Upper Murray Business Inc. Registration No 0035782T ABN 39 482 956 404 Page 1 Minutes for the General Meeting 11 April 2017 at 5:30 pm at the CNC Meeting Opened: 5.40 pm Presented: Ed Barry, Jo Mackinnon, Kate Butler, Jeanette Shea Towong Shire Representatives: Lauren Elvin (phone) Jennie Star and Andrew Whitehead Apologies: Justin Costello, Maxine Brockfield, Gerard Evans. Moved Kate Butler Seconded Ed Barry Carried Minutes of the last General Meeting Moved Jo Mackinnon Seconded Ed Barry Carried Correspondence In: Email from Maxine UMHC&S re Euan Semple Presentation on Social media Correspondence: Out: Email circulated re Euan Semple Presentation Email from Ed Barry to Kenny Bower re Retailers map Moved Jo Mackinnon Seconded Kate Butler Carried Treasurers Report: Opening Balance $4305.25 Closing Balance $4181.25 Tagged Money Benambra Road $1366.17 Air Port Upgrade $1000.00 Great River Road Project $1000.00 Available Funds $815.08 Membership 28 Moved Ed Barry Seconded Jo Mackinnon Carried General Business: 1 Upper Murray 2030 The formation of a Community Board Ed reported that an interim board has been setup as a Sub Committee of UMBI to be part of the implementation of the Great River Road Funding and Branding 2 Update of Great River Road and Funding Application Lauren reported that they are waiting for the State Government funding to be approved and announced. Ed enquired as to how the Towong Shire envisaged the Community Board would be involved in the Great River Road and Lauren explained that a Reference Group will be set up with members comprising of Interim Board ( The Steering Committee) and Community Representatives from each area of the Road ie Walwa Tintaldra etc This reference group will be key to the implementation of the Project in conjunction with Towong Shire (Jamie Heritage and Andrew Kay ) Parks Victoria and Vic Roads

Page 1€¦ · Apologies: Justin Costello, Maxine Brockfield, Gerard Evans. Moved Kate Butler Seconded Ed Barry Carried Minutes of the last General Meeting Moved Jo Mackinnon Seconded

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Page 1: Page 1€¦ · Apologies: Justin Costello, Maxine Brockfield, Gerard Evans. Moved Kate Butler Seconded Ed Barry Carried Minutes of the last General Meeting Moved Jo Mackinnon Seconded

Upper Murray Business Inc. Registration No 0035782T ABN 39 482 956 404

Page 1

Minutes for the General Meeting

11 April 2017 at 5:30 pm at the CNC

Meeting Opened: 5.40 pm

Presented: Ed Barry, Jo Mackinnon, Kate Butler, Jeanette Shea

Towong Shire Representatives: Lauren Elvin (phone) Jennie Star and Andrew Whitehead

Apologies: Justin Costello, Maxine Brockfield, Gerard Evans.

Moved Kate Butler Seconded Ed Barry Carried

Minutes of the last General Meeting

Moved Jo Mackinnon Seconded Ed Barry Carried

Correspondence In:

Email from Maxine UMHC&S re Euan Semple Presentation on Social media

Correspondence: Out:

Email circulated re Euan Semple Presentation

Email from Ed Barry to Kenny Bower re Retailers map

Moved Jo Mackinnon Seconded Kate Butler Carried

Treasurers Report:

Opening Balance $4305.25 Closing Balance $4181.25

Tagged Money

Benambra Road $1366.17 Air Port Upgrade $1000.00 Great River Road Project $1000.00

Available Funds $815.08

Membership 28

Moved Ed Barry Seconded Jo Mackinnon Carried

General Business:

1 Upper Murray 2030 The formation of a Community Board

Ed reported that an interim board has been setup as a Sub Committee of UMBI to be part of the

implementation of the Great River Road Funding and Branding

2 Update of Great River Road and Funding Application

Lauren reported that they are waiting for the State Government funding to be approved and announced.

Ed enquired as to how the Towong Shire envisaged the Community Board would be involved in the Great

River Road and Lauren explained that a Reference Group will be set up with members comprising of Interim Board (

The Steering Committee) and Community Representatives from each area of the Road ie Walwa Tintaldra etc

This reference group will be key to the implementation of the Project in conjunction with Towong Shire (Jamie

Heritage and Andrew Kay ) Parks Victoria and Vic Roads

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Upper Murray Business Inc. Registration No 0035782T ABN 39 482 956 404

Page 2

3 Benambra Corryong Road C545 report No report at this stage.

4 Corryong Saleyards.

Council has endorsed the formation of a Reference Group rather than a Section 86 Committee. Positions on the

reference group will be advertised after Easter with information regarding the responsibilities of the reference

group being available on Councils Website

5 Corryong Airport Precinct Project Update

Lauren reported that all is progressing well with works about to begin. The lease hasn’t been signed but

Council have put in place whatever needs to happen to ensure there is no delay in the Project

6 Corryong Traders Group

Jo and Jeanette reported on the inaugural Twilight Farmers Market and Late Night Shopping was very

successful with many businesses extending opening hours and enjoying the benefits of extended trading

The general discussion about the Festival was a positive one with a lot of good feedback from businesses

Jennie Starr hoped that businesses would complete the Festival Survey

It was decided that UMBI would write to the board and congratulate them on a great Festival

It was decided that an article would be put in the Courier regarding the Corryong Traders, the success of the

Farmers Market and late night shopping and inviting all retail businesses to participate in the upcoming Traders

Meeting to discuss the ideas for Christmas and fundraising.

