N- " - - , SAturdfty^ M^rch 14f 1925. _i_.* _. Locals & .tier H. Reed_s£ent jast Sun 1 day in Fairfax and Brunson where j he went to ptefLch. . Mrs. Florence Brown went to Ben^ edict HospitaL $ast Friday for an operation. - - . .-V - V » .. Mrs. R. O. Thomas Of Richmond, Va., is visiting Mye. A. P.^Dunbar on Barnwell street. , ' - A Mre».Bennis H. JacksonC of 900 Harden street Is "recovering from a recent spell of illness. Mxs^ Elise Pinckney King who is ^teaching .rtTFTs?rhhQV_at Valentine wag in the city last Saturday;. .1 ^ Mr. Pa yea of Detroit, Mleh.motored .over from Camden last Thursday to *- spend a few bours in the city. y /- .__ . Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Perrin, of Hartsville, motored over Sunday to spend the day^with relatives.- '/ Mrs. Alma^lopkins 2229 Gervais street went 16 Benedict Hospital Wednesday for a serious operation. -_2 Have.you-taken.out^a.Jtmas (Jlub at^tlie-Victuiy Savings"Bhnlcr Now is your time to think during this Thrift week. _! ... _The__^partmeiit_jDf.HomaJEcoho__ mics of Benedict gave a drama at the Brnnklanri Baptist, church.last Tues. ..day night. . ...' = -f- % Mrs. A. P. Porter, 1400 block of Mrs. Porter is the wife of Rev. A. P. Porter. r- .j Miss Maggie Nichols "of Hillsboro, | ' her sister, Mrs, Jane Helper, Harden street, left Saturday for -New York - City. Mrs. Fannie Stephenson of Greenville, who has been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Paralee Davenport, at 1322 Gadsden street, returned to her home last Friday. .==r Mr. Thomas Nichols who has been m riorum for the _past three montlis was the pleasant guest of his sister, ^Tr. Nichols left Saturday 1or New York City. * I , rv = Mrs. Otlie Daniels Thompkins hails from Richmond, Va., to spend a while with her mother in Orangeburg and rwith relatives and friends of the stay. > .Messrs. Willie 'Myers and Belle, _spent two days in Columbia last weeK While here they made many new acquaintances. They left.with a very good impression of Columbia and wish .to tharik the ladies who . their stay worth ilfe while. _Dj^ R- S. Wilkinson. President' of state College. suenl Wdenesd&v m the city. He visited the legislature in the Interest.of the College, Dr. Wilkinson's health has decidely improved. yueen ilsther Chapter No. 1, O. E .R , myt fit their regular monthly meet Ing at the home of Miss Bloiso Ran The meeting was well attended. The business , having been con eluded, the hostess, with the assist anee.&f some of the bonored_lad|eg served a delicious chicken _saliu eourse, followed with trream and cake The next meeting will be with Mrs Capers at ftidgewood the 6th of April i\ii uiemuera are urgeu to De prea ent.. ~~ *"* ~ Mnsf'E. B. Lewie, Royal Matron, Miss Helen Redick, Secretary. TttE^STAGg ROYALLY ENTER Afc~the boautifut-homc of 'Dr. and Mrs. Tracy M. Walton,"the Stags were __ ; elaborately entertained Iasf Wednesday night. The hosts for this bi- monthly gathering..w£re Dra.. Walton, Seven tables' of whist were played the highest scores being made by Dr, " Ny A. jenKins ana rroi, r. j. sumvan, howevef being in higher favoi .: with the goddess Luck was awarded first .prize. in the drawing to break ;the tie. Attorney Frederick captured second prize while Dr. Dennis walked . -away with the booby, A number oi .brilliant talks were made by some oi the eloquent Stags. While all of th< tags could not take prizes or make #L'* speeches,.all however were well up in the front line in the attack made Tjk few- visitors were prseent., among thfttn hoi n cr Mposrra CVom .pion, ot .ghicagfi^JH., C. L. Clay, ai Richmond, Vt, Prof. O. Y. V*J*ntin< ' "T> » .