I . I', I. ... . OOPERATOR AN INDEPtNU NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Inc., 9 Parkway, Greenbellt, Maryland ____ __ __ c_e_n ___ ts Hallowe'en lllock Parties, Dance It's In The Books GVHC Board Vetoes Pet-Keeping! The Public Housing A·lmin- For Teenagers Planned By Rec .. Contract Clause To Be Block parties for c:hildren under 12 and a free dance for jun- ior and senior high gwups will be held on Hallowe'en, Saturday night, October 31,. under the sponsorship of the Greenbelt Recre- atio.'l Department with the cooperation of Greenbelt parents. block liarties will start about 7 p.m. and the dance will be held in the Center School auditorium from 8:30 to 12 p.m. New and old residents are •wlcome to participate in the program. has the la.ttf'r on its succt-·8sful tlrst 1ix monlhs o! OJierations. f'I-IA that its auditm·. n,fter rf·Vi•'wing GVHC"s books .. of Jur. c :10, commented that. he wa.s plear.ed in view or the complexlties -o! GVHC's Volt.:nteera ars ;uked to take not..e of follolring block di- Visions of the clty: A block; B block; C block and defese D block and d.efenae E block defenae homes up to North- ws.y and Woodlazld Wt\)'; all Pla- teau defenae holn.lll; ail defeaae homes of Ridge to 10 &1ld 11 Southway; north of to Lau- rel Hill <T and 8 14-U Laurel>:' Reeearch i.-oac! including 19, 71 aad 73 Ri:lge; 49-12 JUdge inclu8lw; 2 !Uld 4 Laurel Hill and U., U Hill- side. Listed bekr. are the super.vlslq parents in eacl- blo.:k: A Block, Ma.deUne Moore, Gr. 8201, 2-D Weatwn.y; B Block. Marge Taylor, Gr. 70U, 13-F Ridge; R Block, :Ka.ry !.lcGulre, Gr. 8927, 10-Q Soutlllway; C Block. COr ine St.-Ickier, Gr. &-81, 1!-Z-1 'Ridge: C Block, 1.1Crs. Chria Mul- lady, Gr. 8681, 19-U Rida·e. D Block, Mrs. Bnrcus, Gr. 42S8, 2-T Ge.rdenway; n Block, Ethel Gerdng, 3-A Ga.rdenway; D · Block, •Mrs. :roe Hyla.nd, Gr. 6311, 38-K Ridge; E Block, Mra. Algaze, Gr. 7M2, 4-B Rlllll!dde; E Block, Mrs. :feuie MArin, Gr. 74!58, a-B HUialde. Beware & Saturday is Halloween. This the night on w·hich ten thous- and little monsters, cleverly d.iaguiaed · aa childlre.Jil, dacend upon the unwary houaeholclers •with the traditional query "tric:ks or treata ?" It hs.rdly aeema poeaible, in that 1aat ye1u our door ws.a knockt..'<l on 114 times. But it's true. Needlea to &ay, we had run out of treats before the evening -wu ended -- and consequently had to suffer the resulting triclu. year we in- tend to be We have stocked up on all Jdnds of Halloween candies - enough to see WI through a major seig•e. Those ·of our neighbors w:llo were here last year are doing 118JJ1e. ers to town would well to :reflect upon thia - u.nd then dMh out to the atore end stock up 1Llao. The only other alternative is to grin and bear it. Poems With Pictures A program of "Poema with Pic- tures'' will be presented In .o- clal room of the Community Church next at 8:15 p.m. by l\{rr.. Ca!npbell Robe1Uo1\ of Lewiston, New Y Mrs. Robertson la a free lance wr1ter and amateur phologr&J)her, particularly intereated in o::olor with a lyric quality. l!:ach picture shown is accocnpanied by a reading from the poet.. lllk Fair lied Wttek T Offer C.oi4aes Two booJu reprf'S(•nt- inc forty-one publldl.,.. f inr!utl- in Random Hou.se, Scribner. Dou- bleday, Knopf. Hou&f:aton MifY,In, Macmillan and tne Vlkfng Pnss) wlll on dt.plny at the Co--op, PTA Book Fair. Hours f·:lr the fair, to be held in t.be Theatre, are frc•m t-9 p.m. on Thl'lntd&y, Friday and .P...at:urday, November 5-7. F Block, Mrs. Ch.avrid, Gr. 7532, 1-:b Northway; F Ble-ck, Lola Stewart, Gr. 52-l=tklge; F Block, Mrs. Lou Ttemey, Gr. 6586, 2-I<• Laurel; F Block, M1-s. Rimar, Gr. 7952, 14-R Laurel; F Block, Mrs. Nelllgar, Gl!'. 73-F Group. Ridge; F Block, Mrs. Elsa .Jorgen- The public iis invited to the pro- gram, whlch is sponaoroed by the Churc-h W o m e n ' s Dlscutlllion Hlllt of the oool[s to be displayed will be for titl('ll among these i:ttc.lud., -rom Sfl.w- HeJdJ••, I!:'luld", NBia.ck Bt!auty". and '"The Wind in the Willows" :E:cUUons of '"'rhe Robe", "Kon-"I"fki", "F.ALl;t of EdE-n", "Annapurna", '"l"he Cruel Sea", and the "B·i!ttf'r Homf'S e.nd Garden Series" wi!IJ be p&rt of t.he adult book secUOtll. son, Gr. 5737,· 19-E Hillside. Beggar's Night: SoclcHop At: Jr. High October 31 A "Sock Hop,.. a novelty dance n.othered by necessity, will be held Friday night, October 30, for the entire student body ·>l Green- belt .Junior High Schoc·l in the new gymnasium fro:m 8 to 11 p.m. The dar.ce, spon BOred by the school's atudent council, has been literally named, sir.ce the stu- dents will actually dance in their EOCks to avoid dam;!.ging the new floor of the gymnaai um. The eve- ning is to be catled "Beggar's Nf&tlt.'' Parents of stude·nts and atu- cletlts other aeho:))s have been invited to the d&nC4!. lr••• f•r•i•cl• l•y Men L111i fl't•IIIC Another group is beinlt formed In Greenbelt for the purpose of purchuing Iota oJ undeveloped land. The tint pktt of la.."ld ·:o be dJ- vided into lots is an l8-ac1·e plot of land behind the :rewish Communi- ty Center building n•lW under con- struction on Ridge Roa.:i. Pur- chasers may buy one-acre or larger lots on wttieh to resi- dential homes. . A minimum of 18 acres must be sold in ordei" for the grou]> to nur- ehase all its property. 'I'hose in- terested should contact .Jack Ra.tz- kin, Ridge, Glt'lnite WARNING This is a word of to the ice cream vendors ·.vho tour the after dark, and who are not a& careful as they be in watching out for the slfety of children. Teachen' leceplitl Pro•pli ·r 11 Pro•istt Taxes in Gret:nbelt will be l(IWer next year, ac:cordlng to a state- ment ntade by Mayor Frank l.a.at- ner Sunday night a<; t.be Com- munity Church's annual recep-tion for school tes.chers in the Gre-en- belt area. Lastner did not enlarge upon his remarks about taxes dudng his brief, impron:tptu speech to the reception asa-embly, but late1· It Wll8 learned that additional city income and a higher a.ppraiaal by county assessors resulting in a cut in tax rates will account for the reduction. I.a.stner &lao p&id trib- ute to the Gref:'ttbelt area teachers for their fine. work in helpfna: to make Greenbe'lt chfldm better cit- Izens. Entertainme:nt feature of the even.ing W6S folk-dancing by a costumed group from the Wnsh- ington Polluh-American Club. Songs by Norma Knauer, &CC•)m- panied by l\f.eLXine Boyar, and a comedy skit bJr Lee Cla.rk, all otu- denta at Northwestern Elgh Schoc•l, were ;,}so presented. Refreshment;; were served <!lur- ing .the get-acquainted periods of the evening. Sod Corning Sat:. Sod ordered from GVHC will be delivered this Saturday, Oc- tober Sl, to Ben Per:!- zweig, chairman of the grounds A limited number of addi- tional orders for sod will be taken Friday evening, October 30. Those still wantinl!:' l'O:l should ttlephone Dave Fisher at 5158 at that time betwee11 the hours of seven and nine p.m. ,_., __ .:.. ___ ·-· --:::..._ ____ ...... _..,_..-:-·-:---·:--.· No profit wil.l be by the Co-op on any boolu orden-d. Nur- sery schools, F'T."