Presentation of Al, Qaisar and My trip to Multan and its adjoining flood areas + How you can help from Saudi /Jeddah By Saad Amanullah Khan August 16 th , 2010

Pakistan Floods 2010

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Presentation of Al, Qaisar and My trip to Multan and its adjoining

flood areas+ How you can help from Saudi



Saad Amanullah Khan

August 16th, 2010

Damage Todate:• 1/5th Pakistan is

Underwater• 20 MM affected

(Belgium and Sweden put together)

• 3.5 MM homeless• 2,000 have died• 300 M homes

swept away • 4.0 MM acre of

agriculture land destroyed (bigger then Greece or Tunisia)

• 3 MM are child bearing mothers

• Damage to crops and infrastructure has yet to be calculated but can run in many billions of US$.


FLOOD TOUCHING MOMENTS: Joy for army releif operation as twins are born safely during releif operation .AP

Ariel View When Landing at Multan on Aug 16th, 2010

Devastation as far as the eye can see, all the way to the horizon – water,

water and nothing but water

Drive to Muzafargarh to visit the HOPE camp of 6 doctors and 4


You will see fertile land on the way, but then nothing but destruction,

victims and water, water and more water

A local mill (Thal Jute Mills) had collected funds and goods to help the refugees

We came across camps made by NGO’s randomly but none

unfortunately by the government

This Camp is run by International Relief and Development

HOPE Team set up their Camp

All roads to Muzaffargarh (located between River Indus and River

Chenab) were inaccessible – water had destroyed them all

We started from Multan to go to Muzaffargarh, crossed an overflowing Chenab river and could only go to the

triangle – Muzaffargarh was not reachable.

We landed in Multan and then drove

towards Muzaffargarh but could only go as far as the little triangle.

See how Muzaffargarh is surrounded by

two rivers Chenab and


River Chenab on Aug 16th, 2010 overflowing it banks

River Chenab overflowing into neighboring fields and orchards

Road to Muzaffargarh is flooded and inaccessible

You can see a goods truck and a van (white in enlargement) stuck and half

immersed in flood water

Enlargement of yellow box in next slide

See vehicles stuck in deep water

From Left to RightMr. Al Rajwani, VP P&G Arabian Peninsula & Pakistan,

Mr. Saad Amanullah Khan, CEO Gillette Pakistan,Mr. Qaisar Shareef, General Manager P&G Pakistan

Looked for an alternate road to Muzaffargarh – and found that the entire road has been swept away

And notice how the fields around this areas have been destroyed

Massive damage to the road to Muzaffargarh

Inspecting the broken road

Al Rajwani reviews the damage caused by the floods

See Damage done to the standing crop which was within weeks of

being picked and sold in the market

Billions of dollars of losses. This was the poor farmers bank balance and today he stands with no saving, no home and no future without your


Standing crop of cotton and sugarcane rotting in flood waters

Victims (women, men and children) are all sitting and waiting for help

and relief goods to survive

Victims just sitting and standing

HELP US !!! We have lost everything we own

Saving their livestock – ingenious way of transportation (can you locate 2 goats and one lamb)

On the Highway back to Multan we saw refugees in makeshift shelters

for miles with no food, water or sanitation

In Multan Ariel had set up a clothes washing camp within a refugee

camp in a local school which had nearly 1800 refugees.

I could touch and feel the P&G spirit of touching and improving lives as I

watched the refugees come with their dirty, sweaty cloths and get

some respect and help

Unbelievable photo of floods and destruction.Thank you for all those who are helping these people

How you can help from jeddah

• SMS via STC 5565 SR 10 to Pakistan flood campaign• Donors can write a check or make a cash deposit to National

Commercial Bank (NCB) account number SA8710000020162400000107. This can be done by phone, through NCB ATMs or through the bank’s website.

• Contact XP&Ger Riyad alhafeez [email protected] 0504618470 for any overall coordination assistance

• hannan 0507180538,ELIXIR for coordination of relief good for pakistan school

• Saad khan [email protected], Pakistan Gillete GM for 1st hand on ground info coordination


We have just completed phase one of our relief operation in the worst affected areas of Sukkur, Muzzafargarh and Peshawar, where we conducted medical camps and provided medicine free of cost for about 2300 men, women and children. We also distributed essential food items, shelter and bedding for close to 700 families, which will last them for 45 days. Simultaneously we are conducting safe drinking water campaigns where HOPE teams demonstrate and provide PuR water purifying sachets, plus utensils to promote clean water for families. HOPE's ongoing PuR campaign aims to reach 40,000 families in the next two weeks. The displaced population is currently living in makeshift camps and government buildings, while some are still stranded in flooded areas. The evacuees are in dire need of food, shelter, medical care and safe drinking water. HOPE is:1. Distributing essential food supply and personal hygiene packages to families2. Providing shelter, bedding and cooking utensils3. Setting up medical camps and providing medicines free of cost4. Conducting a safe drinking water campaign The total estimated cost per relief package is Rs27,940, which includes pulse, flour, sugar, rice, tea, cooking oil, bedding, and medicine (please see attached document). For more details on HOPE’s operation, please review its project proposal (also attached). Looking forward to your response.Sincerely,Fatima Mohsin For more information on HOPE, please read below and visit our webpage: www.hope-ngo.com Karachi-based HOPE (Health Oriented Preventive Education), a non-government organization that was started in 1997. HOPE has been working for the benefit of the poor and needy women and children in the urban areas of Karachi, rural Sindh, NWFP, AJK (northern areas) as well as Balochistan. Its main activities focus on health, education and disaster response across Pakistan. It set up relief operations in earthquake hit areas in the North in 2005 and in Balochistan in 2008. Relief operations were also carried out in 2007 in Sindh and Balochistan after floods caused massive destruction. HOPE also initiated relief operations for the IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) in Swat in 2009.

