Hello! Thank you so much for your choice! First Question: Well your first card is New Career "Your work focus is shifting in a positive, new and successful direction (i could not believe it when i saw it!), so yes the fairies say that you will have a new career, you are in the right path. The second card is Birthday "Your birthday holds the answer to your question", so i believe that in August, you will probably now what will be your new job, or what to do to find this new job. The third card is Winter "The answers to your prayers and affirmations are fully realized in the winter months". I did confirm with my pendulum and i believe in the next Winter you will have this new and more fulfilling job So.. it wont be right now, it will take a litle bit of time, because like in many things you will be doing some internal work, and learning what is right and confortable for you in terms of the job right for you. I recomend the use of the stone Jasper, that helps with unfolding, nurturing (the ideia of this new job), Manifesting (the new job) and Continuity (for this new job to last and develop). When you think about this job look for what will make you happy in a long term. I feel that you need to work to be more decisive and assertive, wich this stone will help you. About this soul mate ;) First Card is Affirmations "To lift up your thoughts and energy and to atract what you desire, use positive afiirmations" You should definitly use positive affimations to atract this beatiful soul mate (i recomend Louise Hay she is very good with positive affimrations). I feel that this is about confidence and self esteem. He is waiting for you to be ready!


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Hello! Thank you so much for your choice!First Question:

Well your first card is New Career "Your work focus is shifting in a positive, new and successful direction (i could not believe it when i saw it!), so yes the fairies say that you will have a new career, you are in the right path.The second card is Birthday "Your birthday holds the answer to your question", so i believe that in August, you will probably now what will be your new job, or what to do to find this new job.The third card is Winter "The answers to your prayers and affirmations are fully realized in the winter months".I did confirm with my pendulum and i believe in the next Winter you will have this new and more fulfilling jobSo.. it wont be right now, it will take a litle bit of time, because like in many things you will be doing some internal work, and learning what is right and confortable for you in terms of the job right for you.I recomend the use of the stone Jasper, that helps with unfolding, nurturing (the ideia of this new job), Manifesting (the new job) and Continuity (for this new job to last and develop).When you think about this job look for what will make you happy in a long term.I feel that you need to work to be more decisive and assertive, wich this stone will help you.

About this soul mate ;)

First Card is Affirmations "To lift up your thoughts and energy and to atract what you desire, use positive afiirmations"You should definitly use positive affimations to atract this beatiful soul mate (i recomend Louise Hay she is very good with positive affimrations). I feel that this is about confidence and self esteem.He is waiting for you to be ready!Second card is Pregancy!! "The birth of a child brings great blessings to you and world"Well this card explains itself!Third Card Practice Pratice Pratice "With daily pratice you can polish your skills and talents and increase your confidence"Do pratice positive affirmations (and maiby meditation) to bring harmony and love to this love relationship, you do have strong skills as mother anf wife.

I ask the pendulum about this soul mate, i do believe he is blond, he is tall!He is gentle and hás amazing hugs... he is gentle and tall But please accept the possibility of other types of people, be open to all types of man, as long as they respect you.You can use Iron Pirite with you when you use the affirmations, you can have this stone all the time with you, it will bring abundance and sucess (in love), and builds self confiedence and self esteem, wich is a very important thing to have when one is looking for a partner


This is a very protective stone to that will help to make your dreams come.

I hope you will find this beauthiful and gentle man (maybe he will come to you, be open and positive, i do believe in two months you will meet him, but be calm and do the affimations work).I feel that you are a spiritual person, with a lot of love to give. It was very nice to make this reading for you.I hope my english is good because is not my mother language

Sending you a lot love and gratitude

Karu Cata