-'s, church e.nd other local orgaLllizaUorLB ·will ('ELrn the commission em all boo:<s or- dered by their :retlpecUve it book-buyers Hlention mf•mbt"r- anip in a speell!e orcanlzatic>n. On price-fixed b<:10ks. ti1e entire 30% commiuion ·wm 1'0 to spon· so ring Non .. pri fixed book!l carry a cu.stomE·r rlis- count of v;•ith lesa a I!IJ11&jl h&ndling c:.hnrce I'Oing to va- rious sponsorintr orcani.zaUon!J. HOW WEl.L DO l'OU KNOW GflE:ENBEL T? (AD8wen CID ..... ol) 1. Who was the tint to envision a planned communi- ty or "gardoen city'" .similar to Greenbelt? 2. Where ,..._ the ftrat Arrtf'ri- cau "garden city" built? 3. In what two ilnportant did the fint Amerie&n ";rar· den city" dlf!'etr from Gr•'f"n- belt? 4. Under admlnistration was the construction or p'an- ned commun:ltio:s like Grc"€n- first r.;ocetmmended-: 5. How dirt the oppi)rtunity for building Greenbelt arl.ae? SCHOOL KIDS J'TTENTION School will be dismissed at 1:30 p.m. \VeJnesday, ::-..-nv•·m· her 4 in ord .. to p<>nn:t th.• tl'a<'h(•rs t0 attend a tl'ach mE><·ting. Kindl·rg:uten ·rhildr£'n -...-ll: not bf' dismiss£'L1 I'L:> en tl"achers e.re not rl'qui:-r-d attend th(' meding. By RuK1!4'JJ The that Greenbelt home-owners with GVHC contracts m[ty not dogs will be rigidly enforced by the Gi·eenbelt \7et- eran Housing Corporation. The GVHC board of directors let this b(' known a.t their meeting Friday night, October 23, when they heard a dog:-owner who had been se11t several letters warning him that he coulld not keep his dog. The bolilrd pointed out that Cent:•r PTA Hears Educat:ors Ne11.rly tw•o hundred p&renta and tC'aeherl attendf'd &n informa- tion·pack<!.'<J meeUnc ot the Cen- tl'r &hool PTA la.st Tuetlday nl&ht. The w- arranced Jn respons-e to querie. on the school •YIIt•cwn at the first meet- inK of the )'Mr. Th ... y heard Gi!orce K Robin- son, a.ulst.aJilt of .llchooi.Js, expLain eorutrJction prob- a.rJ.alnc from the mounting school popullaUon of the count)'. In pa.sai.nc-, :lle the Center school buildill\i' - one of the bert- built in the county. He said the N>pls.cernent co.t WIOUJd be be- tween $600.000 and $700,000 which Is considerably more than is spent on new IICbcol bulldlngs. He re- P<lrted tbet t.he crowding of the Greenbelt .hnior Hlp wW be con:ald.-r•bly upon eom- plf'tion next year of the )unlor- lenlor hlcb IIChool bulldinc on Powdrr Mill Reed. u"&vinc the queetion "1• t.be G rC'E>nlK>It a.chool 'procresai,e' ?" to a later 11pealter, Robinson sald lf "'" mean In the sena,e of '"m1oving forv.•ard in good direeU.t>n", the an.swer Ia df'finitely "ye.L" Mtlls Emm.1. Bowman, an:-a su- pf'rviMor, whc> .spoke next, answer- ed the questi·on of "progreaslvhnn" indirectly by giving a detailed de- scription of th.e rnet the the 1Heas of instruction, and Lhe thernes for N>eh of the rlx yf'llrl elementary a<:hool. Pannh comparintr: tl1IJ1 Informa- tion with thei.r own sehool experi- •'nces could for thunaelvetS the progreu made in curriculum and mrthods. Other speakers were Mw Lil- lian Harvt>y, ar- vi1iting teacher, whv expla.int-'oCI t.be .school's written TC'.::ords ot ea.::h child, and Howard FWb-f:rt-'1, aa.wiltant superinteudent for health educ.a.Uon, who deacrib· ed the hearing and aight teats given the children tn elementary school. Wondtop In a pre-P'rA me-ettnc the kin- dergarten p&l'ffAta met and le-.rn- ed thttt there would be an equlp- mE'nt repair workshop next S.t- u rday mornfnc to wbtclt. all par- ents r.re invited (particularly fa- ther) beginning at 10 a.m. They were also l"l!CIIJE-sted not to \•iait Lhe school duJing Na.Uonal Educa- tion Week week alter next) \1. ht'n parent. of other will b(' in the a.choola. Another period •...-ill be de-ai4'0.atoed for the kinder- parcn.tJ1, tt was 1-.rned. U N T onit:e A joint meeting of t..he Greenbelt "' ctton of the Nallone.l Council of \\'ontell and the Geenbelt •·nit of the Prince Coun- t.. I..... -:-ag'lle of '\V0men Voters will IH· hdd tonight In the home eco- n r,m i c :.; room o! the Center School at 20 p.m. A hlrl. will. be- given by Phillip Sc.hiff. member of the Natlonal ("nmmitt(;<· for United Nations [•;.y Tht· m('('ting will be chaired !::-:. .Jane Kinzer. a clause in the GVHC sales con- tnlct continues in force the PHA or>:U.nan<.-e doge which wu in eflect before the Greenbelt hom-es were aold by the govem- mo!nt to G'VHC. In addition, an overwhelming majority of Gv'"HC mc!lllbel'll the laat quarterly Jn4!eting ln .June Voted that all ch)p, eats, a.nd ?ther J)1!te were to be conaider·ed a nuiaance and C0'111d not be kept by Greenbelt dog-owner argued that be had been apeciftcally told by a saJJesman when he bought hie home that there would be no ob- je(:tion to dogs. Hownoer, he that he had a¥ready made pLIIDa to boiLrd out hia dog until be could sell his bome. J.t was that GVHC haa already •ent out about 50 lette ... to dog-.,wn•era, lnf<"nning them thnt they must set .rid of their dotr•. Malty of them have already A letter goes out when it be<.-omea llcnown that a home- OWI')er a clog, usually as the result a complaint &ganat the· dog. Hold 'l'boee APidlaneea ).Jao appearing before the board were e. couple who had trans- ferred their :!Stove and refrigerator fro:m their home in Green- belt: to their newly pui'Ch&aed resi- dence. It 'llr88 their contention that th4: apJtliancea in their new horne in extrerrely poor con- dition aud that they wished to re- tain their forn1er stovr. and re- frll:eratc•r wlllich th£y had main- tained i11 go.:ld cvndiUon. JIJthough the boaro expressed sympathy for their situation, it wan pointed out that the GVHC to the stoves and refrigera- torJI would nc•t b2 clear un";il aome- tlme next )'ear and that these iteriUI could 11.ot be ahifted to other ·houea or dlspoeed of under any condition. 'I'he couple acreed to return the two Items to their pre- vio•Lia residence. Dl1 That Beam :Permission waa granted to the Jrewish Comn'lunity Center to bor- l"'W for day GVHC's new trench-digcer, which is equipped to olio lifting work, in orrler to in- stall a steel beam In the .JCC buUd- i.nK now construction. 3CC &gre<-d to pe•y for the operator's time. The board also dealt wtth the Teq•Jelt of thoe residenfe •f a court who that t:hey be &I· lowed to pa1,1e their parking area at their own •expense and mark otf par:ldng .spac:es by desipatlnc a spa;:e to each famlly. Although the board had no objection to the residents pavl.ng the area., it voted agaJ.nat allowiing reser:ved parking l'lpa4:es for fetmHies. It waa felt that this would raise further .:on. troveray and :rtot help to eolve the parhing problem. Bloek Sy1tem Commlrt.ee B1·uce Bown1an, chairman ot the member relations committee, re- port·ed that tbe plan foJ> block rf•prescntation of GVHC mem- b(·rs whJch on the age!l<:la of the !ast. quart· rly meeting out not cli.sual!i*d, Is to be developed and t·xpanded by u. specl&l committee. Anotho·r matter taken up hy the tAnr:l the organization or a hOft.rd of directors for the new Gr<'t•nb4•lt Lar.1d Invcstml'nt Cor- which is to hAndle the 8-. Pl!:TS, Pare 2 . ...... --- .. ··- ....,.. __ . .-...., _ -- rr I 7 J \ j

OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · Mrs. :feuie MArin, Gr. 74!58, a-B HUialde. Beware & Prepa~re Saturday is Halloween. This the night on w·hich ten thous and

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Page 1: OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · Mrs. :feuie MArin, Gr. 74!58, a-B HUialde. Beware & Prepa~re Saturday is Halloween. This the night on w·hich ten thous and

I .

I', I.

... .


----------~~~-------------------------------------------Published Every Thursday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association~ Inc., 9 Parkway, Greenbellt, Maryland

:"~o~l.~1~8~·~·~~~o_.~1_2 ____ -::::~--~---::----::-------::~-------G-.r_e_e_n_t_J(_·I~t:.:~:f:a:r:~:·I:a:n:d:.::1:~l-1-rR_d_a_.y_._(_J_c_t_••_h_•·_r __ 2_~l-·-l_.!_l~-J_:~------·------------------------------------------------1-0 __ c_e_n ___ ts

Hallowe'en lllock Parties, Dance It's In The Books GVHC Board Vetoes Pet-Keeping! The Public Housing A·lmin-

For Teenagers Planned By Rec ·~~ ·~~::-;;:;.;_ .. ~':"7!7:;·," ~~;';~ Contract Clause To Be Enforce~ Block parties for c:hildren under 12 and a free dance for jun­

ior and senior high gwups will be held on Hallowe'en, Saturday night, October 31,. under the sponsorship of the Greenbelt Recre­atio.'l Department with the cooperation of Greenbelt parents.

Th~ block liarties will start about 7 p.m. and the dance will be held in the Center School auditorium from 8:30 to 12 p.m. New and old residents are •wlcome to participate in the program.

has c:ompliment~d the la.ttf'r on its succt-·8sful tlrst 1ix monlhs o! OJierations. f'I-IA wrot~ that its auditm·. n,fter rf·Vi•'wing GVHC"s books .. of Jur. c :10, commented that. he wa.s plear.ed in view or the complexlties -o! GVHC's OJ:~natlons.

Volt.:nteera ars ;uked to take not..e of th-~ follolring block di­Visions of the clty: A block; B block; C block and defese hom~!~~; D block and d.efenae l~; E block defenae homes up to North­ws.y and Woodlazld Wt\)'; all Pla­teau defenae holn.lll; ail defeaae homes of Ridge to 10 &1ld 11 Southway; north of ~:e to Lau­rel Hill <T and 8 tc~ 14-U Laurel>:' Reeearch i.-oac! including 19, 71 aad 73 Ri:lge; 49-12 JUdge inclu8lw; 2 !Uld 4 Laurel Hill and U., U Hill­side.

Listed bekr. • are the super.vlslq parents in eacl- blo.:k:

A Block, Ma.deUne Moore, Gr. 8201, 2-D Weatwn.y; B Block. Marge Taylor, Gr. 70U, 13-F Ridge; R Block, :Ka.ry !.lcGulre, Gr. 8927, 10-Q Soutlllway; C Block. COr ine St.-Ickier, Gr. &-81, 1!-Z-1 'Ridge: C Block, 1.1Crs. Chria Mul­lady, Gr. 8681, 19-U Rida·e.

D Block, Mrs. Bnrcus, Gr. 42S8, 2-T Ge.rdenway; n Block, Ethel Gerdng, 3-A Ga.rdenway; D

· Block, •Mrs. :roe Hyla.nd, Gr. 6311, 38-K Ridge; E Block, Mra. Algaze, Gr. 7M2, 4-B Rlllll!dde; E Block, Mrs. :feuie MArin, Gr. 74!58, a-B HUialde.

Beware & Prepa~re Saturday is Halloween. This the night on w·hich ten thous­

and little monsters, cleverly d.iaguiaed · aa childlre.Jil, dacend upon the unwary houaeholclers •with the traditional query "tric:ks or treata ?" It hs.rdly aeema poeaible, in retrot~peet:, that 1aat ye1u our door ws.a knockt..'<l on 114 times. But it's true. Needlea to &ay, we had run out of treats lor~g before the evening -wu ended -- and consequently had to suffer the resulting triclu. ')~hie year we in­tend to be pr~pared. We have stocked up on all Jdnds of Halloween candies - enough to see WI through a major seig•e. Those ·of our neighbors w:llo were here last year are doing th4~ 118JJ1e. ~ewcom­ers to town would well to :reflect upon thia - u.nd then dMh out to the atore end stock up 1Llao.

The only other alternative is to grin and bear it.

Poems With Pictures AtChurchNextWe~ek

A program of "Poema with Pic­tures'' will be presented In the~ .o­clal room of the Community Church next ~rhursday at 8:15 p.m. by l\{rr.. Ca!npbell Robe1Uo1\ of Lewiston, New Y <~rk.

Mrs. Robertson la a free lance wr1ter and amateur phologr&J)her, particularly intereated in o::olor picture.~: with a lyric quality. l!:ach picture shown is accocnpanied by a reading from the poet..

lllk Fair lied Wttek T • Offer 2~11 C.oi4aes

Two hund~l booJu reprf'S(•nt­inc forty-one publldl.,.. f inr!utl­in Random Hou.se, Scribner. Dou­bleday, Knopf. Hou&f:aton MifY,In, Macmillan and tne Vlkfng Pnss) wlll ~ on dt.plny at the Co--op, PTA Book Fair. Hours f·:lr the fair, to be held in t.be Gr<~nhelt Theatre, are frc•m t-9 p.m. on Thl'lntd&y, Friday and .P...at:urday, November 5-7.

F Block, Mrs. Ch.avrid, Gr. 7532, 1-:b Northway; F Ble-ck, Lola Stewart, Gr. 83~. 52-l=tklge; F Block, Mrs. Lou Ttemey, Gr. 6586, 2-I<• Laurel; F Block, M1-s. Rimar, Gr. 7952, 14-R Laurel; F Block, Mrs. Nelllgar, Gl!'. ~191, 73-F Group. Ridge; F Block, Mrs. Elsa .Jorgen-

The public iis invited to the pro­gram, whlch is sponaoroed by the Churc-h W o m e n ' s Dlscutlllion

Hlllt of the oool[s to be displayed will be for chlldn~n. Samplo~ titl('ll among these i:ttc.lud., -rom Sfl.w­~r", HeJdJ••, -r·r~re I!:'luld", NBia.ck Bt!auty". and '"The Wind in the Willows" :E:cUUons of '"'rhe Robe", "Kon-"I"fki", "F.ALl;t of EdE-n", "Annapurna", '"l"he Cruel Sea", and the "B·i!ttf'r Homf'S e.nd Garden Series" wi!IJ be p&rt of t.he adult book secUOtll.

son, Gr. 5737,· 19-E Hillside.

Beggar's Night: SoclcHop At: Jr. High October 31

A "Sock Hop,.. a novelty dance n.othered by necessity, will be

~ held Friday night, October 30, for the entire student body ·>l Green­belt .Junior High Schoc·l in the new gymnasium fro:m 8 to 11 p.m.

The dar.ce, spon BOred by the school's atudent council, has been literally named, sir.ce the stu­dents will actually dance in their EOCks to avoid dam;!.ging the new floor of the gymnaai um. The eve­ning is to be catled "Beggar's Nf&tlt.''

Parents of stude·nts and atu­cletlts fro~ other aeho:))s have been invited to the d&nC4!.

lr••• f•r•i•cl• l•y Men L111i fl't•IIIC

Another group is beinlt formed In Greenbelt for the purpose of purchuing Iota oJ undeveloped land.

The tint pktt of la.."ld ·:o be dJ­vided into lots is an l8-ac1·e plot of land behind the :rewish Communi­ty Center building n•lW under con­struction on Ridge Roa.:i. Pur­chasers may buy one-acre or larger lots on wttieh to b·~ild resi­dential homes.

. A minimum of 18 acres must be sold in ordei" for the grou]> to nur­ehase all its property. 'I'hose in­terested should contact .Jack Ra.tz­kin, 17-I~ Ridge, Glt'lnite 4-4~1.

WARNING This is a word of ·~auti<·n to the

ice cream vendors ·.vho tour the ~ourt.s after dark, and who are not a& careful as they mi~:ht be in watching out for the slfety of children.

Teachen' leceplitl Pro•pli ·r 11 Pro•istt

Taxes in Gret:nbelt will be l(IWer next year, ac:cordlng to a state­ment ntade by Mayor Frank l.a.at­ner Sunday night a<; t.be Com­munity Church's annual recep-tion for school tes.chers in the Gre-en­belt area.

Lastner did not enlarge upon his remarks about taxes dudng his brief, impron:tptu speech to the reception asa-embly, but late1· It Wll8 learned that additional city income and a higher a.ppraiaal by county assessors resulting in a cut in tax rates will account for the reduction. I.a.stner &lao p&id trib­ute to the Gref:'ttbelt area teachers for their fine. work in helpfna: to make Greenbe'lt chfldm better cit­Izens.

