Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    Waihopai, Januar 1996

    SCRAP.\HO'Spy g

    Stan Hemsey and j-iend with his inva

    In this issue:

    New Zealand spies ABC member tetify on ISA Bi Hearing on the Bi Latest nws Submiion on the SA Bi by Warren Thomson Subision by Anthony Leaand "Hippetype ndividua aeted at Waihopai Book Revie: Seeng ed Underover in 1950s New Zeaand UK ministry ed M wagg war o Harassment The fate f the Bac Brh Naal Observatory Canbera hange wil aet Oz dfen CA Fie nernt has internationa inteligene vaue or US miitary Spooy Bits Uranu and thorium mining ould happen in Aotearoa Edward Teer at hi inest

















  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    NZ SPESpooks an spying on' gu hugy in h hinkingof his ouny An h spiay onsiungn Commi onsiing gisaionfo ou spis ans o kp i his ay

    A Bi is bing fasak hough aiamn opoi osigh ofh uiy nign i( sponsib fo omsi suiy an spying, anh sups Gomn Communiaions uiyBuau (GCB hih is ask o safgua NZaan ommuniaions u aso spis on infoaionpassg in an ou of his ouny ia sai faxsMa s an aio ommunaions shipsm ipoma

    h gisaion as inou io aiamn ony

    hous bo h ous os on fo Chismas hpubi mos of hom sing o fo h summhoiays gin uni h bginning of Fbuayo spon o h Bi A som pssu his asn o Fbuay an a son oun of pubihaings ha o b shu Bu h spia Commi Bog MaKinnon Gaham as CakCaygi an Mahson sho i sign of aningo in in h spooks,o n aoing a n pubiba on h gisaion

    Mmbs of h AniBass Campaign in Chshuhha akn a aing par in pomoing isussion onh Bi. W ha ok ih ohs o ppa anssmna a i ha anays h gsaon an gasom gna bakgoun infomaion W ha bnry ai in poiing h mia ih infomaionan ass ha ajo an nouag ohso mak submissions h ios ofee eerherappa a h s oun of haings in Wingono mak sbmissions n h mis of a his puogh h annua Waihopai pos an h iosofee eerher n p in h s

    Ou ffos a in h onns of his issu ofh AB oua W' on ha an fo hmomn W hop ha mo pop ou h i baing hi ois o h as fo fu ba fogisaion ha is iba moai, anmonsaby fi h aiiis of s spyoganisaions an h xn hy a un popono a impoan masus of h hah ofmoay in any ounry W a n o g inoo mak su ha AoaoN i masu up

    h pubi a no gin any infomaion abou haspying h an h GCB o, an h paiamnay

    g 2

    ommi (h C o b a o mak su hybha hmss on ih n h gisaionpsny bfo h ous ay o ay opaionsa spiay xmp fom xaminaion Furhoh C i b unab o ass snsii infoaion a phas in so iy ha amos anyhing osignifian ou b n o ommiinsigaion

    Un h Bi h im Minis ho is unysponsib fo h an GCB i oninu oha nomous po (o sh mins hoi b on h C mins hn ( i i im s ha an b siga an h nb ma pubi imiy h ios of h an h GCB an a imaion snsii an

    fus o ao h C a o

    n h pas h o of h has bn susp faiu in h ass of h Rainbo Wario an has a bombing of ni Abbo ibousmisinmaion in h ofon Cason om oaaan ohs ausaions of sism an ya obhaio fom os an po ia manipuaionof infomaion by fo im Minis Muoon(Un h psn Bi poiia misus of s oub y simp

    Fo h s im h GCB ou om n sau(bu ony o a imi xn No bfo im. Bu a gong o an nohing mo abou his mysiousoganisaion an is psn opaions i in no ayb inhibi by any moai suiny As mos ofh spionag aks pa in a os aionship ihAusaian Bi ish Amian an Canaian snoopingan maia i a b snsi i - anyinfomaion aing o osas gonmns ooganisaions is a nogo aa fo u psnais

    s a ga ia o s up a paiamnay ommi oah o ahs Bu f is gong o b as binoohss an spinss as h psn Bi suggss gi a a banh o h agns an spiay anynga o issin mns ihin hm o infin psona poiia an ommia affais in hisouny as hy s

    h gisaio aso ss up an nspoGna o ookino psona ompais an mas h h a

    has bn onan on' ho ou oo muh hopfo h a Bu h poision o amin aims haan iniiua has bn asy aff by som


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    acin f he ineigence agencies cu be a sepfrar ypica y fr his egisain heer hereis a snag. he Chief fhe agency has agree in riingbefre he cmpain can be inesigae

    he Bi as preseny cnsiue is a ea uc - shhrugh ih hes an barey rh rerieing. hemanner f is inrucin an he prcess f hearings

    e us heer ha e can rus ur presenpariamenaryeaers superise he sps We nee gie he seec cmmiee he Ne Zeaanemcracy eseres beer han his .

    A he ime f riing a secn pubic hearing fsubmissins as being he in Weingn. ubicineres has been higher han he piicians anean he memen f he Bi hrugh he seec

    cmmiee an he use may be ser han rignayanicipae his gies an ppruniy ge Msan qui hem n ha hey n abu he egisainan ha hey n abu he sp agencies Msn iruay nhing I is ia shae hem up nhe issues an ensure sme sr f ineigen ebe ishear in he use In paricuar Labur Ms mus be ha acing in cusin ih Bger n his issue is

    g fr neiher Labur nr he cunry.

    If yu can spare a ie ime rie a eer mae aphne ca see an M Legisain ie his ny cmesup nce in a ecae

    ABC Chrischurch i suppy infrmain ifrequesehne 03) 337-346 Fax 03) 3663988r rie B 58 Chrischurch.

    BC b bf B

    Warren hmsn an I raee Weingn fr heFebruary 3 hearings n he Ine igence an ecuriyAgencies Bi IA) Ang ih seera her pepeincuing ai Lange e appeare befre hecmmiee chaire by Jim Bger an he eaing ighsf he Labur an Unie paries bu ih Jim Anernf he Aiance cnspicuusy missing Of curse heha neer been inie be a member f h ecmmie Nr ha Winsn eers a maeric Mh migh be expece hae his n simuaingieas abu ersigh f spy agencies

    One geneman h esie in he aernn abeehe cmmiee a bunch f pasies ea ing acmpee s f armh in een Cars emeanurB gien he era iue f he cmmieehrughu he ay his is a g bi bu may nee a

    ie neuning) he esriin seme apppriaeAn nrn r a ees u hae gien hecmmiee a sp f spar A hse h esiiagains h b r criicise i srngy u haeha hree fr sympahic ers a he abe Inseae ere isene piey bu ismissiey excepfr he ccasina remar m C ar ha hmm migh in ha pin.