=.. r Personals TT i i, * O .:.i.77.r~ ^ ' 1 hfid Wm. Champion,- of Columbia. The Stags reluctantly departed and declared the hosts of the occasion rpost excellent* THE SILVER LEAF CLUB. ^ The Silver Lfeaf Club has changed ; its name to the "Golden Chord." The last meeting was"1rctd"at the home of Miss Mattie Belle Hunt, 1120 Blossom street, Thursday, Mar. 5. New rules were made hy.the President, Miss Matilda Goodwin. Many of the mem bers of the Ajax Social Club were ^present. ,There wat; « re-election of officers. After the business ul the. mnntinty^ iw^delioioub-eogFSgy consisting of gfarich. gelatine, with whipped cream and on kg were served. - The "next meeting wilMie at the honie ^of Miss"Susie B. Robinson, l.tIP -Blossom street,.. at 4 o'clock, Thursday, March 12th." FOUNDERS' DAY. Year by~year the interest in Founders' Day at Benedict College in honor of Mrs. Benedict, has increased. Dur__ing the last.four.years.students, churches, and frlpnds of flip fniiP^ have observed tne tiav. not nniv TiT, eulogizing Mis. Benedict, but by dbihg as she- did.giving money to the colcreased. Last year,, $3,000.06 were ITiven, and all "are working lo make The nffering' evcn larger. The.enthffSiasm is- great, especially in con, nection with the new science building. The workmen-are now on the third story. . /Efrlo year the graduating I'lasuna. will have their Founders' Day exercises in-connection with this buildnoted pastor of the7 Tlrst BaptlsT Church.'will deliver the. principal adday, March 16th, to-be followed by the offerings. All are most cordially invited. __Come and see the competition'hetwpen the "classes'.""TTbir TTiay select any class or church to assist with your oohti'lbuilon. . In the Afternoon will be the first of three 'ball games between Benedict and Allen. All promise to be most L exciting.' j :. NOTICE. TRe-DQCtor^Qf-Columbla to present Vesper Program At Ladson Presby terian Church Sunday evening, March 15, 6 to 7. The public i9 -invited teen joy this literary "arid musical treat. Dr. L. M. Daniqls, Master Ceremonies. __Miislc^ Invocation. ^ f Music.Quartette.Medical Profes'n ""Short Address.Racial Health.Dr. J. G. Stuartr* Vocal Solo.Miss-Margaret Rhodes. Short Address.Dr. J. E. Watts. [ TrbMbMe iSalQ^T-Dr. B. A.^verfitL Reading.Dr. Jas. Sime. Vocal Solo .Dr.' M. A. Evans. Music.Quartette.Allen TTnivnrMTr: r Vocal Sole.nr Tracv Walton. Music.Quartette.Allen University. Violin solo.Mr. John Evans. Short Address.Dr. John Goodwin. Vocal Solo.Dr. L. M. Daniels. 7 _UH£llDg. .Benediction. . Vsh ers~~ Dr. Heyward" Tnompson. Dr. Jamea Goode. Dr. H. H. Cooper. Dr. D. K. Jenkins. ' L f-CHRISTOPHER ^UTHERFOBD KILLED IN CHARLOTTE Christopher Rutherfordf 22 of Mils . city,* 500 S. Main street, was .stabbed Charlotte, N. C., while seated on a shoe shine stand by a_young woman of 17, Particulars as to the death of young Rutherford could not be had at this writing. Young Cris. Ruther ford, has a mother Mm. Louino Rutherford, who lives at 5QQ £L Main --street, and a brother.-to survive him Rutherford was an Elk, having Joined Palmetto Lodge No. 342, Columbia. K but after" going to Charlotte he trans TferreH his membership to Pisgah Lodge No. 266, Charlotte. His lodge fn Charlotte sent Messrs. Shudd and . Cray to accompany his remains. He yard.. ! REGAL DRUG STORE I HAS NEW MANAGER f} - .rr^oc 4AhlaD ETAOl^J -fcTAOJN 8Hl ET >'j Union, S. is th'w ftew \r Manager of ! i n.1 °\ t C,ty Dr p caT ichdolf Naenv lite, Mi since his . graduation he has been In the drug I hualnaoa uin. hi« homo t»*m, UiMuu, g > little oyer two years; . MEB 11-~. n u »V3. jtteii :jjifl THE PALMET1 The Regal Drug StOTO is the oldest! j and most important medical dispon-: j sary of this city,-and they are fortu-, nnta in securing the Services of this splendid young man. He is affable and polite in his manners, and has all mT .V.. c--. the characteristics of a-Christian geni'tleman. ----- - ..-. The poorest as wjcll a.- the well todo can "go to the Regal and get immediate and potlte services. Columbians will give Dr. Ruff a full "Slr.iro 0lu tllhlP Iffl't l'6'Hago is nip pre-" ; diction of The Palmetto Leader . INTERESTING RECITAL. ... | The State-College quartette and Ohnrles J. Harris, pianist, wit] give a recital for tlie beheiit or ijooker Wash- " ington High School-Athletic Assoeta-~~ tiun. afr Allen University auditorium. , Admission,. 25c. and 35c. Tickets on sale at R.egat Drug Store, Allen Uni' School.^ YORK MASONS MEET. The Columbia EHstri.ct of F. A. A. Y. Masons and Heroines of .Torteho will meet in Columbia,..S.C., March 18, 1925, at high noon, in Frederick's 7 Hall,.1323"Assembly* street. Busi. ness of vital, importance to this" Dis- i trict will be discussed at this meeting. AM. Matrons and W. M.'s. are.r requested to_ submit full reports. ThtT " meeting will be presided over by A. J. Seabrooka, J). D. G.