Other Business

Kate Butler discussed the difficulty Pony Club was having erecting the horse silhouettes because of the state of

existing brackets and the danger of access to some roofs

It was suggested the Pony Club discuss with the Men’s Shed what could be resolved

It was pointed out during the Festival that there is a lack of Public bins along the Attree Park end of town. Jo is to

contact the Shire and Request a CARS form to get a couple of bins installed

Jennie Star talked about the Metal sculptor erected outside the Memorial hall and that there are smaller versions that

could be incorporated in the Town Trails (Vision 2030) as informative signage

Jennie to investigate further and Jeanette to consider WAW funding opportunities

Next Meeting 9/5/17 Meeting Closed: -…6.40pm ……

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Action and Agreement Record – OHS Committee Meeting

Date 16Mar17 Time 9:00 am Venue Indi Room Tallangatta

Chairperson Wayne Carter Minute Taker Wayne Carter File # 06/04/0212

Present Deanne Brown / Ian Moore / Mick Boyle / Joshua Fleming / Dolf Abbruzzese / Wayne Carter

Apologies Jo Shannon / Jamie Heritage / Penelope Sell

Points of Discussion Action Taken / Action Required CARS

action # Who When /

Status 1. Volunteers for next meeting Action and Agreement record (minutes) Agenda preparation Chair next meeting

Wayne Wayne Wayne

2. Adopt minutes from previous meeting held 16Feb17

Moved: Deanne Brown Seconded: Mick Boyle

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Working IN the System

Points of Discussion Action Taken / Action Required CARS action #

Who When / Status

3. Matters arising from previous meetings

Tallangatta Depot Workshop – on rainy days, Mechanic is exposed to water inside the Workshop on the floor and in the work area due to leaking roof and holes in skylights – this can be a slip/trip hazard and he also has to kneel/lie on damp/wet floors occasionally. Rest of Workshop is in need of attention as well.

“My Dad’s Awesome” program – this program focuses on Dads and families – more information about the pilot program for Corryong will be available in the next month.

Defibrillators save lives – there are current lists of locations of Defibrillators in Corryong and Tallangatta, however it would be a great idea to have a Defibrillator located at the Pools and/or at other sporting facilities. The cost can be prohibitive but we should look at other ways that we may be able to access them eg through Government grants, sponsorship etc.

Annual Incident Report Form review – the Incident Report Form has been in the current format for over two years, and has just been reviewed.

Inspected Workshop on a rainy day – completed risk assessment – risk assessment passed to Civil/Asset Engineer (Rachael) – will be inspected, assessed and costed by Engineer and placed into future capital works program. Plans for program are progressing well – more information to be communicated at next meeting. Next round of grants should be available in March – we will communicate with relevant people and encourage them to apply for funding for their sporting club. • Revised form approved by OHS

Committee for release. • Form is to be sent out to all staff and

changed over in all workplaces.










16Mar17 20Apr17



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4. Outstanding Incident Reports from previous meetings Incident No. 638 – Employee was approached by member of Public who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or other substance partially exposing herself in the Library, and wanting to use the toilet facilities. Incident No. 639 – Employee in Library had to comfort a member of Public when they became upset. Incident No. 665 – Employee was driving a Garbage Truck in NSW and was pulled up by Heavy Vehicle Inspector. The dual-control system was not operating properly at the time, so the driver could not operate the truck from the RHS. In addition, the driver was not aware of the different mass limits allowed between the States (only aware of Vic limit). The Garbage trucks don’t have any scales on them which would allow the driver to monitor their load/mass. Incident No. 668 – Customer came into Corryong Office and was verbally abusive and aggressive towards Customer Service staff. They were following up on earlier complaint they had filed with Council, and weren’t happy with the outcome. The customer left when staff had to attend to phone calls. Incident No. 671 – Employee was reversing private vehicle out of the Kinder and spotted a child near the road – while

Information regarding how to deal with situations similar to this will be circulated to relevant staff, and will be considered for inclusion at relevant Toolbox meetings. As for INC 638. Dual-control switch repaired. Pre-start checklists reviewed. Quotes for fitting scales to trucks sourced (approx $15K each). General Mass Limit (GML) for our Garbage trucks is 15T in both NSW and Vic – driver/operators have been informed of this. A review of average bin weights and garbage runs is required to ensure we are complying with the GML. Customer complaint has been dealt with and they are aware of Council’s decision. Information regarding how to deal with situations similar to this will be circulated to relevant staff, and will be considered for inclusion at relevant Toolbox meetings. Employee reminded to concentrate when operating a vehicle – if distracted, Stop.