    Ams eery iness befre he cmmiee cri icisehe expane eniin f securiy in he Bi see ar

    f he Bi) ha is ne area in hich e migh seesme ne-uning Bu n' expec any subsaniachanges he Bi is quie eiberaey braening he


    eniin f securiy see sme f he submissinsesehere in his issue) as a respnse he prfunchanges ha hae curre in he gba sraegicpicure miiary ecnmic an piica) he shi fineigence aciiies n precing ur ecnmice-being pens a as an i-ene arena f spyingincuing inusria espinage. his eepmen isay cnsisen ih expane spying aciiies fher UKUA nains I is paicuary pignan inhe cnex f he s-cae free-mare heunfeere gba rae menaiy ha ur Naina anLabur gernmens hae bugh in s hrughyWha is free abu mres ha is unereabu inernaina rae hen gemens see fi urn heir pubicyfune spy aencies se n eachher fr purpes f gaining insria ecnmic anpica aanage B he bsiness r hn'

    seeme pay mh hee, r rai much f a fuss abui erhap h is beau h a pris f h bigys, he rannainas n n gba fre rae buin h perpeuain f he masi inequiies anmaisribui f eah an per ha is ayigh ec spying i ne f he s f ha rae ani NZ is en pay he game

    Bu he cmmiee as n siing hear ha in fargumen Mr Bger in paricuar seeme beresisan hearing abu any f he ier impicains

    f he Bi . he main hrus f Warrens submissinan esimny as h NZ as ine in he eseineigence ner an ha ha mean in es f

    g 3

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    s inepenene an svereigny. e aske a heuse f his esimny sh abu fur minues fvie ape frm verseas sures rs han aunsf sme f he reay nasy business ha verseasineigene agenies nu Bger u n havei Wih n knege f he nen f he ape heabee i hearsay an refuse permissin have i paye fr he mmiee Warren persise an i

    suee in ge ing Bger aep he ape as par fhe mmiees eviene We n ye kn ifiniviua mmiee members have viee r everi vie he ape

    Warren hen gave a brief summary f his submissinan ansere sme ques ins. i he same fusse n he egaiy f GCB eerni spyingevera knegeabe pepe inuing Ray arker,he irer f he ageny ha assure us ha he GCBan is a ivi ies ere perfey ega appears

    hever, ha he egaiy is epenen n pheseiberaey rien in inernainaeemmuniains agreemens by gvernmens a spying g n hie giving he genera ppuaehe impressin ha heir privae mmuniains arebeing pree. 's a ynia business Bu ha seis ne? hi s rei, avi Caygi rse he bai fh aims f iegaiy in my submissin Bu heseeme saisie hen reae he gis fMr arkersresurane abu h he ega beages mae sure aas nea an ega Caygi i n nie my nguemy pane in my heek, nr i he mmen hen piney raise he issue f he mraiy f heGB eerni spying.

    Bh Messrs arker (GCB an Mvr, irer fhe uriy neigene ervie, sa sieny hrughuhe hearings

    Our eapse ime befre he mmiee as abu0 minues We ame aay nering if hey haabrbe an re ee n anyhing e ha say

    here a sme eing an gen esimny ver heure f he ay by he ikes f Cah Waae ugeie k harass an Maine Gaye Bu in heeye fhe mmiee an he meia, he sar inessas ai Lange, he invi e speaker h e ff hefesivi ies. je n a fe fragmens f hi srambings inuing: .. .supremay f hse hengage in seuriy paramiiary ehs (in referene he ; GCB smeh ha remaine a sereserie igh hresh f suspiin f he inN; irus an never e remve his bi ges

    a ng ay prviing usie fr pepe h rkfr he rganisain []

    ,, he eve f heir

    ineigene penerain as exremey in

    g 4

    referene he ], an he sai he ii up as aassi exampe shu be ne ha verineigene veseas is n a ene re iherMr Lange as rng in his mmen, r he knssmehing e n'I.

    Mr Lange suggese ha N neee mre UMN(human ineigene: rea pepe spying n rea pepe

    N nees have he apaiy epy pepe in heuh ai We have been far generus inhis unry e sai here is subversin ha shube uner surveiane. u ann expse he serie a pariamenary mmiee Ony esripins fhe irein r bra perains shu be knn priamen Lange seems be aing fr a N sevieparae he Amerian CA r Briish M6

    Frequeny uring he ay here ere referenes heifuy f ening subversin, an his inue

    emens by h peia Cmmiee members heAussies k he erm subversin u f he areaing is mei spy geny (AO) beause i aseem iu nerpre Bu Lane sae,ubrsin is asy Any f an eemine ha isubvrive

    sems Mr Lange u have us eave he eeinf sursin he f i he ineigene ageniesan epie he ise pariamenarians n he versighmm f any ai abu he s an ais fhe has effe versigh, in h es f erime Mi ser Lnge he man h presie e bhnimna an Wihpai bu as qui hpy mi h he nevr uners he i f hahey i

    A as n nresig ay isn ha hppy prese ge spen ay in he prenef h Weing p ei W earn Bui he mmie?

    :The U Mltay a Airp

    new BC vo o aalab

    Cpies f Base n n be purhasefrm ABC fr $ in page enheques ABC hrishurh


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    The ecd ud f heig he SA Bi ll held 14 Mch i ell ig A hid heig beheld ee le Oigil ly ly e dy f heig pled le me mege h bee give he cmmiee he umbe f peple deemied

    ge ell ig d give vice hei dippvlf he Bi ll Ove 90 ubmii ee eceived.

    A he ecd heig he egive iude fBlged Hele l ciued be evide ih he PimeMiie i picul ude d dimiive hepiig u he v hcmig i hi B il l Alhughhe cmmiee hve pmied l edig heclue ecmic ellbeig ubive chgei y p f he Bi ll l uliely

    Nicy Hge' ubmii pied u he eef he pped Ne Zeld legili i cmpiih vee legili hee veigh dccubiliy e much bee deed Kevi Hcellld he cmmiee h he GSB huld be ppelylegiled f d h hee culd be ppe udiig

    f i effecivee ule i pel u h icully geed d. A ubmii by heAucld ivil Libeie ucil peeed byRdey Hi uggeig h he Bi ll bd ld huld be ped i i pee fm e

    Keley bled he cmmiee fuhe heimplici f llig uveillce ude heecmic ellbeig clue d he biee icue py pli ic bviu he im Adeid he legili deiged peclude ceipie h pped he civiie f he py gecie

    Oce gi he ei eded by Mcv dPe he hed f he S S d he GSBepecively pie fhe fc h umii hvepublicied he gve deficiec i he pped

    legili hee ill be hppy Thee i idici h he elec cmmiee i ll devie fmi peudged pii A Ade id Billpupig big ecuiy evice ude geeplimey cuiy i fc decee he lielihdf hei public ccubiliy

    , , 1996

    ubitd by W Ts

    Mi pi i hi ubmii

    Give h ece ielligece d ecuiy peipee cue di lemm f demcic cieie heehuld be full debe he civiie f uchgii The udue he ih hich helegili i pceedig i cedi i pme

    d eiu dievice demcic vlue i hicuy Time f ubmii d f geel publicdebe mu be exededThe ime i lg vedue f ifmed public debe he UKUSA ecuiy d ielligece gemed f he be d pmee f UKUSA ecuiyd ielligece pei be eblihed hughpe demcic pcee [Demd Bll fmeDiec f he Segic d Defece Sudie eei be

    i bud h he geel piciple f he UKUSAAgeeme e ep ece fm he NZ public d ipece ime i i ccepbl e h he ide


    implici f he ielligece eliip e ubec debe The geeme lc hi cuy iyem d pue h em fm he iee fbigge pe

    Thee i lile evidece h he expeive dcl leci pei f cve gii uch

    he Gveme mmuici Secuiy Bueu ebee h pe clleci f im by eppely euced ly O e he hd cvepei hve emu peil epgi lgeblihed igh pivcy fcmmuici d geel igh fciize

    4 The ee iell igece gecie h NZ clely ih d h e he pe f he hleUKUSA e hve ciely diplyedicmpeece cimiliy decei d imppiey

    hi le Ne Zeld ielligece gecie pee level iy by cmpi ih vee eegii i huld be umed h he m

    g 5

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    pblems expsed i e bigge pes e bse mNZ.