- M..Other of- t ncers ot the District are b. IJ. Wheel-, J er, District Joshua, Mrs. Georgia Glasgow, District .Matron. W. S. Per- " guson, 3. W.y-John Carter, J. W., -John Glasgow, Treas. and E. R. Lewis, Sec'ty. .Ex-Officio: > i -y". ! A. KE^XEDY, G. ^ T. H.'piNCKNEYr G. S. r naTjexL - : ^=4J j The Daughtur^tf/TTftnTtTluals were [ ] the 'guests of -VIrsr-'Mary- fi<>n Bctl. 1900 Railroad avomm, on Wednesday-e^en-: ing, Mnrclr .'hi. A full membership j graced the home. There being- 2G members present and four ^ extra j Bonncau, Mrs. ttoiiagauTt. The-mect-' ing was called to ordef with the presi-> \ dentt Mrs. Holmes, presiding..Prayer wao offered..The btisinona hoini|r hon-tj eluded, the meeting adjourned, after having been bountifully-swerved with hot chocolate and sandwiches by- the hostess. - Orange Blossom, Court -Nor 161, was duly installed at itsr regular meeting! on last Tuesday, Fob: iMth, 492.1. The meeting"wrrsr a success financially and-t numerically. The visitor was Mrs. F. - i -PftOtiRAltrsrETOFTTTE GETIISEMAN CONVENTION, TO.BE HEED rumr-H, i»imsi>ri?iTv DAY AND SUNDAY, ^ REV. X. C. CRA FRIDAY 7:30 P. M..Praise Services condueU Schumphert, ' 5 wu-fViU:.inci^dUttory"Tvernion.T Reed. Music.Enoree Baptist Church choir, Adjournment. SAI L KDA V 1Q-C0 A. M..Devotionals led by Deac - 10:30 A. Mv.10n r o 11 m e n t 0 f delegate 12:00 M.-.Introduction of New Mini .12-:30 P. M..Business. 1:30 P. M..Topics:' "(a) "Jhsus, t (b) '-Fellowship with the True Vine," I (c) " A Woman's Place in Chureh Ac Recess.Dinner. 3:00 P. M."-lJc\ otioiis led by Deacon 3:30 P.~M..Lecture "Life of Christ "Calvary, Columbia-, or Iter. 11. M. ib Announcements. Adjournment. 8:00 P. M..Devotionals by appointn 8:30 P. M..Sermon Rev. 10._T. iianij Collection. Announcements Adjourmi .r SINDAY S 9:30 A. M..Sunday School Concert 1 10:00 A. M..Topics:.(a) "The Sur Bynum. (b) "The B. Y. P.-Ur. the Tri - Mltiat Belle \\ hit e! Solo.Rev. J. .11 :J.o A. M..Missionary Sermon. K< Music, Antibch "Choir..Collt'C! iom.1 3:00 P. M..Devotionals led by Supt. Greatest Obstacle in World-wide KvatVf 3:30 P. IVL'.Closing Serfnon, Rev. II. A] music ueiena tsaptist Church choir. -Adjournment. Rev. J. C. WHITE, President, . |~ J. W. BR Werchan rorrect Style, Qualit; | STEAM AND D iii TEEKPIK I 713 MAIN UTUljiLT; :..".-I- : i rO LEADER : ' "" made a-spletT7Iid talk" which was much Appreciated. -CoUrt was t-heri-adjourned. NOTICE. The CalierS Hoard and the Junior Missionary Society of -Second Calvary Baptist Church will have, an evening with Colored- Composers on March 1?, ' 1925, at Avhhjh time they will end the contest (A Trip to California). . yqu .ara^cordinily invited tn ..enmg^. to Second Calvary tind enjoy tills a. silver offering will l>e taken. '' REV. H. M. MOORE, ; ^ f Pastor,. 1l .The hnys are practicing ovary day -j and shoWlhs plenty of skill 6h fflg tlMinuinl- niT!S' ''flTfr.rievfitnping Hne~l tinder the instructions of their leader, II. \V. Chappelle. A real game Is to- be played atZ Benedict.b^tAvcenf Allen and. Benedict I Monday, March 16th. This is Found- I ers my at 15. u., ana there are to be^many ^out-of-town people' there, f.o Benedict thought she would*^t'ake~'jtfn SPtnettviner tlmt-w'onld ho enjoyed by all. Everybody knows the ability-nfrthe two teams, and all of U. C.'s sympathizers will be out with the vsual pop. -U. * . Allen is determined to win while thti VIV Ttwv wTTT" mrt suffer defeat, a full detail oTT the g^me will appear here next week who.won and why..llic gahi6 and then read what others say next week. CAM DEN LOCALS The Million Dollar Wedding, pre-"' Church, mi Thursday evening, March"! 3th,_ under the-auspices of the'- Woman's Home Missionary Society, and directed hv Mrs. A S" Thompson"uTptr Mrs. W7 M. Mouzon, proved to# be ~a^ fair sticceSSr-both TH attendance and; financial results. " 7 MiTtS' May live Whitmore of. St. Matthews, S. C., was the guest of the Misses Addle""and Julia M. Thomarfe* daring the week-end. We notice with quite-a~cTegfee. 