Entertainme:nt feature of the even.ing W6S folk-dancing by a costumed group from the Wnsh­ington Polluh-American Club. Songs by Norma Knauer, &CC•)m­panied by l\f.eLXine Boyar, and a comedy skit bJr Lee Cla.rk, all otu­denta at Northwestern Elgh Schoc•l, were ;,}so presented.

Refreshment;; were served <!lur­ing .the get-acquainted periods of the evening.

Sod Corning Sat:. Sod ordered from GVHC will

be delivered this Saturday, Oc­tober Sl, acco~ding to Ben Per:!­zweig, chairman of the grounds sub-~ommittee.

A limited number of addi­tional orders for sod will be taken Friday evening, October 30. Those still wantinl!:' l'O:l should ttlephone Dave Fisher at 5158 at that time betwee11 the hours of seven and nine p.m.

,_., __ .:.. ___ ---~--------··-- ·-· --:::..._ ____ ......_..,_..-:-·-:---·:--.·

No profit wil.l be mad•~ by the Co-op on any boolu orden-d. Nur­sery schools, F'T."-'s, church e.nd other local orgaLllizaUorLB ·will ('ELrn

the commission em all boo:<s or­dered by their :retlpecUve memb·~rs it book-buyers Hlention mf•mbt"r­anip in a speell!e orcanlzatic>n. On price-fixed b<:10ks. ti1e entire 30% commiuion ·wm 1'0 to spon· so ring organiz.a.ti·~ns. Non .. pri ~e­fixed book!l carry a cu.stomE·r rlis­count of 20~;., v;•ith 10~ lesa a I!IJ11&jl h&ndling c:.hnrce I'Oing to va­rious sponsorintr orcani.zaUon!J.


(AD8wen CID ..... ol)

1. Who was the tint per1t0:~1 to envision a planned communi­ty or "gardoen city'" .similar to Greenbelt?

2. Where ,..._ the ftrat Arrtf'ri­cau "garden city" built?

3. In what two ilnportant WilY~ did the fint Amerie&n ";rar· den city" dlf!'etr from Gr•'f"n­belt?

4. Under whc.e·~ admlnistration was the construction or p'an­ned commun:ltio:s like Grc"€n­bel~ first r.;ocetmmended-:

5. How dirt the oppi)rtunity for building Greenbelt arl.ae?

SCHOOL KIDS J'TTENTION School will be dismissed at

1:30 p.m. \VeJnesday, ::-..-nv•·m· her 4 in ord .. r· to p<>nn:t th.• tl'a<'h(•rs t0 attend a tl'ach ~r·s mE><·ting.

Kindl·rg:uten ·rhildr£'n -...-ll: not bf' dismiss£'L1 I'L:> kindf'rga~~­

en tl"achers e.re not rl'qui:-r-d ~o attend th(' meding.

By RuK1!4'JJ G~mbaum

The ru!~: that Greenbelt home-owners with GVHC contracts m[ty not kN~p dogs will be rigidly enforced by the Gi·eenbelt \7et­eran Housing Corporation. The GVHC board of directors let this b(' known a.t their meeting Friday night, October 23, when they heard a dog:-owner who had been se11t several letters warning him that he coulld not keep his dog.

The bolilrd pointed out that

Cent:•r PTA Hears Coun~~ Educat:ors

Ne11.rly tw•o hundred p&renta

and tC'aeherl attendf'd &n informa­tion·pack<!.'<J meeUnc ot the Cen­tl'r &hool PTA la.st Tuetlday nl&ht. The J~rogTa.m w- arranced Jn respons-e to querie. on the school •YIIt•cwn at the first meet­inK of the )'Mr.

Th ... y heard Gi!orce K Robin­son, a.ulst.aJilt sup.tarin'~clent of .llchooi.Js, expLain eorutrJction prob­IMTI~; a.rJ.alnc from the mounting school popullaUon of the count)'. In pa.sai.nc-, :lle pre.~ the Center school buildill\i' - one of the bert­built in the county. He said the N>pls.cernent co.t WIOUJd be be­tween $600.000 and $700,000 which Is considerably more than is spent on new IICbcol bulldlngs. He re­P<lrted tbet t.he crowding of the Greenbelt .hnior Hlp wW be con:ald.-r•bly ~lleved upon eom­plf'tion next year of the )unlor­lenlor hlcb IIChool bulldinc on Powdrr Mill Reed.

u"&vinc the queetion "1• t.be G rC'E>nlK>It a.chool 'procresai,e' ?" to a later 11pealter, Robinson sald lf "'" mean ~·progreaaive" In the sena,e of '"m1oving forv.•ard in a· good direeU.t>n", the an.swer Ia df'finitely "ye.L"

Mtlls Emm.1. Bowman, an:-a su­pf'rviMor, whc> .spoke next, answer­ed the questi·on of "progreaslvhnn" indirectly by giving a detailed de­scription of th.e n~a rnet b~ the s~hool, the 1Heas of instruction, and Lhe thernes for N>eh of the rlx yf'llrl ol~ elementary a<:hool. Pannh comparintr: tl1IJ1 Informa­tion with thei.r own sehool experi­•'nces could :i*U~ for thunaelvetS the progreu made in curriculum and mrthods.

Other speakers were Mw Lil­lian Harvt>y, ar- vi1iting teacher, whv expla.int-'oCI t.be .school's written TC'.::ords ot ea.::h child, and Howard FWb-f:rt-'1, aa.wiltant superinteudent for health educ.a.Uon, who deacrib· ed the hearing and aight teats given the children tn elementary school.

KID41erct~ Wondtop In a pre-P'rA me-ettnc the kin­

dergarten p&l'ffAta met and le-.rn­ed thttt there would be an equlp­mE'nt repair workshop next S.t­u rday mornfnc to wbtclt. all par­ents r.re invited (particularly fa­ther) beginning at 10 a.m. They were also l"l!CIIJE-sted not to \•iait Lhe school duJing Na.Uonal Educa­tion Week •tb~ week alter next) \1. ht'n parent. of other c~s will b(' in the a.choola. Another period •...-ill be de-ai4'0.atoed for the kinder­~&.rter. parcn.tJ1, tt was 1-.rned.

U N Met~ting T onit:e A joint meeting of t..he Greenbelt

"' ctton of the Nallone.l Council of J•:•vi~h \\'ontell and the Geenbelt •·nit of the Prince Ge<.~rges Coun­t.. I.....-:-ag'lle of '\V0men Voters will IH· hdd tonight In the home eco­n r,m i c :.; room o! the Center School at .~. 20 p.m.

A hlrl. will. be- given by Phillip Sc.hiff. member of the Natlonal ("nmmitt(;<· for United Nations [•;.y Tht· m('('ting will be chaired !::-:. ~tary .Jane Kinzer.

a clause in the GVHC sales con­tnlct continues in force the PHA or>:U.nan<.-e a,~ainat doge which wu in eflect before the Greenbelt hom-es were aold by the govem­mo!nt to G'VHC. In addition, an overwhelming majority of Gv'"HC mc!lllbel'll at~ the laat quarterly Jn4!eting ln .June Voted that all ch)p, eats, a.nd ?ther J)1!te were to be conaider·ed a nuiaance and C0'111d not be kept by Greenbelt home-GWJ~ent.

~l'h~ dog-owner argued that be had been apeciftcally told by a saJJesman when he bought hie home that there would be no ob­je(:tion to dogs. Hownoer, he st.~ted that he had a¥ready made pLIIDa to boiLrd out hia dog until be could sell his bome.

J.t was ~~med that GVHC haa already •ent out about 50 lette ... to dog-.,wn•era, lnf<"nning them thnt they must set .rid of their dotr•. Malty of them have already cout.pU~. A letter goes out when it be<.-omea llcnown that a home­OWI')er poaaet~.t~es a clog, usually as the result 01~ a complaint &ganat the· dog.

Hold 'l'boee APidlaneea ).Jao appearing before the board

were e. couple who had trans­ferred their :!Stove and refrigerator fro:m their ~~nted home in Green­belt: to their newly pui'Ch&aed resi­dence. It 'llr88 their contention that th4: apJtliancea in their new horne w~~re in extrerrely poor con­dition aud that they wished to re­tain their forn1er stovr. and re­frll:eratc•r wlllich th£y had main­tained i11 go.:ld cvndiUon.

JIJthough the boaro expressed sympathy for their situation, it wan pointed out that the GVHC tltl·~ to the stoves and refrigera­torJI would nc•t b2 clear un";il aome­tlme next )'ear and that these iteriUI could 11.ot be ahifted to other ·houea or dlspoeed of under any condition. 'I'he couple acreed to return the two Items to their pre­vio•Lia residence.

