How to Make a Key Generator Using W32Dasm Author: Andrew Aksel Heinlein [Mouse] http://www.mouseindustries.com [email protected] Download this tutorial here. In this tutorial you will could learn: - Real-time debugging methods with W32Dasm... z Soft-Ice isn't always the answer. z How to initiate a debug session with most executables. z Basic assembler theories, such as how the stack works and how assembler calls imported DLL functions (API). z Seek out certain values which might be helpful. z How to toggle a breakpoint in a live process. z How to read and view memory/registers in a live process. z How to patch a register and memory in a live process. z How to copy assembler code from W32Dasm in to your own program and make it work. - Basic theories on Win32 programming... z How knowing what certain Window's API can help you in your quest. z How pointers actually work. z How Win32 Inline Assembler works and how you could utilize it in your own work. z Basic ways on retrieving information from target windows z How to use Microsoft's Spy++ or a resource editor such as eXeScope. From this tutorial you will take: -Free stuff... z The code layout, in C++, to a basic key generator for the famous Particle Fire Screen Saver. z My e-mail address to be used in many spam lists (you bastards.) Intro I have talked to a lot of people about key generators and a lot of them say: "People who make key generators are insane, I don't think I could ever do that." Not so! It is a lot easier than it seems. You don't need to be a Soft-Ice mastermind, hell, you don't even need to know much assembler. I will show you the steps someone may take to make a key generator. This method I am about to describe has proven successful many times for myself. Let's Begin... 9/25/2012 http://www.mouseindustries.com/tuts/w32dasm_tut1/

Paper. How to Make a Key Generator Using - Aksel Heinlein, Andrew

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  • How to Make a Key Generator Using W32Dasm

    Author: Andrew Aksel Heinlein [Mouse] http://www.mouseindustries.com

    [email protected] Download this tutorial here.

    In this tutorial you will could learn: - Real-time debugging methods with W32Dasm...

    z Soft-Ice isn't always the answer. z How to initiate a debug session with most executables. z Basic assembler theories, such as how the stack works and how assembler calls imported DLL functions (API). z Seek out certain values which might be helpful. z How to toggle a breakpoint in a live process. z How to read and view memory/registers in a live process. z How to patch a register and memory in a live process. z How to copy assembler code from W32Dasm in to your own program and make it work.

    - Basic theories on Win32 programming...z How knowing what certain Window's API can help you in your quest. z How pointers actually work. z How Win32 Inline Assembler works and how you could utilize it in your own work. z Basic ways on retrieving information from target windows z How to use Microsoft's Spy++ or a resource editor such as eXeScope.

    From this tutorial you will take: -Free stuff...

    z The code layout, in C++, to a basic key generator for the famous Particle Fire Screen Saver. z My e-mail address to be used in many spam lists (you bastards.)

    Intro I have talked to a lot of people about key generators and a lot of them say: "People who make key generators are insane, I don't think I could ever do that." Not so! It is a lot easier than it seems. You don't need to be a Soft-Ice mastermind, hell, you don't even need to know much assembler. I will show you the steps someone may take to make a key generator. This method I am about to describe has proven successful many times for myself.

    Let's Begin...


  • How to Make a Key Generator Using W32Dasm

    Author: Andrew Aksel Heinlein [Mouse] http://www.mouseindustries.com

    [email protected]

    What you will need:z W32Dasm (even the shareware version will suffice) You can find a copy at www.programmerstools.org in the decompilers section. z Optional: A compiler that supports inline assembler (for example: Microsoft Visual C++) z Particle Fire Screen Saver version 1.1a (File size: 102,912 bytes) (found at: http://www.longbowdigitalarts.com/particlefire.html) z A window spy (Microsoft Spy++) or a resource editor (eXeScope). This is not needed, but it helps us find Dialog Item ID Numbers. z A computer, monitor and keyboard.

