Corporate Profile 2011 2 - Flow and Controlflowandcontrol.com/.../2013/05/Corporate_Profile_2011_2.pdfgrinders, milling and lapping machines, welding processes like SMAW, GMAW, PAW,

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For more detailed information, please visit our website:www.walworthvalves.com


TWC The Valve Company 13641 Dublin Court, Stafford, Texas 77477

Phone: (281) 566 1200 Fax: (281) 566 1299

e-mail: [email protected]


Industrial de Válvulas, S.A. de C.V.Av. de la Industria Lote 16, Fracc. Industrial El Trébol, C.P. 54600, Tepotzotlán, Estado de México

Phone: (52 55) 5899 1700 Fax: (52 55) 5876 0156

e-mail: [email protected]



Quality Control Equipment .................................................................................................................... 5

WALWORTH Engineering Control ......................................................................................................... 7

WALWORTH Quality System ................................................................................................................. 7

Manufacturing Capacity ....................................................................................................................... 11


Cast Steel Valves .................................................................................................................................. 12

Forged Steel Valves.............................................................................................................................. 13

Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves ............................................................................................................. 14

Steel Lubricated Plug Valves............................................................................................................... 15

Cast Iron Lubricated Plug Valves........................................................................................................ 16

Pressure Seal Cast Steel Valves ......................................................................................................... 17

Duo Check Cast Steel Valves .................................................................................................................18

Slab Gate Valves ................................................................................................................................... 19

Expanding Gate Valves ...........................................................................................................................20

$::$�%XWWHUÁ\�9DOYHV ...........................................................................................................................21

Floating Ball Valves .............................................................................................................................. 22

Safety Valves, Relief Valves And Safety And Relief Valves ............................................................. 23

Iron Valves............................................................................................................................................. 24

Cast Industrial Bronze Gate, Globe And Swing Check Valves ........................................................25

Approvals .............................................................................................................................................. 26


WALWORTH is one of the world´s most comprehensive industrial valve manufacturers. Founded in 19th century by James Walworth, the Company has consistently dedicated itself to improvements in design and manufacturing of an array of valves exceptionally suited for the world´s ÁXLG�FRQWURO�VHFWRU��:H�VDWLVI\�DOO�HQG�XVH�LQGXVWULHV�DQG�FRPSUHKHQVLYH�customer requirements by adhering to the most demanding quality standards.

WALWORTH relies on its broad experience in supplying valves to the petrochemical, oil & gas, petroleum, power generation, pulp and paper, cryogenic and geothermal industries, among others.

Over the years, Walworth has produced over 40,000 different types of products and serves as a global supplier to various markets utilizing the expertise of over 500 trained employees.

Our manufacturing system includes: utilization of Company directed raw material warehouses; modern and newly acquired specialized machinery; welding processes such as SMAW, GMAW, SAW, PAW; assembly testing for all low pressure, high pressure, and at low or high temperatures; painting and coating processes; export crating and shipment.

WALWORTH is capable of providing the world´s most comprehensive industrial valve line to the North American, Central American, South American, European and African markets. WALWORTH is proud to meet and satisfy the precise demands of our customers throughout the world by providing a quality product, competitive cost, and excellent service.

WALWORTH VALUESMISSIONWALWORTH manufactures and supplies world-class YDOYHV�DQG�FRPSRQHQWV�IRU�WKH�ÁRZ�FRQWURO�LQGXVWU\�WKURXJK�exceptional service, competitive pricing, and consistently, on-time deliveries.

VISIONTo be the world leader of unparalleled valve manufacturing and supply, WALWORTH:


�� Exceed the service expectations of our customers.�� Forge enduring relationships with customers, team

members, and community.�� Hire, develop, and retain experienced and dedicated

team members.

QUALITY CONTROL EQUIPMENT In order to assure that WALWORTH products comply with international quality standards, in-house equipment is kept for monitoring control, some of this equipment includes:

X-Ray Examination Equipment. WALWORTH has its own Ir-92 source in-house for the radiographic examination (RT) of castings from 0.100” up to 2 1/2” wall thickness to verify the soundness of the casting raw material.

Magnetic Particle Test. On a random basis for standard products or when a &XVWRPHU� UHTXHVWV�07�&HUWLÀFDWLRQ��WALWORTH has Magnetic Particle Test Equipment to perform on ferromagnetic materials.

Test Loop. A complete Laboratory Test loop exists for design validation of WALWORTH products. The test is performed at maximum design pressure, advances the valves from 3000 to 5000 cycles, and requires more than four months to complete.

PMI Equipment��$�QHZ�JHQHUDWLRQ�RI�3RVLWLYH�0DWHULDO�,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ�(TXLSPHQW�gives WALWORTH the capability to perform quick chemical analysis on incoming raw materials and on pieces after assembly, to certify that materials used were produced and assembled in accordance with :$/:257+·V�DQG�RXU�&XVWRPHU·V�VSHFLÀFDWLRQV�

Penetrant Test Examination. WALWORTH has the personnel and materials to perform PT examination by solvent removable or water washable techniques. 1'7�SHUVRQQHO�DUH�$617�&HUWLÀHG�

Pressure Gradient Test Loop. This test exposes Plug valves to the extremes of both positive and negative pressure gradients to verify that the plug in a balanced plug design will prevent lock-up in the body.

Metrology Laboratory��:$/:257+�GHYHORSHG�D�FDOLEUDWLRQ�DQG�RU�YHULÀFDWLRQ�system in all of the equipment used in its facilities. This ensures our ability to trace measurements, control products, and comply with international standards.

Low Fugitive Emissions Test. This test is performed when a Customer requires ORZ� IXJLWLYH�HPLVVLRQV�FHUWLÀFDWLRQ�� �2XU�/DE�KDV� LWV�RZQ�/)(� WHVW�HTXLSPHQW�that is capable of measuring less than 20 ppm in both static and mechanical conditions at either ambient temperature or thermal cycle operations.

