- , Just anivecl from Waterford, And for Sale, By the 1uhscriber, On the most mOderate terms, .At tlae nt>r:e• o/ r. Patrick 4f orru, M EAD m tierc:es; of a superior quality, Butler do. trangma.n's Porter in tcs. - -llessian d. in Q Boota, )fens' fine and strong Shoes, Feather Beds, &c. . Patrick Warren. OTICE. A LL persons having demllDdi against the ,. ate of Daniel Conners, of W a- terfonl, lr·· hnd, but late of Port de Grave, Newfoun, t. d;Surgeoo, deceased, ant ro- quested to fumial1 the same, duly to the subscribers ; 111d all person indebt- ed to the aatd estate, ans desired t make · mediate to · _,., ..... , · · Thomas Ewer, l Aclmrs. Peter acpherson, J\11\P li, 1916. tf OTICE. THE Creditors on the estate of TnoMAS KouoK & Co. Mr. S. \"ttEL K.ouou to collect all debts due to ·. said estate, and to recoYer the sa1ne by the best possible means, either by a coul"ll& of ' t:nv or otherwise. Such as ate indebted, are to gevern tbemH}Ves accordingly. ' N 1cuot11 GtL . L, "Trustees. J AMB8 PATRICK. Moaa1s, August 7, 1816. For Sale, At the new Sture1 of John & Robert Brine, 1 Near ?If rs. & Jo,,eph Gill's, On r1<Uonable tenns, 1001:1 hog heads Foreign alt, _/ 1000 do. best Liverpool CJqals, 600 bbl : superfine Flour, \varranted sweet, 100 do. mess Pork, ' 100 do. Pitch and Tar, l- 30 d,o. Pilot Bread, 300 bags good do. 100 kegs Butter, bO barrels pri(tle oe\V Potatoes, 40 do. Indian corn Meal, 40 lons·prime oak oil Casks, 50 M. Bricks, 1000 bu11hels 4@ spruce Spars, frotn' 28 to 50 ft. long, 15·3 loaves• Sugar, . 20 puncheons B.um, 20 do. l\1 olasses, of different sizes, 2 Cables, st inch, 80 fathom .Jong. Cordage -of all sizes, Oakum. - Sepl fi, lS 16. . . - JUST IMPORT. ED, And for Sale !>y the subsefiber y> An assortnvmt _ of_ e.rcellent Je .JPeller9 and fancy Arlicles, of tli.e most fashionable G ierns. comisling of -·- 0 LD watch Chains, Seals ·and Keys, Gold and pearl_ Brooches, l!;ar-ring9 ·and .finger Rings, · Silver and tortoise-shell Snuff-boxes. • Smelling Bottles, · silver Thimbles, · Ladies' RetiCule, Purse and pelisse Suaps, Silver Pencil-ca es, Tooth-picks, Caddie-shells fruit K11ives; With a variety of other articles. · Benjn .. Bowring. Oct. 10, 1816. D ' . I · ourn . - . , .. SAINT JOHN:3, WEDNESDAY, NovEMBER 13, 1816. · (£I. l l . 6d. per ann ) Now discharging b-!J . uh. c»ibe r, MULLO ; of St . Johns, ewfound fo nd F• deceased, .arc hereby re qu es te ll - I rC-WOOtf & 011 n n t <r<;>. furnish the to i\1r. WALTB ll ():::5'" P rs on in for Du n nu !;e.• by 1-lunt, Stabb, Preston Co. A cargo of Superior Newcastle COALS, LA TER, and Mr. JA:11es duly at- th e ·ea . 11, will _I uv e it deli ve r d dr wl e tested. And ti cmrr n ·- tnele!J o ie -ca ll ed to . - . L I TT LE- . -- Whic!i_ ill e.CJ 1 he shiF at . . ten shilling3 per hogs .head. April 27, 1816. tf , said estate, are desired to make in 1medi atc July 10, 1816. payment to them; they alone bein rr autho- rized to settle the said e tale. - 0 ' 1'1IARY A<lm'rx. January 13, 1816. · / . - R03ER'r , II.\ l' OR •• \L F. , At Litt of J lr .• P 11 l1·i ck Do!Jle, B EG leave to infor1n their friends and tho public in general, that the.y .have;. taken the prerni es lately occupied b Jona.than Part0ns, nearly oppo ite the Go- vernor's \vharf, lower street, corner of Chur ·h-1iill, \Yhere they have alway on band, imported from the first 1nantJf actu- rers in Britain, and offer for Sn le, . on the most reasonable .terms, the folio viug arti- cles, viz.- __ _:_ IIVIPOR.T£0, B HEA.D. [ 1'tour, 0 11 tn11. !a l Pork in barr els untl H.un ,, Uullcr, and '2 d q1i. 1 1 1 '. GOI.D and ilver \Vatche of the mo t improved rrinciJ>le11, viz.-the detntchcd E i duplex ditto; pal.£. nl I_ r ditto; h.or1zo111al do. Rl'p,ater , lio izontal and pla in ; \·erge \Va le n" of every de cription i and a variety f Gold \\'n:clr Cluun , Seal , Kcyq, &c. with an e . a .. of other Jew llery. Bread, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, Beef, H11m , Dutter, Ten, · 'Mola Rrand\·, Rum, Hollands, P rt do. She r ry do. Ale & Por1er, Pi & aucc 1 Vinegar, ac ext.en ive a ortment of . HOPG OS. John Perkins embraces this oppor- tunity of expressing his gratitude fot the very liberal ncouragement he ns already expt'1iem·N.I, and hopes fro1n J1is general knowledge of the W ntch and Clock Busi-· ne:JS, and to secura a continuation of past avprs. · • • • \' ch es and lock. of every description, carefully repaired \Yll .expeditioq. . April 1816. Per Brig Brother , fi·o11t Poo le , a11d · Adventure, f1 · 011i Lo nclan, An extensive a ortment of Briti ·h ma nu cturpc.l Good , con sistin:; of th e fi lv w- u1a articles, which will be di. 1o :; ed of by wholesale or \ S U l' Elt F1 road Cloths, 'i\'ilt. :1 hire ma- ._ nufacture, Black; -blue, grc:y: - ancLolive l(er- . seymeres, hulf Cloths, And waistcoat Patterns of ev ery des cription. A 1 ·o, ·a neat a SG (,lmcmt of Linen Drape- .ry, Ho iery, g • ntlem n Inn Hut of the best quality, with a vari ety of olh r articl es , John Stcntaford. June 29, 1816. THOi\IAS l\'fURPHY, of S TTo.s's..P RJSU, intheCountyofW £. FORD, ln t- and late of 8t. John , Ncwlound- lnnd, 'I'ailor & Shop-ketlp r, Dec a . ., A LL P .. er:ions indebted to E tn te of he late·abo\'C na1necl Il wut a3 J fttr· ph.IJ, DeceRsed, are req .f ested to mak e l: . \-I- · il.EDIATE payment to th e Sub.scriber, or to J 011 :-r Notary Public, and to no other Per ;on wliatev •r. 0 d rt in ca:"" ' :i1 : tl 1 l!li•1 d it! o, · P ale 1•ul () d, ll u n, ·u gn r Hl:d • , ·c 1 ·r. .._Wt! Of wh ic h h will ,. n I e mos t reaso na ble t rm.:> to \\ hv v, .a:e pu r- e has r . 'p t. 18, 1 10. 'f h • so Ir ·ri bcr.l1u w .. Per B1 · ig L 111i . .;u a nd 'cho J11er . l/ ,1c!.·a 1 '< :l, Fr m B rmud a, . W hich l li y oj}er.for sule , 01111 1ori;r,rfr l rms , 1 OLA . · E · • · · · · , " , u. t .,, ality ; Br a . 'n c·!,: -r-., ·a- 't t ' ... , '1' b . ' a t!:l r ou r, o < 11 ·c .. , :1111 , l ar• 'rli l'! Y ll A\'E r .. 0 J:0 1l : \L E, - Oj ' ji 1r lite r i 11 1 po ri' .tli1111 s, Hum, a fo w ca.-t•s N11 ea u l\1:.ilicir:i Port , Li sbon and Clare t. 'Vi n • 1111cr i fl t: qu uli 1y, Engli h Be'r. and ' id •r E ;, ,,li ·h Oat <: , P ea!<e, P ork , 13u tt er, "an - v u:-: , and !1 gcnerul u :.1 ort mc 11t ·1 L (JI' GOOD.'. - rrH<>L :\ 8z J osEPH G !LL. October 14, , I ' l 5. 'l'o BE SOLD OR LET, For a term or terms of years, 10 'everal eliaihl..- - ----;. - JUOI'fH MOH. PHY, Admx. 'E - .. A LL pC' r . .; 11 : l1 a\ ·i1 1n- ({1! m::; on l!' ec;•:i e of J an · ; ift . r r iii· r . · •i t. ·-: . are cl i rel l If , Ill illl ln CJi-' lt '; V D,VEJ-'LING-H For particulars apply Office, QJeeo str oet. _January 6, 1816. T. PHILLIPS I NFORMS the public, that he co ntinues to write Lettors, Agrce1nen s, Cootrncts, hipping: papers, draw out Accowll .;; col· lee Money, &c. &c. N. B. · Has e\• e ral 1\pnrtmen ts and a large Cellar to For particular :> en- quire at his House at the back of t he Churcii. / Sept.. 25, 1816. JAMES Of St. Johns, eufoundland, Fishe>·n1an. . . , W HEREAS James Cashin, of St. Johm1, N. ewfo11ndland, Fisherman, was, on the 2.8th Oct ber ast, in pursu- ance of th {' statute of 49tb Geo. II[. de- clared inso1vent in the upreme Surrogate Court.: And whe' reas the subscribers have been duly ap.pointed in order to coll Pct an<l ·ell the effect s of t he snid James Cashi 1, for the benefit of h is ereditors.-All persons who are indebted to the aid James Cashin, or' ho have in his , their possession, any of the s id Jame Cashin's effects, are hereby required not to pay or deliver the same- to any other I ers tfie 'frustee , and to give no- -ticet liereo o them; er either of them, with- out d lay. · i Trustees. . Jor · IN JARMIN, f NoT. 2, 1fl16. · FOR SALF;, O N. board the Ship Mentor, laying at Hllrt, Robinson & Co'a. .,Vharf, . s, A nd a f toll& of excellen HAY. Oct. 30, 1816. .. - . St. Johns, Jan. 28, 1815. The sub sc ribers have ju. t received, for 'nt ry , or -•hey wi ll LK• t' · d• :. ii• 1 't! · Per L apwing, from. Lo 11 dnn, b ne fi t or a di videncl · a ncl :;uni ( 're di 1• r-: An :u!!ns iv c so rlm nt of ' J e\\·ellery and Plate, a ha ve not a t :t tl tli •i r · 011r11:-:. an· rP - . ll: to do . a,.,rP nhle t 11 ,·C'rl;•e 1 r• Pnt Of the most modern uattern , con ·istin r • ' r __ , o, tn e I I 1 h :\{ ;i , prep. rat ry t a fjr3t i111< l of following nr 1cl ·, iz: - fi 11 a aJ\•iaena. ie h- i · i 11 ti·nd 1• d t h W A'fC HE of V<J iou ' da:; cription mu e on 1h • 30t 1 _ v • 1H her ' 11 · 1, b · r- Gold Wat h ·lrn in , <ler of th e 'fr u · tc, . · / Do. . ·a ls and l\.c . , J. o\llE S 'LrFT A·•c·1 t. V el egant, fin e, . re al ga rne t Ne kla c , 0 " . I 1 .i b I ct. l '2. 18 l G. tf ·wit 1 Jracel el'I an1• ro c te: to 1na ·il, Ditto a mb er and corn lian d o. do. , Ditto . rna!t ees de. do. fine gold, Ear and fin O.e r Rings, Gold and si lver 'l'himbl , Silver table, d ert ond addie Spoons, and tort i ·e-sh !? ll Snuff·b xe ·, ? variety of Jew ellery 01 all de - cr1pt1ons .. Perkilli &-'-'inter 113, 1.816. .FOR. .I LJ:: BY Parker . B1,Uey, Job & Co. The Cargo of the Brig .4nt, just an·ived f ro1n Livc1·pool coruJ liner of N INE'fY ton s Liverpoo l Coals, 2 30 bags excel ent quality Bread, I 0 crat es Earthenware, well assorted, 40 iees, 2 hal , cont:un1og Jftckets, Trowser.:, Dr \vers .- flannel monkey J nck- ets, gteat Coat! a d \Va.istcoats ; •· 1 bale W aistcoatingi;, 1 dq. si; per ne Cloth, - - J, , ,, cei ed. per Hri r 1' 11r. Fr um \ Vut •rli>r , J\ 11.t , .Al t lfr. Da nit:l fJr .• On moderate te rm·. by 1 1 • : 11 .:rib r . ' TE\V B1u o; -, f fi r:t q11 nli1 y, " oncl d . Brea<l f " <' ·ond olty. And of' forn v: r a1·1 ·i1:als, 1 npin bo c,; , li·;ith er B .f ·, HL-s:;i an Bo 1 :1 , ho . ·, P rt er i 11 t ic re • '' illia1n 'Q ti s. O .: t. '.?3. t 816. Ju :t :lrrived from .T rs y . ' .And .for S.Ue ()11. buartl th B1 ·i,.,. T i. on, La yin; at :.\Ir. B.ro·Jh • · \\ I ur f FEW tier ·e :uu.1 barn p" · m eef, Pota10 . of nn xcc I nt q a li ty 3 hal e of · ' Abt. 'l ton:i ex t>llent J er ey 1110 e Cordage And . undry other arcicl .. ' Apply to the on board, or tq P&TER URJRR. Oct. 2.6. 1816. 2. do. Blankets and Coverlit.I , 3 case:i liats, 1 ca:1k 'l'io\va re, c. NOTll'E. 8 ne5 ts h!lir Trunk , 1 case Portmanteaus, ALL persons huvin"' clf'mand arrn in t 4 boxes burnis.hed aold China, the c:tl : 1te of Jou'll \V 11 1tF:, of .. ·L ad t> , . 8 fluck Ileds, 10 cast-iron Cambouses. County of \Vexfor .Jreluncl, but lute f Sept 21, 1816. Moble, 'ewfoundland, Fi .. h rmon, de- . ' . ceased, are req tested to fur ui h th . nme The sub II.as to Sell, I duly alt ted ; and all indebted T fIREE toll!l of Cordage. on reason- · the estate o the aforeAAid J, hn \Vhite are .. able terms. · "' II desired to make immediat pnyment to · . John Snellgrove. S UBL Kocon, Admr •. Sept. lStts. Oet. lt, 1816. · ..