    Ms f he publ icl vilble ifmi heSecui elligece Sevice eflecs bdl hgisi hile i is ue h he SS ill hvesuccesses u he public i is ls pbbleh hee e m cses f filue icmpeece

    hich hve becme public The cue il l givs ssuce h his il l chge h ielligecegecies ill be used cvel f dmesic pliicleds

    6 The uie civiies f he S S shuld be hdledb he gisis hich e me pe ppescui he lice Mi is Feig Affis dT d

    7 ih ll due espec bus d usull cmpee

    miies d sei pliicis he public cmmes ielligce gecis dmse lle ledgebu he gisi h e plig leislef

    8 fhe S d GCS e give mde pehe he mu be mde ppel ccubl Theppsed l ill d his d equies f meexmii d debe



    The Ove Expeiece( Feque F ilues ll igece gisis hvefiled give ig f ms f he mj eves fhe ls f es

    (b hl fmi. fmi clleced bcldesi ms is iusl difficul uheic d/ iepe (ee 0 d he CA fed dzes f mis ledig eps he

    eside i difcul d emples hee meilclleced b ece pi mde sigiccibui gvems

    (c Occsil dubleges (eg. hilb imeAmes hve l desed secis f hegisis bu hve cull give he dvge peceived eemies

    Cve peis hich e u hegveme hich g gis puced gveme

    plic smimes eve he gveme iself (egMs il s d hil m hve fequel beecied u b lemes fielgec gecis These

    g 6

    ve peidicll ivlved iefeece i dmesicpliics

    (e Fi lue f Ovesigh hile vesigh b elecedepeseives hs pvidd sme cls veielligece pcices he evidece is h d dpeis pceed pe much egdless Oe hepliicis pu cmmies mve bfe he

    develp el udesdig f he cve ssemseliships ih he cuies e used s excusef evelig ifi he he f el clc esul i he emegece f deible pisivlvi fme fics meceies cpeivebusess execuives pive iveigs

    Ne Zeld Th Scui elligce Sevic( Te public ecd f he SS is pb he cses D Cs Tm d he lis

    SU membs elsd b M Muld ilime hee e gss d mligig es Thisicmpee d/ pil eleci f d s ldiscveed becuse he ime Miise f he d ied use SS ifmi i lim f pliicldve(c N sisfc expli hs be mde f hefilue pc he Rib i fm eismuleshed b llied sece seice f he filue ppehd h pepes (hich he plicemged d(d Thee i e disblieve he semes fhe exce h sid i 4 h i he leeighies/el iies he ee beig deiled pusuveillce uivesi lecues d de uiicil s ell s diplm Such peis shuldbe clsl iveied The semes f hese exfce did ihe sl ighes hee il secuid he l mus ll cmms uch s heis bemde publicc The ece dis Cpic b epuble

    TV jul pis ig civiies bielligceeled pesel i eli eves i

    Aucld d h ib qu d ivesii

    The Gveme Cmmuicis Secui ueu:( The hidde sigls iellice peis fhisgec sepe fm is fuc f pcig NeZeld Gveme Cmuiis pe scui b pli icis d il l peed uuchedb he ppsed plime esigh(b liicis hve idde suces cpblef udiig h GCS pes uiue siui

    d eceedigl dgeus e Ol he fielligece peis e gvemes ll due eli f dvice he peple h c u


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    ha polcy(c Al l avalabl fomao how ha Tagmoaaa ahopa a pa of a hug aoal ffo(u h UUSA Agm o gah fomaofo h b of h mao w pow by oma cla ha h b o w ala ouwghh avaag of bg a y cog h mmmach y h ha v b ay publ c ba of

    h u( hl by law h SS ha o g a waa bfobg pm o cp commucao hcholog of h GCSB allow o cpaoal commucao wh o fc opolcal ouc al auho blaa ga oo of h mo bac gh Ay ovgh woul havo u ha co llco of fog ll gc" maoly commucao wh h o cv w ala. Ovgh woul hav o allow fomoog h lly vlopm of compu

    chology o vlop a co vual phocall Fuhmo woul alo hav o u ha a ogaao g h DSD w o a ocollc w ala commucao a pa hmbac o h agc a way ha allow po y omc cpo


    Fou Co Co am Maa Auala TVDocumay vw wh wo fom ASS

    Oc Fbuay 994[aao o Coulha Th vw howAuala a bg pooly v by h cc. h a ll gao a ou quo abouh opao a accouably of ASS"Tho opao hy al a omm ofuboub o Auala aoal h ASSbggg xp o wo fo h Bh o Amcahy' o o o o ll Auala abou hacv"Th oy of Oc Two a al coc ha al o b a mao play h llgc clubwh Ba a Amca ASS ommcompom Aual a aoal ."Ofc O wa pul wh [B ll Hay aha h h ll ASS og h blooy pa of hwol? A a ll o ally a m ' ovy aug o hav you m com hough -bcau h M fo Fog Affa chagof AS o om hough a yo ha quo"Offc Two h mply bcau h llgc vc may c amly fouha o b ubjc o h o of uy ha a

    llgc vc mu b ubc o a alogh way hg hav go wog a hy wll ayhuma ogaao Th cv aco of


    maagm ha b o cov up a almo alwayo o o mo capgoa"Oc O: Th popl ow ha hy' l l vb cu hy' ll v b cpl a hah ."[o o o hav a quval of ASS buh ma hav om lvac fo all llgcogaao

    2. ghly Phl lp Joual fo h Sundy Timeswh a pcal llgc u ThSco Ol Pofo Pa Boo 986

    Th mgh u mgh b om ucao fo hll gc commuy f wha clam o opov mly wag ofha o aoal xcBu a w hav h clam xagga wam a pacm llgc agc mo hav p mo m yg o co off ach oh

    pocg h bug a h ablhm, avg w ufcao fo h xc ha gahg llgc." (p92

    Muay Gay Joual a fou of a ucclpva vgao compay ha wa mploy byBh ll gc fo vaou uvllac opaoEm of h Sa Smo a Schu 99 .a umb of l lgal ac clug volc a muhav b comm by ag of Bh ll gc om ca wh h covac of H May

    Govm . mmb of ou ocall lvc a capabl of ay llgal ac clugblacmal lpho a mal cpo buglay a v aaao" (pv p 0

    4 chlo Jffy Coula o llgcma h US auho of a umb of la boolag commao o llgc acv.vw fo Bh TV' Dpach' DocumayTh Hll " 6 Spmb 99

    ll SA h aoal Scuy Agcy po oa vay of u wh h U S Govm boh h xcuv bach a h cogoalbachSA cp omou volum ofgal o a ay o ay ba A o agcy ou ofh aoal Scuy Agcy ca xc h o ofmco maagm ha woul b cay o ovvy o of opao vy pc f lgopaoSo o h o h h a a ay ofmcham by whc h A ooll by hxcuv bah a h og a h am m

    SA ha o mo maag a up o a

    ally al lvl h om oh agcSA ha wo a ca cou whch ma poblfo o cp ay commucao ha hav o


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    foreig terminaLwhich mes NSA ca trget acoversatio that has one of the ends i a foreigncoutr

    5 Richelson Jeffrey and Ball, Desmod Te TiesTht Bid: Intlligence Cooperation between theUKUSA Counties. Uwi Hymen, 2d Edition1989 Ball was for severl yers the Director of the

    eminet Australian National Universitys Strtegic andDefece Studies Cetre in Caberra)