Dl1 That Beam :Permission waa granted to the

Jrewish Comn'lunity Center to bor­l"'W for on·~ day GVHC's new trench-digcer, which is equipped to olio lifting work, in orrler to in­stall a steel beam In the .JCC buUd­i.nK now un~er construction. 3CC &gre<-d to pe•y for the operator's time.

The board also dealt wtth the Teq•Jelt of thoe residenfe •f a court who requea~:od that t:hey be &I· lowed to pa1,1e their parking area at their own •expense and mark otf par:ldng .spac:es by desipatlnc a spa;:e to each famlly. Although the board had no objection to the residents pavl.ng the area., it voted agaJ.nat allowiing reser:ved parking l'lpa4:es for fetmHies. It waa felt that this would raise further .:on. troveray and :rtot help to eolve the parhing problem.

Bloek Sy1tem Commlrt.ee B1·uce Bown1an, chairman ot the

member relations committee, re­port·ed that tbe plan foJ> block rf•prescntation of GVHC mem­b(·rs whJch ~as on the age!l<:la of the !ast. quart· rly meeting out not cli.sual!i*d, Is to be developed and t·xpanded by u. specl&l committee.

Anotho·r matter taken up hy the tAnr:l wa..~> the organization or a hOft.rd of directors for the new Gr<'t•nb4•lt Lar.1d Invcstml'nt Cor­pora~ion. which is to hAndle the

8-. Pl!:TS, Pare 2

. ...... ~. --- .. ··- ....,.. __ . .-...., _ __....~ --


I 7

J \ j

Page 2: OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · Mrs. :feuie MArin, Gr. 74!58, a-B HUialde. Beware & Prepa~re Saturday is Halloween. This the night on w·hich ten thous and



Hurv M. Z'lbkoff, Lditor. ::;;-;·,1 Isadore .T.· i'nrk• r. i\~sucia1•· Editnr. G:i3l

.1 (•nnie Klein, nusim•so.; :\I g..-., il681 .Jim 0':--:t:ill. c:rrulation ::\igr .. 2-B6 Pa11l Ka:,ko. S1atf J>hoto:::-rapho·r. f-.921

l{.ac .-:\1g-<lZ0, (;[•rry I:~acl<~<-1~on1. (; •. orge B~ncm, B; ~~y C',!!·!nan. ,~\:1C1o·::; Di :-l•:.c~·>. E. Don Bu.lion, K(:itll c;,·,mbl,·, Srm,.; r;arin. Eus~.-11 r;r, • :­h<"l:,u'1.. :,r<Jrian Ha.tton. Berr a:;d I·~ rug. L. A. Lh·. P(·;cg~· ~~T:!!'I..::I• ld. Dor-1-thv :c.rcG,·r. Carolyn ~>1ilk:·. Ri!;,h :-Iii!<-:·. Bill :.~.-;or•·. r;, nrg• R•·•·\··· • D~~·id R('zni]H,ff, E~"anor Ritch in. Ethd H.•lSI"r;;:·.o,·r ~- :-riri:nn S:>lorn· ::. ~-~.i_H·r:.;;, _.· .. ~1c: 1011. J)onn ~· .,\\~elf:. :'-t:1.ry .Ja:-1r· Zu . ..;t.

'T!1~' r~IlY~I·:::-;r~l:l~T CCJ{Jl'r:F!...-\1'C•R i;; pi!~.:1i;o.;h'·'1 r•\·t·~·~· 1·~,.1!'·~'•:-tY ·,:: 1. }u· f;r('t'!lh( 1t Coopc~·;lth:c Puh1i:;hinti A;=:~nc~at:n!l. ,. < ~rt·., :1· ,t.:!. ~.r~! .1-:~::t:,]i,;hcd. "'{ov•·rnb•" 19:J7. Bc•ard of cJi• f'f:lflr.< I . . J. f';,:·j,, :-. l'r· .. : ]-j,·r;:a;·.l !(n.lg', \T. r1 rC~.,.; )...iir!an""' SoiOll10!""1. St:f~·...-.: r;(·;Jr:.:r· I~l{)~JIT!. '.i~r(';t3.:

H 1:·"\" Zuhkolf, Edit01. . ~rP.SCEII'TIO:.; R.\.TE: ~3.HO 1wr ;\·.-·ar

~\rl\ t"~::t.i.~>1g n1ay be~ ;o:Hhnl!ltc:~·, ·~·Y n1·~1il or dC'ii\·(·i"t";rl tr, t·..,~· \.. ~c··p1 :r·"lt<l:.

~~ r,a.:-~-::~~\·.:ty·, GR. ~-::Hi.l. or to the Clrecnh<·lt 'Jo~)::J.C.:CJ St<,rc. y:-:,1itn~:al ,l!lJC'"S opPn after R:~O p.m. ::Vi<Jnda.y and Tuf:.~(by. ~"ws d· ::d:i:J•· i.~ :' ~·· p m. of til~ 1\[ondGy prec_eding publication.

VoL 1& Thursday, October 2g, 1SG:3 ~ 0. 1:.2

'Teachers' Reception The C0mmunit~· Church, Sunday night.. ga\'f' :t r• cept.ion f,w

Greenbelt's teacher~. This is an annual affair, always a welcom~ one and never a dull or:e. As so many people pointed out, we> in Green hAlt are keenly av. are of the e:-:acting 1 ask dPmanded uf c·m· teachers. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to express in words the real feeling- c f appreciation which we harbor for thE·m. But an affair, such as Lhat sponsored by the Comr:1unity Church, can convey to them something of wh~t we feel. It can tell them, much more adequatdy than we can individually, that we arc happy to have them among us, that we are happy to haYe them share with us the tremer.dous responsibilty of raising our children to be good citizens, and that we confidently entrust our chiidren to their care and guidance.

It seems incongrucus, perhaps, that we should entertain -cmr teachers in this fa.s:.hion just once a year. Certainly we should be thankful day in and day out, week in and week out, for everything which our teacher~. stand for - for the opportunities which are afforded our children by our American system of education. But in thiS fast moving world, when even Mother·'s Day comes but cnce a year, it seems W·~ · ar·~ fated to note the important things on an annual basis. Unless, of course, the Community Church should undertake to sporu;or another such affair at the beginning of the next school semes1:er.

In any event, we ~.re sure that our teachers, in their wisdom, understand that w.~ are deeply concerned with their activities and very, very grateful.

Communi.ty Chest This i~. the season of the Community CheE.t Campaign. Every

year at this time, a handful of public spirited citizens attempt to collect as much as po:;sible for this worthiest of causes. But in Greenbelt they o~~ra.te at a decided disadvantage. In most cities, the bulk of .the people are employed in the community, and solici­tati<lns are a great de·a.l more fruitful in busi:n.ess establishments than in door-to-door campaigns. In Greenbelt, however, the great majority are employed elsewhere, and the bi~~gest part of their contributions are madE': through their places of employment. :l"ur­therLwre, there are only two reasonably sizeable business establish­ments in Greenbelt, Greenbelt Consumer Services and Greenbelt Veteran Housing Corporation. Th.ese, togetheJ~ with the city, the bank, the post office, and possibly one or two others, are the ·:otal of our employed resources. It follows, then, that the best part of our collections must come from the homes.

The fact that the wage-earner contributes to the Chest at his place of employment h.a.s, in the past, been m.ed ~.s an excuse hv scme families to refw;e to make a second con:ribution, or to co;.­tribute only small change. This attitude. while understandable has added to the difficulty. Perhaps we should all t.ak(' stock. Tlw Community Chest ask:; no one to make great sacrifices. It m·~rel:--· asks that we fill a great need as best we can. YVe must understand. and respond to, that 1eed.

CORRECTION In b . .s': wet"lt'.s Cooperator a

story 0:1 a ;:VJg-bit ng incident. re­ported to · cit;; cc•uncil .;;ta\.•cd ''The party. in~·oJvcd is •alleged to

. h,1Ve dec~arc·d, "'( l•cat th~ City on this r.'l.p. kt GVHC lry l.o get me.'"

It has i<lnce bcE:n 1£-arned that the part.:.· involvco in t:Jat inddent was not .. rcspon.;ihlc for the state­ment. Jt has ;)OC n a:tributcd to nnot her G ceeubelt ciog-owne~.

The mavor, ci!:y counc::il. ar.d :o;cverc.l spectato:·s were niis­informp:l. 'lS \':ell a0 <•ur -r<~porter. \VL· a:-'' glad lo pr;nt this corre<:­tion.