    Step One

    Once you have installed Particle Fire, open your screensaver settings in Window's Display Properties. Select the Particle Fire screensaver. Hit the Settings... button. The Particle Fire settings dialog should appear. At the bottom of this dialog there is an edit box which is labeled Serial #: There should be a 0 within this box. Obviously this is where the serial number will eventually go. The first thing I would do is open Microsoft Spy++ or eXeScope and try to find the dialog item ID Number. (Look up GetDlgItem() on MSDN to understand what a dialog item ID is.)

    Finding the dialog item ID in Microsoft Spy++

    Finding the dialog item ID with eXeScope

    OK, now we know that the ID of the dialog item is 0x000003F0 (or 1008 in decimal).


  • Now since we are all Window's gurus here, we know that in order to read a value or text from a window we have to use one of the following API calls:

    z GetWindowText() z GetDlgItemText() z GetDlgItem() z GetDlgItemInt()

    I am going to assume (since there is a ZERO already in the box) that he used SetDlgItemInt(). So I will also assume that he is going to use GetDlgItemInt() to get the value. Don't feel like assuming? No problem, I'll do it the long way to cover all the bases. First, let's open up the Particle Fire screen saver in W32Dasm. Once it finishes disassembling, there is a menu item named Functions and a submenu called Imports. Click it. (For us impatient ones who hate the mouse, use ALT+F+I) These are all the API functions that this program imports from system DLLs. Now what we are looking for are GetWindowText(), GetDlgItemText(), GetDlgItem() or GetDlgItemInt() We should know that these functions are exported by the User32.DLL (if you don't know this, just scroll down until you find the export by name.) Let's try to find GetWindowText() first. Can't find it? Me either... so this means he is not using it. Now, with knowing he isn't using GetWindowText(), we can scratch GetDlgItem() off our list of target functions. (You can only use GetWindowText() with the returned HWND of GetDlgItem() to get a window's text or value.) Confused? Just go to microsoft.com and search GetDlgItem() and read up on it. Ok, so let's move on to GetDlgItemText(). Can you find it on the list of imports? Nope! Ok, that leaves one final call... GetDlgItemInt(). Find this call in the list. It should be listed as USER32.GetDlgItemInt. See the picture below.

    Once you have found it in the list, double-click on it. The first reference W32Dasm should take us to will look like this: :00402428 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10] :0040242C 6A00 push 00000000 :0040242E 8B74242C mov esi, dword ptr [esp+2C] :00402432 50 push eax :00402433 68EA030000 push 000003EA * Reference To: USER32.GetDlgItemInt, Ord:00F4h | :00402438 8B3D2CD44700 mov edi, dword ptr [0047D42C] :0040243E 56 push esi :0040243F FFD7 call edi

    Author's Suggested Reading See exactly how GetDlgItemInt() works by going to microsoft.com and looking it up or clicking here.

    Author's poor attempt at a basic definition of the Stack

    Assembler relies heavily on something called a "Stack." You "push" 32 bit pointers/values on to the stack to save the values in order to pass them to other functions. It's basically like a growing array or vector of values. It uses the theory of "First on, Last Off" Think of it like a stack of pancakes. You lay down one (push), "push" another one on top of the last. to get them off, you "pop" them off from the top down. (This is a very basic description on the stack... I would suggest reading up on it to get a more precise definition.) (No, really, I mean that.) Ok, with knowing (basically) how the stack works, we can tell from the code above that it is "pushing" 4 values onto the stack before the call to GetDlgItemInt(). What are these 4 values? Let's look at how the API is defined:

    UINT GetDlgItemInt(HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, BOOL* lpTranslated, BOOL bSigned); Ok, great.. we see it requires 4 parameters:

    z hDlg - Handle to the dialog box that contains the control of interest.

    z nIDDlgItem - Specifies the identifier of the control whose text is to be translated.

    z lpTranslated - Pointer to a variable that receives a success or failure value (TRUE indicates success, FALSE indicates failure). If this parameter is NULL, the function returns no information about success or failure.

    z bSigned - Specifies whether the function should examine the text for a minus sign at the beginning and return a signed integer value if it finds one (TRUE specifies this should be done, FALSE that it should not).