    "The UKUSA security nd intelligence community,

    with more than a qurer of a million ful time personneland a totl budge t of $US 6 18 billio, [ 1985]constitutes on o f the lgst bureuccies in the worldAs such, it ot only wield eormous political powerad uence, but also t most of the typicalributes or bureuc oganiztins, includig tdcy to dn an prsu breaucrtic poiticl

    objctives whh re t ecssarily in completeconcordace wth the ioal intees of th veUUSAcouts thmves (p0 )" it is bound tether etraordinry etorkofwrin d uitte rmnts, worig prctcesa persona ltionshpi! s ab t shroud itlfin rcy nd t vok h ml of tol scurto ten mtchd by national defnceestblihment many of t elment hve exectieand orcive powr, inludin the ght to indulg inetm nd iolnt practces uch ssssintio

    d pcial politi tiie) whh re gnrallyprohbied i tiol d itertiol law. (p0 1)" udible bnet whch ow from itelligececoopetio j xchge mut be blncd ginstthos, rik and ontts whi re imposd byth USA suriy d ntlligenc arrangemtThe impoitin ar patcully ignict n th cof the malle UKSA cutres p03)"no matt h w fridly two ouris my b atonl itrs wil ly b i ompltecooda p0)[Proite f th SA commuty cn led to

    a dtoi h de potu nd fig poliisof th mll S J lo liky thatth d of idpn eo y th mllrp thi p mg b tied th t uh o retinhipswith pow th o lbl itert tim of r h dmn d obligtiosofs n tnd dilytoonfict wih avwed "(p304) f o th S]relionh d i gths

    -i th t eeve thirultiat mr wi the UKUAcommuiy wih t ow gomts (p3)

    g 8

    "Some elements of th UKUSA commuity have alsosed the ties , obligtions and allegiances of theUKUSA reltionship to frustrate the itetios deplicit policies of their own governmets adsometimes even to ssist in the beach of their ownnatioal laws. (p305)

    6 Robison Robi Util 1990 middle rankig ofcer

    i Britins oit Itelligence Committee, which isresponsible for coordination of intelligence FromGrnd TVs World I Action, shown in Abridgedversion TV, 29/8/9\:" prctice the security d itelligece services wereoperatig i a way which was deceitful t times, and atbest creati fog ound the whole situation so thatmiisters kw s lile as pibe nd the public kowsext o nothg d Ms w lile more th peoplein the stee" my exprience miistrs would ever set foot i

    the C d we ever evr recivd requests fromministers for iformatio [Narrator "Suppose,hypotheticaly, a miister g ot himself busy and cmeto C nd sid he wnted to e the followig les tomake ur thigs ae beig u properly? "It wouldthappe [Nrtor] "How do you know that wouldnthpp Bause hd files which werespeciclly makd 'not fo minites eyes' [Nartor]"You me thy wre pll marked 'not forministers eys "es Nrto How did that sikeyou t the tim? "t ct acrs ay pretece of

    demoratic accoutbilityThe narrto Nk Davi stat that "..more th 30former ofcrs mny of eior rak and log service,hvetold us f thr coce [bot lk of cotols]O frme itllgence cr told Davies he olylaw at GCHQ i to do what yu a told IfM or M6wa omethig CHQ provids t. The law just istdisusd

    7 ily Aln Formr head of ASO and formrdpu ty ecty of th Departme of efence.Repod he November 9

    Mr Wrigy hs md sthig smet ofAutli lin d lld for llreviw f fu fdig l limd p playedup t 'gullbility potian h orted thevalu of th amnt Mr l td tionalsecurity ofre Cbr tt o th lst twodecde th otbu of intlligee omovss t dpent trlisdfen poliy oy be lg my oure,ov 0 y i dec t ingy nitive

    clsid nformat, I a think o o mor policypostion or deciion that w iuened signintlybysecet itelligce h said. 'Changes i Austrlis


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    ppyp vu op

    Th ollowg passags w po hMrborough Expre 2 9Jaay 1996, h w

    a h aal pos a h ahopa spy sallsallao a BlhmSx popl as g a pos a h ahopasall sao o Saay w al h hB lhm Dsc Co hs mog. Th h ma h wom scb by Blhm PolcSga K gby as hppyp vals all chags o spassv o hm w as as hy wal alog hvway whch cosss c pam labw a pblc oa a scy c Th sxh

    was as abyTh acl gos o o qo h volbl SgabySga gby sa obl mg hs ya bcaspolc s o a agm wh h possov wh col go Thy hav v p hw bo ol hm o say o c la bh h pas poss ha ag o sayay om h c b ha h aac whcs h s Polc w o h possha accs

    O Sga Rgby gos o o say Blhm popl s a owas ahopa s ha povs mploym a bgs ollas o ho Mos popl o gv a oss ov wha gos oo hA hs al wos Ths hppyp vals com o ow a xpco mpss Blh m popl b os wo saM gby.Th aal plgmag o h ABass Campag oh ahopa sall spybas a Blhm Jay o h ya poc som spsg sls

    o las o hs spsg sls was h sogaco h ma o som o h comms maby gby As a cosqc h has cly bga ba (boh o a agas occg hMrborough e gag h appopass oSg gby's comms May hav v maag ow aly v ls opposo o h spybassl

    Som cp om ls o h Mrborough Exprea qo h

    sppo o h poss: o o o o l s h spybas psc o

    g 0

    povc a am mpss ha popl wol boho avl h o as o awass o h bas a h

    povsos o h w al scslgslao .. . h Sg gby vs o h s ha h sa a o labl lg poss as hpp ypvals h lavs hmsl op o b labll asmall ow c polcma J ya

    Sg K gbys mas abo h ahopaposs a way o o co Thy a pjcal oh pop cos o jsc a lammaoy Thyg a hos who sag wh h s xmpolcal vws .. oma lch

    Sg K gby savo o Malboogh socalcommao coco o socal svys Hcbs hpp yp psos ha a hy? Scays Sg gby whas x? Talbac o shol wg sgh o h pblc loggg o popl yo al oola Mchals

    Ag h poss' o coc wh h al acs o hal ao pblcy g mlcos . Tom lch

    Z s Ca 193 Elco

    B mocay accos ghs o all os o olyh c g hawog cobos oo commy b also o h scha amb h socal mss a h opos vh msabl w who poc wh h pahcal al a ahopa Joh Aa

    h ma wh hs ma ba sv o o waso p h ss o h spyba m ly bac o hms o h Blhm popl

    o . wha cally happO h y o/vg o h 6h o Jaayh sc h cmp ws gl so as salEvyo was avg o wha has bcom h aalahopa mosao Popl g o a obg h sably o h v camps hsggl o s p h h maq h pcg p oh Poaoos h collco o popl om h y(oo may popl oo ll apoao a hbyg p o ssac o hgy poss w

    all sgs ha h w was bgg wll. Aa ha al l a h sop ha h sv w callh s aco plag mg o h w a


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    so of s didd to visit th bas that night tosrris whovr was thr

    So srris W anagd to il ito ars andhadd ot to th bas. W had't gon vry far whnsoo sotd a whit ar with rssiv lookigrd ad bl li ghs on to ofit trig arod to follows W otid driving ot to th bas and had jst

    assd th Waihoai Vally trnoff whn sddnly wwr aoaid by or oftls fany rs anda lil fhr on thy startd to flash thir rtty lights(a bttr light show tha th bas itslf as t td ot)ad lld both of or ars ovr to th sid oh roadThy askd to s th warrants rgistratios and thli ns of th ar drivrs Okay o robl all fllylgal and roadworhy Thn th rnh iss. Th boysi bl (ad ys thy wr all al!) askd for thnas addrsss ho nbrs ad ags of l l thosi Kobi va If w rfsd w wold b rstdHavy Giv that it was a dark ight on slddstrth of road th assngrs thoght that it ight bwis to giv i this ti althogh so wr larlyot hay with th rdnt So w rltatly gavin to his intiidation, ad ontind o or rry wayto th bas ndr oli sot

    Th rst of th vning wast trribly vntfl stso anigfl gazs at th bas off i th distatfarland w rahd or dstination So of swr oiially ward abot th trsass law andWarrn Thoson ad yslf bing nd trsass

    ordrs wr warnd y a W had hod that thsis in th bs wold rovid s with thi sal lightshow (riisnt of th ovi los ontr ofth Third Kid) bt alasw had to b ontt withth oli ars flashingagain So abot half anhor ar w arrivd wlft for th a