PETS from page 1 deveic•Dni''n t of the remainder of tile hnd that GVHC has pu!"­chas.:6L·cm PHA. Jt was agreed tha~ a subsw.ntia: 'rr.ajority of the boartl of GLIC, a subsidiary of GVHC, shottld be members of the GVHC board.

!\.. spt>ci-al meding was sched­uled for last night t:J be held in conjunction with the city council, to discu.<;S ordinances for building:> to be constructed ')n the undevel­oped land, particularly in · the area of the shcpping center. A committee to e5tablish a policy plan for land use will also be set up.

It was decided to schedule the next quarterly GVHC membership meeting for the night of Decem­ber 3.


aut«a•-fire -lit:e


141 Cer.terway

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PROTESTANT Lric T. 1\rauud, 1':•,1or (()n Lt':t\P)

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:-tr :1rvl ){:-_, Al El!··:·i:1 7-.-\ Hqb,ir1t', h:l.".P h ul Crir-r~d:-. frnn:

J .. on;;· th< m :>.lr~.

I. ... l.tnd. ~- "'.A .. visiti::.~ \V!~h

tor tlH· p tst w•·Pk. :>.rr a1· d l.t·on BL~ . ..t.r aa·i th~"'i!· t'.'.'~)

f'm:lll ~!1ihlr(·n. ~(ott anrl A~~dr~·~'

rc·tlirnf'd ho:tte by planr· Yt'~~ t'r~

d;'l). Dorotlly an.J Sid Splnd..J. w'1n

r••cbltly mov•.·ci to Sih•cr S·:·,ril'l!:. will be P!'hd to wclcom•· ttwtr Grc...'r~belt frit>nds to lh<'ir nc··.•: home at 1019 Q~cbec Tc•rracc. Thetr phone numb<>r i! Hemloc:l< 4-3374.

Yest<>rday. GVHC play€'d h,')st to the Danish F.mba~'s two young visitor,;. Krn•d Ro.'nbstmdt. C'i:y ar­chitect of Allborg. Denmark and Arnr> I-:j:Ler, architect in priv~>t"

practice. from the same cEy. TrH'Y are in our count r;r on an observa­tion tour, and will be travelling tjlroughout th•2 ea.st and middle west.

Mr. and Mrs. John Pincus a.nd their two ch\ldren mo\·e<i last Thursday from 4 \VOO<llandway. their home for two month,;, to Cambridge, ).'[ass. Mr. Pinct.s is stuaying !or his doctor's degree at Harvaru Cniversity.

Mr. arid JI.I:rs. Emmor Hoovf'r. 54-B Ridge expect to leave Gre<"n­belt very soon to make their home in Aberdeen. !old.

HEBREW ·sERVICES n:,hi:l c. \\.a1dman

f-tt.•;2:U!ar \\ l~f·J.::1y S(•rViCPS \\·il: 1.Jt''

hf'ld Friday n.t I' p.tll. in thf' hnn~•" .-.(',)~toruics r·.-,o:-11 of th.· t•'ntf'l' :'<:h-~ol.

Duplica~e B~ridge Club Mee~s Friday

· .1· · r"' ~ · d : ~ · L' , . r~ :· i, 1 ~.. c . · l ·: , v. i- 1 1·-:· · t T·~ri,!·:.~ n!:...:·~,·. :"' .;( u<: .. ·r t

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t:·· .r. r. !tf ~:1·· :-=n.l·1l;ty at ~:·~

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=·~~~;. •l ir l'11l>li(· :-•~ .... \,0nl."" in:rn~·dia.':'­

I~· ,f:.·r I'll·· .'< :'hJ ~f.tss ··a<'h F-ur> d ....

J;,,l'ti. n· .. < ~"lld<ty, 1 p.m. Pl•·:t~,..

,,n:.t .. •·: Fatiwr Dowgiallo hl'fo:·('·

\\' • rl·:•··"'lay: ,.Lraculou.s ;.\{Nial :--;,,, .•. :'\a ;;,·r.·lr•·"' o.t R p.m .. follow•·tl t.:. L··:~··rli< ~·:on of thf' :\fost Blrs.s· ('r1 S lcranlf•flt R(•gular n1onthly m•····1ng of the Socl:Llity at. I< :30 jl.lil.

Tll :trsday: Confessions in the a.ft<·rnoon from 4 t(J 5 p.m. nnd bdorP and aftt:?r the Holy Hour at f-. in the eve-ning.

Friday: NovC'mbcr 6, First Fri­day of the Month. Ma.ss at 7 a.m., with Holy Co·mm'..lnion being dis­tribttt•"<i both before and during the ::\tass.


Tl'lephone: GR. 4-2051 Thursday, October ~ - F! p.m.,

:\'[e(•ting of congregation members at l.he church.

Friday, O-ctober 30 - 8 p.m., Last mP<'tin::; of this series of informa­ti-:ma.l congrege.tional meetings.

::>unday, 'November 1 - 9:45 a.m., Sunday School and adult Bihle Cln.s:;. Cld.SSes are held for all QB:es. Ro.ym::md Carriere. Supcrintend­c·nt. 8:30 and 11 a.m .. Church Sr·r;·if'r·s. S.:r.mon topic: The Pov­r rty of God. Visitors are alwaya w•·i,·•lme. A nursery i.s rna.intaln­r·<l f0r the• b•.•ndit of parents w;th ~m:.Jl ch:ldrrn. 4 p.m .. Reforma­t in>: ~:··n·ice at the Lisner Audi­t .. r'·:m. :':1st anti H St. N.\V. The E ·\·. F.;-,,·in Kurt.h of Detroit. :--y,, '~ will o:kli~·(•r th0 mPssage .

Beautify Your Home

P ereJtmials

_\rt~·n:••on (;t~i'.d.

Tnllr.<da~·. Xo\'<·mhr·r ;, -r~i.,l...'ll!--~i.tJ;} ( ~roilp prf'sent.s ( · l!llpb..ll I :nh•·r"Lil•i'l, Sori:d

>I :1 ";,

:Mr:;. Hall.


METHODIST CHURCH c. n. ~trnu~>hUrJt, Minlllt~r

To•l. HR ll-4863 Jbrry U. l\Jill"s, AHSociat~ Pastor

Sunday, No\·Pmber 1, 1953 - Scs­siut1. of thl" Stlnday School. 11 a.m. Clli.J::.es for all ages. Worship Ser-vice 11 a.m. Sacrament of the Lord'~> Supper. Reception of mem­bers into the church by transfer or Conft>'>Sion of Faith. Special mu:;ic by the Choir.

All Sun1ay Rerviccl' arc held at the North En1 ~~lementary School.

'l'hursday, 8 p.m .. Oho!r rehears­al, Mowatt Chapel, Woodlandway.

11ionday. :r-:·ovcmber 2, meeting of the WSCS at the residence of J3Jnes W. Harbin, 44 Ridge.


JRev. Wn. ,J. Crowd~r, Ph.D. AcUnK Pastor

::;unday, November 1 - ~ :45 a.m., S~.;arlay School, J. S. Stewart, Su­perintendent; classes for all ages. 11 e..m., !V[ondng worE~hip, sermon by Dr. Crowder; the Lord'$ Sup­per. A nursery for small children il'l provided during Sunday School and the wo1:ship service. 7 p.m., Bapti:;t Training Fellowship; Mr'l. .1. S. Stc·wart. dir~ctor. Roy C. Thomas is in charge of the pro­gram. 8 p.m., Evening worship, sc•rmon by Dr. Crowder.

Thursrlay, 8 p.m. - Mid-Week Service. room 201. Center SchooL

Glads Shntbs

Shade & Flow·ering Trees

'Hedges Grass Seed

'Troop Commiit:tee Boy Scouts of America


s;TARK llh-0~.

agent."3 for

llurs:eries LriiiJ"·'d in thF. l{'orlrl ---Oldest in America


Fred Birdsf:fye Phone CR 3-5542

r1r any Tror,p Committteeman

:_:: .,.. -·-~ ... -- ............ , ..... ~_....,...., .. --

to the p.m. of llcation,. payment. lecthln ln

I •

-.. .....-. .-.... ---·· -~ --~

Page 3: OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · Mrs. :feuie MArin, Gr. 74!58, a-B HUialde. Beware & Prepa~re Saturday is Halloween. This the night on w·hich ten thous and

CLAS.SIFIED . (Classified rates are three cents per word, fifty cE!ntB minimum. Ads should be submitted in writing, accompanied by cash payment, to the Cooperator not later than 10 p.m. of the Tuesday pre·~eding pub­licatlon. If aecom Ja!1ied by cash payment, ads may be left for col­lection in the Cooperator box at the tob~·~('O :;tore. ··FO~;;:-::·•" ads will he printPrl frc•(· (;f ;;1ar ce. 1

GREI·::--:BELT Baltimon.· Bh·r.l. C;;.-.{ can and 1 ruck5 boto!!hl. nnd ~old. PI one GR. 3-.J 166.

