Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished

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Page 1: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished
Page 2: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished

Other Monograph s i n thi s Serie s

No. 1 . Irvin g Kaplansky : Algebraic and analytic aspects of operator algebras.

3. Lawrenc e Markus : Lectures in Differentiable Dynamics.

4. H . S . M . Coxeter : Twisted honeycombs.

5. Georg e W . Whitehead: Recent advances in homotopy theory.

6. Walte r Rudin : Lectures on the edge-of-the wedge theorem.

7. Yoz o Matsushima : Holomorphic vector fields on compact Kdhler manifolds.

Page 3: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished

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Page 4: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished

Conference Boar d o f the Mathematica l Science s


supported b y the

National Scienc e Foundatio n

Number 2



Gilbert Baumsla g

Published fo r the

Conference Boar d o f th e Mathematica l Science s

by the

American Mathematica l Societ y

Providence, Rhod e Islan d


Page 5: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished

Expos i tory Lecture s

from th e CBM S Regiona l Conferenc e

held a t th e Univers i t y o f T e x a s , Aust in , T e x a s

May 2 6 - 3 0 , 196 9

International Standar d Boo k Numbe r 0-8218-1650- 0

Library o f Congres s Catalo g Numbe r 78-14563 6

AMS 197 0 Subjec t C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s : Primar y 2 0 E 15 ;

Secondary 2 0 E 3 5 , 2 2 E 2 5 , 2 2 E 6 0 .

Key word s an d phrases : Ni lpoten t group , algorithmi c problems ,

res idual ly f inite , commutato r c a l c u l u s , l i e an d a s s o c i a t i v e rin g

t echn iques , l i e groups , matri x groups .

AMS-on-Demand ISBN 978-0-8218-4157-0

Copyright O 197 1 b y th e America n Mathematica l Societ y

Printed i n th e Unite d State s o f Americ a

All rights reserved except those granted to the United States Government

May not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers.

Page 6: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished


Introduction v i

0. Basi c notion s an d result s 1

1. Algorithmi c problem s fo r finitel y generate d nilpoten t group s 5

2. Residua l propertie s an d som e application s 1 0

3- Li e an d associat iv e rin g technique s an d th e commutato r calculu s ,...2 5

4. Li e grou p technique s 3 9

5. Miscellaneou s topic s 6 4

Bibliography 6 8


Page 7: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished


These lecture s ar e concerned , i n th e main , wit h finitel y generate d nilpoten t groups .

The theor y o f thes e group s i s ric h an d exciting .

There see m t o b e thre e mai n part s t o thi s theory . Th e firs t o f thes e deal s wit h th e

so-called commutato r calculus , whic h wa s initiate d b y Phili p Hal l i n hi s fundamenta l

paper [ 2 9 ] . A s th e nam e suggest s i t i s concerne d wit h manipulation s o f commutator s

and deduction s o f furthe r relationship s betwee n commutator s fro m basi c identities .

There doe s no t see m t o b e an y guidin g principl e i n thi s calculus ; consequentl y thi s

aspect o f th e theor y i s fo r th e mos t par t rathe r difficult .

The secon d aspec t o f th e theor y is , i n a sense , governe d b y a singl e principle .

This principl e ma y b e likene d t o a well-know n procedur e i n elementar y numbe r theor y

where on e show s tha t a propositio n abou t th e integer s hold s modul o eac h prim e p an d

thence fo r th e integer s themselves . Thi s notio n ma y b e used , i n particular , t o prov e

certain result s abou t finitel y generate d torsion-fre e nilpoten t groups . Th e ke y fac t i s

the followin g theore m o f K . W . Gruenberg [ 2 5 ] : i f G i s a finitel y generate d torsion -

free nilpoten t grou p an d p i s an y prime , then , give n an y elemen t g G G {g /- l ) , ther e

is a norma l subgrou p / V o f G suc h tha t G/N i s a finit e p-grou p wit h g $ N. Roughl y

speaking, th e ide a i s t o sho w tha t i f a propositio n abou t a finitel y generate d torsion -

free nilpoten t grou p hold s fo r al l it s homomorphi c image s o f prime=powe r order , the n i t

holds als o fo r th e grou p itself .