·ourn - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal1816111…Just anivecl from Waterford, And for Sale, By the 1uhscriber, On the most mOderate

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Page 1: ·ourn - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal1816111…Just anivecl from Waterford, And for Sale, By the 1uhscriber, On the most mOderate


Just anivecl from Waterford, And for Sale, By the 1uhscriber,

On the most mOderate terms, .At tlae up~ nt>r:e• o/ r. Patrick 4f orru,

MEAD m tierc:es; of a superior quality, Butler do. trangma.n's Porter in tcs.

--llessian d. in Q Boota, )fens' fine and strong Shoes, Feather Beds, &c. .

Patrick Warren.


ALL persons having demllDdi against the ,. ate of Daniel Conners, of W a­

terfonl, lr··hnd, but late of Port de Grave, Newfoun, t. d;Surgeoo, deceased, ant ro­quested to fumial1 the same, duly attes~ to the subscribers ; 111d all person indebt­ed to the aatd estate, ans desired t make · mediate pa~ent to · _,.,....., ·

· Thomas Ewer, l Aclmrs. Peter acpherson, ~

J\11\P li, 1916. tf

OTICE. THE Creditors on the estate of TnoMAS

KouoK & Co. ha~appointed Mr. S .\"ttEL K.ouou to collect all debts due to

·. said estate, and to recoYer the sa1ne by the best possible means, either by a coul"ll& of

' t:nv or otherwise. Such as ate indebted, are to gevern tbemH}Ves accordingly. '

N 1cuot11 GtL.L, "Trustees. J AMB8 IACBRAIRE,~

PATRICK. Moaa1s, August 7, 1816.

For Sale, At the new Sture1 of John & Robert Brine,

1Near ?If rs. Ni~holas & Jo,,eph Gill's, ~

On r1<Uonable tenns, 1001:1 hog heads Foreign alt, _/ 1000 do. best Liverpool CJqals, 600 bbl : superfine Flour, \varranted sweet, 100 do. mess Pork, ' 100 do. Pitch and Tar,

l- • 30 d,o. Pilot Bread,

300 bags good do. 100 kegs Butter, bO barrels pri(tle oe\V Potatoes, 40 do. Indian corn Meal, 40 lons·prime oak oil Casks, 50 M. Bricks, 1000 bu11hels Lim~, 4@ spruce Spars, frotn' 28 to 50 ft. long,

15·3 loaves• r~fined· Sugar, . • 20 puncheons B.um, 20 do. l\1 olasses,

~ails of different sizes, 2 Cables, st inch, 80 fathom .Jong.

Cordage -of all sizes, Oakum. - Sepl fi, lS 16. .

. - JUST IMPORT.ED, And for Sale !>y the subsefiber y>

An assortnvmt_of_e.rcellent Je.JPeller9 and fancy Arlicles, of tli.e most fashionable

Gierns. comisling of -· -·-0 LD watch Chains, Seals ·and Keys,

Gold and pearl_ Brooches, l!;ar-ring9 ·and .finger Rings, · Silver and tortoise-shell Snuff-boxes.

• Smelling Bottles, · silver Thimbles, · Ladies' RetiCule, Purse and pelisse Suaps, Silver Pencil-ca es, Tooth-picks, Caddie-shells a~d fruit K11ives; With a variety of other articles.

·Benjn .. Bowring. Oct. 10, 1816.

D '

. I

·ourn •

. -.



• SAINT JOHN:3, WEDNESDAY, NovEMBER 13, 1816. · (£I. l l . 6d. per ann )

Now discharging b-!J tit~ . uh. c»iber,

MULLO ; of St. Johns, ewfound fo nd F• Pla~ter, deceased, .arc hereby requestell t~ - I rC-WOOtf & 011 n n t <r<;>. furnish the ~a1ne to i\1r. WALTBll ~J·A.L- ():::5'" P rson arr~ in for Dunnu!;e.• by

1-lunt, Stabb, Preston ~ Co. A cargo of

Superior Newcastle COALS,

• •

LA TER, and Mr. JA:11es LA~E, duly at- the ·ea . 11, will _I uve it deliver d dr wl e tested. And ti cmrrn ·- tnele!J c· o ie -called to . - . L ITTLE-. --Whic!i_ ill ~r e.CJ 1 he shiF at

. . ten shilling3 per hogs.head. April 27, 1816. tf

, said estate, are desired to make in1mediatc July 10, 1816. payment to them; they alone bein rr autho-rized to settle the said e tale. -



1'1IARY ~{ULLov, A<lm'rx. January 13, 1816. ·


. P~RKINS ~ JVI~TER; -R03ER'r , II.\ l'OR •• \L F. ,

At Litt S!ort'.~ of J lr .• P11l1·ick Do!Jle, B EG leave to infor1n their friends and tho public in general, that the.y .have;.

taken the prerni es lately occupied b M~. Jona.than Part0ns, nearly oppo ite the Go­vernor's \vharf, lower street, corner of Chur ·h-1iill, \Yhere they have alway on band, imported from the first 1nantJf actu­rers in Britain, and offer for Sn le, . on the most reasonable .terms, the folio viug arti­cles, viz.-

__ _:_ S~ IIVIPOR.T£0, B HEA.D. [1'tour, 0 11 tn11.!a l P ork in barrels untl h u lf- b11r r~I!! ,

H.un,, Uullcr, l ~l and '2d q1i.11·11' .

GOI.D and ilver \Vatche of the mo t improved rrinciJ>le11, viz.-the detntchcd E ~ment i • duplex ditto; pal.£.nl I_ r ditto; h.or1zo111al do.

Rl'p,ater , lio izontal and plain ; \·erge \Valen" of every de cription i and a variety f Gold \\'n:clr Cluun , Seal , Kcyq, &c. with an e . • ten~t \·e a .. ~r1ment of other Jew llery.