Tensile Test Equipment. We use this equipment to verify the mechanical properties of materials used for manufacturing. WALWORTH tests samples on a UDQGRP�EDVLV�HYHQ�WKRXJKW�ZH�UHFHLYH�075·V�IURP�RXU�VXSSOLHUV�DQG�IRXQGULHV�

Fire Test Facilities�� :$/:257+� KDV� WKH� IDFLOLWLHV� WR� SHUIRUP� ÀUH� WHVWV� LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�$3,�UHTXLUHPHQWV��7KH�WHVW�H[SRVHV�WKH�YDOYH�WR�D�ÀUH�ÁDPH�DW�1400 to 1800 °F (761 to 980 °C) to verify proper seal of the valve.

Ultrasonic Testing Equipment. Using ultrasonic techniques, we can detect VXE�VXUIDFH�ÁDZV� LQ�PDWHULDOV�DQG�HYDOXDWH�FDVWLQJV�DQG�IRUJLQJV�WKDW�FDQQRW�be radiographed. In addition, we utilize these techniques to measure the wall thickness of castings and forgings.

Hardness Test Equipments.- In both lab and shop tests, WALWORTH uses hardness tester equipment, such as Rockwell B, C Brinell or Vickers, to ensure FRPSOLDQFH�ZLWK�VSHFLÀFDWLRQV�



WALWORTH products are manufactured following the strict international standards recognized all over the world, such as API, ANSI, ASME, ASTM, MSS, NACE, AWWA, BSI, CSA, among others. Our Engineering team consistently monitors updates to these standards and incorporates any applicable changes that affect the design, regulations and/or performance of our products.

Our designs are made using the most advanced technology DQG� HTXLSPHQW�� ÀQLWH� HOHPHQWV�� DQG� &$'� V\VWHP� SURJUDPV� WR�ensure proper assembly and performance. From conception to calculation to detailed drawings for manufacturers, WALWORTH is a leader in development of new products that meet the needs of the current valve market.”

Throughout the years, WALWORTH has developed its Quality System which is an integral part of our manufacturing policy. Our primary goal is to provide products that meet and exceed market standards. In this sense, WALWORTH is an ISO-9001 Audited DQG�&HUWLÀHG�&RPSDQ\�WKDW�KDV�DFKLHYHG�PDMRU�FHUWLÀFDWLRQV�ZRUOGZLGH��2XU�V\VWHP�LQFOXGHV�WKH�VHOHFWLRQ�RI�UDZ�PDWHULDOV�IURP�approved vendors, and rigorous oversight of our manufacturing process that is vital to quality control. The use of serial numbers allows WALWORTH the ability to not only ensure the quality of components used but to monitor and trace the fabrication process as well.

�� &HUWLÀFDWH� $3,��'� 1R�� �'������ LVVXHG� E\� $PHULFDQ� 3HWUROHXP�Institute to apply on Gate valves, Plug valves, Ball valves and Check YDOYHV�PDQXIDFWXUHG�LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�$3,��'�VSHFLÀFDWLRQ�

��&HUWLÀFDWH�$3,��$�1R���$������IURP�$PHULFDQ�3HWUROHXP�,QVWLWXWH�WR�apply on valves at PSI, 1 through 4.

��&HUWLÀFDWH�,62������1R������LVVXHG�E\�$PHULFDQ�Petroleum Institute since April 1999.

��&HUWLÀFDWH�10;�&&�������0H[LFDQ�6WDQGDUGV�,62�������1R������������LVVXHG�E\�3(0(;�LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�,62�9001 Quality Assurance System.

��&HUWLÀFDWH�RI�5HOLDEOH�6XSSOLHU�1R���������LVVXHG�E\�&)(�LQ�accordance with ISO-9001 Quality Assurance System.




��)LUH�7HVW�&HUWLÀFDWH�1R��������LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�API-6FA and API Standard API-607 for Trunnion Ball Valves in accordance with API-6D.

�� 7$� /XIW� &HUWLÀFDWH� �)XJLWLYH� (PLVVLRQ�� $SSURYDO���������ISO-5211 Top Flange, Anti-Static Device.

&HUWLÀFDGR�GH�(PLVLRQHV�)XJLWLYDV�GH�����FLFORV�SDUD�9iOYXODV�de compuerta de 3” clase 300#, emitido por Yarmouth Research DQG� 7HFKQRORJ\�� TXH� FDOLÀFDQ� WRGD� OD� JDPD� GH� SURGXFWRV� GH�Acero Fundido.

&HUWLÀFDWH�$3,�����1R�����������LVVXHG�E\�$PHULFDQ�3HWUROHXPInstitute to apply on Check Valves-Type A; Check Valves Type B PDQXIDFWXUHG�LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�$3,�����VSHFLÀFDWLRQ�

$3,����� &HUWLÀFDWH� 1R�� ��������� LVVXHG� E\� $PHULFDQ�Petroleum Institute to apply on Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves PDQXIDFWXUHG�LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�$3,�����VSHFLÀFDWLRQ�

&HUWLÀFDGR�GH�(PLVLRQHV�)XJLWLYDV�GH�����FLFORV�SDUD�9iOYXODV�de compuerta de 8” clase 300#, emitido por Yarmouth Research DQG� 7HFKQRORJ\�� TXH� FDOLÀFDQ� WRGD� OD� JDPD� GH� SURGXFWRV� GH�Acero Fundido.

&HUWLÀFDGR�GH�(PLVLRQHV�)XJLWLYDV�GH�����FLFORV�SDUD�9iOYXODV�de compuerta de 16” clase 150#, emitido por Yarmouth Research DQG� 7HFKQRORJ\�� TXH� FDOLÀFDQ� WRGD� OD� JDPD� GH� SURGXFWRV� GH�Acero Fundido.

