Parent Handbook 2012-2013 Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T Oasis Baptist Church 5220 East Russell Road Las Vegas, NV 89122 (702) 451-5694 www.oasisbaptistchurch.org

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Parent Handbook 2012-2013

Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T

Oasis Baptist Church 5220 East Russell Road

Las Vegas, NV 89122

(702) 451-5694


Dear Parent,

Welcome to AWANA clubs at Oasis Baptist Church. Awana clubs is a place where children can come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. The word AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, and comes from 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Awana is a fun and exciting way for children to learn Scripture and it works! Hundreds of thousands of boys and girls worldwide are learning God’s Word in AWANA Clubs each week. AWANA is a nondenominational, Bible-centered youth organization providing weekday clubs and programs since 1950.

Our purpose is for kids to embrace saving faith in Christ and develop a Biblical foundation for their lives in a fun and competitive environment. Children ages 4 to 6th grade are welcome to attend. AWANA Clubs meet during the school year at Oasis Baptist Church in the Gym. We start on Wednesday nights at 6:45 and end at 8:10 PM. Please have your children at club 5 minutes early prior to the beginning of club in order for them to check in before opening ceremonies but not earlier than 6:30.

Again, we thank you for the opportunity to work with and minister to your child. We consider your trust a serious responsibility that we do not take lightly. Please feel free to visit our clubs any time as our special guest. And of course, we could always use more help listening to clubber sections if you would like to volunteer. I invite you to email me if you have any questions or concerns about your child or our AWANA ministry.

[email protected]

Cubbies is for preschool children ages 4-5. They meet in the gym at the beginning of our club

then go to room 1 and enjoy lessons, singing, games, crafts, snacks, and meeting Cubbie

Bear. Cubbies is intended for the two years before kindergarten. Younger children meet in

our nursery areas.

The Cubbies curriculum features two handbooks written in a fun, storybook style that appeals

to preschoolers. The handbooks contain 24 Bear Hug sections along with six optional special-

day sections. Each section combines basic Scripture memory with parent-child activities to

help a child grasp a simple Biblical truth. Two extra-credit handbooks containing additional

memory verses and character-building activities are also available

First time Cubbies begin

the club with the Bear Hug

Brochure. When they finish

this free beginner booklet

they are eligible to buy a

Cubbies vest ($12) and

handbook ($10).

The Cubbies go through their handbook together at the rate of one section per week. That

way the lesson and activities each week compliment the verses they are learning and they all

get through the entire book during the club year.

Awards are earned by completing sections of the Handbook and attending club. The awards

provide regular encouragement and recognition for the clubbers to display on their Cubbie

vest. They also earn book awards for completing their book each year.

Parents can help their Cubbie by reviewing their handbook with them between clubs and by

signing up to bring a snack for club nights


If you have any questions, please contact Myra Reeser, the Cubbies Director at

[email protected]

The Sparks Club is for children in Kindergarten to 2nd grade. Sparks clubbers work at their

own pace, with assistance from their parents at home during the week and from Sparks

Leaders and Helpers at Awana Club on Wednesday nights. All new Sparkies begin with the

Flight 3:16 Entrance Booklet, and then proceed to HangGlider, the first Sparks handbook.

Sparks club is divided into three main segments: Handbook Time, Large Group Time (songs,

Bible lesson and awards), and Game Time.

A Sparkie who wants to complete a handbook within one year should complete about 2

sections per week. Sparkies need to know the reference for each verse, such as “John 3:16”.

Any number of sections may be completed in one club night, but if a Sparkie has more than 5

sections to complete, he will need to get back in line so that other Sparkies can complete their


All jewels must be completed in the order they appear in the handbooks. There are some

exceptions. These can be completed at any time during the Awana year:

1. The Bring a Friend section (Red Jewel 1:1 in each book)

2. The Missionary sections (Green Jewel 2 in HangGlider and SkyStormer, and Red

Jewel 2 in WingRunner)

3. The obey/help sections (Green Jewel 4:3 in HangGlider and WingRunner, and

Green Jewel 4:2 in SkyStormer)

A Sparkie who has completed the handbook and is not eligible grade-wise to proceed to the

next handbook may start on the handbook review. The review can be found both in the

handbook and in the Frequent Flyer, which is extra credit. Additional extra credit work is

available if needed.

Awana Bucks are earned each club night to spend in the Sparks Store, held twice a year.

One buck is earned for attending club and each of the following, unless otherwise noted:

Wearing your Sparks vest

Bringing your handbook

Bringing your Bible

For each section completed

For bringing a friend (5 bucks)

Extra Awana Bucks can be given by the Sparks Director for good behavior, helping during

club night, surprise uniform/Bible/handbook/membership card checks, etc.