Bread, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, Beef, H11m , Dutter, Ten, Coif~, · ~UJ?ar, 'Mola ~. Rrand\·, Rum, Hollands, P rt Winc,~fa~eii-n do. Sherry do. Ale & Por1er, Pi kl~ & aucc 1 Vinegar, Anchovi~, ~itl1 a c ext.en ive a ortment of

. HOPG OS. ~ John Perkins embraces this oppor­

tunity of expressing his gratitude fot the very liberal ncouragement he ns already expt'1iem·N.I, and hopes fro1n J1is general knowledge of the W ntch and Clock Busi-· ne:JS, and unvnried~ention, to secura a continuation of past avprs. ·

• • • \' ch es and lock. of every description, carefully repaired \Yll .expeditioq. .

April ~o, 1816.

Per Brig Brother , fi·o 11t Poole, a11d · Adventure, f1 ·011i Lonclan,

An extensive a ortment of Briti ·h ma nu ~' cturpc.l Good , consistin:; of the fi lv w­u1a articles, which will be di. 1 o:;ed of by wholesale or retail:~ \

SUl'Elt F1 ~E road Cloths, 'i\'ilt.:1hire ma-._ nufacture, Black; -blue, grc:y:- ancLolive colo~rcd l(er­

. seymeres, hulf Cloths, And waistcoat Patterns of every description.

A 1 ·o,· a neat a SG(,lmcmt of Linen Drape­.ry, Ho iery, g •ntlem n Inn Hut of the best quality, with a variety of olh r articles,

John Stcntaford. June 29, 1816.

THOi\IAS l\'fURPHY, of S TTo.s's..P A·

RJSU, intheCountyofW£. FORD, ln t ­LA~D, and late of 8t. John , Ncwlound­lnnd, 'I'ailor & Shop-ketlp r, Dec a ~d. . .,

A LL P .. er:ions indebted to ~he E tnte of he late·abo\'C na1necl Ilwuta3 J fttr ·

ph.IJ, DeceRsed, are req.fested to make l:.\-I- · il.EDIATE payment to the Sub.scriber, or

to ~Ir. J 011 :-r Baoo~t, Notary Public, and to no other Per ;on wliatev •r.

0 d l~ rt \~i11e in ca:"" ':i1 :tl1l!li•1 d it!o,· Pale 1•ul ()d , llu n, ·ugn r Hl:d • • l n lJ.;-;~· , Ca lf· " kin~ , ·c 1 ·r . .._Wt! Of wh ich h will cl i~i>n<!' ,. n I e most reasonable t rm.:> to \\ hv v,.a:e pu r­e has r .

'pt. 18, 1 10.

• 'f h • so Ir ·ri bcr.l1u w .. n'""~·d

Per B1·ig L 111i . .;u and • 'cho•J11er .l/,1c!.·a1'<:l, Fr m B rmuda, .

Which lli y oj}er.for sule , 011111ori;r,rfr l.·rms, 1 OLA . · E · • · · · · , " , t1~;1r , u. t . , , -'1t~1, · r•tJ r

ality; ~avy Br a . 'nc·!,:-r-., ·a-'t t ' ... , '1' b . ' a t!:l r ou r, o <11·c .. , :1111 , l ar •

'rli l'!Y ll A\'E r .. 0 J:01l : \L E, -

Oj'ji1r liter i 111 pori' .tli1111 s, Hum, a fow ca.-t•s N11 ea u l\1:.ilicir:i

Port , Lisbon and Claret. 'Vin • ~f 1111crifl t: quuli1y, Engli h Be ' r. and 'id •r E;, ,,li ·h Oat<: , P ea!<e, Pork, 13utter, ' orclug.~. "an­vu:-: , and !1 gcnerul u :.1ortmc11t o{~. ·1 L (JI' GOOD.'. -

rrH<>L:\ 8z J o sEPH G !LL. October 14, , I ' l 5.

'l'o BE SOLD OR LET, For a term or terms of years,

10 'everal eliaihl..-

- ----;. - JUOI'fH MOH.PHY, Admx. 'E -..

A LL pC'r . .; 11 : l1a\·i11n- ({1! m::; on l!' ec;•:i e of J an · ; ift . r r iii· r . · •i t. ·-: .

are cl irell r~l•:-ell l If, Ill illl ln CJi-' lt '; V

D,VEJ-'LING-H OUSE~. For particulars apply

Office, QJeeo stroet.

_January 6, 1816.


I NFORMS the public, that he continues to write Lettors, Agrce1nen s, Cootrncts,

hipping:papers, draw out Accowll.;; col· lee Money, &c. &c.

N. B. ·Has e\•eral 1\pnrtments and a large Cellar to l~t. For particular:> en­quire at his House at the back of the Churcii. / •

Sept .. 25, 1816.

JAMES CASHI~, Of St. Johns, ~ eufoundland, Fishe>·n1an. . . ,

W HEREAS James Cashin, of St. Johm1, N.ewfo11ndland, Fisherman,

was, on the 2.8th Oct ber ast, in pursu­ance of th{' statute of 49tb Geo. II[. de­clared inso1vent in the upreme Surrogate Court.: And whe'reas the subscribers have been duly ap.pointed 'fr~tees, in order to di~cover, collPct an<l ·ell the effects of the snid James Cashi 1, for the benefit of his ereditors.-All persons who are indebted to the aid James Cashin, or' ho have in his, her,~or their possession, any of the s id Jame Cashin's effects, are hereby required not to pay or deliver the same-to any other I ers n~ th~n tfie 'frustee , and to give no-

-ticet liereo o them; er either of them, with-out d lay. ·

JON~. PARso~s, i Trustees . . Jor·IN JARMIN, f

NoT. 2, 1fl16.


ON. board the Ship Mentor, laying at M~srv. Hllrt, Robinson & Co'a.

.,Vharf, . New, J~rsey s,

A nd a f ~w toll& of excellen HAY. Oct. 30, 1816.

.. -.

St. Johns, Jan. 28, 1815.

The subscribers have ju. t received, for 'ntry , or -•hey wi ll LK• t' ·d• :. ii• 1 't!

·Per Lapwing, from. Lo11dnn, b nefi t or a di videncl · a ncl :;un i ( 'redi 1• r-: An :u!!nsivc sorlm nt of ' J e\\·ellery and Plate, a have not a t : t tl tli •i r m· ·011r11:-:. an· rP-

. ~u ll: to do . a,.,rP nhle t 11 ,·C'rl;•e1r•Pnt Of the most modern uattern , con ·istin r • ' r __ , o, tne I I 1 h :\{ ;i , prep. rat ry t a fjr3t i111< l

of t~e following nr 1cl ·, iz: - fi 11a aJ\•iaena . ieh- i · i11 ti·nd 1•d t h

W A'fC HE of V<J iou ' da:;cription mu e on 1h • 30t 1 _ v •1Hher '11 ·1, b · r-Gold Wat h ·lrn in , <ler of the 'fru ·tc, . · / Do. . ·als and l\.c . , J .o\llES 'LrFT A·•c·1 t.

V ~ry elegant, fine, .real garnet Ne klac , 0 " . I 1 .i b I ct. l '2. 18 l G. tf · wit 1 Jracelel'I an1• ro c te: to 1na ·il,

Ditto amber and corn lian do. do. , Ditto. rna!tees de. do. fine gold, Ear and fin O.er Rings, Gold and si lver 'l'himbl , Silver table, t~a, d ert ond addie Spoons, Oi~to and tort i ·e-sh!?ll Snuff·b xe ·, -VVit~ ? variety of Jewellery 01 all de -

cr1pt1ons . . Perkilli &-'-'inter

• J~ly 113, 1.816.

.FOR. .I LJ:: BY

Parker . B1,Uey, Job & Co. The Cargo of the Brig .4nt, just an·ived

f ro1n Livc1·pool coruJ liner of

N INE'fY tons Liverpool Coals, 230 bags excel ent quality Bread,

I 0 crates Earthenware, well assorted, 40 bo~es iees, 2 hal , cont:un1og Jftckets, Trowser.:,

Dr \vers.- flannel Shir~. monkey J nck­ets, gteat Coat! a d \Va.istcoats ; •·

1 bale W aistcoatingi;, 1 dq. si; per ne Cloth, - -

J,,,, 1· cei •ed. per Hri r • 1'11r. Frum \ Vut •rli>r , J\ 11.t l ~•r · :--t1l ,

.Al tlfr. Danit:l Tl .:1a11'.~ . • fJr . • On moderate term·. by 1 1 • : 11 .:rib r . ' TE\V B1u o;-, f fi r:t q11nli1 y,

" oncl d . Brea<l f "<' ·ond olty. And of' fornv:r a1·1·i1:als,


• npin bo.·c,;, li·;ither B .f ·, HL-s:;ian Bo 1:1, ho . ·, P rt er i 11 tic re •

' ' illia1n 'Q tis. O.:t. '.?3. t 816.

Ju: t :lrrived from .T •rs y . ' .And .for S.Ue ()11. buartl th B1·i,.,. ~ T i. on,

La yin; at :.\Ir. B.ro· Jh • · \ \ I urf FEW tier ·e :uu.1 barn I ~ p" · m eef, Pota10 . of nn xcc I nt q ali ty

3 hale of ~·eather:s, · ' Abt. 'l ton:i ex t>llent J er ey 1110 e Cordage And . undry other arcicl .. • '

Apply to the n1a~ tf'r on board, or tq P&TER Lu~u~s URJRR.

Oct. 2.6. 1816.