The thir d par t o f nilpoten t grou p theor y stem s i n th e mai n fro m th e connectio n

between li e group s an d li e algebras ; i t wa s discusse d firs t b y A . I . Ma i ce v i n hi s

beautiful pape r [ 6 3 ] . Th e impac t o f thi s connectio n an d th e consequen t connection s

between arithmeti c an d algebrai c group s ha s onl y ver y recentl y emerge d (see , fo r ex -

ample, th e ver y dee p paper s b y L . Auslande r [ 2 ] , [3 ] an d th e pape r b y L . Auslande r

and G . Baumsla g [ 4]). I n a sens e thi s i s th e mos t exciting , althoug h i t i s i n som e

ways th e mos t limited , aspec t o f th e whol e theory . Her e w e shal l develo p ab initio,

by usin g th e approac h o f S . A . Jenning s [ 4 7L a s muc h o f th e necessar y machiner y a s

is neede d fo r ou r discussio n o f th e automorphis m group s o f finitel y generate d nilpoten t


Although I have chose n t o divid e th e theor y o f finitel y generate d nilpoten t group s

into thre e parts , i t shoul d b e pointe d ou t tha t thes e part s ar e reall y ver y muc h inter -

related, eac h complementin g th e others .

The progra m fo r thes e lecture s i s se t fort h i n th e tabl e o f contents . I have no t


Page 8: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished


divided th e materia l u p int o th e thre e part s describe d abov e becaus e thi s woul d mak e

for ver y awkwar d exposition . I hav e a ls o no t trie d t o provid e a complet e accoun t o f th e

theory here . Th e intereste d reade r wil l fin d tha t a stud y o f th e bibliograph y include d

at th e en d o f thes e lecture s wil l allo w hi m t o g o mor e deepl y int o thos e aspec t s o f th e

theory whic h appea l t o hi m most .


These note s ar e substantial l y th e sam e a s thos e prepare d a s a n ai d t o th e te n

lectures o n finitel y generate d nilpoten t group s whic h I gav e i n Austi n a t th e Universit y

of Texa s durin g Ma y o f 1969 - The y hav e bee n slightl y polishe d an d numerou s mistake s

have bee n eradicated , mainl y du e t o th e diligenc e o f Joh n F . Ledli e t o who m I woul d

like t o expres s m y appreciatio n fo r hi s valuabl e hel p an d ass i s t ance . I would a l s o lik e

to expres s m y thank s t o Nanc y Singleto n an d Kath y Vigi l fo r thei r patien t decipherin g

of man y rewritten , hal f legibl e page s whic h mad e u p thi s manuscript . Finall y I woul d

like t o than k th e Mathematic s Departmen t (especiall y Joh n R . Durbin ) o f th e Universit y

of Texa s fo r makin g i t suc h a pleasur e t o spen d a wee k i n Ma y i n Austin .

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Theorem 5.10 . Every solvable group of matrices over the ring of integers of an

algebraic number field is polycyclic.

Theorem 5.1 0 yield s tw o furthe r theorem s o f A . I . Ma i ce v [62 ] namely :

Theorem 5.11 . The solvable subgroups of the group of automorphisms of a poly-

cyclic group are polycyclic.

Theorem 5.12 . A solvable group is polycyclic if and only if all its abelian sub-

groups are finitely generated.

We tur n ou r attentio n no w t o a rathe r differen t notio n du e t o J . Milno r [67 ] whic h

essent ial ly single s ou t th e nilpoten t group s fro m othe r solvabl e groups . Milnor' s

notion i s tha t o f growt h function . I n orde r t o explai n le t G b e a grou p wit h a give n

finite se t X - \x , • • • , x \ o f generators . Fo r eac h positiv e intege r n le t g(n) denot e

the numbe r o f element s o f G tha t ca n b e expresse d a s word s o f lengt h a t mos t n. A s

it stand s g(n) i s a functio n o f th e positiv e intege r n. Th e functio n g i s calle d a

growth function fo r G. W e ter m g o f polynomia l typ e o f degre e < e i f g(n) < cn e

where c i s som e constant . I f g(n) > uv n wher e bot h u an d v ar e constants , v > 1 ,

then g i s sai d t o b e o f exponentia l type . I t turn s ou t tha t i f an y growt h functio n o f G

is o f a give n type , the n the y al l a re , i .e . , th e choic e o f th e finit e syste m o f generator s

of G doe s no t affec t th e typ e o f th e associate d growt h function . Th e relevanc e o f

these notion s t o u s lie s i n th e followin g resul t du e i n par t t o J . Milno r an d i n par t t o

J . A . Wol f (se e [87]) .

