Basics Power Iteration QR Iteration Krylov Methods Other Methods Parallel Numerical Algorithms Chapter 5 – Eigenvalue Problems Section 5.2 – Eigenvalue Computation Michael T. Heath and Edgar Solomonik Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign CS 554 / CSE 512 Michael T. Heath and Edgar Solomonik Parallel Numerical Algorithms 1 / 42

Parallel Numerical Algorithmssolomon2.web.engr.illinois.edu/teaching/cs554/slides/... · 2019. 11. 21. · Krylov Methods Other Methods Parallel Numerical Algorithms Chapter 5 –

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

    QR IterationKrylov MethodsOther Methods

    Parallel Numerical AlgorithmsChapter 5 – Eigenvalue Problems

    Section 5.2 – Eigenvalue Computation

    Michael T. Heath and Edgar Solomonik

    Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    CS 554 / CSE 512

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

    QR IterationKrylov MethodsOther Methods


    1 Basics

    2 Power Iteration

    3 QR Iteration

    4 Krylov Methods

    5 Other Methods

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

    QR IterationKrylov MethodsOther Methods

    DefinitionsTransformationsParallel Algorithms

    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

    Given n× n matrix A, find scalar λ and nonzero vector xsuch that

    Ax = λx

    λ is eigenvalue and x is corresponding eigenvector

    A always has n eigenvalues, but they may be neither realnor distinct

    May need to compute only one or few eigenvalues, or all neigenvalues

    May or may not need corresponding eigenvectors

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    DefinitionsTransformationsParallel Algorithms

    Problem Transformations

    Shift : for scalar σ, eigenvalues of A− σI are eigenvaluesof A shifted by σ, λi − σ

    Inversion : for nonsingular A, eigenvalues of A−1 arereciprocals of eigenvalues of A, 1/λi

    Powers : for integer k > 0, eigenvalues of Ak are kthpowers of eigenvalues of A, λki

    Polynomial : for polynomial p(t), eigenvalues of p(A) arevalues of p evaluated at eigenvalues of A, p(λi)

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    DefinitionsTransformationsParallel Algorithms

    Similarity Transformations

    B is similar to A if there is nonsingular T such that

    B = T−1AT


    By = λy ⇒ T−1ATy = λy ⇒ A(Ty) = λ(Ty)

    so A and B have same eigenvalues, and if y iseigenvector of B, then x = Ty is eigenvector of A

    Similarity transformations preserve eigenvalues, andeigenvectors are easily recovered

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    DefinitionsTransformationsParallel Algorithms

    Similarity Transformations

    Forms attainable by similarity transformation

    A T Bdistinct eigenvalues nonsingular diagonalreal symmetric orthogonal real diagonalcomplex Hermitian unitary real diagonalnormal unitary diagonalarbitrary real orthogonal real block triangular (real Schur)arbitrary unitary upper triangular (Schur)arbitrary nonsingular almost diagonal (Jordan)

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    DefinitionsTransformationsParallel Algorithms

    Preliminary Reduction

    Eigenvalues easier to compute if matrix first reduced tosimpler form by similarity transformation

    Diagonal or triangular most desirable, but cannot alwaysbe reached in finite number of steps

    Preliminary reduction usually to tridiagonal form (forsymmetric matrix) or Hessenberg form (for nonsymmetricmatrix)

    Preliminary reduction usually done by orthogonaltransformations, using algorithms similar to QRfactorization, but transformations must be applied fromboth sides to maintain similarity

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    DefinitionsTransformationsParallel Algorithms

    Parallel Algorithms for Eigenvalues

    Algorithms for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectorsemploy basic operations such as

    vector updates (saxpy)inner productsmatrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplicationsolution of triangular systemsorthogonal (QR) factorization

    In many cases, parallel implementations will be based onparallel algorithms we have already seen for these basicoperations, although there will sometimes be new sourcesof parallelism

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

    QR IterationKrylov MethodsOther Methods

    Power IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    Power Iteration

    Simplest method for computing one eigenvalue-eigenvector pair is power iteration, which in effect takessuccessively higher powers of matrix times initial startingvector

    x0 = arbitrary nonzero vectorfor k = 1, 2, . . .

    yk = Axk−1xk = yk/‖yk‖∞


    If A has unique eigenvalue λ1 of maximum modulus, thenpower iteration converges to eigenvector corresponding todominant eigenvalue

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    Power IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    Power Iteration

    Convergence rate of power iteration depends on ratio|λ2/λ1|, where λ2 is eigenvalue having second largestmodulus

    It may be possible to choose shift, A− σI, so that ratio ismore favorable and yields more rapid convergence

    Shift must then be added to result to obtain eigenvalue oforiginal matrix

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    Power IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    Parallel Power Iteration

    Power iteration requires repeated matrix-vector products,which are easily implemented in parallel for dense orsparse matrix, as we have seen

    Additional communication may be required fornormalization, shifts, convergence test, etc.

