Pakistani Recipies

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  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these

    mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus "lains are in the central region of

    the country. The climate there is hot and dry. The region usually recei*es only

    a%out eight inches of rain a year and tem"eratures may ho*er around /012

    for months at a time. 3es"ite these conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the

    largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asisof Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e ofs"ice),

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    are for%idden to eat "ork or consume alcohol, they concentrated on other

    areas of food such as %eef, chicken, >sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    Pakistan and chicken tandoori are still en4oyed in the twenty@>rst century.

    Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low tem"erature in s"ecial

    large clay o*ens called tandoors.


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    nely cho""ed

    0 teas"oons fresh ginger, >nely cho""ed

    / teas"oon salt

    8 teas"oons %lack "e""er

    / teas"oon alls"ice "owder

    F cu" *egeta%le oil


    In a sauce"an, %oil the chicken in the water for A minutes. :emo*e the

    chicken and set aside.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    In a frying "an, heat oil o*er medium heat and add the tomatoes.

    tir and cook the tomatoes until they form a thick "aste.

    &dd the ginger, salt, alls"ice, %lack "e""er and chicken.

    Cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

    &dd the green chilies and cook for 8 minutes.

    er*es 0 to B.

    In rural areas, meat is sa*ed for a s"ecial occasion. ?ating "ork is for%idden

    for =uslims, who make u" a%out "ercent of Pakistan's "o"ulation. 5n

     Tuesdays and 9ednesdays, mutton (shee") and %eef are not su""osed to %e

    sold or ser*ed in "u%lic "laces in Pakistan (although the reason for

     this is considered economic, not religious). eafood and machli (>sh) are

    commonly eaten in arachi, located on the coast of the &ra%ian ea.

     There are a num%er of foods to cool o the s"icy Ja*ors of a Pakistani meal.

    3Ki (yogurt) can %e eaten "lain or used in lassi . !assi is a drink made with

    yogurt, ice, and sugar for %reakfast, or salt for lunch or dinner. :aita is a

    yogurt curd with cumin and *egeta%les.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    8 Ta%les"oons fresh mint, minced

    F teas"oon each cumin, salt, and %lack "e""er


    Com%ine all ingredients in a large %owl.

    =i# well.

    er*es B to -.

    !assi (;ogurt 3rink)

     This "o"ular drink can %e en4oyed sweet or salty. Pakistanis usually drink lassisweet for %reakfast, or salty for lunch or dinner.


    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

    er*es 6 or 0.

    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milk

    solids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ular

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Pakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins


    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    consumed during that time. =ost restaurants and food sho"s are closed

    during daylight hours. nished %efore the sun rises, and

    the e*ening meal is eaten after the sun goes down. Children under the age of 

    /8 are encouraged, %ut generally not e#"ected, to fast.

    3uring :amadan, =uslims rise %efore dawn to eat a meal called suhur

    ("ronounced soo@?:). 2oods containing grains

    and seeds, along with dates and %ananas, are commonly eaten %ecause they

    are considered slow to digest. This hel"s to ease hunger during the fast. &tsunset, the day's fast is %roken with iftar , a meal that traditionally starts with

    eating a date. &fter that, water, fruit 4uice, or lassi, and snacks such as

    samosas (meat or *egeta%le@>lled "astries) are eaten, followed %y dinner.

    3inner may include tandoori chicken or lam%. If a family can aord it, dinner

    is shared with those less fortunate.

    Id al@2itr, or the 2east of 2ast sh (in coastal areas) are eaten along with

    rice, cha"atis , and desserts.

    ce. & %akri (goat), shee", camel, or

    any other four@legged animal is slaughtered as a sacri>cial oering, and the

    meat is gi*en out to the "oor and needy. =uslims who can aord two meals a

    day are e#"ected to sacri>ce an animal.

    A =?&!TI=? CUT5=

    +ihari deri*es its name from the Urdu word nihar , which means morning. &

    nihari %reakfast in Pakistan can %e *ery >lling. +ehari (stewed %eef), and

    mango are common %reakfast items. ometimes a dish made of meat cooked

    with chilies and other s"ices is cooked o*ernight to %e consumed for

    %reakfast the ne#t morning, when it is eaten with naan , a ty"e of %read, or

    "arata , which is a Jat cake fried in oil. 9omen "re"are %reakfast and all

    other meals for their family.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    / cu" "runes (dried "lums)

    8 cu"s water

    F cu" sugar

    F cu" *inegar

    alt, to taste

    Pe""er, to taste

    Cayenne "e""er, to taste

    :ed chili "owder, to taste


    In a sauce"an, add the water, salt, "e""ers, and chili "owder to dried "lums.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    8 "ounds %oneless, skinless chicken, cut into %ite@si$ed "ieces

    F cu" water

    / cu" tomatoes, cho""ed

    H cu" green chilies, >nely cho""ed

    0 teas"oons fresh ginger, >nely cho""ed

    / teas"oon salt

    8 teas"oons %lack "e""er

    / teas"oon alls"ice "owder

    F cu" *egeta%le oil


    In a sauce"an, %oil the chicken in the water for A minutes. :emo*e the

    chicken and set aside.

    In a frying "an, heat oil o*er medium heat and add the tomatoes.

    tir and cook the tomatoes until they form a thick "aste.

    &dd the ginger, salt, alls"ice, %lack "e""er and chicken.

    Cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

    &dd the green chilies and cook for 8 minutes.

    er*es 0 to B.

    In rural areas, meat is sa*ed for a s"ecial occasion. ?ating "ork is for%idden

    for =uslims, who make u" a%out "ercent of Pakistan's "o"ulation. 5n

     Tuesdays and 9ednesdays, mutton (shee") and %eef are not su""osed to %e

    sold or ser*ed in "u%lic "laces in Pakistan (although the reason for

     this is considered economic, not religious). eafood and machli (>sh) are

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    commonly eaten in arachi, located on the coast of the &ra%ian ea.

