Online Expense Mgmt

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    Table of Contents

    Description Page No.

    1. Introduction1.1 Purpose. 31.2 Scope. 31.3 Definition, Acronyms and Abbreviations.. 41.4 Tools to be used............. 51.5 References 61.6 Technologies to be used 61.7 Overview.......................................................................................... 6

    2. Overall Description

    2.1 Product Perspective8

    2.2 Software Interface.. 9

    2.3Hardware Interface. 9

    2.4 Communication Interface ...11

    2.5 Constraints11

    2.6 Architecture Design11

    2.7 Use Case Model Description...12

    2.8 Activity Diagram.13

    2.9 Sequence Diagrams21

    2.10 Database Design.30

    2.10.1 ER Diagram.32

    2.11 Assumption and Dependencies......................................................32

    3. Specific Requirement

    3.1 Use Case Reports..33

    4. Supporting Information4.1 Index37

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    1.0Introduction1.1 Purpose

    Employee Expense Management is a simple-to-use, browser-based solution that canautomate and streamline the reimbursement process, help enforce corporate policies andcapture expense-related data that can be turned into valuable business intelligence.

    This online software provides the ability to capture organization-wide travel expense data forfaster payment, less administration overheads and detailed real time management analysis tocontrol costs.

    Online expense management capability provides process efficiency and the opportunity torealize further savings. The creation of integrated end-to-end travel and expense managementsystems offer even greater advantage.

    The solution for employee expense management provides an opportunity to focus on yourorganizations bottom line. This expense management system enables complete expense

    visibility and integration.

    1.2 Scope

    1. There are four basic users- Employee, Admin, Manager, Backup Admin.

    2. A screen for employee to create vouchers.

    3. The flow of employees to the department supervisors for approval which depend upon

    the amount of voucher and approval limit set of supervisor.

    4. Manager views the vouchers waiting for approval.

    5. Manager decides to approve or reject the voucher. Rejected voucher are send back to the

    employee to add or change the details for approval.

    6. Draft voucher system will save incomplete vouchers and submit them later after


    7. Account section views the approved vouchers and marks it paid this ends the lifecycle of

    the voucher.

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    1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

    Expense Management System. Its a web application that provides online expense management services for



    Administrator. He has the authority to add/delete voucher, grant permission to employeeand manager.

    Manager.He forwards voucher to administrator and manages voucher of employee.

    WASCEWebSphere Application Server Community Edition. It is an application server that runsand supports J2EE and web service applications.


    Dataase_2.A. database management system that provides a flexible and efficient databaseB.platform to maintain records of students, teachers, admin and dm.

    JSPJava Server Pages. It is used to create dynamic web content.

    J2EEJava 2 Enterprise Edition.A programming platform which is a part of java platform fordeveloping and running distributed java.


    Unified Modeling Language is a standard language for writing software blueprints. TheUML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document

    XMLExtensible Markup Language is a text based format that let developers describe, deliverand exchange structured data between a range of applications to client for display andmanipulation.

    HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol. Its a service protocol.

    RADRational Application Developeris a development tool that helps to design web pagesand also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate


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    1.4 Tools Used

    Application architecture JAVA, J2EE

    JAVAJava is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems acompany best known for its high end UNIX workstations. Java language was designed to besmall, simple,and portable across platforms, operating systems, both at the source and

    at the binary level, whichmeans that Java programs (applet and application) can run on anymachine that has the Java virtual

    machine (JVM) installed.

    J2EEJava Platform, Enterprise Edition orJava EE is a widely used platform for serverprogrammingin the Javaprogramming language. The Java platform (Enterprise Edition)differs from the Java Standard Edition Platform (Java SE) in that it adds libraries whichprovide functionality to deployfault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, basedlargely on modular components runningon an application server.

    Web server WASCEWebSphere Application Server Community Edition (from now on WASCE) is a free,certified Java EE 5 server for building and managing Java applications. It is IBM's supporteddistribution ofApache Geronimo that uses Tomcat for servlet container and Axis 2 for webservices. Over 15WASCE developers are committers in the Apache Geronimo project.

    Development tool RADIBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software (RAD) is an integrateddevelopment environment (IDE), made by IBM's Rational Software division, for visuallydesigning, constructing,testing, and deploying Web services, portals, and Java (J2EE)applications.

    Database platform DB2DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and costeffective database platform to build robust on demand business applications and supportsthe J2EE and web services standards.

