusedon automatic speech recognition, concatenative

speech synthesis, and spoken dialog systems. Since 2002, he is a ResearchAssistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and with theCSLR. His current research is focused in the area of large vocabularyspeech recognition. In 2002, he was Technical Chair for the InternationalConference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP).


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Kadri Hacioglu was born in Nicosia, Cyprus.He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degreesin electrical and electronic engineering fromthe Middle East Technical University, Ankara,Turkey, in 1980, 1984, and 1990, respectively.

After his two-year military service, in 1992, hejoined the faculty of Eastern Mediterranean Uni-versity, Magosa, North Cyprus, as an AssistantProfessor, and became an Associate Professor in1997. While there, he taught several classes onelectronics, digital communications, speech pro-

cessing and neural networks. During this time, he conducted research onapplying fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms to signal pro-cessing and communications problems. From 1998 to 2000, he was a Vis-iting Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Col-orado, Boulder. Here, he taught classes on neural networks and continuedhis research. Since 2000, he has been a Research Associate at the Centerfor Spoken Language Research, University of Colorado. He has authoredor coauthored numerous papers and supervised a dozen M.Sc./Ph.D. theses.His current research interests are concept-based language modeling, speechunderstanding, natural language generation, and search methods in speechrecognition/understanding. He also does research on multiuser detection andequalization in CDMA systems.

Jiyong Ma (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. de-gree in computational mathematics and the M.S.degree in thermal physics from Heilongjiang Uni-versity, Harbin, China, in 1984 and 1988, respec-tively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Departmentof Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Tech-nology, Harbin, China, in 1999.

From 1999 to 2001, he was a PostdoctoralResearcher in the Institute of ComputingTechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.He is currently with the Center for Spoken

Language Research, University of Colorado, Boulder. He has publishedover 60 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Hiscurrent research is focused on multimodal intelligent computer interfaces,including computer vision and pattern recognition, computer animation,sign language recognition, and speaker and speech recognition.

Javier Movellan was born in Palencia, Spain. Hereceived the B.S. degree from the UniversidadAutonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain and thePh.D. degree from the University of California,Berkeley, in 1989, where he was a FulbrightScholar.

From 1989 to 1993, he was a Research Asso-ciate at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,PA. From 1993 to 2001, he was an AssistantProfessor at the University of California, SanDiego (UCSD). He is currently an Associate

Scientist at the Institute for Neural Computation and Director of theMachine Perception Laboratory, UCSD. He has been studying learningand perception by human and machine for more than 15 years. His workspan studies in probability theory, machine learning, machine perception,experimental psychology, robotics, and developmental psychology. Hefounded UCSD’s Machine Perception Laboratory in 1997 with the goalof understanding human and machine perception by developing machineperception systems that combine multiple sources of information (e.g.,audio and video) and interact naturally with people, reading their lips,recognizing their facial expressions, and making inferences about cognitiveand affective states. He is Founder of the Kolmogorov project, whichprovides a collection of open source tutorials and software on topics relatedto machine learning, machine perception, and statistics.

Scott Schwartz received the B.A. degree inspeech and hearing sciences from the StateUniversity of New York, New Paltz, in 1980and the M.A. degree in 1982 in speech andhearing from Ohio University and his Ph.D. incommunication disorders at the University ofWisconsin-Madison.

He has worked as a Speech Language Pathol-ogist in the public schools in Boston, MA, and.Madison, WI. Research and publications from hiswork in Madison, WI, are in the area of language

development in children with Down’s syndrome. He is currently a SpeechLanguage Pathologist in the public schools in Boulder, CO, and the Liaisonbetween the Boulder School District and the Center for Spoken LanguageResearch at the University of Colorado, Boulder. In the Boulder, CO, schooldistrict Scott has also served as a special education and autism consultant.He also teaches at the University of Colorado in the area of phonologicaldisorders in children and autism spectrum disorders.

Dr. Schwartz is a member of the American Speech and Language Asso-ciation and the Autism Society of America.

David Wade-Steinreceived the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer sciencefrom the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1986 and 1989, respec-tively, where his emphasis was fault-tolerant software systems, and the Ph.D.degree in psychology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 2001,where his emphasis was building and testing intelligent tutoring systemsusing latent semantic analysis.

He was with Culler Scientific Systems, Communication Machinery Cor-poration, and the Computer Science Department, University of California,Santa Barbara. He was also a Consultant for Digital Sound Corporation andthe Speech Technology Laboratory, Santa Barbara, CA. He taught computerprogramming and system administration classes for Navy personnel at Pt.Mugu, CA. He is currently a Research Associate at the Center for SpokenLanguage Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, where he builds lit-eracy tutors and interactive books and performs research on latent semanticanalysis and semantic parsing.

Wayne Ward was born in Pensacola, FL, in 1951. He received the B.A. de-gree with a double major in mathematical science and psychology from RiceUniversity, Houston, TX, in 1973 and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in psy-chology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, in 1981 and 1984,respectively.

From 1986 to 1998, he was a Research Faculty Member in the Schoolof Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. He iscurrently a Research Professor at the Center for Spoken Language Research,University of Colorado, Boulder.

Jie Yan (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. de-gree in computer science at Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Harbin, China, in 1999.

From 1999 to 2001, she was an AssociateResearcher in Microsoft Research, China. Sheis currently a Research Associate in the Centerfor Spoken Language Research, University ofColorado, Boulder. She has published more than20 papers and two patents in the related area. Herresearch interests include multiview human facedetection, tracking, and recognition; realistic

human face and body animation; and human facial expression, lip motion,body language synthesis, and virtual reality techniques.