Theorem 5-13 - A finitely generated solvable group is either of exponential type or

of polynomial type. It is of polynomial type if and only if it is a finite extension of a

nilpotent group.

The relevanc e o f thi s notio n o f a growt h functio n t o algebr a i s no t clear , bu t i t i s

s t i l l quit e fascinating . I t aros e i n connectio n wit h th e stud y o f curvatur e o f certai n

Riemannian manifold s (se e J . Milno r [68 ] an d J . A . Wol f [87]) .


[ l ] L . Auslander , EieberbacKs theorems on space groups and discrete uniform sub-

groups of Lie groups, Ann . o f Math . (2 ) 7 1 (I960) , 579-590 . M R 2 2 #12161 .

[ 2 ] , On a problem of Philip Hall, Ann . o f Math . (2 ) 8 6 (1967) , 112-116 .

MR 3 6 #1540 .

[ 3 ] , The automorphism group of a polycyclic group, Ann . o f Math . (2 ) 8 9

(1969), 314-322 .

[ 4 ] L . Auslande r an d G . Baumslag , Automorphism groups of finitely generated nil-

potent groups, Bull . Amer . Math . Soc . 7 3 (1967) , 716-717 . M R 3 6 #259 .

Page 11: Other Monographs in this Serieslectures on finitely generated nilpotent groups which I gave in Austin at the University of Texas during May of 1969- They have been slightly polished


[ 5 ] R . Baer , Endlicheitskriterien filr Commutator gruppen, Math . Ann . 12 4 (1952) ,

161-177. M R 13 , 622 .

[ 6 ] , Engelsche elemente Noetherscher Gruppen, Math . Ann . 13 3 (1957) ,

256-270. M R 19 , 248 .

[ 7 ] G . Baumslag , Some aspects of groups with unique roots, Act a Math . 10 4 (I960) ,

217-303 . M R 2 3 #A191 .

[ 8 ] , A generalization of a theorem of Mai'cev, Arch . Math . 1 2 (1961) , 40 5 —

408. M R 2 6 #205 .

[ 9 ] . — , On the residual finiteness of generalized free products of nilpotent

groups, Trans . Amer . Math . Soc . 10 6 (1963) , 193-209 . M R 2 6 #2489 -

[10] — , Automorphism groups of residually finite groups, J . Londo n Math . Soc .

38 (1963) , 117-118 . M R 2 6 #3793 .

[ll] 9 Groups with the same lower central sequence as a relatively free group.

I. The groups, Trans . Amer . Math . Soc . 12 9 (1967) , 308-321 . M R 3 6 #248 .

[12] — , Groups with the same lower central sequence as a relatively free group.

II. Properties, Trans . Amer . Math . Soc . 14 2 (1969) , 507-538 . M R 3 9 #6959 .

[13] , Automorphism groups of nilpotent groups, America n J . Mat h 9 1

(1969), 1003-1011 .

[14] N . Blackburn , Conjugacy in nilpotent groups, Proc . Amer . Math . Soc . 1 6 (1965) ,

143-148. M R 3 0 #3140 .

[15] A . Borel , Arithmetic properties of linear algebraic groups, Proc . Internat . Congress Math . (Stockholm , 1962 ) Inst . Mittag-Leffler , Djursholm , 1963 , pp . 10 —

22. M R 3 1 #177 .

[16] A . Bore l an d J-P . Serre , Theoremes de finitude en cohomologie galoisienne,

Comment. Math . Helv . 3 9 (1964) , 111-164 . M R 3 1 #5870 .

[17] J . F . Bowers , On composition series of poly cyclic groups, J . Londo n Math .

Soc. 3 5 (I960) , 433-444 . M R 2 3 #A1710 .

[18]" C. Chevalley , Theory of Lie groups. Vol . 1 , Princeto n Math . Series , vol . 8 ,

Princeton Univ . P ress , Princeton , N .J . , 1946 . M l 7 , 412 .

[19] M . Dehn, Uber unendliche diskontinuierliche Gruppen, Math . Ann . 7 1 (1911) ,

116-144 .