    Now, with knowing all this basic information, let's look at the above code from a different view: :00402428 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10] ; 1) "Move" the pointer to the BOOL value to EAX :0040242C 6A00 push 00000000 ; 2) PUSH 0 onto the stack (parameter 4) :0040242E 8B74242C mov esi, dword ptr [esp+2C] ; 3) MOVE the parent dialog window to ESI :00402432 50 push eax ; 4) PUSH the pointer to the BOOL onto the stack (parameter 3)


  • :00402433 68EA030000 push 000003EA ; 5) PUSH the dialog ID to set the value to onto the stack (parameter 2) * Reference To: USER32.GetDlgItemInt, Ord:00F4h | :00402438 8B3D2CD44700 mov edi, dword ptr [0047D42C] ; 6) MOVE the call to GetDlgItemInt() to EDI :0040243E 56 push esi ; 7) PUSH the parent dialog HWND onto the stack (parameter 1) :0040243F FFD7 call edi ; 8) CALL GetDlgItemInt() See how that works? Pretty simple. Starts by pushing the last parameter on first and the first parameter on last. With knowing this, we know that this function will not help us. Why? Because we are looking for the ID of 0x000003F! As you can see here, it is pushing 0x000003EA on to the stack. This isn't the ID we are looking for! But that was a good review on what to expect next, right ? Let's continue on by going back to our Import list and double clicking on the same item again. Keep double clicking until you come to this address 0x00001948. It should look like this: :00402538 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10] :0040253C 6A00 push 00000000 ; PUSH parameter 4 :0040253E 8B74242C mov esi, dword ptr [esp+2C] :00402542 50 push eax ; PUSH parameter 3 :00402543 68F0030000 push 000003F0 ;
  • How to Make a Key Generator Using W32Dasm

    Author: Andrew Aksel Heinlein [Mouse] http://www.mouseindustries.com

    [email protected]

    Welcome back.At this point, we now know that the serial number is stored at address 00412114. So, let's scroll all the way back to the top of W32Dasm and select the first line. What we are going to do is search for this value using the Search feature located in the "Search>>Find Text" (or ALT+S+F) In the Find What edit box type in 00412114 (See picture below) and hit search.

    At address 0x00000954 - The first reference shows Particle Fire grabbing the value from the registry and setting it for future use, this is unimportant.At address 0x00000B93 - The next reference shows Particle Fire setting the value to the registry to save it at shut down. This is also unimportant.At address 0x00001474 - The third reference shows Particle Fire setting the serial number to the dialog item 0x000003F0. This is probably the "Init Dialog" function. Also unimportant.At address 0x00001965 - The fourth reference is the one we went though in part 1 with GetDlgItemInt().At address 0x0000197E - The fifth reference is setting the serial number's value to zero. This is unimportant.At address 0x00001B26 - The sixth and FINAL reference is what we want! Let's take a look... :00402726 A114214100 mov eax, dword ptr [00412114] ; MOVE in current serial number :0040272B 50 push eax ; PUSH it onto the stack :0040272C E8CFE8FFFF call 00401000 ; CALL a mysterious function What could this be? Well, let's assume it is a call to the serial number verification code. Ok, let's remember this and move on to something else. We will come back to this later. OK, now for the really fun part. Let's debug the process.

    z We know where Particle Fire grabs the serial number from the edit box. z We know where it stores the number to. z We think we know where it checks the serial number.

    Go to the DEBUG menu and select Load Process (ALT+B+L) (If a Load Disassemble Dialog comes up with a command line edit box, just hit the "Load" button to skip this.)W32Dasm will now rearrange itself and enter into DEBUG mode and set the code display to the program entry point as shown below. W32Dasm has now paused the process. Nothing will happen until you are ready to go.