01' admiration that Dr. Elmer Pickett ami Miss Cole of Boston, Mass., are ~ finding each others company rather agreeable. The' friends of Dr." J. P. Pickett, M. Da la 7st IV "enjoy i 11 g.t4*e.fact ) that tlie Doctor has adorned- his J cranium with a new ami, more modern * decoration in jlhe form shape and < description of u (New Hat). _ ; * Quite a 'nuimber "of Camdemtes "at < tended 'rtivc Concert given by the. < \tilliams\Jubilee Singers, at the Al- < len L'niveKsjty Auditorium on Tues- ^ \ < --v . ^ E UNION AND SUNDAY SCHOOL '< WITH ANTIO'CH BAPTIST 'j S. C. FRIDAY, SATLLR. MART27-29, 19$5. , j< El'QN, Pastor.. /V : < _NKiHT. j :d by Bros. M. S. SteVens-jmd J. B. > -- .- \ -j tev. Allen T. Dixon or Lie. Wm. H. < Collection. Announcements. ' < SERVICES:' T. ons Henry Owens and L. C. Cook, s. Reception and reading letters. ; ,-sters. "7" "7 , ] J- J he True Vine," JVIrS. L. C. Crafton. .' Mrs. Qdelle Spebde. ' tivities." Mrs, iterate" Moorman. *! * W. L. Lyics and J. 11. waiters, *j Kov. H W, Long, "Pastor ""of-FirsL~J r- - j/rv.: 4 tents. ' >ton, Pastor Fifth Baptist or Rev. W. j Chnpln. !] E R VICESf " " 1 3ros. E. E.. Cornwall and W. S. Book- j nlay School,TrN'ursery," Miss Laura timng Canin for thp Tt'ipti^t <7Vnnvk " rl C. White. t; -V- J. M- Myers or Kov .T T. Whito. ieeessr^-Dinner. : ^ I. T. Russell. Topic: "The Church's ycltsm," Bra. Thos. Williams. -J [."Taylor or Rev. L. C. Crafton. Collection. Reports of committees, j Rev. W. P. PETERSON, V.-Pres., \ E. E. CORN WELL, Clerk. UNSON M- T*_ *1 ffi 3 ic i anor .\ And Workmanship { < RY CLEANING jj''j Iftf E 7102 ~f | : LULUM1UA,S.C. H r?., v' -v*.;v tay evening, March JLOt]L.Among-(hope at^rtattr^-WreT^pr nntr~Strgr T. .1. Avtllt-im»| "tin.uu<l Mis. Ar-^lf: Collins, Atty. and Mrs. H. F. McGirt. M?ss Judldah Davis and Mr. John "Shd <juite a number of other?. Mrf». Ellis Hoy kin,. formerly Mjss Mutual Dee. Young, -of 'Ailcen, has finally taken"'up what w£' luffiti "Id* be her permanent abode caniclen," being now since very recently the wife of ,Mr. Ellis Boykin, who 'is a popular;- and v't'ry~PTTreFirrfsing Hnem" j \_ - ' roberts distinctive r Oj -Copying. EnInn.r»nK. g ^ AJI wnuu if] 3.wash i x (vton s'i-v, T. H. PIN UNDERTAKER A " ~.f.\ / .. Pinckney's Sanii BEST EQUIPPED IN THE FOB YOI Office Phone 57.07 _JL0M WASHINGTON ST.,/ I -OWFIM 1 Aflerchari I"r~ ; We carry a c of Domestic < | Woolens^Con r -- before purchas l~~':" " " SL 111 7 Washii 5 Rhone Q W>'a aaj^oqonr.r.ir^voo o c 0 c o0000 C 1 L I K J ^. 1 ^ » A- * * lIVIrriKIAL Ut p:--.. | M5 V»i#>n t; Everything carried inja I ' ' PRESCRIPTION'S'( We call for and del YOURS FOR [ IPMERIALDl r r i. ^wpirui . p - BROWN'S BA \ JAS. C. BROWN, Prop., r '"^Everything Sanitary > > Four First-Class Ra ^ Billiard Par! 1120 Washington Street, t j; MANIGAULT-GA £ ENTlERTAKFttS nn.1 M £ HArrAvi n/^ ^ Tff % Jf UK KQ j,/?0? ; °FVTrr ^iQ ;714 S. MAIN STREET, I Ls % _ ~^- HKVl^W t bete*of. Camden's Younger- Set. [ r. WaleTi Camden Grow and send all ,; tfJiews to Atty.' FT F\ McGirt. 927Main-Street,_Ca.yiden, South Carolina. ^even25*cws osiryq^ ^ ^ii^BLAfsT C. = o oo o o.ao.v 00.00:0.00 o ooooooooooa \ STUDIO > | 'HOTO'GRAl *H V ~ I" lotos m Juwulfy... Kodak Finish- g or N'iArht; l<am or Shine. g f i i\ i tnrwfi,, i mi ..^==zz: ^j.ut;iLLJ7IZr^ iCKNlCY ND EMBALMER 1a and Georgia. Cheapest Undertaker, /cry Best Service in the City. .t. 7 WTTH . Second to NONE in the State. :ary Barber Shop . CITY. COME AND SEE [JItS ELF. COLUMBIA. S. C. & PAUL -|. itTallors j :omplete stock and imported I ie and sea U sing your next TI I I f ' ^ ~Sj3^Z Tgton Street .J... '-fc £ g ^ ^ '>X"X"X«X"W"X»:"W":**W"!»>*s* RUG STOREX - PrUw«iMfi - j=i St. PHone 7226 I First-class Drug Store g DL'R SPECIAL! Yi ^ * I ^ iver Prescriptions. $ ' it L,SFRVirF, - ^ RUG STORjfjpi I X *XX,*X-X"X-X~X*,X**XXX'«><X«^^<-a ^ RBER SHOP " Xl .-. . -.Y -J Matthew A. Robinson, Mgr. y and Up-To-Date, - r 5;.rbers. Nowaiting ^ C| lor in Rear. :: J ... Columbia, S..C. \\ ,J TEN-WILLIAMS tM AT T AWCST PRICES. ] tUIPMTrVT. i RE F TPflVCB 781a .AJM COLUMBIA, S. C f * TFTTy c~ * 111" 11 rutrnj o # py -B

Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1925-03-14 [p SEVEN].historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067919/1925-03-14/ed...wao offered..The btisinona hoini|r hon-tj eluded, the meeting adjourned,

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SAturdfty^ M^rch 14f 1925.

_i_.* _.

Locals &

.tier H. Reed_s£ent jast Sun1 day in Fairfax and Brunson where

j he went to ptefLch.

. Mrs. Florence Brown went to Ben^edict HospitaL $ast Friday for an

operation.- - . .-V - V »


Mrs. R. O. Thomas Of Richmond,Va., is visiting Mye. A. P.^Dunbaron Barnwell street. ,


- A

Mre».Bennis H. JacksonC of 900Harden street Is "recovering from a

recent spell of illness.

Mxs^ Elise Pinckney King who is^teaching .rtTFTs?rhhQV_at Valentine wag

in the city last Saturday;. .1

^ Mr. Payea of Detroit, Mleh.motored.over from Camden last Thursday to

*- spend a few bours in the city.y /- .__ .

Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Perrin, of Hartsville,motored over Sunday to spendthe day^with relatives.- '/

Mrs. Alma^lopkins 2229 Gervaisstreet went 16 Benedict HospitalWednesday for a serious operation.


Have.you-taken.out^a.Jtmas (Jlubat^tlie-Victuiy Savings"Bhnlcr Nowis your time to think during thisThrift week. _! ...

_The__^partmeiit_jDf.HomaJEcoho__mics of Benedict gave a drama at theBrnnklanri Baptist, church.last Tues.

..day night. ....' =

-f- %

Mrs. A. P. Porter, 1400 block of

Mrs. Porter is the wife of Rev. A. P.Porter.

r- .j

Miss Maggie Nichols "of Hillsboro,

| ' her sister, Mrs, Jane Helper, Hardenstreet, left Saturday for -New York

- City.

Mrs. Fannie Stephenson of Greenville,who has been visiting her daugh-ter, Mrs. Paralee Davenport, at 1322Gadsden street, returned to her homelast Friday. .==r

Mr. Thomas Nichols who has beenm riorum for the _past three montliswas the pleasant guest of his sister,^Tr. Nichols left Saturday 1or NewYork City.

* I ,rv =

Mrs. Otlie Daniels Thompkins hailsfrom Richmond, Va., to spend a whilewith her mother in Orangeburg andrwith relatives and friends of the

stay. >

.Messrs. Willie 'Myers and Belle,_spent two days in Columbia last weeKWhile here they made many new acquaintances.They left.with a verygood impression of Columbia andwish .to tharik the ladies who

. their stay worth ilfe while.

_Dj^ R- S. Wilkinson. President' ofstate College. suenl Wdenesd&v

m the city. He visited the legislaturein the Interest.of the College,Dr. Wilkinson's health has decidelyimproved.

yueen ilsther Chapter No. 1, O. E.R , myt fit their regular monthly meetIng at the home of Miss Bloiso Ran

The meeting was well attended.The business , having been con

eluded, the hostess, with the assistanee.&f some of the bonored_lad|egserved a delicious chicken _saliueourse, followed with trream and cakeThe next meeting will be with MrsCapers at ftidgewood the 6th of Aprili\ii uiemuera are urgeu to De preaent..

~~ *"* ~

Mnsf'E. B. Lewie, Royal Matron,Miss Helen Redick, Secretary.


Afc~the boautifut-homc of 'Dr. andMrs. Tracy M. Walton,"the Stags were

__ ; elaborately entertained Iasf Wednesdaynight. The hosts for this bi-monthly gathering..w£re Dra.. Walton,

Seven tables' of whist were playedthe highest scores being made by Dr,

" Ny A. jenKins ana rroi, r. j. sumvan,howevef being in higher favoi.: with the goddess Luck was awarded

first .prize. in the drawing to break;the tie. Attorney Frederick capturedsecond prize while Dr. Dennis walked

. -away with the booby, A number oi.brilliant talks were made by some oithe eloquent Stags. While all of th<tags could not take prizes or make

#L'* speeches,.all however were well upin the front line in the attack made

Tjk few- visitors were prseent., amongthfttn hoi n cr Mposrra CVom

.pion, ot .ghicagfi^JH., C. L. Clay, aiRichmond, Vt, Prof. O. Y. V*J*ntin<

' "T> »