$3,�����&HUWLÀFDWH�1R�����������LVVXHG�E\�$PHULFDQ�3HWUROHXPInstitute to apply on Compact Steel Gate Valves, Compact SteelGlobe Valves, and Compact Steel Check Valves manufactured inDFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�$3,�����VSHFLÀFDWLRQ�

The most advanced manufacturing techniques are employed at WALWORTH, which are: numerically controlled machine centers (CNC), horizontal and vertical lathes, multiple or single radial drills, threading machines, circular and horizontal grinders, milling and lapping machines, welding processes like SMAW, GMAW, PAW, SAW, heat treatment furnaces, overhead cranes, hydrostatic benches, standard and special painting installations, among others.





Bolted Bonnet Cast Steel Valve 2” to 72” 150# to 2500# 3,570 380

Bolted Bonnet Forged Steel Valve 1/4” to 2” 150# to 2500# 13,500 34

Welded Bonnet Forge Steel Valve 1/4” to 2” 150# to 2500# 1,500 3

Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve 2” to 60” 150# to 1500# 800 300

Bottom Entry Steel Lubricated Plug Valve 1/2” to 36” 150# to 2500# 700 52

Top Entry Steel Lubricated Plug Valve 1/2” to 36” 2000# to 5000# API 80 8

Cast Iron Lubricated Plug Valve 1/2” to 18” 175# to 500# CWP 4,000 90

Pressure Seal Cast Steel Valve 1/2” to 24” 600# to 2500# 200 145

Duo Check Valve 2” to 36” 150# to 1500# 2,000 78

Slab Gate Valve 2” to 48” 150# to 1500# 450 80

Expanding Gate Valve 2” to 48” 150# to 2500# 50 40

$::$�%XWWHUÁ\�9DOYH 3” to 72” 75# to150# B AWWA 150 65

Floating Ball Valve 1/4” to 8” 150# to 2000# 2,000 60

Steel Safety, Relief & Safety & Relief Valve 1/2” to 10” 150# to 5000# 120 1.5

Bronze Safety & Safety & Relief Valve 1/2” to 3” 150# to 300# 500 1.2

Rising Stem Iron Valve (OS & Y) 2” to 36” 125# 1,500 90

Non Rising Stem Iron Valve (NRS) 2” to 36” 125# 600 25

Cast Industrial Bronze Valve 1/4” to 2” 125# to 150# 2,000 2


12 www.walworthvalves.com


Gate 2” to 72” 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BW

Globe 2” to 20” 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BW

Swing Check 2” to 48” 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BW

Cast Steel Valves are the primary WALWORTH product line, manufactured in accordance with ANSI/ASME Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500# and sizes from 2” up to 72” nominal diameter, providing the End User a wide variety of valves to satisfy its needs. WALWORTH always keeps these valves in stock in the most common trims used in the industry. One of the most important features of WALWORTH Cast Steel Valves is its guarantee to meet and exceed 50 ppm maximum low fugitive emissions leakage rate as furnished ´RII�WKH�VKHOIµ�ZLWKRXW�D�&XVWRPHU·V�VSHFLDO�RUGHU�UHTXLUHPHQW�

WALWORTH offers the vast array of materials used for this product line, including but not limited to:

a) Carbon Steels like WCA, WCB, WCC, etc.b) Low Carbon Steels like LCB, LCC, etc.c) Low Alloy Steels like WC1, WC5, WC6, WC9, etc.d) Low Carbon Low Alloy Steels like LC2, LC3, etc.e) Medium Alloy Steels like C5, C12, C12A, etc.f) Stainless Steels like CF8, CF8M, CF8C, CF10, CG8M, etc.g) Low Carbon Stainless Steels like CF3, CF3M, CG3M, etc.K��6XSHU�6WDLQOHVV�6WHHOV�OLNH�&1�0��$OOR\������&1�0��$OOR\����PRGLÀHG���&7��&��HWF�i) Duplex Stainless Steel like CE8MN, CD6MN, CD3MN, etc.M��+LJK�1LFNHO�$OOR\V�OLNH�0RQHO�0��&��0RQHO�0������0RQHO�&=�����,QFRQHO�&<��� (Inconel 600), CW2M (Hastelloy C4), N12MV (Hastelloy B), CW12MW (Former Hastelloy C-276), CW6M (New Hastelloy C-276), CU5MCuC (Incoloy 825), N7M (Hastelloy B2), CW6MC (Inconel 625), etc.k) Super Duplex Stainless Steel like CE3MN, CD3MNWCuN, etc.l) Aluminum Bronze like 95500, 95600, 95800, etc.






WALWORTH offers this product line manufactured in accordance with API-602 and ANSI Classes 800, 1500 and 2500 # for socket weld, threaded and combined ends. Available also Integral )ODQJHV�LQ���������������������������������HLWKHU�UDLVHG�IDFH�RU�ULQJ�W\SH�MRLQW�HQGV�

WALWORTH keeps a large quantity of these valves in stock in the most common trims used by the industry. For Certain Customer applications where forged material is not DYDLODEOH��VSHFLÀFDOO\�IRU�KLJK�QLFNHO�DOOR\V���WALWORTH has developed this product line but produced from sand casting. In order to keep the same quality level as forged, these castings are SURGXFHG�ZLWK������RI�HDFK�ORW�WR�EH�VXEMHFW�WR�;�UD\�H[DPLQDWLRQ


a) Carbon Steels like A105.b) Low Carbon Steels like LF2, LF3, etc.c) Low Alloy Steels like F1, F11, and F22, etc.d) Medium Alloy Steels like F5, F5a, F9, etc.e) Stainless Steel Valves like F304, F316, etc.f) Low Carbon Stainless Steel like F304L, F316L, etc.g) Duplex Stainless Steel like F51, F55, etch) Nickel Alloys like Inconel, Incoloy, Monel, etc.

