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Paraphrasing Techniques - Adv

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  • 2014 DeepEnglish.com

    Advanced Paraphrasing Techniques Before reading the rest of this document, make sure that you have read the PDF entitled READ ME FIRST Advanced. What follows is a short explanation followed by examples of each of the 5 advanced paraphrasing techniques. Make sure that you have mastered the basic paraphrasing patterns before even attempting the advanced techniques of substitution and extension. Remember, consistency, speed, and an attitude of fun is necessary for making progress with this technique. If you can master it, then youll never have to pause for lack of vocabulary again. You can simply use the patterns and vocabulary you already know to communicate most concepts. Good luck and enjoy your fluency training! Aaron and Dan Deep English

  • 2014 DeepEnglish.com

    5 Ways to Improve on the Basic Paraphrasing Patterns 1. Subject Substitution Instead of using the subject You in the basic patterns for nouns and verbs, substitute it for something more accurate in order to better communicate meaning. See the examples below: Nouns You use this for V+ing + N. Scientists use this for looking at small things. (microscope) Elephants use this for drinking water. (trunk) Police officers use these for catching a criminal (handcuffs). Verbs You do this when you V+N. Dogs do this when they see a cat. (bark) Lions do this when they are angry. (roar) Boats do this when they hit an iceberg. (sink) 2. Verb Substitution Verbs can also be substituted in the basic patterns for nouns. Instead of using the verb use, which you practiced in the basic patterns for nouns, try substituting it for a verb that is more accurate in communicating your meaning. See these examples. You do this when you V+N. You feel this when you cut your finger. (pain) You sell this before you move away. (house) You look at this when you tell time. (watch) You wear this when you are cold. (coat) You eat this when you celebrate your birthday. (birthday cake) Of course, sometimes it is best to combine techniques 1 and 2, so that you are substituting both the subject and the verb. See the examples below: Cars burn this when they are running. (gasoline) Babies drink this when they are thirsty. (milk) Monkeys eat this when they are hungry. (banana) Teachers give these to students. (grades)

  • 2014 DeepEnglish.com

    3. Noun Extensions Sometimes is better to extend a simple noun into a longer phrase in order to more accurately communicate the meaning. Look at the examples below to see how each is improved by extending the nouns in each pattern: You use this for V+ing + N. You use this for sending messages. (cell phone? letter? envelope? computer?) You use this for sending messages to your friends from the palm of your hand. (cell phone) You use this for sending messages through the post office. (letter) You use this for wrapping messages you send through the post office. (envelope) You use this for sending messages to your friends on the internet. (computer) You use this for carrying things. (box? bag? suitcase?) You use this for carrying supplies from one office to another office. (box) You use this for carrying groceries that you just purchased at the supermarket. (bag) You use this for carrying things when you travel like clothes, your toothbrush, etc. (suitcase) You do this to a N. You do this to a baseball. (hit? throw? catch?) You do this to a baseball when you strike it with a bat. (hit) You do this to a baseball when you want to send it to another person. (throw) You do this to a baseball when you grab it out of the air with your hands. (catch) This describes a(n) N. This describes a person. (excited? dangerous? rich? sad?) This describes a soccer fan whose team just won the World Cup. (excited) This describes a person who breaks the law and carries a gun. (dangerous) This describes a person with a lot of money. (rich) This describes a person whose best friend just passed away. (sad) This is how a(n) N feels. This is how a working person feels. (happy? busy? tired? stressful?) This is how a person who loves his or her job feels. (happy) This is how a person who has many things to do each day at work feels. (busy) This is how a person who worked all day long with no breaks feels. (tired) This is how a person who many problems to deal with at work feels. (stressful)

  • 2014 DeepEnglish.com

    4. Verb Extensions Just like nouns, sometimes is better to extend a verb in the pattern to a longer, more descriptive phrase. See the following examples: You do this when/before/after/while you V + N. You do this when you are happy. (smile? cheer? celebrate?) You do this with your mouth when you are happy. (smile) You do this when you are happy because your favorite athlete just won an important point. (cheer) You do this when you are happy on a special occasion. (celebrate) This is someone who V This is someone who wears white, helps sick people, and assists doctors. (nurse) This is someone who wears a white coat and does experiments in a laboratory. (scientist) This is someone who wears blue, carries a gun, and catches criminals. (police officer) This is the opposite of V If you dont know the actual vocabulary for the Verb, you can describe it with a phrase. For example: This is the opposite of divide. (unite) This is the opposite of breaking something into two pieces. (unite) This is the opposite of disappear. (appear) This is the opposite of making something go away so it cannot be seen anymore. (appear) This is the opposite of destroy. (construct) This is the opposite of taking something apart in a violent way. (construct) This is the opposite of deny. (approve) This is the opposite of saying no to another persons formal request. (approve)

  • 2014 DeepEnglish.com

    5. Adjective Extensions Nouns You V this when you are Adj. You drink this when you are hot, thirsty, and your mouth is dry. (water) You remove this when you want to make a hole in the ground. (dirt) You take this when your teacher wants to test what you have learned. (exam) Verbs You do this when you are Adj. You do this when you are fat and feel that you eat too much. (diet) You do this when you follow the orders of your boss or parent. (obey) You do this when you want to tell a large group of people something. (announce) Adjectives This is another word for Adj. This is another word for wanting to know about something new. (curious) This is another word for something dark and cloudy. (murky) This is another word for something very strange, unique, and different. (weird) This is the opposite of Adj. We if we dont know vocabulary for the adjective we want to use, we can describe it with a phrase instead. This is the opposite of consistent. (inconsistent) This is the opposite of always the same over time without any changes. (inconsistent) This is the opposite of witty. (dull) This is the opposite of intellectually sharp, fast, and funny. (dull) This is the opposite of sloppy. (neat) This is the opposite of unorganized, messy, and dirty. (neat)