Sharif / Tim








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their concentration was distracted with the child, they continued reversing and hit a Council vehicle on the front bumper, causing minor damage (small dent). Incident No. 673 – Employee was reversing a Backhoe off the Float – back right wheel locked up on Backhoe causing the Backhoe to shift/rotate slightly – front wheel came off ramp just before touching the ground.

Council vehicle will be assessed and repaired. Operators have been reminded to ensure the brake pedal locks are checked prior to moving on/off the Float – discussed at Depot Toolbox Meetings.


5. Review of Public Liability Incidents Incident No. 670 – Lady slipped over in the wading pool at Corryong, twisting her hip and knee. Ambulance was called and she was transported to Hospital for tests/observation.

Incident has been reported to our Insurer. Contact has been made with lady’s family and claim form has been sent out to them (as requested by them). Pool has been checked. Wait to hear from lady’s family. No further action at this stage.




6. Review Incident Reports since last meeting: Incident No. 677 – Employee accidentally left keys in rear gate of Tallangatta Library, Early years and Community Centre after watering plants in yard. Keys were later handed in to the Council Office. Incident No. 678 – Possible asbestos contamination was identified at Tallangatta Transfer Station.

All Outdoor staff are to be reminded that if they hold keys, they must be more vigilant about security. Area was inspected and four samples of suspect material were sent away for testing. Results revealed one sample contained asbestos. Quotes are being obtained for removal of contaminated waste and clean up of area.



Ian / Lance




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Incident No. 679 – Employee was operating a Grader and had the blade out to one side – when they folded the blade back under the Grader, it caught on the step, bending the step.

Outdoor staff are to be reminded to keep their minds on the job at hand – they need to concentrate more closely on what they are doing and not be distracted or become complacent.


Ian / Lance


7. Active Workers Compensation Claims There are no active Workers Compensation Claims.

Working ON the System 8. Improvement opportunities being worked on

Internal Review of Safety Management System (SMS) – Internal Review of Towong Shire SMS completed.

• During the review, a score of 3 was identified as an acceptable minimum requirement

• 10 items were identified with a score of less than 3.

• 7 have been addressed with completion of the remaining 3 items scheduled in the OHS Plan.

• Progress is reported in OHS Committee Meetings and bi-monthly updates to Council.

Jo / Wayne


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Working ON ourselves 9. Training and personal development Skills matrix and training plan – being updated and implemented. WorkPlans – reviews due for Outdoor staff.

• Skills matrix, gap analysis and training

plan for Depot staff completed. • Training Plan being implemented. • Priority / focus early 2017 will be

chainsaw and dogging competencies.

• Next round of Workplans for Outdoor staff are ready to be implemented.

Ian / Lance

Ian / Lance



General Business 10. New Business

Office Security Procedure at Corryong – a revised Procedure for security at the Corryong Office has been circulated to workers in that area for feedback.

Heavy Vehicles – It is a requirement in Victoria that if you drive a Heavy Vehicle with Gross Vehicle Mass of more than 12T, you must carry three approved portable warning triangles in your vehicle at all times – these must be used if you have to stop your vehicle or if any part of your load falls onto the road (including the shoulder).

Feedback has been received and will be considered prior to further consultation and releasing of the Procedure. • Team Leaders are to check all Heavy

Vehicles to see if they comply – purchase triangles if needed.

• OHS Officer will print and laminate requirements for positioning warning triangles, and these can be placed with the triangles in the vehicles.




Ian / Lance / Wayne



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Ergonomic sit/stand workstation trial – advances in technology and changes in our lifestyle have resulted in many of us spending more time sitting down – these changes have been directly linked to an increase in health problems. Adjusting our posture, routine and moving around more can benefit us, so to assist in this, Council will be conducting a trial using sit/stand workstations in the Tallangatta Office.

Illegal dwellings – following notification from the Municipal Association of Victoria regarding a Coroner’s report on a 2015 death near Shepparton of a person living in a shed they had converted to a dwelling without Planning or Building permits, Council will consider the Coroner’s recommendations and look at the risk of this happening in our Shire.

• Sit/stand “platforms/workstations”

have been purchased. • Details of the trial and Guidelines for

the safe use of these workstations in the standing position will be circulated to all Tallangatta Indoor staff by 24 March.

• OHS Officer will investigate if similar

incidents could occur in our Shire and what (if anything) could/should be done to mitigate the risks surrounding such incidents.

• Options to address the Coroner’s recommendations will then be developed and considered.




Jo / Wayne






Meeting Closed: 10:00am Next Meeting: Thu 20Apr17 at 9.00am (Indi Room)

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