PALM SCHWENKFELDER CHURCH Associate Member: United Church of Christ 833 Gravel Pike PO Box 66 Palm PA 18070 215-679-5321 [email protected] www.palmschwenkfelderchurch.com

PALM SCHWENKFELDER CHURCHpalmschwenkfelderchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/... · Faith Budget $ 3,750.00 $ 31,496.63 ($27,746.63) Totals $ 230,395.75 $251,496.63 ($21,100.88) Altar

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PALM SCHWENKFELDER CHURCH Associate Member: United Church of Christ

833 Gravel Pike PO Box 66

Palm PA 18070 215-679-5321

[email protected] www.palmschwenkfelderchurch.com

Page 2: PALM SCHWENKFELDER CHURCHpalmschwenkfelderchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/... · Faith Budget $ 3,750.00 $ 31,496.63 ($27,746.63) Totals $ 230,395.75 $251,496.63 ($21,100.88) Altar





Our task is to proclaim the Living Word of God, which empowers us to care for

and share with our community and the world.


Serving the glorious God, claimed by Jesus, and inspired by scripture, honoring

our history, with renewed commitment we will reach out to our community and

the world through worship, spirit enriching programs, and outreaching mission.


Welcome and Announcements



*Call to Worship

Arise, shine; for your light has come; and the glory of the Lord has risen upon


Lift up your eyes and look around; sons and daughters gather

together, they come to you.

Then you shall see and be radiant; your heart shall thrill and rejoice.

They shall bring frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of

the Lord.

Let us worship God.

*Hymn #185 “We Three Kings of Orient Are”

Call to Confession

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Prayer of Confession

Source of salvation and Bringer of light, we fail to sense the

mystery of your love. We bear grudges against our neighbors,

while it is your nature to forgive. We hold tightly to our

possessions, while Christ blesses the poor. In him you have

spoken peace, yet we live in turmoil. We care little for this planet,

which you in goodness created for our habitation. In mercy

forgive us, and help us to amend our ways. Amen.

Time of Personal Confession

Assurance of Pardon

*Hymn #186 “Wise Men, They Came to Look”

Scripture Matthew 2:1 – 12 (NRSV p. 783 – 784; LP p. 1506 – 1507)

Children’s Sermon

Children’s Church

Sermon “By Another Road”

Senior Choir Anthem “Keep Your Lamps” Traditional Spiritual

arr. John Leavitt

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Call to Offering


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Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication

O God, as wise rulers of old brought gifts and worshiped a

newly born baby, so also we bring offerings in praise of him

whom you sent. The star that we follow is the light of Christ’s

teachings, calling us to be faithful in service to all in need.

Accept what we earn, the products of our creative energy and

talent. Let this be the gold, frankincense, and myrrh that we

bring. By our gifts may a sad and needy world be enriched and

comforted. Amen.

*Hymn #181 “As with Gladness Men of Old”



*All who are able, please stand.

…Things of Interest to Our Palm Schwenkfelder Family…

This week, please keep in your daily prayers:

Mary Jane Herrmann, Betty Gerhard, Brian Schwoyer, Jeff Treichler,

Barb Master, Robin Hepler, Miya Yoder, Richard Leh, Paul Boyer, Darlene Jones,

David Singley, Tom Dunn, Evelyn and Jack Bold. Please also keep in your

prayers the men and women serving in the United States Military. This month

from our Schwenkfelder Prayer List we uplift Olivet Schwenkfelder UCC.

The Deacons ask that you please check the Prayer List and let us know if there

are any persons who no longer need to be on it. Also, if you know of someone

who needs our prayers, you can submit their name to Dan Ferry in the church

office by phone (215-679-5321) or by e-mail ([email protected]).

Remember, in order to respect people's privacy, please be sure you have their

permission before submitting their names for the prayer list.

January Youth Birthdays

Happy Birthday to…

Lily Hoffman (1/4), Ian Ross (1/5), Jenia Brown (1/14), LJ Morasco (1/14),

Dillon Reinert (1/15)

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Children’s Church

This is offered for children aged Toddlers thru 4th Grade. Visitors are welcome to

join us. After the children’s sermon, children may go to the 1st & 2nd Grade

Classroom for a Bible story, activity, and snack. An adult leader and youth

helper will lead children’s church. The bulletin will say who the leader is or if

there is no Children’s Church for that particular Sunday. Notify the adult leader

if your child has food allergies or other restrictions. After worship parents can

pick up their children upstairs at the 1st & 2nd Grade Classroom.

