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The study was conducted at Nambiyattukudy Modern Rice Mill Koovappady, who are

well known with their brand name Pavizham. They are the major marketer o rice and rice

 products inside Kerala. The products are sold in other parts o !ndia and the products are

 bein" e#ported to other countries includin" $urope, %&, and 'ul countries like (ubai.

The manuacturin" unit has been the most modern technolo"y in rice millin" and has

imported the machinery rom )hina, and *apan. The company is bein" treated as the

 provider o the rice o the traditional taste o Kerala. The company provides superior 

+uality products at aordable price.

The purpose o the study is partial ulillment o the de"ree o achelor o usiness

Mana"ement and to understand the practical unctions o the or"anization.


-or the eectiveness o the study, the objects are classiied under two heads

. They are

• Primary /bjectives

•   &econdary /bjectives

Primary o!"cti#"$

0. To understand the workin" o various department o the or"anization.

1. To understand the structure o the or"anization

S"condary o!"cti#"$

0. To ind out the dealers attitude towards 2P34!563M R!)$7

1. To ind the duties and responsibilities o dierent department heads.



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8. To ind out the market position o the P34!563M R!)$

9. To know Pavizham products.

:. To ind out the stren"ths, weakness, opportunities and threats o the or"anization

;. To know the uture plans o the or"anization.


The study entitled <3n or"anization study o P34!563M R!)$ has the ollowin" scope.

= The study attempts to understand the perormance o dierent department

= The workin" condition in the or"anization

= >ualiy the assurance o the products

= -inancial position o the company

= Market position o the company


• 3s the main source o data is secondary reliability is limited.

• The study depends mainly on the inormation provided by the top mana"ement.

• The employees o various departments were not able to spend enou"h time or the

researcher since it aects their work schedule.

• The interpretation and analysis may not be accurate because o the limited

e#perience o the researcher.



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  Rice, common name or about 0? species o annual herbs, o the "rass amily. )ommon rice is the

only species o importance to human bein"s. !t is native to south@east 3sia and has been cultivated

or more than A,BBB years. !t thrives in areas o considerable warmth and moisture and reaches a

hei"ht o about 0m C8 tD, with lowers bearin" si# stamens and a solitary pistil. The ruit, a "rain,

is produced on a noddin" o the stalk. Ehen the "rain is ripe, Rice resembles the oat plant. The

white endosperm is enclosed by a layer o bran surrounded by a brown husk.

Rice "rains are e#tensively used as human oodF rice constitutes the principal ood o hal the

human race. !t is primarily consumed ater processin" as polished rice. The bran or "erm which

comprises 0BG o whole rice is removed durin" the polishin" process.. Ehite rice, which is rice

rom which the nutritious bran has been removed, is an inerior ood. 3 diet o white rice causes

such deiciency diseases as eriberi. Reco"nition o the nutritional value o the rice bran has led to

some increase in the consumption o brown rice, which is the rice "rain rom which the bran has

not been removed. rown rice is a very "ood source o man"anese and also a "ood source o other 

minerals like ma"nesium and selenium. 3lmost 00 nutrients are lost durin" the processin" o white

rice. Process to "et polished white rice rom brown rice destroys HBG thiamin, ;AG niacin, ?BG

vitamin ;, ;BG iron, hal o phosphorous and man"anese and all o essential atty acids and

dietary iber. 3ccordin" to law in %nited &tates ully processed polished white rice should be

enriched with thiamin, niacin and iron, however this enrichment cannot replace the loss o around

00 nutrients and are not the same as ound in the ori"inal version.

rown rice is unpolished riceF i.e., the bran layer o the "rain is not removed throu"h polishin" as

is done with white rice( Thus, it is more nutritious than polished rice and is becomin" popular 

amon" health conscious people. Modern researches have conirmed the belies o ancient oriental

olk physicians that eatin" brown rice is a source o serenity and tran+uility. !t has been shown to

contain all the elements need or the maintenance o "ood health

 Rice contains mostly <&tarchI as hi"h as A1G on wJw basis. (ue to the hi"h starch content, it is

the most avored <raw materialI or alcoholic bevera"es since centuries in dierent parts o the



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(ierent varieties o Rice has dierent aromatic component in it, which becomes the main source

o wine makin" produces wine with speciic aroma name. !t is <&akeI in *apan <TanimuraI

in Philippines. <4odkaI the amous drink o <RussiaI is made rom rice as well.

3part rom wine, rice can be "ood source or other alcoholic bevera"es, now with depletin"

<)rude PetroleumI reserves world over, <$thanolI is seen as alternative uel rice can be best


The chan"ed dietary habits o the new "eneration have appeared to increase the risk o coronary

heart disease and heart attacks especially in over L wei"ht people. )ommon eatures o a metabolic

syndrome include visceral obesity Cthe <apple shapedI bodyD, low levels o protective 6(

cholesterol, hi"h tri"lycerides, and hi"h blood pressure.

ately realizin" this 'ovt. o !ndia has put this industry under <Ministry o -ood Processin"I to

specially ocus on to increase its consumption as ood.

  Int"rnationa) $c"nario

Rice is the second lar"est produced cereal in the world. 3t the be"innin" o the 0??Bs, annual

 production was around 8:B million tons and by the end o the century it had reached 90B million

tons. Production is "eo"raphically concentrated in Eestern and $astern 3sia. 3sia is the bi""est

rice produce, accountin" or ?BG o the world7s production and consumption o rice. )hina and

!ndia, which account or more than one@third o "lobal population supply over hal o the world7s

rice. razil is the most important non@3sian producer ollowed by the %nited &tates. !taly ranks

irst in $urope

Rice is by ar the most economically important ood crop in many developin" countries,

 providin" two third o the calorie intake o more than 8 billion people in 3sia, and one third o 

the calorie intake o nearly 0.: billion people in North 3merica and $uropean %nion C$%D, rice

consumption has increased due to ood diversiication and immi"ration. !n the last two decades

C0?AB@?BD, the per capita rice consumption increased at various rates, ran"in" rom 1.9

 percentJyear in the !taly and H.1 percentJyear in %K C-aure and Mazaud, 0??;D.


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The world7s major rice@producin" countries includin" the two most populous nations, )hina@

!ndia L have emphasized the important o continuin" to develop new rice varieties to "uarantee

3sia7s ood security and support the re"ion7s economic development. Today, rice is "rown and

harvested on every continent e#cept 3ntarctica, where conditions make its "rowth impossible.

The majority o all rice produced comes rom !ndia, )hina, *apan, !ndonesia, Thailand, urma,

and an"ladesh. 3sian armers still account or ?1@percent o the world7s total rice production.

More than ::B million tons o rice is produced annually around the "lobe. !n the %nited &tates,

armers have been successully harvested rice or more the 8BB years. There are thousands o 

strains o rice today, includin" those "rown in the wild and those which are cultivated as a crop.

Hi$tory o* dom"$tication + cu)ti#ation


The Muslims brou"ht 3siatic rice to the !berian Peninsula in the tenth century. Records indicate

it was "rown in 4alencia Majorca, rice cultivation seems to have stopped ater )hristian

con+uest, althou"h historians are not certain. Muslims also brou"ht rice to &icily, where was an

important crop.


3lthou"h attempts to "row rice in the well@watered north o 3ustralia have been made or many

years, thy have consistently ailed because o inherent iron and man"anese to#icities in the soil

and was very cheap, the "rowin" o rice was taken up by a"ricultural "roups over the ollowin"

decades. )aliornian varieties o rice were ound suitable or the climate in the Rivernia, the

irst mill opened at eeton in 0?:0.


3rican rice has been cultivated or 8:BB years. !n parts o 3rica under !slam, rice was chiely

"rown in southern morocco. (urin" the 0Bth century rice was also brou"ht to east 3rica remains

uncertain, Muslims brou"ht it to the re"ion stretchin" rom ake )had to the Ehite Nile.


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-or)d To, 1. Ric" Producin/ Countri"$

• )hina

• !ndia

• !ndonesia


• 4ietnam

• Thailand

• Myanmar 

• *apan

• Philippines

• razil

Som" Ot0"r Ric" Producin/ Countri"$

• 3"hanistan, 3r"entina, 3ustralia• hutan, olivia, urkina -aso

• )ambodia, )ameroon, )had, )olombia, )uba

• $cuador, $"ypt

• -rance

• 'ambia, Republic o 'hana, 'reece

• !ran, !taly

• Korea (PR, Republic o Korea

• ao P(R, iberia

• Mada"ascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Me#ico, Mozambi+ue

•  Nepal, Nicara"ua, Ni"er, Ni"eria

• Pakistan, Para"uay, Peru, Portu"al

Som" im,ortant *act$ aout ric" in )oa) Sc"nario ar" a$2

'lobal rice production in the recent years has luctuated between 8A:@9BB million tons.

)onsumption at around 90B million tons has been above production in the recent years. 'lobal endin" stocks, which had avera"e above 01B million tons in the 0??B7s is

currently "ettin" reduced to HB million tons. 3sia is the bi""est rice producer, accountin" or ?BG o the world7s production and

consumption o rice.


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Per capita rice consumption has declined in recent years in many o the wealthier rice

consumin" countries, such as *apan, Republic o Korea and Thailand, because risin"

incomes have enabled people to eat more varied diet. 3lthou"h rice is widely "rown and consumed, less than ;G o world production C1B@19

million tonsD is traded annually. Major importin" nations o rice are Eest 3sian countries and 3rican countries. 3part

rom it countries like *apan, Malaysia, and razil also i"ures in top 0B importin"

country. !n Eest 3sia and Middle $ast asmati rice is avorite and !ndia is the major 

supplier in this cate"ory. Throu"h rice is cultivated lar"ely in 3sia its e#port mostly ori"inates rom other 

continents. Major Rice e#porters are Thailand, %nited &tates, Pakistan, 4ietnam, !ndia,

!taly, %ru"uay, 3ustralia, )hina and 3r"entina.