    Th t oring it was

    qit a rvlation toatally s who was ata (th lakss of thrvios night did otak it asy to idntifyol) W brakfastdthn qikly got intoting od to ak thssary arragtsfor h wkd Poli hadarlir warnd s that

    anyon who rossd thfar gat wold b arrstdfor trsass h oldtirs


    and vtrans ofWaihoai dos got fairly insd atthis otion i rvios yars rotstrs had ballowd to th ritr f to hav a losr lookat th bas itslf Thrfor thr was a vry strongfling i th a that th nw oli lin was tatabl ad that w wold hallg thir assrions

    W didd on ativitis for th day th irst a ini

    lnh ot at th as Aordig to thos who atddth ini all wnt wll althogh so sosronstrtio work nds to don if w tootin to th srfa of th road a rikt h)A frhr ation hallging th l in draw on ingth far gat was orgisd. So ol wh ltabl to at th ossibility of gtting rrsdvoltrd thslvs for this task Th rst of thgro rard to sort th ation so by roingth far fn, with th rainig ol styi assort at th front gat ad ths th la wa d

    W lat into ars (a tight sqz giv th la oftransor) ad hadd ot to th bas Alost as sooas w arrivd thr ol srad thslvs ot alongth flin ad th att to aroah th ritrfn bgan For thos who onfrotd th ain oadgat th ativity was alost ovr bfor it hd bAs soon as th v who ld th way jd ov thgat th oli nabbd th Th v all said tha thywr going to walk to th ritr f an id ttdidnt ind favor with th oli, o istad thy ot rid in th bak of a oli van.

    On of th ol i ros had a ni doggy with hiad at that stag th olian didd to ta his

    g 1

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    doggy for a vry qik walk to arrst anothr assingrotstr who was abling along on th far landH was handffd to th fn with lasti handffs,alongsid on ofth won who was arrstd arlir

    Manwhil so ofth othr rotstrs had gon ona lil jant arond th ritr of th far fn to

    k th GCS srvillan qint on its tos.Thos who wnt on th saad jd ontinallyovr th fn onto dfn land, and thn bak againwhn th oli a too nar This ga of at andos wnt on on both sids of th GCS rortyfor abot half an hor ar th van of rotstrs hadbn takn away

    Howvr, th wo rotstrs tid to th fn atallyahivd on of th a is of th rotst Thy got atiki tor insid th bas nlosr itslf whn tholi ar thy wr in got lost driving arond insid

    So h for rlying on dirtions fro th oli

    So th arrstd rotstrs wr vntally takn bakto lnhi with th sal thrat ad abot kingth in ntil Monday So ol followd thin to lnhi latr (ar a brif dbrifing) to findot what was going on. A fw stayd bhind to dodiawork, lgal work, and to ook so food Thoswho wnt to lnhi had a hkin at th oliStation to nd ot what was haning, and thn wntoff to th loal wating hol for a qik sto Thn i t

    (/ pOEmNC6P5EIl'ICK

    a6GIN4 SflDOUt'

    was bak to a for a rort and to did what todo nt A dision was takn by dfalt not to doany or ations that night (sthing that so wrnot too hay abot)

    Th nt day ti was snt aking th a,bfor taking anothr tri ot to say goodby to th

    bas and iking thos baild ot of th lls Whad hard that th Grns wr going to ay a srrisvisit to th bas on Monday night, and wr qitlasd bas th oli had bn harassing s al lwknd (following s arond lnhi to s whrw wnt) stng nw rdnts for lnhiPoli, and thy wold b qit annoyd if thy hadto go to th bas on th Monday night as wll. So, adbrifing was hld at th hos of Evin Wood (along ti rotst sortr and all rond good gy),whr w disssd th wknd th arrsts, whatwold han nt, and frry titabls

    Th wknd ndd qitly thr for any On thMonday, v of th si arrsts aard in ort(th sith go divrsion) and all ladd not giltyGoing on ast history (dsit any arrsts sin1990, not on rson has bn onvitd yt), whoknows whn th ass wil l b hard, if vr t waththis sa bas as sr as sis do sy at Waihoai,th rotstrs will b bak again soon to rotst. Waththis sa

    n oon

    I1l LY/A W SHEL Y{lJ!,' I , .1


    The acutly dvstating mor of [ xps toont Mark Dowr

    g 2

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    Unv In 1 950 Nw Zn.By Grg Frar Dumr Pr 16 1 pp. $24.95

    Any oltl tvst n tell stoes bot ses They

    e te eole who oe ot of nowhee to jon go,nd etn to nowhee when the job s nshed Theye slly thn on olt s bt vey thk on offengto look e ny lsts of ebes o fnnes Theyhve nlted te, no vsble ens of so ndegely jon s ny gos s ossble n thnk oft lest thee I've esonlly enonteed, one seently s 995 My fvote sto s of the fellowwho joned ll nne of nnoos ognstons nthe Wellngton e, only to be dbbed n by hs veyown De Old M who ws n tvs n on

    ently the ovenent, wth the tve sot ofLbo d nted, s tyng to bllde the Intellgenend Sety Agenes ll thogh lent, the stlgslte look t o ses nd eesoes snethe 97 SIS Aendent At nd th hge blgn gnst So ts ot tht one o ve own ses shold blsh h s es, y nNew Zend

    Tht sd, ths book s dsonten It oves eventsof ove 40 yes go nd not tlly well t th It

    s sttly esonl ensene, wth no ttet t bod nlyss o lng t n ny so of hstolonte Motvted by the nt-ons of the tes,eoge Fse volnteeed to be Pole Selnh sy wthn the onst ty (now theSolst Wokes Ognston), ly nWellngton, bt lso n eyoth nd Aklnd Hews sy thoghot the 1 950s beng ssed on bySel nh to the newly foed SetyIntellgene Seve (ll thee wods old be deneds sledng dvetsng)

    Even thogh ts sbjet s so long go, Fse doesntevel very uh He doesn't ne ny nes (Ieognsed one fellow who lte od s SIS hedn hsthh n the 1 970s) o tell s h bot thentel wokngs of the onst When wtngbot the wokng lss o nonst banhes of thety, he evels hs lowe ddle ss onet foth get nwshed t he ws h e dentltods the des nd ntelletls h oUnvesy o Wellngton entl bhs

    The style s od nd dted Wt o onwo tve n eetngs t the te he sys She


    - Murray Horton

    ws stkng bety who wold t the hed of

    ny ed blooded le, bt t ws he soetesseng ttks nd lns fo etbton on theonsevtve oltns n the neby lentldngs whh dned tht blood wy Andse hd te anod (nd ttely nfondedfe fo hs own esnl sfety. He toted stol to eetng n vt hoe only to be otfed t sld down the bk of the oh levng hto ty to eteve nnoted

    Ulttly the book tells s vey lttle bot ethe hs

    sybosses o the onsts. Rthe t tells s oethn we wned to know bot Fse's sttes of ndthogho He eeges s self entd ndvdl, fstated s who went on to beoe ovnljonls H blly e ot n ooston to theSIS dng th 7 gn t hs n tss the wy they eted h h only entons n ssngthe dge h s syng, nd the se to whh t ws t,nted on ny nbe of eetly wothy dvdlsHs ge s tht when hs ove ws boto be blown,the SIS ked h nd hs f ly offto the US wth ose tht he wold be looked fte by the gothe genes thee When they ved - sse,sse nothng Ae ole of hd sbble yeshe eted to NZ to nd hself nweloe wth hsfoe eloyes He hd beoe lbl nd nsne The s totl of hs nne yes selessseve s sy ws tht he hd been sed nd dsosedo The nlogy tht oes to nd s tolet e Int sy I felt the slghtest sythy


    At the end ofth woen boke nto n hng nshe d vndlsed gondttk aft sl to those tht tshAeose hs ontted to sly to theIndonesn oveen The otestos weeblsng the lkely se of the n stTo gnst the o-ndeendene esstneto the Sho ovenen tsh eosehs 500 ll on ond ($N 2 bl l) ontt

    to sl y 24 Hwk j ets to the n dones noveent

    g 73

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    Th nws ofh baing of Pasy Dal by a hg ing an iron rod a shorly ar bliaion ofh arilblow Sh wa ban a hr ho in h arly vning and sffrd vr brising Thi i only h la in ahisoy of iniidaion going ba o h arly ighi whn Pasy Dal bgan o gh h rih Govnovr h is of onsaion for a hild bo wih dforiis whih ar blivd o hav arisn fro hfahrs xor o radiaion in a riish sbarin.