     There are a num%er of foods to cool o the s"icy Ja*ors of a Pakistani meal.

    3Ki (yogurt) can %e eaten "lain or used in lassi . !assi is a drink made with

    yogurt, ice, and sugar for %reakfast, or salt for lunch or dinner. :aita is a

    yogurt curd with cumin and *egeta%les.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

    er*es 6 or 0.

    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milk

    solids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ular

    Pakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins


    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    day. 2amilies use their %est dishes, and %owls of fruit are set out on the ta%le.

    =eats such as %eef, lam%, and >sh (in coastal areas) are eaten along with

    rice, cha"atis , and desserts.

    ce. & %akri (goat), shee", camel, or

    any other four@legged animal is slaughtered as a sacri>cial oering, and the

    meat is gi*en out to the "oor and needy. =uslims who can aord two meals a

    day are e#"ected to sacri>ce an animal.

    A =?&!TI=? CUT5=

    +ihari deri*es its name from the Urdu word nihar , which means morning. &

    nihari %reakfast in Pakistan can %e *ery >lling. +ehari (stewed %eef), and

    mango are common %reakfast items. ometimes a dish made of meat cookedwith chilies and other s"ices is cooked o*ernight to %e consumed for

    %reakfast the ne#t morning, when it is eaten with naan , a ty"e of %read, or

    "arata , which is a Jat cake fried in oil. 9omen "re"are %reakfast and all

    other meals for their family.

    Pakistani lunch and dinner dishes are similar. :oti (%read), chawal (rice), sa%$i

    (*egeta%les), and gosht (meat) are the main elements of a meal. Cha"atis or

    naan accom"anies e*ery meal. :ice is usually %oiled or fried. ome rice

    dishes include ka%uli "ulau , made with raisins, and %iryani, rice cooked in ayogurt and meat sauce. 2or the main dish, Lorma (meat curry in gra*y), Lofta

    (lam% meat%alls), or nargasi Lofta (minced %eef and egg) might %e ser*ed.

    9ater may %e oered at the %eginning or after a meal to Luench thirst, %ut

    rarely while eating.

    treet *endors oer a *ariety of drinks and snacks. Chai , or tea, is a *ery

    "o"ular drink. It is usually %oiled with milk, nutmeg, and sugar. !assi (a

    yogurt drink) and sugarcane 4uice are "o"ular during the summer months.

    &nother refreshing summer drink is nim%u "aani , or fresh lime. It is madeof crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime 4uice. amosas are dee"@

    fried "astries >lled with "otatoes, chick"eas, or other *egeta%les and are a

    "o"ular snack. 5ther snacks are tikka (s"icy %ar%eLued meat) and "akoras

    (dee"@fried *egeta%les).

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northernPakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these

    mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus "lains are in the central region of

    the country. The climate there is hot and dry. The region usually recei*es only

    a%out eight inches of rain a year and tem"eratures may ho*er around /012

    for months at a time. 3es"ite these conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the

    largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    2ood in ?*ery Country a$akhstan to outh &frica 2ood in Pakistan @

    Pakistani 2ood, Pakistani Cuisine





    / D?5D:&PIC ?TTI+D &+3 ?+EI:5+=?+T


    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus

    "lains are in the central region of the country. The climate there is hot and

    dry. The region usually recei*es only a%out eight inches of rain a year and

    tem"eratures may ho*er around /012 for months at a time. 3es"ite these

    conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    Pakistan and chicken tandoori are still en4oyed in the twenty@>rst century.

    Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low tem"erature in s"ecial

    large clay o*ens called tandoors.


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    In a sauce"an, add the water, salt, "e""ers, and chili "owder to dried "lums.

    nely cho""ed

    0 teas"oons fresh ginger, >nely cho""ed

    / teas"oon salt

    8 teas"oons %lack "e""er

    / teas"oon alls"ice "owder

    F cu" *egeta%le oil


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    F cu" onion, cho""ed

    H teas"oon cayenne "e""er

    8 Ta%les"oons fresh mint, minced

    F teas"oon each cumin, salt, and %lack "e""er


    Com%ine all ingredients in a large %owl.

    =i# well.

    er*es B to -.

    !assi (;ogurt 3rink)

     This "o"ular drink can %e en4oyed sweet or salty. Pakistanis usually drink lassi

    sweet for %reakfast, or salty for lunch or dinner.


    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

    er*es 6 or 0.

    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milk

    solids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ular

    Pakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins


    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    al@2itr (also s"elled ?id al@2itr), which cele%rates the end of :amadan, and

    ce. :amadan is the =uslim month of fasting from

    sunrise to sunset. This means that no food or drinks, including water, may %e

    consumed during that time. =ost restaurants and food sho"s are closed

    during daylight hours. nished %efore the sun rises, and

    the e*ening meal is eaten after the sun goes down. Children under the age of /8 are encouraged, %ut generally not e#"ected, to fast.

    3uring :amadan, =uslims rise %efore dawn to eat a meal called suhur

    ("ronounced soo@?:). 2oods containing grains

    and seeds, along with dates and %ananas, are commonly eaten %ecause they

    are considered slow to digest. This hel"s to ease hunger during the fast. &t

    sunset, the day's fast is %roken with iftar , a meal that traditionally starts with

    eating a date. &fter that, water, fruit 4uice, or lassi, and snacks such as

    samosas (meat or *egeta%le@>lled "astries) are eaten, followed %y dinner.

    3inner may include tandoori chicken or lam%. If a family can aord it, dinner

    is shared with those less fortunate.

