People Environment Interaction

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This theme explores how people affect their environment, or their natural surroundings, and how their environment affects them.

Built houses. Cut down trees. They may have learned how to survive

with little water.Thrown litter Established a landfillBuilt a dam across a river.

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WHAT IS NOISE POLLUTION? Lot of noise in the environment is termed as noise


Sound becomes undesirable when it disturbs the normal activities.

It is an underrated environmental problem because of the fact that we can’t see, smell, or taste it.

World Health Organization stated that “Noise must be recognized as a major threat to human well-being”

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HEALTH EFFECTS According to the USEPA, there are direct links between noise

and health Can damage physiological and psychological health.

High blood pressure, stress related illness, sleep disruption, hearing loss, and productivity loss etc.

Also cause memory loss, severe depression, and panic attacks.

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SOURCES OF NOISE POLLUTION Transportation systems in urban areas.

Construction of buildings, highways, and street.

Industrial noise – an unfavorable state of noise pollution.

Loud speakers, plumbing, boilers, generators, air conditioners, fans, and vacuum cleaners add to the existing noise pollution.

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SOLUTIONS FOR NOISE POLLUTION Planting bushes and trees.

Regular servicing and tuning of automobiles.

Buildings with suitable noise absorbing material.

Workers should be provided with equipments.

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SOLUTIONS FOR NOISE POLLUTION Lubrication of the machinery and servicing.

Soundproof doors and windows.

Regulations should be imposed to restrict the usage of play loudspeakers in crowded areas and public places.

Factories and industries should be located far from the residential areas.

Social awareness programs.

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Removal of forest or stand trees converted into non-forest use.

Causes: -> Population growth -> Urbanization -> More demand of wood commodities

Impact: -> Environmental problem -> Biodiversity -> Economic Impact

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Water covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface and is a very important resource for people and the environment. Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. This consequently harms human health and the natural environment. Here you can find out more about water pollution and what you can do to

prevent it.

Water pollution

Types of water pollution(1) Point sources if the pollution come from a single source for exm an

oil spill is called point source pollution(2) Non point sources if the pollution come from many source is called

non point sources pollution(3) Transboundary Most types of pollution affect the immediate area

surrounding the source. Sometimes the pollution may affect the environment hundreds of miles away from the source, such as nuclear waste, this is called transboundary pollution

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(1) Swage and waste water(2) Industrial waste(3) Radioactive waste(4) Oil pollution(5) Under ground storage leakages(6) Atmospheric deposition(7) Global warming

The causes of water pollution

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Virtually all types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans and animals. Water pollution may not damage our health immediately but can be harmful after long term exposure. Different forms of pollutants affect the health of animals in different ways.

Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. These are toxic to marine life such as fish and shellfish, and subsequently to the humans who eat them.

Microbial pollutants from sewage often result in infectious diseases that infect aquatic life and terrestrial life through drinking water. Microbial water pollution is a major problem in the developing world, with diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever being the primary cause of infant mortality.

Organic matter and nutrients causes an increase in aerobic algae and depletes oxygen from the water column. This causes the suffocation of fish and other aquatic organisms.

Danger of water pollution

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Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary.

Be careful about what you throw down your sink or toilet. Don’t throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the drain.

Use environmentally household products, such as washing powder, household cleaning agents and toiletries.

Take great care not to overuse pesticides and fertilisers. This will prevent runoffs of the material into nearby water sources.

By having more plants in your garden you are preventing fertiliser, pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources.

Don’t throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans. Help clean up any litter you see on beaches or in rivers and lakes, make sure it is safe to collect the litter and put it in a nearby dustbin.

What can you do ?

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(1) Industrial treatment(2) Denitrification(3) Septic tanks(4) Ozone waste water treatment

Treating water pollution

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Any visible or invisible particle or gas found in the air that is not part of the original, normal composition.

Major Pollutants Carbon Monoxide Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Dioxide Particulate Matter Ground Level Ozone

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