Fl)l{ FH.L~Il FLO\' I.H:: to ~t<Jt uny occa:<iun (';dl lldl f·-lo\\" r:::, College Par!.-. CXi'.·ll .J.-130(. FrPc deE,·ery.

l\10V1SG <\: :-5TUH.\f;l-:-FLHXI­turc. Fr~:i . .dtt, or F~ J•rc~.'- Anything, anywhc·re, ·~,nytinw. Br.\·:tll l\1otor Ex­pre~~- Call GHanitc 3-H3 1.

TELEVISION AND R.""\D=-=I~O~sal~es and ser\'ice ON ALL MAKE SETS; antennae installati .H'. YOUR LO­CAL G.E. dealer. QUJ.LITY AP­PLIANCE CO., 8137 BALT:r:MORE BLVD., COLLEGE PARK, TOwer 9-6139.

CALDWELL'S V/ASHI!\G MA­CHINE SALES & SERVICE-Auto­mati~ and conventional models ex­pertly rt;paired. Reasc.na:)le. Guaran­!eed. Free EstillUlte. Phone GR. 3-4003.

'l'ELEVISION SERVICE: Licens­ed Profe~ional E:.ectronics Engi­neers will repair, c,verhaul or con­vert all typeS and models of tele­VISIOn receivers. Radio Repair service also. Oa.ll GR. 3-4431 or 3811.

SEWING AND ALTERATIONS -Expert work. v.~ry reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. We also repair all kinds o;: sh:.rts. Collars with or without sta:rs expertly turned. Phone 8681 or 2792.

DRESSMAKING - Alt--e-ra...,t:-:1-o_n_s_o_n

men's and women'~' clothing, home fnrnishings, mending, buttonholes, . a).Jplique, monogrwns, fancy edg­ing. Slip covers and drapes, corded flounce bedsprearu;, etc. Quality work a.t reasonable prices. Drap­ery and slip cover material avail­able. Mrs. Swiger, GR. 3-5367.

PPJNTED MATCH FOLDERS -The per'fect gift. lwu folders, In­dividually printed, five word limit, 50 for $1.75, .100 for $2.50. Entire proceeds go to .r.c.c. Building I<'und. Oall 3843.

'l'V & RADIO Tube-s TE,sted as you watch. Bring and save. Replace­ments in stock. Al>o Fuses. Larry Miller, GR. 3-5466.

T.V. SERVICE - Evmings and weekends. Steve ::>toll, electronic engineer. GR. ~-72H.

~ SEE OUH. X.M::,s Ll:\ E of Chil­.irel•'s e.nd Womer•'s Clothes. CaH the Schurr's. · GR 3-58 31 at 31-D Ridge Rd.

-~---TELEVI;,:ilON SEii.VlCE: By pro-fcs::.ional deetrical engineers using the finest of modern test equip­ml.·nt. RCA H.egi::.ter<'d CJealer. Any mal,e. any model. Phi co Al:thor­ized Sen·;ce. GR. 3-4!3:. or GR. 3~ 3811.

DI.r-.:ETTE SET. '';hitc ,grainc....:i oak, table', 4 chair:'. china cabinet. \~riil sell separately. Best ofter. Glt. 4-943F-.

PIAXO lXSTRUCTIOS aclvancc•d. beginnir ;:;. GR. 3-J15u.

adult. Sir lin.

FOH. PERFEC...'T SHAVL~G u·y thb special do"Jb!c <·dge blue blade. Sl.OCI per hundred postr·a!d. :.\Ioney refunded If not salisfi!'(l. Edward Hopkinson, 8816 FJ 0we:· Ave.. Sil­ver Spring, Maryi:.: nd.

F'OR BALE - Avon co~metics and toiletries. Beautiful :·{mas gift packages. Cal! Syl·:ia ?..osen, GR. 3-5321.

THAYER HIGH CHAIH. with pad, excellent condition- car seat for sale. Call GR. 3-3~::1.

RIDER \VA~TED - 9-:>:30 to l:ith and Penna. Cali 5391.

via 4:h ~.nd

PT~ ~TIInv (.!ROUP


"Are \Ve 'Spoiling" Our Chil­dren?" will be the topic for dis­cussion &t the rr.ceti1g of the North End PTA Study group next Tuesday evening. At that time it is hop.!d plans can be made for small groups to mcd in the homes of interested members.

Flshin!g Lines

'The· prdps~c c1 ~tocii:ing ni t~.-·

L!:{t l~.i'-'n't t:s.kt·~-.. p~acc· a.-.: ~·!_·t. \V;:· ar(· <"'L11 ::t(l .. inf! the )Jar~.-~.l:~d J~ll;nt<l 1~·i:-::1 ,.,nrnrnis:-.ion t hi~ ::· ··t-: :j nd }H,pt · 1 (t hr' a hl1 · t ~) p:L~.-- \':' !· C'OiYlf' n·.fnr1~1atinn ;~!0~1;; n•·:-:· .1.· · ::

c.~ to the· JJn::-s:"'l::itiP." of ;:oorl :-:: 1i­i!!g fc;r :.he r: nlai:)c·d(·r CJf t~:r

b•' some f;1 i rly Ia r;::c fish lake for thc:;c· per,_ht•·nt tn kcqJ aftc1· them.

ir th0 C'l1011~11

''BB" Club

The \Y.al::on C:.apter "BB'' gun club has sixty children rC'gistc-rC'd at present with more -::oming :n. The group was split into alternatt• Friday evet!ings, because it was too large to handle at one tbne.

There wm be no classes or tar­gd shooting this Friday ev·~ning

because the Armory is in use. Those children numbered 1 through 30 a.nd all those :-egister­ing iast Friday should not come out this Friday, but rather Friday evening, I"ov. 6. Remember, not this Friday, Oct. 30, but next Fri­day, Nov. 6.

Several jackets were left at the Armory by chlldren last Friday evening and can be picked up et William Maguire's, 10-P South­way.

The C h apt e r • s secretary's daughter, came through in the Washington Newq essay cc•ntest on fishing, winning second prize, which was n copy of the "Com­pleat Angler".

QUIZ .44NSWER~S 1. A young· Englishman, Ebene­

zer Howard, believed th.at plEI.llned garden cities built in the open country were the best hopo~ for the relief of crowded London. Letchworth, the first garden city, wa.s b11ilt in 1903.

2. RadbUirn, New .Jersey, was huiit by private builders in 1928. It follows the pattern of the Eng­lish garden cities, adapting the plan to the motor age. Super­blocks reduced tt¥e numbe:~ of streets and intersections.

3. (1) Radburn homes were planned and sold as Rparate t~nits: the . E:1gii;,h garden cities and Greenbelt were planned for com­mon ownersl':ip. (2) Radburn do('s not have a protective belt of rural land Sl!rrouiHHng the> cit:. aH tlw E!lglish garf' en cities e.nd GreC'n­l:;dt haw•.

4.. The- (]<"Yclnpment of town~; lik<' Grcent.clt was reeommcnd<.·d in 1931 h:.· l'resir1r•nt Hoo,·cr's Con-

on B:.Jilding and Hom•· Ownership.

.). In 19:;;~ thP Fe:lc·ral Go·;,•rn­nwJ;t \',·::t:; fc;cf'rl with the> ta~k of fndin£; c.m:;tru('th·e work for mil­lior..o; of IIH·n on unc1npioyment r•·­lid. l{{·Xford G. Tw:rwdl. Jwnrl of the Rest·tt!<.•.ncnt Administration. propos•'d ll.':ing this rn 'lllpow.,r to huild sev~·ra: demonstration ga ~-­ckn town.;;. Three were· huilt. tlw f;rst being Greenbelt.

<The iafc!'~11atio:1 usf'd in th!s column b :Jasc<J on e. booklet "Gr•:cnbeit" by 0. Kline Fulme:r p•1blishcd by thP American Coun­cil on Publ!c Affairs. l



TELEVISION OR RADIO Call GR. 3-4431 or 38.11 .