    Design tool Rational Software ModelerIBM Rational Software Modeler, (RSM) made by IBM's Rational Software division, is aUnified Modeling Language UML 2.0-based visual modeling and design tool. RationalSoftware Modeleris built on the Eclipse open-source software framework and includescapabilities focused on visual modeling and model-driven development (MDD) with the UMLfor creating resilient, thought-out applications and web services.

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    1.5 References

    Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML-Michael Blaha, James Rambaugh.

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    Software Engineering, Seventh Edition, Ian Sommerville. IBM Red Books. IBM . Java - Database Management Systems Navathe. Wikipedia - IBM TGMC sample synopsis. Complete Reference-J2EE-Herbert Schidit

    1.6 Technologies to be used

    DB2: Relational Database Management System. RAD: Rational Application Developer. WASCE: Websphere Application Server Community Edition. Rational Software Modeler.

    1.7 Overview

    Expense management refers to the systems deployed by a business to process, pay, and audit

    employee-initiated expenses. These costs include, but are not limited to, expenses incurred fortravel and entertainment. Expense management includes the policies and procedures whichgovern such spending, as well as the technologies and services utilized to processand analyzethe data associated with it.

    Why a Travel & Expense Management System? Streamline processes, reduce costs, and eliminate paper Facilitate the entry, accumulation, processing, and

    management of: Travel related expenses Employee reimbursement

    Miscellaneous invoice payments Reconciliation of expenses Critical business practice for large organizations and

    universities Cost effective means to service a multi-campus university Organize and manage vendor invoice payment and employee reimbursement information.

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    What are the Objectives of a Travel and Expense System?

    Online web-based system. Improve and streamline current process and data management. Reduce costs of processing invoices. Support the paperless initiative.
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    Quicker turnaround time. Drive efficiencies of process. Minimize send backs (errors). Enforce customer service and University policies. Decision support and financial management tools. Capture and track spend data. Improve policy and regulatory compliance. Real-time visibility of status.

    Advantages : Web-based system accessible anywhere / anytime. Submit reimbursements, obtain confirmation, and check payment status. Review, approve, audit, and process reimbursement. Attach scanned paper receipts. Increase visibility of status. Email notifications to minimize delays. Reporting function to manage travel budgets and activities.

    Who will be benefited? University employees who travel. Office personnel responsible for completing travel and

    miscellaneous payment requests. Business managers responsible for managing travel

    budgets and activities. Report writers and data analysts. External partners and customers (e.g., the State of Illinois).

    Roles Traveler Individual Traveler Travel Arranger Manager Approver Charge Code Reviewer Audit Pre-payment Post-payment

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    Existing System: Registration for users. Discussion forum.

    Drawbacks: No web camera interaction. Remote area users and people who doesn't have knowledge of internet cannot use the


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    Proposed System: Registration for users. Online delivery of vouchers of employee.

    Our Plan: Registration for users. Online maintenance of vouchers.

    Online approval and rejection of vouchers. Proper work flow of vouchers.

    2. Overall Description2. Overall Description2.1 Product Perspective

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    2.2 Software Interface Page 9

    Client on InternetWeb Browser, Operating System (any)

    Client on IntranetWeb Browser, Operating System (any)

    Web ServerWASCE, Operating System (any)

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    Data Base ServerDB2, Operating System (any)

    Development EndRAD (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, Servlets, HTML, XML, AJAX), DB2, OS (Windows),WebSphere(Web Server)

    2.3 Hardware Interface

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    2.4 Communication Interface

    Client (employee) on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol. Client (system user) on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

    2.5 Constraints

    GUI is only in English. Login and password is used for the identification of users. Only registered patients and doctors will be authorized to use the services. Limited to HTTP/HTTPS.

    This system is working for single server.

    2.6 Architecture Design

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    2.7 Use-Case Model Survey

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    Employee : can make voucher and also can view voucher status .

    Supervisor: views voucher and forwads it to next level.

    Manager: views voucher and deals with approval or rejection of vouchers,and forwads approvedvoucher to next level.

    Administrator:has authority, to add ,delete employee.grant permission to supervisor and manager.


    2.8 Activity Diagrams

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    2.8.1 User Registration Activity

    Initially user is made to fill all mandatory fields filled in registration form. Once the userclicks submit, the username is verified .If the username is already present then the useris again taken back, so that he can change the username. If the username is not presentthen it checks for password and remaining mandatory fields. If any of the mandatoryfields is left empty or filled incorrect, then the user is informed to enter the correct values.Once all these verifications are succeeded, then the registration is done.

