Orientation to ISIS- SWIS Individual Student Information System – School-Wide Information System (ISIS- SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training Team, February 2013

Orientation to ISIS-SWIS Individual Student Information System School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training

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Goals:  Describe the purposes and functions of ISIS-SWIS  Provide guidance for navigation of the ISIS-SWIS demo  Define how ISIS-SWIS is used by administrators, coordinators, school teams, and ISIS-SWIS Facilitators Orientation to ISIS-SWIS

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Page 1: Orientation to ISIS-SWIS Individual Student Information System  School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training

Orientation to ISIS-SWISIndividual Student Information System –

School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS)

University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training Team, February 2013

Page 2: Orientation to ISIS-SWIS Individual Student Information System  School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training

Agenda: 1. Purpose of ISIS-SWIS2. The Story: Introduction to the Demonstration

School3. Navigation4. Module Activities

a) ISIS-SWIS Demo Account Exploration

Orientation to ISIS-SWIS

Page 3: Orientation to ISIS-SWIS Individual Student Information System  School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training

Goals: Describe the purposes and functions of ISIS-SWISProvide guidance for navigation of the ISIS-SWIS

demoDefine how ISIS-SWIS is used by administrators,

coordinators, school teams, and ISIS-SWIS Facilitators

Orientation to ISIS-SWIS

Page 4: Orientation to ISIS-SWIS Individual Student Information System  School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training

The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system designed to help school personnel use office referral data to monitor progress of school-wide and individual student interventions.

CICO-SWIS is a decision system for targeted or group-based interventions for students needing additional support beyond the Universal or Tier I system.

ISIS-SWIS is a decision system for students requiring more intensive and individualized supports for academic, social or mental health services.

Where does ISIS-SWIS fit?

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Purposes of ISIS-SWIS

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What is ISIS-SWIS? Individual Student Information System

ISIS-SWIS is an application within the SWIS Suite designed to coordinate and monitor individualized student support.

ISIS-SWIS allows teams to: Define, organize and communicate with team members Coordinate assessment, support plan development, and

related documentation Define data collection measures Collect, summarize and report data on both fidelity of plan

implementation and student outcomes Provide administrators and coordinators with summary

information for decision-making.

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TeamsTeam CoordinatorsFacilitators/CoachesAdministrators


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Individual Student Team Coordinator of Team1. Assessment and support

planning2. Implement and monitor

support plan3. Team decision making and

communication 4. Target areas in need of staff

training or coaching5. Student data collection and

evaluation6. Fidelity/team data collection

and evaluation

1. Establish team roles2. Liaison between School-wide

Tier III Support Team, Individual Student Teams, and families

3. Manage decisions related to individualized plan and changes to plan

4. Monitor individual student progress

5. Monitor fidelity of plan implementation

Who uses ISIS-SWIS?Individual Student Support Teams

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Individual Student Support

Team C

Individual Student Support Team

Individual Student Support Teams use ISIS-SWIS to collect and organize:• Team members• Documents• Fidelity data• Outcome data

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Individual Student Support

Team C


Individual Student Support

Team C


Individual Student Support

Team C



Coordinator of Student Teams

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• Purpose: Define team. Monitor and communicate with Individual Student Team members

• Purpose: Manage assessment information, Individualized plan (and plan changes), Team meeting minutes, Other documents as needed

• Purpose: A) Develop fidelity and outcome measuresB) Collect dataC) Display data for decision-making

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• Purpose: Define current status of individual student supports.