10 A Cresc..,nt Rd. _...._.._. ..... ........__._ .. _. ____________ ... ______ __

_._..;. ~----;;:;:;;... __ __

1 Gam;_~~~: 3~AirER I'

I Hf•n.lthfully Air-Condltlo~tE'o!l

1 t:l .:c :-:.\T OCT :11-.:1 I j 1 J I () 1, I ( ' .~ !'( ( l ',1


1 : , n ' l 1 , u 1 :, F t' at 'll' ! + W•<·.~~~;;:~-.-,_-. -·. 1 ~

i VIAYNf · niW · CoBtiR;i : ·~~- _;t :·T~

' ~' r ...... tl

+ t1'2'~ l •( ~ '• I

,.. .. .... TECm~COIJOR I

..... Com1ng KOOn - D. 1\l&l"tln - ,J.

l,.wi.-; in "The Ca.dd:•"

Froshly Kiii>:Ki


JCC Sponsors Movie For Kids Wednesda.y

l , ... ,t;;n.c for B·>nzo··, a rollick-


~ Expel11 TV Service

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.1:h r ·f ~'l'"n~~~·:···~'~ by t'1~·

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:i: i , hiitir~ 11.

:t.t t :~~ · hnx-

§Guaranteed quick, dependable §service on all makes of tel­§ evision.

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: \\·, -111, .;·i l;.· flf 1 :1•· nl·"lll':.ll

t .t., , :, ~- .~ • l"(, J. i, · r, 1:, · ~ ·...,

1 ':··" •'t' Is \'. :!1 g<) tO\\·.lrd~; th~·

·: ~; : i :1;; fund .

!.ltJ\'1· f···ltllr•·.<..; r:.()n·dd r:.t·~t-

~::- 1'. i 1: tn.l Lynn aPd. of cOtl!'":--::1·.

·];, ,, ;.·,_" In adrlilion, twn car­t ( ,,,:' ·.·.ill b.· ;,h()\\'11.

'~ ~ ~ BELTSVILLE TV ~ SEBVICE CO. i WEbster 5-4861 --~~~-


I. Beltsville, Md.

LIQ~UORS ~ 5-5990


------F-RE_E_n_E .. L_IV_E_R_v_ .. ______ --WE--·-lS-.. lS99-·0--~-...... -..... _ .. , --·--·· •••••••• _...__..._ .. _..,..._.........,._. • ....-.t, __ ,.... ___ ... _. ______ • __ .............................. ...





VEAL !~ALE Cutlets lb. 89C


Shoulcle1r R:oast LOIN CHOPJ LB. 79c ro·;~~ 39C



Ready LB. 49e RIB





httt·s:st:L ~wnot;T;o.;

FOHDHOOK 1~1:\L\S 2 pkgn. 37C ~~PPLE C:IDI~R

full gal.

Jonathcn - Golden Crimes

APPLES• 5 ~:g 49C

BREI~ZE 3lc LUX SOAP .:a:ifornia

I.UX bOJl 27<

2 bath 19c 3 med 19c ~CARROTS

2 pk~~s. 29c

SURF box 29c



2 for 25c


II'IU{'t:~ f:FFI-:C'TI\'t: Tllt;H~. TIIRl: SAT. OCT. 31 <;Ja~J·::...-ni':LT ;-;{'pf:Jt~L\RKET Hour~: 10 a...m. - 8 p.m. :\Jon., Tue., WeoL; 10 ll.Jn. - !;I p.m Thul"'~ &.: Fri.; 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.. Sat.: Soon to 4 p.m.. S.:m. -


--:.. .. .._~ ..... --··-~ ~-.. --,... .. - ,.. •r.


~ (

\ ,j


.. ;.::•;:., ..,;u .. r;:

Page 4: OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · Mrs. :feuie MArin, Gr. 74!58, a-B HUialde. Beware & Prepa~re Saturday is Halloween. This the night on w·hich ten thous and

.·~ I I

North. western High School's newly-named Jllcmorial I-"'leld will honor the me:r.nry of former stu­dents of Greenbelt Junior-Senior High School (now Greenbelt Jun­ior High) who dk>d in \Vorld War II, along with other students from Prince Georges County who died in the war.

A plaque inscribed with the narnel'l of thes·~ student:B will be dedicated and ~:et up on the field.

Anyone who can furnish names of ·boys who either were graduated ·from or attended Greenbelt .Junior­Senior High should call the school office, GRanite 3-3521.

October 29. 1953

Drop Inn Data Starting ~ow•mber 1. all mf'm­

bers must have their Drop Inn cards ~and notes from oarents wh~·n thcy bring a guest. ::-:o!"l­resid(·nt:; can bring guests only on special occa_sions.

There will be a Hailo\,;e'en da!1ce at the Drop Inn for all teen­agers of Gt·eenbelt - free admis­sion - tree juke box - refreshments will be sold. Time, 8:30 to 12 p.m. Saturday, October 31.

Officers for the y~r are: Sharon Romer, President; Ann Miller. Secretary; Jan Andrusic. News Reporter; Joanne Slaughter and Margaret Zoellner, Drop Inn Data.

All members e.re urged to co­operate with these officers.




Wom,en!'s Club Hears Talk By Beautician

! .............................................................. l \) fiUBBER STAMP I ~ HEADQUARTERS!

GRANITE CLEANERS H0w tn hr· IH·aut;f: I \\·.,s f·:xp .. n­

ly d•·mnns~r.'ltNi to rh·· !adj. s .-,f th• Gr····nb. it \\"on1• n'; C~uh I:L~~ Th 'l r>c.t .i.\' ni;.[ht hy :\fr.- C:trmndy. o·.,·n··r of th•~ ).[ .. rJ<o ~.>rman Sttl­

diGs of \';ashington an·l ~rr.-;. p,,_ trieiH :\tkh:tl·lson. Th•· program \\'a_;; an acti1rity of th•· Firw Ar:s Departm~'nt. chaire-d by ~{~s. Ja.y '\V. Brubaker.,

+ • ~


Rf'~tdnr pick-up and delivery

twief• a wet'k. Special pick-up

on WE-ek('ltds & e~·ening!f at nfl

f'xtra cost.

:AR 3-2792 GR 3-8681 • --------------------------

'l'.si:1g thre.~ of th•· nH'mbers os models. .MrH. Carmody df•mon­strated U,e proper US•.' of cn•ams and lotions and the C<Jl'r<>ct appli­cation ~>f makeup. I>uring th.:· demon.st::atioJ~ !lhe ~.ve a talk on skin care, wnrning o:~ t.h.e dangers of using soa(l "'--hich robs the skin of natu raJ o~h1. Skillf·.1lly apply­ing eye ~h&llow, m .. n.scara.. rouge and lipsUck, she point•~ out the advantq~e of a natur'a.l look rath­er thnn a p~u.lnted on~.

- .... .............._......_~ a a a a a a a I e e



Eliza.tH~th •Go«se pmvided the m usfcal portion ol th.~ program with two pl.;mo ededion.s.

• REPAIRS AILLMAKIES CARS Car Painting-- Bo4:1y Work


Riverdale. lld. :·-: APpleton 7-5100

An important improvement in

teleph.on,e • coming ~~o th~e servLce

Washington Metropolitan Area .••

Effective 12:01 A.M. November 8, 1953

. ~ .. r..·~r. :!f·

What thir at•e, m~an .. t~u Wider Range Dialing is an (J•Utstanding advance in your telephonc~.servicc~ that will allow you to dial more culls, both Local and Long Distnnce~ din~ct. Th~ only contact you'll have with the operator will be when ;ah~ comes 0111 !he line briefly to record your number. This n•ew service i11 a s!c~p toward the~ d!ly when you will be able to dial most of your own Long Distance calk E:ven though you:" service wiU be (tuter, and you will be able to di.al more calls dirc?ct, the rate.s for these call& remain the iCame as £rt present.

fall. you'U dial diu1ct In the Washington Metropolitan Area, you''ll be able t.:Jo clial all calls di r~ct to other telephoneg within this area, eJtcept

1. Calls fron1 pay tel.~phones and, for the present,

2. Calls tG at~d from Cre~cen~ Vienna, EVergreen 4 and CEdar~~ and calls from GR anile 3 and 4.

You'll also be able to dial station-to-station Long Distance ·~lla to Annapolis, Baltimore, Fredetrick and certain other communities, except as list•ed above •

Start~ 12:01 A..Jr. NotJel'_!lber 8 You~ll find all the information you need about this gn~t~t new telt·phone service in your Wider Range Dialin~; booklet. Message unit and typical Long DiHtance rates can be found in the front of your telephone diuctory. If, by any chance. you haven't received your copy of the Wider Range Dialing booklet, jubt call our Business Office and we~'ll be glad to send you one.

(!) The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Companlf

I &

' 7

~ '\ ·.i.

____ ... _,__


·. -·<E . ~.•' ~~~~ 14-H't!'!· \;ot