2. do. Blankets and Coverlit.I , 3 case:i liats, 1 ca:1k 'l'io\vare, &·c. NOTll'E. 8 ne5ts h!lir Trunk , 1 case Portmanteaus, ALL persons huvin"' clf'mand arrnin t 4 boxes burnis.hed aold China, the c:tl:1te of Jou'll \V 11 1tF:, of .. ·Ladt>,

. 8 fluck Ileds, 10 cast-iron Cambouses. County of \Vexfor .Jreluncl, but lute f Sept 21, 1816. ~· Moble, 'ewfoundland, Fi .. h rmon, de-

. ' . • ceased, are req tested to furui h th . nme The sub cn'b~r II.as to Sell, I duly alt ted ; and all ~ons indebted t~

T fIREE toll!l of Cordage. on reason- · the estate o the aforeAAid J, hn \Vhite are .. able terms. · "' II desired to make immediat pnyment to ·

. John Snellgrove. S UBL Kocon, Admr •. Sept. ~8, lStts. Oet. lt, 1816. ·


Page 2: ·ourn - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal1816111…Just anivecl from Waterford, And for Sale, By the 1uhscriber, On the most mOderate

, ... g ctemands 9~1n:1t I S · 0 C I E T Y

o Pu uRa. Gs, of Fot p,.omhting ChriBLian. Knowleagt. 1 t of T "nity .i.: eu·- A_ SUPPLY of Books se~t out from

d , are requested . the Parent Soci~ty, by His Excel-d ly. att ~ ; and all le.icy the Governor, laa been received by

th of the afore- the Oi-;trict Co1nmittce and ,,·ho now ad-.bin · re d ired to 1nake v rtis thern for- le · ;tt the liberal ter1ns

I .which form the I> ·is of the Society. • • Dua£Lt.,) A um rs. n ;i., ""· fiamy) • • "'· 8tl.

J.SON, ~ ' C m!llOt Prny r P,.-,ok (pica) S 5~ l-6. · 9 1>.>. d ( ·~" it>r) • • l 9~

~Ii~:-~~;;:-;:~~- n . J o. (minion) • • • l 5

I Le-Ii«'• hor1 nnd Ea 'J ~fethod with 1h11 •

~r~rffl~~~~~;~~ 0 i•I" • . , . 1 4r ?~ J n··<-. nth lie Doi' Tine of the Trin itv,

· p r \ ·d hv noo\'e un hunrl re,I ltnrt n1iJ :.•11 r ar;.<i1m1·11t" cxpr •'it'd in tht' term .. ' l 1'11y' . ·ripturc ind comp11-red ulit'r

n mnnn r '° tirck new • . • 1 3 Pr• It .: 1 ull'l'hi ·m, · 1 win!: 1l1e prin-. .

ctl'· error• c r • • _ Ili · I ''I I •lrtl'1 ,.• 11 f tlll i•ln of p ,, ry Ar .. h hi~hnp Tillnl on' Di,. ua i \' I.'- frClm

1'11pcry. • • • 0 2 . I Bi hnp ll ornl'·~ Ultl'r t~ n r. A1lAm

... ....... "' t f 0 r l a Ii ra '\ ._ ___ -r-~:f,'-m':';'tC:.:h..._,,,Lt"'. L:::.·.:.;' i"'i"~o ... n'."-t lr'"ir:L.,.:,t f p~·...:,n,.;.c.,.,,a ._. h_u_n_d_,,-, . ,.. .. ,... Philo-lll[l lW o • l)an !

Cliri-t i11;1 , oidi r • • • 0 2 tons on l•rd,..ht, nt an easv ratt!, willprocure the same on npplirati n· io

Joi Y Duxsco-.10 ... o. • o ant to Charter for Jlud, i1·a, a

I that \Vilt carry l,COO or 1,~iou qtli.~ k!. .

30 1816.

c::r ~·or:cr:. T."lE Sal of _,[,·. B1·00,. ·n ~ ·

ture, adver!izt>d for F ri ( 'i 0 "t' '>· r n ~•, i:; rn. !p :>ned :

1'.' ""' • l ' /ll"lll-

the f r:it

D Mr. ~r.oo'r n il! ~r at \ ·ith l'l y pc•r­IOn i cli1 cd \ take tl t! pitc>t~ of f11'<1 1111d f r buiidin". and ti e G >"de11 tlwr" u1 to b I ' llJ· iog situate nrar the 11 :r>m-h 11·"·

Apply nt ~Ir. ll oow's O"' · '. Oct. 30, 1~ 16.

Dr. Hale':< . 1hn1' ni1io .. to h e Dri nktra of :'iririt un11s Liqv(l r:1 ./ • · 0 . 1

Pre .. ent fnr :- n ·nn : -> . . 0 ~ Bi hdp fl ornt' 2 ~ .. r11:a11 0 I t!I n uty ol.

contC'lldinl? fi r th Faith, nnd on the T riuiw iu •1itv . •• • 0 2

H1•l1n1> (; jl."011°. F mil c>volion'I • 0 l Hr. :O:tonhop£''• I •d11 :1 :ion. for rhe ~ i k 0 2 ~1r Jariw' :;:torr<' h•W ·e' · P lain Truth of

Chrr:-1iani t\' ~• 111c>d • . • 0 1 Bi~hop lk\·l'r':rl::i:e ":'erm n on the excel-

h'11w f 1 1• Li11iriry • • 0 2 U •1 \·in'• n <'pr f to 1 :1<'~e who . eldom at-

tend P •1h ic \Yor•l 1 • • • 0 l .. ctiou~ /Hldr ~ to Gud .nthPr encl God-

mo1h1•r• • • • 0 I Crll -mnn' l ntrorl ucrion to he Kuow-

le l.e nf thl' ~ iri ti fl n(' iJ?.i n • 0 6 Le wi_,.. K :po it"on of~e Church Catc-

hJ• • • • . • 0 ! -Q,.;t>r~ 11 rl, .:O:l the • r.e-;. ity 11n , tJ tf11l-

n1:i;,· of rl':rdin.,. the Holy :-: rip1urc O 1 Bi hop GrecnP <'n •h<' -:a ·rament 0 2

OH. A~D! n\ I· , n ixor1°. j;; p<'llin~ Book • • • 0 8 1 Leaf Boo . ., or rel fnr th 11 e of!"lchool!'

Late of ~ ~Jo1uul1ID d d ·cr:aso!d. on the l\ludru y;o1em (pc.r el) O I

TICE is her(by gh·e1 , if Etl"b,\• In nd\•erti3ing the above Catalo0

11e of BETH ~ DRP:\~s, widow of th_. lu•i>. <'X • l\ent, do trinal, ;lnd practical \Vor s

JoJ "' A'\: DRF.WS, of Nt!wfcHt id land, de~ ' fur~ e at the very reduced price: n011exed. 1 ~ - ---

t 't' llM'd • ELIZ BF.TU G1tE&!t, the datt"• 1 ·· j 1!ie otntnitee . feel themselve3 .:>r ·i ly im-°.f the said Joa~ . .\. .·cl\:t;~ ·~ .. :rnd wife<•: p lled to call upon the community for that • TK1'R'£. GREB-:, of th , ttl I. · nd · :r 1 prote tion and support n l'C s:;ary to cnrr Di\N A DREWS, nnoth r of tht> 11 11g ht <" on "o lnudable~n in.;titntion. of tht.> ahl Jou~ A .- REWli . cl ce ~t>d. who V1·ry 1rrent and prai~e~\'Orthy a the lib -wertt lt~in; 'gt' 111 th . ~ .r l7i J, nnd rnlity wa. di played nt the Anntv rsnry are e titled ~o thu pro~ltr' r.n ·~i:,., ~. 1~ th ·'.'.l~n,,. in the y; •stry _Inst 'itnday, by_ ti1e Rale ~f urta1n TOCK 111 the 13,\~tt ot. ~ ' C. - r sp cla hlc n1ember~ of the ·1ety who J.A. n, bequeatht.>d to th. '11 l y .t't .'l . ; · ntt de<l · iL i ho1 ed it will not.l~.:.tJ.!erC'. : /1unt 01 .· \ JE,"fi1.·s, ot th Pan-:1h of t. but that 1111 run l: f people, w o hav -thc-

eorf{f', H11n?\"Br ~q 1ar .. , L lll Jon, wi~9~v, • b t intere ts of ma11ki11d at lwart will step iccea!!ed. th t ~ H.:1~. ~:<<•cutol'd, . .mt~ t - ~orwa r<l nnd gi \•.e nc o;cHn0 ~o t~eir. a~ity, tr tors, or. ' l!!Tl!I, w11I c·aa, c nppltcat1011 _1n . npport of.tht:; admira ble 1n tlttft 1on. tobemadetoC111s \. ll1LL - o. :\I,. The ·m II ·t contributions will be rc­chants~ Londo~, c.r t. th : 11 h -c:r~ er •. th •y. cci\·t>d l>y J chn Prest. n, Esq. the 'frt!a ·u­upon due prool of their lwtn ..... n ·11 will r - r r of the S ieiy. or nt the P:u·ona"e c9ive the i:amt>. \\ tLL1 :.c . 'f110~1 s. Hous by the Bev". J)a·: i<l Rowt·a11d.


St. Johnc;, • :rl•wfoundlttnd, N. B. ·,l'he IL port of the annual pro-Nov. 6, I 16. ce <lin •r~, wherein· th• imporia11CP of the

. S ciety's De3ign is more fully displayed, J.S'..t.~TED TO CE1t1t?T£R, will soon J~e puhli:±h.ed. .

A 'TE SEL tha t " ·i l carr 1,0po or ,., ~:ov. 6. 181 6. 1,200 q11in t:tls dri fi: h in casl s, to -----~-----0-----

proce d to BermnJ:i. Ap >ly .to ·• • . _(}!oz eJ<n?ne1zt · Gonlzact. , . NrcnOLi\S ~· J :;:. H Gitt. (::;?'

0 t. ~6, 1 Io. T,.?i..T. . ' TEO for th s-upply of li1 \\Ia-. 1' ~ ·.·:-t y"s 1)',,r · : in i\cwfonndland,

1\IILL'ERf FERGU & Co. 1'u.:o ltund1·ed r111d .fifty Cords of . . fldv• for 8ale, F1Ri-1VOOD,

3,000 ciuintals l\iler hantuole Fi ·It, Of n "'oo<l qualny; to be dehvere~ into the· 2 000 do. . ~1adeira and \Vest Iodiu, om mi suric1t Fucl-ynrds between the lst

20 tuns Oil. nf June and 15th July next, in the tollow-Deli rable al their Stores in Buy Bulls. ing prop rtiorB, vi~ . · .

3,G 0 qu in ta ls 'letchanlable, Fort ·r 1wn herid , One hnndred Cords, 1,'500 d . I\ladei~a n(ld \V egt India, Fort \\ illiam, . One hundred do.