Military Care Letters

If you know someone in the military that could use an encouraging card to lift

their spirits, please sign up in the narthex. The military person does not have to

be a member of Palm Church and they do not have to be just out of high school;

anyone of any age that is dear to you.

College Care Packages

Please drop off donations in the bin located in the narthex by next Sunday,

January 12th. Some examples of items that you can donate include snacks,

school/office supplies, first aid supplies, toiletries, and small trinkets. To make a

monetary donation, please see Sarah Badman or Barb Master. Thank you.

Pancake Breakfast Committee

Thank you to those who signed up to serve on the Pancake Breakfast Committee.

Please stay tuned for information on when our first meeting will be held.

Raise the Roof Capital Campaign

It has come to the attention of the Board of Trustees that the roof on the

Christian Education building is in need of replacement. Contractors have

surveyed the roof and have determined that a new roof will be needed within the

next 2 to 3 years. In order to raise the funds needed for this project, the Board

has decided to run a capital campaign entitled “Raise the Roof.” The campaign

will begin immediately and run through December 31, 2021 or until the

determined amount of $100,000 is reached. Please prayerfully consider helping

us protect and maintain our facility by donating to this very important campaign.

A progress chart will be posted in the narthex along with update reports in the

bulletin and newsletter. Thank you for your support,

Board of Trustees

Installation of Officers

Next Sunday, January 12th, during the worship service, we will have the

installation of all new officers. Please greet and congratulate the new officers at

the reception in the Adult Sunday School room after the installation.

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Thank You from the Ladies’ Aid Society

The Ladies’ Aid Society is grateful to our dedicated volunteers who spread some

holiday cheer by visiting members of our congregation who are unable to attend

worship on a regular basis. Each member received a fruit basket or poinsettia

plant and a greeting card hand crafted by the Palm Youth. Special thanks to

Corey May for supervising that portion of the Christmas project.

Ladies’ Aid Holiday Bazaar

Another successful Ladies’ Aid Holiday Bazaar is in the books. We hosted 31

vendors with a large variety of crafts and products. We offered delicious food -

including homemade candy and baked goods - and we sold out of almost

everything. A big ‘Thank You” goes out to everyone that helped or supported our

efforts in any way. Special thanks to the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage

Center for their display, to the Palm Boy Scout troop for all their help, and to our

very own Charlotte Puff for providing the special feature presentation of “A

Wooly Hobby.” The Holiday Bazaar is a day of good fun, good food and good

fellowship. It was great to see the large group of participants and to see the halls

filled with shoppers all throughout the day. Thank you again to everyone for your

part in making the 2019 Bazaar a huge success. Lil Master-Bazaar Coordinator

Special Ladies’ Aid Event--Open to Everyone--Mark Your Calendars!

The Epiphany Party/Covered Dish Luncheon and Special Presentation will be

held this coming Saturday, January 11th, at 12:00 noon, in the church social

hall. Following the luncheon there will be a presentation by Candace Perry

providing updates and information on the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage

Center expansion project. Please note that this event is not just for the ladies--

ALL ARE WELCOME! Please bring a covered dish item to share with everyone

(main dish, salad, dessert, etc.). For those ladies unable to attend the monthly

Ladies’ Aid weekday meeting, we would like to invite you to stay for a brief

business meeting following the special program. If we generate enough interest,

other Saturday events/meetings can be scheduled. Stay and help us plan for the

coming year.

Palm Gives Hope!

Palm’s Relay for Life Fundraising Committee is grateful to the many members

and friends who participated in our annual luminary project. A record number of

sponsored luminaries adorned the church driveway on Christmas Eve, creating a

beautiful display for all who traveled by or attended worship that night. Your

participation has brought us over halfway to our fundraising goal as a lead

sponsor for the 2020 Boyertown Area Relay for Life! Our fundraising now

continues with the “Palm Gives Hope” donations campaign and our upcoming

“Ham ’n Cheese” sandwich sales. TOGETHER WE CAN REACH OUR GOAL!