Fatima MohsinHOPE (Health Oriented Preventive Education

- Collecting food medicine at Pak school jed hannan 0507180538

Food packs needed for flood

• Needed items per 1 carton / box:• High Energy Biscuits (family pack x 3)• Long Life Milk (1 Litre x 1)• Tinned Fruits (Large can x 1)• Tinned Tuna fish (Small can x 2)• Potato chips (150g x 1)• Dates (Med/Large pack x 1)• 250ml Juices (pack of 6 x 2)• Glucose / ORS sachet (x 6)• Box of chocolates (200g x 1)• Anti-bacterial/anti-septic soap OR liquid ( x 2)• Baby food – small bottles ( x 2)• Pack of paper cups (20-25 pcs x 1)• Drinking water bottles (1.5L x 2)

إنفاذ الشعب الباكستاني ♥2010 ------> فيضانات باكستان ♥ ...قد سمعتم عن الدمار الذي سببته الفيضانات في باكستان

.أكثر من أربعة عشر مليوَن شخص تضرروا من الفيضانات، وهم يمثلون حوالي ُعشر السكان، وُقتل بسببها أكثر من ألف ستمائة شخص فضل عن نزوح مليونين عن ديارهمكارثة الفيضانات التي تضرب باكستان قد تتحول إلى أزمة صحية حيث تتزايد المخاوف من انتشار الوبئة بعد أن سجلْت العديد من الصابات بالحمى وأمراض المعدة والمراض الجلدية

."النقص الحاد في المياه الصالحة للشرب يزيد في تعقيد أوضاع المنكوبين ويضع حياة الطفال في خطر:رئيس بعثة لجنة الصليب الحمر الدولي يحذر ويقول

وإذا لم نتدارْك الوضع، وهذا ما نشدد عليه، إذا لم نتدارك الوضَع لحل هذه المشاكل بسرعة، فإن عدد الوفيات جراء هذه الكارثة سيرتفع بشكل. الماء الصالح للشرب ليس محدودا بل منعدماهناك أطفال يموتون في هذه اللحظة بالذات“. ملحوظ .

و هناك في باكستان تأثر مناطق كبيرة و طرق و المستشفيات و المدارس و الحكومة البكستانية ليس قادرة على تلبي إحتياجات الشعب الباكستاني والشعب فقدوا كل ما لديهم من الملك و.الزرع و ليس لديهم طعام ول ماء نقي و ل إسعافات أولية ول مأوى تحميهم من الحر القاسي في صيامهم و كل ما لديهم للفطار هو الماء

:تعاونوا في هذا الشهر الفضيل التي تتكاثر فيه الحسنات بالتبرع لخوانكم في باكستان1: Islamic Relief Agencyتعتبر بمثابة المم المتحدة و لها سجل كبير في العمل التطوعي :


2: Human Development Foundation:.قدموا مساعدة كبيرة للمتأثرين عند وقوع زلزال في جنوب آسيا

http://www.hdf.com3. Edhi Foundation:

http://www.edhifoundation.com/للسبعين فهو يسافر في إنحاء باكستان لمؤسساته لمتابعتها وعلى الرغم من بلوغه, عاما من عمره في خدمة النسانيه45 عبدا لستار انفق أكثر من

توجه عبدالستار ايدهي إلى العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت لتقديم معونات النسانية لضحايا العدوان السرائيلي على لبنان •

.4- AL-KHDIMAT FOUNDATION PAKISTAN: http://al-khidmatfoundation.org/donate-here.php قاموا بإعداد بنية تحتية لتنفيذ عمليات الغاثة والنقاذ في المناطق المتضررة من الفيضانات وشارك عدد كبيرمن المتطوعين في عمليات النفاذ و قاموا بإجلء السكان الذين تقطعت بهم السبل من الماكن المغمورة كما قاموا بإعداد خيم للمتضررين5- Muslim Hands: http://www.muslimhands.org/en/gb/http://www.muslimhands.org/en/gb/appeals/pakistan_flood_crisis/6- Muslime Aid: http://www.muslimaid.org/http://www.muslimaid.org/index.php/what-we-do/4777- Helping Hands - http://www.helpinghandonline.org/https://www.helpinghandonline.org/donate.aspx?proid=758. http://www.petarianfoundation.org/FloodReliefphotos.htm9. http://www.insaf.pk/Welfare/PakistanFloodVictims/tabid/237/Default.aspx10. http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/media-gallery/17-chain-of-support-ek-01

The above links are few of the reputed agencies @ work with dozens of others for flood pakistan

Key is something has to be done BIG AND FAST FOR THIS DISASTER! Every drop counts..

Mdarasa Saad Bin Abi Waqas, near Masjid Tawun, Al-Azizia jeddah






• You all know that Pakistan is going through the the toughest times, the situation is detirorating every day & we need your prayers & support to meet the challange.

•Please take out time to watch this short video, this will help understanding the situation & requirements. We need to act in a very organized way.

• • PIA - Pakistan Internation Airlines is shipping 'free of cost' food boxes from all over the world,

please act now, spread the message among your circle.

• List of Goods Required include: Dates, Insect Repellent, Disposable Glasses, Baby Feeders, Sanitary Pads, Soap

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhER02dcE8Q&feature=player_embedded

• Jazakallah