Uniform awards are given weekly on club nights. All

handbook completion awards will be given at

Awards Night at the end of the year.

Parents are invited to come to Sparks club on any Awana club night. Please stop by the

check-in table in the gym or see the Sparks Director for information.

If you have any questions, please contact Elyse Godinez, the

Sparks Director at [email protected]

The name Truth & Training reflects the passion

of Awana to teach third- through sixth-grade

boys and girls the truth of God’s Word and to

train them to follow Christ in their daily lives.

Our goal is that many of today’s young people

will become tomorrow’s church leaders. T&T is

a program that trains the leaders of tomorrow —


The club meets in the gym at 6:45 on Wednesdays during the school year. For handbook

time, T&T clubbers work at their own pace. The ultimate adventure boys (3rd & 4th grade) and

the ultimate challenge boys (5th & 6th grade) meet in room 7 . The ultimate adventure girls

(3rd & 4th) and the ultimate challenge girls (5th & 6th) meet in room 6.

T&T is equipped with a variety of dynamic tools to teach children that life’s ultimate adventure

is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These include weekly meetings that expose

children to the gospel message, Scripture memory, Bible study, awards, team-oriented games

and gut-busting fun. They also include a Bible-centered curriculum that helps kids build a firm

foundation for their faith, hide God’s Word in their heart and apply the truths of Scripture to

their daily lives

Before beginning work in a handbook, newcomers to T&T must complete a free booklet that

explains God’s plan of

salvation. Then they are

eligible to buy a shirt ($15)

and handbook ($10).

Evangelism and discipleship go hand in hand in our third- through sixth-grade program. By

the time a child has completed T&T, he will have:

• Learned and reviewed approximately 310 verses

• Studied dozens of passages from the Old and New Testament

• Regularly heard and read the gospel message

• Discovered the Bible’s response to questions like “How does God want me to live my

life?” and memorized verses to back up these answers

• Completed missions projects that help him see the world through God’s eyes.

Each of the four handbooks in our Truth & Training clubs investigates four questions. Eight

answers from the Bible are provided for each question. Children will learn all eight answers to

each of the questions and verses to back up these answers. The handbooks also include

Bible studies and activities that allow children to delve into the subject matter.

Besides this curriculum, children can complete more challenging extra-credit sections

throughout each handbook to earn special awards. Clubbers earn uniform awards for each

discovery completed. They also earn a medalion for completing book 1 and trophies for

completing books 2 through 4. The Timothy award is reserved for T&T clubbers that

complete all 8 discoveries in all 4 books.

If you have any questions, please contact a T&T Director:

Nathan Knapp, the boys T&T Director at [email protected]

Jamie Thomason, the girls T&T Director at [email protected]

Special Events











Clubattendance 1 ParticipateinAwanaGames 10AwanaUniform 1 ParticipateinBibleQuizzing 10AwanaHandbook 1 ParticipateinGrandPrix 10Bible 1 AttendSpecialEvent 5Other(themenight) 1 FinishHandbook 10HandbookSections 1each SilverSections 2each1sttimeVisitor 5 GoldSectilons 3each


• Pleaserespectotherpeopleandtheirproperty• Allgamesequipmentneedstobeturnedintothegamesdirector

bytheendofgametimes.• A5‐countwillbeusedduringgametimetomaintaincontrol.• ChristlikenessandGoodSportsmanshipisexpectedand

rewardedabovewinning.• Remembertowearsocksandgymshoesforgametime.Ifitis





ClubSchedule Cubbies Sparks T&T

6:45‐6:55 OpenningCeremonyinGym6:55‐7:20 Handbook GameTime7:20‐7:45 LargeGroup Handbook7:45‐8:10

Handbook,Game,Lesson,Snack,Activity GameTime LargeGroup




• BerespectfultoAwanaLeaders,speakers,andotherClubbers.• Everyoneshouldparticipateinhandbooktime,gametimeandcounseltime.• Leavealltoys,food,candy,electronicdevices,andathleticequipmentathome.• Quietdownandcometoattentionwheneveraleaderbeginsthe5‐count.• HaveFUN!


• Prayforyou’rechildandhisorherclubleader.• Helpyourclubberpreparefor2‐3sectionsperweektofinishtheirhandbookbytheend

oftheyear.• Yourclubberhassomespecialrequirementstocompletetheirhandbooklikeservice


• PleasehelpyourClubberbeontime.Clubstartspromptlyat6:45andendsat8:15.Pleasehaveyourchildrenatclubatleast5minutespriortoclubinorderforthemto


• ContactyourclubbersdirectorortheAwanaCommanderifyouhaveanyquestionsorconcerns.Theirnamesandcontactinformationareinthethishandbook.


PriceList Book Vest/Shirt

Cubbies $10 $12Sparks $10 $12T&T $10 $15





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