The Eestern countries are not major producers, but at the same time their consumption is

ne"li"ible. Thus, a si"niicant portion o their produce is e#ported.

C0a))"n/"$ Fac"d By t0" Indu$try

Major issues on rice production over the world commonly reported, as ollows

1( %o3 t"m,"ratur"

ow temperature is the "reatest concern o rice "rowers in the temperate re"ions. 3lthou"h

armers have tried to deploy varieties with tolerance to low temperature and recommended

cultural practices, such as plantin" date and water depth durin" panicle development, rice crops

still suer rom poor establishment and hi"h "rain sterility, due to variable climate every year.

'( -at"r ,ro)"m$


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Eater is the primary actor determinin" the success o the rice crop. Eetlands have been widely

e#ploited or rice production in many parts o the world. Many problems relatin" to this matter 

are well known water eiciency, water +uality.

4( %and con$traint$-ast urbanization, industrialization and the demo"raphic pressure have encoura"ed armers to

e#ploit mar"inal lands or increased rice production to meet their amily7s demand. Thereore,

acid soils, tidal land, orest lands etc., have been reclaimed and brou"ht under cultivation,

thereby limitin" crop yield potential. !n intensive irri"ated rice armin" systems, the major soil

 problems include chan"e in soil characteristics, soil minin" aects and soil pollution.

5( Biotic $tr"$$"$

!n the humid topics, the introduction o semi@dwar@stature varieties and the lar"e use o nitro"en

ertilizers and insecticides have chan"ed the status o pests rom low to hi"h related to the

economic importance in rice production. !t was reported the serious incidence o insects such as

 brown plant hoppers, stem borers, lea olders, etc. 3nd diseases such as blast, bacterial bli"ht,

sheath rot. The short "rowth duration o modern rice varieties has modiied e#istin" croppin"

 patterns and increased armin" intensity rom sin"le crop to double or triple crops, thereby

inducin" a avorable environment or insect pests and patho"en multiplication.

1( Im,ro#"m"nt o* ric" Yi")d

Productivity o rice does not only vary between one country and another, but also within the

same country based on the dierent a"ro@ecolo"ical zones and production systems used. The "ap

 between the armer7s yield and those obtained by research stations is still lar"e, even thou"h

some reduction has been reported recently. This indicates the various limitin" actors aectin"

rice productivity and production, ran"in" rom land development, production and marketin".

'( Ric" 6ua)ity

Rice consumption has increased in $urope, 3merica and 3rica as a result o ood diversiication

and immi"ration CNorth 3merica and $uropean %nionD. Recently, the demand or lon" "rain and

aromatic rice has been increasin" in North 3merica and $%, resultin" in a si"niicant chan"e in

rice@planted areas. Many lon" "rain varieties have been developed or temperate conditions,

 particularly under re+uent low ni"ht temperature, where "rain +uality still needs to be improved


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Millin" yield and cookin" +uality and processin" characteristics need urther studies.

6armonization o analytical method or "rain +uality at national and international laboratories

should be encoura"ed.

4( D"c)in" in in#"$tm"nt$ *or incr"a$"d ric" ,roduction

Eater control was the main actor necessary to increase the rice production and productivity in

3sia durin" the 'reen Revolution, but in investment or the development o irri"ation

inrastructure in many developin" countries have taken place, thereby aectin" the "rowth o 

rice production as well as productivity.

5( Hi/0 co$t$ o* ric" ,roduction

6i"h labor cost, mechanization, the use o chemical inputs and slow increase in "rain yield

contributed to hi"h cost o rice production in irri"ated rice, especially in developed countries.The cost o rice production was around %& 9BBJ ton in -rance C)ambon, 0??:D and %& 0;;ton

in the %&3 C&aint and 5ei"ler, 0??BD. &ubsidy has become the national policy in many countries.

The world7s price o rice declined import o rice rom )hina, !ndonesia, Philippines, etc. and the

occurrence o loodin" and drou"ht in these countries.

:. Ric" in*ormation

/ne o the most eective means to promote the low o a"ricultural inormation over the world

is the modern computerized communication acilities, which allow "atherin", disseminatin", and

acilitatin" interaction and e#chan"e o such inormation amon" a lar"e number o people and

institutions workin" in the same ield. /bviously, it still needs to have initiative, coordination

and leadership in this re"ard.

 Nationa) $c"nario

!ndia is an important center o rice cultivation. The rice harvestin" area in !ndia is the world7s

lar"est. Rice is "rown in many re"ions across !ndia. -or about ;:G o the people livin" in !ndia,

rice is a staple ood or them. Rice is essential to lie in !ndia. !t is a part o nearly every meal,

and it is "rown on a majority o the rural arms. Eorldwide, !ndia stands irst in rice area and

second in rice production, ater )hina. !t contributes 10.: percent o "lobal rice production.

Eithin the country, rice occupies one@+uarter o the total cropped area, contributes about 9B to 98


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 percent o total ood "rain production and continues to play a vital role in the national ood and

livelihood security system. 6owever, !ndia did not become a major rice e#portin" country or a

lon" time. !ts share in world rice trade, mainly in the orm o small@volume e#ports o hi"hly

 prized basmati rice, was insi"niicant C: percentD. !t was not until the mid@0?HBs that the

+uantum o e#port started to "row, rom 00BBBB tons in 0?AHJA? to H?B;08 tons in 0??9J?: and

to a record :.: million tons in 0??:J?;, second only to Thailand Cat :.? million tonsD.

The re"ions cultivatin" this crop in !ndia is distin"uished as the western coastal strip, the eastern

coastal strip, coverin" all the primary deltas, 3ssam plains and surroundin" low hills, oothills

and Terai re"ion@ alon" the 6imalayas and states like Eest en"al, ihar, eastern %ttar Pradesh,

eastern Madhya Pradesh, northern 3ndhra Pradesh and /rissa. !ndia, bein" a land o eternal

"rowin" season, and the deltas o Kaveri River, Krishna River, 'odavari River and Mahanadi

River with a thick set@up o canal irri"ation, permits armers to raise two, and in some pockets,

even three crops a year. !rri"ation has made even three crops a year possible. !rri"ation has made

it easible even or Punjab and 6aryana, known or their baked climate, to "row rice. They even

e#port their e#cess to other states. Punjab and 6aryana "row prized rice or e#port purposes. The

hilly terraced ields rom Kashmir to 3ssam are idyllically suited or rice armin", with a"e@old

hill irri"ational conveniences. 6i"h yieldin" kinds, enhanced plantin" methods, promised

irri"ation water supply and mountin" use o ertilizers have to"ether led to beneicial and +uick 

results. !t is the rain ed area that cuts down avera"e yields per hectare.

(iversity o ood crops o !ndia should be ascertained accordin" to the actors o temperature,

rainall and soil. Paddy. Eheat, millets and pulses are the major ood crops in !ndia. !ndia is the

major producer o a"ro commodities in the world. &ince independence the ood "rain portion in

!ndia has increased almost our@time. !ndia rank irst in the production o tea and su"arcane, and

second in rice, milk, and ve"etable production. Rice is the staple ood o !ndia and more than

?BG o the people in southern part to !ndia consume rice as their main ood. Rice is the main

ood o Kerala. 3t least in every house o Kerala rice is bein" consumed twice a day. The

avera"e production o paddy in Kerala is established by the "ovt. at 1B MT , out o which 8BG is

 bein" produced in kuttanad and Palakkad.



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Paddy is the most important ood crops o !ndia. !ndia stands in the second production o paddy.

"o/ra,0ica) r"6uir"m"nt$

Temperature 0;c to@1Bc o temperature in the early sta"es o "rowth. 0Hc to 81c o temperature is

essential durin" the harvestin" period.


Paddy is the cultivated places where rainall is between 0:Bcm to 8BBcm. i irri"ation acilities

are available, paddy can be cultivated in places where the rainall is low.


$ven thou"h paddy can be cultivated in the variety o soils, alluvial soil is the most suited or its


Som" im,ortant *act aout ric" in Indian Sc"nario2

3"riculture is the main source o income or amilies in !ndia. -arms cover over hal 

the land and almost three@+uarters o that land is used to "row the two major "rains

rice and wheat. !ndia is the second leadin" producer o rice in the entire world, precedin" only by

)hina  !ndia7s annual rice production is around H:@?B million tons. 3nnual consumption is

around H: million tons. !n !ndia Rice is cultivated in both seasons L winter and summer.

Eest en"al, %ttar Pradesh, 3ndhra Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, ihar, /rissa,

3ssam, Karnataka and 6aryana are the major producin" states. More than :BGo total

 production comes rom the irst our states. -ood )orporation o !ndia purchases around 1B to 1:G o the total rice production in

the country both under levy rom the rice mills and directly in the orm o paddy rom

the armers at Minimum &upport Price announced by the 'ovt. More than 9BBB varieties o rice are "rown in !ndia.


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!ndia is the world7s lar"est e#porter o basmati rice to &audi 3rabia and other Middle

$ast )ountries, $urope and the %nited &tates. !ndia has the potential to e#port one million tons o basmati rice.

Major destinations o !ndian non@basmati, whiteJparboiled rice are an"ladesh,

!ndonesia, Philippines, Ni"eria, &outh 3rica, !vory )oast and other 3rican countries.