.=.. r

Personals TT ii, * O

.:.i.77.r~ ^ ' 1hfid Wm. Champion,- of Columbia.The Stags reluctantly departed anddeclared the hosts of the occasionrpost excellent*


^ The Silver Lfeaf Club has changed; its name to the "Golden Chord." Thelast meeting was"1rctd"at the home ofMiss Mattie Belle Hunt, 1120 Blossomstreet, Thursday, Mar. 5. New ruleswere made hy.the President, MissMatilda Goodwin. Many of the members of the Ajax Social Club were^present. ,There wat; « re-electionof officers. After the businessul the. mnntinty^ iw^delioioub-eogFSgyconsisting of gfarich. gelatine, withwhipped cream and onkg were served.

- The "next meeting wilMie at the honie^of Miss"Susie B. Robinson, l.tIP -Blossomstreet,.. at 4 o'clock, Thursday,March 12th."


Year by~year the interest in Founders'Day at Benedict College in honorof Mrs. Benedict, has increased. Dur__ingthe last.four.years.students,churches, and frlpnds of flip fniiP^have observed tne tiav. not nniv TiT,eulogizing Mis. Benedict, but by dbihgas she- did.giving money to the colcreased.

Last year,, $3,000.06 wereITiven, and all "are working lo makeThe nffering' evcn larger. The.enthffSiasmis- great, especially in con,nection with the new science building.The workmen-are now on thethird story. .

/Efrlo year the graduating I'lasuna.will have their Founders' Day exercisesin-connection with this buildnoted

pastor of the7 Tlrst BaptlsTChurch.'will deliver the. principal adday,

March 16th, to-be followed by theofferings.

All are most cordially invited.__Come and see the competition'hetwpenthe "classes'.""TTbir TTiay select anyclass or church to assist with youroohti'lbuilon. .

In the Afternoon will be the firstof three 'ball games between Benedictand Allen. All promise to be most

L exciting.' j:.


TRe-DQCtor^Qf-Columbla to presentVesper Program At Ladson Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, March15, 6 to 7. The public i9 -invited teenjoy this literary "arid musical treat.Dr. L. M. Daniqls, Master Ceremonies.__Miislc^


f Music.Quartette.Medical Profes'n""Short Address.Racial Health.Dr.

J. G. Stuartr*Vocal Solo.Miss-Margaret Rhodes.Short Address.Dr. J. E. Watts.

[ TrbMbMe iSalQ^T-Dr. B. A.^verfitLReading.Dr. Jas. Sime.Vocal Solo .Dr.' M. A. Evans.Music.Quartette.Allen TTnivnrMTr:

r Vocal Sole.nr Tracv Walton.Music.Quartette.Allen University.Violin solo.Mr. John Evans.Short Address.Dr. John Goodwin.Vocal Solo.Dr. L. M. Daniels.

7 _UH£llDg..Benediction.

. Vshers~~Dr. Heyward" Tnompson.Dr. Jamea Goode.Dr. H. H. Cooper.Dr. D. K. Jenkins. '



Christopher Rutherfordf 22 of Mils. city,* 500 S. Main street, was .stabbed

Charlotte, N. C., while seated on a

shoe shine stand by a_young woman

of 17, Particulars as to the death ofyoung Rutherford could not be hadat this writing. Young Cris. Rutherford, has a mother Mm. Louino Rutherford,who lives at 5QQ £L Main

--street, and a brother.-to survive himRutherford was an Elk, having JoinedPalmetto Lodge No. 342, Columbia.

K but after" going to Charlotte he transTferreH his membership to PisgahLodge No. 266, Charlotte. His lodgefn Charlotte sent Messrs. Shudd and

. Cray to accompany his remains. He


! REGAL DRUG STOREI HAS NEW MANAGERf} -.rr^oc4AhlaD ETAOl^J -fcTAOJN 8Hl ET>'j Union, S. is th'w ftew \r Manager of

!in.1 °\t C,ty Dr

p caT ichdolf Naenv lite, Mi since his. graduation he has been In the drugI hualnaoa uin. hi« homo t»*m, UiMuu, g> little oyer two years; .

MEB 11-~.n u »V3. jtteii :jjifl

THE PALMET1The Regal Drug StOTO is the oldest!

j and most important medical dispon-:j sary of this city,-and they are fortu-,nnta in securing the Services of thissplendid young man. He is affableand polite in his manners, and has allmT .V.. c--.

the characteristics of a-Christian geni'tleman.----- -..-.