    Id al@2itr, or the 2east of 2ast sh (in coastal areas) are eaten along with

    rice, cha"atis , and desserts.

    ce. & %akri (goat), shee", camel, or

    any other four@legged animal is slaughtered as a sacri>cial oering, and the

    meat is gi*en out to the "oor and needy. =uslims who can aord two meals a

    day are e#"ected to sacri>ce an animal.

    A =?&!TI=? CUT5=

    +ihari deri*es its name from the Urdu word nihar , which means morning. &

    nihari %reakfast in Pakistan can %e *ery >lling. +ehari (stewed %eef), and

    mango are common %reakfast items. ometimes a dish made of meat cooked

    with chilies and other s"ices is cooked o*ernight to %e consumed for

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    %reakfast the ne#t morning, when it is eaten with naan , a ty"e of %read, or

    "arata , which is a Jat cake fried in oil. 9omen "re"are %reakfast and all

    other meals for their family.

    Pakistani lunch and dinner dishes are similar. :oti (%read), chawal (rice), sa%$i

    (*egeta%les), and gosht (meat) are the main elements of a meal. Cha"atis or

    naan accom"anies e*ery meal. :ice is usually %oiled or fried. ome rice

    dishes include ka%uli "ulau , made with raisins, and %iryani, rice cooked in a

    yogurt and meat sauce. 2or the main dish, Lorma (meat curry in gra*y), Lofta

    (lam% meat%alls), or nargasi Lofta (minced %eef and egg) might %e ser*ed.

    9ater may %e oered at the %eginning or after a meal to Luench thirst, %ut

    rarely while eating.

    treet *endors oer a *ariety of drinks and snacks. Chai , or tea, is a *ery

    "o"ular drink. It is usually %oiled with milk, nutmeg, and sugar. !assi (a

    yogurt drink) and sugarcane 4uice are "o"ular during the summer months.

    &nother refreshing summer drink is nim%u "aani , or fresh lime. It is made

    of crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime 4uice. amosas are dee"@

    fried "astries >lled with "otatoes, chick"eas, or other *egeta%les and are a

    "o"ular snack. 5ther snacks are tikka (s"icy %ar%eLued meat) and "akoras

    (dee"@fried *egeta%les).

    B P5!ITIC, ?C5+5=IC, &+3 +UT:ITI5+

     The use of child la%or in Pakistan is wides"read. Children not only work on

    farms, %ut in low@"aying car"et wea*ing centers. In the mid /s, %etween

    A, to / million Pakistani children aged 0 to /0 worked as full@time

    car"et wea*ers. U+IC?2 %elie*ed that they made u" almost "ercent of the

    car"et makers' work force. !ittle has %een done to enforce child la%or laws. In

    /, the United +ations got in*ol*ed %y setting u" 6 schools in eastern

    Pakistan to encourage education for children in schools, not trade.

    ed as undernourished %y the 9orld *e, a%out 0 "ercent are underweight, and o*er A "ercent

    are stunted (short for their age). The Pakistani go*ernment has esta%lished

    se*eral "rograms to im"ro*e these conditions, including the Child

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    ur*i*alMPrimary ealth Care "rogram, to reduce malnutrition and deaths due

    to diseases.

    2U:T?: TU3;

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes suchingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    2ood in ?*ery Country a$akhstan to outh &frica 2ood in Pakistan @

    Pakistani 2ood, Pakistani Cuisine





    / D?5D:&PIC ?TTI+D &+3 ?+EI:5+=?+T

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies



    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northernPakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus

    "lains are in the central region of the country. The climate there is hot and

    dry. The region usually recei*es only a%out eight inches of rain a year and

    tem"eratures may ho*er around /012 for months at a time. 3es"ite these

    conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    Pakistan and chicken tandoori are still en4oyed in the twenty@>rst century.

    Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low tem"erature in s"ecial

    large clay o*ens called tandoors.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies



  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Chicken araii


    8 "ounds %oneless, skinless chicken, cut into %ite@si$ed "ieces

    F cu" water

    / cu" tomatoes, cho""ed

    H cu" green chilies, >nely cho""ed

    0 teas"oons fresh ginger, >nely cho""ed

    / teas"oon salt

    8 teas"oons %lack "e""er

    / teas"oon alls"ice "owder

    F cu" *egeta%le oil


    In a sauce"an, %oil the chicken in the water for A minutes. :emo*e the

    chicken and set aside.

    In a frying "an, heat oil o*er medium heat and add the tomatoes.

    tir and cook the tomatoes until they form a thick "aste.

    &dd the ginger, salt, alls"ice, %lack "e""er and chicken.

    Cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

    &dd the green chilies and cook for 8 minutes.

    er*es 0 to B.

    In rural areas, meat is sa*ed for a s"ecial occasion. ?ating "ork is for%idden

    for =uslims, who make u" a%out "ercent of Pakistan's "o"ulation. 5n

     Tuesdays and 9ednesdays, mutton (shee") and %eef are not su""osed to %e

    sold or ser*ed in "u%lic "laces in Pakistan (although the reason for

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies



    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

    er*es 6 or 0.

    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milk

    solids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ular

    Pakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    3inner may include tandoori chicken or lam%. If a family can aord it, dinner

    is shared with those less fortunate.

    Id al@2itr, or the 2east of 2ast sh (in coastal areas) are eaten along with

    rice, cha"atis , and desserts.

    ce. & %akri (goat), shee", camel, or

    any other four@legged animal is slaughtered as a sacri>cial oering, and the

    meat is gi*en out to the "oor and needy. =uslims who can aord two meals a

    day are e#"ected to sacri>ce an animal.