Deliverable al their Stores /i,e1·e. Signal H.iJ I, Fifty do. Nf)y._ lJ 18 t 6: ~ Sealed proposal , endorsed "'ren-

- 1'0 liB1', \ der forFire-: wood ''will be received at th is

·A COMMob1ou:1 1-I USE. haT,ing s:x fiie-pluce · in it, wi• h a Garden, Out­

houses, &c. situate at Hi.\•er-h •ad, a11d

ffice until th• 'li st D ~mber next inclu­ive, for ~1e whole or a port of the above

supply, in c1uanlities . not le1:s than fifty co1cls ; in which tenders must be wrihen, in wor.<ls at lenath, tire price pt'r cord.

.. -- - --• •

."Benevolertt Iri b Society. _ '<11!ath or the unfortunate Lieut~• . the · · · • · Hon. John Calthorpe, of the Junon frigate

T IIE Q11.arlel'l'J .,.feeti11g of t-hi11 Society of .36 g11n were tried thts d~y, ~nd nc: will he holden in the Court-House • q1111tcd for want of proof of their being tha

on 'UNO\. y tht> ·l'eventeenth in.;tnnt, im- • pel'3ons \Vho a~tu~lly struck tbe blow. \Ve rAcdiattlly nfter Divine Service. A full all regret" that JUsttce ha~ not y~i ~eeii' ab_le ml'etin~ j parti nhuly req•ieste ; and a;1 to reach the perpretrators of th1 h?rnd many of the Po r that receive aid from the 1 murder. He ~as a young,,man of amiable Soci ty, wh ar ahle. are d >,(ired to attencl. and prepossess1ngmauners •

uch a!' wi:ih to be' informed of the rules OcToBEll 21. and r ~ulntions of thi~ c:haritnhle in. titution, We -h v,e received the Pari · papen of a; recorded- in th b ok of t11e Court of Th1i rsdny. They.are filled with the re. 8essioni for thi Di ·trict, arc in\'i ted to at- 1no11iul'3 ~f the day previou , on which a tend the meeting ; when they will he con- solemn co:ntnemorution took pla e of the vin eel of the truly pbilanthro ·c pri nciplP mnroer of the Queen of Frf\nce, l\-lai:ie An. on whi h it ha- been founu , I, aad which toi'nette. le. i impos:1ible . to read the last the 'ociety l!a zealgu ly studied, in every I :" cy of this interesting personage to her ~n:itance, to practi ·e. sister-in-law withou~ be'ng sen il:>ly affected.

n 1e W ' n . 0 . bts lrn•e been-throw . . tion will bi fQ1111cL:-" t h clic:cr tion _of auth ntij!i ty of this heart-_rcnding document, -~ thi:i Committee, relief will be afforded by \Ve think it ri~ht to r mind our readers thnt

. the S ciety. whon th funds n·ill admit it ca:ne from the repo ·itories of one of th hereof h.e u I · l mi~ccea11l3 '110..condemQfcl her_,__ ..

g era! p 1ilanthropy i the object of the 'Phe Queen was ri ht in conjecturing that iciel y, n far n po ihle. 'fhis Com- the I ttcr wou 'd never reach its de ti nation,

mittee i · al o rt>qnired to communicate with for it wa carried directly by her gaoler to all othei:churi tab e iu:-iti utions in this ! :;land one of h~r judiciary a ·sassin.'i : thi wretch, and to ex ·hnn;; li"t. of the object pre.;ent- who. e_' llQlll~ we have_at pr sent 'forg lteo, ed for ch~rity, with the relief granted. to pre- di ,d at Puri J ast year about the periocl f vent impo!lition ; and to obtmn informuti n the pas ing of the law for expellin_g. the'He­of distr ed per ·on. , in order to ~i ve as ist- gicides. After his death his papers uere a nee 35 far as the· fundi of this ociety will · iz •d l>y the Police in consequence of 1h1: admit.'' · well kno\vn circum:ibnce that he had in hi5 · ·\VhPn d.i tre~se'J oqic · olicit e1i f, no posse:;sion papers of gr li t importance as questions ure a ·ked, but urh as/ are b. t conne tcd ·with the late Q11een; · calculated to 3$ ertai n the :;,;1~ Qf their want , and the be.-;t-morle of 11 .. \ at111a th ir The Agent for Ll yd' in the Bahnm ~11fferings. Any _a ::ert!on to the contrary fsla!1ds ha~ transtnitted the following infor· in as fal e as it 1 un ·hari t1 I le. mutton :-

J. 1\1.iC.BRAIRE, President. - Noy. 9, -1s 6.

\V TEO TO llART&R, ,_,.J VE.; 'EL thut will carry about 2000

.11. quintnl fish. Apply to · 'f RE~LET-rs & Co.

Nov. 6, .t 16.

'EPTEMDEll 26.

" hnve receiv d J amaica P aper!I to the '-8th of July. A . consiJerable sensati n hu been producf'd in tl;ie , Bahama l :land by the wreck of a 'pani ·b Gnineaman, bouud frorn Africa to the Huvannah, with 300 l a.ves ;t he crew and laves were la.11d­ed f t GrePn '. l'urtle Key. Abn<"O,_!~d an Officer had poc.eeded to Cuba for ves e !-'to carry the whole to their ori 0 inal port of des-

-ti nation. Capt.-l~kenharn,_of bit Maj · ¥'s ship Bermuda, had proceedKl to Green Turtle Key to .seize the slaves and bring them to Na: au {New Providence) nod 1hat their emtlQcipation would follow. under 1he Act of the Abolition of the lave 'f rude, anti that they would, in he mean ti1ne, bu di tribnted a0"1ong-t the in :i bi tan ts und r inde1tturcs. 1l'he inliab1 nts of the I land of N \'f rovide.nce - ha.v peu.uon 1 • •

Excellel)cy ~. Cameron Governor of the Bahama I lands, lo prevent their heing hrought to th9se I ·lands, as they greutly fear for the afoly f the Oolo ties, if liO

man'y free egroes were admitted at one time. -• Capt. Brisbane, of the Queen Charlotte, was on 1\ilonduy, ,presented by Lord_ Mel­ville to the Prince Regent, "'ho conferred on him the h . nour or Knighthood for his services at Algien. He iiS now Sir James Brisbane.

Ocit<>BER 8. When <tlie sbtpi wete movii:ig out of the

bay of A'giers • . with a light air from the land, very slowly, a · most unlooked for torm of thunder and ligh~ning arOSP, in the

mid t of.which, the flames fro1n an Algerine frigate ran up her mast and Kpread .along the ynrd, which runs acros.11 thus t-pre­sentipg a burning cross so vivid and con­spic.uous, &!! to appear the most prominent object or the night.

"N:issa11, Augu t )2. " 1'he const of Cub1t i~ n!:._ pre n.l in l!.:t­

ed with a number of very large privateer·, fitted out by the l11~11ro~nts or S~uth Ame­rica. 'rheir crews con ist of people of all nations; anJ it is. doubtful whether Bri­ti h property fal lin-g into thdr l ands would be safe."

The ne\v coinage g el' on with great n1-pidity. - Ea:ch pre,,-s produl·e3 per minu c tlO ph~ce., that is 3GOO per hour. T he hours of work are en daily, making thtt whole numher of piece,, from each prc.-;:s 36,000. There are eight pr ·. s at work, and of course the whole nu111bE•r daily finished is ~. ,000. ' l'he amouc:t to ue .. issu~d ts to tbe vulue of £"2.,500 COO in ,

-shillings ·and ~i:<pe t ces, ;n ti' rrop rtion of even of the former lo fire of the latll·r.

Pot\Ti.\tOUTH, bc-P. G.-" .About niue o'clock this morning, tire Q11een Charlou •. ., with V iscount E :.; mo11 th's fl~ oo bull rd, mac!.e her numb r in !>ight nt ::it. H •lt>n's. On her proc~d ing up to pithead, slle wa! fir t cheered by a merch1u1t hrig that w,;:3

lying at anchor there, and after\Vards sh<! Wj!S saluted hy the Portuguese frit;atc that

known by the name of the Rishup's Funn. A Meadow will also be let, with.or witfiont the Ho se, on- \,·hi ch three and a linlf tons

• ' of Hli~'. 'vas cut thi~ season. For particu-- lari apply 10 - - lMO N ~OLOY'.o . ·.

. Nov. 9, 1816. · ,,.>

Security will be required for the due per: · f ormance of such contracts as ~nay ~0• Lord Sydney Osborne, brother or the t •red into · and no tenders will ·be n · ed Du~e of ~· who p~ed on a tour u ulL"ss they are in strict conformity "t'he - to he l\1ed1terranean, in th.e GlllllgOW, !e­abo,·e advertisement; aud tha signature of . scd to go on &bor~ at ~abi:altar, but 11:1-two sureties anuexed. .. -~ !'1 • d on accom~nying b11 ~ Captain

_ tely arri \'..ffl from Li bon \Vit h a er1c' ce of plate for the D11ke of 'vV dlin ton. Hi:i Lord hip returned tke : .1 lu1e, n · did alQo tht1 Port Admiral from the Boyne in the har­bour. On her arrival nt pithead, she was ngain saluted by a Dutch line of batt le ship that lately arrived from Holland on h r w:iy to Batav ia with troops. His Lordship al~o returned tbii1 alutt-, and was cheered by every . hip he pai!:lcd with shout: of j oy. t

see our brnve l':.rs return with thei r hard­earned lnurtils, io good health and high spiriUt. ffhe morning being fine, the si.,ht_ was truly gratifying to s e ho;v gracefully . the Quei.:n Charlotte came up with the tide, as there wa !lcarcely a gentle breeze, to I er anchorage at the \1otberbank, with the ban playing, and the ship's yards _1nnnnc at~u • cheering as she passed along. Port.srn uth \Valls were comp! t~ly lined with W il drcs.iaed people to wi tn~. the 11tensiltg .sight, after divine service. 'l'be Noble Vi ·count \Vas observed to be in good health and high 1pirits by some friends who went alon~ida before the ship ca~e to nnchor, and seemed to express hopes of soon being released from quarantine, as a mesaeng•r had becA dispatched to town ~r tliat purpose."

.....:- · NOTICE. A •t. ' mmi: ary General'io Office, _. l\1auland, to Algierll, wherf, with a heart

A LL periOD! having purchase an ef- St. J ohn~. Kov•mber .2. 1816. . fufl of bruv~ry .and .an arm Tull or vigor, he feels of the 'J'rustees to the e~ tatc of fought at one of the carronadl!r, and usiatt-d

J. DuNIA~, in olvent, at the public Sale in NOTICE. · at.th~ capstan, for seve!' holin, to th.a 89· -.-M y last -payable tbe first day of No\;t!m- ALL persons having claims ~n the es7 . mt.ration of all around him.