The poorest as wjcll a.- the well todocan "go to the Regal and get immediateand potlte services.Columbians will give Dr. Ruff a full

"Slr.iro 0lu tllhlP Iffl't l'6'Hago is nip pre-"; diction of The Palmetto Leader .


| The State-College quartette andOhnrles J. Harris, pianist, wit] give arecital for tlie beheiit or ijooker Wash- "

ington High School-Athletic Assoeta-~~tiun. afr Allen University auditorium. ,

Admission,. 25c. and 35c. Tickets on

sale at R.egat Drug Store, Allen Uni'


The Columbia EHstri.ct of F. A. A.Y. Masons and Heroines of .Tortehowill meet in Columbia,..S.C., March18, 1925, at high noon, in Frederick's

7 Hall,.1323"Assembly* street. Busi.ness of vital, importance to this" Dis- i

trict will be discussed at this meeting.AM. Matrons and W. M.'s. are.r

requested to_submit full reports. ThtT "

meeting will be presided over by A.J. Seabrooka, J). D. G.- M..Other of- tncers ot the District are b. IJ. Wheel-, Jer, District Joshua, Mrs. GeorgiaGlasgow, District .Matron. W. S. Per-


guson, 3. W.y-John Carter, J. W.,-John Glasgow, Treas. and E. R. Lewis,Sec'ty.

.Ex-Officio: > i -y". !

A. KE^XEDY, G. ^

T. H.'piNCKNEYr G. S.

r naTjexL -

: ^=4Jj The Daughtur^tf/TTftnTtTluals were [] the 'guests of -VIrsr-'Mary- fi<>n Bctl. 1900Railroad avomm, on Wednesday-e^en-:ing, Mnrclr .'hi. A full membership jgraced the home. There being- 2Gmembers present and four

^extra j

Bonncau, Mrs. ttoiiagauTt. The-mect-'ing was called to ordef with the presi->


dentt Mrs. Holmes, presiding..Prayerwao offered..The btisinona hoini|r hon-tjeluded, the meeting adjourned, afterhaving been bountifully-swerved withhot chocolate and sandwiches by- thehostess.

-Orange Blossom, Court -Nor 161, was

duly installed at itsr regular meeting!on last Tuesday, Fob: iMth, 492.1. Themeeting"wrrsr a success financially and-tnumerically. The visitor was Mrs. F.

- i


rumr-H, i»imsi>ri?iTvDAY AND SUNDAY,


7:30 P. M..Praise Services condueUSchumphert,


5wu-fViU:.inci^dUttory"Tvernion.TReed.Music.Enoree Baptist Church choir,

Adjournment.SAI L KDA V

1Q-C0 A. M..Devotionals led by Deac- 10:30 A. Mv.10n ro 11m ent 0 f delegate12:00 M.-.Introduction of New Mini

.12-:30 P. M..Business.1:30 P. M..Topics:' "(a) "Jhsus, t

(b) '-Fellowship with the True Vine," I(c) " A Woman's Place in Chureh AcRecess.Dinner.3:00 P. M."-lJc\ otioiis led by Deacon3:30 P.~M..Lecture "Life of Christ

"Calvary, Columbia-, or Iter. 11. M. ibAnnouncements. Adjournment.8:00 P. M..Devotionals by appointn8:30 P. M..Sermon Rev. 10._T. iianij

Collection. Announcements Adjourmi.r SINDAY S

9:30 A. M..Sunday School Concert 1

10:00 A. M..Topics:.(a) "The SurBynum. (b) "The B. Y. P.-Ur. the Tri

- Mltiat Belle \\ hit e! Solo.Rev. J..11 :J.o A. M..Missionary Sermon. K<Music, Antibch "Choir..Collt'C! iom.13:00 P. M..Devotionals led by Supt.

Greatest Obstacle in World-wide KvatVf3:30 P. IVL'.Closing Serfnon, Rev. II. A]music ueiena tsaptist Church choir.-Adjournment.

Rev. J. C. WHITE, President, .

|~ J. W. BRWerchan

rorrect Style,Qualit;




: i

rO LEADER : ' ""

made a-spletT7Iid talk" which was muchAppreciated. -CoUrt was t-heri-adjourned.


The CalierS Hoard and the JuniorMissionary Society of -Second CalvaryBaptist Church will have, an eveningwith Colored- Composers on March 1?, '

1925, at Avhhjh time they will end thecontest (A Trip to California).. yqu .ara^cordinily invited tn ..enmg^.to Second Calvary tind enjoy tills

a. silver offering will l>e taken. ''

REV. H. M. MOORE,; ^ f Pastor,. 1l

.The hnys are practicing ovary day -jand shoWlhs plenty of skill 6h fflgtlMinuinl- niT!S' ''flTfr.rievfitnping Hne~ltinder the instructions of their leader,II. \V. Chappelle.A real game Is to- be played atZ

Benedict.b^tAvcenf Allen and. Benedict IMonday, March 16th. This is Found- Iers my at 15. u., ana there are to

be^many ^out-of-town people' there, f.o

Benedict thought she would*^t'ake~'jtfnSPtnettviner tlmt-w'onld ho enjoyed byall. Everybody knows the ability-nfrthetwo teams, and all of U. C.'ssympathizers will be out with thevsual pop. -U. * .

Allen is determined to win whilethti VIV Ttwv wTTT"mrt suffer defeat, a full detail oTTthe g^me will appear here next weekwho.won and why..llic gahi6and then read what others say nextweek.