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Who uses ISIS-SWIS?School-Wide Tier III Support Teams School-Wide Tier III

TeamAdministrator Facilitator/Coach

1. Monitor progress for students receiving Tier III support (outcome and fidelity)

2. Target areas in need of staff training or coaching

3. Communication with Individual Student Team, Coordinators and school staff

1. Participate in and support School-Wide Tier III Support Teams

2. Communicate with and support Coordinators and Individual Student Support Teams

3. Monitor Tier III support system implementation (ISIS-SWIS School-wide Report)

1. Support Administrators, Coordinators and Teams

2. Liaison between school and district/region

3. Monitor and support Tier III system implementation

4. Monitor and support ISIS-SWIS implementation

5. Target areas in need of staff training or coaching

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School-Wide Tier III Support Team


General Educator

Custodial Staff




Teacher Aide

District Coach

School-Wide Tier III Support Team

ISIS-SWIS Facilitator

District Coach

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Role Description ISIS-SWIS Access ISIS-SWIS Facilitator

A certified ISIS-SWIS Facilitator is someone within the region/district who can provide technical assistance for coordinating the implementation and evaluation of individual support.

SAMI Access• Account and User Management• Coordinator Management • Coordinator Access to all Student Files

ISIS-SWIS Coordinator(s)

An ISIS-SWIS Coordinator is someone at the school who manages individualized student support teams. This person completes the Swift at ISIS-SWIS training with the ISIS-SWIS Facilitator.

Coordinator Access Add/Edit Assigned Student File(s) Person Management Add/Edit Measures Add/Edit Team Members Add/Edit Documents Data Entry Reports

School-Wide Read-Only User

A School-Wide Read-Only User is an administrator, coordinator, coach or evaluator who needs access to both school-wide and individual student reports.

Read-Only Access• School-Wide Reports• Read-Only Access to all Student Files


An ISIS-SWIS User is an individual student support team member who needs access to one or more student files (documents, data, team member information). The team member may enter individualized support data and/or generate reports for one or more students in ISIS-SWIS. Access level should be identified based on tasks assigned.

During initial implementation of ISIS-SWIS, all users should attend the Swift at ISIS-SWIS training with the facilitator. After implementation, users may be trained by coordinators.

Full Access Assigned Student File(s) Add/Edit Documents Data Entry Reports

Read-Only Access Assigned Student File(s) Documents (View) Team Members (View) Reports

Other Team Members

An ISIS-SWIS Team Member is someone identified as a participating member of a student’s support team. A team member who does not have an additional role of coordinator or user will not have access to ISIS-SWIS.

No Access

Page 19: Orientation to ISIS-SWIS Individual Student Information System  School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training

Role Description ISIS-SWIS Access ISIS-SWIS Facilitator

A certified ISIS-SWIS Facilitator is someone within the region/district who can provide technical assistance for coordinating the implementation and evaluation of individual support.

SAMI Access• Account and User Management• Coordinator Management • Coordinator Access to all Student Files

ISIS-SWIS Coordinator(s)

An ISIS-SWIS Coordinator is someone at the school who manages individualized student support teams. This person completes the Swift at ISIS-SWIS training with the ISIS-SWIS Facilitator.

Coordinator Access Add/Edit Assigned Student File(s) Person Management Add/Edit Measures Add/Edit Team Members Add/Edit Documents Data Entry Reports

School-wide Read Only User

A School-wide Read Only User is an administrator, coordinator, coach or evaluator who needs access to both school-wide and individual student reports.

Read-Only Access• School-wide Reports• Read-Only Access to all Student Files


An ISIS-SWIS User is an individual student support team member who needs access to one or more student files (documents, data, team member information). The team member may enter individualized support data and/or generate reports for one or more students in ISIS-SWIS. Access level should be identified based on tasks assigned.

During initial implementation of ISIS-SWIS all users should attend the Swift at ISIS-SWIS training with the facilitator. After implementation users may be trained by coordinators.

Full Access Assigned Student File(s) Add/Edit Documents Data Entry Reports

Read-Only Access Assigned Student File(s) Documents (View) Team Members (View) Reports

Other Team Members An ISIS-SWIS Team Member is someone identified as a participating member of a student’s support team. A team member who does not have an additional role of coordinator or user will not have access to ISIS-SWIS.

No Access

Access defined through SAMI by ISIS-SWIS Facilitator

Access defined through ISIS-SWIS by Student Team Coordinator

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Readiness RequirementsISIS-SWIS

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Administrator Coordinators/Case Managers Tier III Team Leader/Coach

The readiness process and Swift at ISIS-SWIS training will run more smoothly if all of these roles are included from the start.