When cast steel valves are manufactured in accordance with API-602 as an acceptable option, WALWORTH offers this product line in the following materials either socket weld, threaded RU�ÁDQJHG�HQGV�

a) Stainless Steels like CF8, CF8M, CF8C, CF10, CG8M, etc.b) Low Carbon Stainless Steels like CF3, CF3M, CG3M, etc.F��6XSHU�6WDLQOHVV�6WHHOV�OLNH�&1�0��$OOR\������&1�0��$OOR\����PRGLÀHG���&7��&��HWF�G��+LJK�1LFNHO�$OOR\V�OLNH�0RQHO�0��&��0RQHO�0������0RQHO�&=�����,QFRQHO�&<���� (Inconel 600), CW2M (Hastelloy C4), N12MV (Hastelloy B), CW12MW (Former Hastelloy C-276), CW6M (New Hastelloy C-276), CU5MCuC (Incoloy 825), N7M (Hastelloy B2), CW6MC (Inconel 625), etc.e) Duplex Stainless Steel like CE8MN, CD6MN, CD3MN, etc.f) Super Duplex Stainless Steel like CE3MN, CD3MNWCuN, etc.g) Aluminum Bronze like 95500, 95600, 95800, etc.

��*DWH��*OREH��3LVWRQ�&KHFN��6ZLQJ�&KHFN�DQG�%DOO�&KHFN�9DOYHV��´7µ��´<µ�SDWWHUQ�GHVLJQ��IRU�*OREH�DQG�6WRS�&KHFN�9DOYHV� in accordance with API-602.�� Socket Weld, Threaded, Combined or Flanged RF or RTJ ends.�� Bolted Bonnet or Welded Bonnet options.�� Renewable or integral seats.�� Fugitive emissions control.�� NACE Service either MR-01-75 or MR-01-03.�� Test in accordance with API-598




Gate 1/4” to 2” 800, 1500 & 2500# 150, 300, 600, 1500 & 2500 #Globe 1/4” to 2” 800, 1500 & 2500# 150, 300, 600, 1500 & 2500 #Piston Check 1/4” to 2” 800, 1500 & 2500# 150, 300, 600, 1500 & 2500 #Ball Check 1/4” to 2” 800, 1500 & 2500# 150, 300, 600, 1500 & 2500 #Swing Check 1/4” to 2” 800, 1500 & 2500# 150, 300, 600, 1500 & 2500 #



14 www.walworthvalves.com

Trunnion Mounted Ball valves are used primarily, but not limited to, the Oil & Gas Industry. Trunnion Mounted Ball valves are offered in Pressure Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500# and sizes from 2” up to 60” nominal diameter. WALWORTH�7UXQQLRQ�0RXQWHG�%DOO�YDOYHV�PHHW�$3,��'�IXOO�ERUH�VSHFLÀFDWLRQV�IRU�SLJJDEOH�VHUYLFH��DYRLGLQJ�WXUEXOHQFH�DQG�ÁXLG�pressure drop through the valve. WALWORTH offers an array of materials used for this product line, including but not limited to:

a) Carbon Steels like A105 or WCB.b) Low Carbon Steels like LF2, LF3 or LCB, LCC, etc.c) Stainless Steels like F316, F347 or CF8M, CF8C, etc.d) Duplex Stainless Steel like F51 or CD3MN.e) Super Duplex Stainless Steel like F55 or CD3MWCuN. WALWORTH offers a variety of trim materials including but not limited to the full API-6D published trim list. Additional trims are available such as high strength steels like 17-4pH, duplex and super duplex steels (UNS S31803 or UNS S32750), high nickel alloys (Monel, Inconel, Incoloy, Hastelloy, etc), among others.

� Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves in accordance with API-6D.� Bolted Body or Welded Body.��Metal to Metal Tungsten Carbide and stellite 6 coatings option available.��Carbon steel body, Inconel 625 internal cladding available.��Meets Fire Test in accordance API-6FA, API-607.��Full bore or reduced bore available.��Flange dimensions in accordance ASME B16.5 for valves up to 24” nominal diameter.��Flange dimensions in accordance MSS-SP-44, ASME/ANSI B16.47 Series A or B for valves over 26” nominal diameter.� Wrench, Gear or Electric Operated options.��Double Block and Bleed.��%L�GLUHFWLRQDO�ÁRZ���Anti-static device.��Blow out proof system.��NACE Service either MR-01-75 or MR-01-03.��Test in accordance API-6D.



PRODUCT RANGETYPE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER ASME/ANSI B16.34 ENDSTrunnion Ball Valve Bolted Body 2” to 60” 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500# RF, RTJ or BWTrunnion Ball Valve Welded 2” to 60” 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500# RF, RTJ or BW


STEEL LUBRICATED PLUG VALVESSteel Plug valves are used primarily, but not limited to, the Gas & Petroleum Pipeline, 3XOS��3DSHU��5HÀQHULHV��&KHPLFDO���%XLOGLQJV��:DWHU��6HZHUDJH�,QGXVWULHV�Steel Plug valves are used to prevent internal leakage. This product line is offered in Pressure Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # and sizes from 2” up to 36” nominal diameter.

��%RWWRP�(QWU\�&RPSHQVDWRU�3OXJ�YDOYHV�LQ�WKUHH�SDWWHUQV��6KRUW��5HJXODU�DQG�9HQWXUL� from 1/2” (8 mm) to 36” (900 mm) and pressure class in accordance ASME B16.34, 150 (PN 20), 300 (PN 50), 600 (PN 110), 900 (PN 150), 1500 (PN 260) & 2500 (PN 420).- Top Entry Steel Lubricated Plug Valve API Classes 2000#, 3000#, & 5000# and sizes from 2 1/2” to 4 1/16” nominal diameter.- Top Entry Steel Plug Valves in three patterns: short, regular and venturi and sizes from 2” (8 mm) to 36” (900 mm) and pressure classes in accordance ASME B16.34, 150#, 300# & 600#.- Gas service Steel Plug Valve in regular pattern from 3/4” to 2” and 150# (200 CWP)

