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Oxford Owl Reading Resources


Level 2.4

Front cover questions

1. What do you think the book is going to be about? Why?

2. Do you think it will be a fiction or a non-fiction book? Why?

Pages 1-10 questions

1. What were Wilf and Chip building? (page 1)

2. Who were Wilf and Chip pretending to be?

3. Why could Floppy not join Wilf and Chip in the rocket ship?

4. What did Nadim bring with him? (page 4)

5. Why did the boys not play in the rocket ship?

6. Who was the best at the computer game? Why? (page 6)

7. How did the boys know it was time for an adventure?

8. Where did the magic take them?

9. How did the boys end up inside the rocket ship?

10. What did Floppy do that made the rocket ship take flight? (page 10)

Pages 10-32 questions

11. Why do you think the boys began to float in the rocket ship?

12. Why did the boys put on boots?

13. What did Floppy do to show he didn’t like the look of the planet? (page 15)

14. What did the boys need to do to go outside?

15. Why did the buggy break in two? (page 21)

16. Who did the boys and Floppy come across in the cave?

17. How did Floppy’s space suit fill with air?

18. What did Wilf do to escape the cave? (page 27)

19. Why did the boys not have to land the rocket? (pae 31)

20. How do you think the boys were feeling when they got back home?

Level 3. 4

Front cover questions

1. What do you think the book is going to be about? Why?

2. Do you think it will be a fiction or a non-fiction book? Why?

Section 1 – Golf questions

1. In your own words explain what the word equipment means. (page 5)

2. What did people used to wear when playing golf?

3. Find an antonym for formal on page 7.

4. What is special about golf shoes worn today? Why do they wear these shoes?

5. Why do you think golfers only wear a glove on one hand?

6. What is the biggest difference between golf clubs now and years ago?

7. Why do you think they are made from a different material?(page 8)

8. What was the first golf ball made of in 1600?

9. What are golf balls today made from?

Section 2- Tennis questions

1. When was the first short tennis skirt worn? (page 10)

2. How are tennis clothes different to year ago? (page 11)

3. Why do you think tennis clothes are different today?

4. What were tennis rackets made of years ago?

5. When did people first start using rackets made from lighter metal?

6. What is the benefit of the newer materials used to make rackets today? (page 13)

Section 3- Swimming questions

1. What were the first swimming costumes made of? (page 14)

2. What is the difference between men’s swimming costumes today and years ago?

3. What are swimming costumes today made from?

4. Why do you think they stopped making costumes made from wool?

5. What is the benefit of a tight swimming suit for competitive swimmers?

Section 4- Rugby questions

1. What did rugby jerseys used to be made from?

2. Why did they change the material rugby jerseys are made from? (page 16)

3. What are rugby jerseys made from today?

4. What animal skins did rugby balls used to be made from?

5. Why are rugby balls no longer made from animal hide?

6. How has the shape of the ball changed over the years?

Section 5-Cricket questions

1. What was a stone sometimes used for years ago in cricket? (page 18)

2. When did the bats we use today first come out?

3. Why do you think rubber and twine were wrapped around bats?

4. What are cricket bats today made from?

5. What are cricket balls made of today?

6. What did formal clothes consist of for spectators?

What player can wear a helmet? Why?

Level 4. 1

Font Cover questions

1. What do you think the book will be about? Justify your reasons.

2. Do you think this is a fiction or a non-fiction book? Why?

3. Read the blurb. Were your predictions correct?

Chapter 1 questions

1. Where had the bomb landed?

2. Where were the two boys that they had a clear view of the bomb?

3. Who was Old Tin Hat? What was his job?

4. What impression do we get of the two boys already in the book?

5. “They won’t defuse this until the morning. Not much to blow up here anyway - most of it’s

already gone.” What does the word defuse mean?

a. Disable

b. Take away

c. Activate

6. Find a synonym for look in page 7.

7. What word indicates that the piano is old? (page 7).

8. “The boys knew that it wasn’t a good ideas to let Old Tin Hat get too close. They dodged

away behind a pile of sandbags. “ What does the word dodged mean?

a. Hid

b. Darted

c. Skipped

9. “As they came round the corner, by the bakers at the top of Crown Street, they both gasped

with horror.” What do you think the boys saw? Predict what will happen next.