    M M M5 " M :

    fmily ll of d by Be: Phelan Irih Str 26 Fbrary 6

    A Ws of rland faily lai o hav rivd dahhras fro MI5 sin aing lgal aion agains h

    riish govnn Mrs Pasy Dal is sing hMinisry of Dfn on bhalfofhr on Shn 22)who was bo wih a l ala and brain daagSh bliv h df wr ad whn hi fahrDanny Davis wa xod o radiaion whil srvingon a riih nlar sbarinTh aidn is allgdo hav ord in 7 a Royh naval doyard inSoland, dring h r ofh sb HMS Rsolion

    Mrs Dal who now liv in Lifford, nn, ConyClar wih hr sond hsband Gordon Dal, blivsany ohr naval faili hav bn affd byradiaion sh is h only on o far, o bring anaion agains h ahorii Th hisori as oldon h oodgas o hndrds of siilar lais in saring rodings in h la 80s Mrs Dallais sh wa ford o of riain by an MI5badaaign of harassn

    RANSACKEDAnd sin rling in Cony C lar, sh and Gordoay hy hav ndrd dah hras brglaris andassals Mr Dal allgs ha in h las fornigh

    Thir hos wa ranad wi Rarh ar oild by Mr Dal wr soln

    and lar rnd Thr dah hra on ar wr shd hrogh

    h lrbox* Mrs Dals ldrly ohr who livs wih h

    wa alo argd

    Las yar y if wa onfrond a gnoin by aan in h grdn said Gordon Dal W hav bnnabl o idnify hi ron b bliv h is aing

    on bhalf f rii h in llign i ordr o iniida ino droing r a. Thr ha alo bn bangingon h window day and nigh for h as fw onhs

    g 74

    This has frighnd h l if o of y ohrinlaw"

    Gadia ar invigaing h lais b hav so far faildo sbsania h W hav n a onsidrablaon of i on h as," said on div ThDals hav bn sod in hir or lai by aforr o naval in llign or. Coandr RobGrn has novrd a horrifying ga in safyrodrs on riish nlar sbs daing ba o harly 70s H say rw brs ar il l bing a ri.


    Coandr Grn says his vidn how ha hraio of dforii aong hir hildrn i 00 ishighr han avrag Shn Da l's fahr was a hify or on h Polari sb whn sh ndwn ar a Rosyh in 7 and 73 His ohr Pay h and Danny hav sin divord aid WhnShn was born I wa disragh Thn I disovrdohr ohrs wr having babis wih iilardforii." To Londn lgal r Ligh Day andCo ar handling Shn's as. riish MP AlxFalonr and nlar analy John Larg also sorh ov.

    Pol ond ar ad o wri o( I ) Forign Minir Di Sring, Co Darn ofForign Affairs 7678 Har S Dblin Irland,Fax: 00 353 478 053 aig hi o invga hharassn and or h lgal a again riishgvrnn2) h dior, Th Sar Sr Hos 62a Trnr RdNoh Dblin 6w Irland, ax: 00353 40 2 3;A h a o onin ovr h ory andon on h iliaios for doray.

    (3 ) o h faly Pay and Gordon Dal 5 Liffordnni Cony Clar Irland


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996



    F L VY

    U osvoy s f h ss h on hshh re oy ( 96 W

    foow n h U ln Wy oln y Rynols ws h l o of wh shnng o h US Nvl Osvoy on lk hg n lnh Rynols hogh h ofh US osvoy ws sh n h h wonflfly ogh o gvn o h Osvoywhh h ss s ll s js fh hg H ws o y l o h o fwys l. Th ol Ovoy ws los nOo 994 s lso lo n Wll ngon

    Rynols y lso hnk h h Nvl lso s onvnonl on n wol of s s lnfo h f l Of os h US Nvy on s ns-l lso h n only swng long noh-soh s Is fnon s vy s ls -ng h ssg of hvnly os s hy ss hn

    A fh snsnng y M Rynols nvolvswh h Ans hv gon o fo lk hH sggs hy w ovng o h ns oonn ong - of h

    noh ky W hn' h h oy n sshghly nlkly Th lo ll o lkh fo Soh An nsllo no h ohwy on A lns os g

    hs o s h fnons n oh o ly v h Hos sll whh

    hs n n o fo svl ys

    On 7 ny hs y h ren sll lssv nl lnh lk h Osvoy(Rgson) Th v nv ns fo hol olon n lng ofh ov s . .".Wok s o s n ly A l 996 Rgson w o fl wh h Pl WoksOf On D Fz lso US Nvlfly

    Rs who nf l wh h sss sonngh lk h Osvoy shol f o svlvos sss ofee Reercher (Ns 4 2022, 27) W hv o on lk h s USl y nsllon n gvn l sons why no long n nlf AooZ In f,s s ng o wll nly s oov s s o h US ly fooss of ov ll nl gn ofnl IM

    Th Ovo fo fll Iy ogn s now osol wl l oly olho shl W j wh w ol hv gon of lo oon


    G L L

    FF Z F h lon l n b w

    An gn on oh ! m. nw How ovn lly o n o wh Whgon n h own s h n rc fh wy h n h o Ih o nh o olng hss l lyng of w ln h gs n h l of A DnMn w nws loo lk h on w ll n a o wos

    Aong o h yd Mg A olongovnn wol gn ovs o Asl ' snw ollns lss sns wh snof wons


    h l o gv h Asl ly

    nw g {(" Fy 996] ohnHw lo g o qn h AslnDf o Y g n s onyfo vngs l o o n h y oosly ow n ov onons of sfo AD onn

    Th non o h y w ll onovsl s n Dfn n olnng hf of h n fo nlyon ng so ns ll sols

    nn n o o y fo h qn no wons n o ogns fo ofsll hghly ol sk ns Th o Ay


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    sys ha 5 soldirs old b shd adsoig i s sh s arillry absorbd io slfoaid is Ho fr his ill g isoblaial s sior offirs a likly o oossh o [S h Held 3 Fbrry 1 996]