The Million Dollar Wedding, pre-"'Church, mi Thursday evening, March"!3th,_ under the-auspices of the'- Woman'sHome Missionary Society, anddirected hv Mrs. A S" Thompson"uTptrMrs. W7 M. Mouzon, proved to# be ~a^fair sticceSSr-both TH attendance and;financial results. " 7

MiTtS' May live Whitmore of. St.Matthews, S. C., was the guest of theMisses Addle""and Julia M. Thomarfe*daring the week-end.We notice with quite-a~cTegfee. 01'

admiration that Dr. Elmer Pickettami Miss Cole of Boston, Mass., are ~

finding each others company ratheragreeable.

The' friends of Dr." J. P. Pickett,M. Dala 7st IV "enjoy i 11g.t4*e.fact )that tlie Doctor has adorned- his Jcranium with a new ami, more modern *

decoration in jlhe form shape and <

description of u (New Hat)._ ;


Quite a 'nuimber "of Camdemtes "at <

tended 'rtivc Concert given by the. <

\tilliams\Jubilee Singers, at the Al- <len L'niveKsjty Auditorium on Tues- ^


WITH ANTIO'CH BAPTIST 'jS. C. FRIDAY, SATLLR.MART27-29, 19$5. , j<El'QN, Pastor.. /V : <_NKiHT. j:d by Bros. M. S. SteVens-jmd J. B. >

--.- \ -jtev. Allen T. Dixon or Lie. Wm. H. <

Collection. Announcements. ' <

SERVICES:' T.ons Henry Owens and L. C. Cook,s. Reception and reading letters. ;,-sters. "7" "7 , ]J- Jhe True Vine," JVIrS. L. C. Crafton. .'Mrs. Qdelle Spebde. '

tivities." Mrs, iterate" Moorman. *!

* W. L. Lyics and J. 11. waiters, *jKov. H W, Long, "Pastor ""of-FirsL~Jr- - j/rv.:

4tents. '

>ton, Pastor Fifth Baptist or Rev. W. jChnpln. !]ERVICESf " " 13ros. E. E.. Cornwall and W. S. Book- jnlay School,TrN'ursery," Miss Lauratimng Canin for thp Tt'ipti^t <7Vnnvk " rlC. White. t;-V- J. M- Myers or Kov .T T. Whito.ieeessr^-Dinner. : ^I. T. Russell. Topic: "The Church'sycltsm," Bra. Thos. Williams. -J[."Taylor or Rev. L. C. Crafton.

Collection. Reports of committees, jRev. W. P. PETERSON, V.-Pres., \


M- T*_ *1 ffi 3ic i anor .\

And Workmanship { <

RY CLEANING jj''jIftfE 7102 ~f | :

LULUM1UA,S.C. Hr?., v' -v*.;v

tay evening, March JLOt]L.Among-(hopeat^rtattr^-WreT^pr nntr~StrgrT. .1. Avtllt-im»| "tin.uu<l Mis. Ar-^lf:Collins, Atty. and Mrs. H. F. McGirt.M?ss Judldah Davis and Mr. John

"Shd <juite a number of other?.Mrf». Ellis Hoykin,. formerly Mjss

Mutual Dee. Young, -of 'Ailcen, hasfinally taken"'up what w£' luffiti "Id* beher permanent abode caniclen,"being now since very recently thewife of ,Mr. Ellis Boykin, who 'is a

popular;- and v't'ry~PTTreFirrfsing Hnem"

j \_ -


robertsdistinctive r

Oj -Copying. EnInn.r»nK.

g ^ AJI wnuu if]

3.wash ix(vton s'i-v,


" ~.f.\

/ ..


FOB YOIOffice Phone 57.07




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' PRESCRIPTION'S'(We call for and del




^wpirui .

p - BROWN'S BA\ JAS. C. BROWN, Prop.,r '"^Everything Sanitary> > Four First-Class Ra

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~^- HKVl^Wt bete*of. Camden's Younger- Set.[ r. WaleTi Camden Grow and send all ,;tfJiews to Atty.' FT F\McGirt.927Main-Street,_Ca.yiden, South Carolina.


^^ii^BLAfsT C.


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~ I"lotos m Juwulfy... Kodak Finish- gor N'iArht; l<am or Shine. gf i i\ i tnrwfi,, i mi ..^==zz:^j.ut;iLLJ7IZr^

iCKNlCYND EMBALMER1a and Georgia.

Cheapest Undertaker,/cry Best Service in

the City..t. 7


Second to NONE in the State.

:ary Barber Shop .



& PAUL -|.itTallors j:omplete stockand imported Iie and sea Using your next TII I f

' ^~Sj3^ZTgton Street .J...

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RUG STOREX- PrUw«iMfi - j=iSt. PHone 7226 IFirst-class Drug Store gDL'R SPECIAL! Yi ^ * I ^iver Prescriptions. $

' itL,SFRVirF, - ^


*XX,*X-X"X-X~X*,X**XXX'«><X«^^<-a ^RBER SHOP


Xl.-. . -.Y -JMatthew A. Robinson, Mgr. y

and Up-To-Date, - r5;.rbers.Nowaiting ^ C|lor in Rear. :: J

... Columbia, S..C. \\ ,J



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