Materials:a) Carbon Steel like WCA, WCB, WCC, etc.b) Low Carbon Steel like LCB, LCC, etc.c) Low Alloy Steel like WC1, WC5, WC6, WC9, etc.d) Low Carbon Low Alloy Steel like LC2, LC3, etc.e) Medium Alloy Steel like C5, C12, C12A, etc.f) Stainless Steel like CF8, CF8M, CF8C, CF10, CG8M, etc.g) Low Carbon Stainless Steel like CF3, CF3M, CG3M, etc.K��6XSHU�6WDLQOHVV�6WHHO�OLNH�&1�0��$OOR\������&1�0��$OOR\����PRGLÀHG� CT15C, etc.i) Duplex Stainless Steel like CE8MN, CD6MN, CD3MN, etc.M��+LJK�1LFNHO�$OOR\�OLNH�0RQHO�0��&��0RQHO�0������0RQHO�&=�����,QFRQHO� CY40 (Inconel 600), CW2M (Hastelloy C4), N12MV (Hastelloy B), CW12MW (Former Hastelloy C-276), CW6M (New Hastelloy C-276), CU5MCuC (Incoloy 825), N7M Hastelloy B2), CW6MC (Inconel 625), etc.k) Super Duplex Stainless Steel like CE3MN, CD3MNWCuN, etc.



BOTTOM ENTRY COMPENSATOR STEEL PLUG VALVE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER ASME B16.34 ENDSShort Pattern API-6D 2" to 12" 150, 300, 600 # RF, RTJ or BWRegular Pattern API-6D 1/2" to 12" 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BWVenturi Pattern API-6D 6" to 36" 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 # RF, RTJ or BW

TOP ENTRY COMPENSATOR STEEL PLUG VALVE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER API ENDSRegular Pattern for offshore design 2 1/16" to 4 1/16" 2000, 3000 & 5000 RF, RTJ or BW

TOP ENTRY STEEL PLUG VALVE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER ASME B16.34 ENDSShort Pattern API-6D 1/2" to 8" 150, 300 # RF, RTJ or BWRegular Pattern API-6D 1/2" to 2" 600 # RF, RTJ or BWVenturi Pattern API-6D 14" to 36" 150 # RF, RTJ or BW



16 www.walworthvalves.com



WALWORTH single gland lubricated Plug valves are designed to meet the demand for an inexpensive product that incorporates the principal features of the Lubricated Plug valves.

The Top Entry design is offered in three different patterns: Short, Regular and Venturi from 1/2” (12.7 mm) to 18” (450 mm)- Steel Body and Iron plug in classes 150 and 200 CWP- Iron Body and Plug Classes 175, 200 & 500 CWP.

WALWORTH�RIIHUV�WKH�PDMRULW\�RI�PDWHULDOV�NQRZQ�DQG�XVHG�IRU�WKLV�product line, including but not limited to:

a) Carbon Steel body and Iron plug.b) Iron Body and Plug.



PATTERN SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER API ENDSShort 1/2" to 12" 200 CWP Threaded or RFRegular 2" to 18" 200 CWP Threaded or RFVenturi 6" to 18" 175 CWP Threaded or RFVenturi 6" to 8" 500 CWP Threaded or RF


PRESSURE SEAL CAST STEEL VALVESPressure Seal valves are used primarily, but not limited to, Power generation Plants with fossil, coal, thermal, gas, nuclear power plants, steam power stations, etc. Pressure seal valves excel in the following conditions: high pressure, high temperature, steam, oxidizing environments. Non-cobalt based hard facing is also available. Gate valves can be equipped with ÁH[LEOH�ZHGJH�RU�SDUDOOHO�VOLGH�GLVF���� One of the most important features of WALWORTH Pressure Seal Cast Steel Valves is the valves ability to use the line pressure to assist in the seal of the valve with a preloaded metallic or graphite pressure seal gasket placed between body and bonnet which reduces weight for easy installation and maintenance. WALWORTH Pressure Seal Valves are manufactured in accordance ASME B16.34. Pressure Classes 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # and sizes from 2” up to 24” nominal diameter. We offer an array of materials used for this product line, including but not limited to:

a) Carbon Steel like WCB.b) Low Alloy Steel like WC6, WC9, etc.c) Medium Alloy Steel like C12, C12A, etc.d) Stainless Steel like CF8, CF8M, CF8C, CF10, CG8M, etc.H��6XSHU�6WDLQOHVV�6WHHO�OLNH�&1�0��$OOR\������&1�0��$OOR\����PRGLÀHG���&7��&��HWF�I��+LJK�1LFNHO�$OOR\V� OLNH�0RQHO�0��&��0RQHO�0������0RQHO�&=����� ,QFRQHO�&<��� �,QFRQHO� 600), CW2M (Hastelloy C4), N12MV (Hastelloy B), CW12MW (Former Hastelloy C-276), CW6M (New Hastelloy C-276), CU5MCuC (Incoloy 825), N7M (Hastelloy B2), CW6MC (Inconel 625), etc.

��Pressure Seal valves Gate, Globe, Stop Check, Globe “Y” Pattern, Stop Check “Y” Pattern Swing Check, Tilting Disc Check, Lift Check valves in accordance ASME B16.34.��Flexible wedge or Parallel Slide disc for Gate valve.��Hand-wheel, Impact Hand-wheel, Chain-wheel, Gear operation, Electric, Pneumatic or Hydraulic Actuation as per Customer requirements.��Damper and Counterweights for Check valves.��%\�3DVV��/DQWHUQ�ULQJV��JUHDVH�LQMHFWRUV��FRQQHFWLRQV��HWF���([WUD�GHHS�VWXIÀQJ�ER[�DYDLODEOH�XSRQ�&XVWRPHU�UHTXHVW���Test in accordance API-598.