    A =?&!TI=? CUT5=

    +ihari deri*es its name from the Urdu word nihar , which means morning. &

    nihari %reakfast in Pakistan can %e *ery >lling. +ehari (stewed %eef), and

    mango are common %reakfast items. ometimes a dish made of meat cooked

    with chilies and other s"ices is cooked o*ernight to %e consumed for

    %reakfast the ne#t morning, when it is eaten with naan , a ty"e of %read, or

    "arata , which is a Jat cake fried in oil. 9omen "re"are %reakfast and all

    other meals for their family.

    Pakistani lunch and dinner dishes are similar. :oti (%read), chawal (rice), sa%$i

    (*egeta%les), and gosht (meat) are the main elements of a meal. Cha"atis or

    naan accom"anies e*ery meal. :ice is usually %oiled or fried. ome rice

    dishes include ka%uli "ulau , made with raisins, and %iryani, rice cooked in a

    yogurt and meat sauce. 2or the main dish, Lorma (meat curry in gra*y), Lofta

    (lam% meat%alls), or nargasi Lofta (minced %eef and egg) might %e ser*ed.

    9ater may %e oered at the %eginning or after a meal to Luench thirst, %ut

    rarely while eating.

    treet *endors oer a *ariety of drinks and snacks. Chai , or tea, is a *ery

    "o"ular drink. It is usually %oiled with milk, nutmeg, and sugar. !assi (a

    yogurt drink) and sugarcane 4uice are "o"ular during the summer months.

    &nother refreshing summer drink is nim%u "aani , or fresh lime. It is made

    of crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime 4uice. amosas are dee"@

    fried "astries >lled with "otatoes, chick"eas, or other *egeta%les and are a

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    "o"ular snack. 5ther snacks are tikka (s"icy %ar%eLued meat) and "akoras

    (dee"@fried *egeta%les).

    B P5!ITIC, ?C5+5=IC, &+3 +UT:ITI5+

     The use of child la%or in Pakistan is wides"read. Children not only work on

    farms, %ut in low@"aying car"et wea*ing centers. In the mid /s, %etween

    A, to / million Pakistani children aged 0 to /0 worked as full@time

    car"et wea*ers. U+IC?2 %elie*ed that they made u" almost "ercent of the

    car"et makers' work force. !ittle has %een done to enforce child la%or laws. In

    /, the United +ations got in*ol*ed %y setting u" 6 schools in eastern

    Pakistan to encourage education for children in schools, not trade.

    ed as undernourished %y the 9orld *e, a%out 0 "ercent are underweight, and o*er A "ercent

    are stunted (short for their age). The Pakistani go*ernment has esta%lished

    se*eral "rograms to im"ro*e these conditions, including the Child

    ur*i*alMPrimary ealth Care "rogram, to reduce malnutrition and deaths due

    to diseases.

    2U:T?: TU3;

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    9e% ites

    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comesfrom the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these

    mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus "lains are in the central region of

    the country. The climate there is hot and dry. The region usually recei*es only

    a%out eight inches of rain a year and tem"eratures may ho*er around /012for months at a time. 3es"ite these conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the

    largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    2ood in ?*ery Country a$akhstan to outh &frica 2ood in Pakistan @

    Pakistani 2ood, Pakistani Cuisine





    / D?5D:&PIC ?TTI+D &+3 ?+EI:5+=?+T


    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of thePure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus

    "lains are in the central region of the country. The climate there is hot and

    dry. The region usually recei*es only a%out eight inches of rain a year and

    tem"eratures may ho*er around /012 for months at a time. 3es"ite these

    conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    Pakistan and chicken tandoori are still en4oyed in the twenty@>rst century.

    Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low tem"erature in s"ecial

    large clay o*ens called tandoors.


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies



    In a sauce"an, %oil the chicken in the water for A minutes. :emo*e the

    chicken and set aside.

    In a frying "an, heat oil o*er medium heat and add the tomatoes.

    tir and cook the tomatoes until they form a thick "aste.

    &dd the ginger, salt, alls"ice, %lack "e""er and chicken.

    Cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

    &dd the green chilies and cook for 8 minutes.

    er*es 0 to B.

    In rural areas, meat is sa*ed for a s"ecial occasion. ?ating "ork is for%idden

    for =uslims, who make u" a%out "ercent of Pakistan's "o"ulation. 5n

     Tuesdays and 9ednesdays, mutton (shee") and %eef are not su""osed to %e

    sold or ser*ed in "u%lic "laces in Pakistan (although the reason for

     this is considered economic, not religious). eafood and machli (>sh) are

    commonly eaten in arachi, located on the coast of the &ra%ian ea.

     There are a num%er of foods to cool o the s"icy Ja*ors of a Pakistani meal.

    3Ki (yogurt) can %e eaten "lain or used in lassi . !assi is a drink made with

    yogurt, ice, and sugar for %reakfast, or salt for lunch or dinner. :aita is a

    yogurt curd with cumin and *egeta%les.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    6 to 0 cu"s mi#ed *egeta%les, such as raw s"inach and cucum%er, cooked

    "otatoes or egg"lant

    F cu" onion, cho""ed

    H teas"oon cayenne "e""er

    8 Ta%les"oons fresh mint, minced

    F teas"oon each cumin, salt, and %lack "e""er


    Com%ine all ingredients in a large %owl.

    =i# well.

    er*es B to -.

    !assi (;ogurt 3rink)

     This "o"ular drink can %e en4oyed sweet or salty. Pakistanis usually drink lassi

    sweet for %reakfast, or salty for lunch or dinner.


    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

    er*es 6 or 0.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milk

    solids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ularPakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins


    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    nihari %reakfast in Pakistan can %e *ery >lling. +ehari (stewed %eef), and

    mango are common %reakfast items. ometimes a dish made of meat cooked

    with chilies and other s"ices is cooked o*ernight to %e consumed for

    %reakfast the ne#t morning, when it is eaten with naan , a ty"e of %read, or

    "arata , which is a Jat cake fried in oil. 9omen "re"are %reakfast and all

    other meals for their family.