[20] N . Divinsky , Commutative subdirectly irreducible rings, Proc . Amer . Math . Soc .

8 (1957) , 642-648 . M R 19 , 245 .

[21] V . H . Dyson , The word problem and residually finite groups, Notice s Amer .

Math. Soc . 1 1 (1964) , 743 . Abstrac t # 6 1 6 - 7 .

[22] W . Gaschutz , Kohomologische Trivialitaten und aussere Automorphismen von

p-Gruppen, Math . Z . 8 8 (1965) , 432-433 . M R 3 3 #4137 .

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[23] E . S . Golod , On nil-algebras and finitely approximable p-groups, Izv . Akad . Nau k

SSSR Ser . Mat . 2 8 (1964) , 273-276 ; Englis h transl . , Amer . Math . Soc . Transl .

(2) 4 8 (1965) , 103-106 . M R 2 8 #5082 .

[24] K . W . Gruenberg, Two theorems on Engel groups, P roc . Cambridg e Philos . Soc .

49 (1953) , 377-380 . M R 14 , 1060 .

[25] , Residual properties of infinite soluble groups, Proc . Londo n Math .

Soc. (3 ) 7 (1957) , 2 9 - 6 2 . M R 19 , 386 .

[26] , The upper central series in soluble groups, Illinoi s J . Math . 5 (1961) ,

436-466. M R 2 5 #122 .

[27] M . HaU, The theory of groups , Macimillan , Ne w York , 1959 . M R 2 1 #1996 .

[28] — , Subgroups of finite index in free groups, Canad . J . Math . 1 (1949) , 187 —

190. M R 10 , 506 .

[29] P . Hall , A contribution to the theory of groups of prime-power order, Proc .

London Math . Soc . (2 ) 3 6 (1933) , 2 9 - 9 5 .

[30] • , Finiteness conditions for soluble groups, Proc . Londo n Math . Soc . (3 )

4 (1954) , 419-436 . M R 17 , 344 .

[31] 9 Nilpotent groups, Canad . Math . Congress , Summe r Seminar , Universit y

of Alberta , 1957 .

[32] , Some word-problems, J . Londo n Math . Soc . 3 3 (1958) , 482-496 .

MR 2 1 #1331 .

[33] , Finite-by-nilpotent groups, Proc . Cambridg e Ph i lo s . Soc . 5 2 (1956) ,

611-616. M R 18 , 190 .

[34] ? On the finiteness of certain soluble groups, Proc . Londo n Math . Soc .

(3) 9 (1959) , 595-622 . M R 2 2 #1618 .

[35] , The Frattini subgroups of finitely generated groups, Proc . Londo n

Math. Soc . (3 ) 1 1 (1961) , 327-352 . M R 2 3 #A1718 .

[36] H . Heineken , Engelsche Elemente der Lange drei, Illinoi s J . Math . 5 (1961) ,

681-707. M R 24#A1319 .

[37] G . Higman , The units of group-rings, Proc . Londo n Math . Soc . (2 ) 46(1940) , 231-248* M R 2 , 5 .

[38] , A remark on finitely generated nilpotent groups, Proc . Amer . Math .

Soc. 6 (1955) , 284-285 . M R 16 , 996 .

[39] ? Groups and rings having automorphisms without non-trivial fixed ele-

ments, J . Londo n Math . Soc . 3 2 (1957) , 321-334 . M R 19 , 633 -

[40] , Lie ring methods in the theory of finite nilpotent groups, Proc . Internat .

Congress Math . (Edinburgh , 1958 ) Cambridg e Univ . P r e s s , Ne w York , I960 ,

pp. 307-312 . M R 2 2 #6845 .

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[41] . , Unpublished , 1969 .

[42] K . A . Hirsch , On infinite soluble groups. I , Proc . Londo n Math . Soc . (2 ) 4 4

(1938), 53 -60 .

[43] , On infinite soluble groups. II , Proc . Londo n Math . Soc . (2 ) 4 4 (1938) ,


[44] — , On infinite soluble groups. Ill , Proc . Londo n Math . Soc . (2 ) 4 9 (1946) ,

184-194. M R 8, 132 .

[45] N . Jacobson , Structure of rings, Amer . Math . Soc . Colloq . Publ. , vol . 37 , Amer .

Math. S o c , Providence , R.I. , 1956 . M R 18 , 373 .