    Manager and Supervisor need to fill all mandatory fields filled in registration form. Oncethey click submit, the username is already present then they are again taken back, sothat they can change the username. If the username is not present then it checks forpassword and remaining mandatory fields. If any of the mandatory field is left empty orfilled incorrect, then they are informed to enter the correct values. These details are sentto company admin for verification and the admin verifies the data and approvesregistration and grant privileges.

    Company Admin need to fill all mandatory fields filled in registration form. Once they clicksubmit, the username is already present then they are again taken back, so that they can

    change the username. If the username is not present then it checks for password andremaining mandatory fields. If any of the mandatory field is left empty or filled incorrect,then they are informed to enter the correct values. These details are sent to systemadmin for verification and the system admin verifies the data and approves registrationand grant privileges.


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    Activity Diagram representing Supervisor /Employee/Manager/CompanyAdmin registration

    2.8.2 User Login Activity

    User is made to enter the username and password, if he is signing in through

    employee id, manager id, supervisor id there id needs to be entered, then entered

    values are verified. If it is a valid username and password, then the user is logged in,or else they asked to re-enter the correct values.


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    Activity Diagram Representing User Login

    2.8.3Privileged User Login Activity

    Privileged User such as Company admin, Manager, Supervisor is made to enter

    username and password, entered values are verified. If it is a valid username and

    password, then the user is logged in and assigned the respective privileges, or else

    they are asked to retry by entering the correct values.


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    Activity Diagram Represent Privileged User Login

    2.8.4 Creating voucherActivity

    The employee will create a voucher by giving description of the voucher. The

    employee can either save the voucher as a draft or submit it to the supervisor for



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    Activity Diagram Represent Create Voucher

    2.8.5 Approval voucherActivityThe manger, supervisor and company admin will check the voucher amount. Ifmanager and supervisor they will approve and forward the voucher to higherdesignated person to get final approval and then goes to accounts department to bepaid. The company admin also checks the voucher amount and gives his approvaland sends it to accounts department to be paid.


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    Activity Diagram Represent Approval of Voucher

    2.8.6 Rejection voucherActivity

    The manger, supervisor, company admin will view the voucher and then verify thevoucher details and will then after reject the voucher stating reason because ofimproper voucher after this the voucher status is send to lower designated person


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    Activity Diagram Represent Rejection Flow

    2.8.7 Company Administrator Activity


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    Activity Diagram Represent Company Administrator

    2.8.6 Discussion Forum Activity

    The system displays vouchers to the users. The user can select a thread from recentactivity and can view, create and save the voucher. The user can select a thread to create anew voucher. The user can also search for particular topic and can select a thread fromshow results to create a new thread.


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    Activity Diagram Represent Discussion Forum Activity

    2.9 Sequence Diagrams

    2.9.1 User Login Sequence Diagram


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    Sequence Diagram Representing Login Process

    2.9.2 Sequence Diagram for creating voucher


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    Sequence Diagram Representing creating voucher

    2.9.3 Sequence Diagram for Approval of Supervisor


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    Sequence Diagram Representing Approval of Supervisor

    2.9.4 Sequence Diagram for Rejection by Supervisor


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    Sequence Diagram Representing Rejection by Supervisor

    2.9.5 Sequence Diagram for Approval by Manager


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    Sequence Diagram Representing Approval by Manager

    2.9.6 Sequence Diagram for Rejection by Manager


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    Sequence Diagram Representing Rejection by Manager

    2.9.7Sequence Diagram for Rejection by C-administrator


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    Sequence Diagram Represent Rejection by C-administrator

    2.9.8 Sequence Diagram for Approval by C-administrator


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    Sequence Diagram Represent Approval by C-administrator

    2.9.9 Sequence Diagram for Approval Voucher by Account System


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    Sequence Diagram Represent Approval Voucher by Account System

    2.10 Database Design


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    Database Design


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    2.10.1 ER Diagram


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    3 . Specific Requirement

    3.1 Use Case Reports

    3.1.1 Employee Use-Case Report

    Use case diagram for Employee Page33

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    3.1.2 Manager Use-Case Report


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    Use case diagram for Manager


    3.1.3 Company Administrator Use-Case Report

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    Use case diagram for Company Administrator

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    3.1.4 Backup Administrator Use case Reports

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    Use case diagram for Backup Administrator

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    4.Supporting Information

    4.1 Index

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