    Pakistani lunch and dinner dishes are similar. :oti (%read), chawal (rice), sa%$i

    (*egeta%les), and gosht (meat) are the main elements of a meal. Cha"atis or

    naan accom"anies e*ery meal. :ice is usually %oiled or fried. ome rice

    dishes include ka%uli "ulau , made with raisins, and %iryani, rice cooked in a

    yogurt and meat sauce. 2or the main dish, Lorma (meat curry in gra*y), Lofta

    (lam% meat%alls), or nargasi Lofta (minced %eef and egg) might %e ser*ed.

    9ater may %e oered at the %eginning or after a meal to Luench thirst, %ut

    rarely while eating.

    treet *endors oer a *ariety of drinks and snacks. Chai , or tea, is a *ery

    "o"ular drink. It is usually %oiled with milk, nutmeg, and sugar. !assi (a

    yogurt drink) and sugarcane 4uice are "o"ular during the summer months.

    &nother refreshing summer drink is nim%u "aani , or fresh lime. It is made

    of crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime 4uice. amosas are dee"@

    fried "astries >lled with "otatoes, chick"eas, or other *egeta%les and are a

    "o"ular snack. 5ther snacks are tikka (s"icy %ar%eLued meat) and "akoras

    (dee"@fried *egeta%les).

    B P5!ITIC, ?C5+5=IC, &+3 +UT:ITI5+

     The use of child la%or in Pakistan is wides"read. Children not only work on

    farms, %ut in low@"aying car"et wea*ing centers. In the mid /s, %etween

    A, to / million Pakistani children aged 0 to /0 worked as full@time

    car"et wea*ers. U+IC?2 %elie*ed that they made u" almost "ercent of the

    car"et makers' work force. !ittle has %een done to enforce child la%or laws. In

    /, the United +ations got in*ol*ed %y setting u" 6 schools in eastern

    Pakistan to encourage education for children in schools, not trade.

    ed as undernourished %y the 9orld

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    under the age of >*e, a%out 0 "ercent are underweight, and o*er A "ercent

    are stunted (short for their age). The Pakistani go*ernment has esta%lished

    se*eral "rograms to im"ro*e these conditions, including the Child

    ur*i*alMPrimary ealth Care "rogram, to reduce malnutrition and deaths due

    to diseases.

    2U:T?: TU3;

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    2ood in ?*ery Country a$akhstan to outh &frica 2ood in Pakistan @

    Pakistani 2ood, Pakistani Cuisine





    / D?5D:&PIC ?TTI+D &+3 ?+EI:5+=?+T

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies



    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus

    "lains are in the central region of the country. The climate there is hot and

    dry. The region usually recei*es only a%out eight inches of rain a year and

    tem"eratures may ho*er around /012 for months at a time. 3es"ite these

    conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asisof Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e ofs"ice),

    Pakistan and chicken tandoori are still en4oyed in the twenty@>rst century.

    Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low tem"erature in s"ecial

    large clay o*ens called tandoors.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies



  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Chicken araii


    8 "ounds %oneless, skinless chicken, cut into %ite@si$ed "ieces

    F cu" water

    / cu" tomatoes, cho""ed

    H cu" green chilies, >nely cho""ed

    0 teas"oons fresh ginger, >nely cho""ed

    / teas"oon salt

    8 teas"oons %lack "e""er

    / teas"oon alls"ice "owder

    F cu" *egeta%le oil


    In a sauce"an, %oil the chicken in the water for A minutes. :emo*e the

    chicken and set aside.

    In a frying "an, heat oil o*er medium heat and add the tomatoes.

    tir and cook the tomatoes until they form a thick "aste.

    &dd the ginger, salt, alls"ice, %lack "e""er and chicken.

    Cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

    &dd the green chilies and cook for 8 minutes.

    er*es 0 to B.

    In rural areas, meat is sa*ed for a s"ecial occasion. ?ating "ork is for%idden

    for =uslims, who make u" a%out "ercent of Pakistan's "o"ulation. 5n

     Tuesdays and 9ednesdays, mutton (shee") and %eef are not su""osed to %e

    sold or ser*ed in "u%lic "laces in Pakistan (although the reason for

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


     this is considered economic, not religious). eafood and machli (>sh) arecommonly eaten in arachi, located on the coast of the &ra%ian ea.

     There are a num%er of foods to cool o the s"icy Ja*ors of a Pakistani meal.

    3Ki (yogurt) can %e eaten "lain or used in lassi . !assi is a drink made with

    yogurt, ice, and sugar for %reakfast, or salt for lunch or dinner. :aita is a

    yogurt curd with cumin and *egeta%les.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    sweet for %reakfast, or salty for lunch or dinner.


    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

    er*es 6 or 0.

    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milksolids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ular

    Pakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies



    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    of crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime 4uice. amosas are dee"@

    fried "astries >lled with "otatoes, chick"eas, or other *egeta%les and are a

    "o"ular snack. 5ther snacks are tikka (s"icy %ar%eLued meat) and "akoras

    (dee"@fried *egeta%les).

    B P5!ITIC, ?C5+5=IC, &+3 +UT:ITI5+

     The use of child la%or in Pakistan is wides"read. Children not only work on

    farms, %ut in low@"aying car"et wea*ing centers. In the mid /s, %etween

    A, to / million Pakistani children aged 0 to /0 worked as full@time

    car"et wea*ers. U+IC?2 %elie*ed that they made u" almost "ercent of the

    car"et makers' work force. !ittle has %een done to enforce child la%or laws. In

    /, the United +ations got in*ol*ed %y setting u" 6 schools in eastern

    Pakistan to encourage education for children in schools, not trade.

    ed as undernourished %y the 9orld *e, a%out 0 "ercent are underweight, and o*er A "ercent

    are stunted (short for their age). The Pakistani go*ernment has esta%lished

    se*eral "rograms to im"ro*e these conditions, including the Child

    ur*i*alMPrimary ealth Care "rogram, to reduce malnutrition and deaths due

    to diseases.