  • Now, let's run the process. To do this hit F9 (or ALT+B+R).Ok, now that we can see the configuration dialog of Particle Fire, we can now enter in some bogus serial number. For this example I will enter in 201527 (I suggest you do the same, it will be easier to follow the rest of this example)After you have entered the bogus serial number, go back to W32Dasm. We must set a breakpoint in order for W32Dasm to stop on the line of code we want to examine. So let's set one near the GetDlgItemInt(). To do this, find the call (remember going to the imports list and finding USER32.GetDlgItemInt()?) Ok, once we have found the call, lets set a breakpoint a couple lines below it. (remember the redundant call to GetDlgItemInt()?, let's catch the 2nd call) To do this, select the line and hit F2 (or ALT+B+B). The line should be hi-lighted in yellow now. You have successfully set a breakpoint. (See picture below)


  • break. If it doesn't, just click on the serial number edit box... if it still hasn't broke, then start over. The reason why it breaks immediately is because the author has it checking the key when the edit box "changes." So when you bring the configuration dialog to the front, the edit box gains focus and triggers it to use GetDlgItemInt() so it can verify it. Most of the time you have to close the dialog before it will trigger this event.

    Now we are inside Particle Fires process. The Particle Fire's configuration window should be frozen. Go back to W32Dasm. We are now going to "Step Thru" the code and examine it.Now we must hit F8 to "Step Thru" to the next line. We do this a total of 4 times. The 4th time a new dialog should appear. It's W32Dasm description of the call to GetDlgItemInt() API call. Hit the "Get API Result" at the bottom of the dialog.

    There is our bogus serial number in Arg00! (00031337 == 201527) Hit the Close button on the API description box.Hit F8 two more times. We should now be one line past this one: :00402565 A314214100 mov dword ptr [00412114], eax If you are there, your bogus serial number is now stored in memory!How do we know for a fact that it is? Well, let's check. We know the address is 00412114. So, in the Register Dialog (See picture below) Type "412114" into the "User Addr 2" box. Once we have done that, click on the "UA2" button in the middle display. Wallah! There it is in the middle of the list box!


  • Close the Particle Fire configuration dialog box and close up W32Dasm.

    Step Two Summary Ok, take another deep breath. What we should now

    know is:

    z How to load and start to debug a process. z How to toggle a breakpoint. z How to resume a "broken" process. z How to step thru lines of code. z How to view the contents of an address in


    If you don't understand how to do these things, just start over and retry... it's really easy!

    Continue on to step three...


  • How to Make a Key Generator Using W32Dasm

    Author: Andrew Aksel Heinlein [Mouse] http://www.mouseindustries.com

    [email protected]

    Once again, welcome back.Feel confident? This tutorial will now get a little less personal since by now you know how to debug a process with W32Dasm and since you know where how to get to the address' we need to get to. OK, now we are going to run into a problem. We have to actually start the screensaver to debug the "KeyGen" code. But if we do this, the screen saver will cover all the other windows and we wont be able to see W32Dasm. Well, I guess we will just have to figure out a way to make it so this window doesn't cover all other windows. This is where we learn how to patch a live process' memory and registers. Now, to trigger the screensaver to kick on, we have to set the command line to be "/s" This will tell particle fire that we want it to start in screensaver mode.