[46] , Lie algebras, Interscienc e Tract s i n Pur e an d Appl . Math. , vol . 10 ,

Interscience, Ne w York , 1962 . M R 2 6 #1345 .

[47] S . A . Jennings , The group ring of a class of infinite nilpotent groups, Canad . J .

Math. 7 (1955) , 169-187 . M R 16, 899 .

[48] L . Kaloujnine , Uber gewisse Beziehungen zwischen einer gruppe und ihren

Automorphismen, Berline r Math . Tagua g (1963) , 164—172 .

[49] M . I . Kargapolov , Finitary approximability of supersolvable groups with respect to conjugacy, Algebr a i Logik a Sem . 6 (1967) , no . 1 , 63—68 . (Russian )

MR 3 5 #6741 .

[50] A . I . Kostrikin , The Burnside problem, Izv . Akad . Nau k SSS R Ser . Mat . 2 3 (1959), 3 -34 ; Englis h transl. , Amer . Math . Soc . Transl . (2 ) 3 6 (1964) , 63-99 -

MR 24#A1947 .

[51] W . Krull , Jacobsonsches Radikal und Hilbertscher Nullstellensatz, P roc . Internat. Congres s Math . (Cambridge , Mass. , 1950) , vol . 2 , Amer . Math . S o c ,

Providence, R . I. , 1952 , pp . 56 -64 . M R 13 , 526 .

[52] A . G . Kuros , The theory of groups, GITTL , Moscow , 1953 ; Englis h transl. ,

Vols. I , II , Chelsea , Ne w York , 1955 , 1956 . M R 15 , 501 ; M R 17 , 124 .

[53] M . Lazard , Sur les groupes nilpotents et les anneaux de Lie, Ann . Sci . Ecol e

Norm. Sup . (3 ) 7 1 (1954) , 101-190 . M R 19 , 529 .

[54] A . Learner , Residual properties of polycyclic groups, Illinoi s J . Math . 8 (1964) ,

536-542. M R 29 #3532 .

[55] F . Levin , Generating groups for nilpotent varieties, J . Austral . Math . Soc .

Soc. 1 1 (1970) , 2 8 - 3 2 .

[56] J . Lewin , A finitely presented group whose group of automorphisms is infinitely

generated, J . Londo n Math . Soc . 4 2 (1967) , 610-613 . M R 3 6 #5200 .

[57] F . Lev i an d B . L . va n de r Waerden , Uber eine besondere Klasse von Gruppen,

Abh. Math . Sem . Univ . Hamburg . 9 (1933) , 154-158 .

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[58] S . MacLane , Homology, Di e Grundlehre n de r math . Wissenschaften , Ban d 114 ,

Academic P r e s s , Ne w York ; Springer-Verlag , Berlin , 1963 . M R 2 8 #122 .

[59] W . Magnus , Bexiehungen zwischen Gruppen und Idealen in einem speziellen

Ring, Math . Ann . I l l (1935) , 259-280 .

[60] — , Uber freie Faktorgruppen und freie Untergruppen gegebener Gruppen,

Monatsh. Math . Phys . 4 7 (1939) , 307-313 -

[61] W . Magnus, A. Karras s an d D . Solitar , Combinatorial group theory: Presentations

of groups in terms of generators and relations, Pur e an d Appl . Math. , vol . 13 ,

Interscience, Ne w York , 1966 . M R 3 4 #7617 .

[62] A . I . Ma i cev , On certain classes of infinite solvable groups, Mat . Sb . 2 8 (70 )

(1951), 567-588 ; Englis h transl . , Amer . Math . Soc . Trans l . (2 ) 2 (1956) , 1 -21 .

MR 13 , 203 .

[63] —- , On a class of homogeneous spaces, Izv . Akad . Nau k SSS R Ser . Mat . 1 3

(1949), 9 -32 ; Englis h t ransl . , Amer . Math . Soc . Trans l . (1 ) 9 (1962) , 276-307 .

MR 10 , 507 .

[64] , Nilpotent torsion-free groups, Izv . Akad . Nau k SSS R Ser . Mat . 1 3 (1949) ,

201-212. (Russian ) M R 10 , 507 .

[65] , On the faithful representation of infinite groups by matrices, Mat . Sb . 8

(50) (1940) , 405-422 ; Englis h t ransl . , Amer . Math . Soc . Transl . (2 ) 4 5 (1965) ,

1-18. M R 2 , 216 .