    Though easily parallelized, power iteration is often too slowto be useful in this form

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Power IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    Inverse Iteration

    Inverse iteration is power iteration applied to A−1, whichconverges to eigenvector corresponding to dominanteigenvalue of A−1, which is reciprocal of smallesteigenvalue of A

    Inverse of A is not computed explicitly, but onlyfactorization of A (and only once) to solve system of linearequations at each iteration

    x0 = arbitrary nonzero vectorfor k = 1, 2, . . .

    Solve Ayk = xk−1 for ykxk = yk/‖yk‖∞


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    Power IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    Inverse Iteration

    Shifting strategy can greatly accelerate convergence

    Inverse iteration is especially useful for computingeigenvector corresponding to approximate eigenvalue,since it converges rapidly when approximate eigenvalue isused as shift

    Inverse iteration also useful for computing eigenvalueclosest to any given value β, since if β is used as shift,then desired eigenvalue corresponds to smallesteigenvalue of shifted matrix

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    Power IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    Parallel Inverse Iteration

    Inverse iteration requires initial factorization of matrix Aand solution of triangular systems at each iteration, so itappears to be much less amenable to efficient parallelimplementation than power iteration

    However, inverse iteration is often used to computeeigenvector in situations where

    approximate eigenvalue is already known, so using it asshift yields very rapid convergencematrix has previously been reduced to simpler form (e.g.,tridiagonal) for which linear system is easy to solve

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    Power IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    Simultaneous Iteration

    To compute many eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs, couldapply power iteration to several starting vectorssimultaneously, giving simultaneous iteration

    X0 = arbitrary n× q matrix of rank qfor k = 1, 2, . . .

    Xk = AXk−1end

    span(Xk) converges to invariant subspace determined byq largest eigenvalues of A, provided |λq| > |λq+1|

    Normalization is needed at each iteration, and columns ofXk become increasingly ill-conditioned basis for span(Xk)

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    Orthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    Orthogonal Iteration

    Both issues addressed by computing QR factorization ateach iteration, giving orthogonal iteration

    X0 = arbitrary n× q matrix of rank qfor k = 1, 2, . . .

    Compute reduced QR factorizationQ̂kRk = Xk−1

    Xk = AQ̂kend

    Converges to block triangular form, and blocks aretriangular where moduli of consecutive eigenvalues aredistinct

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Orthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    Parallel Orthogonal Iteration

    Orthogonal iteration requires matrix-matrix multiplicationand QR factorization at each iteration, both of which weknow how to implement in parallel with reasonableefficiency

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    Orthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    QR Iteration

    If we take X0 = I, then orthogonal iteration shouldproduce all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A

    Orthogonal iteration can be reorganized to avoid explicitformation and factorization of matrices XkInstead, sequence of unitarily similar matrices is generatedby computing QR factorization at each iteration and thenforming reverse product, giving QR iteration

    A0 = Afor k = 1, 2, . . .

    Compute QR factorizationQkRk = Ak−1

    Ak = RkQkend

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    Orthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    QR Iteration

    In simple form just given, each iteration of QR methodrequires Θ(n3) work

    Work per iteration is reduced to Θ(n2) if matrix is inHessenberg form, or Θ(n) if symmetric matrix is intridiagonal form

    Preliminary reduction is usually done by Householder orGivens transformations

    In addition, number of iterations required is reduced bypreliminary reduction of matrix

    Convergence rate also enhanced by judicious choice ofshifts

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    Orthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    Parallel QR Iteration

    Preliminary reduction can be implemented efficiently inparallel, using algorithms analogous to parallel QRfactorization for dense matrix

    But subsequent QR iteration for reduced matrix isinherently serial, and permits little parallel speedup for thisportion of algorithm

    This may not be of great concern if iterative phase isrelatively small portion of total time, but it does limitefficiency and scalability

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    Orthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    Reduction to Hessenberg/Tridiagonal

    To reduce to Hessenberg can execute QR on each column

    If Hi is the Householder transformation used to annihilateith subcolumn, perform similarity transformation

    A(i+1) = HiA(i)HTi

    More generally, run QR on b subcolumns of A to reduce toband-width b

    B(i+1) = QiB(i)QTi

    To avoid fill QTi must not operate on the b columns whichQi reduces

    Once reduction completed to a band-width subsequenteliminations introduce fill (bulges) but can be done

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    Orthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    Reduction from Banded to Tridiagonal

    Two-sided successive orthogonal reductions generatebulges of fill when applied to a banded matrixBulges can be chased with pipelined parallelism