Who to Include In Readiness Discussion

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The nine readiness requirements are divided into four feature areas. 1. Implementation Capacity2. Coordination Capacity3. Individual Student Support Practices4. ISIS-SWIS Data Use

Nine Readiness Requirements

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ISIS-SWIS Readiness Checklist Individual Student Intervention System

School: _____________________________ ISIS-SWIS Facilitator: _________________________ Date: _________________

ISIS-SWIS Requirements

Data Source

Tasks to Complete


Date of Completion

Implementation Capacity

1. School has an ISIS-SWIS Facilitator and a signed ISIS-SWIS License Agreement.

ISIS-SWIS License & School Information Form

2. Process/materials exist for orienting staff, students, families, and others to the individual student support practices (as needed).

Written materials

Coordination Capacity

3. Coordinator(s) within the school is/are identified and can consistently : a. Monitor the status of the system of support across individual

interventions/students b. Manage student support teams/plans with ISIS-SWIS data c. Set up and monitor ISIS-SWIS student files d. Serve as a liaison between team, students, staff, and families

Administrator/ Coordinator interview

4. A representative team meets regularly to develop and manage individual student supports across the school.

Team Roster & Meeting Schedule

Individual Student Support Practices

5. School is implementing individual student support with documented guidelines/processes for:

a. Individual student support identification and eligibility b. Individual student/family notification, progress monitoring

and ongoing communication c. Individual student support assessment d. Individual student support intervention planning e. Individual student support evaluation

Written guidelines


6. A 3 hour Swift at ISIS-SWIS training session is scheduled for 1-3 ISIS-SWIS Coordinator(s), Individual support coach, and 2-3 ISIS-SWIS Users; conducted by the ISIS-SWIS Facilitator.

Specific date, time, location, computers, internet

7. ISIS-SWIS data entry staff and data entry time are identified to enter student data at least twice per week.

Data entry & report generation schedule

8. Schedule and assignments for ISIS-SWIS report generation are defined.

9. Team is willing to use parameters of student file set-up and data entry within ISIS-SWIS.

Coordinator interview Student file set up checklist

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Welcome to Demonstration School

An ISIS-SWIS Facilitator’s Journey

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1. Complete Readiness Tasks. 2. Submit License Agreement and School

Information Form. 3. Set Up for Swift at ISIS-SWIS Training. 4. Conduct Swift at ISIS-SWIS Training. 5. Provide Follow-up Support. 6. Maintenance. 7. Annual ISIS-SWIS Facilitator Boosters. 8. ISIS-SWIS License Renewal Process.

ISIS-SWIS Facilitation – 8-Step School Set-up Process

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The SWIS Demo School in the Demo District currently serves 500 students in grades PreK-8th. They implemented SWIS 2 years ago and added CICO-SWIS at the beginning of last school year. They saw the ISIS-SWIS video at www.swis.org, and they want it!

The School

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The school-wide Individualized Positive Behavior Support (IPBS) team needs a better way to monitor implementation fidelity and student progress. The IPBS team consists of a team leader, administrator, 2 special educators, the school counselor, a teaching assistant, and a general educator. The team supports 10 students on average.

Tier III Support Team

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ISIS-SWIS Readiness Checklist Individual Student Intervention System

School: SWIS Demo School ISIS-SWIS Facilitator: Clark Kent Date: Today

 ISIS-SWIS Requirements

 Data Source

Tasks to Complete

Who/ When

Date of Completion

  Implementation Capacity

1. School has an ISIS-SWIS Facilitator and a signed ISIS-SWIS License Agreement.

ISIS-SWIS License & School Information Form

Finish Readiness & then complete License Agreement


2. Process/materials exist for orienting staff, students, families, and others to the individual student support practices (as needed).