• ber instant, are requ~ted · to tnake immc· . · talc of PETER Pa1M,. of Dunmnin -dinte pay~ent ·(according to th~co~diti?ns ' parish, county of Wex.fo.rd, lrela~d, bu~ Lord Beresford arrived at Lisboa Crom then produced) -; and all persons stand mg late of St. J uhns, Newfoundland~ C.:arpen- . the ~ils on tlMf lOtb.altimo. in debt are requi rl!d to do· the ame- ter, decea ed. ~re requested -to f~misb _the . , __ othf'rwise. legal proc.eedings -will be takeu snm~ ~ttested to -tb~ subscnbet; : a~d in ,Court the t. weJfth 1n tant. ~ nil perso~~~bte~ to said. f'State-.are d~tr•

~y order o ';e ·rrustee!, - ed to make 1m ted1ate payment •to · J.\ants ii.LYLY 1 <frustee & Agent. . ILLIAX Cui.LBJ', .Ad~r.

No.V'. g, 1816·. 5 Oct. 23, 1816. w •.


The Gemaan papeis give an account of the Duko of Wellington's review of an . Austrian force, commanded by Baron Fri· .mont. . This tour of in1pection, -made by -British Cotnmander to part& of all the chief armi• of the Continent, is rurely a con­apK.:uous event; and ~ a Germal\, writer ex· pr!! a1 his &Pnse of the . extraordinary oc­cammce· " These reviews"' sa- .__ " of • - • 1- uw, Amuila troopa upon French territory,

iniilrl of Prench epet"taton, by :i D.lbll4 ·Britilb~u.aDll _.

~s~• • " I

Page 3: ·ourn - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal1816111…Just anivecl from Waterford, And for Sale, By the 1uhscriber, On the most mOderate

may ~a,.~ devfated from ~e patlt or duty. ; re&l!n'•ng to myself the nght of giving to !f'Y b~unty that amplitude which 1ny fefll• angs dicta~, and which is due to thiit ardent

• tin'"1in;t 11prin will no. dOu t ~tm .. b a .,liry lilie· ' ·A Lt 1 • :1' • .1 ' • ral 11ipply. ~oout fifteoon moH'h al[o 1 rt-ad io a I ~ per~ons W 10 are 111u t>fl"r. _, • :e P.'°!iot'ia~ pa~r (I think a Halifu one,) c.r a . suh~cnbers. are req11es1ed t fJ ma ko

• ( zeal with which all my bcl Vt•d 'sub:ects assemble around my throne : ''be ref ore I hawe rf'Soh·ed-

a1m1.lar carcunutance or.c11!ring in ·the i land of an 11nm •d1at settlement of their r . pe •uni . . Ant1llll• • A .lartte .q 1an11ty or .h"llf' ~ tampee.J ' bnluhces; otherwise proce;;s for the recov ry · were put 1n c1rc11latton1 and It 1mmN1att'ly be- th f ·11· b · · d · h S ca~ t!•e 111hjeN of judicial t'nqniry; u picion • ereo WI e n1!>l1tute 1n t e urrogate· falhn1t on a Mr. Thompoion an Pmmt-nt merchant Court he '"a nrr ittnt'd, a11d bein~ folly t'Onvicterl, w~ ROt'ERTSON & Mon TIMER. 1entt•~ced topoya fine of evcral hundred pound•, Nov. 13, 18.lti. and J?lve bonrl. in M'Vl'.ral thou ""d", not to repeat ----.:..-..:....:.~----------the off'enct>: ht rrem1111' \VCrt' al o Searchf'd, end . Q'['JC •. 11E"1•er I p11c!•a"'l°'4 were found to a e:rt-at •JOQ,nnt THJTI T cl h · · · which w rt' !!ei7.ed and thrown int he cc•a. Th~ I ~l ~t':I I !.'!' t e r ~ ecllve In-· r mt>dy p in1cd out by you, ct"em to m of all o. ven, ~'»l< t • 0 1' 110~1 . s, . TF.V r::N -olh r, th 1,.a t likely to produc i,!ood etfect: SCl~ & Co. of l larbor Grace. ;\lerchan1. , yo11 ~t"Cnmmend tothoi.t" cou~ern.:d in i·~ui11!!," to \VILLI.\ t }I_\VW;\R , of uint J ohn h -· ron 1der the tendeucy of th 1r condu t" This ap k d p op pear to m om 1hin,,. like rt: mm.ending ,11 ; ·eeper, an \.ICll: .R'> l'.IA~TlV, ?f . 'ain t

1. ~h::it th~s pardon ~h~ll b . enjnyl'd by all prison ~rs h11ble to rec l\"e 1t, \vho are DO\\' In the pri on's of ~Iadrid, or other pri­son of the King, ang w~o have not c m­R?it!ed . the criml:lS of Die.~~ 1\fuftst11lis, d1v1nl! or h1nnan ; trea..,ou, homicide of pri :its, fabricating false money, ar ·"On, e:c­portin"' prohibited arti.cle , bla phemy so~omy, suh?rdi~ation and fraud, forgery: re•n:>tance to JU ltce and mnlv~r3ntion 6f my

~~µai'~rt"Royal Pou:ers, or of the supplies destined for the arm navy, or h . · .1ls. •

lmllf!Jtl. r Qf Ot a! :ind n. \'Cr, to con~ider ltn1'" J ohn. . P lnnt!•r, gl\'C, 11:1,hc • ot1ce, that t h~y. 111.111re the re\:enue, by \ l111t thry """ the on the 1 Sth oay f J)a> ·cm •r next. a fir .:;t fair tr."1 ; ·uch lenie111 mt!n ure.; I beh.r'>e, hnve and ti11al Divillt:i <L will b. r ·u'c of 1 ~ n .\·e~ b1•rn tri cl, th~ lei:i~la !ur T im11)!iltl', wi ely I . . . . ' ', · .ic :J<; thin on a fo,\'.,. CIJ~•om-1 ou•e officc·r~ 10 Li. more .!!etfs _on t IC • aid I <' l"ict1ve I;,;; ;1 , • AIL

PA1lll, SRPT. - 1e ang 1 :Aclmi-ral's v be(o A.Jgiers fired ,000 guns. 'l~e De dnd r arms 60 000 rahs, and 18,000 JaniSSAries. The Eng1i11h Con­sul, wbO!l8 effects had been p nodered during the action, recea an indemnity of 3,000 dollars. ·

1'be CommissariN or t11e four allied Po~ ·en. chnrged with the xecution of tbe pecuniary di. positions of· the 8<.'C'OUllU b:!­tweeo France and thom lves, as91.>mb!e<l wi1b,1h. Fre1wh Comm1 ·ari~ on the 7th jn L at t'•,] l Y"l 'rr try to proceed on tho e. a ninalion of tia1 fli ·tual payments, in confonnity to se d' ·po ·itions. 'rhc>y have ttcogi?ized aft~r tho examination that France waa, libenated on the 31st of July 1816; that from that 'time they bad not placed any urns again 111ose d mandable to tb3t day, 110 that no di!tpo ition had heen made on the income of seven millions creeled in ·guarantoo of ,Uio~ payments which remained in th bands of the-depo. i­tnries. 'rhe payments ince the 31st of July. h1•e Ix-en made ,,. 11 by clay with the grl!lllt>et punotuality • u · fi>r the la. t • ix months, there h d bet' ' ·1 i;econd examina­tion, confonnably to t.1H liNt vcrifit>ation: d ""to the 'l'reaaury di:;charg3.-( .\iloui­ttlU'.)

r. OA. SRP'I'. 4:-'v • hn.e1°t'ceived in­relligence from Afri~. The lgt>rinEM la­bour •11 ,,.,,,,. in repaiti11g tho for1Hicatio11R. Th11 Dey is amidat the fortific11tio11 pre­cisely what he was in the battle, <lirectin~ an~ encouraging every pt>~on. 1'hr. che k "·h1ct. he hu reccivi>d ha talc •n nothin .. :>

fr m th· love whid1 hi~ . n~t.; bore hi1n, or from the consideration in vhich he was hC!ld. · He has irt!nt an Envoy to the Elnperor of ~{orocco : it &!\penl'!J that the la I r has not k!!pl the. treatae.; which exii1ted betw en them. 'l'he D1•y now demand: sati ·faction ; he OOClt~ the Emperor of ha\•i l" ra\'Ollrl' his cnemi~. and of keeping up n"l undt!r­standing with th an. · · ·

It appears that th D~y wi . hr th P"ror of !\ioro :o to hr\!; k with th 11 ·Ii, which will lie a- arc mutl10 I f 1n1tai11-in.,. his revpn .. e . wi thout. any ri:.k 01 the part of the Dt!y of Alrriers.

'I he French are iill in hi" t fa1our ui Al!!iers; all the ancient relations 11.:ivc re­sumed their influenc • The French Con­sul is the only one who rs admitted to the )}ey, when Jie pleas~s.

From the Aladrid Ga::ctle. Our Lord the King ha~ been plensed to

ks~,e th; f?~lowiu~ D ~ree :-\V1sh1ng to .st"nah ·e, by a mark of my

roy~I mer y, the happy Jay in ''"l1ich, com­pl_ t~ng the pe~ce and tranquillity of my Clo­nuuons, I gt~ to tho p niards a tunoer rnother 1n tny de11rly .beloved !l nd desi red 9uecn • and being incapable of fully enjoy-10. the feli ity which is prepared for m on this day, reiid red still f1)rtber memorable by the happy union of my beloved and au­

_gu~ Brother the I nfnnta. Don Carlos, \Vitb th Infanta Dona Maria Franci a, without -a leviating, in 8!> far _a~ · the' laws an he

- . Stato of-the 1.--ingdom- 1nay i>ermi1, the fate f !he unfortunate who· groa under thll_

weight or their crimes, I ha,·e conceded a ~neral pardon t<:> a!l.delinquents capable of receiving- it in the Pen.in ula, and the adjn­Ct>nl i lands ; and \vho may enjoy the same tyit4out erejudice to others, or to publicjus-

·• t1ce, aud I order, that, at the proper time, my Councils of the . .\daoiralty, War, ·and tJ~e Indies, do immediately propose to mo the time in which a simil r. grace ought-to be.extended to military and naval offenders througnout.all my domi~ions, an also . to . thOH, iD the ~marine posaessiQDs who

--- -

~. ' hat th1i; gi'oceeicten tot e ug1t1ve and absent criminal , whCl, within the term of si::t months if in Spain, nnd ·one year if ont of th e Kingdom , shall prc•,·cnt them­sch•e:i:'"t>erore any u ti· , , i1 le thnt th~ saidjustic s, npon reporting to the 'Pri 11: nlll in. 'vhich the · ::iu ·es <lepeud, mny pr -ceed to dt"Clare th pardon.