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Krylov Subspace Methods

    Krylov subspace methods reduce matrix to Hessenberg(or tridiagonal) form using only matrix-vector multiplication

    For arbitrary starting vector x0, if

    Kk =[x0 Ax0 · · · Ak−1x0


    K−1n AKn = Cn

    where Cn is upper Hessenberg (in fact, companion matrix)

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Krylov Subspace Methods

    To obtain better conditioned basis for span(Kn), computeQR factorization

    QnRn = Kn

    so thatQHn AQn = RnCnR

    −1n ≡H

    with H upper Hessenberg

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Krylov Subspace Methods

    Equating kth columns on each side of equationAQn = QnH yields recurrence

    Aqk = h1kq1 + · · ·+ hkkqk + hk+1,kqk+1

    relating qk+1 to preceding vectors q1, . . . , qk

    Premultiplying by qHj and using orthonormality,

    hjk = qHj Aqk, j = 1, . . . , k

    These relationships yield Arnoldi iteration, which producesupper Hessenberg matrix column by column using onlymatrix-vector multiplication by A and inner products ofvectors

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Arnoldi Iteration

    x0 = arbitrary nonzero starting vectorq1 = x0/‖x0‖2for k = 1, 2, . . .

    uk = Aqkfor j = 1 to k

    hjk = qHj uk

    uk = uk − hjkqjendhk+1,k = ‖uk‖2if hk+1,k = 0 then stopqk+1 = uk/hk+1,k


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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Arnoldi Iteration

    IfQk =

    [q1 · · · qk


    thenHk = Q

    Hk AQk

    is upper Hessenberg matrix

    Eigenvalues of Hk, called Ritz values, are approximateeigenvalues of A, and Ritz vectors given by Qky, where yis eigenvector of Hk, are corresponding approximateeigenvectors of A

    Eigenvalues of Hk must be computed by another method,such as QR iteration, but this is easier problem if k � n

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Arnoldi Iteration

    Arnoldi iteration expensive in work and storage becauseeach new vector qk must be orthogonalized against allprevious columns of Qk, which must be stored

    So Arnoldi process usually restarted periodically withcarefully chosen starting vector

    Ritz values and vectors produced are often goodapproximations to eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A afterrelatively few iterations

    Work and storage costs drop dramatically if matrixsymmetric or Hermitian, since recurrence then has onlythree terms and Hk is tridiagonal (so usually denoted Tk),yielding Lanczos iteration

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Lanczos Iteration

    q0 = 0β0 = 0x0 = arbitrary nonzero starting vectorq1 = x0/‖x0‖2for k = 1, 2, . . .

    uk = Aqkαk = q

    Hk uk

    uk = uk − βk−1qk−1 − αkqkβk = ‖uk‖2if βk = 0 then stopqk+1 = uk/βk


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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Lanczos Iteration

    αk and βk are diagonal and subdiagonal entries ofsymmetric tridiagonal matrix Tk

    As with Arnoldi, Lanczos iteration does not produceeigenvalues and eigenvectors directly, but only tridiagonalmatrix Tk, whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors must becomputed by another method to obtain Ritz values andvectors

    If βk = 0, then algorithm appears to break down, but in thatcase invariant subspace has already been identified (i.e.,Ritz values and vectors are already exact at that point)

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Lanczos Iteration

    In principle, if Lanczos algorithm is run until k = n,resulting tridiagonal matrix is orthogonally similar to A

    In practice, rounding error causes loss of orthogonality,invalidating this expectation

    Problem can be overcome by reorthogonalizing vectors asneeded, but expense can be substantial

    Alternatively, can ignore problem, in which case algorithmstill produces good eigenvalue approximations, but multiplecopies of some eigenvalues may be generated

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Krylov Subspace Methods

    Virtue of Arnoldi and Lanczos iterations is ability to producegood approximations to extreme eigenvalues for k � n

    Moreover, they require only one matrix-vector multiplicationby A per step and little auxiliary storage, so are ideallysuited to large sparse matrices

    If eigenvalues are needed in middle of spectrum, say nearσ, then algorithm can be applied to matrix (A− σI)−1,assuming it is practical to solve systems of form(A− σI)x = y

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Krylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Parallel Krylov Subspace Methods

    Krylov subspace methods composed of

    vector updates (saxpy)inner productsmatrix-vector multiplicationcomputing eigenvalues/eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrices

    Parallel implementation requires implementing each ofthese in parallel as before

    For early iterations, Hessenberg or tridiagonal matricesgenerated are too small to benefit from parallelimplementation, but Ritz values and vectors need not becomputed until later