    2U:T?: TU3;

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    9eston, =ark. The !and and Peo"le of Pakistan. &rmonk, +;N ar"erCollins,


    9e% ites

    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these

    mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus "lains are in the central region of

    the country. The climate there is hot and dry. The region usually recei*es only

    a%out eight inches of rain a year and tem"eratures may ho*er around /012

    for months at a time. 3es"ite these conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the

    largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    2ood in ?*ery Country a$akhstan to outh &frica 2ood in Pakistan @

    Pakistani 2ood, Pakistani Cuisine





    / D?5D:&PIC ?TTI+D &+3 ?+EI:5+=?+T


    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comes

    from the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus

    "lains are in the central region of the country. The climate there is hot and

    dry. The region usually recei*es only a%out eight inches of rain a year and

    tem"eratures may ho*er around /012 for months at a time. 3es"ite these

    conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , adessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    Pakistan and chicken tandoori are still en4oyed in the twenty@>rst century.

    Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low tem"erature in s"ecial

    large clay o*ens called tandoors.


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    :ed chili "owder, to taste


    In a sauce"an, add the water, salt, "e""ers, and chili "owder to dried "lums.

    nely cho""ed

    0 teas"oons fresh ginger, >nely cho""ed

    / teas"oon salt

    8 teas"oons %lack "e""er

    / teas"oon alls"ice "owder

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    F cu" *egeta%le oil


    In a sauce"an, %oil the chicken in the water for A minutes. :emo*e thechicken and set aside.

    In a frying "an, heat oil o*er medium heat and add the tomatoes.

    tir and cook the tomatoes until they form a thick "aste.

    &dd the ginger, salt, alls"ice, %lack "e""er and chicken.

    Cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

    &dd the green chilies and cook for 8 minutes.

    er*es 0 to B.

    In rural areas, meat is sa*ed for a s"ecial occasion. ?ating "ork is for%idden

    for =uslims, who make u" a%out "ercent of Pakistan's "o"ulation. 5n

     Tuesdays and 9ednesdays, mutton (shee") and %eef are not su""osed to %e

    sold or ser*ed in "u%lic "laces in Pakistan (although the reason for

     this is considered economic, not religious). eafood and machli (>sh) are

    commonly eaten in arachi, located on the coast of the &ra%ian ea.

     There are a num%er of foods to cool o the s"icy Ja*ors of a Pakistani meal.

    3Ki (yogurt) can %e eaten "lain or used in lassi . !assi is a drink made with

    yogurt, ice, and sugar for %reakfast, or salt for lunch or dinner. :aita is a

    yogurt curd with cumin and *egeta%les.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    / cu" "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 cu"s mi#ed *egeta%les, such as raw s"inach and cucum%er, cooked

    "otatoes or egg"lant

    F cu" onion, cho""ed

    H teas"oon cayenne "e""er

    8 Ta%les"oons fresh mint, minced

    F teas"oon each cumin, salt, and %lack "e""er


    Com%ine all ingredients in a large %owl.

    =i# well.

    er*es B to -.

    !assi (;ogurt 3rink)

     This "o"ular drink can %e en4oyed sweet or salty. Pakistanis usually drink lassi

    sweet for %reakfast, or salty for lunch or dinner.


    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    er*es 6 or 0.

    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milk

    solids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ular

    Pakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins


    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    authority, not %eliefs.

     The two ma4or religious festi*als cele%rated %y the =uslim Pakistanis are Id

    al@2itr (also s"elled ?id al@2itr), which cele%rates the end of :amadan, and

    ce. :amadan is the =uslim month of fasting from

    sunrise to sunset. This means that no food or drinks, including water, may %e

    consumed during that time. =ost restaurants and food sho"s are closed

    during daylight hours. nished %efore the sun rises, and

    the e*ening meal is eaten after the sun goes down. Children under the age of 

    /8 are encouraged, %ut generally not e#"ected, to fast.

    3uring :amadan, =uslims rise %efore dawn to eat a meal called suhur

    ("ronounced soo@?:). 2oods containing grains

    and seeds, along with dates and %ananas, are commonly eaten %ecause they

    are considered slow to digest. This hel"s to ease hunger during the fast. &t

    sunset, the day's fast is %roken with iftar , a meal that traditionally starts with

    eating a date. &fter that, water, fruit 4uice, or lassi, and snacks such as

    samosas (meat or *egeta%le@>lled "astries) are eaten, followed %y dinner.

    3inner may include tandoori chicken or lam%. If a family can aord it, dinner

    is shared with those less fortunate.

    Id al@2itr, or the 2east of 2ast sh (in coastal areas) are eaten along with

    rice, cha"atis , and desserts.

    ce. & %akri (goat), shee", camel, orany other four@legged animal is slaughtered as a sacri>cial oering, and the

    meat is gi*en out to the "oor and needy. =uslims who can aord two meals a

    day are e#"ected to sacri>ce an animal.

    A =?&!TI=? CUT5=

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    +ihari deri*es its name from the Urdu word nihar , which means morning. &

    nihari %reakfast in Pakistan can %e *ery >lling. +ehari (stewed %eef), and

    mango are common %reakfast items. ometimes a dish made of meat cooked

    with chilies and other s"ices is cooked o*ernight to %e consumed for

    %reakfast the ne#t morning, when it is eaten with naan , a ty"e of %read, or

    "arata , which is a Jat cake fried in oil. 9omen "re"are %reakfast and allother meals for their family.