Written materials      

  Coordination Capacity

3. Coordinator(s) within the school is/are identified and can consistently : a. Monitor the status of the system of support across individual

interventions/studentsb. Manage student support teams/plans with ISIS-SWIS datac. Set up and monitor ISIS-SWIS student filesd. Serve as a liaison between team, students, staff, and families

Administrator/ Coordinator interview

    Today’s Date

4. A representative team meets regularly to develop and manage individual student supports across the school.

Team Roster & Meeting Schedule

    Today’s Date

   Individual Student Support Practices

5. School is implementing individual student support with documented guidelines/processes for:

a. Individual student support identification and eligibility b. Individual student/family notification, progress monitoring and ongoing

communication c. Individual student support assessment d. Individual student support intervention planning e. Individual student support evaluation

Written guidelines      

 ISIS-SWIS Data Use 



6. A 3 hour Swift at ISIS-SWIS training session is scheduled for 1-3 ISIS-SWIS Coordinator(s), Individual support coach, and 2-3 ISIS-SWIS Users; conducted by the ISIS-SWIS Facilitator.

Specific date, time, location, computers, internet

    Scheduled for 8/4/12

7. ISIS-SWIS data entry staff and data entry time are identified to enter student data at least twice per week.

Data entry & report generation schedule


8. Schedule and assignments for ISIS-SWIS report generation are defined.      9. Team is willing to use parameters of student file set-up and data entry within

ISIS-SWIS. Coordinator interviewStudent File Set-Up Checklist

    Today’s Date

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s Tas

ks 2

& 5







em D




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ks 2

& 5











n co



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ks 2

& 5











n co



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ks 2

& 5











n co



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ISIS Facilitator asks Nana Bean to complete and sign page 6 of the license agreement to certify that the school agrees to the license and readiness requirements.

Nana Bean Today

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Forms to submit

Nana Bean Today

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Brian BenderBrian is a creative and thoughtful eighth grader with a history of academic and behavioral problems in the classroom.


Carly JohnsonCarly is in fourth grade. She enjoys music and being with friends and family. Carly has an IEP with academic and self-care goals. Most of Carly’s instruction is provided in a special education classroom, but she spends part of each day in a general education setting.

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Margie Rose (Special Education Teacher, Coordinator)

Brian’s Individual Support Team

Patty Bender (Parent) Joe Binder (CICO-SWIS Advisor) Kathy Holland (Math Teacher) Stuart Rice (Reading Group) Frank Stevenson (Science Teacher)

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Student: Brian Bender Date: April 2012

ISIS-SWIS Student File Set-Up Checklist Use the ISIS-SWIS Student File Set-Up Checklist to prepare a student’s file for set up in ISIS-SWIS. 1. Student File Information 2. Team Member Information

Student: Brian Bender Name Team Role Access Level (full, data entry, read-only, no access) Email

Implementation Status:

Starting Progressing Not Progressing Needs Revision Discontinued

Joe Binder CICO Advisor Full [email protected]

Patty Bender Parent No Access [email protected]

Kathy Holland Teacher Read-Only [email protected]

Stuart Rice Teacher No Access [email protected]

Coordinator: Margie Rose Frank Stevenson Teacher No Access [email protected]

4. Fidelity Measure(s) Measure Name (required): Staff Fidelity

Measure Description (required): Staff will self-evaluate the level at which the components of Brian’s support plan were implemented throughout the week. Margie will collect on Fridays.

Metric Type Percent Calculated Percent Points/Count/Duration Scale Rate See Metric Set-Up for additional details.

Cumulative Data (Optional feature to graph data cumulatively.)

(Optional) Time Segment Label(s) (e.g. Period 1, Period 2, morning, lunch) N/A

Data Collection Schedule (e.g. ad hoc, monthly, weekly) Weekdays (M-F)

Goals: Operator (e.g. ≤, ≥, =) ≥ Target (e.g. 4) 3 Start Date 4/30/12 End Date __/__/__

5. Outcome Measure(s)

Measure Name (required): Assignment Completion Measure Description (required): Brian will complete and return 4/5 assignments each day for 10 consecutive days. Teachers will submit daily report to Margie.