    I can think of 2 simple ways to make Particle Fire not get in the way of our work area. If we look up the import "USER32.CreateWindowEx" and set a breakpoint before it, we will see that the dwExStyle is 8 when CreateWindowEx() is called. 8 is defined as WS_EX_TOPMOST. Also, we see that the width and height is our desktop's width and height. Let's try and change dwExStyle parameter to zero instead of 8 so the window stays in back of our work area and not "on top" of all others. The CreateWindowEx() code looks like so: :00405E3E 51 push ecx ; push lpParam :00405E3F 50 push eax ; push hInstance :00405E40 51 push ecx ; push hMenu :00405E41 FF7508 push [ebp+08] ; push hWndParent :00405E44 FF75F8 push [ebp-08] ; push nHeight :00405E47 57 push edi ; push nWidth :00405E48 51 push ecx ; push y :00405E49 51 push ecx ; push x :00405E4A FF75FC push [ebp-04] ; push dwStyle :00405E4D 53 push ebx ; push lpWindowName :00405E4E 68D4154100 push 004115D4 ; push lpClassName :00405E53 56 push esi ; push dwExStyle

  • Now continue to step thru the code until the API Description box pops up. You should now see Arg01 as 00000000! (Look at picture below) Hit "Get Api Result" and now your background should be a black window. The screen saver was created as usual, except without it being the top most window! You have successfully patched a register.

    The other way i was thinking of doing this is to set the width and height to be 1. I won't explain how to do this, I'm sure you can figure it


  • out now :)

    Step Three Summary Are you confused? Don't be! Just keep starting from the beginning, eventually you will get it, I promise.

    You should now be able to:

    z Start and debug a process with a specific command line

    z Basically know how the "Register View" works.

    z Basically know how the "Modify Data" dialog works.

    z Know how to modify a register value.

    Continue on to step four...


  • How to Make a Key Generator Using W32Dasm

    Author: Andrew Aksel Heinlein [Mouse] http://www.mouseindustries.com

    [email protected]

    Welcome to the fourth and final step!You should now have a big black desktop with W32Dasm in debug mode and paused right after the CreateWindowEx() function. Remember us using the search tool to find the value 00412114 (where the serial number is stored in memory)? Let's do that again and find the last occurrence of 00412114. Once you have found the last occurrence, set a breakpoint on that line. Now, hit F9 to let the process run. Particle Fire should now immediately break. Step thru ONE line. Look at the value of EAX in the register view. Look familiar? It's our bogus serial number :) Ok, can you guess where the next CALL will take us? If you guessed "To the key verification code" you were right.This is the magical call: :0040272C E8CFE8FFFF call 00401000 IMPORTANT:Once you stepped thru to that line, HIT F7 TO *STEP INTO* THE CODE. Do not use F8! You will step over it! ok, if everything is going the way it's supposed to, you should now be in a block of code that looks like this: :00401000 8B442404 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04] ; MOVE our bogus serial number to EAX :00401004 56 push esi ; we need to use ESI :00401005 3D00CA9A3B cmp eax, 3B9ACA00 ; compare our bogus serial number to 3B9ACA00 (dec:1000000000) :0040100A 763D jbe 00401049 ; Jump out if below or equal (no good if serial 2000000000) :00401013 8BC8 mov ecx, eax ; MOVE serial to ECX :00401015 8BF0 mov esi, eax ; MOVE serial to ESI :00401017 C1E114 shl ecx, 14 ; SHIFT LEFT () ECX by 0x0C (dec: 12) :00401033 33F1 xor esi, ecx ; EXCLUSIVE OR (XOR, ^) ESI by ECX :00401035 B994260000 mov ecx, 00002694 ; MOVE 00002694 (dec: 9876) to ECX :0040103A 33C6 xor eax, esi ; EXCLUSIVE OR (XOR, ^) EAX by ESI :0040103C F7F1 div ecx ; DIVIDE ECX (store remainder in EDX) :0040103E 85D2 test edx, edx ; is EDX zero? :00401040 7507 jne 00401049 ; If EDX is not zero, this key is NO GOOD! * Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Particle Fire!" ; not a reference to the string resource "Particle Fire!" | :00401042 B801000000 mov eax, 00000001 ; If we made it here, we have a legitimate key! (returning TRUE):00401047 5E pop esi ; done with ESI :00401048 C3 ret ; get outta here * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses: ; If we make it here, its a BAD KEY |:0040100A(C), :00401011(C), :00401040(C) | :00401049 33C0 xor eax, eax ; set EAX to zero (returning FALSE) :0040104B 5E pop esi ; done with ESI :0040104C C3 ret ; get outta here Ok, there is the key verification code. The beginning of this function should make some sense to you. The key must be greater or equal to 1000000000 and less than 2000000000. If you don't understand the rest of this, don't worry about it, you don't really need to :) Here is some pseudo code for this function: if( (key = 2000000000) ){ return FALSE; // the key is no good! }else{ Do Some Crazy Ass Math } Ok, obviously, we wont make it far with our bogus key since its less than 1000000000. But, we know what the code is to verify the key! All we have to do now is open our compiler and cut and paste the assembler into our source code!