    Pakistani lunch and dinner dishes are similar. :oti (%read), chawal (rice), sa%$i

    (*egeta%les), and gosht (meat) are the main elements of a meal. Cha"atis or

    naan accom"anies e*ery meal. :ice is usually %oiled or fried. ome rice

    dishes include ka%uli "ulau , made with raisins, and %iryani, rice cooked in a

    yogurt and meat sauce. 2or the main dish, Lorma (meat curry in gra*y), Lofta

    (lam% meat%alls), or nargasi Lofta (minced %eef and egg) might %e ser*ed.

    9ater may %e oered at the %eginning or after a meal to Luench thirst, %utrarely while eating.

    treet *endors oer a *ariety of drinks and snacks. Chai , or tea, is a *ery

    "o"ular drink. It is usually %oiled with milk, nutmeg, and sugar. !assi (a

    yogurt drink) and sugarcane 4uice are "o"ular during the summer months.

    &nother refreshing summer drink is nim%u "aani , or fresh lime. It is made

    of crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime 4uice. amosas are dee"@

    fried "astries >lled with "otatoes, chick"eas, or other *egeta%les and are a

    "o"ular snack. 5ther snacks are tikka (s"icy %ar%eLued meat) and "akoras(dee"@fried *egeta%les).

    B P5!ITIC, ?C5+5=IC, &+3 +UT:ITI5+

     The use of child la%or in Pakistan is wides"read. Children not only work on

    farms, %ut in low@"aying car"et wea*ing centers. In the mid /s, %etween

    A, to / million Pakistani children aged 0 to /0 worked as full@time

    car"et wea*ers. U+IC?2 %elie*ed that they made u" almost "ercent of the

    car"et makers' work force. !ittle has %een done to enforce child la%or laws. In

    /, the United +ations got in*ol*ed %y setting u" 6 schools in eastern

    Pakistan to encourage education for children in schools, not trade.

    ed as undernourished %y the 9orld

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


     This means they do not recei*e adeLuate nutrition in their diet. 5f children

    under the age of >*e, a%out 0 "ercent are underweight, and o*er A "ercent

    are stunted (short for their age). The Pakistani go*ernment has esta%lished

    se*eral "rograms to im"ro*e these conditions, including the Child

    ur*i*alMPrimary ealth Care "rogram, to reduce malnutrition and deaths due

    to diseases.

    2U:T?: TU3;

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the roleof language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    2ood in ?*ery Country a$akhstan to outh &frica 2ood in Pakistan @

    Pakistani 2ood, Pakistani Cuisine





  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    / D?5D:&PIC ?TTI+D &+3 ?+EI:5+=?+T


    Pakistan lies northwest of India and west of China. The country's name comesfrom the Urdu language (Pakistan's ocial language), meaning !and of the

    Pure. It is a""ro#imately the si$e of Te#as and its southern coast %orders the

    &ra%ian ea. The indu ush and imalayan mountain ranges of northern

    Pakistan ha*e some of the most rugged land found anywhere in the world.

    +early all of the land in these mountains lies a%o*e ,- feet. The Indus

    "lains are in the central region of the country. The climate there is hot and

    dry. The region usually recei*es only a%out eight inches of rain a year and

    tem"eratures may ho*er around /012 for months at a time. 3es"ite these

    conditions, the Indus "lains su""ort the largest "art of Pakistan's "o"ulation.

    Urdu is Pakistan's ocial language, although only / "ercent of Pakistanis

    s"eak it. i#ty "ercent of the "o"ulation s"eak Pun4a%i. 5ther languages

    include indhi (/6 "ercent)7 Pushto or Pashtu, s"oken %y the Pathans (-

    "ercent)7 and ashmiri, 8 "ercent. 9ith this di*ersity, and %ecause of the role

    of language in cultural identity, Urdu has %een ado"ted as Pakistan's national


    8 IT5:; &+3 2553

     The s"reading of the Islam religion, starting in the &.3. s, forms the %asis

    of Pakistani cuisine. sh, and *egeta%les.

     The =oghul ?m"ire (from India) %egan its ruling in "resent@day Pakistan

    around /A8B. Its style of cooking, called =ughal , ty"ically includes such

    ingredients as her%s and s"ices, almonds, and raisins. =ughal cooking

    remains an im"ortant "art of Pakistani cuisine. 2oods such as shahi tukra , a

    dessert made with sliced %read, milk, cream, sugar, and saron (a ty"e of


    Pakistan and chicken tandoori are still en4oyed in the twenty@>rst century.

    Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low tem"erature in s"ecial

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    large clay o*ens called tandoors.


  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    an o"en >re.

    Chicken araii


    8 "ounds %oneless, skinless chicken, cut into %ite@si$ed "ieces

    F cu" water

    / cu" tomatoes, cho""ed

    H cu" green chilies, >nely cho""ed

    0 teas"oons fresh ginger, >nely cho""ed

    / teas"oon salt

    8 teas"oons %lack "e""er

    / teas"oon alls"ice "owder

    F cu" *egeta%le oil


    In a sauce"an, %oil the chicken in the water for A minutes. :emo*e the

    chicken and set aside.

    In a frying "an, heat oil o*er medium heat and add the tomatoes.

    tir and cook the tomatoes until they form a thick "aste.

    &dd the ginger, salt, alls"ice, %lack "e""er and chicken.

    Cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

    &dd the green chilies and cook for 8 minutes.

    er*es 0 to B.