Metric Type Percent Calculated Percent Points/Count/Duration Scale Rate See Metric Set-Up for additional details. Cumulative Data (Optional feature to graph data cumulatively.)

(Optional) Time Segment Label(s) (e.g. Period 1, Period 2, morning, lunch) N/A

Data Collection Schedule (e.g. ad hoc, monthly, weekly) Weekdays (M_F)

Goals: Operator (e.g. ≤, ≥, =) ≥ Target (e.g. 4) 70% Start Date 4/30/12 End Date __/__/__

3. BSP/Assessment/Documents Assessment Document(s) Student Narrative, FACTS, Direct Observation

Plan Document(s) BSP, Revision A, Revision B, Teaching Plans

Meeting Minutes See shared school drive

Other Document(s) Data Sheets, Student Schedule

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Carly’s Individual Support Team

April Stone (Special Education Teacher, Coordinator) Carl Johnson (Parent)

Janice Bowman (Fourth Grade Teacher) Bert Bobbsey (Morning Aide) Amy Arnolds (Afternoon Aide)

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Student: Carly Johnson Date: April 2012

ISIS-SWIS Student File Set-Up Checklist Use the ISIS-SWIS Student File Set-Up Checklist to prepare a student’s file for set up in ISIS-SWIS. 1. Student File Information 2. Team Member Information

Student: Carly Johnson Name Team Role Access Level (full, data entry, read-only, no access) Email

Implementation Status:

Starting Progressing Not Progressing Needs Revision Discontinued

Janice Bowman Teacher No Access [email protected]

Bert Bobbsey A.M. Aide Full [email protected]

Amy Arnolds P.M. Aide Full [email protected]

Carl Johnson Parent No Access N/A

Coordinator: April Stone

4. Fidelity Measure(s) Measure Name (required): Staff Self-Rating

Measure Description (required): Staff will rate implementation of plan daily on a 6-point scale. Rating will be recorded on Carly’s daily data sheet.

Metric Type Percent Calculated Percent Points/Count/Duration Scale Rate See Metric Set-Up for additional details.

Cumulative Data (Optional feature to graph data cumulatively.)

(Optional) Time Segment Label(s) (e.g. Period 1, Period 2, morning, lunch) Morning, Lunch/Recess, Afternoon

Data Collection Schedule (e.g. ad hoc, monthly, weekly) Weekdays (M-F)

Goals: Operator (e.g. ≤, ≥, =) ≥ Target (e.g. 4) 4 Start Date 4/23/12 End Date __/__/__

5. Outcome Measure(s)

Measure Name (required): Rate of Disruption Measure Description (required): Staff will rate Carly’s rate of disruption by taking brief (5-10 minute) probes throughout the day.

Metric Type Percent Calculated Percent Points/Count/Duration Scale Rate See Metric Set-Up for additional details. Cumulative Data (Optional feature to graph data cumulatively.)

(Optional) Time Segment Label(s) (e.g. Period 1, Period 2, morning, lunch) N/A

Data Collection Schedule (e.g. ad hoc, monthly, weekly) Weekdays (M_F)

Goals: Operator (e.g. ≤, ≥, =) ≤ Target (e.g. 4) 2 per minute Start Date 4/23/12 End Date __/__/__

3. BSP/Assessment/Documents Assessment Document(s) Student Narrative, FACTS, Parent Survey, Direct Observation

Plan Document(s) BSP, Amendment 1

Meeting Minutes See shared school drive

Other Document(s) Daily Data Sheet, On-task Points Sheets

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ISIS-SWIS Navigation

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On a 0-5 scale (0=low, 5=high)What is your confidence level in:

1. Providing an overview of ISIS-SWIS? 2. Explaining the purpose of ISIS-SWIS? 3. Describing how ISIS-SWIS fits within PBIS

Applications? 4. Navigating the main pages within the ISIS-SWIS

demo account?

Module Poll Questions