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Brown Bag Lecture @ SLHC

Come to the Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center this Wednesday,

January 8th, at 2:00pm to hear a presentation by Bob Wood entitled Johann

Heinrich Antes: His Origin, His House, and its Restoration. Bob’s illustrated

talk will develop the story of the Antes family in Germany and in early

Pennsylvania. For the past fifty years the Goschenhoppen Historians have

devoted themselves to restoring the 1736 Henry Antes House and Plantation in

Upper Frederick Township. Much of this presentation will deal with the

architecture and restoration of the Antes House.

The History of the Red Hill Band

Next Sunday, January 12th, at 2:00pm, The Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library

& Heritage Center invite the public for an illustrated presentation by Clark

Hamman and Thomas Wetzel on the history of the Red Hill Band to be held in

the Heritage Center meeting Room. Clark Hamman and Thomas Wetzel not only

have done extensive research into the beginnings of the Red Hill Band, but have

been members of the band for many years. Also presented will be information

about the many bands which were a part of the history of the Upper Perkiomen

Valley musical scene.

Men of Palm

The meeting of the Men of Palm has been rescheduled and will be held on

Sunday, January 19, 2020 immediately following the worship service, in the

Adult Sunday School Room. This meeting is being held to discuss the future of

the Chicken Barbecue.

Stewardship Report – Yearly Giving through November

Actual Budget Difference

Offering Envelopes $226,645.75 $220,000.00 $ 6,645.75

Faith Budget $ 3,750.00 $ 31,496.63 ($27,746.63)

Totals $ 230,395.75 $251,496.63 ($21,100.88)

Altar Flowers and Bulletins

The new 2020 charts are in the hallway outside of the office, and for this year the

Deacons are once again giving people the option of sponsoring one arrangement

or both arrangements. The cost of one arrangement will remain $25, and the

cost of sponsoring both arrangements will remain at $50. If you would like to

sponsor one arrangement, you need only sign up on one chart, but if you’d like to

sponsor both arrangements, you will need to sign up on both charts for that

particular Sunday. Or if you choose, you may sponsor one arrangement on one

Sunday, and sponsor a separate arrangement on a completely different Sunday.

If you have any questions, please speak to one of our Deacons. Thanks!

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Sunday, January 5, 2020 9:00am Sunday School 10:15am Sunday Worship Service 11:30am Board of Music Ministry Meeting 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 13–15 Matthew 5:1–26 Monday, January 6, 2020 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 16–17 Matthew 5:27–48 7:00pm Scouts BSA - Troop 79 Budget Meeting Tuesday, January 7, 2020 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 18–19 Matthew 6:1–18 1:00pm Ladies’ Aid Meeting 7:00pm Cub Scout Pack 79 Meeting 7:00pm Scouts BSA - Troop Meeting Wednesday, January 8, 2020 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 20–22 Matthew 6:19–34 12:00pm Brown Bag Lecture Series @ SLHC 6:30pm Senior Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm Senior Choir Rehearsal Thursday, January 9, 2020 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 23–24 Matthew 7 Friday, January 10, 2020 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 25–26 Matthew 8:1–17 7:00pm Grace Notes Piano Party

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Saturday, January 11, 2020 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 27–28 Matthew 8:18–34 12:00pm Ladies’ Aid Epiphany Party/Covered Dish Luncheon and

Presentation Sunday, January 12, 2020 9:00am Combined Sunday School 10:15am Sunday Worship Service - Installation of Officers 12:00pm Daily Time of Prayer Wherever You Are

Genesis 29–30 Matthew 9:1–17 2:00pm The History of the Red Hill Band – Presentation @ SLHC 3:00pm Grace Notes Piano Party (Snow Date)

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PO Box 66 Palm PA 18070

Office Phone: 215 – 679 – 5321 Fax: 215 – 679 – 2650

Pastor Nick’s Cell Phone: (267) 374 – 5691

Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m.


Church Administrator E-mail: [email protected]

Church Office Email: [email protected]

Pastor’s E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright License Number: 1433223

Serving You at PALM SCHWENKFELDER CHURCH Ministers: All Church Members Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Pence Director of Music: Ed Bieler Senior Bells: Joanne and David Luz Organist: Eric Muhlenberg Church Administrator: J. Daniel Ferry Youth Director: Barbara Master Sexton: Kevin Master 484 – 358 – 1684 Greeter: Ushers: Robert Brown, Tim Hoffman, Lisa Stitt, Jeffrey Wohlbach Prayer Chain: Nancy Hoffman The Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, and the Prayer of Dedication are all reprinted by permission of United Church Press from When We Gather by James G. Kirk. Copyright 2001 by Geneva Press.