Oral Presentation Translation

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  • 7/28/2019 Oral Presentation Translation


  • 7/28/2019 Oral Presentation Translation


    Name: Diego Flores Granja

    Date: 30-05-2013

    A good technique is to try to get your audience involved in your

    talk either by asking direct or rhetorical questions.

    You can give an anecdote, unusual or surprising facts, or an

    illustration from real life could be employed here.

    It is important to greet the audience by saying something like:

    Hello, Good Morning, etc.

    We have to begin introducing ourselves, considering aspect like

    name, age, university or enterprise, etc.

    Then we have to give a title and a quick introduction about the

    topic we are going to speck about. Give some good reasons why

    you chose that topic.

    We can limit our time of the speech and let them know, we also

    have to make some questions to the audience, to know about their

    knowledge about the subject and the interest they have.

    Give the goals and objectives you are following whit that

    presentation, they should know that.

    We have to announce our outline, or divide our speech or

    presentation in sections then we can give a little background

    about each one, do not take too much time to do this.

    After these we have to let them know in which part of the

    presentation the questions are accepted.

    We have to begin with the body of our presentation and give a

    transition between the introduction and the body. E.g.: Now let

    us turn to point one.

    The Middle or the body

    In the middle part we consider the content and the time we are

    going to spend on it, we also have to sequence our ideas, keep

    the audience attention, link ideas, give examples and respect

    the time as it is preciously.

    The end or conclusion

    The end or the conclusion of your talk should include four

    parts: a brief reminder of what you tried to show in your speech

    and how you tried to do so, a short conclusion, thanks to the

    audience for listening, and an invitation to ask questions, make

    comments or open a discussion.

    Then we have to deal with difficult questions at the end of the

    presentation, just make sure you understand the question, and if

    you dont know the answer be polite and say the truth, and you

    can use some techniques like delay.

  • 7/28/2019 Oral Presentation Translation


    Name: Diego Flores Granja

    Date: 30-05-2013



    All these things named in the title are also important to have a

    good oral presentation.

    The use of visual content can clarify many ideas, statistics and

    help the presentation to be more confortable.

    The relationship you can create with the audience is very

    important to have a good environment along the presentation;

    this can help to the speaker to make the exposition easier and

    interesting. Be can use a lot of questions to let the audience

    be involved in the presentation.

    The body language is something we have to manage because if we

    dont, we can show us as nervous person or not sure about what

    we are talking about.

    To have a good pronunciation is very important, because the

    people have to understand us all the time.