    Let's copy the assembler in W32Dasm to the clipboard. In order to do this, click to the left of the first line you want to copy. A red dot should appear (). You want to be able to select multiple lines, so once you have selected one line, hold the SHIFT key down and click a couple lines below the first

    marker. You should now see a series of red markers. Click the "Copy" button. You will now have all the selected lines on the clipboard. (Look at picture


  • below.)

    Here is some C++ source code to run in a console and generate every key that Particle Fire could ever use. #include void main(){ for(unsigned int i = 1000000001; i < 2000000000; i++){ __asm{ mov eax, i push esi cmp eax, 0x3B9ACA00 jbe l_get_out cmp eax, 0x77359400 jnb l_get_out mov ecx, eax mov esi, eax shl ecx, 0x14 mov edx, eax shl esi, 0x10 and ecx, 0xFFF00000 shr edx, 0x10 or esi, edx sub edx, edx xor esi, ecx mov ecx, eax shr ecx, 0x0C xor esi, ecx mov ecx, 0x00002694 xor eax, esi div ecx test edx, edx jne l_get_out } // if we got here, it is a good key! printf("Found a key: %u\n", i); l_get_out: __asm{ pop esi } } } And here is the actual function completely converted to C++:

    BOOL VerifyParticleFireKey(unsigned int Key){ UINT a = Key, b = Key, c = Key, d = Key; if( (Key = 2000000000) ){ return FALSE; } a = 0x0C; b ^= a;


  • a = 0x00002694; d ^= b; d %= a; return (d == 0); } Congratulations! You now have a key generator for Particle Fire! If you are reading this, and you still have no idea how you did this, or you couldn't do this, just start over. Honestly, if I were showing you this in real life, it would have taken me about 7 minutes to go through everything and you would be sitting there saying "oh! I see what's going on." and would probably feel pretty confident about doing it yourself. Don't give up, it is much harder trying to learn from a tutorial than in real life. A lot of these steps are not needed in making a key generator for Particle Fire, but I really wanted to show you some neat things you can do with W32Dasm. The only problem with relying on W32Dasm is the fact that sometimes executables are compressed and the data within the executable is unreadable. But, there are ways around this. You could use a program called ProcDump (found at programmerstool.org). A lot of programs can be restored to original working condition with this program. If a program like ProcDump fails to work, then the other route is learning NuMega's Soft-Ice. Soft-Ice does the same thing as W32Dasm's debugger, except it debugs the process which is loaded in to memory. Soft-Ice is a hard program to use, and I would suggest only using it if all else fails. What I have shown you today with W32Dasm is just the tip of the ice burg. There are plenty more things you can do with this program (i.e.: debugging DLLs, temporary patches to target code, etc. the possibilities are endless) If people seem to benefit from this tutorial, I will target other methods in new tutorials. If you have any questions about anything in here, send me an e-mail and I will try to help you out. (Please don't e-mail me with key generator or patch requests, you can find those online.) Good luck!-Mouse (May 10th, 2003)


    How to Make a Key Generator Using W32DasmIntroWhat you will need:Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep Four