TYPE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER ASME/ANSI B16.34 ENDSGate 2" to 24" 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BW Globe 2" to 24" 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BWStop Check 2" to 24" 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BWGlobe “Y” Pattern 2” to 24” 600, 900, 1500 & 2500# RF, RTJ or BWStop Check “Y” Pattern 2” to 24” 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BWSwing Check 2" to 24" 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BWTilting Disc Check 2" to 24" 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BW

Lift Check 2" To 24" 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BW


18 www.walworthvalves.com

WALWORTH�'XR�&KHFN�YDOYHV�DUH�GHÀQHG�DV�WKH�PHFKDQLFDO�GHYLFH�ZKLFK�DOORZV�WKH�ÁRZ�RI�ÁXLG�WR�JR�LQ�RQO\�RQH�GLUHFWLRQ��'XR�&KHFN�YDOYHV�ZRUN�E\�WKH�GLIIHUHQWLDO�SUHVVXUH�DQG�ÁXLG�ÁRZ�RSHQLQJ�WKH�KLQJHG�GLVFV�DQG�FRPSUHVVLQJ�WKH�VSULQJ���:KHQ�WKH�ÁRZ�EHJLQV�WR�VORZ�GRZQ�WKH�VSULQJ�JUDGXDOO\�DVVLVWV�LQ�WKH�FORVLQJ�RI�WKH�YDOYH��:KHQ�WKH�ÁRZ�VWRSV�WKH�VSULQJV�KDYH�DOUHDG\�assisted in closing the valve and putting the two hinged discs in position to seal against the seat. Thus the springs begin close the YDOYH�DQG�GR�QRW�UHO\�RQ�D�EDFN�ÁRZ�WR�FORVH��7KH�VSULQJ�ORDGLQJ�HIIHFWLYHO\�SUHYHQW�WKH�VODPPLQJ��DOVR�NQRZ�DV�ZDWHU�KDPPHU��associated with other check valves. WALWORTH Duo Check valve (Dual Plate) valve design offers many advantages compared other check valves. Its compact size allows it to be installed in areas where space is a premium. WALWORTH offers an array of materials used for this product line, including but not limited to:

g) Carbon Steel like WCB.h) Low Alloy Steel like WC6, WC9, etc.i) Medium Alloy Steel like C5, C12, C12A, etc.M��6WDLQOHVV�6WHHO�OLNH�&)���&)�0��&)�&��&)����&*�0��HWF�k) Super Stainless Steel like CN7M (Alloy 20), CN3M (Alloy 20 ���PRGLÀHG���&7��&��HWF�l) High Nickel Alloys like Monel M30C, Monel M35-1, Monel ��&=�����,QFRQHO�&<����,QFRQHO�������&:�0��+DVWHOOR\�&���� N12MV (Hastelloy B), CW12MW (Former Hastelloy C-276), CW6M (New Hastelloy C-276), CU5MCuC (Incoloy 825), N7M (Hastelloy B2), CW6MC (Inconel 625), etc.

WALWORTH offers a variety of trim materials including but not limited to the full API-600 published trim list. Additional trims are available such as high strength steels, stainless steels, high nickel alloys (Monel, Inconel, Incoloy, Hastelloy, etc), among others.




PRODUCT RANGETYPE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER ASME/ANSI B16.34 ENDSDuo Check Valve 2" to 36” 150, 300, 600, 900 & 1500 # FF, RF, RTJ


SLAB GATE VALVESWALWORTH Slab Gate valves are manufactured and tested in accordance API-6D. This type of valve is very useful in transportation pipelines for gas, crude oil, and oil products. The Slab Gate valves are thru-conduit and piggable. The slab gate when opened interior has been designed to minimize pressure drop and catch foreign materials into the disc cavity and also avoid WKH�WXUEXOHQFH�RI�WKH�ÁXLG�WKURXJKRXW�WKH�YDOYH�

WALWORTH Slab Gate valve uses the resultant force from line pressure to help to have a Mechanical and tight sealing in downstream side when high differential pressure occurs. Low pressure sealing is achieved by internal springs assisting in pushing the seat ring against the gate to obtain the seal.

WALWORTH offers this product line in the following base materials:

a) Carbon Steel such as WCB.b) Carbon Steel for NACE Applications like WCB with 0.25 % C maximum and 22 HRc maximum hardness.c) Low carbon steel for low temperature service like LCB.d) Stainless Steel like CF8M.



PRODUCT RANGETYPE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS AS PER ASME/ANSI B16.34 ENDSSlab Gate Valve 2" to 48” 150, 300, 600, 900 & 1500 # RF, RTJ or BW

20 www.walworthvalves.com

EXPANDING GATE VALVESWALWORTH Expanding Gate valves are manufactured and tested in accordance with API-6D. This type of valve is suitable for onshore and offshore applications where suspended and DEUDVLYH�VROLGV�DUH�SUHVHQW�LQ�WKH�ÁXLG�RU�IRU�RLO�DQG�JDV�WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ�DQG�LVRODWLRQ�VHUYLFH��

The double block and bleed design offers a proper seal in between both seats and the gate in both high and low pressure, for this reason line pressure is not needed to seal the valve. The principle of operation is based in two segmented members of a disc which at open or closed position is capable to seal in both directions.

WALWORTH offers this product line in the following base materials:

a) Carbon Steel such as WCB, WCC.b) Carbon Steel as per ASTM A216 grade WCB for NACE MR0-175 with 0.25%C maximum and 22HRc maximum hardness.

��Design in accordance with API-6D.��Full thru-conduit port to permit pass scrapers, pigs and wipers.��Top entry for maintenance inline.��Double block and bleed at open or closed position.��Bi-directional.��+DQG�ZKHHO��,PSDFW�+DQG�ZKHHO��&KDLQ�ZKHHO��*HDU�RSHUDWLRQ��(OHFWULF��3QHXPDWLF���� or Hydraulic Actuation as per Customer requirements.��Hard faced option is available for severe service with Tungsten carbide or stellite applied by HVOF process. ��Test in accordance with API-6D.