Chapter 2 questions

1. What do you think has happened the houses of Crown Street?

2. Why did the boys find it odd that there was noise coming from where the house used to be

at number 10? (page 13)

3. Where did Harry and Jack think the dog was?

4. What was the dog’s name? (page 19)

5. “Jack could hear him talking soothingly to the dog as he struggled to set him free.” Why do

you think Harry was talking to the dog in a soothing voice? (page 19).

6. “The boomp, boomp of gunfire was getting louder, and a red glow lit up the night sky.” What

do you think the red glow was? (page 22)

7. “The air became hazy with smoke, and the boys rounded the top of Crown Street, they saw a

row of shops ablaze.” What does hazy mean?

a. Dark

b. Bright

c. Misty

Chapter 3 questions

1. Where did Jack and Harry take shelter? (page 28)

2. “There was a terrible rumbling sound, and a barrel rolled forward off its shelf. It tumbled on

to a rack of bottles, the whole thing sagged as most of the bottles smashed open.” What

does the word sagged mean?

a. Broke

b. Crumpled

c. Rolled

3. Why did Jack think Raf must be thirsty?

4. Why was the entrance to the cellar now blocked?

5. “Shut up, Jack! What rubbish. Of course we’ll get out,’ snapped Harry, trying to sound

brave.” Why do you think Harry was trying to sound brave?

6. “Raf had a bit of trouble climbing up, and Harry had to yank him through by the collar. He

seemed reluctant to go any further.” Why do you think Raf was reluctant to go any further?

7. “Raf looked blearily at Harry and yawned a great yawn.” What does blearily mean?

a. Clearly

b. Scared

c. Unclearly

8. What did the boys do to carry Raf?

9. What light could Harry and Jack see? (page 43)

10. Find a phrase that suggests that clearing the rubble away was tough work.

11. “Jack clambered into the hole and wriggled through.” What does clambered mean?

a. Walked through

b. Climbed

c. Crawled

12. Find a phase that suggests that Harry felt scared and sick from what he saw. (page 44)

Chapter 4 and 5 questions

1. Why were the boys frozen with fear? (page 47)

2. Find a simile on page 48.

3. Why did the boys have to move slowly away from the bomb? (page 48 and 49)

4. “They tried not to look at the huge shape that loomed over them.” What does the word

loomed mean?

a. Trapped

b. Stood

c. Endangered

5. What did Old Tin Hat use to try and reach the boys in the crater?

6. Find a phrase that suggests that Old Tin Hat found it difficult to carry harry and Raf.(page 58)

7. How did Jack and Harry’s mum fee l when the tow boys were rescued from the crater? How

do you know?

8. Find an example of humour on page 61.

9. What did the boys think the defused bomb looked like? (page 62)

10. How do you think the boys were feeling when the bomb was taken away? Why?

Level 4. 1

Chapter 1 questions

1. “Wearily, he packed away his rod and trudged back to the little cottage where he lived.”

What does the word wearily mean?

a. Happily

b. Tired

c. Angry

2. Describe what the dragon looked like. (page 26)

3. Why did the dragon feel sorry for the boy?

4. Why do you think the young boy could not meet his mother’s eye? (page 27)

5. How do we know the young boy’s other is upset?

6. Find and copy one word that indicates the soil is infertile.

7. What did the dragon try to do to help Tchang and his mother?

Chapter 2 questions

1. How many days did Tchang travel before he took a break?

2. How long had Ai-li not been able to speak?

3. Find a synonym for burnt. (page 32)

4. “By the way, when you see the Wizard, would you mind asking him why my lemon tree

won’t bear fruit?” What does the word bear here mean?

a. Grow

b. Drop

c. Flower

5. “Hop on my back and I’ll have you across in a jiffy.” What does a jiffy mean?