Stat" $c"narioPaddy is cultivated in almost all districts in Kerala. Rice production has e#perienced continuous

decline in area over 1 decades, rice production touched it7s o around 09lakhtons in the mid@

seventies. $ven at its peak level internal production was hardly suicient to meet :B per cent o 

state7s re+uirement. )onse+uent to the enormous pressure which hi"h value crops like )oconut,

anana, Pineapple and rubber have e#erted area under paddy has declined rom its peak 

covera"e o H.H0 lack hectares in md@seventies to 8B:B lack hectares in [email protected] production o rice is declinin" every year. This is an indication o the problems aced by the

cultivators o Kerala. ! proper measures are not bein" taken to overcome this situation, then this

sector will be abolished rom the state within no time. The main problems concernin" these

cultivators are hi"h cost o cultivation and less return or their products, the products rom other 

states is also aectin" them adversely.&eason@wise data shows that the reduction in area under rice was entirely durin" the Mundakan

season whereas durin" 4iruppu and Puncha season 1BB8@1BB9 the ne"ative trends has been

reversed, the data also reveal that out all around 0.ABlack hectares o double cropped area, nearly:BBBB hectare, are remainin" allow durin" the 4irippu season. The sin"le cropped lands o 

Kuttanad and Kole, where only one crop is raised durin" puncha season, also oer scope or 

additional croppin". 3mon" the three seasons, Puncha season records the hi"hest productivity

and the trend is continuin".

!n Kerala paddy production is hi"hly concentrated in the districts o Palakkad and 3lappuzha.

They are also known as rice bowls o Kerala. These 1 districts contribute 9BG o total production

o rice in Kerala. 3t present rice cultivators are acin" so many problems. The main problem isincrease in cost o production and less proit rom the product sale. &o many armers are

chan"in" their cultivation crop into other a"ricultural products where they "et hi"h proit and

some people are utilizin" the land or constructin" buildin" and tile actories. 3ll these practices

are aectin" the industry very adversely.


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!n Kerala paddy processin" industry is one o the traditional industries. $arlier paddy processin"

was considered as household business. 3s time passed,, with increase in production and

 productivity o paddy , rice mills and modern lines be"an to lourish. Eith the introduction o 

hi"h yield variety crops, which in turn resulted in a massive increase in productivity led to the

emer"ence o middlemen in paddy business. They made bulk purchase behal o the readers and

 product were lown rom production centers to tradin" centers. This necessitated the

establishment o rice mills on modern lines.

E7,ortin/ o* ric"

3mon" the e#portin" countries, Thailand, 4ietnam, !ndia and Pakistan are the major countries

e#portin" rice in sizeable +uantity. Rice is one o the important cereal ood crop o !ndia. Rice

contributes about 98G o total ood "rain production and 9; G o the total cereal production inthe country. !t continues to play vital role in the national e#ports. The percenta"e share o rice in

total national e#port was 9.:G durin" 0??H@??. The percenta"e share o a"riculture e#port in

total national e#port was 0H.1:, whereas the percenta"e share o rice e#port in total a"riculture

e#port was 19.;1 durin" 0??H@??. Thus, rice e#port contributes nearly 1:G o total a"riculture

e#port rom the country.


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5(1 Com,any Pro*i)"

)hairman L Mr.N.P.'eor"e

Mana"in" director @ Mr.N.P.3ntony

6R mana"er L Mr. Roy

Marketin" mana"er L Mr. aji 4ar"hese

-inance mana"er @ Mr. 4inod

/perations mana"er L Mr. &haju -rancis

Production mana"er L Mr. Manoj

Pavizham is the "eneric name o rice rice products produced by 09 individual industrieslocated in about :B acres at 3imury in koovappady villa"e. 4arious varieties o rice rice

 products come out o these actories day in and out. The marketin" arm o these companies is

Pavizham 6ealthier CPvtD td., 3part rom rice rice products the company also markets

Tamarind, salt, coconut oil ,rice bran oil etc.. These units are owned by various members o the

 Nambiyattukudy amily and the current patriarch Mr. NP 'eor"e is reerred as chairman and his

 brother NP 3ntony as M(. Their ather late Mr. Pappachan entered into conventional rice millin"

in early ei"hties, and beore he could witness the modern rice mill he had established operational

he departed to heaven. The brothers thereater jointly alon" with their mother and other members

o amily built up the rice millin" empire as the people see now. !nnovatin" ideas,

uncompromisin" stand on +uality, a humanistic approach based on )hristian values has over the

years seen the various units lourishin" and prosperin". Modern millin" machinery imported


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rom china, a co@"en power plant, a waste water treatment plant based on )&!R technolo"y make

the mills uni+ue. )ompany is a pioneer in various value addition option or rice its by L 


They are bein" treated as the provider o the traditional taste o Kerala due to its superior +uality

and aordable price. 6i"h Nutritional value sorte# rice and rice products are bein"

manuacturin" usin" hi"h end technolo"y to meet our customers7 needs.

 The rice rice products o the company reaches the Malaya lees not only in their home state,

 but wherever they are be it in %&, $urope or 3rica. The marketin" network o the company is

elaborate as it service over 8BBB retails spread all over the state throu"h its own vehicle leet and

a dealer network or metros like ombay (elhi.

 Nambiyattukudy "roup is one amon" the several industrials "roups came up in the last decade o 

the twentieth century and is now considered to be the premier manuactures o rice and rice

 products in the &tate o Kerala with si# independent units or the manuacture or rice. There are

no other industrial "roups in the state with the production capacity as that o Nambiyattukudy

"roups. !n addition to that there are ive more units under the same "roup manuacturin" various

other products. The ollowin" are the industrial units under the same mana"ement.

Ta)" ' Indu$tria) unit$

 Nambiyattukudy rice mill Rice 0??: Koovappady

 Nambiyattukudy 3"o mills Rice 0??H Koovappady

 Nambiyattukudy 3"o


Rice 0??H Koovappady

 Nambiyattukudy ood


Rice 1BB0 Koovappady

&tar ood industries eaten rice 1BB0 Koovappady


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'odwin ood products rice powers 1BB1 Koovappady

Pavizham 6ealthier (iet pvt.


Marketin" 1BB9 Koovappady

 Vi$ion $tat"m"nt8 ,a#i90am /rou,

•  To make the pavizham"roupthe lar"est supplier o "rain, pulses, culinary and instant

oods in the country

• To ensure the availability o all the pavizham products all over the world to the best o 

customer deli"ht

• To have the best proessional work orce in pavizham "roup with positive

Pa#i90am /rou,8 mi$$ion $tat"m"nt

• To achieve supply to 8:BB retail outlets in Kerala

• To ensure presence o pavizham products

Cor,orat" O!"cti#"$ o* t0" Com,any

• To build lastin" relationships with customers based on trust and mutual beneit.

• To uphold hi"hest ethical standards in conduct o our business. To create and nurture a

culture that supports le#ibility, learnin" and is proactive to chan"e.

• To chart a challen"in" career or employees with opportunities or advancement and


• To value the opportunity and responsibility to make a meanin"ul dierence in peopleOs


• To maintain the >uality o the product.


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Product$ mar:"tin/

 Nambiyattukudy 'roup is marketin" their products under the brand name P34!563MO which is

well accepted by the consumers in the market. Now this venture has a very stron", result

oriented, dynamic and tar"et achievin" marketin" win" under the direct supervision o Mr. N.P.

'eor"e and Mr. N.P. 3ntony.

Today, the Pavizham products has become the numerous units in this se"ment. This position has

 been achieved throu"h the hard work o our Production as well as the enthusiastic marketin"

strate"ies o their Marketin" Team. !n Kerala, their products have been top sellers in the (istricts

o Trivandrum, >uilon, Pathanamthitta, 3lleppey, Kottayam, !dukki, $rnakulum and Kozhikode.

Ehile there has been si"niicant increase in the sakes, turnover in other (istricts o Kerala and

even in the nei"hborin" &tates o Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, the turnover in the nine (istricts

mentioned has been at an all time hi"h. They wish to not only become the top sellers in the other 

districts too but at the same time aect urther increase in sales in the nine districts also. They are

aware that all major rice dealers in the above (istricts are "ettin" rice rom the Nambiyattukudy

'roup because o the superior +uality maintained or the products throu"hout the year to meet

the re+uired standard o the consumers. The mana"ement plans to still increase the +uality o the

 products in order to attract the best client who deals in rice and rice products. &imultaneously, the

'roup also intends to brin" in new technolo"y and new Machines or the processin" o paddy

and hullin" o boiled paddy, thereby keepin" the 4itamin contents in rice.

They are aware that in these days when the consumers tend to look or more +uality even i it be

at a little hi"her price, the scope to e#cel in providin" to the consumer the best +uality o 

 products impels us to continue our onward march to realize our true potential. !n this +uest they

seek the camaraderie and comradeship o discernin" and result oriented (ealers in all areas.

They are lookin" or such (ealers who, imbibed with the best proessional values, also puttin"

shoulder to shoulder with them, take the Pavizham rand the most sou"ht ater brand in this


Product ,ro*i)"


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Product ,ro*i)"

They are manuacturin" mainly our type o rice, which is havin" a better demand rom the

consumers both in Kerala and international market. They are known as on" 'rain Matta Rice,

small 'rain Matta Rice, on" "rain white rice and small "rain white rice. The detailedspeciications o the various products manuactured by us are as ollows.

Ta)" 4

%i$t o* ,roduct$

S)( No Product$

0 on" 'rain Matta RiceC4adiD1. &mall 'rain Matta Rice C%ndaD

8. on" 'rain Ehite Rice C*ayaD

9. &mall 'rain Ehite Rice CKrantiD

:. eaten Rice /r Rice -lakes

;. Rice Powder  

A. Puttupodi

H. )hampaputtupodi

?. 3ppam, Pathiri, !diyappampodi

0B. Palappampodi

00. !dlipodi01. Roast 3val

08. Palada

09. Rice ran /il

1( %on/ /rain matta ric" ;#adi<

This product is known as <4adiyariI in Malayalam. 3s the name indicates, the product is lon"

and thin with rose color and is very much liked by the Malaya lees. This rice contains more

vitamins and more starch. The cookin" o this variety o rice will take more time and is very


The cookin" time can be reduced by suitably processin" the paddy durin" boilin". This rice is

manuactured out o paddy cultivated mainly in Palakkad district. The product is prepared


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accordin" to the speciication o each customer. This rice also used or marketin" P3Q3&3M

and also used or marketin" PR3&3(/M in temples.