    Th ADF hav s dr 6 rsol This isdo by bo 1 fro yrs go Udr h

    Lbo Govr ry brs drod fro ovr3 o Mos of h rys ob is ar

    rly ll dr srgh This rdio fbrs ss o likly o rvrs lhogh h rgi i Cabrra igh rly or o llraidrsrviss I oosiio h skr o df isssfor h Librals s Sor Joly N f shks h Df ol io i h gov shill robably hav o ak a hard li o rov sh iso of h boys No a good olook for h a

    ov d for h Aiss CigWn o


    FOR EXCI OFFICERThks o h vorios rdig hbis ofor CAFCAAC orkr i has b rvld h h logsadigMorgaForih sody bl ovr a Aria hildhas irsig CIA oio Th a hobrogh his graddghr o N Zld i 1 98 os l if hd b CIA or i arl ir yrsDr Wil li Morg orkd i h O of SragiSvis drig h Sod World Wr, d oid hCIA h i s ford lr. H is rord o hvlf h CIA if ol vr rl ly do) i 1 9 7Aordig o h Chrithurh Str [ 1 3 Mrh, 1 996]Morga rid i Chrishrh for yrs Hrd o h Sas dyig i Washigo DC hisyr I is fasiaig o sl h NZ ay b s

    saf hv for ohr CIA rsol ad hirfilis ho ish o s hir rvios l ivs

    CI RELUCN O KE ON IRN? h d f as N Gigih dadd hah CIA s a ov o l o dsbi lish i Govr Aordig o e agaziMl S hisf od o hv dvisd orfss srg h h no foisd o hC Fb 96] $S 8 illio hs brk for his sh Oh sors said

    igihs r s h rso h Sna d hd k so log o gr ovr $S28bil lio bdg r h il lig oiy r i syasrs olly oosd yo io h gis r Il lig oilsbiv i i o of h os difl rg d hCIA hs log hisory of dbls hr o rov iThs ild h failr o fors h 1 979 rvoliogis h CIAbakd Shh h dissr for lolags h rai ilias roid shrdddEbassy ls h US Ebssy hosgs d h

    bgld rs h Iror affir drobbly ohrs o y ko Ggrhs l for asr ig grad so h db ha Ir

    g 16

    hs bd hgl fro h rslig bliiy nols fro big bl o gr hg ai-Arirs i Ir d syahi oris

    MORE DODGY DES WIH HE VICN?Th Chrishrh re rord s bfor Chrissh forr CIA ag as arrsd i Ily ioio ih rob io a oy-ladrig rigivolvig h Caholi Arhbisho of rloRors i Ili ad Saish sars llg hCrdil Cars ovrsa h ladrig of $NZl il lio i lir io US dollars hrogh h Vaian bk,h Isi of Rligios Work [4 Dbr RogrD Oofrio s arrsd ar Nls o ssiio ofsig his CIA os o hl ladr oy ad fars drgs ad rdioiv rial DOofrio is7, s h ag of CIA saffrs b i i s sdard CIArai o s diabl sors for sh aiviis ndh ay or y o hv b aig for hislf Crshs did rogdog b h CIA hs log rordof orkig ovrly hogh h Choli Chrh fol, i Pold d Soh Ari)

    CI ND RF WH' GOIN G ON?Ar h ls Hs siid bobig Yassr Arafahs b ndr is rssr o srss Ilaiil is i slfrld Plsiia ara s ro

    hv aod h Arf CIA DyDiroGorg T d ohr CIA ofis h Er bordrrossig b Isral d h G sri ry iMarh I is blid h h fro Lgly h Plsii ld o rsd hi o s brof Qss h i liry ig o H hih hlaid rssibliy fr svra ofh d s srli s Wh s rll bhid h nssoris rais o b I s li ly h Arold b hy o b blily ko o b igCIA oials I ss or lily ha Arf old

    b ssassid, or ls lo odrbl sorfor doig so. Aohr CIA ysry b rald


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    H o Vu Fo . .

    Aoing to Dai Con (ao@aolo), the Washington eito of The Nation, ntenet ses nee to be awaethat the SPentagon ay take geat inteest in thei ybeoniations Last se, Chales Swet, aoliy assistant in the Oe of the Assistant Seetay of Defense fo Seial Oeations an Lowntensity

    Conit, oe a eo on he intelligene ale of the ntenet fo the Defense Deaten n aition toealy waings of signifiant eeloents aoa, the ntenet ol also be se offensiely as an aitionalei in syhologial oeations aaigns an to hel ahiee nonentional wafae objeties." Asigniant at ofthe eo is eote to the atiities of San Fanisobase nstitte fo Global Coniations(ht://w.ig.og/) whih oeates seeal ote netwoks se by ogessie atiists. GC eonstatesthe beath of DoD-eleant infoation aailable on the ntenet, sh as antinlea s aaigns, theextee ight soial hange, an ltiltal, ltiaial news Swett's ae esents the wol of ootnityawaiting a ybeshew il itay an intell igene establishent Netwoks of han soes with aess to thenteet ol be eeloe in aeas of seity onen to the S., says Swet He also enisions PsyhologialOeations in whih .S. oagana ol be aily isseinate to a wie aiene The Swett ae isefeshingly ani says Steen Aegoo of the Feeation ofAeian Sientists, who lae a oy of it on

    the FAS Web site on goenent seey (htt://wfas.og/b/gen/fas/sg/), whee it is being ownloaeabot twenty ties a ay We st be oing soething ight, notes Geoge Gney, oga ooinato atC Th Natin; Mah 4, 996 fo ntenational ntenet NewsClis (@) by asha-w@ie MashaWooby)


    n eent yeas seeal stoies abot hone taing haeae the newsaes in Fane n 994 fo lawenfoent ofials an an aie to then PesientMitean wee hage with iolating the iay ofjonalists lawyes, oosition olitiians an anatess, by taing thei hones beween 983 an 986Now new eots show that oe ogy oestieaesoing took lae between 987 an 993 whenthe Geneal Dietoate fo Etenal Seity (theDGSE whih sank the Rainbow Waio) an theDietoate fo the Seil lane of National Teitoy

    tae telehones with Pie Ministeal aoal.Althogh Fenh law stilates wietaing ay onlybe aie ot in ases inoling national seity thesagaing of infoation onsiee essential toFanes sientifi an eonoi inteets an theeention ofteois an oganise ie, it i leathat lawyes, olit iians anoalists wee e oethe tagets Soe tas wee aie ot with theaoal of efene an inteio inistes bothsoialist an seatie[Chisthh ss 27 Febay 996

    NRO CEFS SACKEDThe two to oials ofthe S National Reonnaisane


    Oe wee sake by Congess at the en ofF ebaythis yea The Dieto an Dety-Dieto steeown afte allegations that the NRO, whih isesonsible fo aintaining satellite seillaneoeations, ha a $S one billion olla slsh fnReos of inoetent an/o eios oet nanialontol , inoling ss oe than $S wo bill ion,beae bli in anay n 994 the NRO setSenatos when they isoee it was going ahea witha hge new heaaes olex withot tell ing theSenate how big o eensie ($S00) it was going

    to be

    TE FFT AN?The KG se in Lbyanka Sae is intoinga new exhibit feating ohn Cainoss, who has beenfeqently laie to be a of the Philby, lnt,gess an MaLea go tat asse itish seetsto the Rssians Caios ie last yea. His eoishae been witten an shol be blishe soonCainoss woke as a tesy oial an late atlethley Pak fo the GCHQ oebeakes. He enieee being a taito saying any infoation he asseon was ateial that hele the Soiet nion efeatHitle

    g 7

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    THER KGB NEWSRssi's ew Fre ig Miister is evgey Privwhse revis jb ws the hed f the freigitelligee servie the S lzhb Veshei RzvediSVR) Priv ws ited t te trl fRssi's verses esige i Otber 199 1 He hsbee resosible fr etig t refr the frerGB First ChiefDiretrte d its reltishis with

    the sy geies of other tis. Bt westeritelligee fers de hi s tis d exresser bt his itetios t irve Rssi'sreltis wih Ir d r.