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Jacobi Method

    Jacobi method for symmetrix matrix starts with A0 = Aand computes sequence

    Ak+1 = JTk AkJk

    where Jk is plane rotation that annihilates symmetric pairof off-diagonal entries in Ak

    Plane rotations are applied repeatedly from both sides insystematic sweeps through matrix until magnitudes of alloff-diagonal entries are reduced below tolerance

    Resulting diagonal matrix is orthogonally similar to originalmatrix, so diagonal entries are eigenvalues, andeigenvectors given by product of plane rotations

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Parallel Jacobi Method

    Jacobi method, though slower than QR iteration serially,parallelizes better

    Parallel implementation of Jacobi method performs manyannihilations simultaneously, at locations chosen so thatrotations do not interfere with each other (analogous toparallel Givens QR factorization)

    Computations are still rather fine grained, however, soeffectiveness is limited on parallel computers withunfavorable ratio of communication to computation speed

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Bisection or Spectrum-Slicing

    For real symmetric matrix, can determine how manyeigenvalues are less than given real number σ

    By systematically choosing various values for σ (slicingspectrum at σ) and monitoring resulting count, anyeigenvalue can be isolated as accurately as desired

    For example, by computing inertia using A = LDLT

    factorization of A− σI for various σ, individual eigenvaluescan be isolated as accurately as desired using intervalbisection technique

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Sturm Sequence

    Another spectrum-slicing method for computing individualeigenvalues is based on Sturm sequence property ofsymmetric matrices

    Let pr(σ) denote determinant of leading principal minor ofA− σI of order r

    Zeros of pr(σ) strictly separate those of pr−1(σ), andnumber of agreements in sign of successive members ofsequence pr(σ), for r = 1, . . . , n, gives number ofeigenvalues of A strictly greater than σ

    Determinants pr(σ) easy to compute if A transformed totridiagonal form before applying Sturm sequence technique

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Parallel Multisection

    Spectrum-slicing methods can be implemented in parallelby assigning disjoint intervals of real line to different tasks,and then each task carries out bisection process usingserial spectrum-slicing method for its subinterval

    Both for efficiency of spectrum-slicing technique and forstorage scalability, matrix is first reduced (in parallel) totridiagonal form, so that each task can store entire(reduced) matrix

    Load imbalance is potential problem, since differentsubintervals may contain different numbers of eigenvalues

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Parallel Multisection

    Clustering of eigenvalues cannot be anticipated inadvance, so dynamic load balancing may be required toachieve reasonable efficiency

    Eigenvectors must still be determined, usually by inverseiteration

    Since each task holds entire (tridiagonal) matrix, each canin principle carry out inverse iteration for its eigenvalueswithout any communication among tasks

    Orthogonality of resulting eigenvectors cannot beguaranteed, however, and thus communication is requiredto orthogonalize them

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Divide-and-Conquer Method

    Another method for computing eigenvalues andeigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix is basedon divide-and-conquer

    Express symmetric tridiagonal matrix T as

    T =

    [T1 OO T2

    ]+ β uuT

    Can now compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of smallermatrices T1 and T2

    To relate these back to eigenvalues and eigenvectors oforiginal matrix requires solution of secular equation, whichcan be done reliably and efficiently

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  • BasicsPower Iteration

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    Jacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer

    Divide-and-Conquer Method

    Applying this approach recursively yieldsdivide-and-conquer algorithm that is naturally parallel

    Parallelism in solving secular equations grows asparallelism in processing independent tridiagonal matricesshrinks, and vice versa

    Algorithm is complicated to implement and difficultquestions of numerical stability, eigenvector orthogonality,and load balancing must be addressed

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    Z. Bai, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, A. Ruhe, and H. van der Vorst,eds., Templates for the Solution of Algebraic EigenvalueProblems: A Practical Guide, SIAM, 2000

    J. W. Demmel, M. T. Heath, and H. A. van der Vorst, Parallelnumerical linear algebra, Acta Numerica 2:111-197, 1993

    P. J. Eberlein and H. Park, Efficient implementation of Jacobialgorithms and Jacobi sets on distributed memory architectures,J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 8:358-366, 1990

    G. W. Stewart, A Jacobi-like algorithm for computing the Schurdecomposition of a non-Hermitian matrix, SIAM J. Sci. Stat.Comput. 6:853-864, 1985

    G. W. Stewart, A parallel implementation of the QR algorithm,Parallel Comput. 5:187-196, 1987

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    BasicsDefinitionsTransformationsParallel Algorithms

    Power IterationPower IterationInverse IterationSimultaneous Iteration

    QR IterationOrthogonal IterationQR Iteration

    Krylov MethodsKrylov SubspacesArnoldi IterationLanczos IterationKrylov Subspace Methods

    Other MethodsJacobi MethodBisection MethodsDivide-and-Conquer