3. That, und •r the exc plion contai e .in Art. l. t~e 1:rirn : oi:nmitt d previou:41y to thu pnbhcallon of tl11s D ree, are alone comprehended in the arc! n, and \>Y 110

mean tholiie wlaich 1nay .b afte_rwurd3 com­mitt~.

4. Tliat offi1nrlers con mne.i to labou r in g:i rri.;on · an l arsena . who ar~ not yet . ent off. or -who may be on the r nd t"or their destination, and \vho hnve not b 'en con,·icted of the criine ex plc in Article I,. hall al o be nt itlcd to the . aid pardon.

5. 'rhat \Vith re!rard lo •a es of ofli ice " . in which there i!I n ti · ~arty a~r \"Pd, th pardon shall ;cnot.. e :deciarerl. -uni ·s t~ere ~e a relea. e from· t 1e !ID~d po~ty~ a11l:l tnat w11h re"ard to tho r ca e 1n wl11 h nny p~un"ary intercrt or p fl lty is "nvolvi>d, tt :hall al o not b dedaru with• ut sali!l­faction or 11cq11 i1tan e of the aam · hut that wht· the 1111. rest or penalty fall~ on the Excl1 uer or i for er, the pardon shall be vnlld. - - -

Signed with H. · Yl~i -c; ty's fioyal · hand • • 1opl. '29. · ·

To the Duke1 Pre-i I nt of the Dfuncil.

\A"CT. 26,

The Forth 'frigate frrive on Thur. <!Av, with hi lj, ·ellency e Earl of Dulhomii~, Li ute. ant-Governor and Comm ndcr in Ch"ef of thi Provi.nc • accompani d b hi ·

onntei;g, a part of his family and . ui e.­He lan1lt'<1 the sam clay at two o'do .. k, with th nsn·'l eremonies. and havin"' tak-. .., en he s ;ire oath<; at the ou nc'I Chainb~r. retnrrir.d on board the Forth, froni which Ii a ain landep yester~ay.

1ERC:\ '\' CD'J DAT, Nov~: 'l(er;n IS. I 16.

011 •111 av l;i t the Bric Kittv, C11pt. nrri., :lrriv d fr in ' 'c il:rnd, in ixt!'e tl clny • l>rin;!i ll !! T/loiinn dnw to 2 l•L ultim , und 1111 .wcl'l& 10 lt't­lt•n1 .-n r frn n , ht>nc on 'he I 0 tolwr, l>y h i ~

I 1jc~1y'• •loop P io\' r, nl .• kPk~l. wh ich nr-ri d nt Por1~mn11th on the 1 !1 1. h i~' nrihv of t'lllllrk, (p. rticu nTly 81 thi ' U~Oll of 1h nr .)

that 11n-<w1•n< to lettc•r.; from henrl', ,·in 'En ~lnnd , 11l1011ld l>e receivi.!d from tl11nd i11 forty dny ·. . .

His E• c llency th G vernor h n.~ hcl!n plr'o~t>d to appoint Jo . l1Roo,t, j1111. E-i'J. Nutary Puulic. _,. .,..,,,,... + ,,..,,, _,.

CU TO .• lf- Jl 0 USE. ~~'l;T£R E ll.

· ~ ·I o ·, I nd to · ·

If.. Poon ~L\ Creditors on any of the sai I E 1. tt>. , 11 i. '

who ha\'e not f11r11i ... hecl the'r ac- ·ounl" d11 ! a tested to the i~Cnt <re h •re.hy rcr111!n."l

f\TO'TlCE1 l ::;:;;-;-;;;:;-~"'~~..¥.ll!=!.L-~--=::-:----~t~O~-r~ I t t IC ume p~p .rfy autli H i ~· :i11 .l ,

W I-I ER·EA _it app ar · by official re- at t e Office oft A"C'll t, on or I l! re t.ic: -

port ma e to I-Ii: F.xcellcncy the ·ld1 day of Occ.:mber next, that the sercrnl. (3-oYernor, that there hnv b en s vcrol tl - c ai1n may be duly cla.:: ·d . ertio~. fr Ill _His ~[ je~ty',; "hip and y ~ .. - . 'fho:t! pc~sons .who llf', lt>ct to comp .

~cl ince their arrival 111 the P rt.; of thi. with thi notice, will b exclutle<l 1he h n _ I -land th i · ·ear, ancl partic11l~1 ly at the fit of the Divitlenru intended to be mnde as'

- P?rt of St; .Johns: And it app "aring al o, above. that the eamen of Ili. i\I~j : ty's Sl1irr By ord r or the. rC!lpectivc Trustees of have b en en~ura" cl to sud 1 d ·ertion by . the abo\' E tat , some l\Iasters and ~ fat1t:i of m ·rchunt ve: - J .,:.iEs C:n.r:.t , A9?nl.

·, an1l by om• p rson · resident on the 1\o\· J 3 181 6 . ~ or.e. 'l~lic G~\· rn~r ti inks i! . n •cc ;;ary 1 \ ,

to gi ve this p 1bltc not1 e, t all .rersou r; who I 1 t 11 ° loc·k, niay h:i v . ~ ~ 1, or \\rho may in future b' On T1 · 1:. !J .-fl" /ht: :kl il.iy11.l 0t'ct>1n 1r rnf:.tl ,

concern cl in such impr P' ' c 11d11c' that • :\Ier ·hnnt,_' ll all, \1i "" .' a: tl. he h~s call.et! .U'flf>n th ~{ rig i ·tra e . r,\ t!i ir LL th Di-bis a 1cl 0u[,l .. udi,1 ·r IJ . • puhhc ai·s1 tnncc, nnd fi r the niJ of the an.ce:i d11 e to 1 h · cveral lu t1lvc11t Constables under their immediate dir ,,ti oo 1',.,1, tc,; of 1'110'1 •• rev E.' ~ .\:. Co. of to.apprehend all Cle. erlers from fl1· !\l11je'l- J1arl!2.£ Grace. l\ lerchunl! an \ V1 LLI.\3'C ty s l:ihip:. and Yeo.el~ , anci for an ob:: rv- · 11 .tv~:.uto, of.::.>!. .J ohn . . Shopkeepe r. ,l\nco of nny hon es of public "re ort, or of By o;clt!r of the 'fru. It! . of Le

· · · I · :! "nbo· e E:tate. , susp1c1on, In w II ;1\ Ul' ·erlers mar b. ·e-crt>ted or harhourccl, in or ler that any per- J MES Snn1:., Arrcnt. li)O or per on. o!Tendin arrain l the law on Nov.1~, 181 6. , ~

· thi~ :111~j(•ct may b imm'e liately >rosecuted · .---- • ft eri.Jf's Salt>. it b •in~ the determinittion of 1-li;i Excellen· T0 h ~ Id, by puulic Aucti n, cy, that th; ente~ce of 1he law pas ·ed 11 p- Oa .rr t n D.1 l " ne ·l, Al l '- o c o:;T.:-:-on any oflenders 1n such cas1:1s sball be car- n tic l'remi.; at Erlrr hill- l•'n rm, 110 , , i ri~d into full effect. tlw 01·cup 11t·y of Edwar.l :\I. I I •al,

By command of the Governor, rJ' V I·I• r:rs, 1 w, 3 tons H 'and .P1HLIP C.\RTERET I.1£ GEYT, . ..IL 0 < t • traw, 10 barrt'. . Pot do~s . ,

· cn:t.ar9.. d.o. T urnip. , with sn .idry Puruiin.a It: _

, Fort Townsnend, St. Joltn:o, sil· nnu Im pl'n nt:) uf Hu~band r.,.. -S~pter\1b "f 20, 1$ l6. ' 'l'og .ther, wi 1h ·undry a1 tide.> ~f ~I ou:.c-

hold furni ure, a;iti n fow Book . · Sn E llIFir' · SALE. - -~ •

T o l!.,. S ld, by puhlic Auction,

This tlay. at 1 ~ o ·clock, At 1 he Cou rt- I-I us ,

A LL Jud ith l\l•trphy's right, title and . intt~re:;t in a D 1·i:l~ing-flo1 -~. oppo­

site :"\Ir. J ames ~1ellccl ·•· · s. For p rticulars .., ~

e.nquire of tht: High heriff pr vion~ to the ume of ~ale. J. BLAND, Ii. Sheriff.

N ov. 13, lSlg, .. - . ....

: To be ' old. at pubic Auction, By ~Ir. B1tooM,

On. 111 (.{ ns D.1 Y ne.r:t lite l lit in!l nt, · At 11 o ·lock,


At 1\(1·: Pttlrick Jia1·ris's Lun&ber Ynnl. 7-1,517 feet Pinc BO RD and PLA. I",

of a up rior quali ty And 70,000 S·IJ:INGLES:

1'he cargo or tbc l3rig , Four Brothers, IsRac 13nrnes, 1nasler, frorn St. Andrews.

Nov. 9, 1 15.

U1~der und hy virtue or n in L n t·nt nf the urrogat ourt al!ai1: t tho "'.1id E -ward ?vl. lI al. Fr f nher p:.irtic lur · e1 . ·

•quire of tht: 1-Iigh 'h<>riff. · J B \ • 1 c;.·1 • "' • · 1. . )ID, . ...,,1cr : ..

T O V. J 3 l 8 1 (j.

F'OR '. L •:. • Al G !JVtl"ILl/Lf.ll l I Viu:1f,


The good rignn tiue lf.1/ 1 I -. /\',

n ~then alJ~>tll l !,!Q tO!IS.

' l'hi t' . e! hil . . un I r:1"t'ne u ti n nJ1 1nh . . J . ~ :> repa1r tn unc lu t, und her ·u:I • a:1 ri ·;. . . ' . g111g ar. c 1tire1y 1H'W and coin I •te.