    OUNTERFETu itelligee sore re iig tht Ir is forgig$100 Uied Sttes oes d t oertio hs beeld t of w ie Whigtos osistettsl ig th legtos y be heys te o


    Geerl Mgs Ml forer Soth Afri DefeeMiister hs died tht srt to the UNITA fresi Agol lded filittig the sle f ivry t verosts f risos. Ml gve erissi frreio of trde hel whih bee ditfor rhio ho s well s ivory Christhrh Pre0 ry 1996]

    SOUTH AFRAN SEURiTYSWAR ON THE ANAs this isse fP ece eerher ges t rit Mld other frer serity bsses re tril frrgisig deth sds t ssssite bl etsf their heid gveret Stte witesses hvetestified tht i the 1 980s the white seriy fres r seret i Nibi whih tried l rivls fthe ANC i gerill wrfre The defedts forerilitry d lie ersoel ildig severl blfers re hrged with re th dze rdersd siry t rder srers f the ANC


    The Ntil Ielligee Ageny stds sed fsyig o sei lie ers d eve gveetiser rdig o the Syd Morg Herd 7y 1 996] Trgt retl inlded the NtilPlie Coiio M rge Fivz whed th bg wr f the he f thesery fe A oi i d i the oe f roiil ole Coissioer A shstitedtrkg devi s fd i the of Miister frLd Affirs Dere Hko Cotrversy ver wh

    g 8

    i s t ble hs bee widely rerted i Sth Afriers The Herd rerts the ANC Gveet hsited jdiil itee t e iiries

    SRAE TESFr try gegrhilly h sller th Neweld it is srrisig hw e ites bt thei litry d itelligee fres f srel r i or

    ewsers Reet es revel tht the hed of theserity servie Shi Bet hs resiged st three dyser the illig f wted lestii bobrrevered se fthe dge e servie red othe ssssiti f Yitzh bi hristhrhPre 1 0 1 996] Th ged bbkr wsssssited by bob led bile tehe.I the tie Shi e WOl he righ t usefegist Plestii rer de iterogti rythe ltite bgti o iviled behior i ystte) Isrels High t hw evis

    rohibitio gis ig hyl f hleestioig sets Ad oth rortChristhrh Pe 6 r 1 996 revel thtMordehi kided d irisoed byIsreli itlligee i 198 is to rei slityoeet The foer ler flity tehii wsresosible fr the 1 986 revltis tht Isrel wsbildig ler wo

    SERET DOUENTS SOlD T AUTONA Ryl Air Fre lig biet ed it seretdets bt the w sld t tio iGlstrshire Fi les detiled IRA ethods ofigrs iforti bt the IRA d hw it ertedd the e of its its To ood the lssied dets reltig to the serity oftheRAF Ptreth bse were lso i the les tid.These gve detils of ilitry d ivili ersoeld serity leres trol ties d iditiosf the best sites t tt the bse fro otideChristhrh re 1 2 Mrh 1 996]

    S DEFECE BDGET STThe Uited Sttes is set t sed 2 biioNZ400 bill io) def i 1 residtCl io hs siged th dfe histio b isite of osing th les i the egisltio hheoe the rol o th of ver thod eie rol w h tesd ositivef HV O f h fw egig t ofthis gross isse f rese w th droig ofrvisis fr issle ss tht s

    sosed t begi strti i 00 nd dfedthe USA fr l iited issi l tt


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    U u d hou oud hpp oo

    ECO h nvionnal blla go cohai byCah Wallac is waning nvonn go an h

    blic abo h onial fo ining of ani anhoi l h Ws Coas of h oh slan ohlns can b s in h ncla ow insy anin ncla waons so h iss shol b ofconsiabl concn o bs of h acovn

    Th govnn cnly has ovisions win inois Daf Mal l ic an NonMal l ic MinalsPoga ha wol allow hs wo aioacivlns o b in along wih gol silv zinc anh li. ECO has as ha h govnn isallowag ining fo ani o hoi o associaaioaciv inals. W hav also as ha any byoc ining fo aioaciv inals shol bsicly conol o vn NZ ning h nclaa an o conol isosal of any aioaciv ailingso saa aioaciv aials

    This y of ining is os lily o occ in hoos ilni sans oc a ayown on hWs Coas iila sans xis a Chalson. Th

    san ining hs has lcaions fo h aliy ofh Ws Coas nvionn an o nclaf

    olicy Th govn ini ially civ incocavic 01 h s hoi in h ncla ins boh fo ngy an waons Non oh han PofAlan Poli of nclaoll shis fa s hgovnn saigh on so of h nasy ss ofhoi Th ba avic ca fo h CocMnisy which bla is saff ologiss an hixboos fo h gaff Chischch Press 7 Fbay1 996) is fa f a gaff fo h govnn oigno h ilicaions of ani xacion vn ifh aons yil fo h sans wol b sallPhas hy ho no on wol noic

    IfM olg wans o b convincing as a nclai inis h can haly affo o igno hisining iss. H wol aa o b vlnabl onhis on an sscibl o ls ofos abo NZlaying h ah fo ani an hoi ining asCah Wallac i in a l o CAFCA an ACCah sggss xssing yo flings songly o yoown MP o Ji olg an o Dog Ki h ngyinis---..-

    KNW NNDTh las iss of eace Dcb 1 99 ] ca a soy abo ili ay bass in Oinawa anh ha of clos asing a h Aican vicn a an Oinawan shoolgil In aly Machof his ya a Jaans co snn h wo ains an navy aing sonsibl o svn ya ail ssnncs ha w ligh hn h oscion ha an In oh Koa h has also bn a gowhin oosiion o h ily nc a a oli a o a a Koa woan in h aanin Jaay aly 40000 onl oy fowa ian bass in h Koa.--

    About Peace Researcher

    Peace eeacher is blish aly by h Aniass caaign hischch. Th ios a WanThoson an ob Lona O onal covs a ang of ac iss wih hasis on foign i liay bassan inllignc oics Conib aicls will b consi fo blicaion bas on sbjc a ansac ins W a aiclaly ins in os of oiginal sach on ac oics in Aoaoaan h wi gion of Asalasia an h Pacific O ass is


    Peae eearcher

    P.O ox 228ChischchAoaoa Nw Zalan

    g 7 9

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue08 Mar 1996


    wMiitary Inteigence . Americn style

    Fm he Aciaed Pe ew: The Amy ldhe ha we culd' guaaee he aiig fo ajob iielli gne li e we ad aid Oe f ou peple weove ad old he Amy euie ha ye we uld "aid Navy ecuie Jame Huchi The Navyeuime fce i eebug F lida i ex doo he Amy ecuimen ofe. The Amy euiedidn' lie he fiendly cmpeii: hee Amy

    ecuie ame ove o explai he i cae o he NavyThey ame amed wih a wba ad w mainewee njued in he uu The wman iged up wihhe Navy She aid he wa oo impeed wih heAmy" Huhin aid Tw of he Amy ecuitewee haged wih baey he he wih aggavaedbaey

    dward eller at his finest(text from Nw Scinis)

    Sude of he de licae at of puig he pa in hebe poible ligh hould ead egacy f he X-ayae Pgam" i Ene and Tehnolo Review hehue magaie f he awece Naioal aboaoyi Califnia decibe he l egay newehologie f iduial ad medial ue" le by oe

    of he old Sa a poje.

    The oiginal idea wa o ue a ulea expln pwe an ay f X-ay lae in pace whic woulddey Svie uclea miile i fligh advaenoably iveme phyii Edwad Telle and wellWod had vii of a weapo bigge han n oede ha culd oblieae he eie Sovieineoinenal bal lii mii le ee

    The X-ay lae pgamme ha ge he way f heSvie Uio bu he cheey iveme aicle aueu ha pley ofpi-ff emain Of ue e tiledoe n meio how much he US pe on hepogamme a um believed u ino billin ofdol la And i i equally evaive abu he caue of

    he poje demie blaming i meely vaiuechnical diculie"

    he who follow Peagn ao may eall ha inealiy he poje implded ae a gup f cienifm ivemoe annouced ha Telle had givemileadig ifmaion he gveme ad had beeoveopimii" abou he poje feaibil iy

    (New Sieni 1 7 ue 1 p 64)

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