Expanding Gate Valve 2" to 48” 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 & 2500 # RF, RTJ or BW



AWWA BUTTERFLY VALVESWALWORTH�$::$�%XWWHUÁ\�YDOYHV�FRPSO\�ZLWK�$::$�&�����VWDQGDUG��This type of valve with soft rubber (Buna) seats is used in the water treatment industry. The AWWA WALWORTH valves can be used for throttling as well as open/close applications. The main features are a leak proof hermetic seal, easy installation and operation at the maximum differential pressure. The soft Buna seats run the entire 360° of the disc, thus reducing WXUEXOHQFH�DQG�SUHVVXUH�GURS��%XWWHUÁ\�YDOYHV�DUH�XVHG�LQ�SRZHU�generation, pollution control, the pulp and paper industry, water and waste water treatment facilities worldwide.

WALWORTH offers this product line in the following base materials:

a) Cast Iron ASTM A126 grade Bb) Ductile Iron ASTM A536 grade 65-45-12c) Alloy Cast Iron ASTM A436 grade 2d) Cast Steel ASTM a 216 grade WCBe) Stainless Steel ASTM 351 grade CF8 M (Not listed by AWWA C-504, but avalaible upon request).

��Design in accordance with AWWA C-504.��Uninterrupted 360° seat.��Underground installation.��Manual and automated operation as per Customer requirement.��Class A (maximum velocity at 8 feet per second).��Class B (maximum velocity at 16 feet per second).��7HVW�LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�$3,�������$YDLODEOH�GLVF�LQ�$OXPLQLXP�%URQ]H�$670�%����JUDGH��6RIW�6HDW�LQ�1HRSUHQH������)���('30������)��DOVR�DYDLODEOH�DV�SHU���� Customer request.




'XFWLO�,URQ�%XWWHUÁ\�9DOYH�6KRUW�%RG\ 3” to 72” 75 A and B FF OR RF 2111 (75A); 2110 (75B)&DVW�,URQ�%XWWHUÁ\�9DOYH�:DIHU�%RG\ 3” to 72” 150 B FF OR RF 2114 (150B)'XFWLOH�,URQ�%XWWHUÁ\�9DOYH�6KRUW�%RG\ 3” to 72” 150A & 150B FF OR RF 2117 (150A); 2116 (150B)

22 www.walworthvalves.com

FLOATING BALL VALVESThis product line is used primarily in the Oil & Gas, Building and construction Industries, Chemical and Petrochemical services, among others. WALWORTH offers Floating Ball valves to provide positive shut-off while minimizing pressure drop. WALWORTH offers an array of materials used for this product line, including but not limited to:

a) Carbon Steel such as A-105 or WCB, etc.b) Stainless Steel such as CF8, CF8M, etc.c) Low Carbon Stainless Steel such as CF3, CF3M, CG3M, etc.G��6XSHU�6WDLQOHVV�6WHHO�VXFK�DV�&1�0��$OOR\������&1�0��$OOR\����PRGLÀHG��� CT15C, etc.e) Brass like B283 grade C37700.

WALWORTH offers a variety of trim materials including but not limited to the following:

a) Ball and stem made from SS-304, PTFE seats and stem packing.b) Ball and stem made from SS-316, PTFE seats and stem packing.c) Ball and stem made from SS-316, PTFE seats and graphite stem packing ����VXLWDEOH�IRU�ÀUH�VDIH�GHVLJQ�


Three-Piece Floating Ball Valve Brass 1/4” to 2” 600# Threaded 42L-BrassThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve WCB 1/4” to 4” 1000 WOG Threaded or Socket Weld 44C-1000-WCBThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve WCB 1/4” to 2 2000 WOG Threaded or Socket Weld 44C-2000-WCBThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve CF8M 1/4” to 4” 1000 WOG Threaded or Socket Weld 46I-1000-CF8MThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve CF8M 1/4” to 2” 2000 WOG Threaded or Socket Weld 46I-2000-CF8MThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve WCB 1/4” to 8” 150# RF 44C-150-WCBThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve WCB 1/4” to 4” 300# RF 44C-300-WCBThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve CF8M 1/4” to 8” 150# RF 46I-150-CF8MThree-Piece Floating Ball Valve CF8M 1/4” to 4” 300# RF 46I-300-CF8M





SAFETY VALVES, RELIEF VALVES AND SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVESThese valves work to release overpressure in a piping system. WALWORTH offers these kinds of valves as a solution for the automatic release of pressure from either a boiler, pressure vessel or other systems when the pressure or temperature exceeds preset limits. WALWORTH offers the following types of valves:a) Safety Valves.- These valves are made from Bronze and used for gas and steam only. Its main use is to relieve the pressure from the system such as boilers, autoclaves, compressors, steam generators, pressure vessels, bronze air or gas pipelines.b) Relief Valves.- This type of valve is typically made from Bronze and used only for water service. Its purpose is to release of pressure acting due the static pressure of the liquid against the vessel or container, releasing the pressure accordingly with the increase of pressure over the opening pressure, protecting the equipment or system of damage. Only used for liquids it is commonly used in bronze tanks, pipelines or other vessels where is not required a big relief capacity.c) Safety and Relief Valves���7KLV�GHVLJQ�LV�PDGH�IURP�FDUERQ�VWHHO��RU�VWDLQOHVV�VWHHO�DQG�PD\�EH�XVHG�IRU�DQ\�ÁXLG��JDV��VWHDP�RU�ZDWHU���7KLV�is a valve which automatically releases the pressure when the over pressure is achieved and can be used as a Safety Valve or a Relief Valve depending on application.

WALWORTH offers an array of materials used for this product line, including but not limited to:- For Safety Valves and Safety and Relief Valves:a) Bronze as per ASTM B62 grade 83600.- For Safety and Relief Valves:b) Carbon Steel such as WCA, WCB, WCC, etc.c) Stainless Steel such as CF8, CF8M, CF8C, etc.d) Low Carbon Stainless Steel such as CF3, CF3M, CG3M, etc.