'( Sma)) /rain matta ric" ;unda<

This product is known as <undayariI in Malayalam. 3s indicate by the name, the product is short

with rose color but thick when compared to the ormer variety and is also very much liked by the

Malaya lees.

This rice also contain more 4itamins and more starch similar to the previous variety. The

cookin" o this rice will take lesser time compared to the ormer one. The cookin" time can be

still reduced by suitably processin" the paddy durin" boilin". This rice is manuactured out o  paddy cultivated mainly in Kuttanad areas. The product is prepared accordin" to the speciication

o each customer. This rice has "ot a white belly and is preerred by households.

4( %on/ /rain 30it" ric";!aya<

 This product is known as <jayayariI in Malayalam. This product is lon" and thin similar to the

irst variety o rice but is havin" a white color. %nlike the irst two varieties, this products

contains jess 4itamins and less starch when compared to the previous varieties. The cookin" o 

this will take less time and very sot.

-or this reason, it is easy or human consumption and easily di"ested. The cookin" time can be

either increased or reduced by suitably processin" the paddy durin" boilin". The product is

 prepared accordin" to the speciication o each customer. This rice is manuactured out o paddy

cultivated manly in the state Karnataka and Tamilnadu.

5( Sma)) /rain 30it" ric" ;:ranti<

This product is known as <KrantiyariI in Malayalam. This product is similar to the small matta

rice CundayariD with the only dierentiation in color. This is white in color similar to the *aya

rice. This variety o rice is available throu"hout the entire country. The paddy re+uired or the

 production o this rice is cultivated in almost all the state.


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 This can be cooked very ast and is very late and sot or the stomach. -or this reason, it is easy

or human consumption and easily di"ested. The cookin" time can be either increased or reduced

 by suitably processin" the paddy durin" boilin". The product is prepared accordin" to the

speciications o each customer.

=( B"at"n ric" or ric" *)a:"$

This product is known as <3vilI in Malayalam. The patty soaked in hot water and is roasted

usin" steam and when it is suiciently roasted, the roasted paddy is taken to the rice lakes

machine to make the product. The product is roasted once a"ain to increase the lie and also to

make better in taste. This are packed in plastic ba"s and are sealed to maintain the +uality o the

 product until it is consumed. The product has become vary dearer within a short span o time.

The product is prepared to accordin" to the speciication o each customer.

>( Ric" ,o3d"r

This product is known as <3rippodiI in Malayalam. The rice is soaked in water and is powdered

usin" the pulverize machine. The powdered product is "raded accordin" to the ineness and used

or makin" dierent dishes like 3ppam, idly, (osai, Puttu etc. the rice powder is roasted to

 preserve it or lon"er period. Ehen it is suiciently roasted, it is allowed to cool. These are

 packed in plastic ba"s and are sealed to maintain the +uality o product unit it is consumed. The

 product has become very dearer within a short span o time. The recipes o each products are

 printed on the plastic ba"s in order to help the users to cook the dierent dishes very ast.

?( PuttuPodi

 Makes sot, easy Puttu, one o the best breakast in the world. !t is a "reat healthy ood rich in

natural nutrients, steam cooked and oil ree. The appetizin" aroma o the delicious, natural taste


the rice that wats throu"h the hot steamin" puttu is sheer deli"ht. Tastes heavenly when

complemented with curry, pappads or bananas.

@( C0am,aPuttuPodi


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 Powdered brown rice to make sot and tasty <)hampaPuttuI with a temptin"ly delicious aroma,

lavor and color. Rice in natural nutrients, vitamins and iber, this steam cooked, oil ree delicacy

is the sheer "oodness o natural taste complemented with healthy nourishment. &avor it with

curry ,pappads or bannans..it7s deinitely somethin" to east on.

( A,,am Pat0iri Idiya,,amPodi

 Made with the inest +uality rice, it is the delicious natural "oodness and taste makes it perect

or tasty pathiris that melt in your mouth, delicious 3ppams that are temptin"ly appetizin" and

yummy !diyappams that are simply irresistible to devour. &imple to prepare, rich in nourishments

and oil ree, it is absolutely healthy too.

1.( Pa)a,,amPodi

 Makes mouth@waterin" Palappam .prepared with coconut milk to complete the succulence o 

sot centredPalappam, laced with crispy ed"es. Relish the delicacy with curry or sweetened

coconut milk. Rich in taste and natural nourishment, it7s simply a treat or your taste buds.

11( Id)iPodi

Makes sot, delicious !dlis. 3 traditional avourite that divinely delicious, the enticin" aroma and

the melt@ in@mouth succulence o hot steamin" !dlis are pure deli"ht. Relish the heavenly nature

taste by complementin" with chutneys and hot spicy sambar.

1'( Roa$t A#a)

 The paddy soaked in hot water and is roasted usin" steam and when it is suiciently roasted, the

roasted paddy is taken to the rice lakes machine to make the product. The product is roasted

once a"ain to increase the lie and also to make it better in taste. The product has become very

dearer within a short span o time.

14 (Pa)ada

 This product is processed adoptin" traditional ormula, throu"h automatic e+uipments. They are

dried as a complete protein rich at ree ood. !n"redients ine +uality rice only. This is suicient

to make 1: cups tasty payasam.


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15( Ric" Bran Oi)

Pavizham rice bran is a rice "rain derivative, popularly acclaimed as the 26eart oil7. !t is a total

healthy, nutritive oil as it comprise a uni+ue and optimum combination o mono saturated, poly

saturated atty acids that are potent cholesterol reducers, which prevents heart diseases and the

 powerul antio#idants re"ulates the body metabolism, turnin" down the a"ein" process.

 The company has an estimated capital o rs.8: crores and the capital structure consists o the

 promoters contribution, riends and amilies contribution and also the accumulated proit will be

contributed to the capital. The company has an !&/ certiication o 11BBB@1BB:.

Com,"titor$ O*Pa#i90am

•  Nirapara• (ouble horse


The K.K.R "roup was set up in 0?A; by Mr. K.K. Karnan, a man who set out with the vision to

 brin" +uality rice into the traditional homes o Kerala in &outh !ndia. 3 venture which started out

with traditional method o boilin", sun dryin" and millin", "rew into one o the most modern rice

 processin" houses in !ndia with the latest world@)lass technolo"y today. KKR Mills boasts o a

state@o the@art plant with the hi"hest levels o technolo"y in the world, ensurin" products that

meet the most strin"ent +uality and hy"ienic standards. . The actory o K.K.R Mills is located in

"reen, pollution@ree /kkal Township, near Kochi in Kerala in &outh !ndia.

Dou)" 0or$"

'ood ood, or all. The thou"ht inspired our -ounder, respected ate M. /. *ohn L a visionary, a

humanitarian and a businessman whose ideas were way o ahead o times. The -ounder 'eneral

&ecretary o Kerala 4yapara4yavasayi$kopnana&amithi, the lar"est or"anization o business

owners in Kerala and the President o )hamber o )ommerce, Thrissur, his entrepreneurial skills

made him a leader o his times, and his brand Lthe leader or more than :B years.


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Manjilas, the mother brand o (ouble 6orse, was ounded in the year 0?:?, as a rice millin"

company sellin" hi"h@+uality rice "rains. The brand, on the stren"th o its commitment to deliver 

only the best to its customers has witnessed a phenomenal "rowth over the years. !t

revolutionized the ood sector in Kerala becomin" the irst !&/ ?BB01BBB certiied Rice Mill in

the state and the irst ood brand to introduce sorte# rice, stoneless rice and colour "radin".

!nspired by the support o its customers and oreseein" the potential or traditional ood that7s

made easy to suit today7s busy, modern liestyle, Manjilas (ouble 6orse started introducin"

 products@ rom rice powders@ breakast mi#es to instant mi#es, wheat products, curry powders

and condiments made usin" 2Perect lend technolo"y7, naturally preserved pickles, health

oods, ready@to@cook ready@to@eat products, traditional preserves, coconut products and moreF

and is dedicatedly developin" new and innovative product ran"es, to keep up with its promise todeliver "ood ood and in turn, inculcate a healthy eatin" habit.

Today, Manjilas (ouble 6orse oers its customers the widest variety o "ood ood with more

than 1B superior types o rice and 0BB premium +uality ood products in dierent ran"es.

 Futur" ,)an$

The company has stron" uture vision statement <always lyin" aheadI. Mana"ement o 

company is very eicient by realizin" the importance o development they have planned or a

"reat uture. The ollowin" are some o the uture plans o the co.

a. Pa#i90am ICE #i))a/"

!)$@ inormation, communication and entertainment

This is one o the bi" projects that the co. is plannin" to do ne#t. !t consist o built up area o 

1BB,BBB s+ts or its services, P/s, KP/s 0BB,BBB s+ts or communication technolo"ies ,

 both electronic and print media. 0BB,BBB s+ts multiple#es, built@up residential lats or the park user and beneiciaries in 0:B,,BBB s+ts, parkin" areas, "ardens etc. in :B,BBB s+ t. !t also consist

o the ollowin".

• &wimmin" pools

• 3uditoriums


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• 'ames park 

• Mini casinos

B(Pa#i90am $tar mart

This is the concept o supermarket( The co. is plannin"tostart a supermarket by name

 pavizhamstarmart. )ompany will provide both inancial assistance product to those who are

interested in this venture.


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Or/ani9ation and D",artm"ntation

/r"anizin" is the act o rearran"in" elements ollowin" one or more rules. 3nythin"  is

commonly considered or"anized when it looks like everythin" has a correct order or placement.

ut itOs only ultimately or"anized i any element has no dierence on time taken to ind it. !n that

sense, or"anizin" can also be deined as to place dierent objects in lo"ical arran"ement or 

 better searchin".