O:T I f 11 t :old i lbt} c 1r.: of the t' ,.

:ming W1't! ·, . ht• will t" c i t .b t' ight a J. P:.ls.:1e1vr •r:.- fo r liaJ.fu.i: . ·

.11/:0, tlte Cu 1·g,, (1. t/L .. . aid v~::sel . Consi tin~ of A p >I , P otu toc:) anJ 1-Iuy.

11 or particular:; up,>ly to JAYES l (J:-JLAY.

Nov. 13, 1S16.

• For PooLE~ , . No\•. 11.-i:;no\V Kitt v, Cur1i ', Gr<•l'nnc1i : coalq. hi• •t1i1 nn<I pn111tn~. . Sd1~. Jam·, Harre . P. E. 1 ~111n : r:lltlf', ~h rep , pnta tOe•, OBI< anrl cant lin !!. J \.ME \V. b , H, Bri,. Royal l111rlotte; G1lc-hri• , onrto; bal lo t. Of Harbor G 1·0 i:, /\·, q{o1tnclland.

Or-an.'i o:ltcr Port iii lite IVesl uf Engl n: .

1'he good Brig F ,\I'rH, burthen per r · ·~lcr about l O 12.- ~chr. Ro•l''":lV, Edward , Holifax.; flour,

ta r, •h irH~ I~ !iud ppl e~. · . chr. Mary, G· ll:1'l'• WIIERE A J ::imcs \V alsb, of Harbor P. E. l•lanti : potnlOI'•, turnip and entllt'. ' nr1~ Grace, Newf 01111dland, \\"&. on the Trndrr, :\f•Lt-nn, Qrct>nnck : bi cui·i, pntalpu • 10th June last, de ·I.i red in· !vent by the heef and rai•ins. Ship Ut!bi: ca? Pritchard, Lun· Surrogate Court of f-Iarhor Gra" , ,·,, p11r-d n ; balla~I._ • . , .

cr.t:.\itEt>. •• · nance of the "tatutc of .j9th Geo. III.· N , •. · 11.-Sno·,~ Li tic Ann,. Davi~, T .. i!!n · An whereas 1he suh ·rib.-?rs have bee~

n:ou1h; 10011tl11. co~ fi•h, 56 fi rkrn~. and 4 kl' !!'! duly nppointed trustees in Drder to di•qo I011f?1l6•. SnO\V Prov1den<.'l', Tope, Bristol; J 5,440 II d cl - ' • ver, J?nlls. oil, unrl 42 b rrel" mud 11~1i. 13riJ! fame, co ect, an se1l the efftict of lhe said J:im~ Hay\911rd, Torbay and Poo c; 600 411~ cod_fi•h, , \V-alsh, foytl1e benefit of his creditors---All 4. bauels nr fi·~· and I~ k~J!M 10 111!11 !1nd r.ersons irfdebted to the said James \Valsh, . ou nd~. 12. -Rn.,. f)nvl', F1elJ L1verponl·; · h h . · b" fi · · oo b •.

1 f" .h ·

5 b • _ ti 1 1 .• a.,1 or .w o a e 1n 1. er, ort etrposses:;ion,

"'° Ullu•C: t •t t1.. l ,_ " arre-•1,. COtt l"' 1, "'I',~- f h "cl J w > ita I • oil, u11d 8 barrel,. nnd 16 kl'!! t oh~•E"~ ond nny o t e ni ames alsh s effects, ore capli.n, Briit Hope, tokeff, Trinidad; I ,fl qtls. hereby required not- to pay or deliver the cod .n h, 25 # rri!la-macl.arel,..25 baw:1 1erri11gii, _same . to any other penion than the 'l'rw-and lu ber. t d t • . th "oL f · ees, an o gtve notice to en1, or e1wer o

• TQ "OBSERVER." 1-fy f!OOd Sir, ·

Accl'pt mrb<' t thnnki; fQ.r your remntl<A on our Copper· money, ir o it must bl! rail ·d; it is

· a subject I hn\·e not only Ion~ thouf!ht of, but spoke of, but beinf! one of the number of tholle wh ·e ca11 e you sttm to plead, am f!lad to ~et it to buy a loarformv child , hich p 1rpo1e jt at

. prellent answers. "That it i a ··1, and a very weat one. no thirtkintt perN>n, I prf'll II!•• wil\ at­tempt to deny, and if nothing i do e to pttvt'nt &is 1nCfa!e, u lbe tradt i1 a, ptotitabl• ~ tbe


• ·~

tliem, without de lo v. ALP.XANDBll CA~PBELL, ~ T JoilN C. NuTTAJ.L, S rustees.

· Harqor Grace, Nov. 7_, 1816. O

P ERSONS holding ' the · p~issory ~OTES .of the...subscribers, are re­

quested. to prerent tl1em. for payment. · • Rosurso1' & Moamru.

' .Nov. 131 1816 •

· ton ; will -be ready 'to ta 1•

n cur•• on boa cl i l the cour~e of three we<.>k,i from this da.t .

j.'or }freight or Pa!lS!l"' (ha\ in .. ""OOU uc-d

. 0 00 connno illlOn.:1)', apply .to

J.\~ES :\f ~LLEDee. Nov. 13, tsto. 4

. 01'ICE.

T IIE Partnership in trade· now sub i t­ing between ·ruol!AS DALTON and

JoHN ltvA., of St. J ohns, and carried on lltlder the· finn of DALTO~ & llv AN wi 1 be dissolved by mutual consent 011 th; 31st day or Decembttr DE:"<t. All person hav-' ing domandis upon the said co-parlnrrship • or upon either of u individually. whetbe; in account or as holder9.o( our joinfor se­parate notes. are hereby· required to 'ittab; them forth ·th t oor 011ice, in 1 aggotty ..

.- · .... ~.P""4;;DS. indebtea to· ws a~ i"maai·m ia1e p~L ·

· • ..•. .,,.,\,,;_, 1

r!'flo Dil'T6!f, . J• . J1 .. ' ., O·


Page 4: ·ourn - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal1816111…Just anivecl from Waterford, And for Sale, By the 1uhscriber, On the most mOderate



. .

For FllBloHT or Cu.ART.Ell

The Schooner STEPllEN KNIG-HT;

She is Britilfb built. well con­dluoued, only three years old, and carries

~P.--1: ftom 1800 to !000 quintals fish. Apply to .,,.. .,·.,;;~,-,,. B1cKLEY, ANGEL & Co.

. F• n Ca.uTU. Tor 01l1I parf oJ ~ tpaita, Portupl, or ltal9,

The fine, fut-sailing Brig 4 N, Ca,,. i1nd,frt.

Burtben per register 170 tons; will carry about 3,500 qtls. of &h •

• The chartmet_ may be aceommodat

with 1~0 ton• Caaii SALT OD reasonable tenns ; and the Vessel will proceed to an out-port if required. For particulars apply to the master on board, or to

Hu:.ir'I', 8Tua, PaBSTOl'f & Co. Oct. 5. 1816.

Foa \V ATERPORD, # .-.. The well known fast oiling

Bril II .AR 1.4, · John Nichols, master,

B\lrthen per regi ter 180 tons; will be ready to ~ai l about the ~5th instant; will lsave very superior accom_modation for pas­sengers. For passage only apply to

PATa1c1t Moan1s: 1Vlw IUJs for &,le, at Iii• Lt1rnher Ya1·tl,

Next Messl'll. Ne\\·man,& Co's. 300,000 pine and ttpruce Boord and Plank,.

· of a very superior quality, 2-00.000 pine Sbingl",

40,000 Clapboard, 40,000 Bricks, With 99me Spars, Scantling, Lath-wood,

OY. 6, 1816.


St. John•, NeVJfoundland, 22d Oct. 1816

N OTICE is hereby gi~en, .that a dis­masted Vessel of t!ie following dii.nen­

tions: length on deck ~i feet, breadth 19 feet 10 inches-, depth of bold 10 feet 6 in­cha, admeasuring 120"31-"9'"4-tons, Britiih admeasurement, found derelict . near Cape St. Mary's, in t.be Island' of Newfoundland, on the 5th day of October, in the year 1815, at prese~t in Burin, \viii be Sold by public Auction_, ia the · c~urse of the tnext month.

. ·A~d a Ho111e Frame complete, 36 ft. by ~. Oct. 9, 1816. .

For Sak, Frtight, or, Ch 1rter,

• • , or. •

•y , • .- i" •

(I . • ~ CJWVFORD' G>. HuNT; SrABn, ·Pll & CO: ~; N elDfoutlland, MercAani.. · Ojfrr for 1t1lt, at reduced price.,•

REAS Crawford & Co. of St. BILNK, St. Pett!rs' and shore tines; ~·

ohos, ewfoundland, Merchants, ganging, caplin, seine, herring net, w , the ~2d of this instant Aprili in and otlier ·tw' ea; cahles, bawsers, rodt>i, Pursuance of the statute ef 49tb Geo. II. and small ~ord~cre, twice-laid, and 06 ....

k . 1. .. , ,

declareCt iowlvent in the Supreme S~rro- oa um, cast nets, hemn' -and mackarc\ gate CQurt : Aud whereas the subscnbers nets of all dimensions ; ·caplin seines, pro. have been duly appointed Trustees, in or- per sizes for 'vest'~rn lioats; a few half. der to discover, colleet and sell the effects barrels of pigi tongues, barrels .and tie~ of the said Cra,vford & Co. for the benl!fit , of pigs' cheeks · han;is of excelle t qua iiy of their creditors.-Alf persons who are iu- \¥Orth the attention of families;- 1

debted to the said Crawford & Co. or who Devonshire ale, LonCion porter, an i .

have in hi her, or their poiSeSSion, ariy of \'ariely of \vines in " 'ood and bottlo; lin _th said Cra,vford & Co's. effects, are here- juice, bra~dy, and a few cases of cordials · by required ·not to pay or deliver the ame .S bales of lent her; boot and shoes ~sort: to any other persons- than the 'l'rusteei , aHd ed, in cask ; sifted lime in bhtls.· and hair

· to give notice thereof to th!tm, or either of for plaisterjng; souchono-, con o nnd bohe

. Sept. 21, 1816;.

. \) •

4 ., •