English/Chinese Interview Ameson Outstanding Teachers Series——Lauren Tivey Lauren Tivey (center) with her AP English Language and Composition Class, at Nanjing Senior High School, Jiangyin, China Lauren Tivey is from New Hampshire in the U.S. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Poetry and Literature from Granite State College in 2005, and MFA in Poetry from Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2008. Tivey is also a published writer and poet of over twenty years. Her writing pieces, travel articles, and poems have appeared in numerous literary journals in the U.S. and the U.K., and her book of poetry, The Breakdown Atlas, was published in 2011. In 2009, she joined Ameson as an AP English teacher, and in 2013 she was honored Ameson Advanced Educator. *Scroll down for Chinese translation

Outstanding Teacher Series--Interview with Lauren Tivey

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English/Chinese Interview

Ameson Outstanding Teachers Series——Lauren Tivey

Lauren Tivey (center) with her AP English Language and Composition Class, atNanjing Senior High School, Jiangyin, China

Lauren Tivey is from New Hampshire in the U.S. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Poetry and Literature from Granite State College in 2005, and MFA in Poetry from Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2008. Tivey is also a published writer and poet of over twenty years. Her writing pieces, travel articles, and poems have appeared in numerous literary journals in the U.S. and the U.K., and her book of poetry, The Breakdown Atlas, was published in 2011. In 2009, she joined Ameson as an AP English teacher, and in 2013 she was honored Ameson Advanced Educator.

*Scroll down for Chinese translation

Reaching the essence of English by learning Shakespeare’s works

Tivey’s favorite unit to teach is Shakespeare. Students are often terrified of trying to read Shakespeare, but she insists that it’s important to be familiar

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with his masterpieces, which have stood the test of time, and continue to illuminate the human experience to this day. Tivey usually does two Shakespeare plays a school year. In the past, her students have studied Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice, and Macbeth.

Live plays, shown in Shanghai, are also part of this “Shakespeare experience.” As most students have never attended a Shakespeare play before, they are now able to witness his work come alive on stage, which is quite memorable for them. For the entire month before the performance, students study the chosen play in-depth, with each one picking a character out of a hat, in order to research the part and the character’s motivation. Also, historical, social, and economic background of the play is analyzed for better understanding. Though some students struggle with the archaic language at first, they soon pick up on the rhythm and style, and learn to love Shakespeare. A four page literary analysis on one of the themes is also requested. Finally, the kids travel to Shanghai to attend the play! This is a very exciting and rewarding culmination of their study, as the youngsters get into the real beauty and essence of Classic Literature through a live show.

Essay writing prepares students for university academic research

Tivey also places great importance upon the research paper. In addition to all the shorter essays for her class, she requires her students to write three 10 page research papers during their two years of study. This huge undertaking, with beforehand research and argument development, is ultimately rewarding, as students will be writing research papers in university, and Tivey wants them to be prepared by getting familiar with every step of the process. The research includes a trip to the local library, as not to rely solely upon internet sources. All those tasks have due dates, and as students complete each task, they realize that their papers are coming together—it is no longer such an overwhelming prospect.

Tivey gets wonderful papers, on subjects as varied as Greek mythology, feminism, mental health, and media responsibility, which she enjoys reading. Though the kids’ first attempts are by no means perfect, they are still achievements, as some students had believed they would never be able to complete them--besides, students then go on to show great improvement with their second and third attempts, in preparation for the rigors of their upcoming university course loads. In fact, Tivey has received former students’ letters of thanks for preparing them in this way.

Knowing students enables effective teaching

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One thing Tivey has learned from teaching high school students is that a teacher must keep the material fresh and surprising—students are teenagers after all, and if a teacher is ever to get anywhere, they need to hold the students’ interest. She does a fair amount of traditional lectures, with note-taking, and classroom discussion, but she also utilizes music, art, short videos, films, PPTs, handout exercises, group exercises, demonstrations, and guest speakers, and even goes outdoors for certain activities. This not only keeps it interesting for students, but for her as a teacher!

In Tivey’s classroom, she prefers a horseshoe-style seating arrangement. Breaking out of the age-old tradition of uniform rows has certain benefits—students, now able to fully face one another, are more apt to open up and participate in class discussions. This arrangement also allows Tivey to freely move around in the center of the horseshoe, to be a PART of the group, and no longer the intimidating figure at the head of the class. She has found this fosters mutual respect and trust.

Staying student-centered has been the biggest insight

Tivey thinks that working for Ameson has been interesting, as well as rewarding. She has found the organization to be fully supportive of her and her ideas, and always willing to assist. She believes that in staying student-centered, one can’t go wrong. What’s most important is that students are fully prepared for the American university experience when they leave her classroom on that last day, that they have found joy in the learning—something which will help them to be successful in their university careers, as well as their lives in general. Though Tivey spends a fair amount of free time tutoring students, correcting papers and marking essays into the wee hours, or on weekends, it’s worth it when she sees students improve, and it’s even more rewarding when she receives excited messages from former students, now studying in the U.S., about how they are at the top of their classes. So, that’s her best insight about teaching anywhere, including Ameson: stay focused on the students—it will yield great results.

【名师系列】Lauren Tivey: 名著引导精髓 培养学术研究

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    Lauren Tivey老师来自美国东北部的新罕布什尔州,她于 2005年获得新罕布什尔花岗岩州立学院诗歌和



的诗集《奔溃的地图册》于 2011年 7月正式出版发行。Tivey老师于 2009年 12月加入安生,作为美国 AP

课程英语文学和作文教师。由于她出色的教学工作,于 2013年被评为安生年度“先进教育工作者”。















每个人写作 4页莎翁剧作文学分析来作为名剧欣赏的积淀。最终,孩子们在 Tivey老师的带领下,旅行到上海









贵学年里,要求每个人写作 3篇长度为 10页的研究性论文。这项艰巨的任务涵盖了写作前的调研和论文编写


备,熟悉掌握调研与写作的每一个步骤。调研工作还包括去当地的图书馆查阅资料,因为 Tivey不希望学生只


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    在安生国际课程中心分部教学,带给 Tivey老师最重要的体验就是保持教学材料的鲜活度和惊喜度——毕竟学生们都是翩翩少年,必须赢得他们的学习兴趣, 并有效地循循诱导。Tivey老师虽然花了很多时间在一些






    在 Tivey老师的课堂上,她比较喜欢马蹄形课桌椅教室阵型,这样可以打破传统的课堂格局,使得所有学


当中,这样的阵型安排,也有利于 Tivey老师在马蹄形阵型的当中自由跑动,是自己真正成为整个学生集团讨

论当中的一份子,而不是那个站在讲台上训斥孩子的老师, Tivey老师发现通过这样的安排,更能增加师生之








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己已经以学习为快乐,这个会使得他们的大学生涯以及个人生活更容易获得成功。虽然 Tivey老师花了相当多





*Original interview in Chinese may be accessed at: http://cn.ameson.org/china/news.asp?id=1789