6. How did Tchang get across the river?

7. How many questions did Tchang now have to ask the Wizard?

8. Where did the Wizard live?

Chapter 3 questions

1. Find and copy one word that suggests that the Wizard’s palace was large.(page 37)

2. What predicament did Tchang face when he first met the Wizard? (page 37)

3. Find and copy a synonym for run away. (page 38)

4. “At the other side, it reached up and prised the great pearl from its forehead.” What does

prised mean?

5. What did the dragon tell Tchang he had to do with the pearl when he got home?

6. What did the old man give Tchang in exchange for his help? (page 41)

7. Find and copy a word that means looking after. (page 42)

8. How did Tchang’s mother gone blind?

9. What happened when Tchang put the pearl into the water?

10. Find and copy a word that means fly. (45)

Level 4.1

Chapter 1 questions

1. What do all great pirate captains have in common?

2. “They didn’t all start out as pirates.” How did some pirates become pirates?

3. What tended to happen to women who came on board a pirate ship?

4. “It all started early one, morning when our ship, the Sea Devil, ay at anchor.” What does “lay

at anchor” mean?

Chapter 2 questions

1. What did Captain Cutthroat want to do with the crew from the other ship? (page 7)

2. Why do you think the other ship gave up without a fight?

3. Why was Cutthroat lost for words? (page 10)

4. “She’s Grace- dis-Grace more like is!” How does the ‘dis’ at the beginning change the

meaning of the word?

5. Why did the men on board not know what to do with Grace?

6. What conclusion did the pirates come to with regard to Grace? (page 11)

Chapter 3 questions

1. Find an example of personification on page 13. Explain how it is an example of


2. Find a synonym for remember. (page 13)

3. What do the men think would have happened if someone did not take charge the night of

the storm?

4. What was the sailor in charge that night wearing? (page 14)

5. “There, swaying in the gale, he cut free the tangled sail.” What does gale mean?

a. Storm

b. Rain

c. Wind

6. Who do you think the sailor was that saved the crew from the storm? (page 15)

7. Why do you think the sailor didn’t present themselves? (pages 15)

8. “In the distance we could dimly make out a green island and sandy bay.” What does dimly


a. Clearly

b. Faintly

c. Brightly

9. What did Cutthroat say would happen to anyone who disobeys him? (page 18)

10. “I bit my tongue.” What does this mean?

11. Find a simile on page 18.

12. “But not all of us were laughing. Some of us were deeply ashamed.” Why do you think they

were ashamed?

Chapter 4 questions

1. What impression do we get of Grace so far in the book? What adjectives would you use to

describe her?

2. “She was almost done for when she crawled up the beach, half drowned, scared and very

angry.” What does it mean by she was almost done for?

3. What food sources did Grace realise the island had? (page 22)

4. Where did Grace decide was a safe place to sleep and why? (page 23)

5. “First she combed the beach for wood.” What does combed mean here?

a. Walked

b. Searched

6. Why do you think Grace dried seaweed and grasses to cover the floor? (page 23)

7. How do we know that Grace had slept for many hours? Why? (page 25)

8. What was Grace planning to use a weapon against the person coming towards her? (page


9. Why did Grace want the goat to come back? (page 27)

10. How did Grace start a fire?

11. What did Grace make her fishing rod from?

12. What food did Grace give the goats?

13. What food did Grace eat from day to day? (page 32)

Chapter 5 questions

1. What did Grace find in the hand of the skeleton? (page 36)

2. “My name is Ben Budd. I was marooned by pirates in 1673. Bury my bones and take my

treasure. It’s no use where I’m going.” What does marooned mean?

a. Left behind

b. Cast away

c. Escaped from

3. How do you know that the treasure chest has been there a long time? (page 37)

4. Find a simile on page 38.

5. “She had to coax it into the grave with a stick!” What does coax mean?

a. Lift it

b. Hit it

c. Push it

6. How did Grace write “Ben Budd 1673” on the cross?

7. How was Grace feeling after she buried Ben’s skeleton? (page 39)

Chapter 6 questions

1. How did Grace keep track of the days on the island? (page 41)

2. “Then, one morning, she spotted the dim shape of a ship through the mist.” What does the

word dim mean?