 Conc",t$ o* Or/ani9in/

The workin" relationships vertical and horizontal associations between individuals and

"roups that e#ist within an or"anization aect how its activities are accomplished and

coordinated. $ective or"anizin" depends on the mastery o several important concepts work 

specialization, chain o command, authority, dele"ation, span o control, and centralization

versus decentralization. Many o these concepts are based on the principles developed by 6enri


-or: $,"cia)i9ation

/ne popular or"anizational concept is based on the undamental principle that employees can

work more eiciently i theyOre allowed to specialize. Eork specialization  sometimes called

division o labor, is the de"ree to which or"anizational tasks are divided into separate jobs.

$mployees within each department perorm only the tasks related to their specialized unction.

Ehen specialization is e#tensive, employees specialize in a sin"le task, such as runnin" a

 particular machine in a actory assembly line. *obs tend to be small, but workers can perorm

them eiciently. y contrast, i a sin"le actory employee built an entire automobile or 

 perormed a lar"e number o unrelated jobs in a bottlin" plant, the results would be ineicient.

(espite the apparent advanta"es o specialization, many or"anizations are movin" away rom

this principle. Eith too much specialization, employees are isolated and perorm only small,

narrow, borin" tasks. !n addition, i that person leaves the company, his specialized knowled"e


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may disappear as well. Many companies are enlar"in" jobs to provide "reater challen"es and

creatin" teams so that employees can rotate amon" several jobs.

C0ain o* command

The c0ain o* command is an unbroken line o authority that links all persons in an or"anization

and deines who reports to whom. This chain has two underlyin" principles unity o command

and scalar principle.

Unity o* command2 This principle states that an employee should have one and only one

supervisor to whom he or she is directly responsible. No employee should report to two or more

 people. /therwise, the employee may receive conlictin" demands or priorities rom several

supervisors at once, placin" this employee in a no‐win situation.

&ometimes, however, an or"anization deliberately breaks the chain o command, such as when a

 project team is created to work on a special project. !n such cases, team members report to their 

immediate supervisor and also to a team project leader. 3nother e#ample is when a sales

representative reports to both an immediate district supervisor and a marketin" specialist, who is

coordinatin" the introduction o a new product, in the home oice.

 Nevertheless, these e#amples are e#ceptions to the rule. They happen under special

circumstances and usually only within a special type o employee "roup. -or the most part,

however, when allocatin" tasks to individuals or "roupin" assi"nments, mana"ement should

ensure that each has one boss, and only one boss, to whom he or she directly reports.

Sca)ar ,rinci,)"2 The scalar principle reers to a clearly deined line o authority that includes

all employees in the or"anization. The classical school o mana"ement su""ests that there should

 be a clear and unbroken chain o command linkin" every person in the or"anization with

successively hi"her levels o authority up to and includin" the top mana"er. Ehen or"anizations

"row in size, they tend to "et taller, as more and more levels o mana"ement are added. This

increases overhead costs, adds more communication layers, and impacts understandin" and


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access between top and bottom levels. !t can "reatly slow decision makin" and can lead to a loss

o contact with the client or customer.

S,an o* contro)

&pan o control Csometimes called span o mana"ementD reers to the number o workers who

report to one mana"er. -or hundreds o years, theorists have searched or an ideal span o 

control. Ehen no perect number o subordinates or a mana"er to supervise became apparent,

they turned their attention to the more "eneral issue o whether the span should be wide or 


3 wide span o mana"ement e#ists when a mana"er has a lar"e number o subordinates.

'enerally, the span o control may be wide when

• The mana"er and the subordinates are very competent.

• The or"anization has a well‐established set o standard operatin" procedures.

• -ew new problems are anticipated.

3 narrow span o mana"ement e#ists when the mana"er has only a ew subordinates. The spanshould be narrow when

• Eorkers are located ar rom one another physically.

• The mana"er has a lot o work to do in addition to supervisin" workers.

• 3 "reat deal o interaction is re+uired between supervisor and workers.

•  New problems arise re+uently.

Keep in mind that the span o mana"ement may chan"e rom one department to another within

the same or"anization.


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The "eneral pattern o authority throu"hout an or"anization determines the e#tent to which that

or"anization is centralized or decentralized.

3 centralized or"anization systematically works to concentrate authority at the upper levels. !n a

decentralized or"anization mana"ement consciously attempts to spread authority to the lower 

or"anization levels.

3 variety o actors can inluence the e#tent to which a irm is centralized or decentralized. The

ollowin" is a list o possible determinants

• T0" "7t"rna) "n#ironm"nt in 30ic0 t0" *irm o,"rat"$(  The more comple# and

unpredictable this environment, the more likely it is that top mana"ement will let low ‐level

mana"ers make important decisions. 3ter all, low‐level mana"ers are closer to the problems

 because they are more likely to have direct contact with customers and workers. Thereore,

they are in a better position to determine problems and concerns.

• T0" natur" o* t0" d"ci$ion it$")*( The riskier or the more important the decision, the "reater 

the tendency to centralize decision makin".

• T0" ai)iti"$ o* )o3‐)"#") mana/"r$( ! these mana"ers do not have stron" decision ‐makin"

skills, top mana"ers will be reluctant to decentralize. &tron" low‐level decision‐makin" skills

encoura"e decentralization.

• T0" or/ani9ation$ tradition o* mana/"m"nt(  3n or"anization that has traditionally

 practiced centralization or decentralization is likely to maintain that posture in the uture.

!n principle, neither philosophy is ri"ht or wron". Ehat works or one or"anization may or may

not work or another. Kmart )orporation and Mc(onaldOs have both been very successul  

 both practice centralization. y the same token, decentralization has worked very well or 

'eneral $lectric and &ears. $very or"anization must assess its own situation and then choose the

level o centralization or decentralization that works best.


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 Natur !" !r#a$%&at%!$

The ollowin" are the important characteristics o or"anization.

• S,"cia)i9ation and di#i$ion o* 3or: 

The entire philosophy o or"anization is centered on the concepts o specialization and division

o work. The division o work is assi"nin" responsibility or each or"anizational component to a

speciic individual or "roup thereo. !t becomes specialization when the responsibility or a

speciic task lies with a desi"nated e#pert in that ield. The eorts o the operatives are

coordinated to allow the process at hand to unction correctly. )ertain operatives occupy

 positions o mana"ement at various points in the process to ensure coordination.

• Ori"ntation to3ard$ /oa)$

$very or"anization has its own purposes and objectives. /r"anizin" is the unction employed to

achieve the overall "oals o the or"anization. /r"anization harmonizes the individual "oals o 

the employees with overall objectives o the irm.

• Com,o$ition o* indi#idua)$ and /rou,$

!ndividuals orm a "roup and the "roups orm an or"anization. Thus, or"anization is the

composition o individual and "roups. !ndividuals are "rouped into departments and their work 

is coordinated and directed towards or"anizational "oals.

• Di**"r"ntiat"d *unction$

The or"anization divides the entire work and assi"ns the tasks to individuals in order to achieve

the or"anizational objectivesF each one has to perorm a dierent task and tasks o one

individual must be coordinated with the tasks o others. )ollectin" these tasks at the inal sta"e

is called inte"ration.

• Continuity

3n or"anization is a "roup o people with a deined relationship in which they work to"ether to

achieve the "oals o that or"anization. This relationship does not come to end ater completin"

each task. /r"anization is a never endin" process.


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Conc",t$ O* Or/ani9ation$

There are certain concepts which are re+uently used in studyin", analyzin" and evaluatin" the

unctionin" o or"anizations. )oncepts like rationality, eectiveness and eiciency are used in

relation to the activities o or"anizations. !n this section, the meanin" o these re+uently used

concepts and their implication or or"anizations and their administration will be discussed.


Rationality is one o the most re+uently@used key concepts in the study, evaluation and analysis

o or"anizations and their administration. !n "eneral, rationality is related to decision@makin" and


 3ccordin" to Peier, <rationality is one o the vital theoretical aspects o decision makin"I.

Rationality is deined as <the capacity o man to make choices based upon conscious deliberation

about the means selected to achieve speciied endsI CPeier and Presthus, 0?;AD. The above

deinition clearly indicates that rationality and bein" rational are taken as a human ability and

"enerally, it is related to decision makin". (ecisions and actions o the individuals will be

considered as rational to the e#tent they have the ollowin" characteristics0D (ecision or action

should be taken deliberately and consciously, that is, the individual should be aware o what

heJshe is doin" and intendin" to accomplish. C1D &ince there are usually various alternatives and

means to accomplish the very same objective, there should be an eort to identiy the set o 

alternatives and various means to achieve them. C8D The decision should be directed to the search

o indin" the best available means, and this search must be based on lo"ical reasonin" and

scientiic knowled"e. C9D There should be a deliberate attempt to reco"nize or ind out to what

e#tent emotions, habits, belies and interest enter into the process o choice.



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 $ectiveness is not a simple issue, because or"anizations in "eneral do not have a sin"le "oal.

The basic diiculty in analyzin" eectiveness is the act o multiple and oten conlictin" "oals

in many or"anizations. $ectiveness in one set o "oals may lead to ineectiveness in another.


 The concept o eiciency is "enerally used as a synonym or rationality and it is used in the

meanin" o economy, reducin" the e#penditures. $iciency is deined as <the amount o 

resources used to produce a unit o outputI. !n this sense, eiciency is directly related to how an

or"anization uses its resources in the production o "oods or services. ! we can measure an

or"anization7s inputs and outputs, such a concept o eiciency is both very useul and relevant in

the operation and evaluation o or"anizations.