We offer a variety of trim materials including but not limited to the following:a) Bronze trim for Bronze valves.b) Stainless Steel trims for carbon steel or stainless steel body.


TYPE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS ENDSSafety Valves Bronze 1/2" to 2 1/2" 250 to 300 PSIG (Steam), 350 (Air or Gas) ThreadedRelief Valves Bronze 1/2" to 3" 300 PSIG Except 3” which is150 PSIG. ThreadedSafety And Relief Valves Steel ���µ�;��µ�WR��µ�;���µ ����;����������;����������;�����36,*� Threaded, socket weld or RF or RTJ

Safety And Relief Valves Steel * ���µ�;��µ�WR��µ�;��µ 2000 to 5000 PSI Threaded, socket weld or RF or RTJ


*Only for open or closed Bonnet design.

For Safety valves (Gas or steam service).�� Lateral discharge (to the pipeline).�� NPT threads, in accordance with ANSI B1.20.1.�� Minimum calibration pressure 0.35 Kg./cm2 (5 psig).�� Maximum operation pressure with steam 250 psig to 300 psig.�� Maximum operation pressure with air or gas 300 psig to 350 psig.

For Relief valves (non corrosive bronze liquid service).�� Lateral discharge (to the pipeline).�� NPT threads, in accordance with ANSI B1.20.1.�� Minimum calibration pressure 0.35 Kg./cm2 (5 psig).�� Maximum operation pressure with steam 300 psig except for 3” which

is 150 psig.�� Maximum operation temperature 406°F (208°C).

For Safety and Relief valves (Air, Gas or liquid service depending on application required).�� Conventional, Bellows, soft seat, open bonnet, closed bonnet designs

as per Customer requirement.�� Metal to metal seat or soft seat (resilient).�� High capacity for pressure release.�� Stainless Steel trims.�� Bellow design with pressure compensator which cancel the

backpressure effect.�� Flanged ends as per ASME B16.5 or threaded ends as per ASME B1.1.�� 2ULÀFHV�IURP�'�WR�7�

24 www.walworthvalves.com

WALWORTH Iron valves are manufactured in accordance with MSS standards. The primarily use of this type of valve is the water industry. However, demands are FRPLQJ�PRUH�DQG�PRUH�IURP�3HWUROHXP�5HÀQHULHV��&KHPLFDO�SODQWV��6HZDJH�Treatment Plants and Municipalities.

WALWORTH offers this product line in the following base materials:

a) Cast Iron in accordance ASTM A126 Class B.

WALWORTH offers this product line in the following standard trim:

a) Bronze trim in accordance with ASTM B62 grade C83600.b) Iron trim in accordance with



TYPE SIZE TRIM PRESSURE CLASS ENDS FIGURE Nr.Iron Gate Valve Rising Stem (OS & Y) 2" to 36" Bronze Mounted 125# FF W726 FIron Globe Valve Rising Stem (OS& Y) 2" to 12" Bronze Mounted 125# FF W906 FIron Swing Check Valve 2" to 24" Bronze Mounted 125# FF W928 FIron Gate Valve Non Rising Stem 2” to 36” Bronze Mounted 125# FF W719 FIron Gate Valve Non Rising Stem 2” to 36” All Iron 125# FF W720 FIron Gate Valve Rising Stem (OS & Y) 2” to 36” All Iron 125# FF W727 FIron Globe Valve Rising Stem (OS & Y) 2” to 36” All iron 125# FF W906 1/2 FIron Swing Check Valve with lever & weight 2” to 24” Bronze Mounted 125# FF W932 F




CAST INDUSTRIAL BRONZE GATE, GLOBE AND SWING CHECK VALVESWALWORTH Cast bronze valves are manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP-80. The excellent performance of these valves for many years in commercial and industrial facilities, construction industries, chemical and petrochemical processes and in marine service make this product line the preferred brand all around the world.

WALWORTH offers this product line in the following base material:a) Bronze in accordance ASTM B62 grade C836000.

WALWORTH offers this product line in the following standard trim:a) Bronze trim in accordance with ASTM B62 grade C83600.



TYPE SIZE PRESSURE CLASS ASME/ANSI B16.34 ENDSBronze Gate Valve 1/4" to 2" 125, 150# Threaded, weld endBronze Globe Valve 1/4" to 2" 125, 150# Threaded, weld endBronze Swing Check Valve Horizontal Pattern 1/4" to 2" 125, 150# Threaded, weld end

Bronze Swing Check Valve “Y” Pattern 1/4" to 2" 125, 150# Threaded, weld end


26 www.walworthvalves.com



Dubai Petroleum U.A.E. Oil & Energy

Oxy Oman / Qatar Oil & Gas

SABIC Saudi Arabia Chemical & Fertilizer

National Iranian Oil Company Iran Oil & Energy

Chevron Corporation United States of America Oil & Energy

ConocoPhillips United States of America Oil & Energy

Fluor Corp. United States of America EPC

Marathon Oil Corp. United States of America Oil & Gas

Chicago Bridge & Iron Company United States of America EPC

Petro Canada Canada Oil & Energy

British Petroleum UK Oil & Energy

Sinclair Oil Corp. United States of America Oil & Gas

Citgo Petroleum Corporation United States of America Oil & Gas

Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Brazil Oil & Energy

Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos Colombia Oil & Energy

Waha Oil Co. Libya Oil & Natural Gas

KBR Piping Components United States of America Energy


Energy Northwest United States of America Nuclear Plant

BP Alaska Exploration & Production

'HOHN�5HÀQLQJ�/7' United States of America 5HÀQLQJ��'LVWULEXWLRQ

Occidental of Oman Oman 5HÀQLQJ��'LVWULEXWLRQ

SUNOCO United States of America 5HÀQLQJ��'LVWULEXWLRQ

Con Edison United States of America Energy

Foster Wheeler United States of America Oil & Energy