a. Clear

b. Distinct

c. Faint

3. Why was Grace suddenly scared when she saw that the ship at sea was the Sea Devil? (page


4. Why did Grace not trust the pirates who came to rescue her? (page 44)

5. What happened the crew after they left Grace on the desert island?

6. Why did the pirates want Grace back on board?

7. Who did Grace consult with to decide whether or not to join the pirates? (page 46)

8. What changes did Grace make as soon as she became the captain? (page 48)

Chapter 7 questions

1. What did Grace instruct her chief gunner to do and why? (page 52)

2. What do you think of Grace’s tactics?

3. What line suggests that Grace didn’t want to have to kill anyone? (page 55)

4. What did Grace’s crew get in exchange for letting the other ship pass safely? (page 56)

5. Why did the crew not want to retire? (page 58)

6. How did the She Devil become the best trading ship of the high seas? (page 59)

7. Why did female pirates pretend to be men at first? (page 63)

Level 4.9

Front cover questions

1. What do you think the book is going to be about? Why?

2. Do you think it will be a fiction or a non-fiction book? Why?

Pages 2- 5 questions

1. How fast do some skateboarders go downhill on their boards?

2. What is street luge?

3. Why is downhill skateboarding known as a ‘gravity sport’?

4. What is gravity?

5. What elements can make the board go faster?

6. Why do you think downhill skateboarding is sometimes known as ‘speedboard’? (page 4)

7. What is special about the boards downhill skateboarders use?

8. What position do skateboarders take when going down hill?

9. “The top surface is often concave so that it is easier for the rider to grip and turn the board

with their feet.” What does concave mean?

a. Curved upwards

b. Curved inwards

c. Not level

10. What is the difference between regular skateboard wheels and te boards used by downhill


11. What are trucks used for on downhill skateboards?

Pages 6- 9 questions

1. Who’s safety do riders need to think about?

2. What must competitors wear to keep safe?

3. Explain in your own words what each item of protective clothing is used for. (page 7)

4. Why is it important for downhill skateboarders to be able to stop safely?

5. How can people practice stopping safely?

6. What happens if you brake too suddenly?

7. How could you burn the sole of your shoe when trying to break?

8. What force causes smoke to appear when riders try to brake sometimes? (page 9)

Pages 10-13 questions

1. In your own words explain what air resistance is. (page 10)

2. Why are streamline shapes less air resistant than others?

3. How can a skateboarder be less air-resistant?

4. Why is a street luge rider often faster than one that is in a tuck position?

5. What is special about street luge boards compared to other boards? (page 12)

6. How close can a riders head be to the road when in a street luge position?

7. “Riders have to use their instinct when riding street luge.” What does instinct mean?

a. Hunch

b. Strength

c. Brakes

8. How do street luge riders turn?

Pages 14- 17 questions

1. “Classic luge, also known as ‘buttboard’, preceded street luge.” What does preceded mean?