(ividin" an or"anization at the most "eneral level into lar"e and then into smaller units is usually

called departmentalization. (epartmentalization is the process throu"h which departments,

divisions, units and sub@units are established in the or"anization. 3s has been indicated above,

"oal accomplishment with the contribution o hundreds o individuals re+uires a division o 

labour amon" the individuals. Ehen the overall work is divided into small components and each

component is assi"ned to individuals and "roups, then there arises the need to establish

meanin"ul relations amon" the components. That is, the components that are related to each

other have to be brou"ht to"ether and placed under a common authority or acilitatin" "oal

accomplishment. (epartmentalization reers to the process o "roupin" the components and

relatin" them to each other. 3ccordin" to one o the prominent scholars C'ullick, 0?9AD there are

several criteria to be employed in departmentalization, such as

 The major purpose to be served.

 The processes to be used.

 The persons or thin"s served or dealt with.


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 The place where the activities will take place

The basic idea is to combine homo"enous activities and units and separate hetero"eneous ones.

$ach one o the above criteria has its advanta"es and disadvanta"es, and it is not possible to

sin"le out one o them and then say this is the sin"le principle o eective departmentalization.

$ach one o the above mentioned system o or"anization is intimately related with the others,

 because in any or"anization, all our elements are present in the work o an individual or unit.

$ach member and unit o the or"anization is workin" or some major purpose, uses some

 process, deals with some persons, and serves or works at some place. ! an or"anization is

structured on the basis o the one o the above, it becomes immediately necessary to reco"nize

the others in constructin" the secondary and other divisions o the work 


S,"ci*ication (epartmentation helps to "row speciication in various activities which leads to

improvin" the eiciency o operation.

F"")in/ o* autonomy2 (epartmentation "ives independent char"es to mana"ers. The eelin" o 

independence provides satisaction and in turn increases their responsibilities and eiciency.

Fi7ation o* r"$,on$ii)ity2 Throu"h departmentation, responsibilities o the work can be

 precisely and accurately i#ed. The authority and responsibility o each department is deined


D"#")o,m"nt o* &ana/"m"nt2 The mana"ers o each department perorm specialized

unctions. They take independent decision and develop themselves or hi"her positions.

(epartmentationacilitates the development o mana"erial personnel by providin" them

opportunities or e#ercisin" initiatives.


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Faci)ity in A,,rai$a)2 &ince the mana"ers perorm speciied jobs, their perormance appraisals

 become easier. (epartmentation acilitates administrative control as standards o perormance

are laid down separately or each department.

Bud/"t Pr",aration2 !t makes the preparation o bud"et or departments easier as well as or the

or"anization as a whole easier.

Pro,"r Su,"r#i$ion 3s the authority or makin" decisions is diused to the mana"ers o the

departments and works are assi"ned to each individual department wise, supervision and control

 become easier.

 Proc"$$ and $tructur" o* or/ani9ation(

Fu$'t%!$a( Stru'tur

The or"anization is divided into se"ments based on the unctions when mana"in". This allows

the or"anization to enhance the eiciencies o these unctional "roups. 3s an e#ample, take a

sotware company.

&otware en"ineers will only sta the entire sotware development department. This way,

mana"ement o this unctional "roup becomes easy and eective.

-unctional structures appear to be successul in lar"e or"anization that produces hi"h volumes o 

 products at low costs. The low cost can be achieved by such companies due to the eiciencies

within unctional "roups.

!n addition to such advanta"es, there can be disadvanta"e rom an or"anizational perspective i 

the communication between the unctional "roups is not eective. !n this case, or"anization may

ind it diicult to achieve some or"anizational objectives at the end.

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D%)%*%!$a( Stru'tur

These types o or"anizations divide the unctional areas o the or"anization to divisions. $ach

division is e+uipped with its own resources in order to unction independently. There can be

many bases to deine divisions. (ivisions can be deined based on the "eo"raphical basis,

 products J services basis, or any other measurement.

3s an e#ample, take a company such as 'eneral $lectrics. !t can have microwave division,

turbine division, etc., and these divisions have their own marketin" teams, inance teams etc. !n

that sense, each division can be considered as a micro@company with the main or"anization.

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Matr%+ Stru'tur

Ehen it comes to matri# structure, the or"anization places the employees based on the unction

and the product.

The matri# structure "ives the best o the both worlds o unctional and divisional structures.

!n this type o an or"anization, the company uses teams to complete tasks. The teams are ormed

 based on the unctions they belon" to Ce# sotware en"ineersD and product they involved in Ce#

Project 3D.

This way, there are many teams in this or"anization such as sotware en"ineers o project 3,

sotware en"ineers o project , >3 en"ineers o project 3, etc.

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%in" and $ta** 

!n or"anizations there may be a sin"le individual at the top o the or"anization who is responsible

or the or"anization as a whole. ut, usually, the man at the top is not alone, because there is a

"roup o individuals to assist him in his administrative unctions. This "roup is usually called,

the $ta**( /ri"inally the concept o sta comes rom military or"anizationsF commandin"

oicers o lar"e units are provided with a "roup o specialized oicers to assist them in plannin"

and appraisin" important decisions. The same idea has been transerred to civilian or"anizations,

and in comple#, lar"e scale or"anizations chie e#ecutives are aided by sta. !n this sense, the

sta is identiied as a "roup o individuals "ivin" advice to the e#ecutive. The sta "enerally is

concerned with two types o workC0D /verall lon"@ran"e developmental problems o the

or"anizationF developin" new products, or more eicient methods o productionF improvin" theservices renderedF makin" projections and orecasts or the uture. C1D 3ssistin" the mana"er in

comple#, non@routine, or emer"ency situations which re+uire specialized knowled"e and careul

analysis or decisions.


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'(? Ty,"$ o* or/ani9ation

0. sole traders

1. partnerships

8. companies

T0" $o)" trad"r

The sole trader is the most common orm o business ownership and is ound in a wide ran"e o 

activities Ce.". window cleanin", plumbin", electrical work, buskin"D. !n the %K about 1B percent

o sole traders operate in the construction industry, a urther 1B percent in retailin", and about 0B

 percent in inance, and 0B percent in caterin".

 No complicated paperwork is re+uired to set up a sole trader business. (ecisions can be made

+uickly and close contact can be kept with customers and employees. 3ll proits "o to the sole

trader, who also has the satisaction o buildin" up his or her own business.

ut there are disadvanta"es. 3s a sole trader you have to make all the decisions yoursel, and you

may have to work lon" hours Cwhat do you do i you are ill or want a holidaySD Qou do not have

limited liability, and you have to provide all the inance yoursel. 3s a sole trader you need to be

a jack@o@all@trades, and just because you are a "ood hairdresser does not necessarily mean you

have a head or business strate"y.

T0" ,artn"r$0i,

3n ordinary partnership can have between two and twenty partners. 6owever, the Partnership

3ct o 1BB1 has made it le"al or some orms o partnership e.". bi" accountancy irms to have

more partners who also enjoy limited liability. People in business partnerships can share skills

and the workload, and it may be easier to raise the capital needed. -or e#ample, a "roup o 

doctors are able to pool knowled"e about dierent diseases, and two or three doctors workin"

to"ether may be able to operate a 19 hour service. Ehen one o the doctors is ill or "oes on

holiday, the business can cope.


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Partnerships are usually set up by writin" out a deed o partnership which is witnessed by a

solicitor and sets out the important details such as how the proits and losses will be shared.

Partnerships are particularly common in proessional services e.". accountants, solicitors, vets.


3 company is owned by shareholders who appoint (irectors to "ive direction to the business.

The )hie $#ecutive is the senior oicial within the company with responsibility or makin"

major decisions. &pecialist mana"ers will be appointed to run the company on behal o the


3 company is a le"al body in its own ri"ht with an e#istence that is separate in law rom its

owners. The company will thus be sued and can sue in its own name.

&hareholders put unds into the company by buyin" shares. New shares are oten sold in ace

values o 0 per share but this does not have to be the case.

imited liability is a orm o business protection or company shareholders Cand some limited

 partnersD. -or these individuals the ma#imums sum they can lose rom a business venture which

they have contributed "oin" bust is the sum o money that they have invested in the company @

this is the limit o their liability.

$very company must re"ister with the Re"istrar o )ompanies, and must have an oicialaddress.

Private companies have td ater their name. They are typically smaller than public companies

althou"h some like Portakabin and Mars are very lar"e. &hares in a private company can only be

 bou"ht and sold with permission o the oard o (irectors. &hareholders have limited liability.

3 public company like )adbury@&chweppes or T can sell shares to the public and to inancial

institutions and have their shares traded on the &tock $#chan"e. The main advanta"e is that lar"e

amounts o capital can be raised very +uickly. /ne disadvanta"e is that control o a business can

 be lost by the ori"inal shareholders i lar"e +uantities o shares are purchased as part o a

takeover bid. !n order to create a public company the directors must apply to the &tock $#chan"e

)ouncil, which will careully check the accounts.


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Pri#at" %imit"d Com,any

3 private limited company is a voluntary association o not less than two and not more than ity

members, whose liability is limited, the transer o whose shares is limited to its members and

who is not allowed to invite the "eneral public to subscribe to its shares or debentures. !ts maineatures are@

!t has an independent le"al e#istence. The !ndian )ompanies 3ct, 0?:;contains the provisions

re"ardin" the le"al ormalities or settin" up o a private limited company. Re"istrars o 

)ompanies CR/)D appointed under the )ompanies 3ct coverin" the various &tates and %nion

Territories are vested with the primary duty o re"isterin"

)ompanies loated in the respective states and the %nion Territories.

!t is relatively less cumbersome to or"anize and operate it as it has been e#empted rom many

re"ulations and restrictions to which a public limited company is subjected to. &ome o them


o !t need not ile a prospectus with the Re"istrar 

o !t need not obtain the )ertiicate or )ommencement o business.

o !t need not hold the statutory "eneral meetin" nor need it ile the statutory report.

o restrictions placed on the directors o the public limited company do not apply to

its directors

The liability o its members is limited.