[66] J . C . C . McKinsey , The decision problem for some classes of sentences with-

out quantifiers, J . Symboli c Logi c 8 (1943) , 61—76 . M R 5 , 85 .

[67] J . W . Milnor, A note on curvature and fundamental group, J . Differentia l

Geometry 2 (1968) , 1-7 . M R 3 8 #636 .

[68] , Growth of finitely generated solvable groups, J . Differentia l Geometr y

2 (1968) , 447-449 . M R 3 9 #6212 .

[69] C . C . Moore , Decomposition of unitary representations defined by discrete sub-

groups of nilpotent groups, Ann . o f Math . (2 ) 8 2 (1965) , 146—182 .

MR 3 1 #5928 .

[70] A . W . Mostowski , Computational algorithms for deciding some problems for nil-

potent groups, Fund . Math . 5 9 (1966) , 137-152 . M R 3 7 #293 .

[71] , On the decidability of some problems in special classes of groups,

Fund. Math . 5 9 (1966) , 123-135 . M R 3 7 #292 .

[72] B . H . Neumann , An embedding theorem for algebraic systems, Proc . Londo n

Math. Soc . (3 ) 4 (1954) , 138-153 . M R 17 , 448 .

[73] , Ascending derived series, Compositi o Math . 1 3 (1956) , 47—64 .

MR 19 , 632 .

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[74] H . Neumann , Varieties of groups, Ergebniss e de r Mathemati k un d ihre r

Grenzgebiete, Ban d 37 , Springer-Verlag , Ne w York , 1967 . M R 35 #6734 .

[75l J . Nielsen , Om Regning med ikke-kommutative Faktoren og dens Anvendelse i

Gruppenteorien, Mat . Tidsskr . B (1921) , 77—94 .

[76] I . B . S . Passi , Dimension subgroups, J . Algebr a 9 (1968) , 152-182 .

MR 3 8 #242 .

[77] V . P . Platonov , FraLtini subgroup of linear groups and finitary approximability, Dokl. Akad . Nau k SSS R 17 1 (1966) , 798-80 1 = Soviet Math . Dokl . 7 (1966) ,

1557-1560. M R 3 5 #2971 .

[78] M . O . Rabin , Recursive unsolvability of group theoretic problems, Ann . o f Math .

(2) 6 7 (1958) , 172-194 . M R 22 #1611 .

[79] V . N . Remeslennikov , Conjugacy of subgroups in nilpotent groups, Algebr a i

Logika Sem . 6 (1967) , no . 2 , 61 -76 . (Russian ) M R 36 #1545 .

[80] D . J . S . Robinson , A property of the lower central series of a group, Math . Z .

107 (1968) , 225-231 . M R 38 #3355 .

[8l] R . D . Schafer , An introduction to nonas so dative algebras, Pur e an d Appl . Math. ,

vol. 22 , Academi c Press , Ne w York , 1966 . M R 35 #1643 .

[82] J-P . Serre , Lie algebras and Lie groups, Benjamin , Ne w York , 1965 .

MR 36 #1582 .

[83] R . G . Swan , Representations of poly eye lie groups, Proc . Amer . Math . Soc . 1 8

(1967), 573-574 . M R 3 5 #4306 .

[84] B . A . F . Wehrfritz , Sylow theorems for periodic linear groups, Proc . Londo n

Math. Soc . (3 ) 1 8 (1968) , 125-140 . M R 36 #3893 .

[85] , Soluble periodic linear groups, Proc . Londo n Math . Soc . (3 ) 1 8 (1968) ,

141-157. M R 36 #3894 .

[86] J . A . Wolf , Spaces of constant curvature, McGraw-Hill , Ne w York , 1967 .

MR 36 #829 .

[87] , Growth of finitely generated solvable groups and curvature of

Riemannian manifolds, J . Differentia l Geometr y 2 (1968) , 421—446 .

[88] H . Zassenhaus , Vber Lie'sche Ringe mit Primzahlcharakerteristik, Abh . Math .

Sem. Univ . Hamburg . 1 3 (1940) , 1-100 .

[89] M . Zorn , On the theorem of Engel, Bull . Amer . Math . Soc . 4 3 (1937) , 401-404 .

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