a. Came after

b. Came before

c. Came at the same time

2. What is the difference between a buttboard and a luge board?

3. Why do you think a buttboard must be made from laminated wood? (page 15)

4. How long are downhill skateboarding races?

5. Why do you think competitions are held in steep mountainous areas? (page 16)

6. Why would the skateboarders stay away from the edge of the roads? (page 17)

7. Why would race organisers build straw walls along the course?

8. How much straw do they sometimes use to do this?

Pages 18-21 questions

1. What continents are the three most famous races courses found on?

2. When re riders at the fastest?

3. What are racing lines?

4. Why do you think most mistakes are made at corners?

5. Why do you think people have to qualify to take part in a race?

6. What are the different types of races? How do they differ to one another? (page 20)

Pages 22- 29 questions

1. What is the Downhill Skateboarding World Cup?(page 22)

2. Why is the competition at this event fierce?

3. How can you win the Downhill Skateboarding Wold Cup?

4. How long does each competition last?

5. Who is Tom Worsley?

6. Why do you think Tom is embarrassed he has a growing fan club? 9page 28)

7. How long has Tom been doing street luge and downhill skateboarding?

8. How did Tom learn how to skateboard?

9. Why do many skateboarders make their own equipment?

Pages 30- 32 questions

1. What caused Tom to first become scared?

2. Why did Tom find it hard to get back on the board after his injury?

3. How many riders in the world ride both luge and downhill skateboarding?

Level 6.5

Front cover questions

1. What do you think the book is going to be about? Why?

2. Do you think it will be a fiction or a non-fiction book? Why?

Pages 2- 9 questions

1. In your own words describe what a continental shelf is.

2. Name the continents of the word.

3. How far down from the surface is the ocean floor?

4. How high can seamounts reach?

5. What is the difference between the sunlit zone and the twilight zone?

6. 90% of all ocean life lies in the shallow sunlit waters. Where does the other 10% live?

7. Where does the parrot fish live?

8. How long does a box jellyfish tend to be?

9. Where would you find rare British coral reefs in the UK?

10. “These include two endangered species of coral called pink seafan and sunset coral.” What

does the word endangered mean/

11. “Campaigners are fighting to get scallop fishing banned in the area to protect the rare coral.”

What does campaigners mean?

a. People who are working to kill off the scallop population

b. People who fish for scallops

c. People who are working to save the scallop population

12. If you wanted to explore the sunlit zone, how could you do so?

13. Why do you think a snorkelling mask needs to be airtight?

14. How many years ago did the Saint Anthony sink?

Pages 10- 15 questions

1. How much heavier was the Titanic than the RMS Rhone?

2. The Titanic was found 4km under the sea. What (ocean) zone would this be in?

3. What island was the RMS Rhone found ship wrecked off?

4. How did the Mary Rose ship sink?

5. Find an antonym for nonthreatening. (page 12)

6. What is special about the great white’s sense of smell?

7. How many centimetres long was the largest great white ever recorded?

8. How do blue whales communicate with one another?

9. Why do you think the sounds these whales make can travel more than 850km?

10. Describe in your own words what a filter feeder is. (page 14)

11. What important role foe phytoplankton play on supporting life on Earth? How do they do


12. What do most larger animals in the sunlight zone use to protect themselves? How do they

do this?

Pages 16-19 questions

1. Why do you think very fewer creatures live in the twilight zone? (page 16)

2. What do humans need to dive down to the twilight zone?

3. How might you get the ‘bends’ after diving?

4. Explain in your own words what water pressure is.

5. What can prevent you getting the bends even when diving to a depth of 600 meters below

the surface? (page 17)

6. Why do you think the deep sea is one of the most unexplored areas left on the planet?

7. What does the angler fish do to catch its food?

8. How do some fish glow in the dark under water?

9. How does the dragon fish attract its prey?

Pages 20- 25 questions

1. How did the gulper eel get its name?

2. What is special about the viper fish’s fangs?

3. Why does the viper fish have a small bone behind its head?

4. How many years ago was the first submarine built?

5. “1960 A Swiss man called Jacques Piccard descended to a depth of 10914 meters in a

submarine called Trieste.” A synonym for descended is:

a. Came up

b. Went down

c. Floated up

6. How long did it take for the Trieste to descend to the bottom?

7. How cold is it in the midnight zone?

8. What are hydrothermal vents?

9. How does water in the midnight zone boil?

10. Do you think ‘black smokers’ is a good nickname for the hydrothermal vents? Why?

11. Explain what the Lost City is.

Pages 26- 30 questions

1. How do some creatures survive in the midnight zone? (page 26)

2. How do tube worms survive in the midnight zone? (page 27)

3. How many shrimp could live in 5 metres squared?

4. What do the shrimp live off of?

5. Explain in your own what a scavenger is.

6. What lengths are the crabs willing to go to to stay alive?(page 27)

7. Where is the world’s largest mountain range? What is it called?

8. How much taller is Mauna Kea than Mount Everest?

9. How do scientists explore deep trenches? Why can’t they go there themselves?

10. Where is the deepest point on the planet located?

11. What did Japanese scientists find in the world’s deepest gorge? (page 30)