The shares allotted to its members are also not reely transerable between them. These

companies are not allowed to invite public to subscribe to its shares and debentures.

!t enjoys continuity o e#istence i.e. it continues to e#ist even i all its members die or 

desert it.


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6ence, a private company is preerred by those who wish to take the advanta"e o limited

liability but at the same time desire to keep control over the business within a limited circle and

maintain the privacy o their business.

 Pu)ic %imit"d Com,any

3 public limited company is a voluntary association o members which is incorporated and,

thereore has a separate le"al e#istence and the liability o whose members is limited. !ts main

eatures are@

The company has a separate le"al e#istence apart rom its members who compose it.

!ts ormation, workin" and its windin" up, in act, all its activities are strictly "overned by

laws, rules and re"ulations. The !ndian )ompanies 3ct, 0?:; contains the provisions

re"ardin" the le"al ormalities or settin" up o a public limited company. Re"istrars o 

)ompanies CR/)D appointed under the )ompanies 3ct coverin" the various &tates and

%nion Territories are vested with the primary duty o re"isterin" companies loated in the

respective states and the %nion Territories.

3 company must have a minimum o seven members but there is no limit as re"ards the

ma#imum number 

The company collects its capital by the sale o its shares and those who buy the shares are

called the members. The amount so collected is called the share capital.

The shares o a company are reely transerable and that too without the prior consent o 

other shareholders or without subse+uent notice to the company.

The liability o a member o a company is limited to the ace value o the shares he owns.

/nce he has paid the whole o the ace value, he has no obli"ation to contribute anythin"

to pay o the creditors o the company.


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!ar/ !" D%r't!r*

M#rr!/u't%!$ . ur',a*



M#r Orat%!$*

r!'ur-$t O'r


Orat%!$ A**t*

M#r Mart%$#. Sa(*

R#%!$a( Sa(* M#r

Sa(* O'r

Sa(* M$

Sa(* C!!r/%$at!r

Cu*t!-r Car

M#r F%$a$'

Sur)%*!r* Ca*,.%((%$#Dt F%$a$' M#r




Or/ani9ation $tructur"

C0art 5


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0. 6uman Resource (epartment

1. -inance (epartment8. Marketin" (epartment

9. Production (epartment

:. /perations (epartment

Human r"$ourc" d",artm"nt

The mana"er o the 6R department is Mr. Roy. There are two oice sta and one plant 6R is

workin" under him. Plant hr looks ater the production side and others are assistin" the mana"er 

6R(. 6R( at Pavizham at maintains the attendance card and each worker should si"n in the

card beore "ettin" into work. /ne o the specialties o pavizham is, the ine#istence o trade

unions and the absence o leaves to employees. Three month probation is i#ed or each new

employee and also a one day trainin" and orientation pro"ramme is oered to them. The oice

hours o pavizham are rom ? am L :.8B pm. The wei"h brid"e and cash oice are available 19

hours. 3 8;B de"ree P3 is maintained in the company on a yearly basis. 3s a part o disciplinary

measures smokin" and alcohol consumption is prohibited in the company. (irect advertisement,

screenin" and ace L to L ace interviews are conducted or recruitment. 'rievances are handled

directly by the 6R( and separate records are maintained or the same. The department structure

is as ollows


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r Ma$a#r

(a$t r A**t A**t

C0art =

  Human R"$ourc" D",artm"nt Structur"


• To provide suicient numbers o employment re+uired or the company.

• To employ capable persons throu"h recruitments.

• To "ive necessary trainin"s to the selected persons.

• To take necessary steps to resolve "rievances o employees.

• To ensure employee welare.


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1( Human R"$ourc" P)annin/

6uman Resource Plannin" is the process by which a mana"ement determines how an

or"anization should move rom its current manpower position to its desired manpower position.

!t helps the Pavizham or anticipatin" and makin" provision or the movement o people into,

within, and out o an or"anization.

' Jo Ana)y$i$

*ob analysis is the process o studyin" and collectin" inormation relatin" to the operations and

responsibilities o a speciic job. !n Pavizham job analysis deines and documents the duties,

responsibilities and accountabilities o a job and the conditions under which a job is perormed.

4 Jo D"$cri,tion and S,"ci*ication

 *ob description is a written record o the duties, responsibilities and re+uirements o a particular  job. !t tells 2what is to be done7 and 2how it is to be done7 in the or"anization. *ob speciication

describes what the job demands o employees@who do it and human actors that are re+uired.

5 Jo D"$i/n

 !t is a conscious eort to or"anize tasks, duties and responsibilities into a unit o work to achieve

a certain objective.

= R"cruitm"nt$

The re+uirements o employees are done directly by the company throu"h advertisements in

newspapers and other media. The company provides chances to e#istin" and employees to

su""est the names o persons or resh recruitments.

> S")"ction$


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!nterviews are conducted or selectin" the ri"ht people or the company. 'enerally the interview

 board consists o the M( and respective departmental heads. Tests also conducted to check the

skill level o candidates.

? Trainin/

Trainin" is "iven to all employees as re+uired. /ne day orientation pro"ramme is "iven to the

newly joined employees.

@ P"r*ormanc" A,,rai$a)

 8;B de"ree P3 is conducted by the company every year. This means the employees o the

company are evaluated by their immediate superiors, co@workers, and also by the customers.

H"a)t0+ Sa*"ty

= )leanliness is maintained.

= Eastes and eluents are disposed properly.

= Proper ventilation and temperature is maintained.

= Masks are provided or protection a"ainst dust.

= )old water acilities are provided in summer and hot in winter.

= Proper li"htin" is maintained.

1. -")*ar" &"a$ur"$the)ompany "ives priority to the welare o the employees. &ome o the

other beneits "ranted to the employees are medical, employee7s state insurance schemes,

 provident und schemes, estival bonus, overtime beneits etc. special allowances on occasions

such as marria"e, death etc is also provided.

11 -or:"r$ Partici,ation


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 Eorkers are the stren"th o the or"anization. The employees o the company are classiied into

three cate"ories

= /icers

= &ta  = Eorkers

1'( Em,)oy"" ri"#anc"

 The 6R department "ives special care to solve problems o employees at its initial sta"es itsel.

The company ollows an open door policy on su""estions and compliancesF mana"ement takes

+uick remedies or resolvin" the problem.

14( P"r$onn") R"cord$ + Audit$

Personnel records are maintained or ormulatin" and reviewin" personnel policies and

 procedures. )omplete details about all employees are maintained in personnel records, such as,

name, date o birth, marital status, academic +ualiications, proessional +ualiications, previous

employment details, etc. !t helps to supply crucial inormation to mana"ers re"ardin" the

employees. The company will ollow e#ternal audit.


Financ" d",artm"nt


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-inance is deined as the provision o money at the time when it is re+uired. -inance is needed

or production o "oods and services and their distribution. !t is the lieblood o an enterprise.

.The department is headed by Mr. 4inod, the mana"er inance department. 1: accountin" sta 

are workin" under this department. Promoter7s contribution, riends and amily to"ether constitutes the capital structure o the company. The main source o capital unds are rom

 banks and unsecured loans rom individuals. anks which "ive inancial assistance to the

company are &T, 6(-), and -ederal bank. They provide 1 crore as workin" capital to the

company, supported by creditors and stock, in yearly basis. y the year 1BBH the company had

an avera"e "rowth o 9BG, which means around HB crores. y the end o the year 1B01 it was

recorded as 10B crores. H:G o the e#penditure o the company is with purchasin" o paddy.

&tatutory audits are conducted in the company ater every inancial year. -our e#ternal auditorsare there or the company. alan )/. and 'eor"ekutty )/. are two o them. !nternal audit

is perormed daily by the internal auditor. -unds are allocated to dierent departments on the

 basis o purchase bill.

ud"etin" is done on the basis o seasonal purchase. The 8 main seasons are

• -ebruary L May

• *une L &eptember 

/ctober L November eneits like $&!, $P-, and -P- are "iven to employees. -or this the employer and the

employee will contribute 01G to this account.The structure o the department is

C0art >

Financ" D",artm"nt Structur"


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F%$a$' O'r

Sur)%*!r Ca*,


F%$a$' A**t

Sur)%*!r Sa(* A.C

Data E$tr: Orat!r

A''!u$t%$# O'r

A''!u$t%$# A**t

A**t A**t

I$tr$a( Au/%t!r



• &tatutory compliance

• Renewal o licenses

•  New licenses, T(&, ta# calculations

• Payments to contractors, salary, and consultant7s payments per month are undertaken by

inance department.

• To raise necessary unds or the smooth low o production and other activities.

• Prepare bud"ets or every year.

• Take control measures in order to check the accountants• )ontrol over all matters relatin" to inance in the or"anization

 -inance department is ully computerized and that enable ast recordin", editin" and alteration

o records. -inance man"ers are e#pert in arran"in" necessary workin" capital or the smooth

low o operation. The company is sellin" their products both or cash and credit. The accounts

and inance departments ensure that the salaries to the employees are paid in time. The

department is also concerned with the preparation o bud"etary control o the concern. The

departments ensure that all the entries are properly posted in the books o accounts

&ar:"tin/ d",artm"nt


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The mana"er o the department is Mr. K. N. &athyan and the sales coordinator is Mr. a"i

4ar"hese. Pavizham has a well@planned distribution channel or distribution. Major marketin"

areas are divided into 8 zones.