    In rural areas, meat is sa*ed for a s"ecial occasion. ?ating "ork is for%idden

    for =uslims, who make u" a%out "ercent of Pakistan's "o"ulation. 5n

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


     Tuesdays and 9ednesdays, mutton (shee") and %eef are not su""osed to %e

    sold or ser*ed in "u%lic "laces in Pakistan (although the reason for

     this is considered economic, not religious). eafood and machli (>sh) are

    commonly eaten in arachi, located on the coast of the &ra%ian ea.

     There are a num%er of foods to cool o the s"icy Ja*ors of a Pakistani meal.

    3Ki (yogurt) can %e eaten "lain or used in lassi . !assi is a drink made with

    yogurt, ice, and sugar for %reakfast, or salt for lunch or dinner. :aita is a

    yogurt curd with cumin and *egeta%les.

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    !assi (;ogurt 3rink)

     This "o"ular drink can %e en4oyed sweet or salty. Pakistanis usually drink lassi

    sweet for %reakfast, or salty for lunch or dinner.


    6 cu"s "lain yogurt

    6 to 0 ice cu%es

    / teas"oon salt or sugar

    F cu" water


    Com%ine all ingredients in a %lender and %lend until smooth.

    Pour into indi*idual glasses.

    er*es 6 or 0.

    Pakistanis may en4oy such desserts as kheer (rice "uding) or kul> ("istachio

    ice cream). ome sweet sho"s may sell 4ale%i, which are dee"@fried orange

    "ret$els made with Jour, yogurt, and sugar, and %ar>, made from dried milk

    solids. 5ering sweets to one another to cele%rate ha""y e*ents is a "o"ular

    Pakistani tradition.

    heer (:ice Pudding)


    / cu" rice, uncooked

    F gallon milk

    H cu" almonds or "istachios, crushed

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    /F cu" sugar

    H cu" raisins


    Com%ine the rice and milk in a large sauce"an and %ring to a %oil.

    :educe heat to low and add the sugar and nuts. tir.

    Co*er and simmer for / minutes.

    "rinkle with raisins. er*e hot or cold.

    er*es 0.

    0 2553 25: :?!IDI5U &+3 5!I3&; C?!?

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    and seeds, along with dates and %ananas, are commonly eaten %ecause they

    are considered slow to digest. This hel"s to ease hunger during the fast. &t

    sunset, the day's fast is %roken with iftar , a meal that traditionally starts with

    eating a date. &fter that, water, fruit 4uice, or lassi, and snacks such as

    samosas (meat or *egeta%le@>lled "astries) are eaten, followed %y dinner.

    3inner may include tandoori chicken or lam%. If a family can aord it, dinneris shared with those less fortunate.

    Id al@2itr, or the 2east of 2ast sh (in coastal areas) are eaten along with

    rice, cha"atis , and desserts.

    ce. & %akri (goat), shee", camel, or

    any other four@legged animal is slaughtered as a sacri>cial oering, and the

    meat is gi*en out to the "oor and needy. =uslims who can aord two meals a

    day are e#"ected to sacri>ce an animal.

    A =?&!TI=? CUT5=

    +ihari deri*es its name from the Urdu word nihar , which means morning. &

    nihari %reakfast in Pakistan can %e *ery >lling. +ehari (stewed %eef), and

    mango are common %reakfast items. ometimes a dish made of meat cooked

    with chilies and other s"ices is cooked o*ernight to %e consumed for%reakfast the ne#t morning, when it is eaten with naan , a ty"e of %read, or

    "arata , which is a Jat cake fried in oil. 9omen "re"are %reakfast and all

    other meals for their family.

    Pakistani lunch and dinner dishes are similar. :oti (%read), chawal (rice), sa%$i

    (*egeta%les), and gosht (meat) are the main elements of a meal. Cha"atis or

    naan accom"anies e*ery meal. :ice is usually %oiled or fried. ome rice

    dishes include ka%uli "ulau , made with raisins, and %iryani, rice cooked in a

    yogurt and meat sauce. 2or the main dish, Lorma (meat curry in gra*y), Lofta(lam% meat%alls), or nargasi Lofta (minced %eef and egg) might %e ser*ed.

    9ater may %e oered at the %eginning or after a meal to Luench thirst, %ut

    rarely while eating.

    treet *endors oer a *ariety of drinks and snacks. Chai , or tea, is a *ery

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    "o"ular drink. It is usually %oiled with milk, nutmeg, and sugar. !assi (a

    yogurt drink) and sugarcane 4uice are "o"ular during the summer months.

    &nother refreshing summer drink is nim%u "aani , or fresh lime. It is made

    of crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime 4uice. amosas are dee"@

    fried "astries >lled with "otatoes, chick"eas, or other *egeta%les and are a

    "o"ular snack. 5ther snacks are tikka (s"icy %ar%eLued meat) and "akoras(dee"@fried *egeta%les).

    B P5!ITIC, ?C5+5=IC, &+3 +UT:ITI5+

     The use of child la%or in Pakistan is wides"read. Children not only work on

    farms, %ut in low@"aying car"et wea*ing centers. In the mid /s, %etween

    A, to / million Pakistani children aged 0 to /0 worked as full@time

    car"et wea*ers. U+IC?2 %elie*ed that they made u" almost "ercent of the

    car"et makers' work force. !ittle has %een done to enforce child la%or laws. In

    /, the United +ations got in*ol*ed %y setting u" 6 schools in eastern

    Pakistan to encourage education for children in schools, not trade.

    ed as undernourished %y the 9orld *e, a%out 0 "ercent are underweight, and o*er A "ercent

    are stunted (short for their age). The Pakistani go*ernment has esta%lished

    se*eral "rograms to im"ro*e these conditions, including the Child

    ur*i*alMPrimary ealth Care "rogram, to reduce malnutrition and deaths due

    to diseases.

    2U:T?: TU3;

  • 8/20/2019 Pakistani Recipies


    "ectrum Duide to Pakistan.