Thiruvananthapuram L Kottayam L south zoneKottayam, !dukki, $rnakulum @ central zoneThrissur@ Kozhikode @ North zone

The central zone is hi"hly competitive in nature and south zone result in the ast movin" o 

"oods. The whole marketin" department consists o ;1 employees. 3mon" this :: employees are

concerned with sales activities. There are H workers in the customer care service which is

available in 19 hours. Mouth publicity is the main promotional tactics o pavizham. 8AG o the

rice market in Kerala is vested with pavizham. They "ive HG commission and 8BG mar"in o 

 proit to the distributors and in local markets they "ive :BG discount to the distributors. To

increase sales incentives are "iven to the distributors and sales person. &ince the industry is in

 perect competition price and cost are calculated on the basis o competitor7s activity.They have 0:B own vehicles or the purpose o transportation. The sales volume in ton is H and

they have 1; to 1A route U ; days. They have avera"e sales o A ton rom each route. The tar"ets

are i#ed on +uarterly basis, they aims at a hike o :G to 0BG o sales per +uarter. The most

sellin" product is pavizham short "rain matta and in the northern re"ion it is lon" "rain matta

rice. The raw materials or the production are rom Kerala, TamilNadu, 3ndhra Pradesh, and

Madhya Pradesh. Their y@products are Rice bran oil and Rice husk.They also have 1 +uality brands named pavizham brand C0 st  +ualityD and ormabrand C1nd

+ualityD. They also e#ports matta rice to "ul countries. The department structure is,

C0art ?

  &ar:"tin/ d",artm"nt $tructur"


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1( Ana)y$i$ o* "n#ironm"nt

 $nvironmental analysis provides an early warnin" system or the orces which may impact a

company7s products and markets in the uture. Eith the help o environmental analysis the

company to act upon rather than react to opportunities and threats.

'( &ar:"t Int"))i/"nc" + &ar:"t R"$"arc0

Marketin" intelli"ence helps to analyzin" and ac+uirin" inormation in order to understand the

market to determine the current and uture needs, preerence, attitudes and behavior o the

market and to assess chan"es in the business environment that may aect the size and nature o 

the market in the uture. !t also helps to identiy successul new product development early in the

 process to create company "rowth and ma#imize revenues by indin" a balance between costs

and prices o products.

4( S"/m"ntin/ Tar/"tin/ + Po$itionin/


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)ompany use the market se"mentation, that use to company divide the lar"e market into small

markets that can be reached more eiciently and eectively with products and services that

match the customers uni+ue needs. Eith the help o tar"et marketin" the company can achieve

hi"her sales and stron"er position.

5( Di$triution $trat"/i"$

The company moves its products throu"h direct sellin" and distributors. !n the local area,

company provides direct marketin" and in other areas the distributor will supply the products.

The distributors collect details re"ardin" the movement, +uality opinion, e#pectations etc. rom

retailer and pass the same concerned department. The company has several schemes and plans

or distributor7s retailers.

=( Pricin/ $trat"/y

The companies pricin" is based on two thin"s such as competition and cost. The competitive

 product the company can char"e lesser price than its competitors. The other pricin" method is

cost based, the product price must cover its cost and also "et the proit.

>( Promotiona) Acti#iti"$

The marketin" departments or"anize various promotional activities to increase sales. The

company "ives special attention to its promotional activities. The company is spendin" more on

 promotional activities like sales promotion. The promotion activities include "ivin" incentives to

company sales people, middleman and their sales orce. These activities add value to the


C0art @

O,"ration$ d",artm"nt


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C,%" Orat%!$* Ma$a#r

A**t Ma$a#r

Ma$a#r E+!rt*

C(r%'a( Sta? 

Ma$a#r r!'ur-$t

C(r%'a( Sta? 

The mana"er o the department is Mr. &haju -rancis. The responsibility o him is to monitor the

overall unctions o e#ports, procurement and routine oice administration. The sorte# machines

are imported rom countries like 'ermany and )hina. $ach year maintenance will be done under 

the supervision o this department. -or additional maintenance purposes a contract named


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3nnual maintenance )ontract is there. The inventory levels are checked by the company and the

concerned departments too.

The three main operations CunctionsD o the department are

• Procurement

• $#port

• 3dministration


0. %sual practice@ loatin" en+uiries o their re+uirements based on the re+uisition rom

concerned departments.1. ased on their en+uiry they will "et +uotations.8. They make a comparison statement to identiy best prices and terms and conditions.9. Thereater company place orders to the suppliers selected out o the statements.


0. !t is important or the company to e#plore the probability o indin" suitable overseas

market or e#port.1. $#port is made directly to the importer or to the merchant e#porter. The merchant

e#porter will "ive the re+uirement then.8. Merchant e#porter will approach the company or ulillin" e#port re+uirement.9. &ince the overseas market is so competitive company has to see many parameters or 

dealin" with them.

:. -or e#port, the items are produced specially as e#port +uality.


1( 3dministration on day L today assi"nments is "iven to employees o dierent

departments. This is rom marketin", e#port, purchase, inance and accounts and even

 production department.

 Production d",artm"nt


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Production denotes the conversion o raw material to semi@inished or inished products with the

help o call@in production process. The main aim o any production system is to produce

economically "oods and services re+uired by the customers.

The main purpose o production department in Pavizham "roup is to manuacture various typeso rice products, which is havin" a better demand rom consumers both in Kerala and the

international market.

Mana"er Mr. Manoj heads the production department. There are dierent sections under this

department like plant, maintenance department, work shop and boiler department. 3ll

manuacturin" unction are carried out under this department.

The main objective o preventive maintenance department and corrective maintenance o 

Pavizham "roup includin" minimizin" brake down , minimizin" lon" run maintenance cost

 providin" better workin" condition and reliable conditions or e+uipment to perorm at speciic

technical condition throu"h service, replacement, repairs etc.

(aily avera"e production o the plants is 1: ton rom 0 shit and ;BG o the output are inished

 products. !n pavizham chairman decides the plan or production. 'o downs are there or each

 plant. The hi"h capacity (iamond plant has a capacity o 01: tons o production rom 0 shit.

The pollution control board certiies the company each year. There e#ists an eluent treatment

 plant to reuse the waste water and is used or "ardenin" and waterin" roads.

The department structure is as ollows


  Production d",artm"nt $tructur"


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(a$t A/-%$%*trat!r

(a$t r

E('tr%'a(Dt!@r (a$t DtMa%$t$a$' Dt

(/%$# <at


("ar O'r



St!r Dt

St!r a/



I$tr$a( A

r!/u't%!$ I$ ',ar#


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a//: a//: C(a$%$#

a//: !(/%$# Ta$

ar !%(r t,u-Ba


Dr: a//: St!ra# Ta$



RuBBr S,((r




Production ,roc"$$







Easte /ut





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S,((: !(%*,

R%' Gra/r

R%' F%$ C(a$r

R%' St!ra# Ta$


%#,t$%$# a'%$#


There are mainly : sta"es or production.

0. Paddy cleanin"1. Par boilin"8. Millin"9. &ortin":. Packin"

Paddy c)"anin/


Easte C/al


Ehite Rice

lack Rice

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Two workers will be assi"ned or one shit. 3t irst the shaker will remove the major waste like

dry "rass and coir. Then it will wait out the dust and cha. (estonner will remove small stones

and the paddy will be elevated throu"h the bucket elevator to the stora"e tank.


The tank thumba will be illed with boilin" water o ?B to 0BB de"ree )elsius. Paddy will be then

drawn into it. The immature paddy will loat and it will be removed. Totally ; hours is needed to

complete this task. 3ter boilin" the waste water will be outpoured. The steam will pass throu"h

a pipe and the boiled paddy will be drawn to the drier and then to the blower.


The shaker removes the e#tra waste and destonner removes the small stones. The rubber &heller 

 breaks the paddy to rice. -rom the output paddy hull will be removed. 3ter that separator 

cate"orize the rice to 8 cate"ories L hal broken, ull broken and unbroken. Then the whitener 

machine separates and collect bran in a separate bin. Then the rice "rader moves the ull len"th

to the storin" panel. &ilky polisher polishes the rice with water content.


(i"ital ))( camera removes the black rice.


3ll e#cept :B k" and AB k" ba"s are packed manually. Then it will loaded to the destination


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S-OT ana)y$i$


• The company is havin" a "ood customer base

• The productivity is e#cellent and the pollution is well controlled.

• The company is certiied with !&/ 11BBB@1BB:.

• 3vailability o pure water or manuacturin"

• 6i"h +uality products

• Product diversiication

•  No trade union


•  No re+uent advertisement

• &carcity o raw material


• 3vailability o cheap labor 

• -M)'7s are "ainin" demand in the markets

• 'ood scope or ew products like ood supplement


• Tou"h competition in the market

• $#tinction o paddy cultivation in Kerala

• !ncreasin" raw material prices

• $#port o rice is banned by the "overnment

• The chan"in" interest and preerences o customers.



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Pavizham health diet private ltd is a leadin" manuacture or the assured branded rice

 pavizham marketed in Kerala state and abroad .!t is not considered to be in the state o Kerala

with no independent units or the manuacture o rice. There are no other industrial "roups in

the state with production capacity that o Nambiyattukudy "roup o company the present

inrastructure o theNambiyattukudy "roup o companies consist o 0: industrial unit. The

company was able to achieve the !&/ certiicate or the +uality mana"ement !&/ ?BBB.The

main positive aspect o the company is that it could maintain a better relationship between

mana"ement and employees. 6ence we can conclude the pavizhamhealthies diet td will be

able to reach "reat hei"ht.


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0. Kothari, Research Methodolo"y Methods and techni+ues, New 3"e !nternational Publishers,

 New (elhi, reprint edition, 1B01.

1. 'upta&asi K and Rosy *oshy /r"anizational Theory and ehaviour 1BB9, Kalyani Publishers,

 New (elhi.

8. 'ary(essler, iju4arkey 6uman Resource Mana"ement, Pearson Publication ,01 th edition ,


9. 3swathappaK 6uman Resource and Personal Mana"ement 1BB:, T3T3 M)'R3 6!

Publication )ompanylimited, New (elhi.

:. Roa4&P, 6uman Resource Mana"ement, $#elooks, 1BB:.

;. www.pavizham.com

A. Pavizham brochures

H. Pavizham reports


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